#my swtor kids deserve nice things
queen-scribbles · 2 years
One of my guildies was being extremely generous and sharing their abundance of dark projects, so now Tel and Jaaide have joined the Max Influence LI club 😎
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idk much about swtor but i look at ur channel for it like 👀 all the time. swtor for the ask meme 💖
Help you have no idea how hard I laughed trying to type out “eeby deeby” and not immediately say Corso Riggs- BUT ALAS
- blorbo: Call me cheesy for fan content but @ Georgi GS (on YouTube) has a Light-sided Sith Pureblood playing Sith Marauder and man. Man when I tell you I think I fell in love with Xi’thari :notlikerift: I would not be lying. Here’s a link to his master playlist of LS Sith Warrior vids because AAAAAAAAAAAAA — but on that note, looking at my own roster. Methinks that my sniper Darrash Nealev is my current and forever brainrot blorbo because the more I unfold his story the more I (a) make him suffer and (b) make him even cooler!!! It’s a win-win!! Orrrrr we can look at my mercenary Twi’lek dad Unihmawa who immediately adopts Mako because he’s not letting another kid fall into the wrong hands on Hutta the same way he did on Corellia. And the best way he knows to make sure it doesn’t happen is by keeping her close :sniffle:
- scrunkly: oh fuck um. I would have to say Vector Hyllus (Imperial Agent storyline companion) or Vette (Sith Warrior storyline) as far as it goes for NPCs. For my own characters, my Jedi Sage Iminaran is certainly very big and strong and EXTREMELY shaped like a she/he bisexual king so
- scrimblo bimblo: BOY IF I TELL YOU VECTOR SURE IS A SCRIMBLO BIMBLO IF I’VE EVER SEEN ONE but then again I am . largely not apart of the fandom I just sit in the corner with Jesse and Nick and Ollo and Brett and play with my funky little ocs- but “Chance” who is also from the Imperial Agent storyline… he’s got potential. I’ll be nice to this little scrimblo <3
- glup shitto: Chance yet again, Ona Querit or Ta Tigal or Anspi’shel because because because I think they deserve nice lives and second chances and prosperity and and and and and
- poor little meow meow: Malavai Quinn. I haven’t even gotten far enough in the storyline to deal with him but I’ve watched Georgi GS’s playthroughs with Xi’thari and oh my fuck he’s so pathetic. I’m gonna torment him so much.
- horse plinko: Kaliyo Djannis (Imperial Agent storyline companion). Man. She gets on my nerves 98% of the time but I’ll give her credit for introducing me to Anspi’shel, Ta Tigal, “The Menace”/Ona Querit, and probably others I’m missing, because I’m stealing them now >:) uhhhh for other storylines, I already
- eeby deeby: Corso Riggs. Absolutely. 100% go directly to jail do not pass go and do not collect $200. And it’s even funnier because I just KNOW someone out there is gonna be like “oh he’s not that baaaaad” no he absolutely is. He’s a white man w dreads who was sexist to me (my smuggler char, Cathar Darira Tasha, is fem) within the short amount of time I even worked w him aND HE HAD THE NERVE TO COME ON MY SHIP AND SEE MY ACHIEVEMENTS AND ALL OF MY CARGO AND STILL ASK ME “OH DO YOU EVER WANT TO SETTLE DOWN? WHAT’S A PRETTY GIRL LIKE YOU DOING IN THIS BUSINESS? DON’T YOU WANT TO SETTLE DOWN WITH A HUSBAND AND CHILDREN” NO CORSO!!! Darira has enough trying to “win over” her ex wife again whom she was so suddenly reunited with- yes I’m salty abt this
So I’m still!! Very much new to everything and I’m SEEEEEEING so much. I just think very many things. It was so hard not putting like all of the swtor ocs Jesse and I pair off because IT JUST MAKES THE STORYLINES SO COOL WHEN RELATIONSHIPS ARE ADDED YOU KNOW?
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ajoloart · 4 years
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lemme start by saying, i absolutely loved seeing all your characters and their stopries and everything theyre all so neat!! nerding out about ocs’ with others is truely one of life’s greatest joys. and thank you everyone saying all those kind words i cant express how much that meant to me 🥺 🥺 as  some of yous may know i lost my mom recently, and instead of spending the holiday seasons dwelling on it  i got to fill my time getting to know some really cool characters!  💙 💙 💙 these were really fun and we will def have to do this again sometime! i collected these refs in the most chaotic way possible i cant even tell you how many times i had to come back to the notes on my post like “whos kid is this!!” ANYWAY before i start rambling again here we go
@oodlife​ this is a very stylish hunter!! torian is very lucky 💘 i wish them  good fortune and by fortune i mean fortune i hope theyre getting the credits they deserve
@blueburds​ if we had more sith like this fellow the empire might get some more work done 👏 also he has such a LOOK so bonus point to you
@cabalrive​ ahfkgf idk where to even start?? i think he mightve been my favorite to draw.  love this sassy sniper this agent is an 11/10 very spicy. i, too, play a sniper and its the funnest thing. nice tunes, btw 🤘
@queen-scribbles​ what a cutie!! i hope she is having a good day 💚 give her orobird a little smooch for me
@dragonheart-swtor​ lmaooo the peanut gallery. you can really tell how much love youve got for this character and i think thats very heartwarming, ive got some characters that have a special place in my heart too, no way i wasnt drawing this wonderful gal 💕
@empireswraths​ absolutely wonderful and this song is a jam for sure. also thank you for this 👁️👄👁️  bc it made me laugh so hard i will now be using it all the time. i saw you looking at my bounty hunter but this is me looking respectfully at your sith 👁️👄👁️
@outcastcommander she is is serving looks AND attitude and i respect that so much 😡   i hope she and her wife are having a fanttastic day
@sith-shenanigans​ poor inquisitors cannot escape the nonsense can they? i love her description  😂 also  ive seen a bit of your writing and your swtor jokes are very funnny keep up the good work  👌
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thecipherlegacy · 3 years
12 and/or 21 for your choice? ~@dragonheart-swtor
I chose both with Arianness and Noshiir, hope you like it!
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Arianness had spent the day out doing smuggling runs non stop as she waited for Toovee to contact them about her boyfriend's recovery from their last run together. It wasn't life threatening that she knew of, but he had been knocked out for over two days after an escape gone wrong against pirates. He had gotten a hard hit on the noggin and a couple of scrapes after a rough jump into hyperspace and hadn't woken up since. Toovee got the poor man into a kolto tank, but the waiting was the worst part.
"Hey, pinky" chasaadia greeted her captain as she sat up front with her. "How are you holding up?"
"Im fine" the Twi'lek responded. "A little worry won't stop me from making credits. Also, Noshiirs skull is resilient. He'll come through. I know he will. That thick skulls gotta be good for somethin." The captain smiled at her friend, but that weak chuckle was less than convincing.
"You mask your concern with humor." The large nautolan crossed her arms and gave an unamused look. "And you keep your nerves in check by working."
Arianness scoffed "what in the galaxy makes you think that, Red? Suddenly a psychology expert, are ya?" Her curt reply got no answer, so she stayed silent as well. Her hands ran over the steering console and she sighed. At one point she would have been happy to be rid of the man, but so much had changed since then and she missed his stupid jokes and his silly smile. The ship was quiet without the sounds of his tinkering echoing throughout it.
"Talk to me, Ari." Chasaadia demanded in a sisterly tone once the silence became too much. "I'm not some meathead. I know you're upset."
The smaller woman's purple eyes glanced at Chasaadia, then back down at the console. "Do you think he'll be alright? He hit his head pretty hard." Was all she could think to ask. Realistically she knew her friend had the same knowledge of Noshiors condition as she did, but the reassurance was all she needed.
A numbing silence filled the ship, then the nautolan took a deep breath. "I gotta admit, he took a nasty spill, and there was a pretty gnarly amount of blood." This earned her a sharp look. "But, I trust my Toovee with my life, and I sure as hell trust him with Noshiirs. He's in good hands." Despite how her response began, her gentle smile comforted Arianness. The Bounty hunter never was good woth being gentle, so this was surely the best she was going to get.
"Thanks Chassy. I should really put more faith in Toovee. Hes patched us up in much worse circumstances. Im sure Noshiir will be okay... I just need to not think about it"
The other womans large hand pat Arianness's shoulder "Then let's go make some credits. Toovee will call when that bonehead wakes up."
With a nod, the captain jumped to hyperspace to go to their drop off on Tattooine. Right out of the spaceport there were Jawas swarming to try and trade, which the Captain denied and Chasaadia threatened if they got too close or too rowdy. Couldn't risk the shipment being stolen or damaged.
Both women kept some wraps over their heads to avoid the heat in any way they could until they made it to the Cantina, where they finally met up with their contact, who looked seedy, but had the credits.
"Alright so you can count it. All the blasters and stims you ordered are in there." Arianness said. As the man counted, her communicator began to go off. "Chasaadia, take over for a sec." She stated before getting up and answering the call. Toovee was a relief to see. "Oh thank the force- how is Noshiir?-"
"I am pleased to tell you that he is awake and functional. He still needs rest, but everything seems to be in order, so whenever you're ready to come home-"
"We'll see you soon!" Arianness grinned from ear to ear before hanging up "He's awake, Chassy! Lets go!" She called and rushed out of the cantina before getting any response.
"He hasn't paid!" The hunter argued and watched the younger woman leave with a grunt.
"Well, guess I dont gotta pay, then" the client smirked, but was quick to change his mind when a blaster was shoved against his nose.
By the time the Nautolan was back on the ship, her captain was already getting it started up and ready to go. "So,what happened to 'a little worry won't stop me from making credits'?" She asked with a frown. "You almost didn't get paid for that shipment."
"I lied. C'mon, red. You knew that" Arianness said woth a shrug. "Now strap in. We're going home."
"Im taking a bigger cut from this one, you idiot." Chasaadia sighed again and sat down beside her "and I mean that in the most loving way."
Those purple eyes looked at her playfully as they left the space station. "I know. And you deserve it, take what you want."
This surprised the hunter,but she decided not to mention it. Arianness used to care more about a missed score or being ripped off. Her love for the zabrak had changer her priorities for the better.
The ride home was relatively quiet as Arianness was so focused on getting there fast. The moment they entered the atmosphere of Alderaan she was practically buzzing with joy.
"I've never seen you like this" Chasaadia finally said. "So happy. Its nice."
The captains cheeks flushed bashfully "oh- thanks Chassy... I'm just relieved he's okay- I mean... aren't you excited to see Toovee?" She asked as the ship was brought in to land in their hangar.
"Of course I am." The other scoffed. "But you're like a little kid on life day."
Arianness huffed and shut off the engines "I'm just... going to be happy to see him walking around again, you know?... it was my carelessness that caused his injury. I could have lost him, kinda puts things into perspective. Helps me appreciate what we have even more."
There was a brief silence, then Chasaadia chuckled fondly and stood up. "Sap." Was all she said as she walked to the airlock.
"Hey!" Arianness frowned and followed her "shut up."
They stepped off the ship to see Toovee waiting for them. He was instantly fretting over Chasaadia, as he always did after their runs. The Twi'lek waved to him as she rushed up to the medical bay, where Noshiir was standing up on shaky legs.
She smiled at the sight, but also worried since she knew he probably shouldn't have been walking yet. "And what are you doing out of bed, mister?" Her tone was like a mothers as she approached him to look the poor man over. He had fresh bandages on his head and stomach and a few bruises on his red skin. His hair was up in a messy bun, leaving some of it hanging over the right side of his face. Despite it all, Noshiir looked up at her and gave her that million credit smile.
"Damn... youre a sight for sore eyes, Captain." He said. "When Toovee said y'all were coming home i thought I'd greet you but... uh... yeah I only made it this far."
She sighed and put his hands on her hips "Put your weight on me, can't have you falling and hitting your head again, you goof" Arianness chuckled a little and held his face in her palms softly. "Nice to see those blue eyes again..." she brushed the strands of hair from his face and curled it behind his ear. "Im so sorry you got so hurt... I should've been more careful."
His brows knotted "What? Darlin.... this wasn't your fault, shit happens. I'm just grateful to be up and looking at your pretty mug again" he argued. The captain frowned and her pink cheeks tinted red.
"You flatterer." Came yet another sigh. "I love you.... never scare me like that again"
His weight shifted so their foreheads touched. "I love you too, but no promises. You know I'm accident prone."
Arianness snickered. There was truth to his words. He was clumsy and definitely drew attention in a fight. She gently guided his head lower to kiss his brow. "Then lay back down, clutz. I'll get you some lunch, I'm sure you're famished"
He smiled and relaxed into her touch before doing as he was told "Once I'm all fed maybe you can just.. lay with me a while?" He asked. The twi'lek smiled back at him and gave a small nod.
"I'd love nothing more."
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teaandinanity · 3 years
Uncommon character asks! For OC of your choice: 4, 8, 27, or 32 and E!
I am having so much trouble choosing. Maybe I'll make a table and make rng choose for me. Because if I do Everyone this will be just. SO long. I have in fact made a table. Why do I have so many OCs.
Also this is So Long anyway because even with RNG's assistance I couldn't limit myself reasonably and have instead done three characters per question. Since I am not a COMPLETE monster, this is going under a cut.
4. How easy is it to earn their trust?
For this one we got Ionavyr (SWtOR Agent), Ameneth Lavellan (DAI Inquisitor), and Valeriya (7KPP Widow).
Ionavyr thinks she is too trusting, in spite of the fact that I'm pretty sure she actually and truly trusts like. Three people. Most of the time her idea of 'trust' is actually just 'I am fairly sure I understand what makes this person tick and am confident in my ability to leverage that.' But also she was too nice a person for the job she had, so I'm glad I let her fuck off to raise a kid with one of the three people she trusts instead of hauling her through more main story campaign. She did not deserve that. Neither did Hylira but Hylira has Protagonist in her DNA so she gets it anyway.
Ameneth has a complicated relationship with trust, because she is an elf mage who wandered around Thedas alone. She tends to assume everyone who does not have pointed ears wants her dead or imprisoned or made tranquil, but she also wants to like people and would love to be wrong about those things. So like. She's curious and friendly even as she's scoping out escape routes in case things go south. And there are a lot more escape routes available when one rides around on a very devoted war hart, and she's entirely willing to smash someone upside the head with her staff or a convenient rock even if her magic gets blocked. So like, her general thing is 'I would love to trust you! Please prove yourself worth trusting and allow 6-8 months for me to relax.'
Valeriya thinks most people are selfish assholes and has spent a lot of time trying to be one herself because she thought it was necessary to her survival. This is why Lyon said he believed her and her response was that Persona 'this character will now die for you' meme. Honestly, though, she's a pretty darn good judge of character and when she encounters someone who strikes her as Genuinely Good she does tend to trust that, even if she's also like 'oh my god, stop it, you're vulnerable like that, how am I supposed to protect you if you paint targets on all your weak points????'
8. What were they told to stop/start doing most often as a child?
Hestrel Mahariel (DA), Tash'saarai (SWtOR Knight), Isonne (WoW Demon Hunter)
Hestrel was generally quiet and well-behaved in the way typical of traumatized kids who desperately want to avoid having people get mad at them. She had to be prompted to interact with other children up until she glommed on to Tamlen, whereupon she had to be told repeatedly to stop following him into trouble (and, sometimes, to stop taking blame for the trouble everyone knew had Not been her idea).
Asha's grandmother mostly told her to stop levitating the droids and upsetting the livestock.
Isonne was asked repeatedly to stop using her magic to torment her older brother. And to stop sewing the collars of his shirts together so he'd get stuck.
27. What causes them to feel dread?
Rowena Hawke (DA2), Valeriya (again, huh), Winter Caffrey (TWC)
Rowena is terrified of failing her family. So like. She has not been having a good few decades.
Valeriya panics at the sound of footsteps outside her door, or the creak of a stair. An empty pantry. A certain smile she once saw on the Queen of Revaire right before an acquaintance was found dead, and which she sometimes catches echoes of in Gisette's face. She's also afraid of public speaking but she thinks that's a very stupid fear when she has so many other things to be afraid of.
Winter feels very weak and breakable in the new world she's found herself in and it makes her want to kick evil in the shins hard enough to break her foot. She's always been quite confident in her ability to take care of herself and losing that scares her even if she pastes sarcasm and jokes over the top of it.
32. Do they have a go-to story in conversation? Or a joke?
Thenali (PoE Watcher), Ameneth (again), Calanthia (7KPP Widow)
None of my characters have jokes because the only thing I am good at is puns.
Thenali (while in the Dyrwood) likes to tell stories about fish because she was raised in the Deadfire and pretty much everyone assumes she is making up ridiculous lies about dolphins and marlin and giant squid, but they totally believe her about the hydra.
Ameneth tends to listen more than she talks, but if she's around younger elves, she loves to get some genuine storytelling on; Alidda of Halamshiral is a favorite of hers.
Calanthia is very good at remembering gossip, so she'll usually try to tailor something to her audience - harmless stories about people her listener knows moderately well and will find amusing.
E. Are they someone you would get along with? Would they get along with you?
I'm just gonna go with the crew who came up here:
Ionavyr and I would not have a clue what to do with each other. She's tired. She does not want to have to talk to strangers.
I'd find Ameneth fascinating but I don't think she'd have a whole lot of use for me.
Valeriya and I could conceivably get to that 'nice introvert hangout where neither party speaks for 2 hours' space if we gave it time, I think.
Hestrel and I getting along honestly depends where she is in her story, because for an awful lot of it she is desperately unhappy and needs a friend and also a hug. I would be happy to offer her a friend and also a hug, so that might work out.
Tash'saarai is a person-shaped golden retriever with kickass space wizard powers who would be entirely willing to yeet me across a field. We would get along like a house on fire, possibly with an equivalent amount of property damage and personal injury.
Isonne doesn't really do 'liking people' that much anymore.
Rowena, like Hestrel, needs a sympathetic ear and a hug, and she's a lot more inclined to accept both of those things.
Winter is a ridiculous person and I like her a lot, I would love to hang out with Winter and make stupid puns. She's inclined to like people in general. Honestly of everyone on this list I think she's the one I'd get along with best.
Thenali is a sweet creampuff, so while I'm not sure we'd have a lot to say to each other, I imagine the interaction would be pleasant enough.
Calanthia likes everyone, pretty much, and she's good at carrying the conversation. I would definitely not be her favorite person ever, but we'd get on fine.
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synoxshots · 4 years
Are you kidding me?
Fill 8 for fictober!
Prompt number: 24
Fandom: Star Wars: The Old Republic (SWTOR)
Rating: T
Warnings/Tags: Canon-typical violence, gore. 
Summary: Ticcer learns that blowing up a Hutt may not be the best way to make friends. 
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The grenade floated in the air, as if time itself had slowed as it made its perfect arc from Ticcer’s hand into the gaping mouth of Raskurro. As though they all knew exactly what was about to happen, but were powerless to stop it. Risha and Vaz turned away, trying their best to shield themselves from what they knew was about to happen. But Ticcer remained still, staring with a childish wonder, apparently fascinated by the inevitable conclusion about to come when a grenade went off inside a Hutt.
Raskurro exploded in a glorious burst of colour, full of greens and golds, pinks and blues. Layers upon layers of thick gunge and goo covered every surface of the room, clinging to skin and fur and seeping through clothes. And then came the stench; the kind that caught in the throat and made the eyes water but that was impossible to avoid, the kind that would haunt them for weeks. This would take hours to clean away, even under the most powerful of sonic showers.
“Euuugghh. Are you kidding me?” Ticcer groaned, shaking at his arms to try and get rid of any loose clumps of slime.
“Well what did you think would happen?” snapped Risha. Even though Ticcer had born the brunt of the explosion, plenty of the mess had found its way onto her clothing and caught itself in her perfectly styled hair. Oh, he was in trouble.
“I don’t know, I wasn’t really thinking of that when I threw it!”
“Really? I hadn’t guessed,” came Risha’s exasperated retort.
He was saved by the clunk of Vaz Traniff’s approaching boots, though given the look on the burly Cathar’s face, perhaps saved wasn’t quite the right word. The two of them should be thankful, he thought, surely one less Hutt to deal with is a good thing.
Based on the looks on both their faces, he somehow got the impression that excuse wasn’t going to fly.
“Let’s get moving,” grunted Vaz. “I’m first in the sonic. And don’t you dare sit down anywhere in my ship until I say so.” Yeah, it was hard to say he didn’t deserve that.
* * * * * * * *
Despite the inauspicious start to their partnership, the raid was a success. Well, ignoring the fact that the Voidwolf turned up to fire upon the ship, causing a frantic rush to escape before it blew. But a bit of drama was to be expected these days, it kept things interesting. And it was almost a nice change of pace for the imps to be turning fire on each other rather than on him, for once.
That Voidwolf was turning into more than a mere annoyance though. But it wasn’t like he was the only one who kept showing up to try and kill Ticcer; he was making a habit of finding enemies that were a bit harder to shake than the average spacer. Unfortunately it was all part of the job, and the better he got at it, the longer that list became. He could save the worrying for later. Now was time for the fun part: settling up the money, and celebrating. Any job where the imps came off worst was a job well done, after all.
“Well let’s split and then let’s split, know what I mean? Best not be hanging round here for too long,” said Vaz.
“Right. You take what you’ve earned, I take what I’ve earned, call it done?”
“Sounds fair to me. Well Captain. It’s been…a pleasure, for the most part.” Vaz avoided his eyes, the memory of the meeting with Raskurro still fresh despite going unspoken. “I can’t say we’ll be doing this again though.”
“…Yeah I don’t blame you there. Fly safe.”
Vaz gave a hasty nod before returning straight to his ship without pause, clearly in no mood to stick about. Ticcer was keen to do the same, but sadly there was still a bit of official business to deal with first. Oh, the struggles of being legitimate. Well, legitimate might have been an exaggeration. Even if he was technically working with a senator, he was determined not to be seen as a ‘respectable citizen’.
“Let’s go.” Risha tugged at his arm. “I’m sure the Senator will be desperate to see her favourite smuggler.”
“Come on, you know you’re my number one. I just can’t help that I’m so irresistible,” he winked back, giving a playful nudge at her shoulder as she rolled her eyes.
“Irrepressible more like. Don’t think I’ve forgotten the smell of Hutt goo.”
He winced, the thought alone still enough to raise a shudder. Unlike Vaz, she wasn’t holding back on this. “How long before you stop using that against me?”
“Until you next do something ridiculous,” she shrugged.
“Oh, so about five more minutes then.”
That managed to raise a smile at least. “Have some faith in yourself. Call it ten.”
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queen-scribbles · 2 years
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I don't need no vacation, no fancy destination, baby, you're my great escape
When @captainderyn opened her couplely commissions, I snagged one to give Silver and Corso the relaxing day they deserve. They came out absolutely perfect and I love it so much 💕💕 
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