#my old oc had an axe she brought from the modern world with her
currently on episode 98 of my inuyasha rewatch, the episode where kagome and kikyo get stuck in a cave, and all I can think of is how kagome wouldn't be stuck in that cave if she had a gun
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picrewing · 4 years
Hi! I was the one who asked about Ring and Arkan’s relationship a while back. I would like to learn a bit about Frost. (Also, congrats on getting 1,000 followers! 🥳)
Hello! :) Thank you.
Frost has an interesting creation story.
She was actually someone else’s OC to start with - her name was Janie. She was the OC to my best friend at the time and she appeared in my murder/mystery website A Dinner Game. The person and I became close friends and began doing side-roleplays together, the most major of which was a cop/killer AU featuring Janie and my character Yasuhiro. Janie had the curse that Ring does - she was reborn over and over again. At the age 10, she regained all of her old lives. She connected deeply to Yasuhiro, who had a connection to the fourth dimension which allowed him to know all possible timelines for himself.
But we also did another roleplay, a nonary game (from the video game 9 Hours, 9 Persons, 9 Doors). Yasuhiro was the mastermind behind this game, with Janie serving as the main character. The climax of the roleplay featured Janie having to use her rebirth ability to enter a higher dimension, where she found Yasuhiro’s friend Takehiko stuck. She rescued him and returned back to the nonary game. Yasuhiro rejoiced... but was promptly erased from existence due to angering the time god (Nightmare).
Janie was very hurt by this and decided she wanted to find and save him, so we led into our next roleplay: an AB Game (from Virtue’s Last Reward, a sequel to 999). It featured our characters from the first game several years later, as well as some new faces. I don’t remember this very well, but the ultimate end is that Janie managed to find where Yasuhiro was in the multiverse and traveled there to get him out.
Now. I... can’t really say where he was because I try to keep this blog relatively SFW. Around this time I had discovered a pornographic game that, while yes it had porn, it also had a very compelling plot to me and interesting gameplay. So I just kind of ignored the boobs and played it. So anyway, I joked that Yasuhiro was put in the world of that game, because it was funny to imagine and worked for the lore that he was stuck somewhere. So, he was. Janie arrived at the planet, where she learned Yasuhiro had lost his connection to the fourth dimension but had instead gained a level of rebirth memory (though he couldn’t remember more than a few years, instead of everything). However, Yasuhiro was pretty satisfied with his life and didn’t want to leave, so they spent a long, long time playing cat and mouse. On a side note, my friend was asexual and disinterested in sex, so there wasn’t any of that in the roleplay. We played it completely serious. And honestly? Iconic.
So, anyway. Eventually, Janie and Yasuhiro entered a bet. Yasuhiro was frequently a demon in his lives, while Janie was the opposite. They decided that life to switch - Janie would be a demon, while Yasuhiro was not, and they’d see who’d break first. But during this time, Yasuhiro was vulnerable and naive, and the residing king of the area. Not a good combination. So for drama, I had him be attacked and taken prisoner.
Sounding familiar? Yeah, this was the invention of Arkan, Wortel, and that entire saga, haha. Forbidden lore, Wortel was originally from this weird pornographic world. It... probably still kind of reflects but oh well.
Well, anyway, Janie eventually invaded the castle and rescued Yasuhiro, who had suffered greatly. His body was also changed. Janie tried to talk to him and rekindle a form of connection, but flubbed at one point and caused him to get afraid of her and act submissive and scared. Ashamed of that, she fled, and Yasuhiro vanished into the wild. Janie took up an isolationist life in the woods. She found it pretty healing, actually - she was away from all of the stresses that’d plagued her very, very long life and just spent this time relaxing. About 16 or 17 years later though, a young dragon-humanoid (Umeji) found her hideout and befriended her. This eventually led to her and Yasuhiro meeting again, though Yasuhiro still refused to go home, not wanting to abandon his son. Janie’s own daughter from her home had arrived to the planet as well, and was pressuring Janie to leave. Janie ultimately decided to and left Yasuhiro behind, so long as he promised to come home one day.
It was a bitter goodbye, having to leave her friend (and by this point, love) behind, but it happened. Janie woke up in the AB Game and went with everyone to escape. But upon arriving at the exit door, she found Yasuhiro sitting outside of it, holding a baby Umeji in his arms. They left, and spent the rest of their life together.
... Phew! That was a long long ramble, but I promise it adds context. Also I just wanted to write that up.
So, Frost! Her backstory has changed a lot, but she’s an angel of Xefaa. As of current edition: She was originally born into the Terrakin valley a long time ago. A stranger once came to her town though, who brought with them modern technologies. Frost was very interested and ended up making a lot of expeditions to the city, where she became enraptured by all these advancements they didn’t have back home. So, she decided to bring them there. She became a mechanic and nearly single-handedly brought Terrakin valley to a more modern era. Unfortunately, not everyone was as gung-ho about this all, and also a lot of people didn’t understand it. When she was a young adult, a fire broke out that almost destroyed the entire valley. Frost took lead to evacuate people, as well as rising massive earthen walls to contain the fire. This plus her original decision to modernise the valley caught the attention of Xefaa, who asked her to become an angel. It... took a good while to convince her, but she eventually agreed. She now lives in the northern forest as a bit of a cryptid, maintaining a natural garden and keeping an eye on the demonic activity in the Meletta government. When Arkan seizes power, Frost rescues Ring and leaves him to trusted people to take care of (though he runs away). Umeji eventually finds her in his many expeditions and she teaches him magic.
“That doesn’t sound anything like what you just said.” Because her backstory has changed a lot. She used to have a partial rebirth curse like Yasuhiro had, and was tasked by Nightmare to keep an eye on Ring. Janie as her original self was replaced with my character Misa Takeda - they had similar appearances and personalities, and when my friend and I stopped being friends, I needed to replace Janie. Frost by this point was too integrated into Ring’s story for me to just drop her, so I didn’t just remove her. Misa’s backstory is being part of a traditional mountain village, where Yasuhiro sought her out and showed her city life. She fell in love with it and moved out, working for him instead. Though in original drafts of the story, she was trying to bring modern life to the village.
Frost is now sort of an amalgamation of Misa, Janie, those roleplays, and my own tweaking to fit her with current Wortel lore.
By the way, the name Frost comes from the nonary game. Janie had the number 6, so she chose her nickname to be Frost, because snowflakes have 6 points. Yasuhiro was number 5. He chose the nickname Ring, because of the 5 Olympic rings. Though my friend had thought it was because of “5 golden rings”... Actually, it was also just short of ringmaster and the Olympic rings thing was a panic-induced explanation Yasuhiro gave >:3 Before I decided to fully axe Janie, I called her Frost so it felt less like stealing. Also because I was putting Ring and Frost into a mod of the original game that inspired Wortel (this was dropped, sorry if you wanted to play it).
That was probably nothing of what you asked, but I hope you enjoyed the lore anyway.
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