#my sinuses hate me right now and i cant stop crying
purplehoodiesimon · 2 years
hand holding 19
touch 17
(I loved writing for these prompts thank you💜💜💜)
Hand holding 19. playing with each other's fingers. Touching 17. holding the other's chin up
(I was crying so hard writing the first one that I couldn't write another drabble so I just went back and worked in holding the other's chin)
Watching his fiancé (soon to be husband) approach their wedding alter might be the single happiest moment of Wille's life. They insisted on the alter being centered in the room, he and Simon approaching from opposite sides to meet in the middle. It's a small arch, decorated with flowers and ribbons, framing Simon as he walks in time with the music. He's beautiful, sending little butterflies and drips of honey through Wille's chest, warm love radiating from every atom of his being. As Wilhelm steps up onto the slightly raised platform, he can see the same immense joy and love he's feeling reflected in Simon's eyes.
And a second later, he decides watching Simon approach actually wasn't the single happiest moment of his life. It's every moment he spends with Simon—the idea that he could choose just one seems insane when Simon makes him feel like this.
"Hi," Simon breathes as they meet on the alter, staring at him with such awe and love that it has Wille's eyes stinging. "Hur mår du?"
"Fuck, I love you," Wille chokes out in response, wiping away the tears falling down his face. It's a small ceremony, one they're holding with just their friends at Felice's house the day before their big royal wedding. She has the most living room space. Speaking of her—Wille can see in the corner of his eye Felice and Ayub exchanging money, Felice whispering a quiet 'Hah! I told you he'd cry first.' He loves the little family they've built over the years.
"Alright." Madison shakes her robes out, the thousand little bells and beads on them jingling as she does. "You may not be legally married until tomorrow but I did get ordained online just for this so let's get this shit rolling. You may take each other's hands."
Wille's not sure which of them reached first, but it doesn't really matter. Simon's hands are in his and it feels like coming home. He can't take his eyes off Simon as they stand there, fingers linked.
"Thank you to everyone in attendance for getting out of bed and coming my girlfriend's lovely house today," Madison starts, clapping her hands together. "Now tomorrow you're going to have to sit through half an hour of Bible shit, but today is a fun celebration. These two are finally tying the knot. Marriage is..."
Wille tunes her out as she talks about commitment and partnership, and the journey they've taken to get here. Simon is stunning in the lavender suit he picked out, contrasting Wille's own navy blue one. He squeezes Simon's hands, trying to convey through touch every little flutter of his heart that Wille feels looking at him. Simon sniffs, squeezing back and nodding slightly, as if to silently say, I know. I feel it too.
Simon stretches up on his toes, untangling their fingers for a second to grab Wille's chin and pull him into a quick, chaste kiss. A new wave of joyful tears starts to roll down Wille's cheeks as he leans into it, Simon's fingers strong and firm but soft and sweet as they hold his jaw. He can't believe they're here, getting married.
"Hey!" Madison's voice interrupts them, Simon pulling back as Wille chases Simon's lips. "You're not supposed to do that yet." Wille gives her an apologetic smile, Simon blushing slightly as their friends laugh at them. Madison sighs fondly and throws her hands up, saying, "Alright fine, we'll move on to vows before you jump each other in front of us. Wilhelm, you go first."
Wille takes a deep breath, hating public speaking enough that just this has him nervous, and lifts their joined hands, unlacing their fingers to draw lazy patterns on Simon's palm as he talks. "You are the love of my life Simon. And when we were looking at vows, I hated all of them because they kept saying that I promise from now to do this and I promise from now to do that. We don't start today. We started years ago. I don't promise from this day forward to regard you as my partner and my friend, I don't promise from this day forward to comfort you in sickness and in health. You have always been both my partner and my closest friend. And we had some fuck ups in the beginning but since I worked my shit out, I have always comforted you and looked after you. I have always loved you and I always will. This isn't a new beginning for us. This is simply the next chapter. And as I have since the beginning of our story, and will to the last page, I love you, so much."
"I can't follow that." Simon half laughs half sobs, fruitlessly attempting to wipe away the stream of tears on his cheeks. Wille chuckles, reaching up to wipe away some of Simon's tears too, hating the sight of him crying even for the happiest reason. "Fuck Wille, I love you too." He plays with Wille's fingers for a second before shaking his head. "Yea, fuck. I just love you so much. Maddie can I kiss him now?"
"Well we are supposed to do—and okay I guess we're doing kissing now. By the power vested in me by getordained.org I pronounce you husband and husband, you may keep kissing. Everyone, you may applaud now, I present to you His Royal Highness Prince Wilhelm he-doesn't-have-a-legal-last-name-so-we'll-just-say-Eriksson and Mr. Simon Eriksson. Who are still kissing......With a lot of tongue now. Hey guys we're still here, you know."
Send me a number with the list type and I'll write a little drabble for it!
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