#my motorcity gemstone
himbos-hotline 7 months
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no YOU go forth and conquer! I love you so much!! kissing your forehead
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himbos-hotline 9 months
Who in AEW comes to jay the most when they are struggling?
Kenny. Long before theyre dating and just before Jay joins the JAS she really is at her absolute lowest. Hes angry and put down by all members of the JAS- no matter what she does is never good enough, they all bully them for their name [Jayden, its gender neutral] or take his clothes while shes showering and in the end, in a match with Kris Stratlander with best friends ringside. Jay comes out alone, she doesnt have their own theme song...Jericho sits on commentary and Jay can HEAR him putting them down.
So Jay drags chairs into the match [already bloody from the mouth] and sets them up so he can dive on them. so he can prove to the crowd, to jericho, to the jas that she is MEANT to be there! like shes earned her place as an AEW wrestler, not a WWE diva.
And so Jay jumps, does a diving headbutt off the top turnbuckle and cracks her head off the corner of a chair and then the bottom turnbuckle. Shes knocked out, not breathing, eyes glazed out, concussed. The match gets stopped and while Jay is coming around- shes kinda expecting that Jericho or someone will BE THERE.
But jericho doesnt leave commentary....nobody comes to them until Kris and best friends help Jay to her feet and lead her backstage. Wheeler looks after her in medical and when Jay bitches that hes "okay" wheeler takes her back to the empty JAS locker room where its just Jay and his bunny Hemlock [Jay took hem to the vets and didnt have time to drop him home]
A little later, Jay is kinda sitting on the floor concussed and starting to dissocate and Kenny originally goes there to like, tell Jay off for not following aew rules but finds them on the floor and promptly kneels down beside her and is like "hey is this your bunny? hes real cute, why dont ya tell me about him?" while like guiding Jays hand to stroke Hemlocks fur.
time passes and Jay starts to come around and promptly, freaks the fuck out and goes "I dont know you!" cuz he doesnt remember kenny- the JAS kept Jay away from everyone that Jericho and the others didnt deem "safe". But kenny chuckles and goes
"kenny omega, nice to meet you!" and jay shakes his hand and introduces himself and kenny goes "nice to meet ya jay!"
and nobody has ever called her Jay before. always Jayden. They talk a little more about anything and Kenny brings up his boyfriend and how "he gets like this sometimes and I cant leave him alone, are you gonna be okay? Oh! you two should meet! hes really cute!"
Kenny is openly queer around Jay who until then had been kinda sheltered when it came to the queer community. Like shes dated a girl before and identifys as Bi but nobody has ever like...HAD a boyfriend around them and TOLD her.
When Jay finally leaves the JAS. she goes to kenny and is like "i cant do this! i havent wrestled since..not alone!" and kenny kinda takes her hands and goes "hey, ill train you..its better being alone anyway" and thats where their romance begins
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himbos-hotline 3 months
Sending you love! I miss you friend and I totally understand the struggles of social anxiety and depression it sucks so much but I believe in you and if you ever feel sad I鈥檒l try my best to cheer you up as always
this ask has been my primary like, force to keep existing tbh which feels silly and kinda mean to me. social axiety sucks espexially when it hits with things i enjoy like writing or wrestling but a server I was in kinda made me feel a little like I was put on the stands for things but yeah im okay with it now. Depression is still there, i guess I should mention to my doctor about going back on my meds, thats something I keep putting off...ill ring tomorrow. Thank you for being so sweet my darling gemstone youre such a good person and have such a kind heart, I am so proud of you just for existing...ive missed you too my friend
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himbos-hotline 9 months
Who鈥檚 jays favorite wrestlers when she was younger? And who inspires him the most in the ring?
Jay was really into ECW as a kid and was really super into watching sabu wrestle. she thought mick foley was really cool and would [if jay didnt freak the fuck out about teeth] totally put the manidable claw in her gang of wrestling moves. Eventhough he would never admit it now. He used to be a fan of jericho: which is why [along with fear] it took so long for him to realise that the JAS was abusing him and it wasnt just "friendly roughhousing". a lot of the highflyers inspired jay in the ring and regal onviously inspired jay the most. Jay adores his grandpa regal more than anything in the world.
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himbos-hotline 4 months
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himbos-hotline 7 months
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馃馃徎 just wanted to drop this here
gem!! I missed you so much sweetheart! how are you? youre doing a real good job as well and I am so proud of you with everything youre doing! take care of yourself sweetpea, you are so special to so many people ily
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himbos-hotline 9 months
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blasting you with love
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himbos-hotline 7 months
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Definitely Adam,Jay and K whilst Kenny is looking at the three of them like a disappointed father
Kenny just calls Kota to tell them off and then its just Kota going "dont yell at my son and his strange girlfriend!"
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himbos-hotline 9 months
I also just wanted to drop this here
I too have audhd and it鈥檚 been a journey for me to say the least because I got bullied so much that I didn鈥檛 really want to be around anymore and that鈥檚 when I developed anxiety and depression back in 2019 but everything is changed for the better because now I have wonderful friends like you to keep me happy 鉂わ笍鈽猴笍
ive had this ask in my ask box for a little while because I wasnt sure how to reply but I want you to know that things are always gonna get better, even if things feel hopeless theres always light somewhere. even when its the darknest its ever been- the stars will eventually come out. I love you and im so proud of you
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