#my treasure from him is his hat and a kis--
hollowsart · 2 years
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Happy Halloween from Otto and Octomedes!
A dreaded pirate captain and his fearsome kraken 💖🐙
a real treasure for the eyes and a treat to behold~
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legolaslovely · 5 years
Under the Lamppost
A/N: HAPPY FILI FRIDAY FRIENDS HAVE SOME FILI FLUFF! YAYAY! Hope you guys are having a great day. In honor of this being the last Fili Friday before Christmas, I wrote another little holiday piece and got all the info from the great dwarrow scholar from this link here. Please go check it out and give them some love!!They deserve it! Hope you guys enjoy this story.
Pairing: Fili x Reader
Word Count: 2,635
Warnings: flufffffffff
Summary: (Y/N) and Fili spend the day in the market hiding from Kili so they can find him the perfect Yuleblot gift.
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“Fi, have you seen (Y/N)?”
Fili turned to see his brother racing through the corridor. “No. Haven’t seen her all day.” Just then, he heard a small scraping sound against the stone floor. He turned in time to see the hem of a familiar looking skirt disappear around a corner. He didn’t quite hear Kili’s reasons for searching for (Y/N) as he snuck down the hall and poked his head around the corner. “Oh, there you are. Ki-”
Before he could finish, (Y/N) yanked him toward her, out of Kili’s sight.
“What are you-”
“Shhh!” she threatened, pressing a finger to his lips. She closed her eyes to listen for footsteps. Only when she was sure there weren’t any coming their way did she release Fili and the tension in her shoulders.
“Why are you hiding from Kili?” Fili asked.
“I’m not hiding, I just don’t want him to find me.” She smiled at Fili’s raised brow. “I need to go to the marketplace alone today. I am running out of time to get Kili’s Yuleblot gift and if he finds me-”
“He’ll want to come with you and you won’t be able to surprise him with the present. I see.”
They both froze against the wall at the sound of clanking boots but it was only a guard walking by. Fili nodded and (Y/N) gave a small wave, hoping the passing dwarf wouldn’t think too much about her and the prince hiding in the dark corridors.
“What are you going to get for him?” Fili asked once the coast was clear.
She groaned, setting her head against the wall as she said, “I don’t know. He is surprisingly hard to shop for. I can’t just get him his favorite candies and he already has his beloved bow. No other weapon would ever compare to that. Do you have any ideas?”
Fili gave a sad smile. “I gave all my ideas to Dwalin and Thorin.”
(Y/N) felt her stomach twist. Gift giving was not supposed to be this stressful. She looked up when warm fingers squeezed her hand.
“You’ll find something.”
“Will you help me?” she asked. Before his nose could scrunch up she said, “I know you hate the marketplace this time of year but I really need your help. Please? I’ll bake your favorite cakes for you? All you can eat for the rest of Yuleblot.” Her pleading smile pushed at her cheeks, rounding them out and pushing into her soft eyes. “Please.”
Then Kili called for Fili. “Now I lost my brother too,” Kili mumbled loud enough for the pair in hiding to hear.
(Y/N) was running out of time. She took both of Fili’s hands in hers and brought them up under her chin, giving him the best pout she could muster. “Please,” she mouthed.
Fili rolled his eyes and sighed. “I will meet you at the marketplace,” he said, peeling his hands from hers.
“Under the big lamppost. I’ll go straight there.” She whirled and flew down the corridor before again disappearing behind a corner.
“Fili! Brother!” Kili yelled, voice echoing off the stone.
“I’m right here,” Fili said, stepping out where he could be seen. “I thought I saw (Y/N).”
“Did you?”
“No. It was, uh- It was Mevine, actually.” Fili’s eyebrows danced. He knew he was an awful liar, but all he had to do was get his brother off (Y/N)’s trail to the marketplace. Surely he could handle that. “They look alike. From a distance. From the back.”
“No, they don’t. Mevine and (Y/N) couldn’t be more different. Mevine is much taller and her hair is the complete opposite shade of-”
“You’re right. My mistake,” Fili said, clearing his throat and pointing behind him. “I’m just gonna go-to my… chambers.” He faked a yawn. “M’tired. Need some, uh, time to myself.”
Kili’s brows shot up as his brother backed away. “Time to yourself?” His brows waggled as he looked Fili up and down. “In the middle of the day? Who got you going?”
Realization dawned on Fili and he scoffed. “Mahal, Kili, not that! Not anything like that. I just-I have some work to do. Get your mind out of the swamp!” He waved Kili away and turned for his chambers, waiting in the shadow of a dark corner until Kili vanished through the wooden doors to the kitchens. Then he scurried past to meet (Y/N) in the marketplace.
He found her at their usual meeting place and led her through the busy market with a hand on her back.
“That was quick,” she said, eyeing him with a raised brow.
“I’m a master of deception. I just told him I needed some time alone in my chambers.”
She snorted at that as they weaved through the mass of dwarfs in the center square. “I’m sure I know right where his mind jumped to when he heard that.” She squealed when Fili’s tugged on her braid.
“No wonder you two are thick as thieves. You’re a mind reader.”
“Not when it comes to buying gifts!”
“That’s why I’m here,” Fili said, running a thumb over the fabric of her dress as he moved her in front of him to squeeze past a cart full of smelly cheeses.
Once in the clear, (Y/N) waved to the older dam who ran the best sweets cart in Erebor. “I’m coming to you on the way back, Miss Diyla! Save me some of your caramels, please!” She turned to Fili who was close behind her in the crowd. “Some for Kili, some for me,” she winked, sending her escort chuckling.
“Have you looked here?” Fili asked, stopping at one of the smaller tents. “Kili likes the wool they use for their warmer clothes.”
She ran her fingers over a thick winter hat with runes embroidered into the band. “I was looking at this but-”
“You got him something similar last year,” Fili finished for her.
“Right. And he has that scarf your mom made him and the leather gloves from your uncle. I really like these wool things for him but he already has his favorites that he wears.”
Fili hummed, wishing he could swipe the frown off his friend’s face. “Let’s go to the next tent. We’ll find something.” He stepped in front of her and took her hand so as not to lose her in the rush of Yuleblot shoppers. He felt her thumb absently run over his knuckles and he looked over his shoulder to see her staring up at the named flags over the tent.
“Oh, let’s go to that one-” Her voice cut off as she tripped over a short, immobile stake in the ground used to hold the market’s tents in place. Her shoe caught the head of it, making her jerk to the side and rip her skirts. Fili saved her from falling to the cold, wet ground and swiftly placed her back upright.
“Are you all right?” he asked.
“Yes. Thank you. I-I should have been watching where I was going.” She rambled to keep his attention away from her now tattered dress, but when she flicked the skirts to the side, he noticed the tear. “I was saying we should go to that tent over there. The third one down? They have the most intricate weapons there.”
“We’ll stop at Mother’s dressmaker first,” Fili said, letting (Y/N) take the lead to the next tent, but she waved him off.
“A tear is easily mended, Fi. It’ll be done in a quarter of an hour.” She tried to pass the dressmaker’s but he herded her inside.
“Or you could spend a quarter of an hour choosing a new dress. Wouldn’t that be more enjoyable?’
“Not for you,” she said. But he saw her giving in to him and running her fingers through the fabric pieces hanging down the middle of the tent. She always gravitated towards red, as he did.
“Nonsense. Mother spends a lot of time here, I’m used to it.” He left her to browse and chatted with his mother’s friend, always keeping an eye out and remembering what (Y/N) seemed to like. Smiling, she lifted a gown from the rack and pressed it against her shoulders, twirling a bit to watch the skirts fan out around her legs. But then she replaced it and gave him a pleading look.
“Really, Fi, this is unnecessary. I still need to find a gift for Kili.”
Fili threw his hands up in defeat. “All right. Go ahead, I’m getting something for Mother here. I’ll just be a moment. I’ll meet you in the next tent.”
“The third one down,” (Y/N) said, shooting him a knowing look. Fili was an awful liar.
“All right, all right,” he said, waving her off and hoping she’d actually leave. Then he turned to the dressmaker, asking her to wrap up the gown (Y/N) had been looking at, as well as the knitted shawl she’d admired on her way out of the tent.
When he joined (Y/N) again, he found he leaning over different sets of decorated arrows. He set a hand on her back to alert her of his presence and she glanced up with a smirk. “What did you pick out for your mother?”
He swallowed. Why could she always see right through him? “A, uh, shawl.”
She straightened. “Oh? What color?”
“None of your business.” He elbowed her and she descended into giggles. “What are you looking at here?”
She sighed. “I don’t know, Fi. These arrows are so beautiful. See the etched runes and symbols? They’re gorgeous, but I don’t think he’d enjoy them. He wouldn’t be able to use them. They’d just sit on a shelf in his chambers.”
“He’d treasure anything you gave him. He’d think of you every time he looked at them.”
“I guess that’s true.” She picked up one of the arrows and tilted it in her delicate fingers. They were handmade, able to be customized. She could get the royal runes and crests on them and look into getting a display case made…
“Mahal,” she heard Fili breath out. He was around the corner of the tent, admiring a set of daggers on the top shelf. He didn’t need much encouragement from the crafter to take one in his hands and watch the sunlight glint off the sharpened blade. (Y/N) met him and rested her chin on his shoulder, humming softly. “I know a certain dwarf in your life who would enjoy these,” he said, tilting his head down to her.
“I already got your gift, Fi.” She took the dagger from him, running her thumb over the hilt. Then she handed it back and whispered, “And it’s even better than that,” before sending him a wink and returning to the arrow display.
She pursed her lips. “I’m just not sure if these are the best things for him. Maybe we can- what? Fili! What?”
“Be quiet!” Fili whispered, grabbing her and whisking her through the tent and around the back of it. “We’re not here!” he said to the crafter before ducking down below the shop’s desk and taking (Y/N) along for the ride.
“What is-” but a finger stopped her lips. She realized why Fili dragged her out of sight when she heard Kili’s voice. He was speaking to the crafter. “Did he see us?” she mouthed.
Fili shook his head, trying to hold back his laughter.
(Y/N) shook her head, biting her lip and not quite believing how Kili managed to track her down. She adjusted her seat on the ground, feeling something against her back. She yanked it out and could have screamed with joy! She shook it wildly in Fili’s face. “A quiver!” she whispered. She’d have a new quiver made for Kili. A stunning, handmade, intricately decorated quiver that he would use every day. “This is perfect!”
Then Fili froze. Kili’s voice was coming closer. (Y/N) turned to see a lanky shadow growing longer on the ground and panic filled her chest. Kili was going to find them and his perfect Yuleblot surprise would be ruined. But Fili caught her attention. He waved to her, silently beckoning her to follow as he crawled into the tent and under the display tables. Somehow, they both fit under the table, (Y/N) lying on her back with Fili just above, each barely breathing as Kili’s voice sounded only inches away.
Teeth flashed above and (Y/N) rolled her eyes at Fili’s breathy chuckles. “The things I do for you two,” she said.
His dimples pushed deeper into his cheeks at that. But the corners of his mouth slowly relaxed as one of his fingers pushed a loose lock of hair from her forehead. Her hand found his arm and his, her waist, and he leaned down until she was just a blur. Then he closed his eyes. But before their lips could meet, Kili was saying goodbye to the crafter.
“Prince Kili is gone,” they heard from above and both knew it was time to leave. (Y/N) had found what she was looking for.
It didn’t take long for her to tell the crafter exactly what she wanted for Kili’s gift. She was told it would easily be done by this time next week- perfect timing for the merry days of Yulenkagr when most exchanged their presents.
“Today seemed a success,” Fili said on their way back to the mountain.
“Almost,” (Y/N) said, weaving through the buzzing crowd of dwarfs until she stopped under the tall lamppost.
Fili looked at her with raised brows and a tilted head that reminded her of the dwarfling he used to be. “Almost?”
She snuck a hand around his waist and reached up to kiss him. Though she tried to hide it, he noticed her trembling fingers. “Now I’d call it a success,” she said. She backed around the lamppost but before she could escape too far, Fili grabbed her and kissed her much more passionately. He ignored the gulps and whispers around them, trading them in for (Y/N)’s own little gasp that was followed by a content hum. He couldn’t help but smile around her lips when her fingers gripped the fur of his coat and pulled him closer.
“This is your ‘me time?’” Kili’s voice sounded.
(Y/N) drew away, blushing, but Fili kept his arms around her. He wasn’t about to let her go now.
“Is this why you two have been avoiding me all day?” Kili asked.
“Not avoiding you, Ki,” (Y/N) said.
“We kind of were,” Fili said with a half-smile that lit up one of his dimples.
Kili widened his eyes at that.
“Only because I had to get you the best Yuleblot gift ever given,” (Y/N) said, sliding out of Fili’s grasp, but taking hold of his hand. “And we were just about to stop at Miss Diyla’s. I asked her to save us some caramels. Wanna come?”
“Duh,” Kili said, linking his arm in (Y/N)’s free one and leading the way to the candy cart. “So what’s the best Yuleblot gift of all time?”
“You’ll find out on Yulenkagr and not a moment before.”
They didn’t even have to tell Miss Diyla what they wanted from her cart. She knew them well enough. All three watched carefully as she filled too many bags for Thorin’s standards, but they all agreed he’d never have to know how many coins they spent on their treats. It was Yuleblot, after all.
“So does my gift involve a kiss too?” Kili asked. “Because as much as I’d enjoy it, I don’t think Fi will want to share you now.”
On cue, Fili’s arms encircled (Y/N)’s waist from his place behind her and his chin landed on her shoulder. “Nope. Not sharing.” He kissed her cheek as she laughed and elbowed him, but he knew she secretly agreed with him.
Taglist! Thanks for reading friends! @emrfangirl​ @misslongcep​ @raindancer2004​ @ladybugg1235​ @xxbyimm​ @burningcoffeetimetravel​ @fizzyxcustard​ @fire-flv​ @nerdbirdsworld​ @dashesofink​ @teagarages​ @dark-angel-be-thirsty-af​ @zulfiya-the-warrior-princess​
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dongiovannaswife · 4 years
I. Tragedy; a parent’s heritage.
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part one (you’re here). part 2.  CW: body horror, blood, wounds, violence, major character death, mentions and use of weapons, alcohol. Stay safe. Feedback is always appreciated. 
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The court of the king Dio Brando. Known for the bizarre individuals that conformed it, serving to a man whose reign has been claiming the lives of innocents from the very beginning, when Brando and his men followed him into the crusade against the King Joestar.
It’s been twenty two years since they took over, killing Jonathan Joestar and his wife, the Queen Erina; taking their son, Giorno Joestar, as Dio’s. Making the boy believe his father was Dio.
Twenty two years and they still judge people like animals.
Just like the unfortunate (Y/n) right there; kneeling inside the cage made especially for humans; but treated as the one used for a bear that goes around the country giving shows with the talents of the caravans that drove around the kingdom.
And even there, she could swear the bears of the caravans were treated far better than she was.
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The rumors around the kingdom are strong; predominant and scary. And they were only rumors before (Y/n) felt them become real. Many men claimed it impossible to escape the king’s wrath. Most of those men were dead by now, having broken the rule to “do not use the king’s name in vain; if you must, use it only for praise.”
The court of the king Dio Brando. Known for its scary and bizarre individuals but feared by their way to make justice. In the spawn of two hours, she had already proved that.
As one of the guards profaned her parents memory with insults and curses, (Y/n) kept glaring back at the King even if her lip was bleeding, adding to the unknown fluids in the floor of the cage; a broken wrist that was the result from a battle against one of the guards in her attempt to escape through the frontier with the West kingdom and the man with two right hands that brought her here, poking her sides with his walking stick.
The King, however, stared back at her from his throne, comfortably sitting with his servant, a woman with brown skin and white hairs, feeding him wine when he turned his head. The mix of hatred and mocking making her feel like, if she could, she would rip off those bars and use one of them to impale the Ki—
The voice of the counselor, Vanilla Ice, resonated through the room, a feral tone on it, “My lord, if her parents had a debt with our kingdom then we shall take what’s ours!” The king looked at him, not liking the “our kingdom” part: for him, the Crimson Kingdom was all his.
Looking over at his counselor and glaring at him —effectively getting Vanilla Ice to lower his eyes like a scolded dog— and then, thinking about his suggestion for a moment, the King looked at her once again, amber eyes piercing through her; her courage, however, strong and unbreakable.
“What can you say on your defense?”
(Y/n) shook her head, hitting the bars of the cage, screaming in her mother tongue insults the King choose to ignore; but keeping the offenses as an extra punishment.
The executioner, a large man with a strange black hat —that gave the impression to have remnants of cloth sewed to the ends of it— got closer to the cage, dragging his axe through the floor with the sound of death; as he got closer to the cage the muscles of his arms flexed, lifting the heavy axe and hitting the bars with the end of the handle. The echo of the hit making her sit down, hands in her ears and whimper falling from her lips.
On the other side of the cage, Melone, —the one who saw her while she tried to escape through the cursed forest, ruled by the spirit Kira, the dryad no one wanted to come across with— laughed.
“Talk.” Commanded the king, a furious look on his usual stoic and sardonic face after being ignored and mocked.
The girl sat properly and with more effort than she thought she’ll need, spoke between elaborated breathing, her hearing still dizzy. “I can’t pay the debt.”
“And?” Dio asked, expecting something more; perhaps a certain addressing.
“—King Dio.” She mocked and Risotto hit the bars again, the metallic ringing making her to muffle a moan of pain on her palm.
The door opened and the prince Giorno entered, a sigh escaping his lips when he noticed the same routine from years now; his father and his court of assassins hurting someone. The King laughed, a welcoming laugh that echoed through the room, vigorous and juvenile; fake and venom like. “My son! Come here! Let’s show this poo—“
“I told you, father, ending an innocent life won’t make you a good king, you’re ruling with chaos and hate and those won’t make you wise; they make your reign useless.”
“Giorno.” Murmured the king, a fake admiration tone laced with his words, “You’re always so compassionate.”
”Useless, useless.” The prince said again, a mocking tone on his sweet, baritone voice; the same venom of his father reflected on his son. The difference, though, resided on their souls; one of them merciless and evil and the other, compassionate and kind.
 The king Dio felt his blood boil. He looked between his son and the girl, finding the resolve almost instantly.
“I won’t kill her.” The girl looked up, hope shining on her eyes. A hope buried by the next sentences. As the king kept talking his features turned darker, if he was named after a god then it was the god of the death.
“She’ll die here—” then, he looked briefly at her, and kept talking “—the debt will be paid with your services as a maid, you can’t go out. You can’t eat from here; the trash is your food. You’ll take a bath once a week but if you want to bath twice you must ask for permission. You won’t see the lights again— your rights don’t matter anymore; you’re a pet.”
Melone whistled; Risotto let his axe on his shoulder and even if the mask covered his face his red and black eyes held a mischievous light.  Vanilla Ice smiled, triumphal. The rest of the court erupted in a series of laughs, clapping and whistles, being followed by the signature anthem; “Hail to the king!”
Giorno looked at the girl, feeling culprit for his intervention; it was clear that his power as a young prince wouldn’t make anything against his father, a king with a long road of cruelty.
As the prince saw how the girl trembled between sobs and his father’s club of clowns laugh, the will to take over the reign became stronger than before. Buccellati’s words echoing through his mind, convincing him. The plans with the Reign of the south proving being the only way out, Bruno was a young king but, as his mother used to say, hope was the one to make things possible. And Bruno brought hope to his life.
Hope, as he always thought, almost as if that thought was a memory, “hope is our most treasured value.”
 Giorno couldn’t do anything, just watch as they took the cage with them, between laughs and mockeries. He couldn’t sit and see how they kept treating people like that so he turned his head to the opposite side.
“My son,” started Dio, walking down the steps and sitting in his throne; dismissing Mariah with a gesture. As soon as she left, Giorno approached his father, choosing to stand before him, just were the cage had been before. “You need to learn we can’t live from good intentions; if people see you as a kind hearted king they will try to climb over you.” Just like Jonathan. Dio thought as a twisted smile lifted the corners of his lips; Giorno’s teal eyes full of rage and impotence.
“You are clearly twisting the meaning of those words.”
The king snorted, dismissing his son with a gesture.
One day, Giorno thought, one day you’ll be the king of nothing.
   It’s been two years since (Y/n) started working for the King. In fact, she was supposed to work for the royal family, but Giorno never asked for anything.
They say that love is magical; your first will be that one that haunts you for the rest of your life if they really are your first love. And if they happen to be that person you’re destined to be with, things will be better.
If there was something he had shown towards her that was compassion and kindness. He had a certain way to say sorry in this subtle way that would make her question his motives; after a while, every time he would get her a small vine from the surroundings of the castle, she would take it, save it until Risotto smashed it with his feet when he came over to check on her.
They say that love is real, but hard to find. It’s a magic certainly, a magic that not even the witch Yukako could recreate, as she claimed.
And still, a year and half later, when a shy, first kiss was shared between the young lovers a promise, pure and longing like the love they held for each other started; blooming and bringing a sense of happiness to her sad heart and his enraged one.
 As the prince Giorno entered the canteen to reunite with Fugo, one of King Bruno’s men infiltrated in the kingdom living as a farmer, he could hear the exasperated rambling of one of the villagers towards another man at his side.
“I tell you, man, if the King Jonathan—“he dropped his voice when he mentioned the name, “was here he wouldn’t have us in this misery; the kingdom was such a brilliant place before he came.”
That made the prince’s ears peek.
Looking around once more and finding Fugo’s confused eyes directed at him, he quickly gestured for him to wait there, as he took a seat next to the man, dipping his head back and faking an accent. “Hey, who’s that king Jonathan you’re talkin’ about?”
The man looked over at him with fear, thinking it might be one of Dio’s men. “Uh- I was talking about a story. Yes.”
The prince couldn’t help but feel the need to reveal his identity, but he decided against it and instead, choose a lie. “Sir, I am a storyteller, and there’s no story that talks about a King Jonathan. Besides, you were talking about this kingdom. You were referring to… Him.” Giorno couldn’t bring himself to pronounce that name, he didn’t wanted to anyway.
The men moved uncomfortably in their seats. “How is it possible that you don’t know about him? You should know —everyone knows! I’m surprised the Prince hasn’t tried anything yet. I suppose he was too small to remember his own parents; if only he could remember his mother. The Queen was such a sweet woman.”
Giorno’s chest tightened with fear; the realization that maybe he was right, and those doubts about his own family were real.
“Sir,” he started, no longer faking an accent, whispering after. “I am the Prince.” Under the men’s surprise he lifted the hat of his cape, revealing his face to them, and proceeding to hide again when he saw the flash of recognition through their eyes. “And I need to know the truth.”  
The men scooted over to him, giving him his greetings and hopes before anything else. Fugo joined them; gentle eyes when Giorno asked if he knew. Hope growing there; the Prince was awakening from his of lethargy induced ignorance.
But none of them noticed Vanilla Ice slipping out of the canteen.
“My king.” Vanilla Ice bowed as he opened the door to the King’s room; the man and the woman that spent the night with him coming out of the room as he entered. “I’m afraid Giorno knows the truth.”
Dio chuckled, swirling his glass and staring at the liquid there; then, as he looked back at his Counselor, a twisted smile taking over. “Bring the girl, we know she’s his weakness. As he so often says, weaknesses are useless, useless.”
Nodding, Vanilla ice walked out, closing the door at his back.
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#1 - Tide of Terror
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Setting: not to piss off my brit followers, but the UK isn’t the most interesting place to set the first level of a game. that being said, the Isle of Wrath doesn’t feel British at all. we’re treated to a hub in the form of a huge ship and each mission captures the mood perfectly. it’s half aristocrat mansion, half mechanical, demonic boiler room. the ship embodies Sir Raleigh’s character: the hallway at the beginning of High Class Heist shows what kind of frog he is, Into the Machine highlights that he’s the Fiendish Five’s chief machinist, whereas Gunboat Graveyard puts his crimes into context by displaying the sunken war planes and submarines. also, something i’ve just noticed: all of the levels in Thievius Racoonus are an upscale battle. if you think about it, all the bossfights take place at a high spot. Sir Raleigh’s blimp, Muggshot’s penthouse, Mz Ruby’s skull croc head, Panda King’s mountain hideout, Clockwerk’s tower. and on the maps, the bossfights are placed on the upper centre part showing how Sly slowly makes his way to the top. neat! on that note, Raleigh’s blimp is bitchin’. other notes: Tide of Terror represents the blue in Thievius Raccoonus’s spectrum of colors and it does a fine-ass job at it.
Characters: most of y’all already know that SP switched Tide of Terror with Fire in the Sky and i think this was a good decision, because frankly, Sir Raleigh makes for a kickass first villain. he’s one of the least memorable villains in the series but at least the frog plays his role. we don’t get much out of the dialogue with him but it’s ok because, as i’ve said above, the rooms on his ship showcase his character down to a T. also, his bossfight is a ki. i wish my tongue was that long yeesh. in terms of the gang, this is the player’s first outing with Sly! both him and Bentley look like babies on the binocucom. and that’s what SP was trying to convey, i guess: this is Sly’s first (playable) mission. he’s a young raccoon, who’s just embarked on this journey for vengeance. he’s got drive but is still relaxed.
Themes: i feel like Sly doesn’t really grasp the gravity of the situation at the beginning of the game. he’s driven solely out of vengeance, but he doesn’t know how to channel all this anger. by the end, he’ll face Clockwerk and defy him by knowing exactly what the word ‘hate’ means. but for now, he’s a naive baby raccoon at the very beginning of his story. and the pressure starts building up. that’s represented by the ferocity of Raleigh’s machines. the steam, the fire, the harsh engine sounds; that’s pressure as a theme. it’s a display of Sly’s bottled-up emotions and rage. and this comes into direct contrast with the theme of artifice and class distinctions. Tide of Terror has a duality to it. you’ve got the nitty gritty engine levels, but also the clean, piano music heists. this contrast between boilers and libraries, engines and Mona Lisas, it shows how Sir Raleigh’s an aristocrat of a villain and how the walrus guards are the working force. they even wear overalls and those Duffy Duck worker hats. their attacks are modelled after the tools they’re holding for fuck’s sake. bottom line is that, as clean and high-class as Raleigh seems to be, he’s a piece of filth because of his dishonourable crimes. last one might be a stretch but i also picked up on the motif of being watched. you’ve got the skulls with the glowing eyes, you’ve got that ‘Private’ sign in Stealthy Approach that has an eye on it, you’ve got those eye squids in Gunboat Graveyard. idk it feels as if Sir Raleigh is big brother and Sly is constantly being monitored. in the opening cutscene, the frog’s even got that monocle glass thing.
What I Like: my favorite mission from the episode is Gunboat Graveyard because of the music and the cute lil alien eye squids. it’s a vibe. other than that, i really like the location even though i’m not one for rain. if we’re really looking at detail, i also love the fact that when you’re in the main hub you can hear seagulls screeching every now and then.
What I Don’t Like: Treasure in the Depths, duh.
Quote: How delightful. We have a guest. The only thing is... I HATE UNEXPECTED GUESTS!
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{WC} OC #1 : Kiran Lim
I’m really struggling creatively, right now, so for the first challenge I decided to throw myself a bone, make things a little easier--I opened my music library and decided to create an OC using a song.
The song I decided to use was, “Main Titles” from the Mindhunter OST.
It, from the moment I heard it, invoked a very strong emotional reaction in me and I’m hoping the character I create using it as inspiration does that justice.
☾ Basics ☽
◎ Full Name: Kiran Madhav Lim
◎ Meaning of Name: Kiran means, “sunbeam” or “ray of light”. Madhav means “sweet like honey”. Lim means “forest”.
◎ Nickname: Ki (pronounced “Kai”).
◎ Birth Date: February 3rd, 1680
◎ Astrological Sign and Details: Aquarius “Above all things, this sign seeks the truth. Aquarians are tolerant of every point of view, and can see both sides of any argument. They are independent, yet their great desire to help those around them enables them to make friends easily. However, if they become truly disappointed in someone, they can never truly forgive or forget. They are, by nature, very tolerant, and tend to have high expectations of those around them. Aquarians hide their deep sensitivity and thus have a fear of vulnerability, and it may take a very long time for them to open up, but are always ultimately worth the time and effort.”
◎ Age: 340 years old
◎ Race / Species: Vampire (Energy/Psychic sub-species)
◎ Hair Color: Deep, dark brown (one or two shades above black)
◎ Hair Style: Curly, currently cut short in a halo around his head.
◎ Shape and Features of Face: Round; Kiran’s cheeks were absolutely chubby bunny when he was a child, and though he’s grown more into them by now, there’s still traces of cherubic Kiran there if one looks, especially at his profile. His forehead and chin are on the smaller side, with his eyes just as round as his cheeks, his lips plump and full, and his nose rounded like a tulip bulb at the tip.
◎ Glasses or Contacts: Kiran wears thin, but large round glasses. He doesn’t like contacts.
◎ Eye Color: Lilac when “feeding” or feral. Light Green when passive.
◎ Skin Tone: Kiran’s skin is the color of damp earth, right after it rains. Deep, rich, and somewhat reflective of light, giving him an ethereal appearance especially in low light.
Kiran’s skin also has a lilac sheen to it when “feeding”, especially if he hasn’t in a while. It’s incredibly light, though, and settles over his flesh like a mist.
◎ Scars or Distinguishing Marks: Kiran has very few scars even with his longevity; he has accelerated healing and he typically keeps to himself, out of any frays or battles.
However, he does have a very thin, raised scar over his heart. He was partially staked, only once when he was very small, and was unable to fully heal from it. His heart bears the same scar just beneath the surface of his skin.
◎ Disabilities: Kiran’s partial staking as a young vampire was what caused, retroactively, his poor eyesight. He is partially blind in his left eye, as the retina detached during the attack. He was able to regrow some of it, but not all, and thus must wear glasses to see properly.
The lens on the right side of his eyeglasses is simply glass, as he can see perfectly out of that eye.
◎ Build or Body Type: In his younger days, Kiran was on the chubbier side, but has thinned out as he’s gotten on in centuries. Now, one can see his collar bones, or get a peek of his wrist or hip bones, and his shoulders seem broader than they used to. His weight loss hasn’t necessarily meant he’s bulked up, and as he doesn’t need to use his fangs or put himself in danger to feed, he doesn’t have much muscle mass to speak of.
If anything, Kiran looks like he could outrun just about anyone. He’s thin, quick on his feet, and carries himself that way.
◎ Height: Kiran hasn’t measured himself in centuries, but finds he often has to duck doorways and doesn’t sit comfortably in most vehicles. He’s got long limbs, especially his legs, and finds not a single human can look him in the eye without craning their neck.
◎ Speech Patterns: Kiran is incredibly soft-spoken, but that isn’t to say he’s shy. He speaks when he feels he has something to contribute, and that gives a certain thoughtfulness to his tone that even strangers pick up on. He often projects warmth into his tone, whether it’s truly meant or not, and can make friends with almost anyone due to the smile that can be felt, heard, in his rich baritone.
Kiran speaks formally, sometimes avoiding contractions, but no one is sure if that’s his age or simply his careful way of speaking.
◎ Mannerisms: Kiran has a way of making consideration noises when he’s thinking, “Hm...” or “Mm...” (with “mm” being a deeper sound) as well as resting his chin on his hand.
Kiran also is not very “handsy”. He doesn’t fidget with his hands, and he isn’t prone to touching people or objects unless he knows or owns them.
◎ Weaknesses: Kiran is partially blind in his left eye and without his glasses cannot see much out of that eye--this also affects his depth perception.
Kiran does have fangs, but they’re secondary and not his main way of feeding and thus, they’re smaller than a sanguinarian vampire’s, which means he needs to bite harder to achieve the same end result.
◎ Special Abilities or Powers: Kiran, being an energy or psychic vampire, is an exceptionally gifted telepath. He’s mastered telepathy, can easily access the mind of his prey and bypass most psychic or mental blocks. He “feeds” off life force, energy, and mood--making him an exceptional empath.
Kiran’s favorite moods to feed from are Calm, Romantic, and Whimsical (for dessert of course!).
Kiran’s least favorite moods are Angry, Melancholy, and Lonely.
Kiran has also studied and mastered telekinesis, and due to his age and practice can feed from most humans without them being any the wiser, and without leaving them quite as drained as they might be with a lesser experienced vampire.
As with the majority of his kind, Kiran can cloak himself, compel prey, has amplified speed, strength, and durability/healing, and his vision displays emotional auras in colors, rather than heat vision like sanguinarian vampires.
☾ Characteristics ☽
◎ Bad Habits: Emotional shopping (if Kiran “eats” a bad mood, he’s compelled to shop), talking to himself in public, “snacking” on passersby if he’s bored, snooping in memories and thoughts if he’s curious, drinking/eating straight from containers, being overly critical, being late (being immortal makes time less of a concern), guessing movie/show endings.
◎ Good Habits: Avid reader, exceptional listener, patient when dealing with others, inquisitive and so is always learning some new skill, generally only feeds from others without causing emotional/physical harm.
◎ Best Characteristic: Honest. Kiran is almost too honest and though he’s perfectly capable of lying, even if he should, he probably won’t.
◎ Worst Characteristic: Controlling. Kiran likes things to be just so and he doesn’t quite know what to do if they’re not...exactly how he likes them.
◎ Worst Memory: Unsurprisingly, being staked. He was a toddler when it happened, under five, and it is not only his first memory but his most vivid. He will occasionally revisit the memory in a nightmare and be unable to sleep for days afterwards, too afraid to be that vulnerable.
◎ Best Memory: Inheriting his father’s curio shop. It has been in the Lim family for centuries and centuries, shifting with the changing times of course, but the clientele remain loyal and some of Kiran’s fondest memories are as a child, helping to dust and care for the objects his father collected and sold.
Kiran’s father is now retired, on to other ambitions and dreams, leaving Kiran happily in charge of the Lim Shoppe of Oddities.
◎ Proud of: His ever-growing collection of, you guessed it, oddities. Due to his father’s influence, Kiran collects trinkets and objects that most would find bizarre. He’s got shrunken heads, bone fairy skeletons, and mermaid treasure.
He keeps it all in a vault beneath his home.
◎ Embarrassed by: His partial blindness. His left eye is a slightly milky color and he’s ashamed of it, and often wears his curls over the eye to cover it.
He is also incredibly embarrassed when his depth perception is off and he knocks something over or breaks something.
◎ Temperament / Attitude: Kiran is a man who values silence, and understands the power of speaking. He knows words have meaning, and that once something is said, it can never be unsaid, and so you’ll often find him contemplative. He’ll listen to someone speak for hours if he finds them interesting, but won’t be quite so forthcoming about himself, preferring to direct the spotlight rather than be in it.
Kiran is patient, and while one might not consider him kind, he is polite almost to a fault, having learned to be a gentleman at a time of top hats and petticoats. He isn’t quick to anger as a result, but he has a terrible habit of holding grudges and is not known for his forgiveness.
Kiran is inquisitive, curious for all his intellect, and loyal to the core once someone has earned his trust.
◎ Weakness (Non-Physical): Addictive personality; Kiran can become addicted to certain prey he feeds from. If he finds someone whose moods are to his liking, his tastes, he will become fixated on them and it’s incredibly difficult to get him to move on.
◎ Fears / Phobias: Stakes, people entering his room whilst he’s asleep, thunderstorms, being incompetent.
◎ Secrets: Kiran’s deepest secret is that his curio shop is not always on the up and up. He prides himself in doing good business and being an honest man, but he does deal in “black market” deals of all sorts and given his business runs the gamut of normal to occult, he’s dealt in some pretty shady dealings with some pretty shady people before.
He doesn’t really see it as a problem, though, given that was how his father ran the business. He is simply continuing the tradition.
◎ Feels Vulnerable When: He’s asleep. Kiran’s staking happened when he was asleep as a child and that has developed into something of a fear of sleeping. Kiran will not sleep anywhere he is not comfortable or if there isn’t someone he trusts to watch over him.
Even in his own home, occasionally Kiran will forgo sleep to avoid nightmares or because he’s too afraid to drift off and be left unable to defend himself.
◎ Pet Peeves: Bad hygiene, people who interrupt him when he’s speaking, shoplifters, passive aggressive behavior, unnecessary abbreviations, people chronically in a bad mood, unsolicited recommendations about...anything.
◎ Motivation: Currently, Kiran’s motivation is simply in running his business.
◎ Goals / Hopes: Kiran’s looking to expand his curio shop a bit more, maybe purchase a secondary shop or move some of the business online; he isn’t sure yet, what exactly he wants to pursue, but it’s a new decade and it feels time to upgrade again.
◎ Sexuality: Kiran is bisexual.
◎ Day or Night Person: Kiran likes afternoons and evenings, periods of low light before the sun disappears.
◎ Introvert or Extrovert: Introvert.
◎ Optimist or Pessimist: Kiran refers to himself as a “realist” but it also depends on the most recent victim he’s fed from and what mood they were in.
◎ Talents: Taught himself to be ambidextrous, exceptional at all stringed instruments (including the harp), can spot a fake artifact, item, or object almost immediately, doesn’t need to eat food but spent a few decades perfecting his cooking, expert haggler and negotiator,  and is able to remain level-headed even during the most heated arguments.
☾ Likes and Styles ☽
◎ Music: Kiran listens to Classical (Modern, Symphony, Opera, Orchestral, Romantic), Trance (specifically Orchestral), New Age (Meditation), Soul, and Vocal.
◎ Books: Kiran reads fiction and non-fiction, with a heavy preference for Thrillers. He does read romantic poetry, as well.
◎ Foods: Kiran prefers sweet over salty, enjoying ice cream, puddings, trifles, pastries and cakes, and he often has candy in his pocket for a little “pick me up” if he’s having a bad day.
◎ Drinks: Kiran prefers hot drinks over cold, such as coffees and teas. He doesn’t drink much, alcohol-wise, though he does like red wine with the right meal...
◎ Animals: Kiran is extremely fond of crows. They’re intelligent and crafty, and he finds he relates a lot to them.
He has befriended a few that nest around his shop, and they bring him shiny trinkets every now and again.
◎ Color: Earth tones, with the occasional hint of color. It reminds Kiran of finding gemstones buried far beneath the earth, as if there are still mysteries in the world unsolved.
◎ Clothing / Jewelry: Kiran dresses in a more subdued, almost hipster-style--though it isn’t on purpose. He simply found a style he liked about a century ago and hasn’t...quite caught up, yet. His colors are muted, the fabrics expensive, and he is extremely fond of rings. He wears them layered, and he will wear a ring of any sort, it doesn’t matter the cut or color or style as long as it’s real.
◎ TV Shows / Movies: Kiran enjoys documentaries and true crime, though he has been known to watch a period drama every now and again.
◎ Greatest Want: To know he’s serving his family well. The Lim’s have always dealt in the curio business, and there’s a lot of pressure on Kiran’s shoulders to ensure he’s living up to that legacy. He doesn’t want to ask for the reassurance, the praise, but he wants to be told it all the same.
◎ Greatest Need: Kiran doesn’t know it, but what he needs is support. He’s terribly alone, and he isn’t aware of it--not yet, anyway.
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