#my plot for bi kurt is that he likes mercedes back and that is the only girl he romantically likes <3
porcelainvino · 4 months
idc about bi blaine what if i said i wanted BI KURT
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spaceorphan18 · 7 years
TDB Rewatch: The Substitute
I’ve always gone back and forth on this episode.  But tonight - I just found it kind of dumb.  I mean - I get how it works on paper, it does make sense in a strange twisted logic kind of way.  But - it seems like they went - hey we have Gwyneth Paltrow, let’s stop being a really smart comedy, and let’s dumb it down and be really stupid for the masses.  I don’t know - I just kept rolling my eyes during the entire episode. 
Gwyneth Paltrow won an Emmy for this episode.  Really?  I mean...really? Was it a bad year? Okay...  
So - first off, where this episode works? The really small moments.  Those young kids playing the glee club - great.  Rachel taking over Glee and Santana jumping at her - hilarious.  Everyone changing names - fantastic.  Beiste vs Sue - amazing.  There are a bunch of little moments buried within here that really worked for me.  However - that doesn’t make up for the rest of the episode (mostly) being crap for me. 
Look - I don’t have any issues with Gwyneth Paltrow - despite the fact that I think she’s often times a bit out of touch with reality.  She’s a fine actress and played the part just fine.  I’m just a bit eye-rolly about the whole being “cool” thing.  Maybe it’s because I’m an adult now? And I can’t believe I’m going to say this - but I’m kinda on Will’s side - that there are consequences to actions, and you can’t just continually run away from your problems. 
At least the show addresses it - and underneath the nonsense is a conversation about not being so uptight while understand that adults have actual responsibilities.  
Oh - and I’m very annoyed about the portrayal of bi-polar in the episode.  For a show that continually wants to talk about mental health with Emma and her OCD, stuff like the bipolar thing throws all that good work out the window by making a joke out of it. And it really rubbed me the wrong way. 
Meanwhile, the whole subplot with Terri’s return was gross, and completely unnecessary.  I understand that Ryan Murphy just adores Jessalyn Gilsig.  But c’mon, there was no need for us to witness the creepy baby talk and the literally sick sex montage.  Her story played itself in season 1, Glee - no need to bring her back. 
Also Will continues to be kinda a moron in this episode.  His life is a mess, and while it’s never been that entertaining, it’s just becoming painful now. 
Meanwhile still - Sue as principal.  For some reason people saying Principal Sue gives me the reaction as when people say President Trump.  Bleck.  It feels gross in my mouth to say.  
Sue is also pretty stupid in this episode.  Her logic for doing everything she does in this episode feels forced.  Especially when she decides to fire Will just so she can rehire him.  **headdesk** we’re now officially at the point where I start complaining about the seesaw that is Sue’s characterization. 
The tots thing.  OMG.  I realize that it’s purpose was for plot - giving Sue something to make her really principal, and giving Holly something to get in trouble for, but god.  @black-john-lennon where are you? Cause I’m gonna come sit with you and complain about the treatment of Mercedes.  
Mercedes I have in high standing as being one of the better characters on the show, and they made her stupid and obsessed over food, which feels incredibly uncharacteristic.  And - as I’ve said before, even the nonsense tying in with Kurt’s story line feels forced.  Mercedes deserved better than this crap.  
So in things I actually care about - my dear sweet Kurt.  He’s so happy in this episode.  I feel like the only thing done decently well in this episode is the wisps of Kurt’s story throughout.  
Meanwhile, not enough Blaine.  I feel like it’s almost blink and you miss it within the context of the rest of the show. 
Music wise - I love Forget You, it’s just a fun song.  Make Um Laugh - was nice to showcase Matthew Morrison and Harry Shum Jr’s dancing skills, The Chicago duet with Rachel and Holly just feels awkward. Idk - maybe it’s because those outfits weren’t that flattering, or maybe because the women were never in sync with their dancing, but not really a fan of that.  And then the Umbrella/Singin’ in the Rain mash up.  I’m sorry I don’t like it :P  But I don’t like the song Umbrella.  I can see how it would have been a bitch to film - god.  
So yeah - there we are.  ;) 
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