#my mere existence has vothered her from the moment i was born and it just .
29121996 Β· 1 year
#shit w my mother has still be going and its hit the fan and . shes cut me off lol.#but she'll send me sister a paragraph saying how much she loves her and misses her n my brother !!!!#but i get a text basically saying: lol im cutting u off and out of my life. deleting ur number and bloxking it :) and youre not getting#your stuff back anytime soon :)#like ok. shes got $5k woryh of kpop shit and other stuff of mine !!!!!!!!!#but im not egen ypset abt that im taking this so personally#even tho i shouldny bc even my dad said this has no reflection on me#and that this is all on her and that shes awful for tjis#and i KNOW this has nothibg to do with me as a person. that she just doesnt Like me and never has#but knowing shes gonna be doibg this for 'her mental health' as if im the fucking problem. as if im not the kid shes trsumatised#more than anythibg else in my life#more than my siblings havr been.#knoeing my siblings basically did tbe EXACT same shit i did this time.#it fucking HURTS lmao. everytume i cry abt this it feels like im being ripped into a million pieces.#it took me 24hrs to process what shed even saud bc i looked at it like ????#but thrn saw the mssg she sent my sister ajd it fucking hit me. she doesnt fuckibg love me lmao#and i . i just cwnt stop being upset abt it. like im GLAD shes done this. bc i wasnt planning on talking to her agaib. but after shed g#dropped my shit off. bur now shes got it over my head and i cant do ANYTHIBG abiut it. shes so fucking cruel.#my mere existence has vothered her from the moment i was born and it just .#anyway im absoluyely noy doing well st all.#esp not today.#god i wish i could show yall the text she sent me but im not exposing my life like that#even tho i practically am ! but . photographic text . is something else.#side note ive cried so fucking hard the bottom of my right lense has a lil pool of water from my tears 😭😭😭😭😭😭😭#awful.
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