#my mom never got a higher education and she's always had a comfy job with a nice boss
dcnativegal · 5 years
In which Jane turns 60 in the desert
Thursday, July 25th, 2019 was the first day that we were all together, everyone present. On Wednesday, my cousin Targ (a nickname created from “Margaret”) and her mother, my aunt, my father’s only sibling, Mary Lee Lincoln McIntyre, had arrived in a rental car from Eugene airport and checked into a cabin at Summer Lake Hot Springs. My sister, Elizabeth Lincoln, drove my kids, Jonah and Clara, and two of her kids, Yuuki and Makoto, and her husband Jim, up from Reno, arriving just after noon. My cousin, Julie McIntyre, drove with her son, Shayden, all the way from Tucson, AZ.  Valerie’s youngest, Arden, and his partner Maggie drove in from the Willamette Valley, and Valerie’s sister Karen arrived on Thursday from Chiloquin. Karen left on Friday, having to prepare a sermon for Sunday, so by Saturday morning, this was the assembled crew:
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We had a more serious portrait shot but I tend to prefer the ‘act goofy’ photos. I look like a zombie, well fed after the apocalypse, Valerie is simply laughing. Mary Lee, age 86, is clearly game for anything. Yuuki is doing a pose. Maggie is blowing bubbles. Everyone was a good sport.
Months ago, realizing I was headed to the end of my 60th year on earth, I decided to invite the descendants of Ruth and Henry Lincoln to the Oregon Outback, Great Basin, High Desert land of Paisley to celebrate the fact of my existence. Not all could come, but a surprising number did. And the two relations of Valerie who were easily able to join us, got to meet more of my peeps.
That Thursday, we enjoyed a Mexican themed dinner, accommodating the vegan and the beef-eating, the gluten free and the ‘organic-only.’  Since July 25th was the day I decided would be my designated birthday with everyone as my captive audience, we played “Vertellis.”  It’s a Dutch card game that’s pretty simple: four rounds are organized into individual and group questions. I picked two categories of individual questions: Looking back on the year, what was good, crazy, interesting… and, looking forward to next year, what do you plan, hope for, find challenging? Everyone picks a card with a question, and you answer as honestly as you wish when it’s your turn.
I highly recommend https://vertellis.com/ for gatherings of people you don’t regularly see, especially around holidays. The answers can be hilarious, revelatory, and touching. When Valerie drew a card about picking something from the past year that she regretted, she told us: “I should have bought that primer bulb for the weed whacker way sooner!” Ever the practical gal, that Valerie! Clara hopes that the immigration hearing goes well for her husband, Jose. The answers spanned quite a range, and helped us to know each other a little bit better.
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Why do we gather relatives only for funerals and weddings?  Or for old people’s 90th birthdays? Why not age 60?
I did feel selfish about the whole thing, off and on. My family had to spend money on the flights, the rental cars, and then the cabins at Summer Lake Hot Springs. My friend and coworker, JD, and his husband Joey lent me their RV camper, so 4 of the young’uns could sleep in that for nothing’. There were 4 Lincoln/McIntyre/Matteuccis and 4 Lincoln/Frey/Saitohs in each cabin. There was a lovely symmetry to the housing. The inside of the cabins has a southwest, rustic feel:
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They are not air conditioned, and it was quite hot during the day, although as we say out west, at least ‘it’s a dry heat.’  Here in the desert, it is also very dusty. Thank goodness the temperatures cool off at night to around 50 degrees F, and there’s almost always a breeze.
There are the fabulous hot springs pools, too: here is the pool house at dusk, run through a filter:
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We managed to escape the heat by going to the swimming hole in the Chewaucan River, which I’d never been to. The water is cool but not freezing, and clear, so that I could sit in a shallow spot and pick out flat rocks for Clara to skip. Even my aunt went, situated in a camp chair, safe from the water, and an elderly chihuahua named Uddha came, too. He stayed well away from the watery fracas.
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Valerie and Uddha
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Mary Lee and Uddha
 Someone stacked rocks in a lovely sculptural way:
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We spent Friday schlepping to Picture Rock Pass to look at the petroglyphs, and then to Crack in the Ground, where I’d been wanting to go. That place is magical. Aunt Mary Lee sat comfortably in the shade on the picnic bench while the rest of us went one way or another, deep into the crevasses. My cousin’s son Shayden is a confident free climber and scaled all the way to the surface. We breathed in the moist, cool air and reveled in curious rock formations.
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Shayden at Crack in the Ground
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Where did this fern blow in from? Way to the west? I salute you, brave, flying little fern.
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Looks like a path in the Holy Land, or a Roman ruin….
 “Crack in the Ground is a volcanic fissure that formed at the western boundary of a small graben underlying the Four Craters Lava Field. The Crack and lava field were recently dated at about 14,000 years old. The fissure is about 2 miles long and 70 feet deep, and disappears into lake sediments at its southern end. Therefore, this supports an interpretation that Lake Fort Rock rose no higher than this level in the last 14,000 years.”  http://www.fortrockoregon.com/Crack.html
Although impressing my family with the gorgeousness of high desert Eastern Oregon was deeply satisfying, the best part of the visit was the conversations. Family lore was reviewed by Mary Lee, who lived it, and Elizabeth, who brought a copy of a bound books she had made of her genealogy research on the Lincolns and the Smiths (my mother’s side.) Jonah was asked about The Future of Film, and Makoto shared that he’s looking forward to his semester in Japan where he can improve his Japanese and get a bit more feeling about the land of his father’s ancestors. I didn’t actually have any deep conversations. I felt a little bit like a bride: everyone’s gathered here to see me (and my beloved), and my job is to play my role and make sure everyone has enough seltzer to drink, and a comfy clean pillow. It was enough to create the event of gathering: I hope to continue conversations with my sister, cousins, and children by phone with more depth now that we’ve seen each other in the flesh.
 The family came in from Brooklyn, DC, Philadelphia, Virginia, Delaware, Albuquerque and Tucson, all very urban places. The empty expanses, and the star lit night sky, will surely stay with our visitors. Arden, Valerie’s youngest, was a firefighter in Lake County and knows a lot of cool locations, like the dry Loco Lake. He took the youngest generation to check it out on at least two nights. I was too tired. But from the photos, it looks like yet another spooky, otherworldly piece of the Oregon Outback.
Yuuki is the most photogenic creature that ever was, and was beautifully lit at Loco Lake by Jonah.
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 Beautiful Clara, and Jonah making Alkali Angels??
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 Apparently Loco Lake was a highlight for the youngest generation.
For the oldest traveler, Mary Lee, I think the best part of the trip was just seeing everyone. She’s lived and visited most of the planet, and reared her three children in New Dehli and Lebanon. She knows world history and writes plays about strong women, including Eleanor Roosevelt. She survived being widowed in her early 40s, and again in her 70s. She loves Italy, travel in general, gems, and her children and grandchildren. She loves me enough to deal with flight delays and dusty heat. She is amazing.
I was born in the evening of August 15th when Perry Mason was apparently just starting on TV. My father had just turned 30 two weeks before my arrival, and my mother was just 23. My mother passed away when she was 55, and my father after 7 years in a nursing home following a devastating stroke at age 69. Neither lived long enough to know my life as a divorced lesbian, and would have wondered at my choice to live in Paisley. Hopefully they’d have come around to my being gay, and as long as I have a job and am self sufficient, my father would have relaxed about the move. He’d also loved all the gun-toting, horse-riding republicans and he’d have adored Trump. Mom would have romanticized the First Nation people, and asked me about all the churches we’ve tried in our futile search for another St. Stephen’s. In any case, their daughters, myself and Elizabeth, are doing fine, and so are our five children. Mary Lee has 5 grandchildren, too. The 10 great grands of Ruth and Henry.
Ruth Turner, the descendant of slave owners. Henry Lincoln, cousin to the Great Emancipator. In that tension lies most of American History.
One thing that I reflect on as I think about the descendants of Ruth and Henry, is that we are committed to the social good, and to the arts. My sister is learning Healing Touch for working with animals and humans. Cousin Julie is an expert on pollinators, working against all hope for the healing of the environment with the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service. Her sister, Targ, is a middle school guidance counselor. Brother Andrew McIntyre, who couldn’t come to Paisley, is a professor of acupuncture. Yuuki is an artist, exploring gender and the biracial life as a Japanese-American hyphenated human, with courage and sass. I’ve been a social worker for 33 years, now psychotherapist to the bruised and broken-hearted of Lake County. My daughter Clara is in charge of a tutoring site in Prince Georges County for at risk Latinx youth, using her bilingual skills to bring children and grandchildren of immigrants more opportunity through education. My son Jonah makes music videos in Brooklyn, living in what Beverly Tatum Daniel calls the borderlands where cultures complement, challenge, connect and stimulate each other. I asked him recently why he only dates women of color, particularly women of the African Diaspora. He says, they can relate to being of two cultures. Since he grew up white in a non-white world, he feels like a code switcher, too.
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We are all in our own way, justice-seeking.
 The other part of the birthday extravaganza was letting people give to me. Receiving. Valerie had been reading a book called, It’s Not Your Money, by Tosha Sliver, who’s an amazing writer using humor and an ecumenical lens. I started reading it, and found this prayer, which I inhaled into my heart for the awkwardness of receiving all the love of my family for my birthday.
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Here I go, headlong into my 61st year, giving with complete ease and abundance, wildly open to receiving.
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mendesstg-blog · 7 years
1 - 200 I WANNA KNOOOW 😊💕
Took all day, but she answered mine so I’ll answer her’s ❤️
200: My crush’s name is: Shawn Mendes ofc

199: I was born in: Wisconsin, USA. Date: Aug 26

198: I am really: Passionate about music, caring, and shy until I get to know you

197: My cellphone company is: Sprint

196: My eye color is: Brown (sometimes hazel or green, but usually brown)

195: My shoe size is: Depends on the shoe. I range from 6 to 8.5

194: My ring size is: 6

193: My height is: 5'1" (yeah ik I’m short but I like my height lol)

192: I am allergic to: idk, but I have seasonal allergies

191: My 1st car was: Haven’t gotten it yet

190: My 1st job was: babysit I guess (if that counts)

189: Last book you read: Sherlock Holmes

188: My bed is: a futon at my dad’s and a normal bed (? lol) at my mom’s. They’re both comfy

187: My pet(s): 1 dog, his name is Koby

186: My best friend: Is amazing and I love her so much. She’s helped me through a lot. 

185: My favorite shampoo is: Head and Shoulders

184: Xbox or ps3: Xbox
183: Piggy banks are: Cool. I still have one and I just emptied it for the Shawn Mendes concert lol

182: In my pockets: don’t have pockets on my pants rn

181: On my calendar: School events, vacations, college stuff, and weddings.

180: Marriage is: beautiful when you see two people absolutely in love with each other

179: Spongebob can: give me a crabby patty. Seriously. I’ve been waiting since I was 5
178: My mom: Annoys me sometimes, we don’t agree on certain things, but I still love her. 

177: The last three songs I bought were: Havana by Camila Cabello, Kiwi by Harry Styles, and It’s a Vibe by 2 Chainz

176: Last YouTube video watched: makeup videos lol

175: How many cousins do you have?: 9

174: Do you have any siblings?: 2 younger brothers

173: Are your parents divorced?: yes.

172: Are you taller than your mom?: We’re the same height by she argues that she’s taller

171: Do you play an instrument?: Clarinet, violin, piano, ukulele, and guitar 

170: What did you do yesterday?: spent all day with my school’s marching band and ended up looking like neopolitan ice cream because i got so burnt

[ I Believe In ] 
169: Love at first sight: idk

168: Luck: yes

167: Fate: yes

166: Yourself: YES OFC

165: Aliens: yes

164: Heaven: yes more or less

163: Hell: yes more or less

162: God: yes more or less

161: Horoscopes: idk, I occasionally read mine

160: Soul mates: idk

159: Ghosts: yes

158: Gay Marriage: YES 🏳️‍🌈

157: War: fuck no

156: Orbs: maybe? Idk what they are

155: Magic: idk

[ This or That ]
154: Hugs or Kisses: depends. Hugs i guess

153: Drunk or High: neither. You can have fun without alcohol or drugs

152: Phone or Online: both

151: Redheads or Black haired: both

150: Blondes or Brunettes: both. Honestly hair color doesn’t matter

149: Hot or cold: both

148: Summer or winter: summer but like winter is beautiful too (i just don’t like shoveling)

147: Autumn or Spring: both

146: Chocolate or vanilla: chocolate

145: Night or Day: both lol
144: Oranges or Apples: apples wellllll oranges no both (IM SORRY FOR BEING INDECISIVE)

143: Curly or Straight hair: curly

142: McDonalds or Burger King: McDonalds

141: White Chocolate or Milk Chocolate:both

140: Mac or PC: Mac

139: Flip flops or high heels: Flip flops for everyday wear and heels for events

138: Ugly and rich OR sweet and poor: sweet and poor

137: Coke or Pepsi: Coke

136: Hillary or Obama: OBAMA!!!

135: Buried or cremated: idk

134: Singing or Dancing: both

133: Coach or Chanel: Coach

132: Kat McPhee or Taylor Hicks: idk

131: Small town or Big city: Both

130: Wal-Mart or Target: i like both but I shop at walmart more

129: Ben Stiller or Adam Sandler: Adam Sandler

128: Manicure or Pedicure: Manicure

127: East Coast or West Coast: hard choice

126: Your Birthday or Christmas: hmm

125: Chocolate or Flowers: which ever

124: Disney or Six Flags: Disney only because I’ve never been to six flags

123: Yankees or Red Sox: Red sox

[ Here’s What I Think About ]
122: War: I think it is dumb. Fighting over cultural difference shouldn’t happen instead it differences should be embraced. Who knows how many different wars there will be in my future let alone my future children’s.

121: George Bush: I honestly don’t have one

120: Gay Marriage: Everyone should be able to marry whomever they love. Why does it have to be voted on whether they can get married or not? Just let them live, be loved, and be happy.

119: The presidential election: It amazes me how he was elected. I am team Hillary. I have my opinions and you have yours. I respect that, but I’d rather not share mine.

118: Abortion: It is 2017, almost 2018, and women still don’t have control of their own bodies. I’m pro-choice. Abortion should be given as a choice to women. My mom had an abortion before she had me because she was really ill.

117: MySpace: haha never used it so don’t have an opinion about it

116: Reality TV: yeah it can be fun to watch but honestly what’s the point? Everyone’s own lives are hectic too

115: Parents: Some are great, some are bad. Some are controlling, some don’t care enough.

114: Back stabbers: I’ve dealt with many of you, but it’s your fault that you lost out on a great friend. Hated you guys for a while because I thought we were good friends, but I’m thankful toxic people like you are out of my life.

113: Ebay: is the shit. I got a crap ton of barbie clothes for my dolls when I was younger from there. Haven’t gone on there for a while tho

112: Facebook: the go-to app for when parents are around. That’s the only most censored app I have that I go on when they’re around

111: Work: wish I had one because all of my friends are making money, but once I get one I’ll wish I didn’t have a job so I can have more free time. It’s not like my parents will let me get a job anyways.

110: My Neighbors: Never really talk to any of my neighbors at my dads or my moms. Pretty sure they get annoyed with how loud I play my music

109: Gas Prices: i remember when it costed $5 or $6 a gallon. Please stay at $2.35 

108: Designer Clothes: hella cool but also hella expensive. Thankful for cute cheap stores because I’m about to be a broke college student

107: College: thankful for the opportunity to get a higher education, but it’s always super expensive. If more jobs require a degree, why can’t we just make it more efficient to get a degree with less money? But that’s also too much to ask for

106: Sports: I like watching it and playing it is also fun. 

105: My family: My parents divorced had me go through shit mentally and physically. (no they didn’t abuse me, their divorce was just difficult) I hope one day you two will stop acting like children and not beat down the other parent when we spend the night at your house. But I know it won’t ever end. I’m thankful my younger brothers won’t remember your divorce and they’re what keeps me going.
104: The future: I can’t wait to see what you hold. I can’t wait to go to college. I can’t wait to go into my career choice. I can’t wait to meet that special person. I can’t wait to start a family. I’m just excited for you
[ Last time I ]
103: Hugged someone: An hour ago when I put my brothers to sleep
102: Last time you ate: idk 2-3 hours ago

101: Saw someone I haven’t seen in a while: a year ago

100: Cried in front of someone: yesterday

99: Went to a movie theater: 2 years ago

98: Took a vacation: idk if you count it, but my school trip this past spring 

97: Swam in a pool: 2 years ago

96: Changed a diaper: 4 years ago

95: Got my nails done: I think I was 7? Idk I do my nail myself now

94: Went to a wedding: 12 years ago

93: Broke a bone: never broke a bone

92: Got a piercing: I got my ears pierced before I turned 1 and I got my nose pierced on my birthday last year

91: Broke the law: idk
90: Texted: like 5 min ago

[ MISC ]
89: Who makes you laugh the most: my brothers or my best friend Kate

88: Something I will really miss when I leave home is: Brothers or my doggo

87: The last movie I saw: Boss baby

86: The thing that I’m looking forward to the most: going to college, interning, and getting a job in my career (Ik it’s 3 things but I’m excited lol)

85: The thing i’m not looking forward to: Moving away from loved ones

84: People call me: Mia

83: The most difficult thing to do is: Forgive someone who hurt you badly. Like truly forgive them 

82: I have gotten a speeding ticket: never gotten a speeding ticket

81: My zodiac sign is: Virgo

80: The first person i talked to today was: My dad

79: First time you had a crush: 5 or 6 and it was on Zac Efron

78: The one person who i can’t hide things from: idk, maybee my best friend

77: Last time someone said something you were thinking: Yesterday 

76: Right now I am talking to: my internet besties ❤️

75: What are you going to do when you grow up: something in the music industry

74: I have/will get a job: whenever my parents let me

73: Tomorrow: I will get up early, ride on a bus for 3 hours, and march in a parade

72: Today: I cut my hair short AND I FUCKING LOVE IT

71: Next Summer: I will try to spend as much time with my bestfriend before we leave for different colleges

70: Next Weekend: I get to spend with my best friend

69: I have these pets: Beagle- Eskimo cross

68: The worst sound in the world: whining when they don’t get what they want or smacking gum

67: The person that makes me cry the most is: honestly whoever cries in front of me I will cry with them

66: People that make you happy: Family, my dog, and my friends

65: Last time I cried: yesterday

64: My friends are: honest and caring

63: My computer is: an old macbook pro but it still works and I love it

62: My School: is full of fake people and drama

61: My Car: Don’t have one

60: I lose all respect for people who: lie, cheat, and treat people like they are less than them

59: The movie I cried at was: I can’t remember but I think TFIOS

58: Your hair color is: brown

57: TV shows you watch: Shadowhunters, Raven’s Home, Jane the virgin, Riverdale, and others I can’t remember

56: Favorite web site: Tumblr or twitter

55: Your dream vacation: big city in new york with my best friend or toronto with my grand parents/aunts

54: The worst pain I was ever in was: during my parents divorce 

53: How do you like your steak cooked: medium rare

52: My room is: boring, cozy, and a little bit messy

51: My favorite celebrity is: Shawn Mendes, duh

50: Where would you like to be: Somewhere where I can say “I finally made it"

49: Do you want children: Yes!! I can’t wait to have kids

48: Ever been in love: I don’t think so

47: Who’s your best friend: Some beautiful, crazy, weird girl named Kate i guess (let’s see if she reads this later)

46: More guy friends or girl friends: I have more girl friends than I do guys, but I wish I had more guy friends

45: One thing that makes you feel great is: music

44: One person that you wish you could see right now: My grandpa

43: Do you have a 5 year plan: I guess yeah, but it’s very loosely planned

42: Have you made a list of things to do before you die: no

41: Have you pre-named your children: thought of names, but not planned them lol

40: Last person I got mad at: idk

39: I would like to move to: Cali, New york, by my grand parent in canada, and where I am now

38: I wish I was a professional: something in music

[ My Favorites ]
37: Candy: Sour gummy worms or cinnamon bears

36: Vehicle: Jeep
 or Range Rover
35: President: OBAMA

34: State visited: Illinois or Florida

33: Cell Phone provider: Sprint

32: Athlete: Jose Bautista 

31: Actor: Rupert Grint

30: Actress: Zendaya, Lucy Hale, or Emma Watson
29: Singer: Shawn Mendes or Selena Gomez

28: Band: R5 or 5SOS

27: Clothing store: Ross or American Eagle 

26: Grocery store: Walmart

25: TV show: Shadowhunters 


23: Website: Again, tumblr or twitter

22: Animal: doggies or dolphins

21: Theme park: no clue

20: Holiday: christmas

19: Sport to watch: Baseball

18: Sport to play: Baseball or volleyball 

17: Magazine: Vogue

16: Book: The Mortal Instruments Series

15: Day of the week: Friday

14: Beach: Clear water in FL

13: Concert attended: Illuminate tour (on Aug 6th, 2017)

12: Thing to cook: Pasta anything

11: Food: chicken alfredo or pasta anything or anything really I’m not picky
10: Restaurant: Chinese restaurants 
9: Radio station: idk
8: Yankee candle scent: idk lol that pumpkin one??
7: Perfume: Signature by Shawn Mendes or Bombshell by VS
6: Flower: Pink hibiscus 
5: Color: aqua
4: Talk show host: Ellen Degeneres
3: Comedian: Jo Koy, Kevin Hart, or Gabriel Iglesias
2: Dog breed: honestly any breed
1: Did you answer all these truthfully?: of course 💕
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gender-euphowrya · 7 years
personal gigantic text ahead hu-god damn-rray if you’re interested in giving some life advice to a complete loser feel free to do just that
so here’s my life right now i’m a high-functioning aspie with low-functioning depression & anxiety what it means is things are already hard from the start but i’ve been managing until about 2 years ago when absolutely Nothing changed and yet i just stopped being able to do the things i usually did i can’t go to school anymore. it’s just not happening. i stopped school those same 2 years ago, and just a few months earlier this year i tried signing up for a new BA because maybe that was the problem, maybe the field i was studying just didn’t interest me anymore but that’s not it, i’m still getting the same problems, i’m completely unable to focus, doing my homework properly has become impossible, i can’t focus on it long enough or bring myself to care enough about the subject to actually put effort into what i’m doing, i can’t even attend school because A) it’s fuck far away from where I live so that means at least 1h30 of 3 different types of public transportation making me wake up as early as 5AM meaning i’m exhausted before i even left home B) it makes me sick. literally. i can’t get up in the morning because my stomach feels wrong. i try to get myself ready to go anyway thinking it’ll go away but it doesn’t. it feels so bad i can’t even eat so that means i go hungry the whole day especially because i’m a picky eater and the food at uni sucks. C) if i miss one day ? i am fucked. i won’t go again. it’s not happening. it just feels like “what’s the point ?”, “i’m going to get yelled at or questioned”, “i missed the lesson about ____ so i’ll be lost now”, it’s fucked because my anxiety makes it that i am fucking terrified of failure & being seen in a negative manner in any way shape or form by any fucking body, meaning if i give a teacher a reason to think i’m not doing good or i’m one of those students that doesn’t care, they won’t ever see my face again because i just can’t take it anyway yeah things are absolutely fucking horrible because as you’re all aware we live in a capitalist society and if i don’t go to school i don’t get a diploma, if i don’t get a diploma i can’t find a job, if i can’t find a job i won’t have money, and if i don’t have money i literally die of starvation and/or of being in the cold all day because i won’t have a home i don’t know what went wrong and why things changed so much, especially the transition from Literally One Of The Best In My Class to Fucking Slob That Does Nothing And Can’t Open A Book Without Crying i also would have killed myself already if it weren’t for the few things that do make me genuinely happy, but that UNFORTUNATELY society deems to be absolutely worthless and a waste of time, A.K.A i can’t make money from it i would have killed myself if it wasn’t for music, i always have earphones on, i hate just being somewhere not listening to anything, every opportunity i have to listen to the songs i like, i do it. i probably spend about 6 whole hours a day listening to music. but you don’t make money by listening to music. i would have killed myself if it wasn’t for video games. i got my first console when i was around 7 and i loved it. games aren’t real and at the end of the day it’s just a fun little past-time that humans created to entertain themselves and their kids but it takes you on adventures. that shit’s exciting and i won’t apologize for enjoying it as much as i do. i play them too much and i’m fucking aware of that but playing them is the only thing that makes me genuinely enjoy life. to some it’s going outside, to some it’s seeing beautiful scenery, to some it’s writing or reading a book, to me it’s being able to go on entire journeys and meet exciting people and explore worlds that aren’t bound by our world’s laws of physics or time or logic even, all that from my chair or bed.  and yeah neither the people nor the worlds are real, but that doesn’t exactly matter. because you don’t make money by playing video games either way. unless you’re a youtuber. and i’m nowhere near charismatic or bold enough or able to afford recording equipment to be one that’s successful enough to make a proper living so there goes that. oddly enough i think i would have killed myself if i hadn’t started smoking weed. now again, i know it’s bad & illegal yadda yadda but fuck off. it’s a fucking plant. it makes me sleepy and makes me forget about everything that’s otherwise making me miserable. where’s the crime ? so you can argue with me about how it’s actually counter-productive because something something it makes you lazy or w/e bullshit y’all come up with, and i hear that, but it’s also productive in a way because i SURE AS HELL would not have been able to withstand all this entire bullshit without getting absolutely hammered once in a while. i’d have gone crazy and offed myself already. but again, you don’t make money by getting high. i can’t draw. i can’t sing. i can’t cook. i can’t sew. i can’t repair things. i can’t make new ones. i can’t do sports. i can’t talk to people. i can’t even drive. and now i can’t even go to school anymore. i have absolutely 0.5 things to contribute to this society. i might as well be dead but there are still things out there that i want to enjoy before i go. oh and also there are like... 3 people that wouldn’t want me dead and i don’t want to disappoint (again, fear of failure & all that jazz) i’m also 0% motivated to actually try to push myself to the limits and force myself to struggle to get a diploma anyway, because look at the fine damn mess. you want me to be motivated to work in a society where : to work i need to sacrifice my free time, youth, mental health, and money to attend school and succeed. but then that’s still not enough, 1 diploma ? you get no job with 1 diploma. now your mom, yeah she used to be able to get a job even with No Diploma At All, but that was ~back in the days uwu~ and now it’s not like that anymore. so already it’s fair. (oh and what else is fair ? that you’re working your ass off to maybe possibly attempt to obtain even 1 millionth of what “This Guy Who Has Never Worked And Will Never Have To Work Because Parents Are Rich” has, which he got by being born and that was it. and you’ll never have the same thing no matter how hard you work). so anyway you still need a Higher Education because the employers want that apparently, and they want more. they keep demanding more. you have your high school diploma ? good, still need more because (it’s actually worthless). oh what’s that, 2 years of uni diploma ? neat, neat, with that you can be a cashier maybe ? or clean filthy toilets all day. because that’s exactly what you studied english for 2 years to do, right ? SO ANYWAY let’s say you magically struggle through the entire education process that fucking drained you of all possible energy & enjoyment you had, bitch welcome to the Job World. you won’t find one. the one you’ll find will suck. you’ll get a pitiful wage for it. now obviously all of that is already major bullshit, but listen up. that pitiful wage ? you don’t even get it. you think you’re making something like 1000 bucks a month ? wrong. at least half of this thousand will go towards paying bills & taxes, insurance, food, rent... A.K.A things you don’t have a choice but to pay for. so already half of the wage isn’t even really yours because you don’t get to choose how you spend it. so what do you have left that is ~truly your own~ ? almost nothing. so you worked your ass off your entire youth in school and your entire career in your job for Fucking. Nothing. and a fucking nothing that doesn’t even belong to you. oh but it gets better ! remember the taxes ? now taxes are important because they can fuel things like free healthcare, which i benefit from, free education, which i benefit from, and all types of government help that do benefit me. but then there’s the part where your taxes are actually BARELY USED for those things and are instead used on things like mmmmmm the fucking useless military ! so that we can go to war even though it’s fucking pointless but we greedy uwu, or upholding racist and all types of other -ists institutions like The Police :), or just filling some corrupt politician’s pockets if he happens to find fraudulent access to it. So this is what I’m supposed to be looking forward to do and excitedly working towards. This. Exhausting myself working your typical week yet still being broke and never really earning anything, “my” money not really ever being mine, it being completely gone in the blink of an eye, and to be used in ways that i won’t approve of, to make the corrupt and greedy government prosper from my work while I don’t. Faaaaaaantastic.
so my question is simple : what the fuck am i supposed to do
#suicide mention tw#i'm getting scared lately because#i always thought i'd be too much of a coward to actually go through with suicide#but :/ i'm scared to reach a point where i just can't take anything anymore and i'll make a mistake#i do wish i would die but i don't want to have full responsibility for my death#basically i'd rather it happens than to do it myself because at least it's... well i had no choice in it#killing myself feels like i'm giving up on the things that i do enjoy about life and i don't want that#i do want to keep enjoying them as much as possible and i can't do that if i'm dead#but having to deal with -the other- parts of life is getting increasingly horrible#and i don't know how much longer i'll be able to take it#i want this to end#i want something to change#i just don't know what and how or what i can do about it#or if there's anything to be done about it ! maybe it's fucked ! maybe it's hopeless ! who fucking knows#but i'm god damn tired#i'm fucking exhausted and nobody seems to fucking understand how much#they all say they know they understand they see but ... fuck do they really ???#my grandma's retired and she's a vehement believer that If The System Is Like That You Go Along With It#my mom never got a higher education and she's always had a comfy job with a nice boss#the one person that could relate to me the most right now#the one that did go through everything i'm going through right now#including depression not knowing what do with your life unemployment and all#the one that could give me advice and help me#is my dad and he's fucking dead#i don't want to wake up tomorrow#the worst is that i have family coming over tomorrow and GOD am i not in a proper stare right now#it's not like i can just avoid them they're coming over for lunch. fuck this shit.#they're also people i don't particularly want to see because they're the kind that i have to Fake around the most#and god it's exhausting as well to always be pretending#my mom doesn't know about me being aspie
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