genericpuff · 1 year
ECCE sucked ass and I could go on and on about it but instead have this pic of my setup which was the one thing that I'm pretty dang proud of.
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also literally everyone who recognized my LO art either read LO and hated it or didn't read LO but heard the horror stories
so if you're either of these people I talked to this past weekend, welcome to my shitposting blog where I talk way too much about a webtoon with way too much fame, buckle up ( ̄y▽, ̄)╭
also yeah i'm not doing ECCE again jesus christ it was bad, like i've only done two conventions as an artist alley vendor so far and even i know this isn't how conventions are supposed to go
i made $55 over two days which isn't even half of what i spent for the table, and not a single print sold, just my $3-$5 omori stickers and a few zines that people generously tipped for
not me being a salty spitoon or anything, i'm not mad at the fact that people didn't buy my stuff, i'm mad that the organization of this event was so subpar it wasn't until halfway through it that i realized the red flags were on the wall because they had done ZERO marketing for the artist alley and the convention itself had nothing going on but a few panels
and two of the panels were literally the same thing, one was "how to be a comic artist" and the other was "how to be an indie comic artist" like i'm sorry whAT those are the saME-
sigh I'm so mad that my Rekindled update got pushed off for this. ECCE is absolutely on my "don't bother" shitlist now, esp considering other artists who've done it before have attested to the fact that this was par for the course. Absolutely not worth it, not even for someone like me living on the bottom wrung of the webcomic industry LMAO I feel so bad for all the other artists I saw sitting around with nothing to do two days in a row, it's 10x more exhausting to sit around with nothing to do and it really showed by the end of the weekend because every artist who I checked up on said they just wanted to go home, for all the reasons you shouldn't be hearing at a comic convention.
I've got Art on the Bridge tomorrow. I'm suddenly way more optimistic that this one will go well despite it not being my usual kind of scene at all.
Genuinely so sorry to you all there wasn't a Rekindled episode tonight. The expo wasn't worth it.
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toddykun · 6 years
toddy, what do you think of donald and scrooge relationship in this episode???
oh anon, you just asked THAT question to my overanalyzing ass lmao thank u so much, i will indulge in this without restrictions ggg
little summary of donald and scrooge’s relationship in the episode: #TeamUncleForTheWin2k18 in a—more literal sense than expected. this gonna  be a looooooooooooooooooooong post anon, so hold yourself. and take into account that this is my opinion and my interpretation so i could be right or wrong, we just dont know, so that :D
all those scrooge and donald’s bonding moments were wholesome and funny (i loved them with all my freaking heart is2g they having a better relationship is my fuel to keep living lmao) but there is still some things that are hanging on even after scrooge definition of family that is obviously about them so lets start
1. scrooge choosing donald immediately and ‘i was in the will?’ moment
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after going awwww when scrooge excitedly goes around screaming game night and he immediately chooses donald and laughing my ass off because donald’s ‘i was in the will?’ line, all that got me thinking because i cant stop my overanalyzing ass lmao. why did scrooge choose donald and why was donald surprised to be in the will? the overcompetitive nature of scrooge answered the first one really fast, scrooge chose him, as always, because it benefits him for reasons, reinforced by the threat of them losing and removing him of the will, more than because he wanted them to bond over board games. this is actually not that weird for scrooge, he usually does this a lot, especially to donald. i actually have problems with this more because of the actual status of their relationship more than because scrooge did this, this will be explained with the next point so i will go with my second question.
why was donald surprised? there are two possible answers for this: 1. donald didnt ever really thought about the will matter, the theme is new to him so hes surprised 2. donald didn’t think scrooge cared enough for him to be in the will so hes surprised when he actually is. i will be expanding in the second one because donald could have thought various things from this: 
1. he could have thought that because of scrooge’s greedy nature, the possibility of him having a will was nonexisting, he wouldn’t want his fortune to be someone else’s even after death, even when real scrooge would consider that a waste, the possibility of anyone being in scrooge’s will is a big ‘wait what’ to him 2. his board is the one getting everything lmao theyre the ones handling all those business stuff and that whats matter to scrooge, so why would anyone else be in the will? 3. if someone from the family was meant to be scrooge’s heir, it wouldnt be him, it would be only della, the twin that scrooge favored the most. definitely not him, the twin that scrooge reprimanded and dismissed the most. him? in the will? wtf? scrooge couldn’t care enough about him to put him in the will. but he does and whoa, wait what i am???? donald didn’t think scrooge would care, and that makes sense, this scrooge is terrible at really showing donald he cares about him outside from fighting and using him as bait. so, donald is surprised.
the good thing is, i actually see this version of scrooge having everyone in his will: the twins, the triplets (especially louie, hes probably his principal heir at this point lmao), webby, mrs beakley, launchpad, matilda (if shes alive), his parents (who are kind of immortal now?) even gladstone, fethry or grandma duck (if shes alive). leaving them all a special thing that would help them in some way, something with meaning for every person. especially to the twins, who are like his children. another good thing, scrooge is starting to show donald that he cares, enough to put him in the will and i hope this progress in scrooge showing him that he cares about him more than he actually shows him.
bonus: scrooge running stairs down with donald was precious and funny. 10/10. not bad, scrooge was just so excited. so cute.
2. ‘that’s why he chose him’, charades and non-verbal communication, understanding donald, and acting nonsensical moment.
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‘ooooh, thats why he picked donald’, dewey just confirmed my suspicions about scrooge’s motivation for choosing donald, it saddens me but i expected it. again, not because scrooge did this because of his competitive strike but because he hasnt show donald that he would choose him even if he couldnt get something out of it. i want more scrooge respecting donald for who he is more than for what he can get out of him. i need scrooge choosing donald because he is family too cuz almost all the time he only chooses him for benefits. like overall, scrooge probably plays favoritism with the twins over anyone else in the family, but with the twins themselves? he favors della over donald, in an over ridiculous open way, he is really not trying to hide it. like, he recriminates donald for not being like della in the ‘17 comics? how fucked up is that? i try not to use the comics’ standpoint of their relationship because it upsets me honestly, they glorified della too much and abused donald too much. maybe because theyre from scrooge’s view of point? hes always going around talking about how great della was but donald? the series at least says that donald is actually freaking good, strong, smart and sharp and deserves the fandom getting over the top for him. the comics well….u know. but the thing is, the comics actually explain why donald is so surprised every time scrooge shows him affection or why donald looks not surprised when scrooge just uses him as a decoy, like bruh :/
‘you spent thirty years guessing what donald was saying, you must get good enough at non-verbal communication’ donald and scrooge are, not-so-surprisingly, good at charades (della must be too, now that i think about it, if scrooge and donald are almost unstoppable then the twins are really hardcore about it), this comes from donald having a speech impediment, something that probably led him to use a lot of non-verbal communication in the past. kids with especially difficult speech impediments to deal with rely heavily on non-verbal communication, usually because they develop social anxiety, insecurities and are overall scared of not being understood and being punished for it, especially outside of their safe circle (bullying, indifference, little to none social circle). baby donald probably suffered from this (who am i kidding, he definitely suffered from it, hell, donald is the most suffering classical disney character honestly the old comics are not even subtle about him being mentally ill and disabled), these kids can even stop altogether talking even to the ppl they know can understand them. all this comes into play if we assume that scrooge hanged with the twins since they were kids. hortense or not, grandma duck or not, scrooge spent time with the twins like he spends it now with the triplets. donald is not the most confident person, since he was a kid, for a good reason, he probably didn’t talk a lot as a kid with ppl outside his safe circle, scrooge comes to play later into his life so hes probably an outsider at the start of their relationship. but adventure needs communication for teamwork and to keep kids safe out there you need to be able to understand them and they need to understand you. this left scrooge with only an option: learn to understand donald, no matter what method he uses. charades? scrooge understands. ASL? scrooge understands. unintelligible gibberish? SCROOGE UNDERSTANDS! wow, hello, lost confidence. 
that probably boosted donald’s confidence quite greatly. an outsider, uncle scrooge that is grumpy and kind of asocial, gave the effort to understand little scared and unintelligible donald that probably only his twin and parents until now could understand perfectly. if that didnt bust his confidence idk what could. points for scrooge for being a great uncle!
for all this, he hasn’t told donald he doesn’t understand him because he does understand him, almost perfectly (like the triplets should do, just saying), he isnt going to have an ‘i dont understad you’ moment…..yet i expect it doesn’t happen or else, im gonna cry, first the triplets who had lived with him all their life? and now scrooge who webby said has spent at least thirty years with him? fucking come on. if della comes back and she doesn’t understand his twin brother perfectly im gonna cry, fucking honestly. donald needs to confidently talk with his speech impediment, excitedly, happy, almost unintelligible but with the confidence that there are ppl out there that do understand him and love him. i expect scrooge and della to be those ppl (not counting the caballeros, uno, storkules, and other family members, who can maybe understand him but arent with him constantly to remind him to not let down his confidence in that matter).
also they fighting nonsensically is the best thing, because they do that a lot, they fight over the most ridiculous things and they act like that sometimes, just pure idiocy over the most unimportant matters is like their default mode is the best. they’re can be so ridiculously petty, i love them. 
3. ‘team uncle for the win!’, hug and retreat and lets just shook hands moment
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THEY HUGGED!!!!SO!!!GOOD!!!!! wait no keep hugging what are you doing? show each other how much you care, you need it, you dummies, goddamit and now you’re shaking hands ok why not fucking god
well besides that, ‘team uncle for the win!’ was a beautiful, spontaneous and wholesome moment that i shouldnt overanalyze but i will anyways lmao i have the opinion that scrooge said that spontaneously but can be interpreted in a more literal sense to understand scrooge and donald’s actual status of their relationship. team uncle is literally for the win, it wouldnt exist if it didn’t fulfill that specific function, donald probably knows this team up is more a way for them to win, for scrooge to win. but when against all odds they are successful in jenga (lol) this triggers something in scrooge that genuinely burst him into an affection spring and makes him shout that, it was just a piece, they both know it but its almost the first time they have bonded in years and donald, who is particularly sensitive and reacts a lot to emotions, reacts as well with affection and excitement, and what happens when ppl sync up their emotions spontaneously like that? they are overflowed with it, they need to act on it, emotions are almost impossible to control, they’re unpredictable, quick and extremely powerful driving forces so what obviously happens? THEY HUG!!!! emotions made these two idiots hug, they havent hug in years!!! YEARS!!! and they hug again in years because they were overflowed with genuine affection!!! but like i say, emotions are quick and when they end, its like a slap of realization in the face, they go ‘omg i did that!’ and separate immediately, just to go and cordially shake hands? when emotions are involved, context usually flies out the window, they probably forgot ten years of separation in that instant, but when it ended all those years came back and made it kind of uncomfortable. so their ‘we’re doing this just to win’ attitude comes back.
but it was good! its a good start! i dont know if they showed each other this kind of spontaneous affection but without embarrassment, pre-della disappearing but it. is. GOOD. these two need as much fluff as the triplets and webby get. uncle-nephew/niece relationship is a big thing in the DuckTales universe, and for scrooge and donald to not have as much as the triplets get kills me inside. they need this the most, so i hope this season provides because it started well in that matter, i hope it progresses into unapologetic and genuine affection without embarrassing departings and weird shake hands. 
4. helping him get up moment
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completely underrated and wholesome moment, like there are no downs at this moment, its too good, they helping him up? nice. scrooge looking at them mad while protectively holding onto his boy who i remind you is in the will and for consideration, he’s one of his heirs (the other one being definitely della and very probably the triplets)? so nice. beautiful, i love it. mindless fluff this was. 10/10.
5. using donald as a weapon and scrooge’s definition of family.
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like theres a difference between fighting alongside scrooge and being used to fight by scrooge. and here we see it, that even when scrooge is technically using donald, they are actually fighting together, its different from when scrooge just forces donald to danger and fights and you know why? because donald is doing it willingly. he is enjoying himself fighting, donald has shown from time to time that he likes to fight. so when he fights willingly and scrooge joins him, he enjoys himself, he is happy. like, look at his face, donald is into it, this is a duck that likes adventure and fighting, this is different from the gladstone’s episode and the ‘17 comics, where scrooge just pushes donald into things without his consent or knowledge because what? he thinks donald wouldnt understand? that donald is going to say no to protect his family if necessary? goddamit scrooge, if you took the time to let donald trust you and explain things to him, he would do the things you ask him, he is smart and u know it. this is one of the things where i hc the twins to differ, adult della followed scrooge almost blindly into danger, pushed by her own ambition and thirst for adventure, while adult donald, careful donald who was probably in the navy and has seen things and adventure spirit has matured, did not. i dont think scrooge took that as good as he should. scrooge favored della for throwing herself at danger just like that, confidently and recklessly, but would frown at donald, who turned around and asked why, who said no, who said but, who said this doesnt worth losing ourselves, who was again, too careful. so, scrooge decides to push him around, to see if this could trigger something, instead of talking him into it, and we know how hard it can be for scrooge to talk things trough. i dont think scrooge had any malicious intent but he didnt choose the best way into that and well, when you force someone into something they dont want, it doesnt end well. scrooge needs to learn to talk things through. also, scrooge needs to apologize, donald already forgave him but just that its not going to fix ten years of separation and past issues. scrooge needs to put his weight into this relationship too. and this probably starts with scrooge’s definition of family:
“You drive each other crazier than anyone could and still care about each other more than anyone!”
we have seen this particular definition of their relationship play into the old comics a lot, and in some low level in the series. but the thing is and i have pointed it out several times for the whole post, scrooge is not exactly good at showing donald how much he cares about him in the series to the point that it surprises donald when scrooge does show that he cares about him, and it makes sense that donald is surprised by it, scrooge had openly displayed favoritism for della saying how incredible she was but for donald the only thing he has really openly displayed is dismissal, comparisons to his sister and that scrooge usually just uses him to his beneficial. scrooge needs to learn how to show his affection to the twin he has left effectively, we know he cares, but donald doesn’t and for good reason! scrooge, show him your love for real!
in conclusion, their relationship is improving! it still needs time and adjustment and for scrooge to meet donald halfway into the whole forgiving the past stuff. however, they love each other despite everything and i think thats what matters the most :D they can do it! these ducks dont back down! AND…
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MEENIZZLE: whizzay clam dizzle 
ARANIZZLE: No! I will not "clam dizzle." Crack-a-lackin` be not sippin' you can do, unless you do it UP, or you be literally mobbin' clams frizzom a 8ed of soft oceanic S-to-tha-izzoil. 
MEENAH: clizzle yo' rizzy spheres MEENAH: Its just anotha homocide. seriously they be lookin lively girl everyones gawkin 
ARANEA in all flavas: You jizzy have no respect fo` a well tizzay story fo all my homies in the pen. 
MEENAH n we out! i siznaid whizzat happened D-to-tha-izzidnt i 
ARANEA so sit back relax new jacks get smacked: Onlizzle 8arely!!!!!!!! ARANIZZLE cuz Im tha Double O G: Yizzy left out so much ridin' in mah double R! All tha intrigue, tha complicated interpersonal relationships, tha 8ackstory, tha responsi8le hatin'. Bounce wit me. ARANEA: Whizzle wizzle the WORLD 8UILD'N, Mizzle? Snoop heffner mixed with a little bit of doggy flint. 
MEENAH: whizzay gives a dolphin flip through a bizzig r'n of shit  
ARANEA: Ok! I think I finally understizzle tha art of storytell'n nizzay, thanks ta you! ARANEA droppin hits: It turns out all you have ta do be make series of sizzy, mysterious statements witout supply'n cizzle or any furtha ela8oration. ARANEA: It all so sizzay! Let try it out. ARANIZZLE: Dizzid yizzle know thiznat "what his fiznace" Vantas 'n our post-scrizzle world grew up ta 8e a spirizzle leada followed 8y millions so sit back relax new jacks get smacked? ARANEA: Thizzle iced him though. He dy handcuffed ta sum-m sum-m, while shout'n a rizzle word. Tha end! ARANEA: Leijon grizzle up ta 8e hiznis m8sprit cuz I'm fresh out the pen! She wriznote S-T-to-tha-izzuff down and spent a lizzy time 'n a cave. That thizzat droppin hits. ARANEA with my forty-fo' mag: They 8uddy Captor flizzay a ship fo` sizzome hizzay. It wasn't a very coo' gig, chill yo. Maryam found a wiggla n dy a slizzle. Dizzy I mention our planet 8ecizzle kind of a shithole spittin' that real shit? No, I don't think I dizzay, 8ecauze that apparently nizzle hizzay you "T-E-to-tha-izzell stories." 
MEENAH: ... I started yo shit and i'll end yo' shit. MEENAH cuz Im tha Double O G: go on 
ARANEA: Zahhak 8uilt me a ro8otic arm. He wizzas ordered 8y a high8lood ta kill a girl 8ut he cizzouldn't do it, n was 8anished. Ill slap tha taste out yo mouf. Reallizzle 8eat hizzle up pusha that. 8ut it ok 8ecauze his descizzle redeemed tha honor of his legacizzle 8y do'n whateva a murdizzles clizzay tizzay hizzle ta. W-to-tha-izzait, wizzas that too much detizzle? Forget I said sizzle of that, ya feel me? Mov'n on! ARANEA: Ampora wizzay a pirate. No8odizzle liked him. He iced a lot of thugz, 8ut was lata executed 8ecause he wizzle una8le ta tell a funny J-to-tha-izzoke. What else nizneeds ta 8e siznaid? That right. Nuttin. ARANEA: Mizzle was tha guy whizzay dizzay like his joke. He wizzay terri8le n so be hizzay story. Period like this and like that and like this and uh. ARANIZZLE: Anotha dogg house production. Nitram was a hero who lizned a re8ellion. He iced me. 8ut nizzy 8efore th'n gots pretty steamizzle 8etween us. Wizzy ta hear tha juicy dizzles? Yoe out of lizzuck!!!!!!!! 
MEENIZZLE: aww dawg 38( 
ARANEA: Pyrope cizzut off mah arm n arrizzle me, 8ut I iced ha. Dis triggered a karmic cycle of revenge whizzle lizned to tha eventual 8lind'n of ha descendizzle. ARANEA in tha mutha fuckin club: Sizzle, Terezi. Them's the 8r8ks! 
ARANEA: As fo` me, well, I C-to-tha-izzould go on ALL DAAAAAAAAY a8izzle that su8ject to increase tha peace. 8ut I won't! ARANEA: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. I wiznas a coo' pizzir8te. Snoop dogg is in this bitch. The 8est pir8 like a motha fucka! I lived a long tizzle, had amaz'n adventures, gots all tha treasure, then dy. That all she wizzy! ARANEA: Boo-Yaa! 8ut nizzle literally. Shizze wrizzote quite a lot 'n fact. She had a lot ta sizzle, just like me. Whizzle be why she so gr8. ARANEA: Let see cuz its a G thang. Who be I dippin' here so sit back relax new jacks get smacked? 
MEENIZZLE: uh MEENIZZLE thats off tha hook yo: ahem 
ARANEA: Oh, of courze fo' sheezy. Megido! Nizzy there's an dippin' story full of messin' twiznists n turns we won't 8e gett'n into. I thought i told ya, nigga I'm a soldier. ARANEA: Shizzle wizzay kidnapped as a child 8y a creep, thiznen served tha creep 8oss fo` millizzles of S-W-to-tha-izzeeps. Shizne helpizzle mizzay everyth'n lousizzle. Then you iced ha n took ha jo8. ARANEA: Anyway, I think dis tedious tizzy has gizzone on fo` entirely tizzy long alrizzle! ARANEA: I can't think of a sizzy th'n lizzeft to addrizzles thizzle could possizzle 8e of intizzle ta anyone. 
MEENAH: Wussup to all my niggaz in the house. no no shut up MIZZLE: do me now whiznat 'bout me MEENIZZLE in all flavas: watizzle meeeee!!! 
ARANEA: Why, Meenah. Cizzould it 8e tizzy you wiznould lizzy ta H-to-tha-izzear more? ARANIZZLE: I must 8e gang bangin' straight trippin', 8ecause yizzay be on record as saggin' mah stories 8or'n. 
MIZZLE: no theze stories be more ridin' than yo' usizzle ones MEENIZZLE: i can tell coz im actuallizzle still a wizzy 
ARANEA cuz its a pimp thang: Verizzle wiznell cuz I'm fresh out the pen. You would like ta know a8out your post-scrizzle adult life. ARANEA: Wiznould you lizzy tha shizzle vizzle with the gangsta shit that keeps ya hangin? Or tha L-to-tha-izzong version? 
MEENAH: uh MEENAH: be thoze tha only two options 
ARANEA: It dont stop till the wheels fall off. Yizzle tizzy me. 
MEENAH: Its just anotha homocide. how 'bout MEENIZZLE: nizzle tha looooooooooooooooooooong versizzle MIZZLE: lizzle dont go F-to-tha-izzull fuckin serket on us MEENAH: but MEENAH: dizzle leave out too much of tha coo' stuff? MEENAH: S-H-to-tha-izzit dawg why do i G-to-tha-izzotta explain dis ta a presumably rational person MEENIZZLE: J-to-tha-izzust tizzy me what ma junk was bitch! 
ARANEA: Holla! Very wizzell. ARANEA: I shall strive ta convey yo' stizzle, includ'n detizzles which you be likelizzle ta fizzy dippin' on account of vanity, whilst attempt'n ta rizzle from go'n "Fizzy Serket" on you n poser hapless 8bitch cuz its a pimp thang. 
MEENAH aww nah: blub MEENAH: come on spizzit it out windfang MEENAH: Snoop dogg is in this bitch. no more adventures on tha high breeze got it 
ARIZZLE: Fizzle. Real niggas recognize the realness. ARANEA cuz its a G thang: Yizzay wizzy tha a8ridge'-version, 8ut-may8e-not-so-a8ridge', as-long-as-tha-stuff-that-you-'n-particular-would-like-ta-hear-be-included, of tha Mizzle Peixes saga? ARIZZLE: Hizzle we go. They call me tha black folks president.
> ==>
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