#my phone: ‘youre typing yukAta? you mean gulags right’ me: what the FRESH hell??
I’m a shy bean! So seeing you’ve put anon on this, actually made me squeal 😳 thank you! Could I get a head cannon of the founding trio with a S/O who is a super powerful shinobi. God level powerful, to the point if she walks into a battle fields the opposing side will straight up submit/retreat at the sight of her 😂 but at home she’s the most loving person and dotes on them? Like she’s so gentle with them. Need fluff! So much fluff and laughs 😂 thank you and I think your work is amazing!
Aww thank you! I’ll try my best to give you some good fluff and silliness. And please don’t be shy!!! I don’t bite 💙🥺
Tobirama’s wife is as cold and as cunning as her husband. She’s a brutal commander, willing to cut her loses if she sees a battle going south. She is all cool glares, with a calm, commanding voice to match.
In the field, she doesn’t even seem close or dotty on her husband, despite their early love-marriage.
Oh god, Tobirama knows she’s got her warriors played to hell and back.
His wife is just as smart as he is. Perhaps even more capable, physically, than he is. She’s also a worrywart, and a bit of a spazz behind closed doors and muffled tent flaps.
She pecks over Tobirama’s appearance when away from the safe walls of their home almost constantly. He scoffs and grumps, but she persists with some chilly words.
She asks if he’s healthy, if he’s sleeping well, running her fingers over his shoulders or through his hair as if examining him, but Tobirama knows it’s just her way to touch without looking soft in front of their men.
At home, she drops her cold demeanor and nakedly demands his attention as often as she can.
It’s not always obnoxious - her face pressed to his back as he writes, or her body pressed to his side as he studies.
Other times, she pulls on the sleeve of his yukata, almost childish in the way she silently begs for a shred of his time.
Despite not having to, as the wife to the second son of the Senju line, but she cooks and cleans almost daily when they’re home. It’s to keep herself busy, she says, although Tobirama suspects it’s one of her many ways of showing her love for him.
When he’s totally consumed by his studies, Tobirama may wake up to small notes from his S/O, reminding him to wash his face or to stretch his legs. He’d be lying if he didn’t find the notes unnecessary, but cute.
Oh god, Hashirama loves his S/O so much.
Honestly, it’s not every day anyone, let alone a woman, could even come close to Hashirama’s level. It’s kind of exciting for our boy Hashi.
Despite the thrill of a rare equal however, Hashirama also just enjoys his S/O’s insistence on staying tender hearted once the armor comes off.
She’s a tender woman, Hashirama’s wife. She dots on the clan’s children, often watching a horde of them despite her high position exempting her from such duties. She even helps the elderly members, including people from branch families, with their tasks. Everyone insists she focus on tasks meant for the head’s wife, but she just can’t help it!
With Hashirama, she’s an understanding ear, shoulder to cry on, and confidant. Few understand the burden that raw power brings in the ninja world, and fewer still aren’t quick to judge their fellows.
She braids or brushes Hashirama’s hair. If she has long hair, Hashirama will brush or braid her’s as well.
Some let war and chaos eat them from the inside, but Hashirama’s woman is cut from a different cloth. He can’t help but admire that.
He fawns over his S/O as much as she does him. I think they both admire the other greatly and are the kind of couple to indulge the other at a moment’s notice.
On the rare occasion Hashirama comes away from the battlefield wounded, his S/O consistently checks his wounds and ensures that they’re always clean and bandages properly - all while playfully scolding him over his ‘clumsiness’.
Despite their lovey dovey demeanor, Hashirama and his S/O are also pillars of their community. Their influence outside their clan is wide, and many respect this powerhouse couple, and not only because of their abilities on the battlefields.
Parties, wine, gambling, cool nights by the fire surrounded by friends and comrades - they’re definitely the ‘host’ couple who know how to have a good time. Hashirama’s S/O, despite all her ferocity, loves playing hostess. She dots on her guests just as much as she does her husband!
Madara’s woman is feared.
She’s already got a reputation for being an intensely ruthless bitch, If we’re being frank. The minute she started associating with Madara was the minute that reputation worsened.
Madata kind of loves it. It’s funny, to Madara. Why? Because his S/O is the biggest softie he’s ever met, next to Hashirama. All her armor and weapons and formidable technique hide a woman who cries over a bird’s broken wing or pouts when he steals the last piece of her fish.
He respects her for her strength - in Madara’s eyes she’s the only woman for him.
He secretly likes that she’s still soft. He admires and loves Hashirama for the same reason, and he’s started thinking that maybe he has a soft spot for ultra powerful softies.
This woman gives Madara PDA weather he likes it or not. Kisses on the cheek, a gentle hand on his hair regardless of the time or place. Sometimes it’s annoying. Most times, it’s just ... nice to be dotted on without restriction.
She manages the household well, and hears out many complaints that other ladies or lords would outright dismiss. She thinks deeply, and considers people’s situations in such a way that never came very natural to Madara. He can’t help but admire that.
This woman is untamable and Madara finds it equally vexing and admirable. She does what she likes, when she likes. She’s prideful, yet sweet. The Uchiha problem of ego does not apply to her even as she marries into the clan and all the prestige that carries.
She is a lady to reckoned with, but no in the clan one fears her like they do Madara. She retains her human element even as their foes throw the field at the sound of her name.
In that sense, by virtue of association, people see Madara as more human as well. He is as gentle with his sometimes silly woman as she is with him, and it softens the edges of his legendary reputation. To his clan, he becomes a man again, not a Ninja God in need of offerings and tribute and cowering. He needs just as much consideration as advice as the clan head as any other man.
Communication becomes more common, although Madara is still as grumpy and foreboding as ever. Sometimes he misses his grim status, sometimes, when clan children offer him homemade beads ‘that bring good luck, Madara-Sama!’, he’s glad to be rid of it.
In the evenings, she’ll comb his hair. It’s such a simple thing, but Madara has been deprived of these small things for years.
Madara’s S/O is tender to him that was not allowed for the longest time. Madara was the clan heir, a war god, a strategist and foot solider and assassin all in one. There was never just ‘Madara’, until his S/O came along, who was wreathed in as many talents from heaven and earth as Hashirama and himself, and saw him as a simple man anyways. In that sense, Madara becomes almost, but not quite, human again.
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