#my quality is shit rn because I’m off wifi
sapphic-bats · 8 months
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Aziraphale and Crowley
Love Again by Dua Lipa
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ryodan · 7 years
Do you watch Boruto? What do you think of the newest episode that covers Gaiden? Satisfactory or no?
ask me something you’ve always wondered
no I dont ahh its too childish and fillery for my taste. I am on 4G and i’m using my data to read and watch Haikyuu!! plus update my tumblr and study (ill watch gaiden when the whole thing is out when im back home with stable wifi). From what i’ve seen i’d give the animated rendition a 5/10. I am not impressed tbh, the animation style after the last kept going down hill and it’s at lowest point rn. The characters look nothing like their manga counterparts and they aren’t even trying to make them look better, the designs are messed up, the animation is so stiff it’s like you can TELL they used the same drawing and frames to avoid spending money. I am beyond done with SP. That scene with Sarada in the library is just unnecessarily stupid and makes no sense and the lead up to gaiden just shat on ss with the 2 minute date bullshit. People bitch that people who complain are setting the bar too high but? do these people even WATCH anime? Naruto has been shat on by the rest of the anime community for its shitty animation quality, inconsistent fillers and annoying fan base.  
‘they just want to meet a weekly deadline!’ then fucking WAIT like other animation studios do…don’t fuck up kishimotos immaculate art, dont destory Tokyo Ghouls story in s2 and don’t help fuel Bleach’s shipping wars you unprofessional shit house. Why are anime like SNK, BNHA and Haikyuu!! held at such high standards? They give themselves time to ensure the best project execution. I am not asking SP to wait 90 years like SNK but holy fuck the amount of fillers and shitty animation quality is a viral joke at this point..RIGHT after the wedding episodes (which were made to be ugly comic relief style to avoid budget overload) boruto was released which already meant screwed up stiff frame animation that makes me so annoyed because SP CAN do better..they did some crisp frames for bleach, some beautiful fluid fights in naruto, some seamless frames in TG and all in all have had some great graphics. If they can pull some amazing animations like that then how good will they be if they fucking WAIT and do the simplest job- give people what’s in the manga since you are shitty writers and animate to the best of their capacity. Stop with the excessive fillers that shit on characters and add plot holes to the original work that the author worked so hard on and simply do your god damn job.
A simple example since -ic yall havent noticed ive been wanking the haikyuu!! series a lot lately- you started this rant, lets look at these two animation frames of 2 hinatas, one more superior than the other
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see how the animation literally focuses on one drawing, moving the frame and adding that effect to give the LEAST amount of effort into the animation? Anime is meant to be pretty and fluid, this is literally just MOVING LINES.
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look at this fluid ass eye shot where EVERYTHING is thought out, down to the wind motions moving the hair as he jumps. There is more than one drawing of the eye to give the scene fluidity and even the ‘still’ frames such as his hair are drawn more than once to make them move seamlessly and give them kinetic momentum. The hair moves with the wind and the eye focuses on the enemy as he moves. Thats an animation.
In fact, further wanking haikyuu!! (and literally any other series with a studio that gives a shit) here is a fun fact: in an animation of orange boys eyes, they are made to move with MULTIPLE different drawings, as much as SIXTY different drawings for an animation that lasts less than 5 seconds…and then when the studio goes into one drawing animations they make sure to add movements, shadings and vibrant backgrounds to still make everything look appeasing to the eye and fluid. Compare that to SP who do one drawing FULL BODY frames and do their best to avoid spending time and money to yield results that are as beautiful as THIS
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In that jump scene the camera angle and fade out is literally just made to symbolize one of the characters view of the match as he is so absorbed into giving the jumping kid the ball and is so singularly focused on the ball…this goes FULL circle (yes they even kept that much attention to detail in mind) when the match is then shown in an objective manner for the audience with the camera angle showing us the height of his jump and it shaking to show us the impact of it all and then fades out again because orange kid is focusing as he spikes the ball…it’s literally a beautiful piece of animation. They went as far as animating an exaggerated idealized CORRECT and accurate to real life volleyball pose..the attention to detail pays off immensely. 
Even when on a budget, anime is the art of animation..the entire genre of media is based on aesthetic animation. Every shading, shadow, camera angle given by the director, frame and drawing makes a huge difference to the visual story telling aspect of the story. SP not only fucks up the basic definition of an anime but they ALSO add their shitty writing to top it off. 
sorry for the rant omg I went off on a tangent.
What about you? What do yall think?
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Shanghai Ramblings
Since Tumblr is blocked here and I basically have no contact with anyone at a reasonable hour
Jiejie left today for home and I really wanted to go home with her because I’m really missing the nice weather back at home and all the comforts that come with it. Chinese is still v rusty and not v good but it’s enough to communicate with the relatives, but I’m no where near the confidence needed to speak to outsiders, so idk how work is gonna go. Also I’m p sure Netflix is blocked here but I really wanna stream pacific rim bc it was actually a p good science fiction movie
Woke up around 10am and had a lazy start to the day until the aunt and uncle took me out to see the old Shanghai buildings back in the day called 石库门, and then to a bigger, more modern and much more crowded version of Santana Row called 南京路 and it was really fun bc we walked all the way down to the river and saw the skyline and it was fuckin beautiful and it would’ve been nicer if the weather was better and there were less ppl but it was cool nonetheless. i also showed them the inside of a giant forever 21 and bought a rly cheap pair of aviators(china sizes are much smaller than American ones) so I just decided to get them since they were cheap, even though the material prob isn’t the best. And then we went and ate a vegetarian place that wasn’t that great but wasn’t bad either. Drove through downtown Shanghai and had a p fun convo w the aunt and uncle about my mom’s past dating life and talked some shit about my dad and his fam so that was p fun :) overall it was a good day!
Forgot to update, oops. The weekend went by gloriously, in which I slept till 11 in the morning both days. Unfortunately tomorrow I have to wake up at 7 again :(, but this time only for 4 days since I get Friday off, and then Saturday I’m flying back to the land of blue sky, white clouds, excellent air quality, and excellent weather! Today was a good day though, bought myself a pair of superstars for only 180 RMB($25!!)three (fake, but decent quality) brand name wallets, gag gifts for Kimia and Nathan, and a nice necklace for jiejie and earrings for her as well. I don’t really wanna go back to work tmr, I just don’t wanna wake up early, and calling ppl is v tedious, and I’m just gonna pretend that I forgot I was supposed to sit next to jade these next four days because sitting next to her means that I actually can’t slack off and take a couple breaks here and there :/ yikes. Got hooked on a lotr pic about thranduil and his wife and Jesus Christ why do I get attached so easily. Been feeling really nostalgic and just wanting to read good books for a long time while listening to easy go acoustic. Also wanting to go home but not wanting school to start because where tf did summer go? Also staying in Asia made me fat and my self esteem lower because wow all the girls here have thin legs and weigh next to nothing and a big part is just genetics but also just them not eating and me gaining weight hasn’t helped and I just ;asldkfsakld. I just wanna get back to 102 where I had a nice jawline and a relatively thin waist like is that too much to ask(it sounds super shallow and superficial and fatshaming but ever since junior year ended and i gained a lot of weight i’ve been feeling really sluggish and not good so this is v much for my mental health). Also I rly wanna just start running again when I get home but school… so yea lots of conflicting emotions at work and part of it is just teenage angst but another big part is anxiety and low self-esteem!! Also I miss social media, even though I am appreciating this break, or a detox as Kimia called it, albeit it wasn’t wanted, but I guess needed? I do miss Tumblr a lot tho. And snapchat, I miss snap a lot. Ok well now I gotta sleep otherwise I’m never gonna wake up early enough shit 
Dont rly remember what I was gonna write, but I think this was the point where i and the other interns started warming up to each other
Wow the last day came a lot quicker than I expected. Funny how I was wishing for this internship to end just last week. Had a small farewell party that was p fun, and then went out to karaoke with the interns. Had to leave early bc the aunt smh otherwise I totally woulda gotten smashed with them until like 11 :( that would’ve been fun. I doubt I’m ever gonna see them again, or at least see all of them in one place again, but hopefully some of them visit California and hit me up! That would be p fun. Overall this was a p great experience, despite my angst and general negativity due to the weather here. They’re a fun bunch of people, and heavily remind me of people back home, and I know that even though I’ve only been around them for two weeks, I’ll still be v fond of this experience. At the same time I can’t wait to go home. What a paradox.
Annoyed at aunt bc for a lot of reasons, but mostly for rude moments and ���man-womansplaining” ugh. Also while I’m super glad to go back home, I really don’t want school to start. I just wanna go home and sleep for two more weeks and ignore college apps. Music is keeping me alive, and also missing the interns bc I’m too sentimental for my own good.
Waiting in the airport rn, w no wifi :( lines for security and immigration were super long so I don't have to wait long to board, but it would've been nice to have wifi and talk w friends before flying off. So ready to land in SF and catch up three weeks of social media loss and remind everyone that I'm still alive haha. 
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poppymadness · 7 years
do all of the place emojis u pansy
would’ve been gone in the void if you didn’t just stalk my blog god. grateful, because there’s nothing to do. ungrateful, because you’re a week (?) late.
🚢: does the idea of the sea provide you with a feeling of comfort or worry?
…both? it makes me uneasy in a semi-comforting way.
🎡: @ seven of your fave mutuals that you’d love to go to a fair with
seven…? lol. i mean i could, because there’s some cool mutuals i’ve never really talked to but i don’t have the guts. so here’s the obv people: @naturalpeaches @alwaysdrowninginfeels @sushiforatsushi @dreamingoflavender sorry ya guys are just being randomly tagged – alsO DAISY AND ALI MISS YA U STUPID FUCKS ALWAYS BEIN GONE
🎢: what’s the best ride you’ve ever been on?
…? it’s been so long… i did really enjoy the tower of terror in hollywood studios though (it’s the first one that i remembered sooo)
🎠: if you had to describe your aesthetic, what would you describe it as?
omg? all i know is it would be a mess of things because i’m a mess. it would not be a pleasing aesthetic, just chaotic.
🏗: what’s your preferred method of dealing with stress?
methods to deal with stress? what a joke, i just ignore everything. i guess what i do semi a lot but haven’t really done recently is just blare music in my earbuds because i’m clearly not afraid of going deaf.
🌁: what’s your idea of horribleness?
kinda odd question? the phrasing is throwing me off. but i don’t know? i’ll just go with feeling lonely for now because i don’t know that sucks. - insert shrug emoticon because i’m too lazy rn - 
🗼: what’s one thing you’ve learned to take as a warning sign in any type of relationship?
if i don’t have a voice in any type of relationship that person can get the fuck out of my vicinity, thanks.
🏭: would you consider yourself short tempered or even tempered?
i am nothing but short tempered i kinda love to argue whoops.
⛲️: what’s your ideal dream date?
ashley i’m thinking of a stupid old ass thing you wrote with bellamy before wow i’m stupid - so i’m gonna go with visiting a wolf sanctuary where you’re allowed to interact with them because uH
🎑: city apartment or country house?
simply going with country just because i want to live in a house rather than an apartment
⛰: if you could go on a road trip with just one of your faves who would it be?
what type of faves are we talking about lmao. my obvious choice is kiyoshi, duh. (and magiano)
🏔: long drives or long walks?
DRIVES. i wouldn’t mind a long walk either tbh but long drives are everything so.
🗻: what are your favourite genres of music?
mainly rock and alternative.
🌋: what’s something that pisses you off as soon as you hear even a mention of it?
i get so pissed off i don’t really remember what can instantly piss me off aha. 
🗾: a lone soldier? a social butterfly? or both?
i’m gonna shockingly go with both because if someone makes me comfortable i can be a chatterbox but otherwise i’m the person in the back of the room observing everyone else so.
🏕: if you were asked to go on a camping trip with whoever you want, would you?
i mean, sure? i was expecting it to ask who it would be with.
⛺️: does being without wifi actually worry you?
for the most part, i guess.
🏞: what are your top six essentials you must carry with you at all times?
six is kinda a lot for me. uh… earbuds to listen to music, my phone to provide the music, it’s not necessarily carrying but i prefer to wear something with pockets because it’s more comforting for me to have my hands in pockets ya ok cool, my permit/future driver’s license are pretty essential i guess but i never carry my permit so this spot is a lie, i feel future me would be the type of person to make sure she has a pen so, and oH my phone charger for long trips ok. this was such bs smh.
🌅: are you a morning bird or a night owl?
night owl.
🌄: are you a planner or a improviser?
a planner, i plan to improvise if i improvise lmao.
🏜: if deserted, what’s one thing you’d want to be with you more than anything?
some type of trusty animal by my side whether small or large. (i just said what first to came to mind so ok)
🏖: do you believe in mermaids?
🏝: how do you feel about islands?
??? i don’t have a feeling about islands.
🌇: what are your thoughts on ‘city life’?
depending, i don’t think it’d be too horrible.
🌆: do you get homesick easily?
kinda?? i get homesick really easily 1-2 days away from home if i’m like at a friends house or something but it’s different when i stay at a hotel or i’m out of state and stuff like that.
🏙: what’s the capital city of the country you’re from?
washington, d.c. (wow i wonder what country i’m from)
🌃: how does politics make you feel?
uneasy?? since i don’t know shit about it.
🌉: in your opinion, what’s the biggest obstacle one can face?
i feel like i haven’t gone through enough Life to answer this lol.
🌌: how do you feel about god?
🌠: if you were allowed three wishes, what would they be?
uuuh, for this time and day i’ll just say they’d all be for ashley.
🎇: if you could create a day to be celebrated e.g. christmas or eid, what would it be and what would it be celebrating?
Ashber Day, a day to celebrate the relationship between a specific amber and ashley. (couldn’t take this one seriously)
🎆: do you admire spontaneity or does it annoy you?
i admire it but in some cases it can annoy me so it’s really all up to the person.
🌈: what are your thoughts on ‘love’?
i don’t know. just that it comes in many forms.
🏘: if you could, would you change your upbringing?
…maybe? i’m not sure.
🏰: to you, what’s the most magical place on earth?
well, 1) i currently don’t view any place as magical and 2) i don’t know earth well enough to even make that decision.
🏯: if you could move to any country of your choice, which would it be?
canada or england i guess but i don’t think i’ll move out of america so.
🏟: if you could erase one person from your memory, would you?
i feel i would on impulse and that me wouldn’t regret it but the me typing this response would so.
🗽: who’s your role model? or what qualities do you think are looking-up-to worthy?
no model but i think honesty, staying true to yourself and keeping an open mind are the qualities i most look up to.
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