#my mental health is a disaster
pleasetakethis · 1 year
manifesting the will to write via this screenshot of Trent Reznor
Me to me:
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redpandahappypanda · 8 years
The really great thing about my anxiety is that I am never late for work or school or any important event. My anxiety eats at me to have every thing that I could possibly need laid out in advance and to leave well in advance. The horrible thing is that even when I'm as prepared as the next Nobel prize winner my anxiety still eats at me and my brain WON'T SHUT UP about stupid idiotic shit like getting enough sleep and not looking like death and not being anxious for no reason HONESTLY I WOULD GET ENOUGH SLEEP IF YOU DIDN'T WAKE ME UP EVERY HOUR SCREAMING ABOUT HOW I'M GOING TO BE LATE AND I WOULDN'T LOOk and I wouldn't feel like death if you shut up and let me fall asleep IN THE FIRST PLACE
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