#my mother won't say anything n always tells me to do so. why tf is it up to me YOUR their aunt i am just the cousin
my mental health has defs gone downhill gradually over the past 3?? months. my depressive episodes r lasting longer so i am barely getting in any Good mental health days now. none of my cousins are vacuuming their sections of the house so i’m starting to feel that there’s no point in me doing mine (the biggest area btw) if they’re just gonna be dragging the dirt onto the clean area from the others. i’ve tried keeping it up these past few months but i’m over it. just makes me think of what their mother, my aunt, went through to keep that house clean. god help them if they move in with someone in the future lmao. my 80 yo grandmother with a heart condition is already running herself ragged washing their clothes n sheets. she even cleans up after them sometimes, like wiping down benches after they’ve been there. they don’t brush their cats either so they puke all the time. n guess who has to clean it bc they don’t want to? 🙃 oh, also one of them went to their friends house n like, only told our grandfather that they would also be going to a convention while there. my grandfather has no idea what Supernova is n how popular it is. i only found out about supernova a while after they had left. they came back n either my grandfather never told them to put a mask on while in the house just in case, or he did they have refused to do it. i’m the only one in this house being precautious n wearing a mask. i hate the apathy, and i hate the disregard for others in this house, it’s maddening. i am constantly disgusted.
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