#fili friday
mrkida-art · 2 years
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The royal line of Durin and their chronic resting bitch face
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dwarvishring · 2 years
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happy fili friday’s eve
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khazadaimenu · 5 months
Fili is a Caravaggio painting change my mind 😡 Chiaroscuro, bitches
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silvermoon-scrolls · 1 year
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THE HOBBIT: THE DESOLATION OF SMAUG Dean O'Gorman as Fíli inside the Woodland Realm's dungeons
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mhyinart · 2 years
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Happy Fili Friday Everyone!!!
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brother-genitivi · 2 years
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it’s friday u know what that means
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erosofthepen · 7 months
fili friday
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decadentenemyturtle · 2 years
Prompt: "Laying a gentle kiss to the back of the other’s hand"
Fili x reader
If your still accepting these pls 💗💗💗
The dance only our heart knows
Pairing: Fíli x Reader
Words: 1 482
It was a big day of celebration today, for it was Durin's day and fifth annivensary of reclaming the Lonely Mountain. And since both days happened to be the same and we are talking about dwarves here, it went without saying they'd threw a big party. Almost everyone had a day off from work, including you. You were clad for being able to work in the mountain and not to return back on living on the road, where you had lived before Gandalf had asked you to assist him and the group of dwarves and a hobbit on journey to reclaim a mountain from a dragon.
And since you still hadn't believed in dragons even after living in Middle Earh for a few years, you decided to tack along, just to proof Gandalf wrong and silly old man. Even this day he still was a silly old man in your eyes, but now you believed that dragons did exists. Along with other horrifying creatures.
You were sitting on a table near royal table, slowly drinking your ale, enjoying the music and the dancers on the middle of the room. You were smiling a little as you spotted Bombur with his daughter Tumli on the dancefloor. Tumli wasn't old, so it went without saying that her dancing skills weren't the best ones. But still, she and her father had a good time.
While you were enjoying your view of the danfloor, someone else had their eyes on you.
Fíli was leaning to back rest of his chair as he looked at you, only hearing half of what his mother and uncle were talking about. He smiled a little as he saw your smile turning even bigger. He could feel his heart expanding with joy just for the sight of you smiling and knowing you were happy. The music stopped and Fíli turned towards the dance floor, watching as dwarves returned to their seats, went to get more food or ale or another dance partner, or simply staying still to dance with their current partner.
Then Fíli turned his eyes back to you and smiled as he noted your longing look. He knew you hadn't been dancing this evening, nor had anyone asked you to dance. So, Fíli downed his ale and got up. For who would be a better dance partner for the first dance of the evening if not crown prince himself?
"Excusme, m'lady" Fíli said as he bend closer to you. You look up at him in surprise, not having heard him coming closer to you. Without giving you any time responce, he continued, "Would you grant me the next dance?" You felt yourself blush a little and you looked down, shyly. You had no idea how to dance, which was why you had sat a bit further from the dance floor so no one wouldn't bother to ask you. But now you were asked by a crown prince himself!
"I... don't know ho to dance" you said as the music started, but Fíli only laughed and pulled you up, not caring of your protests. He walked you to the dance floor and dwarves around you looked the two of you, giving you way to dance literally middle of the dance floor. You wanted glare Fíli, but decided to hold it instead. It would be bad enough that you would be stepping on his shoes.
"This hand goes here..." Fíli adviced as he quided your left hand to his shoulder and then he wrapped his arm around your weist. Then he took your hand in his and got a bit closer to you. His hand was rough, yet you didn't mind. And he was so warm. You felt your breath leave as your eyes glued to Fíli's. You two were about same height, you noted. Before you two started to dance, Fíli leaned closer to you and whispered to your ear, "Just let me guide you. You'll see, this is easy" And then he started to move, his hand on your waist guiding you by pressin gently on to you or almost letting go of you. Even if your steps were far from correct, you still enjoyed this. Somewhat.
As Fíli swinged you suddenly, pressing you close to him, a big and happy smile gragged on your lips, lighting up your face. You did enjoy this! And even Fíli started to smile more. He watched you closely, your every facial expression from a frown to shy look around you two as the dwarves around you danced, laughed and sent looks to your way, to finally have a bright smile. And he felt his own heart grow, how it exuded warmth that flooded around his body, making him more aware of being alive than ever before. And he sighed. If this was love, he'd gladly have it.
"Maybe I was born to hold you in these arms" Fíli whispered to your ear, causing you to shiver. He whispered this to you as if he was drunk, but you knew he hadn't been drinking that much to be actually drunk. His little brother had had downed dosens of pints and was about as loud and cheerfull as he usually was, his words still understandable and his walk as steady as any. So, Fíli and his four pint's hadn't gotten him drunk.
But, maybe it was something else that was causing him to say this to you? Maybe he had had a reason to ask you to dance with him...? Dancing had an important role in dwarven culture, you remembered Glóin once mentioning this.
"Fíli..." you whispered as he pressed his forhead against yours. A small smile grew on your lips as you saw his shining blue eyes and the whistfull smile he had. You felt giddy all of a sudden. Did he...? Did he...?
"You are like the most beautiful song I cannot get out of my head" he continued to whisper, making you shiver again. Your mouth was getting dry, and it had nothing to with dancing. You had had no idea he could be this sweet and overly romantic. And it felt a little weird to hear him say these, especially to you. But it still made you feel warm.
"Your eyes are like warm grass in the early summer on a sunny day" he continued breathlesly. You felt like you were glowing. The fact that might Fíli love you had your feelings for him rise even more.
"And yours are like clear sky on the very same summery day, when there are no cloud's on the sky and when the sun is warming us to the very heart" you whispered him back. You felt like you had to say something, but since you weren't sure if he actualy felt something for you, you decided to try with these sweet nothing's he had been gifting for you. Fíli sighed and pressed his forhead against yours, closing his eyes and as the music stopped, so did you two.
A loud clapping brought you two back to reality as you stared at each other for a second before taking a step back, Fíli bowing to you and you curtseying him, still holding eachothers hands. As you rose, you felt still giddy and warm and good. Your heart swelled again, when Fíli took your hand in both of his, stepped a little closer to you a pressed his lips against the back of your hand. Had this been a cartoon or an anime, your heart would have had shot right out of your chest to all to see and your eyes taking a shape of hearts as you'd faint to the floor from this small affection. But, instead, you felt like your heart started to beat faster, how your cheek's turning bright pink and a small, shy smile grew on your lips. You pressed your head a little down as you watched him kiss your hand for a few seconds longer. When Fíli finally stopped and straightened up, you smiled to him lovingly. You had never felt like this before.
The next song started and Fíli invited you to dance with him again with a small smile. You nodded and took a step in front of him, putting your hand over his shoulder as he put his on your waist, and you walzed to the next song, the world around you forgotten.
"(Y/n), after this song, would you let me braid your hair?" Fíli asked shyly. You saw this question had been hard to ask, and how much courage it had taken him to ask it. And you also understood what this actually meant. He did love you. He wanted to court you, have you as his other half. Fíli loved you as you loved him.
"Yes" you breathed out and smiled, presing your head against his shoulder. "I love you, mon amour"
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Ok so i have decided to assign a LotR/the Hobbit character to each day of the week, based on the first letter of their name. (This idea came to me from a reblog from @blairsanne on one of my posts about fili, with a tag that said “fili friday”) and i will be celebrating them on each day of the week
The days are as follows:
Merry Monday (or Meriadoc Monday)
Tauriel Tuesday
Witch-King Wednesday
Thorin Thursday
Fili Friday
Smeagol Saturday
And Samwise Sunday
You could also have Frodo Friday or Theoden Tuesday or Sauron Saturday or anything else i’m too stupid to think of. I’m gonna do one of these for PotC characters in a bit :D and i might also assign characters to months too, such as Aragorn August or Arwen April or Saruman September or Nori November or Deagol December or Dori December or Dwalin December (idk i’m just thinking of these on the spot lol)
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bragiedfili · 7 months
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Fili Friday
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dwarvishring · 2 years
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flixantrusanin · 10 months
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verkomy · 2 months
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it's fucken wimdy
more on my patreon
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silvermoon-scrolls · 2 years
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Sassy Fíli for @laurfilijames
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mhyinart · 2 years
Also a treat for my oh so loyal Tolkien Fandom
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Happy Fili Friday you walnut bags!!
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setokaibapetty · 5 months
5 + 1 Fic Friday Roundup: Raised by Other(s)
Have some fics about kids getting to grow up with a different family (and/or organization) or that had additional family unit(s) (which can include adoption). It's a fun AU premise since how much does an altered childhood change a character (and, thus, their story)?
A Greater Purpose (AO3) - "A young Byleth is adopted by Archbishop Rhea under false pretenses and is raised within Garreg Mach. Although groomed for a singular purpose, Byleth finds her goals becoming complicated after being appointed as a professor at the Officers Academy. As history catches up to her, she will have to decide who she is and what is the right path for her."
The Beast from Mordor (AO3) - "A year after Smaug's death, a messenger comes to Erebor with terrible news - Prince Vili, husband of Princess Dis, and their only son, a dwarfling of four, have been killed in an orc raid. The messenger is right, but only on one count. For at that exact moment, the little dwarfling is on his way south to Mordor, clasped to a female orc's breast. Many decades later, a young dwarf emerges from Mordor, completely shorn of hair, heavily dyed, and believing himself to be an orc. Will he ever discover his true identity or be reunited with his family?
Pack Horde (AO3) - "Involving Janet Drake being the serial adopter instead of Bruce."
a watched kettle never boils (AO3) - "Endeavor doesn’t show up to Sekoto Hill, but Gang Orca does. This changes things."
Another Brother (FF) - "It was a mission of revenge. There weren't supposed to be any survivors, but Chief Hakoda couldn't bring himself to kill the Fire Nation boy. Against his better judgment, he brought him home. A Zuko joins the Water Tribe story."
Bonus: A Crown of Laurels (I Lay Upon Your Head) (SB) - "A young man, reincarnated as Criston Cole, remembers his past life, and Rhaenyra Targaryen is forever changed for it. For better or for worse, Westeros is set on a different path."
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