#my tie is rakishly loose as well
sachermorte · 2 months
fashion bros on tiktok are right unfortunately. shirt and tie with denim jacket hits
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paintedface · 7 years
It Only Takes A Taste (1/2)
Prompt: 57 for @sgtbxckybxrnes ‘s AU challenge: Celebrity/Movie Star
Summary: When you run into (literally) a really fucking hot man, you don’t expect to see him again, until he turns up at your cafe a few days later. The both of you ‘click’ instantly, but is he really just the ‘person whose name will turn up somewhere in an indie movie credits’ that he makes himself out to be? Or is he something more than that?
Pairing: Bucky Barnes x Reader
Word Count: 2,726 Words
Warnings: ½ Fluff, ½ Angst
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“You free this Saturday?”
You look down as a text from Wanda appears on your phone. Hastily apologising as you push past a large crowd, you quickly type back;
“Yeah, why?”
You let out a sigh of relief as you finally break out of the stuffy mass of pedestrians, inhaling the clean air dramatically. You really only have one goal, and that’s to get to your shift early, and right now, you’re already late. Sometimes, sleep just really takes a hold of you and refuses to let you get up. Not your fault. 
“There’s a high-class party I’m invited to-want to come?”
Frowning, your fingers hover over the keyboard again, but another text comes in before you can finish typing yours. 
“I’m allowed to bring a date, but since I’m single, you’re the next best thing.”
You laugh, and you nod to yourself as you type, “I’ll go!” High-class parties could score you some status, as you really don’t have any. Plus, it’s an excuse to wear an outfit that’s been hidden at the back of your closet which you’ve never had the chance to wear. It’s more expensive than the cost of the rest of your closet put together. 
Putting your phone back into your pocket, you continue to walk as you swoop your hair into a loose bun. Quickly, using your teeth to grab the hair band around your wrist, you tie it, frowning as you attempt to pat down the bumps. Sighing, you look back up, only to walk straight into somebody.
You let out a gasp, the breath knocked out of you a little as you take a few stumbling steps back. Before you can really fall over, a hand quickly grabs your arm, pulling you back upright. Of course, out of the two of you, you’re the one that almost falls flat on your back, even though you were the one who walked into them.
“Are you alright?” The person asks, concerned.
“Y-yeah, I’m fine! Sorry, I was tying my hair and I didn’t see you and… wait, are you alright? I walked into you, so surely, I mean, wait… what was I going to say? Oh right, did I hurt you? I’m really sorry if I did and-“ You already know you’ve started rambling, and you only stop when the person lets out a soft chuckle.
“I’m good, don’t worry. You looked like you were in a rush.” His blue eyes twinkle, and it’s only now that you notice that wow. He’s fucking hot. That makes the situation worse, because you can’t fucking speak now because he’s putting a blush on your face. You’re surprised he doesn’t have women (or men) hanging off his arm at this current moment. He has a face to die for, and a body of a fucking Greek god. You realise that you’re staring at him, and you hurriedly try to cover up your attraction.
“Oh yeah, I am…” You look down at your watch, and your hands fly to your mouth in horror, “I’m 20 minutes late to my shift! Shit, I have to go!”
He chuckles, husky and soft, giving you a playful nudge in the direction you were going.
“Hurry then! I don’t want to keep you waiting.” He smiles, and you hurriedly muster a “sorry” again, before picking up your pace. You’re pretty sure that if you were to be held up, then you wouldn’t want anyone else to hold you up other than him.
You swear you know him from somewhere, but you can’t quite put your finger on it. Maybe… is he a model? Of course, that’s the first thing your mind goes to, because he definitely has the body and face for one. You don’t have time to dwell on the hot stranger, because you’re thinking about how screwed you’re going to be for being late to your shift three times in a row.
Two days later
“Y/N, get your ass up! We have customers!” Natasha leans over the cashier, and you jump, glaring at her. By the twinkle in her eye, you know she’s not serious, but you know better than to keep testing her.
“But I’m meant to be at the register!” You protest, and she snorts, blowing a red curl from her face.
“I’m meant to be at the register, look at the schedule you idiot.” She jerks her chin in the schedule’s direction.
You scrunch up your eyebrows and sigh, seeing that, as always, she’s right. You get up slowly, making sure to make all your movements languid, until Nat gives you a fierce look, and you hurry out from behind the cash register, pulling your notepad out of your apron’s pocket.
“What can I get you today, sir?” You ask to the head of brown hair, bowed down to look at his menu.
He looks up, and his mouth spreads in a wide grin.
“I remember you!” He snickers, completely ignoring your first question.
You can’t help but grin as well, putting your notepad back in your pocket. Your heart almost stops at the sight of his smile, you forgot how cute it was from the first time you saw him.
“I remember you too. Are you okay? I left you right after I ran into you.” You say apologetically, leaning your elbows on the table.
He tilts his head, running his hand through his soft locks. “I’m good, don’t worry. You were cute when you were embarrassed,” he flicks his eyes up at you; “you’re still cute.”
Your cheeks flush brightly, shaking your head quickly, “I’m not, far from it.” However, his words still make you smile, despite the fact that you feel like he’s just saying it to be nice. Before his mouth opens again, you quickly pull out your notepad again, hurriedly asking what he wants to eat.
He accepts the change of conversation, not before huffing out a small laugh.
“I’ll take a long black and that…” he points to the display case, “chocolate cheesecake?”
“Yep, the chocolate cheesecake, it’s really good.” You nod, scribbling down his order.
“Good, I hope it’s as sweet as you.” He smirks, and you look away, trying to hide your blush, once again.
“Could you go one second without trying to make me blush? I’m trying to be professional here.” You grumble half-heartedly.
“I’m trying to get you to open up to me! Like, I don’t even know your name!” He says, gesturing grandly and vaguely.
You glance up at the clock, and then turn back to him. “Look, I have a break in two minutes, I could come sit down with you then?”
He nods, his eyes bright as if he’s just won the lottery.
“I’d love that.”
“So, what’s your name?” He asks, as soon as you sit down, pushing his coffee and cheesecake towards him.
“What’s yours?” You challenge, undoing your bun so your hair falls down in a mess. Cursing inwardly, you try to detangle it quickly.
He pouts, honest to god pouts as he pushes his spoon into the cake. “I asked first. What’s your name, and what do you do?”
You give in, saying, “I’m Y/N and as you see, I work at this café. But I’m actually studying {favourite subject} at Uni, still. Now it’s my turn to ask.” You pull your hair back into a swift braid, sitting back against the cushions. “Name, and what do you do?”
He puts his spoon down, taking a sip of coffee before replying. “I’m Bucky,” and you’re about to ask a lot of questions about that name before he hastily says, “It’s a nickname. I’m in the film industry, I was lucky to get a job in it young.”
Not a model then.
“You big in the industry?” You ask curiously, leaning forward.
Bucky shakes his head, sipping at his coffee again. “Not really, but maybe you’ll see my name somewhere in an indie film’s credits.”
“I’m sure you’re great.” You interject, but he shakes his head again, a smile playing at his lips. You fall into silence, trying to avoid looking at his face for too long. You hear him nervously clear his throat and then;
“I know I only just met you but… can I go on a date with you?”
Your mouth drops a little, as you search his eyes for any sign that he’s kidding, but you don’t find any.
Your throat suddenly decides to dry up, and you cough a little before responding, “You’re serious?”
His expression turns amused, and he nods. “Dead serious.”
You gesture to yourself, still confused beyond belief why he would want to go on a date with you. “But look at me! I’m relatively plain, and work at a coffee shop! And we just met, surely you don’t like me that much! You’re in film, and Jesus Christ, you’re hot and…”
Bucky snorts, a sound that probably shouldn’t sound attractive but still does.
“One, I’m not a popular person in film and two, you’re gorgeous and I really want to go out with you. Please?” His tone has turned pleading and you can’t resist that, or his face, so you nod, immediately dismissing the ‘you’re gorgeous’ part, though it still makes you blush.  
He pumps his fist and you laugh, pushing your phone towards him so he can put in his contact.
“Y/N! Your break is over!” Nat calls from the kitchen and you sigh, getting up reluctantly.
“Don’t worry, I’ll text you with a time.” Bucky smiles, his whole face lit up. You move around the table, picking up his empty cup and plate, stacking them lightly. You can feel his eyes watching your back as you move to the kitchen and you sigh, turning around. He grins rakishly and you kiss him on the cheek swiftly.
“I’m not coming back again!” You call over your shoulder, and you hear his laugh through his corner of the café, filling it with warmth.
“Y/N, you look incredible!” Wanda says excitedly, as you approach her, grimacing at the large, high-class crowd.
“Remind me why I’m here?” You ask, smoothing down your dress which, you have to admit, does look really stunning. You spent about four hours preparing yourself, searching up a glamorous makeup tutorial and managing to get it to make your face look much more alluring than without. Not that you want to attract attention, but it’s fun to dress up a little. The dress you’re wearing is so expensive that you’ve barely touched it since you bought it from the store, and it does flaunt your assets perfectly.
“Because I dragged you here.” She says simply, taking a glass of champagne from the waiter drifting by.
“Fair enough.” Your eyes scan the mass of people, trying to see if there’s anyone that you know. A few of your friends come from quite wealthy families, so there’s a chance you’ll see them here.
Instead, your gaze lands on a familiar head of brown hair, and a laugh, despite only hearing it a few times, is extremely recognisable.
“Hold on, I think there’s somebody I know, over there.” You turn to Wanda, gesturing vaguely in her direction, before moving towards him.
“But that’s – “ You don’t hear the end of her sentence, thinking to yourself ‘maybe he is relatively high up in the film industry,’ to be here.
“Bucky!” You call, trying to move through the crowds, when you stop in your tracks.
He’s surrounded by about ten girls, with one of them with her arm around his waist, a disgustingly sweet expression plastered on her (Botox-filled) face, pressing close to him a bit too intimately to just be friendly. You can tell that she’s flirting, her eyes slightly ditzy as she bats her eyelashes at him and her mouth curls into a smile that’s just a bit too forced. By the way that he’s looking at her, he looks like he’s enjoying her flirting.
“Excuse me, you there.” a scratchy and obnoxious voice says, and your gaze drifts to one of the girls. One with long tresses of brown hair, flawless skin and curves accentuated by her extremely tight dress. Not to mention the stilettos. And makeup that makes yours look terrible in comparison.
“You’re not allowed to be near James, he’s only got time for us,” She scowls at you, flicking her hair, “Celebs like him don’t have time to deal with people like you, of course.”
Your eyebrows furrow in confusion and shock, taking a step back. “Who’s James?” is all you can get out, as she lets out a disbelieving cackle, throwing her head back with synthetic laughter.
“You don’t know James? He’s James Barnes, the next biggest movie star,” The woman steps away from the group for a moment, to come closer to you. But you can barely focus on her, you’re looking at Bucky. You’re looking at Bucky and how he’s smiling down at that girl, with the same smile he uses for you. You desperately try to jerk your attention away from him but out of the corner of your eye, you can see him land a kiss on the corner of the girl’s mouth, and you bite your lip painfully. “He just finished filming The Winter Soldier and he’s here for an after party.” She continues, before whipping back around and joining the commotion.
The next biggest movie star?
But…but he said he was…
That’s when Bucky, James, spots you. But it’s too late, because you’re backing away from the crowd of girls, your chest clenching a little. Why did you ever think that he would genuinely want to go on a date with you, when he has all these girls hanging off him? It’s just like you thought, and god, did he lie convincingly when he said that he wasn’t big in the film industry.
Your eyes meet, and suddenly it pains you to look at him, to see those lies. You can see the panic behind his prestigious façade, the gears turning in his head, but you can’t stand to look at him anymore. You know he’s seeing your eyes widen, your mouth dropping, as you figure it out.
James Barnes, the movie star all your friends are running after yet you refuse to look at pictures of him or to search him up, no matter how hard they try. That one celebrity who’s been known for having a very long history of girlfriends, and is pretty certain to have a girlfriend right now. The famous, young and handsome personality who’s chosen to be in the leading roles of the biggest movies nowadays, and Bucky. If you had only searched him up when your friends had told you to, you would know that it’s him.
What were his intentions to get you to go out with him? You don’t know, and you don’t intend to find out. And to think you found this out, the day before your date. Maybe it’s good that you did. But right now, you couldn’t care less about how this accidental encounter could affect what happens in the next few days, because all you can focus on is now.
You see him open his mouth, reaching out slightly for you as he turns away from the woman hugging onto him, but you whip around and run to the elevator as fast as you can in your heels. 
You can vaguely hear Wanda calling, “Y/N, where are you going?!” But you ignore her, slamming down on the ‘GROUND’ button in the elevator, closing the doors before either Wanda or Bucky, James, can get to you.
You know it’s stupid to cry when you felt there was something different from the very start, but he felt so real to you. Just when you thought somebody liked you genuinely, it turned out to be another cruel trick. So you cry in the elevator, leaning against the wall heavily as the tears run down your face. But when the doors slide open, you’ve mustered up a façade that’ll say I’m alright, it’s okay, I’m just going home from the party early until you can get home, ignore his calls and texts, ignore his messages on all social media, ignore the outside world, and try to forget that this ever happened.
Because it was never real to him.
Notes: This sort of turned out to be a coffee shop AU, but I promise, there’ll be more of the Celebrity/Movie Star in the next part. Does anyone want to be tagged in the next part? It’ll come out in a few days, I promise!
Permanent tag list (tagging open):
@thecrownedrose @vibranium-arm @gallifreyansass @omalleysgirl22 @girlwith100names @buckysinthesinbin @imsecretlyromanburki
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