#the worst is that i have family coming over tomorrow and GOD am i not in a proper stare right now
koostattoos · 10 months
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~ Pairing: jock!Jungkook x nerd!reader
~ Genre: academic rivals to lovers, fluff, angst, smut, college au, slowburn
~ Summary: Summer vacation was right around the corner. Being in a program that required you at the beach every day was a big pro. After seeing Jeon Jungkook at the same beach as you everything was ruined. Jungkook was the school’s heartthrob. Girls throwing themselves at him left and right, going to parties every other day, and coming in and out of those parties with different girls. Not to mention he’s the biggest dick you’ve ever met. Avoiding him was all you could think about. His being there threw avoiding him out the window. What’s the worst that could happen?
~ teaser wc: 667
full fic here!
For the past thirty minutes you sat staring at your suitcase still trying to figure out what the hell to pack. The program that you joined had asked everyone if they wanted to go on a trip for extra credit to work for the beach down by Busan for junior year. Not that you needed it, you had zero plans made for this summer.
Niki’s out of town visiting her family for the summer and Sohee’s out doing what Sohee does, probably out exploring abandoned places or getting high somewhere. Who knows? You decided to get up and start packing. You walked over to your closet to skim over your outfits and carefully picked out a few outfits for the next few months. After two hours of packing, your phone dings with a notification from Niki
Niki: omg can’t believe it’s summer already! have fun on your little trip down to Busan. If anything happens call or text me right away! Luv ya!
You smile down at your phone. You and Niki have been friends for years, you first met in your freshman year of high school. She taught you everything, from how to do your make-up and style your clothes and all that fun stuff. Funny how you both got into the same college and ended up sharing the same dorm. She’s gone around the campus having different guys in and out. You would say you guys are complete opposites. You would rather stay in and watch a movie or something instead of going out and partying with drunk college students and grinding my body against sweaty skin.
After finishing up the last of your packing you respond.
Me: hey girl, omg I know! The school year went by so fast, say hi to your mom n dad for me and give Nani kisses for me! And of course, you’ll always be the first to know everything! Luv u too! Enjoy your summer 💞
Putting your phone down you go to check when you were supposed to leave and meet everyone at the train station. The ticket said 8:00 am. You set your alarm for tomorrow and get ready for bed. Checking your phone for the last time you turn the lights off and drift off to dream land.
Waking up to your alarm clock blaring in your ear. It’s near 6:00 am, you get up and start getting ready. Walking into the bathroom you bring out your skin care routine. After finishing up and brushing your teeth, you go back to where your vanity is and start with your makeup.
Choosing what to wear was easy, you chose a simple outfit. An oversized black hoodie, black parachute cargos, and white gamma forces. You come out of your room to the living room and take your bag off the counter and get the rest of the bags for the trip. The drive to the train station took longer than expected. Traffic was horrible. The ride was said to be only about 30 minutes, you ended up getting there about an hour later.
After blasting music on the way there you had finally arrived, you see a few of your classmates from previous classes and walk up to say hi. “Yunjin!” You shouted her name, catching her attention. She waves at you and starts making her way over. “Oh my god hey girl!” She goes in for a hug and starts talking about the next two months. “This is so exciting! I’ve been waiting for this trip for so long, I hope we get free time because I’m too exhausted from all those tests.” She says with low shoulders. Out of nowhere she gasps and turns to you “You’ll never fucking guess who I just saw” You look at her with a curious face “Who?” she leans in closer “Jeon Jungkook”. Your face had gone red. Hearing Jungkook’s name coming out of her mouth left you shocked. Not forgetting the history, you and the boy had.
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wileys-russo · 10 months
mrs Williamson ficlet
mrs williamson
"done for the week then love?" you smiled at the receptionist linda who addressed you. "yeah thank god. couldn't come sooner if i'm honest! i love them dearly but four days of rain and cooped up energy...i was losing my mind just as much as they were." you chuckled, waving her goodbye and wishing her a good weekend.
tomorrow a public holiday meant a three day weekend for you and you couldn't be happier about it, you and leah already having made plans to make the most of it. first and foremost was date night tonight, you'd left everything to your wife to organise at her hasty insistence so you were excited for whatever she had planned.
the two of you could just eat cereal together in your sweats and you'd still be a happy woman, so long as your favourite blonde was by your side it didn't matter how your time was filled.
you frowned a little in surprise as you switched your phone on and notification after notification began to pour in, and eyes glancing over the countless messages of congratulations your confusion only deepened.
you were expecting, only two and a half months along so it was early days. you hadn't told a single soul you were trying, you and your wife agreeing to keep it between the two of you just in case it didn't work out, and therefore less people to need to break the bad news to.
leah had been nothing but the most supportive life partner you could ever hope for. despite her insanely busy schedule she made sure she was there for every scan, every doctors appointment, every treatment, until finally things clicked and you'd gotten confirmation that it had worked.
once again you'd agreed not to tell people until at least twelve weeks, again hoping for the best and fearing the worst. so with your phone now blowing up with congratulations on the pregnancy you hadn't announced, your head was a jumbled mess.
driving home you declined call after call, from family members, leahs team mates, friends, every sort of person from every sort of social circle that existed within the support unit you and leah had wrapped yourself in.
"what the-" you slammed on the brakes as you tried to pull into your driveway, only to find it full of cars that were not yours or leahs. "god leah what have you done." you mumbled chewing on your bottom lip anxiously as you backed out and parked on the curb.
"leah!" you yelled out for your wife right as you opened the front door, but you didn't get more than two steps inside before you were absolutely swarmed by a small crowd of her arsenal team mates, who were of course your friends as well.
"why didn't you tell us!" "oh my god are you showing yet?" "can we feel for a kick?" "is it a boy or a girl?" "are you finding out? will there be a gender reveal?" "have you got a list of what you need yet?" "have you thought about names?" "i better be godmum!"
"leah!" you yelled loudly over the top of them, pushing through the throng of women who followed after you, still firing question after question in your direction.
"what are these painted on? or does pregnancy affect your hearing?" you felt hands tug at your ears and a familiar voice snicker in your ear as you rounded on her.
"alessia i am pissed off, pregnant, moody and full of hormones. do not fuck around with me right now!" you growled, grabbing the much taller girl by her hoodie and promptly slamming her into the wall.
"where is my wife?" you ordered, your sister immediately pointing upstairs bright blue eyes wide in shock as the rest of the girls fell silent at your outburst. with a huff you let go of alessia, dropping your bag to the floor and storming upstairs.
"leah!" you yelled again, turning into your bedroom and promptly running right into the woman you were after. "hi love. what's wrong? are you okay? is the baby okay?" leah worried, grabbing your shoulders and sitting you down on the edge of the bed, dropping swiftly to her knees and placing a hand on your stomach.
"firstly; why on earth is there a starting eleven in my living room?" you asked, narrowing your eyes and pushing off her hands. "team bonding night, my turn to host." leah quickly answered, recognizing you were clearly upset and not wanting to make things worse.
"and that had to be tonight?" "yes.." "and why would i have an issue with that leah? i'll give you a moment." "oh my god its date night. baby girl i am so sorry i completely forgot fuck! can you get sympathetic baby brain?"
you knew she was trying to make a joke but the stony look on your face sucked any and all humour right out of the room. "secondly; would you care to explain why my phone is blowing up with congratulations for the pregnancy we haven't announced?" you thrust your screen in her face as she grabbed the phone, scrolling through with a confused frown.
"um...i might have told lia. but she's the only one and that was only a couple of hours ago!" leah winced apologetically as you inhaled sharply and stood to your feet. without another word you grabbed the taller girl by her ear, dragging her out of the bedroom and downstairs ignoring her childish whines.
"walti!" you yelled, the swiss looking up in fear at the tone of your voice, the room of footballers again falling silent as you appeared. you let go of leah who grimaced, standing in front of the group with crossed arms.
"you only told her?" you questioned your wife once more, eyes warning her not to lie. "swear on my life, only lia." the blonde promised as your hardened glare turned to the girl in question. "lia?"
"...i might have told laura." "i told beth." "i told viv." "i told vic." "i told less."
"and i told many, many, many people." your sister admitted with a wince as you squeezed your eyes shut, the room so deadly silent you could hear a pin drop and you pinched the bridge of your nose.
"hey gorgeous i'm sure she didn't mean to-" leah fell silent at the withering look you sent her way. "alessia. what do you have to say for yourself?" you asked your younger sister who looked around for some sort of support, all of her friends avoiding her eyes as she opened and closed her mouth.
"um. i'm really excited to be an aunt?" "oh no, the baby doesn't have any blood related aunts." "what do you mean, of course it will?"
"no it won't because i'm going to fucking kill you!" you all but screamed launching yourself at her as leah sprung into action, you only getting one hand on your sister who quite literally hauled her body over the back of the sofa to get away.
"put me down leah i swear to god!" you yelled, thrashing and kicking as your wifes arms locked around your waist and she lifted your shorter form effortlessly off the ground.
with a word the older girl carried you off to the guest bedroom a few feet away, the girls wincing at the foul language which spewed from your mouth toward your sister who peeked over the top of the sofa in pure terror.
"get off me or i'll divorce you!" you growled, your wife quite literally pinning your body to the bed with a soft shake of her head. "i understand you want to murder less my love but i'm so sorry i just can't allow that, i at least need her for the match on sunday. and you need to calm down and then i will let you go and we will go and talk about this."
it took a further ten minutes before you finally stopped fighting her, promising you had calmed with a soft kiss as she let you up, taking your hand and leading you back out to the living room.
"alessia, come here please." you beckoned your sister to join you, in a much calmer tone as the blonde cautiously stepped a little closer. "i'm not going to hurt you, do you want to feel a kick?" you gestured, lifting up your shirt slightly as her eyes lit up.
within seconds she was bending down in front of you, hand reaching out to touch your stomach. though within a millisecond you'd jumped on top of her, wrapping an arm around her neck and grabbing a fistful of her hair.
"what the fuck you said feel a kick!" alessia grunted, trying to throw you off as chaos exploded in the once quiet living room, leah trying her best to drag you off as you clung on, choking your younger sister out as she swore and smacked at you.
"yeah big mouth me kicking the living shit out of you!"
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barcalover86 · 9 months
Unreal nightmare - Gavi
Summary: "How can I learn to live without you when you taught me how to be alive"
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"Your relationship was a private one, and we didn't really get to see you two a lot. How was she?" one of the reporters asked.
Pablo chuckled a bit.
"She was so fearless." he started. "Energetic and chaotic kind of girl, you know. Wherever she was, she would bring the light after her. You couldn't feel sad or hopeless around her."
"She seemed like a really nice person."
"Yes, because she was."
Pablo had to stop because he knew that if he would say one more word, he was going to cry. He hated the tight feeling inside his neck.
The older man comforted the boy, putting one of his hands on Gavi's shoulder, while massaging it.
After a few seconds, Pablo continued.
"Before I met her, I only found happiness in winning. But she taught me to enjoy the process, to be thankful that I am healthy and that I have a house where I can sleep and that I have a really loving family that supports me."
"That's so kind of her."
"Yes, she was really kind. To everyone."
He smiled sadly while thinking about you.
"So tell us, Gavi. What happened? One day, she was out there cheering your name, and the next one, we found out that she had passed away? How come?"
The boy started to tear up. His hands reached his face, not wanting to let the world see his pain.
Everyone felt so sorry for him. They all knew how much he loved you and how happy you had made him.
"Just one day, she started scratching all over her body. We were all really confused especially when her eyes got yellow."
"Yeah.. such a bad memory. Well, then we got her quickly to the hospital, and we stayed there for about 5-6 hours to get her a doctor. She then started to be in so much pain."
"She was having some allergy?"
"I hoped so, but she was not. We found out that she had liver cancer."
"I'm really sorry, Gavi-"
"We took her to the best doctor, but it was all too much for her and after only 1 month of being in the hospital, they let her home for the 'she better dies home with her family, rather than alone' kinda reason".
"But.. After only 1 month, it was that crucial??"
"Liver cancer is extremely dangerous and painful. It expands incredibly fast."
"And she was staying at your house while you just had to pretend that everything was fine... to not worry the people around you."
"Something like that, yes. But our families were there to help me out with her. As I said before, everyone loved her."
"How did she die?"
"She lived more than any doctor said she would. But God.. she looked so different and drained. Even at her worst, she was asking for everyone's health" Gavi laughed a bit.
The reporter smiled.
"I don't know if it was bad or if I'm thankful that she died in my arms.."
"Oh, Gavi-"
"Don't start, please," he once again teared up. "I just don't understand why she had to suffer like that when she was the most angelic person that I've met. She was so, so young.."
"How old was she?"
A loud silence acapared the room.
No one knew what to say in these situations.
"Gavi, go to sleep! Tomorrow you have a big game and you have to be rested."
"Pedri, please leave me alone."
"Then I'd be a bad friend. C'mon, brother, go have a nap. I know you're tired."
"I can't sleep, Pedri! Ok? If I close my eyes I only see her dead in front of me!"
"Everyone is dreaming about the healthy version of her, and I'm the only one that can't even imagine my girlfriend being.. normal and real and-"
"Gavi! Stop!" Pedri began. "You saw her at her worst. It's normal to have that imagine painted in your brain for a period of time. But that definitely doesn't mean that you are not able to also dream about her when she was all healthy."
"I'm afraid that she forgot me and only looks out for her family and not me, Pedri."
"Don't say that! You know that's not true at all."
"How can you be so sure?"
"Because we both know that she loved you more than anyone. Now go to sleep and let's have a great game tomorrow so that you can win for her, alright?"
"Gavira, do you want to play?" Xavi asked the footballer.
"Ok then, go change!"
Before the game, Pablo had promised himself to give his all for you.
And he did that.
He helped his team a lot.
He didn't see you along the crowd, but he somehow felt you in him. You made him stronger and he even scored. Just. For. You.
"She'd be so proud of you, boy."
And then Gavi looked into the sky and saw your shadow.
And then he smiled.
People were cheering his name, and he then promised himself that he would continue to fight for life, just like you did. You fought for every second of life because every moment matters. And by your absence, he learned to appreciate things more. He learned that to live is the most incredible gift that we, humans, have.
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lvrhughes · 1 year
Best Friend's Teammate| Q. Hughes
if this does not line up at all, I've never been to rogers arena during hockey season and I literally just chose the first canuck to come to mind to so that's why we've got Brock
word count: 1.9k
pairing: Quinn Hughes x f!reader, platonic!Brock Boeser x f!reader
summary: there’s a family skate and your best friend convinces you to come, the issue being you can’t skate. but he has a solution, the defence man you’ve been crushing on will teach you
warnings: pretty fluff, kissing, falling?
requested: no
not my gif!
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“I can’t believe you’ve lived in Vancouver for the past three years and you still don’t know how to skate!” Your best friend, and pain in the ass, Brock exclaimed.
You rolled your eyes once again, the third time this week he’s brought it up.
“Why do keep bringing this up? What’s happening?” You finally pushed.
“There’s a family skate tomorrow and I want to bring you” he finally caved.
Of course there was a skating event Brock would want you to go to. You looked up at him, he had his best puppy dog eyes out and you knew he knew he’d won once you looked at him.
“Fine.” You muttered crossing your arms, “but you have to teach me”
“Deal!” He was radiating excitement. “I’ll see you tomorrow, 10 am sharp Y/n/n” he called walking the path towards his place while you continued to yours.
What the fuck had you just signed up for, oh god. You knew Brock, so why you still agreed you didn’t know. Brock would definitely get distracted and leave you like Bambi on ice tomorrow, hopefully Elias would help you. Maybe Quinn would be there.
Everyone could see the small little crush you were pining over the young defenseman. It was clear to everyone but Quinn.
The morning rolled around sooner than you would’ve liked, having to get up earlier then you’d want. You had to search for the pair of skates you had from when you once tried to skate, several years ago.
About 20 minutes after you did find them, Brock showed up at your door, he didn’t even bother to knock he simply walked in.
“Oh dear Y/n” he chanted through the house, snooping through the rooms for you.
“Bedroom” you called back and waited for him to come.
He came running in, sliding his socks along the hardwood floor.
“You ready?”
“As I’ll ever be, but you got to promise you won’t just leave me” you made him swear to that, even though he’d break it at some point.
The drive to the rink was the worst part, you had time to think it over. You, who couldn’t skate, surrounded by hockey players, children, and other adults that could skate, you were bound to embarrass yourself. You tried to shake the thought of face planting in front of everyone but you could, but Brock noticed.
“Calm down, you’ll be fine.” He words barely comforted you but it was enough for the two minutes before you made it in the rink.
“What am I doing here Brock, I’m going to die!” You exaggerated, he let out a chuckle.
“No your not”
“How do you know?”
“Because even if I’m not with you, Quinn’ll be” he beamed.
What did he say.
“I’m sorry what?”
“I got Quinn to help teach you.” Brock looked so proud, you were going to kill him.
“You” you pushed your finger against his chest, “are dead to me.”
You knew you were being dramatic but you also knew he knew it was a joke. The smile across his face said so.
“Come on Y/n/n, he’s like the best skater on the team” he bargained.
“hmph” was all you mumbled out before finding a bench and sitting. Brock followed behind you, carry both of yours skates.
“Let me put mine on then I’ll help you” he offered but by some ironic luck, Quinn was there.
“It’s fine Brock I can help her” Quinn offered, Brock quickly accepted for you.
And so you were sitting on a bench, with Quinn at your feet tying your skates, definitely not how you pictured your Sunday going. He stood up, placing his hand out for you.
“Are you ready?” He questioned, no, but nonetheless.
“I guess” you said grabbing his hand, trying to stand. You hadn’t realized how unstable you’d actually be on skates. You almost immediately fell back, but Quinn was faster, he arms wrapping around your waist to stop you.
He let out a small chuckle, helping you stand up completely.
“Do you want to try getting on ice now?”
“God no, but Brock will kill me if I don’t”
So he lead you towards the ice, you could see Brock doing laps, talking to children as they came to him. He made it look so easy. Fuck it, if he could do it you could too.
Quinn skillfully glided on to the ice, you already envied that ability. He took your hand again, helping you to keep steady when you stepped on.
“Okay, just hold my hands we’ll go slow at first” he was so calm and nervous at the same time it almost scared you. But you did as he said, you held his hand, like you life depended on it, and he slowly skated backwards.
“That's good, just copy what I’m doing” so you tried, and you did it the first few times. The was before you caught a divot in the ice.
“Fuck” you said almost falling atop of Quinn, you quickly rolled off him.
“I am so sorry” you were quick to apologize but ur didn’t seem to care, he had a small smile on his face.
“It’s fine. It happens” and with that he got up and helped you up. This time only taking one of your hands, you missed the warmth he gave but wouldn’t dare say that aloud.
“You remember how to push?”
“Okay do that, it’s the same as before but now you're beside me.” He was so gentle explaining how to push and glide it made you think skating was the easiest thing in the world, you just couldn’t understand.
He let go of your hand, you shook a little bit but we’re soon comfortable. He skated a bit ahead.
“Okay, now skate to me.” He told you. He had so much confidence in your ability, you thought. But you tried.
You made your way over to Quinn, slowly but at least you didn’t fall. Pushing and gliding your feet like he had shown you.
“Perfect” he said once you’d reached him, he took your hand again. He pulled you closer to him and spun. Giggles left your mouth as he did, he thought it was the best sound he’d ever heard.
“Quinn I’m going to get dizzy!”
He slowed so you were just standing in his arms, it was peaceful. All the sound around had faded, it was just you and Quinn in that moment. His eyes stared down into yours, they were so beautiful.
He was so beautiful. That’s all you had figured out, he was gorgeous and you had a crush on him. Unintentionally your eyes darted to his lips, back they were quick to return to his eyes. You saw his eyes look to your lips quick before letting you out if his arms.
“Come on, let’s go get a hot chocolate, then more laps”
A slight disappointment filled you, but you knew Quinn was too good for you. So you skated beside him, still holding his hand, to get off the ice for a drink.
Once you two both had drinks, and had enough of them for the moment he put them beside all your stuff and brought you back on to the ice.
You skated laps beside him, some laps holding his hand, some without. You preferred the laps holding his hand. A shiver ran up your spine, Quinn noticed.
“Here” he said taking off and handing you the hoodie he was wearing.
“No it’s fine, you’ll get cold.”
“Y/n, I basically live on the best ice, I’ll be fine”
You had no argument against that so you took his hoodie, sliding it over your head. It was warm and smelt like him. You just wanted to curl up with it and never leave it.
Quinn’s heart melted at the sight, you in his hoodie, it was definitely too big for you, but he thought it was adorable.
“Y/n” Brock called, skating over before icing both you and Quinn.
“I see you learned to skate” he snickered towards the fact you were now wearing Quinn’s hoodie and holding his hand.
“Shut up”
“She’s actually doing really well” Quinn contributed. Brock just laughed in reply, almost challenging to what Quinn had just said.
You had to admit, you were extremely competitive and petty. So what Brock had did, gave you reason to try and skate better than him.
“I can skate.” You declared. “One lap and you have to admit that I can skate.”
He nodded, you let go of Quinn’s hand and began around. Brock followed beside you, Quinn behind. It was a peaceful lap, until a small child cut in front of you and if u didn’t try to stop you would’ve ran it over.
“Fuck” you mumbled, now sitting on the ice. Brock laughed.
“Oh shut up, that wasn’t even my fault!”
“I know but it was funny” he couldn’t stop laughing, until Quinn nudged him acknowledging the look in your face.
Quinn was quick to help you up, pulling you into his arms while. You hid your face in his chest, knowing they’d seen your reaction to the teasing. They didn’t need to see your reaction again, embarrassment overcoming whatever you were feeling before. Quinn wrapped his arms around you, it was nice. He was warm and smelt good. The urge to nuzzle yourself deeper in his chest was so strong, you made yourself pull away before you could give in.
“I think I’m done for the day.” You said, getting positioned to skate towards the gate.
“No I’m sorry I shouldn’t have laughed, please you were having so much fun with Quinn. Continue on, I’ll go find the team” Brock excused himself before you could deny, your feet were beginning to hurt making you want off the ice anyways.
“Fucker” you whispered under your breath, yet somehow Quinn still heard.
“Do you really want off?” He looked a bit sad, and you knew you couldn’t say no to the kicked-puppy look he had.
“My feet just hurt that’s all”
“If you want we can get off?”
“No it’s okay, let do some more laps”
He smiled, his smile was so pretty, god you were in love. So you did more laps with Quinn, staying on the ice until you had to leave.
Yet again right before getting of the small child appeared to trip you, this time onto Quinn. Your face flushed, now you laying on top of Quinn.
“I am so sorry”
You didn’t even get the extent of your apology out before Quinn kissed you, it shocked you. You froze for a second before melting into him. Your arms found a place around his neck, his wrapping around your waist to keep you on top of him.
You both did have to pull back for air eventually, much to both of yours disappointment. He helped you up from on top of him, on the ice, and pulled you against him again.
“I am so glad you didn’t yell at me” he laughed, placing a kiss on your head.
"Why would've I yelled at you?" A little confused, your tone laced with it.
"I mean I just kissed you, I didn't even ask." he was soft with his words almost embarrassed, you just smiled at him.
"I'd never yell at you, Quinn. I've loved you since we first met."
"Really? That was like three years ago." he seemed shocked, it was a little intimidating, you had to admit.
"I thought I was the only one" he admitted shortly after.
"You've loved me since then too?"
"How could I could I not?" He had a smile on his face, he was practically glowing.
"I love you so much, Quinn"
"I love you so much more"
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cressthebest · 13 days
Crimson Rivers thoughts pt. 48
chapter 74:
2. not remus going from: FUCK ME PLEASE to never touch me again, i am unworthy and but an evil temptress
he just went from one shade of dramatic to the next
3. “Remus likes that he can leave doors open and come and go as he pleases. He likes that he can just randomly take a walk whenever he wants, going anywhere and as far as he wants to, hearing the birds sing and letting his new home leave a lasting imprint in his mind, taking shape, something to settle in. He likes that he has the freedom to do anything, and really, all he ever wants to do is just—exist. Just be”
crying when i literally have an exam tomorrow at eight am. 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
4. wolfstar is living my dream. i can’t even begin to tell you. they’re living my dream. i’m so unwell knowing that they get everything i want. i’ve never wanted to be sirius more in my life at this point
5. BWAHAHAHHAHAHAHA SIRIUS PROPOSES WITH A SPOON i- that’s the faggotiest thing i’ve ever seen
6. awwwwwwwww remus said yes!! this is the cutest proposal i have ever seen in my life
7. they.. they are making out on the dirt ground of the market surrounded by people
8. “"Was it at least a nice spoon?"
"Worst spoon I've ever seen."”
9. god i love sapphics. lily has the most dramatic proposal planned for mary. i love lily
10. awwww lily’s gonna have a baby with mary sometime in the near future. they have their own little family!!! i get so happy thinking about it
11. “In Alice's story, he may be the villain, but in his? In his, there was no villain, just pain, and now peace.” yes yes yes YES
12. awww it’s both sad that sirius leaves his mind during his wedding but also so sweet that remus stops the wedding so sirius can remember every bit of it
13. i cried at how happy sirius was to find out that remus waited for him at their wedding
14. pandora has no shame oh my god
15. but also!!!! canon polyam couple 💃🏼💃🏼
17. remus being there for lily during the pregnancy test is so special to me. what if i gnawed plastic or mulch or chomped glass? huh? huh???
18. holy shit. regulus babysits for one afternoon and suddenly he’s adopted two more kids. jesus he works fast
19. HARRY!!
20. domestic jegulus raising kids!!!!!!!!!! AND LILY ISNT SURROGATE!! SHES RAISING HARRY WITH MARY!!! 💃🏼💃🏼💃🏼
21. oh gosh they’re gonna adopt teddy, huh? i can’t wait for this oh my god
22. uhhh i was so invested in the story that i literally don’t have anything else to say about the end of this chapter. i was so fixated on this i swear
chapter 75: FINAL ONE OMG
1. remus is being so gay over sirius in a dress. and bud, me too. me toooo
2. “”You want to know something?"
Regulus watches the rain come down, his lips still curled up as he murmurs, "I would have volunteered for you, too."”
i’m crying so bad over here. tbh i think my period is about to begin because i also cried over the episode in my little pony where they all tell the stories of how they got their cutie marks and then the mane six find out they were all connected by rainbow dashes sonic rain boom.
3. i finally recovered then got emotional over the horcrux hornet
4. shdjsjjsjsjs the hat made a full circle
5. EVAN!!! look every time i forget about him, his presence comes back to smack me in the face and hurt me
6. 😟 that’s it? i’m done? i’ve been reading this for months, and i finally finished. i feel both so completed and so very incomplete.
7. it’s over. huh. it’s really over. well. yeah.
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rogueddie · 8 months
Buckingham, 1,760 words, for @thefreakandthehair’s Spicy Six Winter Challenge, with the prompt; snowball fight.
Winter, and Christmas especially, has always been Robins favorite time of year.
Or, more accurately, it used to be.
With the heavy snow, December of '85 is starting to become the worst month of Robins year. She can't even bring herself to enjoy the snow. Nothing her parents usually do to cheer her up works either.
"Until the roads are cleared, I've got to walk," Steve repeats. "I'm sorry, Robs. Maybe the snow will clear tomorrow."
"Maybe," she reluctantly agrees, ignoring the fact that he'd said the same thing yesterday... and the day before that... and the day before that. "At least we're on shift tonight, right?"
Steve's tone only fills her with more dread.
"Keith called me before you," Steve says. "Family Video is closed for the day. Something about the snow being too much and no one shopping in this weather anyway."
"So, hey, maybe school will be cancelled too," Robin tries, though they both know school won't cancel.
"I'll walk you home from school," Steve offers. "Or we can go back to my house. I still have that cake we made."
"Yeah, alright, whatever. I'll call you at lunch, yeah?"
"Ok. Missing you already, Robs."
"Love you too, Dingus."
Hanging up, she drops her head against the wall with a soft 'thud', grumbling complaints under her breath.
"No Steve today?" Her mother asks.
Robin turns, glaring when she sees the teasing smirk. "No, no Steve today. By the time he clears his driveway, I could have already walked to school and waiting... whatever. It's not a big deal."
"Mhm," her mom hums, chuckling. "Sure it isn't, sweetie."
"It isn't! It's not like we need to be together all the time. We can go one day."
"Your uncle and I used to use those same excuses, you know. We weren't any more convincing than you two. Now, come on, get ready. You'll be late if you don't leave soon."
Reluctant, and groaning, Robin takes the coat her mom holds out for her. She picks her bag up, sat by the door, and sitting on the stairs so she can pull on her boots.
"Don't rush, there's a lot of ice," her mom warns. "And keep your coat zipped up. And-"
"I know, I know. I love you, too. I'll see you later!"
"Bye sweetheart! Be careful!"
The air outside is freezing. It hits Robin like a brick wall when she steps out and, despite her mom's warning, the idea of spending longer is the cold than she needs to is horrifying.
She jogs, careful to avoid patches of roads and sidewalks that look icy.
She makes it most of the way with only a few stumbles before, inevitably, she slips over.
"Oh my god," someone yelps. "Are you ok?!"
Robin flushes, muttering curses, when she realises that, not only did someone see her fall over and eat shit- Chrissy Cunningham saw her fall over.
"I'm- yeah, fine, totally," she chokes out, forcing a laugh.
"Here," Chrissy pants a little, having ran over to her, offering a hand.
Robin takes her hand, a little surprised at how easily Chrissy pulls her up.
"Thanks," she says, trying to smile.
"Are you sure you're ok?" Chrissy frowns, looking her over. "We have a first aid kit if-"
"Oh, no, that's not... I am ok, really."
"if you're sure." Chrissy shifts, glancing back to the drive. "I'd over to drive you the rest of the way, but..."
Robin leans to look around her, wincing when she sees the drive.
The snow is piled high in the driveway and, despite how much has been cleared, there's no way that Chrissy is going to clear the rest in time.
"Why don't we walk together instead?" Robin suggests.
She almost takes it back, wincing at her own boldness, but Chrissy lights up.
"Yeah? I mean, yeah, let's! Lemme grab my bag, ok?"
"Ok, yeah, that's fine."
Robin wraps her arms around herself, starting to step side to side in an attempt to keep warm while she waits.
Luckily, it doesn't take Chrissy long.
"Ok, I'm ready!" She smiles. She pulls the strap to her back a little further onto her shoulder, the polite smile faltering. "Oh, are you cold?"
"Uh, yeah, but I'm fine, really, it-"
"No, don't worry," Chrissy twists so she can root through her bag. "I've got a spare... aha!"
She pulls out a scarf that's mostly green and white. She wraps it around Robins neck before she can protest.
"You can give it back later," Chrissy easily dismisses, starting to walk down the street. She raises an eyebrow when she glances back at Robin. "Come on!"
Robin stumbles a little in her rush to catch up.
"Careful," Chrissy says, taking hold of Robins right arm and cradling it in both of hers. She glances down at her boots. "Do you have enough grip with those?"
"What? I mean, yeah, these are great, they're sturdy and build for ice- mom got them specifically because they have great grip. The problem is with me, I'm not good at running. Like, I have terrible co-ordination- Steve is always joking about how I run like a windmill and, yeah, I do, but he learnt to walk slower than I did so really, he's the weird one here- I mean, what type of baby tries to crawl backwards, right?"
Robin finally pauses for breath. She glances at Chrissy, who is struggling to stiffle her giggles.
"Steve Harrington?" Chrissy asks, when she finally realizes that Robin isn't going to continue.
"Uh... yeah... don't tell anyone I told you that."
"My lips are sealed."
"No, really, that's- I think he told me that in confidence or something, I shouldn't have told you that, I just can't stop rambling when I get nervous around- and you're- oh god. I'm shutting up now. No more conversations. We're just... having a nice- silent- walk to school together. Just... me and Chrissy Cunningham. Jesus."
"You say that like I'm scary."
"Well, I mean..."
That only makes Chrissy giggle harder. "You think I'm scary? Really?"
She leans heavily into Robins side, one of her hands curling up around Robins bicep. She's looking up at Robin with an expression that's painfully familiar.
It's the same expression she's seen girls pull out when they're hitting on Steve. The same moves too.
But what would Steve do? Robin thinks, panicking.
She's grown so used to old conversations with Steve repeating in her head, his bad jokes and questionable advice a constant and welcome companion.
But, now that she actually needs him, he's nowhere to be found.
After a few seconds of panicking, Robin is desperate to break the tension that is quickly turning from flirty to awkward.
She ducks down, grabbing a handfull of snow, and throwing it against Chrissys coat.
Robin jerks up, standing stiff upright, frozen and stunned at herself, whilst Chrissy is equally frozen, staring at Robin with her mouth agape.
It doesn't take long for the shock and confusion to vanish though, and soon Chrissys grin turns wicked, a dangerous glint in her eyes.
"I'm sorry?" Robin tries.
"Are you?"
'That means she's flirting, just... in a more playful way', Steve voice finally rings in her head. That day had been confusing for Robin- she hadn't known if the girl had been flirting with him or bullying him. 'I kinda prefer it. It's nice to know you can roughhouse a little with a girl, you know? It can be fun. Sexy'.
That had been one of his more successful dates, Robin remembers. He'd gushed about her for the entire week between their first and second date. She can't remember what went wrong, but he was confident that-
Chrissy ducks down, quick, scooping up a pile of snow with both hands.
She takes off running, barely darting out of the way of the snowball in time.
"Hey!" Chrissy yells after her. "Get back here!"
But she's laughing as she says it.
So, almost tripping onto her face as she ducks down, she scoops up another ball of snow. She turns, aim going a little wild with how fast she keeps running.
She yelps, stumbling a little heavier when the snowball sent back in return smacks directly in the back of her head.
"Careful!" Chrissy yells.
"Then don't aim for my head!"
"It's not my fault it's an easy target!"
Robin scoops more snow, turning and sliding to a stop. Chrissy doesn't have enough time to stop, but she does duck out of the way so it hits the side of her head instead of directly in her face.
She realizes her mistake a second too late.
Chrissy, unable to slow her momentum on the same patch of ice that Robin had slid across, slams straight into Robin.
Robin winces when her back slams into the ground, the snow doing nothing to cushion the fall. She feels lucky that her head didn't also slam into the ground.
"Oops?" Chrissy says, pushing herself up slightly but making no move to get off her.
"No, it's ok, that's on me."
"Yeah..." Chrissy trails off, voice weak- distracted.
Robin holds as still as she can, irrationally worried that if she moves then she'll startle Chrissy out of whatever moment she's having that has her looking down at Robins lips, cheeks flushing.
For a moment, Robin is sure that Chrissy is going to kiss her. Her eyes flutter, shifting up so her face is above Robins, tilting her head and starting lean down, to-
Someone wolf whistles, loud.
Chrissy jerks back, throwing herself off of Robin- but she is immediately glaring at the two boys, laughing and leering at them.
"Fuck off!" Chrissy yells. "Jerks!"
She ignores them when they try yelling back, instead focusing on Robin and helping her to her feet.
"Ignore them," Chrissy mumbles, grabbing hold of her hand and gently dragging her along, walking fast. She glances back, seeming to relax. "What assholes."
Robin glances back, relieved when she realizes that they're turned around and started walking in the opposite direction.
"Yeah," she agrees, turning back to stare at Chrissy, awed. "You're so brave."
"What? Oh, no, I'm not."
"Yeah, you are! Scary, too."
"I am not!"
"Scared those two."
Chrissy huffs, leaning in so their shoulders bump together.
"You're something else," Robin continues, emboldened. "It's impressive. You're, like, actually cool. Not just popular kid cool, but... truly, really, awesome."
"Shut up." She's mumbling, but she's smiling. She's blushing. She's looking up at Robin through her eyelashes.
"Nope," Robin grins.
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atimeofyourlife · 1 year
@steddie-week Day 6 misunderstanding
Steve was making the most of the evening with Eddie, as he would be away in Chicago for a week with family obligations.
"So, I'm driving up tomorrow, the day after is some big family dinner thing, the day after that is the wedding. And god, I am not looking forward to it. Weddings in my family are just about showing off, it's black tie, so I know I'm just going to be uncomfortable the whole time. Maybe I should be thankful that my aunt was able to talk her down from white tie, a different cousin on the other side had a white tie wedding two years ago and honestly, it was one of the worst things I had to wear in my entire life." Steve rambled as he leaned against Eddie's shoulder.
"What the fuck is white tie?" Eddie replied.
"Even fancier than black tie. Black tie I have to wear a tuxedo. White tie includes a fucking tailcoat, and my mom basically forced me into a top hat. It's ridiculous and over the top, which is why my family loves it. If we are ever able to get married, I want it to be nothing fancier than semi-formal."
"You would marry me?" Eddie asked quietly.
"In a heartbeat." Steve pressed a kiss to Eddie's cheek, before continuing. "I'll be wanting to ditch as soon as possible, so I will be driving myself no matter how much my parents protest, but I know they will kill me if I ditch too early. Then there's two days where I've got nothing, other than recovering from however much I drink at the wedding. Then it's my Nonna's birthday, so I've got to stick around for that. And then the day after that, I'm coming home. While I'm there, I'll probably spend most of my time with Danni."
"And who's Danni?"
"My favorite cousin. The only person in my family that isn't insufferable and stuck up."
The week away went mostly as Steve had predicted. He got constantly reminded by his parents how much of a disappointment he was. Constant questions from other family members about college, or what he wanted to do as a career, when he was going to join his father's company. If he had a girlfriend. When he was going to get married. It was draining.
But Danni was the shining light. He spent every spare minute with her. Ditching the wedding a little early, and ending up in a McDonalds in their formalwear, with her wearing his tuxedo jacket over her dress. Spending as much time as possible out in Chicago together on the days they had nothing to do. Talking and sharing stories, and gaining a deeper understanding of each other when talking about their partners, Steve mentioning Eddie, Danni bringing up her Laura.
Danni had more time to spare than Steve, so decided to join him in returning to Hawkins, to meet the friends he'd spoken so much about, especially Eddie.
After getting home, it all seemed to go downhill for Steve. As soon as he got in, he called Eddie, like he had promised to. But Eddie was unusually cold and dismissive on the phone, as if he didn't want to talk.
"Yeah, ok. I've got to go." Eddie hung up, and the call had barely lasted a minute. Steve felt worried, as Eddie was usually much more interested in talking to him, at any chance they got.
He called Robin next, and that didn't put his mind at ease. After a brief catch up, he brought up Eddie. She mentioned he'd been fine until a couple of days before, then had started to become a little distant, without telling anyone why.
"Maybe head over there after work tomorrow, if you've not heard from him. He's probably just throwing a hissy fit because you were away for a week without speaking to him and he thrives on attention." Robin said as the call came to an end.
"Yeah, maybe. Thanks, Rob."
Steve tried to make the most of the evening, hanging out with Danni. He felt a little bad that he would be leaving her alone for most of the next day.
"Dude, I'll just take advantage of your pool. I knew you have work, if I wasn't cool with hanging out by myself, I wouldn't have come with you." She assured him.
By the end of the next day, Steve felt more worried. He'd tried calling Eddie a number of times, but the calls were never answered. He drove over after he'd finished work, Eddie's van was missing from the spot next to Wayne's truck. He still went to the door, hoping Wayne could put his mind at ease.
"He's out with Gareth and Grant. He's fine, and whatever's bugging him, he'll get over it soon."
"Oh. Thanks, Wayne. Could you let him know I came over, and ask him to call me?"
Steve tried to put it out of his mind, taking Danni out to breakfast the next morning before hanging out with Robin.
As they walked into the diner, he noticed a very familiar back in the corner. He felt lost, conflicted. Unsure if he should ignore it, or confront him.
"I'm just going to the bathroom before we order." Danni said to him before they reached a table.
"I. I'm gonna be over-" Steve gestured vaguely to where Eddie was sat.
"Is that-" Steve nodded before she could finish the question. "If you need me to, I can kick his ass."
Steve nodded, before making his way over to Eddie, feeling a little nervous. The what if. He had never been good at seeing the end of a relationship, or knowing where he'd gone wrong.
"Eddie?" He said hesitantly.
Eddie looked up, and his face was unreadable. His friend's expressions varied from disgust to glee.
"Harrington, you here to confess? Tell us all about what you've been up to?" Grant asked, looking him upside down.
"What?" Steve was confused, unsure about what was going on.
"Oh, I said he would play dumb. How could he think he did anything wrong?" Gareth mocked. "We know what you've been doing."
"Seriously, what the hell are you talking about? Eddie, can we talk?" Steve asked, feeling desperate and wanting to get it over with.
"Go ahead, Harrington. We're waiting for your excuses." Jeff added.
"Can we talk outside, alone?" Steve pushed, not wanting to have to deal with Eddie's friends' comments. He knew they didn't like him, and would put the wrong ideas into Eddie's head.
There seemed to be a moment of silent conversation between them before Eddie got up. "I'll tell you guys how pathetic his excuses are."
Steve clenched his jaw, unsure of what Eddie thought he'd done wrong.
"Ok, what the hell, Eddie?" Steve demanded once they were outside.
"That's exactly what I want to know, Steve. Try telling the truth about what you were really doing this week." Eddie sneered.
"I told you what I was doing. Family wedding in Chicago and hanging out with family until my Nonna's birthday. That is exactly what happened. I mean I know I didn't call as much as I would have liked, but I was busy." Steve replied.
"But who were you busy with, huh? Because Gareth was in Chicago for a college tour and he told me everything. How he saw you out, repeatedly, and all over the same girl. Her wearing your tux jacket in a Mcdonald's late at night, looking all cosy over the table. Then seeing you out in Downtown Chicago. Holding hands, hugging, you lifting her up as you were laughing together. Then you show up here with the same slut." Eddie leant into Steve's face, spitting the final words out.
Steve was stunned for a second, unable to believe what he was hearing. "Don't fucking call her that." He burst out. He was aware of the door opening and closing nearby, but didn't pay attention to who it was that came out.
"What should I call her then? Homewrecker? Sidepiece? Whore?" Eddie drew out each word.
"She's my fucking cousin. You know, the favorite cousin I told you about that I was planning to spend all my time with. The one person in my family that isn't insufferable." Steve was fighting against his emotions.
"You said his name was Danny." Eddie accused.
"Yeah. Danni. As in short for Daniella. She's basically my best friend, and there is nothing I do with her that I don't do with Robin. Or are you going to start accusing me of cheating with Robin?"
"Well, I know Robin, and she's a lesbian anyway, so I know I don't have to worry about her." Eddie dismissed what he'd said.
"But you really think I would cheat on you?" Steve couldn't keep the hurt out of his voice, and pinched the bridge of his nose, trying to hold back the tears.
"Steve?" Danni's voice cut through the tension as she moved to Steve's side.
"How much of that did you hear?" Steve asked softly.
"Everything after this asshole calling me a homewrecker," Danni replied, venom clear in her voice. "Let's do first things first. Even if we weren't related, Steve wouldn't be anywhere in the realm of someone I'd be interested in. Because he's a man. I've got a girlfriend in New York that I'm very happy with. So I'm not happy with that accusation of me being the other woman."
"I didn't-" Eddie started to backtrack on what he'd said.
"You know, Steve had really talked up his boyfriend. Telling me how amazing this guy was. But, it seems like his taste in men is as bad as his taste in women, at least with how they treat him. Because it's real interesting that you accuse him of cheating when he has told you about his parents, about how his mother has to follow his father around on business trips to curb his affairs. When his only other serious relationship involved him getting cheated on after they'd been together for a year."
"Steve, I'm sorry, I just-" Eddie trailed off, unsure on what he was going to say, how to dig himself out of this hole.
"I can't believe you didn't just ask me. You know your friends don't like me. That they could twist things to put me in a bad light. When I called you to say I was home, you could have said that Gareth had seen us out and asked me about it. I would have told you and invited you over to meet her. But you had to assume." Steve winced as his voice cracked.
"Stevie, I can make it up to you. Let me-" Eddie hurried over his words, and stepped forward to try to comfort him.
"I think you've done enough." Danni moved so she was between them.
"You can go back in there and tell them just how pathetic I was." Steve walked away, with Danni right behind him, heading for his car without letting Eddie respond.
They'd picked up Robin before heading back to Steve's house.
"I can't believe that he'd just accept from Gareth that you were cheating on him. Without even talking to you about it. He could have asked me or something." Robin rambled from where she was curled up against Steve's side. "I feel like going down there and tearing him a new asshole for that. He knows how much cheating fucks you up."
"I'm with you on the tearing him a new asshole thing. Maybe we should steal Steve's keys and head over to his, I'll drive, you can direct." Danni replied.
"Can you guys leave it? At least now I know what he thinks of me. That he doesn't trust me around girls that he doesn't know. That he trusts his friends words more than he trusts me." Steve sighed, running his hand through his hair. "I love him so much, but he obviously doesn't feel the same, or he doubts how I really feel about him."
It was a few hours later when there was a banging at the door. Steve moved to get up, but Robin beat him to the door.
"Munson." Robin's tone was cold, closed off.
"Robin, I. Is Steve here? I need to talk to him. I know I fucked up." Eddie pleaded.
"Damn right he fucked up." Danni shouted from the kitchen.
"I just need to apologize to him. I feel like shit for this. It was a total misunderstanding, and it's all on me."
"Apologize? You need to fucking grovel. You accused him of cheating on you, when you know that cheating is one of his biggest insecurities. Based on what? The word of a guy that has never liked Steve. A guy that has repeatedly tried to convince you to break up with Steve. Why the hell would you believe anything he said about Steve?" Robin's voice got louder, agitation evident.
"I know. I just got caught up because Steve wasn't here and I guess I just wanted someone to blame. I need to make this right?"
"Make it right for what? So next time you hear about him hanging out with someone you don't know you can accuse him of cheating on you again?"
"Rob, it's ok. Let me speak to him." Steve came to the door, knowing he looked a mess.
"Stevie. I am so fucking sorry. I know I fucked up by listening to Gareth, I shouldn't have let him get into my head like that. I'll do anything to make it up to you. I know you wouldn't cheat, I know you're not like that. And I love you. I've never loved anyone like this, and I don't want to lose you over this. Please, give me a chance to fix this?" Eddie begged.
"I know you're sorry, but I can't forgive you. Not yet. You hurt me so much by ignoring me and assuming I had cheated on you. I was open and honest about what I was doing and who I was going to be with. And you chose to listen to Gareth. I need time to know that you'll come to me when you hear something and not just blindly take your friends side. I can't be just waiting to see if you're going to hurt me again. And I'm not the only one you need to apologize to. What you said about Danni was unacceptable. What if someone said that about Robin or one of the kids?" Steve's voice was a little rough with the emotion of the day.
"It would have been fucked up. I was wrong, I know that. I assumed something about someone I didn't know. Please? Stevie, I can't be without you."
"You don't get to choose when someone forgives you, Munson. And you're not the only one who needs to apologize. Your friends need to own up to being wrong and accept that their view of Steve is wrong. That their treatment of him has been cruel." Robin replied.
"I need time alone, Eddie. I'll call you when I'm ready to talk." Steve walked away from the door, allowing Robin to shut it in Eddie's face.
I'm sorry I am considering making a second part to this, but I don't know if or when that will happen! Also on ao3 Now with a part 2!
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thegreymoon · 5 months
The Story of Minglan
There is no chance I will finish this episode tonight because tomorrow is a work day and I must sleep, but I was PROMISED a scene with Madam Zhang and Minglan just now and I have no self-control 😔
Aww, cutiepie 🖤
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LMAO, idiot, you are sitting alone in the middle of the forest right in his line of sight and he's obviously looking for you.
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What do you think looking away is going to do?
Congratulations on the baby but condolences on having to fuck your worthless husband to get there 😔
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OK, Tingye, Changbai and Shitou can stay, but to the dumpster with the rest of them.
LMAO, drag him, Changbai.
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I also feel like he is making problems where there shouldn't be any.
Just get rid of the damn concubine yourself, OMG, and continue fucking your legitimate wife in peace.
But no, he wants the dramatics.
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They are not being subtle at all, lol 🤣🤣
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We get it, okay, a baby is coming to the Gu family!
Oh, fuck off.
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It's about time somebody told you to shut up.
And the worst thing is, there is no point to her ugly scheming and backstabbing. Her son is useless and can't function on any level, what is he going to do with a noble title even if he was to inherit it? He would run the entire family into the ground within a few years. If she just quit even now, both she and her son and all their descendants could live in wealth and splendour for who knows how long, but no. She is rotten to the core and just can't help herself.
He is Sheng Hong the Second.
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So weak and self-serving. He doesn't deserve his magnificent wife.
She's finally being honest and if he has any brains he should listen and reassure her.
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The truth is, as a woman, she is so limited and reliant on his whims. How can she trust him? He is asking too much of her too soon.
OMG, set your ego down for five minutes, please.
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She's a smart woman, of course she is. She's just trying to survive.
Oh, shut the fuck up.
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Right now, he reminds me of those men who run around screaming, "There is no gender discrimination anymore! Men have it worse!"
He's usually so smart and now he's letting his insecurity get the better of him.
Drag him, Minglan.
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Oh, ffs.
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Is he seriously bringing this up again? I thought he was better than that.
I don't know about her, but you are seriously starting to get on my nerves.
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She should have smacked him harder. WTF was that entire scene, in front of other people, no less.
I'm so tired 😑😑
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Definitely my favourite couple here.
They should give me a drama with just Xiaotao and Shitou being up to no good and stupid in love. And make it a comedy.
Aww, TGCF flashbacks 🦋🌹
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Luckily, Hua Cheng is a ghost and therefore already dead, so life is already over and done with and the banquet can now truly be neverending with his immortal god of a husband.
LMAO, yes, Tingye, when are you going back to your wife's room?
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You're messing with his love life too because Xiaotao is now mad at you both 🤣🤣
I love them so much 🖤
Empress Dowager gets on my very last nerve.
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Oh, ffs.
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Haven't we all already agreed that you should shut up forever?
Oh, Tingye 😔
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At least this will (hopefully) buy you some pampering from Minglan.
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hooplecxnt · 5 months
I’m sorry if this sounds ignorant and I tell how happy and smitten you all are with Mr B. I just wondered how you cope without the physical closeness and ‘conventional relationship’ stuff that is difficult due to distance and dynamics? E.g. needing someone you love like him to go with you to some difficult family function or needing someone to take care of physically on occasion?
I hope this isn’t rude, love your blog and you seem super sweet.
Thank you, Dear! 💓 And I don't consider this a rude or ignorant question! - A few things spring to mind:
Even though he isn't physically there, he is very omnipresent - He has 24/7 access to my location & camera, so he can check where I am at & what I am doing, any time he wants. (Which helps bridge the distance a lot and makes me feel constantly monitored & watched over.)
Re: Difficult Family Functions
When it comes to braving difficult family functions on my own, his words are what carry me through and make me feel as though I have him right there by my side - His words are the gospels that give me my wings to both triumph & fly.
On some of my worst days, a simple message/check in from him feels like a hand to hold within the dark
Re: To Care For Physically
There isn't a day that goes by where I don't wish that I had his hugs, or that I was there to be able to suck his cock, drink his piss, fetch things for him, etc.... I miss him & the family terribly each moment I am away from them, but- I will steal Daddy's words on this one and say that, "a whole lotta denial makes a little bit of indulgence feel very good." When I'm with him, I cherish and take in those moments even more; I savior each hit, hug, smile, slap, chance to kneel at his feet, and drop of spit like there is no tomorrow.
The distance is definitely still tough, but he is worth every bit of it
(And, since he's a God to me, in a way... we'll never be too far apart, for he is always within my heart.❣️)
These two songs also sum up some of my feelings:
[Mr. B is the one person in this world that I never mind being "blissfully lonely" for ❤️🎵]
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Guys I am on the edge I am losing it. I haven’t written fanfiction since freshmen year of high school, since then I’ve said all my writing will be publishable. And yet I am mere seconds away from losing myself to a Sully family adopting Spider fic what is wrong with me. The chokehold this series has on me. Anyways here are some headcanons that have been giving me holes in my brain:
-All the Sully's constantly argue over who Spider likes best, especially Kiri and Lo'ak. "That's my best friend" "NO, that's my best friend." "I knew him first." "Well, that's not fair you were born first. I've known him my whole life." Then dark horses Tuk and Neteyam come in like "You'd be surprised to learn spider actually likes me best." For a while after Tuk was born the competition was HEAVILY in her favor and everyone was mad about it. Neteyam doesn’t participate unless he wants to annoy someone, but no one thinks he’s in the running as much as he actually is. Spider has no idea this competition exists and whoever tells him is instantly disqualified so he never will. 
-This shit absolutely applies to Jake and Neytiri too if/when they officially adopt him. Which parent Spider likes best competition. Who can get him to call them mom/dad first wins. It’s absolutely RUTHLESS and everyone knows about it except Spider. I’m fairly certain Jake and Neytiri’s love language is borderline unhealthy competition. Bets are made, sabotage is attempted, Tonowari definitely tries to help his bestie Jake and whatever plan they come up with is dumb as hell, I don’t know what it is but it’s stupid. Ultimately, Neytiri wins. Jake is not sad about it actually. 
-Tuk is every parents worst nightmare. Her siblings are so much older than her, she has been desensitized to everything. When Lo’ak and Kiri were Tuk’s age they were fighting over a toy, but Tuk is pretty sure she’s ready for an Ikran. She is the ringleader of all her friendgroups and she can manipulate anyone into anything. She was the youngest to do everything in her family just to keep up with her siblings, and that means she knows so much more than all her friends her age. She taught them all the swear words they know, and she definitely told every child in the clan how babies are made as soon as Lo’ak told her and they were ALL way too young to know. 
-The entire clan is worried Jake and Neytiri will have another accident child. Only they were surprised by Tuk, no one else was. 
-Neteyam confides in Spider in a way he can’t with his siblings. Not only are they the oldest, but I think he isn’t afraid to not be perfect in front of Spider (This is why Neteyam is Spider’s favorite jkjk). I think they have a lot of chill talks up on the mountains, or they go flying and Neteyam’s just like “What if I fail at the hunt tomorrow?” or some shit and Spiders like “Well, it would be about time, and then you would just try again.”
-Spider is Mo’at’s least problematic grandchild, and the one that annoys her the least consistently. Kiri is still her fav tho. There is no Mo’at’s fav competition because everyone knows Kiri would win, but sometimes Lo’ak says he’s her fav because their names are similar and then everyone calls him stupid.
-Speaking of Mo’at, I’m pretty sure her and Jake get drunk together at least once a month. I don’t know what they talk about but GOD I want to. Only Norm has ever been invited and that was like one time and it’s because he and Mo’at are secret besties.
-Spider gives the best advice ever, because of being the only human child on Pandora he has empathy for everyone. He’s the best person to go to if you did something wrong because he’s for sure done something worse. Unfortunately he is incapable of taking any advice himself, and he is def suicidal a lil. You cannot convince me that kid doesn’t wake up every day wanting to die a little bit. 
-For a solid half a year certified dumbasses Lo’ak and Jake were pretty sure Rotxo was some sort of spirit from Eywa because they never met his parents and never saw him go home and he was always somehow around. They shared this theory with no one but each other, which is good because it’s dumb.
-I think once adopted, Spider is a mama’s boy. He craves physical attention and he has been raised essentially Na’vi in a way that Jake hasn’t. I think he would connect with Neytiri’s parenting style more, I think they’d do a lot of weird shit together that the other kids would rather die than help with, like cooking or mending shit. I think Spider would be literally delighted to help with boring household chores with his mother and that’s so mamas boy of him. He’s a “mother, do you need help with dinner, can I do the dishes so you can sit down?” kid while all the rest of them are gagging and calling him a suck up in the background.
-It comes to a head when he tries to help make lunch instead of going surfing with Lo’ak, Kiri, and Ao’nung, and they have to have an intervention. It’s very serious, everyone was there, Tsireya, Ao’nung, Rotxo obviously came because I’m convinced he doesn’t actually have a home. They treat Spider like a five year old going to his first day of preschool.
-Spider and Neytiri also both have experienced such immense loss, and it shaped them both so much at such a young age. I think the way they would talk about it would be similar, and it would be a connection discovered that wouldn’t be vocally acknowledged often but they would both have that. It’s a mutual understanding that the others can’t get as much that helps them get past any animosity and fear. It takes them longer to get to casual conversation actually.
-If Spider ever got an Avatar Mo’at would make them put off the full transfer until he was older 50% because of his safety and 90% because he’s forced to spend time with her every night when he goes back to his human body no matter where they are. She is vocally grumbling always about how her family never visits. He does not pretend to hate it.
-It started out because Spider wasn’t taking care of his human body well enough, for sure. He’s Jake coded. Mo’at was on Feed New Grandson For Daughter duty. But now it evolved and he’s popping out of the link after a long day of Spearfishing with the Boys (I believe this is Tonowari and Jake’s fav father/son + Rotxo bonding activity) and Mo’at is there with Norm and Spider’s dinner like “you will not believe what this idiot warrior did” and Norms like “Do tell” and Spider has his second dinner with the HOTTEST TEA in the Omaticaya camp that Norm and Mo’at can spill. And one time he’s like “Lo’ak fell off a tree today because he’s too used to the water now” and then when Lo’ak finds out about that he pushes Spider out of a tree (from a safe height).
-(He has to recount this tea the next morning to Jake, this is what he and Mo’at did when drinking, he pretends he wants to be up on current affairs in his former tribe but Jake Sully is a gossip whore and he isn’t hiding it well). 
-No one else is interested in this but Lo’ak. He cares so much. It’s Spider spilling the hottest tea with so much disinterest (he only cares because it’s Mo’at and Norm) and Lo’ak and Jake like gasping and then pretending they didn’t. 
-Obviously Kiri and Spider’s bond is insane and unbreakable but I think one time he stepped on a bug and she didn’t speak to him for the entire day. He probably has nightmares about that day. But also Lo’ak did the same thing once and she didn’t talk to him for a week so. 
-I like to think the rest of the Omaticaya do love Spider cause he’s just that weird little guy that’s always like crouched on the rocks and in the trees and shit. I think he and the Sully’s do have other friends and do spend time with others, but Spider, Kiri, Lo’ak, and then later Tuk, all spend literally every waking moment together because they all can’t escape that little feeling that they don’t quite fit in. 
-Tuk doesn’t feel this way she just wants to be there. Neteyam totally feels this way he just feels like he has to be responsible.
-Neteyam also spent every waking moment with them until he had Adult Business to attend to, like learning to be in charge. Now he just spends all his free time with them. His friends are probably like “Why do you want to spend all your time with your little siblings?” and he has Vietnam flashbacks to the 17 things that Lo’ak and Spider did that almost got them killed that week alone (but also he loves being with them all).
-When the Sully’s leave Mo’at is really sad but Norm visits her annoyingly for weird advice that he doesn’t actually need every day and she pretends to hate it but doesn’t because they are secret buddies. 
-Idk if this even happens to Na’vi but Neteyam’s human dna finds a way and he goes prematurely grey for sure. Kids so stressed it’s a miracle he doesn’t go into cardiac arrest. 
-Tonowari and Ronal literally don’t know where Rotxo comes from half the time. He’s just always there. One time when Ao’nung was a baby Tonowari turned around for like 15 seconds to stoke the fire and then there were two babies, Ao’nung and Rotxo, on the mat. 
-Lo’ak doesn’t think things through. Spider has no self preservation skills. There is a difference. So when Lo’ak suggests a dumb thing Spider will probably do it first cause he has recognized and acknowledged the risks, he just doesn’t care, whereas Lo’ak hasn’t realized yet. So he’ll test it out for Lo’ak first. The amount of dumb shit Lo’ak did went way up when Spider was captured because his human test dummy wasn’t there. 
-Once with the Metkayina, Spider and Lo’ak have found a kindred dumbass in Ao’nung (+ Rotxo). He’s never thought a single decision through in his entire life (neither has Rotxo, he’s just here to vibe). They are menaces.
-Unfortunately for everyone, Jake and Tonowari created them from their own very loins, and they too, are dumbasses. If the RDA ever leave them alone the amount of bad decisions the five of them (and Rotxo) will get up to will be astronomical. There’s at least one incident that gets Jake and Tonowari exiled from their respective marui for the night and they have an Adult Men sleepover on the beach that is like the most fun either of them ever had, but they pretend it was no fun at all when they come back. 
-After that Tonowari replaces Mo’at as Jake’s monthly drinking/gossip buddy. Tonowari has never met most of the Omaticayans, but he could ruin lives with some of the info he has. 
-This one might be out of left field, but I think every single Sully child has had a crush to varying degrees on Spider at some point. I think Spider has never even remotely fathomed that anyone on planet Pandora has ever or will ever like him, and if anyone ever did he might just die of shock. He thinks he’s dying a virgin, probably at a young age.
-Ronal and Neytiri go on pretending to hate each other long after they became friends just for fun. No one figured it out until Neytiri was the first choice babysitter for Ronal and Tonowari’s new baby for like the tenth time.
-If Spider ever beats anyone at anything he believes they let him win and literally nothing can change his mind. He’s convinced baby Tuk let him win in a foot race one time, and that Lo’ak fell out of a tree on purpose to let him win a climbing race. The most criminal one is his claim that Ao’nung got a hole in his net intentionally so all his fish escaped and Spider had more. The joke is that no one other than Neteyam or Tsireya would ever let him win. 
-The amount of times a Sully child accidentally dislocated Spider’s arm trying to pull him somewhere is way higher than anyone wants to admit, but Spider can now relocate his arm on his own like a pro. His pain tolerance is way higher than anyone’s should be. Kid just braces that shit against a tree and pops it back in and everyone is horrified every time. The first time it happened in front of the Metkayina kids Ao’nung threw up and then Lo’ak laughed until he cried. Spider shouldn’t use that arm for at least the rest of the day but he used it to shove Lo’ak for Ao’nung.
-Spider loves babies, will stop, drop everything to watch any baby, because he knows how much Na’vi treasure children and he never feels more important then when he gets to watch a little kid because he was trusted to keep the kid safe.
-Lo’ak and Spider are equally matched at sparring because Spider knows where Lo’ak is ticklish.  
-One time Kiri and Lo’ak had a sleepover with Spider at the lab. Norm pretended to hate it but then let them sleep in the room with Grace’s tank and also made them cookies. It was the best night of Spider’s life. Tuk was too little to go and threw the most massive fit ever about it so Neteyam stayed back to keep her company and he was Very Mature and Not At All Jealous about it. 
-They brought him back a cookie, and then everyone was tired all day because literally no one slept except for Tuk. They all took a nap halfway through the day all in a little puppy pile and that was the real sleepover. 
-Post sleepover, the amount of printed out images of human Jake Sully from video logs with like dumb things drawn on him that have made their way around camp is insane. Norm made the kids draw mustaches on him for sure. Jake can’t take a single solitary step without there being a picture of him with a dick for a nose on a tent pole. He was probably stressed about something and this was Lo’ak’s brilliant Cheer Up Dad plan. It was the worst plan ever, but for some unknown reason it worked, and Jake keeps cackling at them like a crazy person when he sees them. Retaliatory Norm pics are in the works, Jake got all the kids in on it this time. Tuk is really good at drawing pa’li shit on Norm’s head.
-Neteyam knows everything about everyone so when he gets in on teasing and jokes his are fucking crazy accurate and targeted, you’ll never recover. Tuk has picked this up from him and she has that little kid talent to destroy you. 
-Every single time someone goes somewhere Spider says some shit like “I hope I see you again!” and everyone knows it’s not a joke and no one finds it funny but he can’t stop doing it.
-The pact that was born between Ao’nung and Lo’ak to impress their respective love interests is the Fight Club of all pacts, either would kill the other to keep it quiet and not feel even a little bad about it. Lo’ak teaches Ao’nung to climb trees to impress Neteyam and Ao’nung teaches Lo’ak to surf to impress Tsireya. Ao’nung eats shit so hard that Lo’ak almost literally dies laughing but then Ao’nung doesn’t warn him about rip currents so he can rescue Lo’ak in front of Neteyam like he’s in Baywatch, coming out of the water all dramatically and with a lil hair flip and then presenting him with his half murdered little brother like a gift.
-The Sully children have been divvying up who gets what of Jake’s stuff when he dies since Tuk was like four. Obviously, they will be devastated, but it’ll be a little less sad when Kiri gets Jake’s coolest knife and not Lo’ak, or Tuk gets his best arm band before Neteyam can call dibs even tho it won’t fit her. It was a lot funnier before the RDA came back. 
-No one has ever dared to do this to Neytiri’s stuff. 
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aressida · 1 month
My entry: "We need to come together as family now more than ever." - Aressida. 12.8.24.
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"We need to come together as family now more than ever."
It is time to reconnect, to strengthen our bonds, and to unify once more. Family is where we find our strength and resilience, and we need that now more than ever before.
It was the worst night of my life last night. I barely got any sleep because I spent the whole time praying for my fiancé’s life and staying by his side until sunrise then high noon. Now I am back at home in need of rest and sleep.
He could not breathe and then it was like he died in my arms when collapsed, and I was about to start CPR when my eldest called emergency services. They arrived just in time doing all this CPR horror from the moment his heart stopped. I cannot believe his heart stopped for 8 minutes—8 long minutes. And then the paramedics brought him back. There were 9 medical personnel paramedics and firemen working to save him. It was one of the most terrifying experiences of my life, and I am eternally grateful to God for keeping him under His watch. I am still traumatized by the experience, but I am doing my best to stay strong.
Each time he went to the hospital since June, he got worse. Then this happened. I do not want to go through this again.
It was terrifying, and I am thankful I was able to save his life, just barely. I prayed nonstop, all the way through. "Heavenly Father, Jesus and the Holy Spirit, I beseech you." over and over. I never stop praying. Amen.
Then later at the hospital, his family kept thanking me, and it felt like the whole world had shifted. Everyone came together, and for a moment, there was this incredible peace after years of family tension.
He is currently still breathing, with the help of tubes and all those awful drugs. He is intubated and in a coma-like state until tomorrow morning. I am so relieved that he at least opened his eyes and made some twitch movements after hours of being unresponsive since they revived him.
I will be with him again in the morning. The nurses and doctors said they will start to wean him off those drugs slowly and try to wake him up. I will be there, standing beside him, waiting.
Please send prayers, and thank you. I will have my time off. I am so tired with all this. Stay strong everyone.
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Stupid man
Word count: 1900
Pairing: Batman x fem!reader
Summary: Bruce uses 'code 4' while encountering the Scarecrow resulting in defining the next moments that would shake up his family and his future
Warning: brief depiction of the fight and sad Alfred and sad Dick
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"...Code 4..."
"Bruce! Bruce, stay with me! Dick, Bruce needs help!"
"On it, Y/n."
Y/n examines the live cam seeing the infinite black ground covering it. Her hands quiver over the control, hoping her man will live to witness another day. Steps crumble toward Batman Y/n, sighing a breath of relief and sitting on the closet chair. 
"Thank god you are here, Dick."
"What?! No, Batcomputer... I am 3 minutes ETA."
Fear poisons her veins as Y/n listens closely.
"What's wrong, Batman!? Scared?"
Y/n's eyes glaze on the computer screen, her voice letting out the villans name, her voice matching with Bruce's
"Do not worry, Batman. You will not die...Not yet, but your veins will pollute themself with my fear of toxins. I cannot wait to see if this will break you or make you into my Scarecrow. "
Another pair of feet grumble down, rushing in while grunts cascade from Scarecrow.
"Move away from him, buttface!" Dick roared, smashing the straw-filled enemy, managing to cuff him down in 4 agonizing minutes for Y/n. The police sirens howled into the Gotham sky, taking the Scarecrow away. 
"Batcomputer, we are coming back."
The Batmobile drove in as Y/n observed anxiously, already preparing an operating table for Bruce. The door opens with a swift movement, Y/n placing herself under Bruce's weight and Dick helping out. Placing the wounded brute on the table, Alfred comprehended what he had to do. His stoic face examined the patient's body, witnessing his sweating going faster, his face painting itself in a heartbreaking expression, eyebrows stitched together, mouth emitting pained groans and vocal no's, eyes rolling back the white canvas painted with tiny green veins. 
To her, it all collided in her mind, he was wounded deeply, and he could die. He is human. He isn't indestructible like he vowed to her when she uncovered his secret. She could wake up tomorrow and find him 6 feet under. His hands could not hug her or console her. His smooth voice could not comfort or call her when she lost her way in the manor.
She was mad to think that there would be this his end. Dying of old age for the Batman?! She was mad to think that... and more so to believe that he would survive this so easily.
Her expression zoned out, looking at Bruce's hands. With an "I could have done what I could, now we wait for it to pass" from Alfred, Y/n walked over to Burce, clutching his hand and sitting next to him, her face blank as ever.
Alfred gave Dick a comforting hug wishing his son would survive this live nightmare. Alfred walked to Y/n as Dick stood at Bruce's other side while Alfred spoke softly to Y/n.
"Mistress Y/n, rest. I will mind him."
With no glance adverting towards the lovely father figure, Y/n spoke, "No. I will stay with him. You two go rest and...and I don't know."
Alfred and Dick exchanged glances between themself, knowing fully well there was no room for discussion, the ambiance feeling incredibly heavy by the moments that let up until now. Moving away from the couple, they let the bat calls echo on the stone walls, encapsulating the worst moment in their lives.
Trying to stay awake after almost 40 hours of torturous silence and stillness, Alfred put his foot down at the utterly tired woman. 
"All right, Mistress Y/n. Sleep now...IN the Master Bedroom."
Y/n responds in a burb of words, "No... He...Wake...Want to see... Blue eyes... no sleep...coffee..."
"You already had your 10th cup, and I pledge that you now have coffee running through your veins. Go rest. Now!"
Alfred pulled her away, dragging her to the much-needed rest letting involuntary Alfred watch over his adoptive son. 
Time passes as it does while Bruce feels the cold ambiance of the Batcave. His eyes open, noticing Alfred's dead pained gaze. Alfred spluttered some words that were more so sounds with no context as he looked at Bruce sitting on the table. Alfred steps in front of his family, hugging him, not feeling the weight that passed his heart, the deadly weight he would drag into the ground with him. Bruce jerks in the hug his cold skin touching against the warm cotton-laced fabric of his butler. 
"How long was I out?"
Alfred brokenly whispers, "Too long. We already thought the worst, Master Bruce. Don't do that again."
Pulling back, Alfred sighed a breath of relief. His brain rolled back all of the fondest memories he had with Bruce, and it was most of his life, but now seeing his blue eyes blinking, his mouth moving with words but Alfred hearing not one, just feeling the alleviation in his heart. 
"...Y/n?" The voices blur seemed to die down for Alfred, bringing him back, hearing Y/n's name.
"She is resting. She needs it. Mistress Y/n was by your side while you were at your most alarming. No sleep, food, just coffee, so many cups of coffee."
Alfred expressed in a tranquil tone seeing Bruce stand up on frail legs. Alfred stood in his spot, judging whether or not to speak and stop Bruce from walking, knowing full well where he was going. But Bruce was stubborn, not more than Y/n but more so than Alfred, leaving Alfred with a slight chuckle leave his lips.
"My goodness."
Bruce staggered step and step up the manor towards his master bedroom, not seeing much around himself, seeing solely stairs, his feet, and his left hand grabbing the rail for dear life. Bruce felt weak, he felt lost and shaken up, his mind filled with the remainder of nightmares, and he felt broken with all this unwanted movement in his body, mind, and soul. Bruce needed help, but he didn't want to ask. Bruce was ashamed to ask; he was a protector, yet there was no protector in him. One step more, he felt stronger, lighter, and more capable. As if...
"Need help, B-man?" Dick asked with a glint in his blue eye. The evident relief shows on the boy's face as he places himself under braces shoulder and puts Bruce's arm over his broad shoulders. Bruce let the grip of the handrail and leans on his son, letting him guide him up, feeling a tiny bit better now.
"You gave everyone a great scare. Don't do that again. Lost a lot of sleep."
Bruce croaked with a laugh. "And I'm guessing you replaced it with coffee."
"How did you know?" Dick questioned as they reached the top of the steps, a few efforts away from the bedroom. 
"Had a hunch." Bruce responds. Standing tall, Bruce hugs Dick, with the utmost emotion in his heart, towards Dick, a young boy who he gave shelter when he lost his parents, finding a few golden threads that connected them. Giving Bruce a new way to look at life, a moment that told him he wasn't the only one in this position. There were always other people to help, and this small boy, now a proud man, was standing in front of him, proud of helping him grow up in a safe home and letting him define a new generation of justice.
Dick froze in this moment. He felt Bruce's arms around his body, noticing the familial warmth radiating from his father. Hugs weren't rare, and yet they weren't often as well. Well, they were starting to get more often lately, thanks to Y/n influence. 
Communication is complex for Bruce, his primary source of love and communication was cut off a long time ago when he was eight, left only with his butler, who was also mourning, attempting to be a family figure for the boy. Life resumed, and Bruce continued to keep himself and others around him at arm's length, not comprehending what he was doing wrong. Only when he met Y/n. Who told him that communication would build him into a better person and father figure to Dick. Bruce preserved it in his mind, not acting much upon it until this moment, a moment where he felt that the right move would be a hug and the words...
"I love you..son." Bruce spoke clearly enough for Dick to pull back and look a second of puzzled look on his face before taking a chuckle out of it
"You still have a concussion."
Dick stepped away from him down the stairs, his steps seemingly crammed with joy, hearing the words he had heard from Bruce maybe a handful of times. Bruce limped gradually towards his bedroom, opening the heavy door with a slow swoosh, not wishing to wake up his girl. There she was. Sleeping on her side, her back facing him. Her curves were covered by the thick duvet cover that was dubbed an 'expensive heating blanket that could swallow me whole, and I wouldn't mind' by Y/n. His muscular weight dipped the bed slightly as he sat down, looking at Y/n shift towards him, her eyes still shut, laced with sleep. 
"Poor thing... Why didn't you eat anything? Why didn't you drink water like you always tell me to? I feel so stupid to have to put you through this to know how much I love and need you. When I had nightmares, one of my nightmares was seeing you walk past me, not knowing me, not kissing my cheek or holding my hand—just passing me, not even looking at me. And when I wanted to reach your hand, you looked at me with disgust and kept moving. Only for me to yell for you and watch you walk...away. I would never have thought I would see another day where you are in my life, our house, and our future."
Bruce's hand reaches for Y/n kissing her knuckle lightly just enough to stir her awake. Her eyelashes fluttered open, her eyes catching Bruce's figure concealed in the night sky's color. Standing up slowly, Y/n looked at his hand holding hers, examining his hand carefully, caressing her palm, drawing little shapes, tiny invisible hearts, and stars. Y/n looks up into his blue eyes, expressing uncertainty.
"Please, tell me this is real."
Leaning down to her, Bruce kisses her lips softly, answering in a hushed tone.
"I am here, sweetheart."
Y/n eyes twinkle and shake with tears brimming over the edge of her waterline as they begin to cascade down her cheeks. Bruce kisses her cheeks, dabbing away her tears. Y/n drew Bruce to herself, hugging him for dear life, hearing his strong heartbeat beating in a serene rhythm. 
"Don't do that ever again, stupid man. Stupid, stupid man." Y/n cried out to her man, feeling herself ache with the reality of his job and life purpose. 
"I won't, darling. I will never leave you again.'" Bruce promised, caressing her back gently, soothing her as she cried out. Bruce knew what happened to him was life-changing in more ways than one, and it nearly broke his family apart. Bruce was definitely in his peak physical shape, but mentally, he still had to shape himself into a man worthy of being a good son, a great father, and a one-of-a-kind future husband. 
But that will, for now wait, and so will the ring that was hidden in Bruce's drawer for another day.
Hope you liked it! Let me know what you think ❤️
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vtforpedro · 9 months
long life update - TWs in tags
It feels like it's been ages. I'm so exhausted and in a lot of physical pain. Going on two months of it being the worst it's been right after a couple of months of the best it's been. Chronic pain + grief + trying to get help from doctors who should have their licenses revoked + dealing with a shit relationship with my mom + a good, decades-long friendship ending + the ongoing disability process with the SSA + LAW FIRMS.
I'm so fucking tired. I don't remember if I updated that the appeals council decided not to review my case because the 'judge followed the law' except that he didn't. So, as it turns out, my original attorney (and he did not tell me this) before he left, wrote that if they denied me, it should go to federal district court.
I'm now working with a NY law firm to take my case to federal court because my current law firm believes it has merit, and I guess they do, too. That's how fucked the decision was, and I'm glad my initial reaction of bewilderment and anger was spot on lol
The good news is, it should only take another year! ._.
My neurologist is the worst doctor I have ever come across and I'm quite literally stuck with him with nowhere else to go. I wish him upon no one. I'm so tired of calling the SSA, getting documents to them, signing things for law firms, contacting law firms, getting no responses, and contacting them all over and over again. I am in incredible physical pain, like this actively makes my neuro stuff worse. Everything makes it worse. I have autonomic testing in a few days, and idk if I'll get through it b/c I have to stop the meds that keep me out of the ER two days prior, and it scares me.
My relationship with my mom is fractured and I don't feel like family therapy is actually helping. I had to end a friendship with someone I love and care very much about but who was growing too comfortable mistreating me and I was giving them too many passes 😞 I've known them for the better part of two decades.
It's been over seven months since my cat Isis died. I don't know how. It feels like she was here just yesterday. Yet, all the nights I've sat and talked to her and wept are all too real. I miss her more than I can say. She was my soul cat. I keep thinking about tomorrow and how she'd be so nosy getting into EVERYthing when gifts are opened at Christmas. Having to stop her, move her, laugh because she was just so n o s y and it was hilarious. And she's not gonna be here for that ever again.
I'm having a really fucking hard time tonight. It's just hitting me how god-awful this year has been and how I have a bad week to look forward to before even getting to the new year lmao I have to stop taking so many of my medications 48hrs before 1.5-2hrs of testing to see if we can find out Yet Another Thing Wrong With Me but knowing my luck it'll be 'no findings' and the mystery of why my core body temp plummets to 93.9 in the blink of an eye won't be solved until I have suffered juuuuust enough.
It never ends. Never. I want to give up. I'm so tired of doing this. I don't want to anymore. It never. fucking. ends.
I absolutely cannot say it's all been bad, though. I've met incredible, warm, welcoming, giving, kind people this year. Y'all have helped me more than you know and I'm so so so lucky to be able to call you my friends. This year has sucked for so many of us, but I want to say I'm proud of you, and I love you all very much.
My fic is gonna be printed in a hardcover zine early next year. I participated in a Big Bang for the first time and that'll also go out early next year. I'm hosting a tiny event in my tiny fandom server that I'm super excited about. I have a raffle prize to write (bagginshield !!!! SO EXCITED to revisit the og otp) and a Valentine's gift to write for another fandom.
I posted 401,000 words this year and wrote many more unfinished wips, plus a long one (90k) that I am very invested in finishing.
I painted and drew so much this year. I improved a lot, too! I got a couple of portraits printed from inprnt to see how they looked, and it was MY art, and they were GORGEOUS. I thought I would hate seeing my art professionally printed, but no! I almost cried. They looked so lovely.
My cat Lilly had health issues almost immediately following Isis's passing, but she is doing so well right now. She's blossomed into another cat, and while she's not my constant companion, she is with me so much more than she used to be. When she walks onto my desk I am to stop everything and hold her like baby in my arms until she decides that's enough (or I really need to move) lmaaao she's such a goober. My heart cat. <3
I'm not doing well right now--my MH is bad. Especially tonight. But it felt good to write the good things.
I'm sorry for my lack of replies and kinda disappearing. I'm running on fumes. I hope next year will bring physical relief so emotional relief can happen.
For those of you facing difficulties of any kind, I am holding your hand in spirit.
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calliope-splitintwo · 9 months
~ The epic Calliope had been working on will never be finished. And as it sits untouched in Night’s possession, perhaps it’s best that these words are told, even if not complete. ~
Thetis Wrestles The King Of Phthia
Sing, muse. Sing, goddess. And I have sung. I have sung of heroes and I have sung of gods. And with each story you drag my words through the mud. But I’m not a muse anymore, now I will be the poet. So I’ll sing where the story had begun, not with Achilles and Agamemnon’s quarrel, but with the rage of the sea itself.
Thetis knew he would come. They knew someone would come for them in their secluded grotto the moment Zeus was informed of that prophecy. Feeble man, feeble god, feeble king, couldn’t stand the thought of being overthrown. He almost went mad at the thought of it, when he was told that Thetis would bare a son greater then his father. Every mortal father’s dreams, every deities worst nightmare. Suddenly, the eyes of Zeus and Poseidon no longer trailed over to Thetis, not like those longing gazes were ever returned by the Neried anyways. But word travels fast when it hits the sea, and when Thetis came to know what would become of them, they wept. Didn’t stop weeping. No one thought they would. Three days and three nights, the oceans flooded with the added weight of Thetis’s grief. But they collected themselves. Zeus wanted to marry them off to a mortal, a king of some kingdom they never cared to learn the name of. Did Zeus forget who they were?
Thetis certainly didn’t. They can tell you, they’re a goddess of what is beautiful about the sea, of the waves and of the brine and of the bloated bodies of the drowned and of the barnacles growing on the very depths of a sunken ship wreck. They can tell you, as fast as the sea can conjure up a storm they can change their shape, cause tidal waves that would end cities, make the skies pour floods just because they were thirsty. They can tell you, they’re firm and their voice never failed them, they’re composed and don’t try and shrink just to boost the confidence of another god, they’re gentle and know how to cradle their sisters when tragedy strikes. But none of this mattered to Zeus, or to Peleus.
So this mortal king, he stumbles and shakes across the shore as he approaches Thetis’s grotto. Imagine the clouds blocking out the sun, imagine the waves becoming ice cold as they lap against you feet, imagine the salt in the air becoming so overwhelming it stings, and imagine trying to face a goddess to demand their hand in marriage. And the world knows this and it takes no time to comfort you. Poor tiny Peleus, you almost want to pity him. Yet still, he followed Zeus’s orders, and as he entered the space sacred to Thetis, he worked up some audacity. Puffed up his chest, took stride in his walk. He was a king after all, and Thetis hadn’t struck him down the second he stepped foot into their territory.
But no amount of audacity can save a mortal in this situation. In the form of a large panther, black and sleek, they pounced on him, dragging him down to the cave floor, nearly dragging him into the water to drown. But fearing the wrath of Zeus, they took Peleus between their teeth and tossed him out, shifting back into their humanoid self and spitting a promise; “Come back again and I will give your family only a mound of flesh to burn. I will never be your bride, and you can tell your grandfather that he will have to bind me himself if he expects me to let myself be degraded like this. I am a Neried, I am one of fifty. Do you get it now?Who the fuck do you think I am?”
And so he ran, ran off to Zeus, shivering and shaking, but his grandfather only smiled and shook his head. “You will return to them again tomorrow, and if they try to fight you, hold your ground. They will take a hundred different shapes, each one a lie. Eventually, they’ll exhaust themselves.” And so off Peleus went the next day, trudging through the shores and dreading what was to come.
Thetis didn’t even let him step foot on the cold rocks of their grotto before they pounced at him, once again in the form of a panther. But this time he held, managing to stay on his feet as they wrestled for control, Thetis’s claws digging into his back. And when they knew he would keep his ground, they began their encyclopedia.
First, an eagle ready to claw out his eyes. Then, an elephant ready to stomp his skull to dust. Then, a squirrel ready to gnaw and shred his skin. Then, a mourning dove filling him with sorrow and guilt as they bloodied his skin. Then, a weasel almost breaking his fingers between their teeth. Then, a ladybug just about to crawl into his eyes. Then, a vulture circling above ready to tear out his hair. Then, a camel and with great force bruising him further. Then, a pelican nearly taking out his tongue. Then, a bison which he had never seen before almost knocking him into the cold water. Then, a boa constrictor which he had also never seen before coming close to suffocating him. Then, a scorpion who almost killed him with poison rather than force. And their form kept changing, more rapidly as they pushed, and yet he still managed to hold against beasts he had never seen. So they went beyond animals.
A great olive tree, beloved by Athena and startling Peleus enough to almost lose his footing. Then, an even greater baobab tree nearly uprooting the ground where he stood. Then, a massive wave of water nearly causing him to drown. Then, a frigid fog of darkness where he swore he heard screams. Then, the color of the clouds as the sun passes right over them with the glow nearly blinding him. Then, a boulder covered in moss almost toppling over him. Then, a temple dedicated to themselves and their sisters with a labrynth he would’ve gotten lost in if they hadn’t rapidly changed once again. Finally, they change into Peleus himself, a perfect mirror image. Of everything they had done, this was the one that came close to getting him down, and it would’ve had a great lightning bolt not struck between them the moment Thetis took their form.
The Neried was knocked to the ground, and so was the mortal. And as they looked at their sore hands, slowly healing themselves, they understood they could have never won. Peleus was being aided by Zeus this whole time. They screamed, screamed, screamed, until their throat was so sore it threatened to bleed. But even then, they refused to cry in the eyes of Peleus.
But it seems like Peleus on the other hand was sobbing profusely. Thetis didn’t notice, and if they did they wouldn’t have cared. And even after Thetis had retreated to the sea, leaving a storm in their wake, Peleus stayed on those shores, sobbing. And between cries, this is what he muttered.
“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I never meant to hurt you, great goddess of the sea, born of brine, I never meant to dishonor you. This was an order from the king of gods himself, please understand how my hands were tied. I had love for another, a woman who shared my love and I would’ve married. But I must hold myself to the requests of my grandfather. I didn’t want this, I’m sorry, I’m sorry.”
Once they had returned, Thetis was surrounded by their Neried sisters, and they could only wail and sob and screech in their grief. Nothing could calm them down, nothing at all. Zeus had told Peleus that each form they took was a lie, but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Every form they took coursed through their blood as if it was what they had always been. Panther or moss, snake or church, it was all them. But in their shame, they had sworn off changing their form forever. They begged their father, Nereus, old man of the sea, to kill them. To change their form into that of stone or seaweed, permanently. But their prayers were not answered. And so Thetis forgot what they were, forgot that they were a goddess, that they were a Neried, that they were so many powerful things, that they were anything but a prize.
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ares--athena · 2 years
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Poly- Johnny Cade x Ponyboy Curtis x Fem! Soc Reader
Summary- It's Christmas Time and You Are Out of Town for Christmas Day. But That Doesn't Stop You From Getting Your Boys Christmas Gifts, Including the Gang
Disclaimer- Using the time where the movie came out and Dally not Johnny died. Reader is given the names Cleo
CHRISTMAS DAY- 1983 8:32 am
Ponyboy Curtis POV
"WAKE UP EVERYONE ITS CHRISTMAS!" I woke up next to Johnny and to Soda's and Steve's shouting. "What is that?" Johnny mumbled. "Soda acting 9 and Steve encouraging it." Trying to go back to sleep was not an option given the fact that if Steve and Soda woke up Dally everyone was being woken up. "How long do you think we got till Dally comes in?" Johnny mumbled voice filled with sleep. "Not long since he's in the living room." Then came Dally in the flesh. "Get up, If I have to deal with them so do you." He said annoyed and tired before leaving. "Jesus what time is it?" Johnny asked. "Too damn early." "Come on get up before Dally comes to drag us out." I told him. "Yeah yeah, When's Cleo back from her trip?" He asked sitting up rubbing sleep from his eyes. "The 28 or 27 I don't remember." Christmas was never a big thing at our house, we never had much money but now we had even less so I never expected much but sitting in the living room with the gang. Me and Johnny were last to get up and sat on the floor next to Two. Darry was in the kitchen making everyone breakfast while Dally was complaining about being woken up early. Yeah this is all I needed.
December 27-1983 11:57 am
Cleo Rodgers Point of View
As rich as it might sound I hated leaving town. Most people would be grateful to get out of a town like Tulsa but I loved the people; two in particular. I would rather stay with Pony than be judged and talked about by my family. "When are you getting a boyfriend?" , "Why don't you have a boyfriend" , "You'd have a boyfriend if you wore more dresses." , "If you acted more ladylike boys would flock to you" yada yada yada god it's sickening. Can't exactly tell my grandmother I have two boyfriends I love more than anything in the world or she's have a stroke;which might not be the worst thing. When my family arrived home the show had really piled up here. I went inside to grab my bag so I could stay at the Curtis's along with my hat and due to how cold it was. I tried to get the whole gang five gifts it took the last four months of my paychecks but it's gonna be so worth it. "Bye Mom going over to a friends be back tomorrow!" I called out but I should have known it wasn't going to be so easy. "What friend Cleo?" She asked me. "Ponyboy mom you know him the one in my English class that skipped a grade." I told her thinking she'd remember. "Not ringing any bells." "The one that liked your peach cobbler mom." "Oh that sweet boy oh. Ok go on now before you let my hot air out." It took a while to get all thirty five gifts in my car but it'll be worth seeing their faces. My friends deserve these gifts more than any people in the world. I even convinced my parents not to stay another night like they wanted so I could see my boys asap. I pulled up to Darry's car in the driveway so I knew they were here. I grabbed a few gifts and made my way to the door. Before I even had a chance to open it; Pony was at the door with a big ass smile on his face. "Hi" was all I got out before he gave me a hug making me almost drop the gifts. "Baby I have gifts please don't break them." "You brought gifts." "Of course I did." "There are more in my car I have to get the" before he cut me off. "I'll get them don't worry about it." "You sure? theres a lot." "Im sure put those under the tree." He told me. I took my shoes that were covered in snow off along with my coat and hat. "Pony who was at the door!" I heard Soda shout. Coming into the kitchen, "Just me." Several voices called back "Welcome back." "Come on I brought gifts for everyone." When I came back into the living room Pony was closing the door and taking his shoes off setting down last group of gifts. He didn't say anything just brought me in for a hug. I heard him whisper, "You didn't have to do all this, but thank you." I didn't think a reply was necessary. Hearing the rest of the gang come in we pulled apart. "You got all this?" Darry asked. "Yeah, left over money here and there from the past couple of months. What are you waiting for open them." I sat on the floor next to Pony and Johnny came to sit by us. He tested his head on my shoulder. "Thank you." He said and kissed my cheek. "Your welcome babe." I don't think I've seen the gang happier than now. This time with my friends is all I need for Christmas even if it is a few days late.
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sydthetiel · 11 months
Update Time!
I'm not completely out of the woods yet, but some serious burdens/guilt have been lifted.
Family friend came again today, brought me another grocery order, which has a new can opener (this one better fucking work) and some more cold foods to last the week and stuff. Eggs, salad, etc. I can feel a little better about what I'm putting into my body besides canned crap, without having to spend hours to make it.
She helped me get a huge chunk done of what all those aides were supposed to do with me. We went through foods and organized, cleaned my "ration rack" (which is, as it sounds, a rack which holds the rations for days I can't get out of bed. Chips, crackers, croissants, poptarts, cookies, etc. All the snackies, and some extra drinks, so I no longer have to sleep with all of them.) Ahhh wonderful. It's also out of my path now for trying to get to my office where Syd is currently located. No more squeezing and side stepping. Mentally, that's a load off. Clutter and mess trigger my OCD bad enough to hit me real hard with depression and hopelessness. It's the biggest reason why hoarder Rex is so bad for me.
Syd's new water bowl came. As expected, it was too big to fit in such a tiny hospital cage. It was a two person job to take the top off and install it, and it takes up so very much of the cage. I held Syd, while friend put the top of the cage back on. The sight was so fucking depressing. Friend says to me "I'm gonna buy her a bigger cage." And of course, cages are expensive, so I told her that, and explained this one is so small because it's literally all I could afford, and I feel like the worst dad ever for it. And of course, at this point, we're both crying, because my baby girl deserves better than a tiny fucking cramped piece of shit where she can't even spread her fucking wings, but it's impossible to bring her home cage into my office. It ain't gettin' up the stairs, or through the doorways. Dear fucking gods, no. Friend insists, "We're gonna order a cage today, on your phone, before we leave." And she did. It'll be here in roughly a week. It should (better) be big enough, and it's quite lovely. It has a stand, so I can store her food and all that, and will make an exceptional hospital cage, where Bean can flap and be happy and well cared for. I am in fucking tears. Her gofundme is still up, for vet stuff, but this is fucking HUGE for us! She also said she'll take us to the vet for another Lupron injection, since Syd's horny again, and said she'd pay for the shot!! <333
Between sobbing about trying to figure out how to pay for van repairs, a new hot water heater, and a new furnace, and a shut off notice for the electric because once again Rex didn't pay it, not having to worry about shelling out an extra $100 or so on a hormone injection is just... such a fucking weight lifted.
On top of that, Daddy's getting some needs met, too now! She assembled my shoe rack! No more bending or tripping over all my shoes! They're right there! Aaaand I finally have my new massager. It's been sitting in a fucking filthy box for like two years, and she helped me get it clean, so now I have that. As soon as I got situated in bed tonight, I tried it out. The pleasure screams I felt as it massaged the knots out of my agonizing back and shoulders is just... oh gods. Probably sounded like a whole ass orgy up in here. Actual goddamn pain relief! PAIN RELIEF!!!!!!
I ate twice today, and finally had some decent hydration, too. Huge boost. I no longer detest the idea of my chicken and gravy tray. Meal plan for tomorrow!
Sunday, she's coming back, and we're gonna tackle some more stuff. I can't fucking wait. I mean, I would really love a weekend with my girlfriend, and some rest, but also, just... a clean environment is so fucking good for my mental health. And it makes me happy that they'll take all the outdated foods I won't eat, so I don't have to feel like a douchebag for wasting it and throwing it out. They're happy to eat it, and I feel like I can give something back for all the help, while also clearing out all the space.
We got a game plan for downstairs, and will start making dents in that.
But honestly... This huge chunk done today is... the kind of support I needed to feel like I might actually survive? I mean... it's still grim. The debts, the bills, the taxes not being paid. The gofundme is still just as fucking urgent as ever in order to not go homeless. In order to get heat and hot water and transportation back. But I don't feel quite as stranded and alone.
We most definitely still need like $2,000 for the van repairs, and $3,000 for the water heater and furnace, and uh... like $6,000 for the backed taxes and another $5,000 for this year's taxes.
But I don't have to cry about not being able to give Syd a better cage, or Lupron, and I have some better access for my own self care. Pain relief is so wonderful. Especially when healthcare providers are failing me so miserably.
Gofund.me ($5 min donation according to their standards) Other options (as much or as little as you can spare <3): Ven.mo: @rroche90 Pay.pal: Rory Roche (Can't miss my portrait of Dean Winchester!)
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