#my new headcanon: actually the old butch from the general store is the hockey coach
void-botanist · 1 year
15 Questions: Isabel
Thank you @duckingwriting for the tag! I haven't talked about Isabel too much so far so here we go.
I'll tag @vacantgodling, @outpost51, @sam-glade, and @writinglittlebeasts plus an open tag.
Nicea taglist: @kahvilahuhut
1 - Are you named after anyone? Sort of. My deadname was my great-grandfather's name, but we don't talk about that. I first noticed the name Isabel when I was watching figure skating, but I didn't intentionally name myself after a figure skater, so I don't know if that counts.
2 - When was the last time you cried? A couple weeks ago Spinder invited us all to see this romance movie that was cheesy as hell but the climax got to me anyway.
3 - Do you have any kids? I'm decent with kids, but I can't seriously imagine having my own.
4 - Do you use sarcasm? If you don't use enough sarcasm, they revoke your bitch card, and I'm depending on that gender euphoria.
5 - What's the first thing you notice about people? Their hair. I've been shopping around for a new weird hairstyle, because it's been too long since I did anything really interesting with my hair. So far, no dice.
6 - What is your eye color? Brown.
7 - Scary movies or happy endings? Happy endings, but only if they make sense.
8 - Any special talents? I think being good at packing cargo counts. I'm out of practice now, but I used to be decent at trick skating. And I guess playing music and singing at the same time is a skill. My other talents are, hm…age restricted.
9 - Where were you born? Gevorad system. I could be more specific but that's all most people want to know.
10 - What are your hobbies? Music has always been the biggest one. I've been playing piano since I was seven, and I got into guitar later—not to impress boys per se but hey, it worked, so I'm not complaining. Theater also used to be a big one, but not so much now. I still read comics a lot though. Anywhere with good food and live music I will make my hobby. And when I'm planetside I like taking weird routes to stuff to see what I see, if that counts as a hobby.
11 - Do you have any pets? Nah, but my mom has a dog I visit sometimes.
12 - What sports do you or have you played? I've played plenty of sports, but the best is inline hockey. Roller derby's a close second, though. I play with one of the Potswick hockey teams when I'm planetside.
13 - How tall are you? 5' 9". I used to be kind of down about it until I realized I look devastating in heels and honestly that's what I really want.
14 - Favorite subject in school? Hm. [gets a faraway look for a long moment] History. Though it was kind of a wild experience moving from Gevorad to Antarac in high school because I knew the locality history but all the stuff the Ailna kids thought was obvious, I was like, they did what? who? And some of the stuff they "knew" was just groundgrazer bullshit. But at least most of it was funny and didn't escalate into fistfighting.
15 - Dream job? You'd laugh at me if I told you how badly I wanted to be a starlet. I did some theatrical acting, I did some movie auditions, but it really wasn't as glamorous as I thought it would be. And I had a hard time with directors not sharing my vision. Not even because I wanted to be the center of attention. I just didn't want the person whose job it was to tell me what to do to actually tell me what to do. In the end music captured me more anyway, and I think with more realistic expectations that'll be glamorous enough. So, I don't know, local music celebrity?
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