thechocobros · 6 years
Someone had the gall to claim that Lunafreya got more agency in her short time in XV than Kairi did in years. Thoughts?
WaitWaitWait! Kairi was written badly, but really not THAT badly
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skip-beat-manga · 6 years
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Skip Beat Confession:
I wonder how Kyoko will handle knowing that her fairy prince is none other than Kuon. It's also interesting to know her reaction when she figures out that the reason why she had an epiphany about Kuu's reaction in chapter 107 as something she felt she had seen somewhere is because of the resemblance Kuon (Ren) have with his father now that he's an adult.
by  kyoandyuya
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blossattic · 5 years
kyoandyuya replied to your photo “Etro �� Guiding myself with the artwork and the logo from the game....”
That's not even Luna originally, just a retcon.
Hey! It's alright, even if that's not the “original” Luna the concept is really good in my opinion :)
Live the story however you wish. It’s fiction after all.
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enigmaphenomenon · 6 years
Do you think it's odd why the draft of Versus is never revealed despite the game already out for a year or so now? We never know how Stella was supposed to be and how the story would've turned out. Do you think that SE may have plans to recycle Versus concept in a completely different game and Stella's original role along with it?
I know a little bit about the original concept. I can’t say exactly how accurate it is though but this is what I’ve heard about the original concept for FF versus. 
Noctis and Stella were platonic. Stella wasn’t the love interest and when she was scrapped and Luna replaced her, Luna was set as the love interest. 
Stella and Noctis talked frequently over cell phone. This was changed to a notebook between Noctis and Luna because Tabata felt it was more romantic. 
Stella had a near death experience like Noctis did and thus allowed her to see souls return to the kingdom of the dead and granted her special powers. 
Stella’s powers were similar to Noctis’, but hers were gold while Noctis’ was blue. 
I also heard rumors that in the original concept it was implied Stella had been raped, and that both Noctis and Stella were on a drug to help them both sleep, hence all the “Sleep” names in FF15 like Somnus and Insomnia. 
Ironically, Luna was added because the developers didn’t want a “passive heroine” and they didn’t want her to just be a damsel in distress who sits around waiting to be saved, but what we got was a heroine with barely any screentime doing behind the scenes stuff. 
I would have liked Stella to have been kept, but as Luna’s twin sister and Stella could have easily been put in Ravus’ role I think. Plus I think it’d be cool to have Stella maybe like...pretend to be Luna to trick Noctis or to aid Luna or whatever. 
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bitchy-peachy · 6 years
I didn't know that emotional abuse against children is still pretty rampant in there. Did the government ever acted against this? Though knowing Trump....
I don't know about the US since I'm currently living in PR, but here in PR (that is an US commonwealth which means a lot of the similar laws. It's just that nobody gives a shit), some teachers even snap hitting and cussing out kids over nothing. (they just come to work in a bad mood and take it out on the kids). There's been a couple of public scandals about it too and since a lot of kids now have cellphones some teachers are wising up (or taking away their cellphones, tho some months back a kid that had his phone taken did bring in a voice recorder to record the verbal abuse).If people working with kids can't behave themselves, then maybe the job is not for them and they should fuck off. (My daughter has a phone now and knowing her, she's bound to record something. Plus her school doesn't have anything against using phones as long as they don't interrupt class and the kid isn't messing with it during class hours so if a bitchy abusive professor takes it, she can file a complaint or even better, bring in a voice recorder cos that other teacher that got busted got fired. It was multiple recordings compiled for weeks. The parents and principal that didn't know were pissed)I guess it can all really depends on the location and other staff in charge.
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dark-aqua · 6 years
What can you say about Luna now that the game is out?
My thoughts on Luna are mostly good but I have to say that I was kinda disappointed.
I think that Luna definitely did have potential however the lack of screen time, especially compared to the main party, was simply not enough. The game centers around Noct and almost every character in the game is there to serve him and Luna is no exception.
And as much as I love Noctluna, I wanted to see more of her character outside of Noctis. I wanted to see her interacting more with Ravus, or her past where she was a prisoner of Niflheim and how she had to deal with that. There was a part in one of the trailers where she was violently thrown to the ground when she was a child. It could be possible that she was abused by Niflheim and, as uncomfortable as the subject is, something like that could have added more to her character. It could explain why she is an Oracle, because she was coerced into the role by Niflheim and therefore had no say in the matter.
And because Luna was meant to be Stella’s replacement for main heroine, I’d still say that Stella left more of an impression but I don’t want to talk about that because I’m just going to start ranting if I do.
The fact that Luna’s getting a DLC is fantastic. I can’t wait for it but I feel like she’s mostly going to be talking about how she wants to see Noctis and be reunited with him. I love XV, but the writers for the game do a shoddy job when it comes to writing the female characters. 
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elegiesforshiva · 6 years
Give ♡ this ♡ to ♡ the ♡ twelve ♡ nicest ♡ people ♡ you ♡ know ♡ if ♡ you ♡ get ♡ five ♡ back ♡ you ♡ must ♡ be ♡ perfect ♡ !!
AAAAAAaaaaahhhhh ❤❤❤  thank youuu
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sheyul · 6 years
Nakita mo na ba ang isa pa sa beki speak? Ni-reblog ko yon. Tingnan mo lang sa reblogs ko. Nakakatawa din yon.
oo jusq ang sakit na ng panga ko!!! ‘’MGA HALIPAROT’’ asgsddkfhfkhkjhl  HAHAHAHAHA
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niuniente · 7 years
Thank you for your initial response. May I ask once again about how Tabata bashed Stella so hard and stated there's no reason to talk about her anymore yet talks about her again somewhat positively? This came with the belief that there are some members of the development team who were still loyal to Nomura's ideas and probably the reason why he retracted his bashing to her somewhat.
What I heard about Stella/Luna debate in SE, coming from the source which leaked FFXV’s plot 6 months before game release; Stella was ditched and Lunafreya was taken in because they just needed some blonde chick to replace Stella. It was never stated WHY they removed Stella, as we can see her in the game art when the game has already changed to FFXV (and she was also going to appear in Kingsglaive).So, my own guess is that it might have been just a way to market Lunafreya. Like “Oh, Stella was useless, Luna here is much better”. In reality, the leaked source said that NO ONE in the team knew what to do with Luna or her relationship with Noctis. They basically pulled everything out from their asses in a super horrible haste. Stella had honestly more role, potential and plot in the Versus trailers than poor Luna had in whole FFXV >____>   She was supposed to be the enemy nation princess (possibly princess) having some sort of positive relationship with Noctis. They also shared an ability to see the Light of The Goddess Etro, which you could see if you had a near-death experience. Harvesting the power of this ability would need a sacrifice of someone you loved. There was a clear hint of romance or endearment there, but in the end Noctis and Stella would need to fight each other. Just for the sake of the crystal and Noctis’s nation being the one who abuses everyone and everything with the last surviving Crystal. Versus was supposed to be dark and challenging, basing on Shakespear’s Hamlet and Romeo & Juliet.
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(This is a scene from the trailer where Stella and Noctis get ready to fight each other)
In FFXV poor Lunafreya was such a wasted potential. I mean, if the team was leaded well, they could have written a great political romance! An arranged marriage with people who have met each others only once as kids to save their nations from war; a bride who is 24 while the groom is just 20; a bride who was taken in Nilfheim against her will and abused (this was removed from the game) - would she had rebelled against Nilfheim or the marriage or both? Would they have gone against both Niflheim and Lucis and started their own nation to end the war? If events of Versus and Omen Trailer were to happen, would Luna been set against her groom / husband while he slips in the dark side in order to stop him? Or would she had followed him? Would she had taken the marriage with Noctis as a relieve or just as a role to follow whether she wanted or not, a role which was ordered for her by the same people who abused her since childhood?I mean, SO MANY OPTIONS AND POSSIBILITIES. All gone.
There’s a petition going on with a wish that Versus XIII’s story could be released as an alternative reality version for the story of FFXV. (Name could be something like Final Fantasy XV Versus)  Not to replace the game but continue it, in a different settings, in a different timeline (just like how The Omen Trailer is canonically a different FFXV timeline). That we would get more story to play with the characters we love and those who waited for Versus XIII for 10 years - or were disappointed when all FFXV trailer contents were cut out from the final product - would finally be able to play the story as it was supposed to be before money and bad team management issues hit the production.Possible Luna DLC will not d0 much, as the whole game should be rewritten to make some sense. 
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madara-fate · 7 years
kyoandyuya replied to your post
“As you know, there are rumours that Sasuke or Naruto might be killed...”
Sakura's most likely to be the one approached first, not Shikamaru, as it is her who is part of the new Sannin and the stronger of the two.
Apologies for making this a separate post, but I had a bit to say about this.
Strength has never been a deciding factor when determining a Kage’s successor. If that were the case, then Killer Bee would have been chosen to be the 5th Raikage, but instead, Darui was chosen, and for good reason.
What matters is how good of a leader you’re deemed to be, and Darui was obviously held in very high esteem in this regard, as he was chosen to be the Commander of the First Division during the War, a position on par with Kakashi  (Commander of the Third Division), who would of course also go onto be appointed Hokage after the war.
Not only is Shikamaru a very well respected and prestigious shinobi just like Sakura is, but he has also been praised for his leadership skills on numerous occasions, he’s had several experiences of leading his own squad (including being named the Proxy Commander of the Fourth Division during the War, serving directly under Gaara), but he’s also already directly involved with this political line of work by being the Hokage’s right hand man.
Just like Tobirama was before being named 2nd Hokage
Just like Shamon was before being named 2nd Kazekage
Just like Muu was before being named 2nd Tsuchikage
Just like A was before being named 2nd Raikage
Just like Kurotsuchi was before being named 4th Tsuchikage
Just like Darui was before being named 5th Raikage
Just like Chojuro was before being named 6th Mizukage
And so on and so forth.
That’s why I strongly think that Shikamaru would be considered first. Because while both he and Sakura both have the required credentials for the position, Shikamaru has always been more closely associated with the title.
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thechocobros · 6 years
Wanna try your hand cracking the Nameless Star?
My money’s on: 
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skip-beat-manga · 6 years
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Skip Beat Confession:
It's really funny how Kyoko and Ren spiritually created children in the form of the 53,336 fairies in chapter 181, as unintentional as it is.
by kyoandyuya
Send us your confession!
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cryoftheplanet · 7 years
I've been thinking about this but I can't really fully explore since I didn't play the game. It's the idea of a foil between Jenova and Aerith. I feel like there's a connection between the two that wasn't fully explored or explained like that of Sephiroth's and Tifa's. May I request your own input on them?
Pardon the delayed answer here!
I think I see more of a connection between Jenova and Ifalna. They’re the last remaining players in an ancient conflict that their children inherit. They’re both fairly mysterious mother figures who we have very little information about personally. Also, we know they are in contact with their children, but that relationship is imperceptible to us and everyone else around them - they’re strong influences on some of the most pivotal events of the game that are kept entirely outside of what we’re privvy to. Kind of an interesting parallel.
I’d definitely recommend giving the game a shot, by the way!
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enigmaphenomenon · 6 years
Do you ever wonder why recent appearances Tifa have almost always favor her AC outfit? I mean, they could've chosen to use her OG outfit in mobius but did not. Do you think it is meant to anticipate her original look in the remake?
Yeah, I think the reason we’ve been getting her AC outfit over her OG one is because of the Remake. SE wants to be the ones to unveil Tifa in her OG outfit in HD. 
I will admit though, Tifa being in her AC outfit and still being popular really kills the shit out of “She’s only popular because boobs and her clothes” 
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bascojinn · 7 years
How strong was Stella supposed to be prior to her removal?
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Hi! Strong in terms of power? I think Stella was as strong as Noctis since Versus XIII followed idea of equally gifted Prince and Princess on opposite sides. But I can’t say what exact abilities she had. Versus XIII was part of FNC mythology, so characters were different from their current incarnations (remember how BAMF was Nomura’s Noct?). We know that she used magic rapier as weapon and she could see “light of expired souls” whatever it means. 
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hinastalker · 7 years
Hello! Can you give me stalking Hinata pics along with the chapters they are found? Someone actually claimed she didn't stalk Naruto. Please let them see the light.
@anti-hinata has them mate. oh and hinastalker just search stalk/stalking on it. 
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