#my vet tech notes are sobbing in a corner
cannibalhellhound · 9 months
But my brain won't focus so...
En fin
Here enjoy the air gays + wings
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I love anatomy stuff and I'm hellbent on giving the idiots anatomically correct wings.
And I'm crying because Harpy eagles and hawks have SO MANY STRIPES on their wings.
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Bonus pics of Harpy eagles because they're my favorites and my brain says Ice is a white harpy idc what y'all say (ignore the tiger I have adhd)
Suggestions are welcome :D
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soontobedvm · 6 years
A Day in the Life of An Emergency Veterinarian
4:40 AM: Alarm screaming. I’m screaming. We are all screaming for coffee. 
4:45 AM: Stealthily grabbing clothes and dodging cats on our bed without waking up the hubby. 
4:46 AM: Forgot a sock. UGH
5:15 AM: Coffee gulped, dog let out to potty, clothes on, stethoscope in hand. 
5:30 AM: Arrive at work.  Sigh, because wouldn’t it be nice to arrive in the sunlight once? 
5:32 AM: Print out hospital list, time for cage side rounds to discuss each patient. 
6:14 AM: My head is spinning from the whirlwind of 20 + inpatient histories, diagnostics, and treatments being shoved rudely into my brain. 
6:30 AM: Do morning physicals. Avoid being pooped on. AWWWW YEAH!
7:03 AM: Organize, look at, and write on patient charts. 
7:30 AM: Wake up some owners with important patient update phone calls. 
8:20 AM: First outpatient of the day is here. Unable to pee cat. Here. We. Go!
8:40 AM: Place a urinary catheter in this cat while an actively seizing dog comes straight back to the treatment room. Start listing off drug doses for the seizure dog while I suture in this catheter. Oh, there’s an owner in room 7 that wants to talk to me too. 
9:10 AM: Come out of seizure dog room, there’s two dogs that ate chocolate in room 5, and a cat who has blue string coming out of his butt in room 3. 
10:00 AM: Try not to sigh as I’m asked “How old are you exactly? Can’t we ask for another vet, perhaps a male one?” in an exam room. 
10:25 AM: Hit by car rushed into the back. Check vitals, do diagnostics, stabilize. Looks like leg is broken, too. Surgery transfer tomorrow for this little one. 
11:00 AM: Go through treatment options of kidney failure from cancer in a cat with the sweetest people. They cry, and ask me what I would do if it was my cat. They cry again. Tissues and a soft, compassionate voice is all I can offer them, but I wish I could offer them more. 
12:05 PM: “Room 4 is ready.” I know that line. I grab the solution, I walk into a room with sobbing owners, and I guide them through one of the hardest decisions they will ever have to make. 
12:08 PM: I exit room 4, a little shaken. I get a hug from my tech, and then eat a granola bar as I look through the 16 pages of history for my next case that is having difficulty breathing. Has had a liver mass removed, and has chronic allergies, and has seizures, and the list goes on....
2:01 PM: Attack by dog brought to the back for bleeding excessively. Work on a sedation protocol and then go see a possible Parvo in room 11.
2:10 PM: Get screamed at for “being in it just for the money” even though I severely discounted the exam fee even though I wasn’t supposed to and gave them donated medications and fluids completely free of charge. 
3:00 PM: Finish up the laceration repair, work on some discharges and other medical notes. 
3:30 PM: Talk to owner regarding her heat stroke dog, not realizing until afterward that I still had blood on my shirt from the laceration repair. 
3:50 PM: DOA (dead on arrival) hit by car. I am pulled from a room into this one, which is full of disbelief, anger, and sadness. Their screaming follows me into the hallway.  
4:00 PM: I try to eat a little snack as I have time to stew over a mistake I made a few days ago. The nightmares at night are telling me that I’m not over it. I put down my snack.
4:10 PM: See an “emergency” rash on a dog. Owner also lifts shirt to show me her “emergency” rash as well. 
4:20 PM: Paperwork. 
5:30 PM: Become a little giddy. Only 30 minutes left until freedom!
5:55 PM: A dystocia (trouble giving birth) walks into the door. And there goes my chance to leave at a decent time. 
6:30 PM: The puppies aren’t coming, and ultrasound shows fetal distress. Time to kick it into high gear and get our butts into surgery. 
7:00 PM: It doesn’t matter that I’ve done it before. My palms are still sweaty, and I feel like I might puke. “Don’t mess this up, you bumbling idiot,” says the voice in my head.
7:20 PM: With shaking hands, I have the puppies out.  I try not to hope too much, but I hope they are okay as I suture up the Momma. 
8:00 PM: I walk out of surgery with bated breath. I hear squeaks as I round the corner, and I’m handed two pink and happy puppies. And I smile, perhaps for the first time in a while.  
9:00 PM: Leave work. 
9:20 PM: Kiss hubby, shove some fast food in my mouth while we chat about our cases from the day (he’s a vet too!)
9:45 PM: SLEEP. 
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darley1101 · 6 years
Soft Hearted
Request: “Who gets teary eyed when they pass a dead animal while driving” “What do they fight about most.”
Pairing: Drake x Lily
Rating: Teen (some language, mention of animal being hurt)
Warning: small scene where an animal is hit by a car
Requested by: @likeatailofacomet 
Tag list is at the end. I stuck with my perma tag list. If you would like to be added to the perma list, removed, or added to a specific list in general just let me know. I hope everyone enjoys.
Soft Hearted
“So that's just it? You're not talking to me?”
Lily Walker pursed her full lips into a tight pucker and narrowed her eyes, her gaze trained on the scenery whizzing by. No, asshole, I'm not talking to you, she silently fumed, crossing her arms over her chest. Keeping quiet was the only way to keep from getting sucked back into the same ole fight she and Drake kept having about whether or not their three year old daughter Kaytee was ready for a pet. Lily had grown up with her furry best friend Tux, this beautiful black and white tuxedo cat that had been a crucial part of her life for seventeen years, and for a brief amount of time, before the little traitor chose Maxwell over her, she'd had a corgi named Sir Wigglesworth. She knew Drake liked animals, especially horses, so she didn't see what the big deal was in letting Kaytee have a kitten.
“Oh come on, Lils, you're being ridiculous.”
Eyes widening and nostrils flaring, Lily sucked in her breathe. No, you grouchy shit, what's ridiculous is your reasons for not letting our daughter...who never asks for anything...have a fucking kitten! Heaven forbid your precious leather couch get a single claw mark on it or that ugly cow hide rug gets tinkled on. Selfish asshole. The problem was, Drake wasn't selfish. There were very few times Lily couldn't get her way with him. He was just being a stubborn ass on the kitten thing. At first Lily had thought he might be allergic, but a quick conversation with Savannah had nipped that right in the bud. Savannah had also laid to rest any lingering concerns Lily had about Drake having PTSD over a traumatic pet death. No, Drake was just being a stubborn jerk about letting Kaytee have a kitten. If he had listed responsibility or that he was worried about ringworm and scratch marks, Lily could have seen his point of view. Instead he had centered his attention on his precious, mammoth sized leather sofa and that hideous cow hide rug his mother had sent him from Texas.
“Fine. Don't talk.” Fine, I won't. Lily curbed the urge to stick out her tongue. She wasn't above sulking, silent treatment, or stomping her foot but she drew the line at sticking out her tongue. She was a mother, after all, and she had to have some standards when it came to childish behavior. “At least listen to why...”
After thirty seconds of him droning on with his usual lame reasons for not letting Kaytee have a cat, Lily turned her focus back to the scenery flashing by outside. It was something she instantly regretted. A horrified gasp escaped her lips and her eyes started burning as she took in the struggling figure of a cat that had recently been hit trying to crawl to the side of the road. He looks like Tux, she noted, with his sleek black fur and a splash of white on the chest and face. “Drake pull over,” Lily cried, her lower lip starting to tremble. “Pull over now!”
“Lils,” Drake started, and then stopped, letting out a string of curses when he spots the cat. He was still cursing when he pulled the truck to the side of the road. The moment it stopped, Lily jumped out, racing towards the cat. “What are you doing,” he yelled behind her. She ignored the question because it should be obvious what she was doing. A passing car honked and swerved to miss her, Lily flipped the driver off, her focus on getting to the cat, who had paused to let out a painful cry. “Jesus, Lils, be careful!”
“It's okay,” she murmured, crouching down next to the cat. She stroked its silky fur, tears running down her cheeks when it looked up at her with pain filled eyes. “We're going to get you help.” Gingerly, she gathered the wounded animal in her arms.
“If you ever do something like that again,” Drake yelled, “I swear to God Lily I will...I will...” he snapped his mouth shut, his face softening when he took in the whimpering cat. “Is he okay?”
“I don't know,” Lily sniffled, blinking rapidly to try to loosen the tears lingering on her lashes. “He's not bleeding but that doesn't mean anything. He could be hurt inside. He could....” Like a dam filled to the brim after a storm, she burst. Sobs heaved her chest, tears poured down her cheeks. How could people be so cruel? She understood that accidents happened, that sometimes hitting an animal couldn't be avoided, but damn it how hard was it to stop and see if the animal that was struck needed help? “We're going to help you,” she whispered, her fingers gently trailing over the trembling little body.
“Lily, baby,” Drake placed a comforting hand on her shoulder. “We need to get him to the vet.” Drake was right, she knew that, but it was like her feet were glued to the side of the road. “Let me help.” Nodding, Lily let him lead her to the passenger side of their truck, sniffling slightly when he helped her into her seat. A soft, small smile tipped the corners of her lips when his large fingers gently trailed over the cat, comforting words murmured under his breath.
The drive to the vet was a blur of Drake trying to comfort her while she tried to reassure the cat that everything was going to be alright. It felt like a lie, she had no way of knowing if things were going to be okay but they were trying and that counted for something. If, her heart constricted, if the cat died at least he would die knowing someone had loved him enough to stop and help him. “I love you,” she murmured, pressing a kiss to the soft head before letting the vet tech take him to the back, where the vet waited to look him over.
“It's going to be okay,” Drake told her, pulling her shaking body up against his chest. He threaded his fingers into her thick, dark curls and tilted her head so that she was looking up at him. “He's strong, Lils, a fighter. He's not going to give up. Especially not now.”
“What...what do you mean...especially not now?”
That was when it happened. Liliana Delgado Walker, the Duchess of Valtoria, fell in love with her husband all over again. “Because now he has a home and people who love him waiting for him.” She tightened her hold around his waist. Had she really, just a half an hour ago, been thinking that he was an asshole and a grouchy shit? She took it back...well maybe not entirely back because there was some truth to it. Drake could be a grouchy asshole when he wanted to be. Mostly he was a loving, compassionate father and husband. The sort who stopped on the side of the road so their wife could run into on coming traffic to save a cat. The sort who then rushed said cat to the vet, footed the bill, and then, without prompting, said the cat was coming home with them.
“You should name him,” Lily encouraged a few days later when they once again driving down the highway, this time with their cat riding in the backseat, purring loudly while Kaytee chattered away about how much she was going to love him, and how bee-you-tee-ful he was. The vet had called him a miracle cat since he had managed to walk away with only a small graze on his back left leg where the tire had struck him.
“Yes!” Kaytee squealed from the back seat. “Daddy you should name him!” Her little brow puckered, her brown eyes narrowing in confusion.”Who is daddy naming?”
“Our cat, sweetheart,” Lily laughed.
“Oh! Sweetheart is a bee-you-tee-ful name daddy!”
Before Drake could protest or Lily could correct their precocious daughter, Sweetheart the miracle cat let out a heart yowl of agreement.
Perma tag list: @debramcg1106 @josieschoices @boneandfur  @tmarie82 @blackcatkita  @hamulau @endlessly-searching-for-you @umccall71  @drakelover78 @penguininapinktuxedo @eileendannie  @stopforamoment @writtenbycandy @lizeboredom @alicars  @leelee10898 @choicesfannatalie @liamxs-world  @katurrade @jadedpixiescribbles @indiacater @speedyoperarascalparty @zackzilberg @mfackenthal @damienazariostan @choiceslife @hopefulmoonobject @hellospunkiebrewster
People who might be interested: @flowerpowell @drakewalkerwhipped @kinkykingliam
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mlleedom · 8 years
Hope, Turmeric, and One Hell of a Lady…
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I was sipping Sumatran dark roast at Greenpoint Coffee House in Brooklyn, a place that had an atmosphere which rivaled the coziness of home. The waiter had just left a cheerful couple laughing while sipping coffee in synchronicity. When he returned I was trying to erase any signs of sobbing from my face. In between his refill rounds I got a call from the vet, Jack’s biopsy showed that he had an aggressive form of cancer… being optimistic with surgery Jack had a year. A week later to the day Jack had surgery and I found a new vet. His new vet agreed… Jack might have a year… I asked her, “What about turmeric?”
I had been doing my own research and found that turmeric had been found to shrink tumors and prevent their re-occurrence... I was desperate. She said she would do some digging in medical journals and send me an email (her email is below). Her follow up call with me started with, “Wow I might start taking turmeric!” My response, “I already did!” So from that day forward Jack and I both took turmeric. I told the vet early on that she would have to tell me the bail out point because my mind was lost in this war and my heart couldn’t see straight. Jack had been through so much with me… many things had changed over the years but most nights ended with Jack by my hip.
Turmeric caught my eye years before... soon after my grandfather passed from Alzheimer’s I came across an article about residents of India having a quarter of the Alzheimer cases of those of the United States, the reason cited Turmeric, a common ingredient in curry (Indian Spice for Alzheimer's). Now you will see turmeric included in any Superfood article you come across. Cancer did take Jack but after six years not one.
When the vet called me this past May to tell me there was nothing to be done at this point… I believed her, everything that could be done was. She went on to say, “Michele Jack has the best Mom he could have been matched with on this earth, I told my vet tech this morning… wait until you meet Jack’s mom, I would put her in charge of anything! I will never forget her walking in here with her print outs and a hand written list of questions… and she opened with, This dog is not dying this year! He didn’t, and I got to know a great dog over these six years and one hell of a lady… you are going to have the strength for this like you have everything else!” I was sitting in the far corner of the Atlanta airport bawling during a four hour layover waiting to get to Jack.
Three and half years prior to this moment, I got a letter while Charles and I were separated before the divorce, when I pulled it out of the mailbox it caught my eye immediately. Our address was handwritten on the envelope in large flowery beautiful cursive… it had to be a woman. Of course if I had written it the recipient would be thinking it had to be a six year old! I imagined it was a past or current lover of his writing to tell me of an affair… expecting I would have a reaction of some combination of sadness, rejection and rage… and would have the effect of removing me from the equation with more immediate haste. Well that immediate haste was already well underway. I sat down on our sofa and opened the envelope to find a note from my vet, “Michele you are in my thoughts and I am here for you in whatever you may need during this painful time.” This was my vet, she got Jackers and I to see the light beyond the disease of cancer and she too is one hell of a lady! Jack you were one hell of dog and one of the my best friends… you left a basset sized hole in my heart… thank you for thirteen years of my life which were infinitely better because of you my furry pal.
 -Love Jack’s Mom
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Email Below: (Winter 2007)
Hey Michele,
 I was looking up some information on the Turmeric and I don't think it would be a problem to give it to Jack.  From what I have read it is like ginger and also called Indian Saffron.  I copied a portion of an article and it is to follow, also a website that I was looking at that explained a few things well was: www.psa-rising.com/eatingwell/tumeric.htm. I also looked in a book that I have called Manual of Natural Veterinary Medicine and they talk about the curcumin( a yellow pigment from the spice turmeric) as inhibiting tumor growht and metastasis, reduces the side effects of chemotherapy, and may increase the action of some chemotherapy agents, as well as prevent cancer.  The dose equivalent suggested by Boik is 15 to 20 mg/lb of body weight daily for animals.  Hope this helps.  I will also get in touch with Dr. G. and see if she has ever used it before.   
In promising but very early results from laboratory, animal, and human studies, curcumin has kept several kinds of cancers from starting, growing, or spreading. It is known that curcumin may speed up the rate at which certain kinds of cancer cells die, it may interfere with cancer cell division, and it may also prevent the growth of blood vessels that support tumor growth. Since it is not well absorbed from the intestines, turmeric may reach high enough levels to be especially active for cancers of the colon and other intestinal conditions, such as Crohn’s disease. Additionally, in a few preliminary laboratory studies of human cancer cells, curcumin may have shown the ability to make cancer cells more susceptible to radiation therapy. It may have additional anticancer effects, as well. Turmeric is known to be a strong antioxidant, a substance thought to protect body cells from damage caused by a chemical process called oxidation. Oxygen free radicals, natural chemicals produced by oxidation, may suppress immune function and cause tissue damage. In addition to their anticancer effects, antioxidants in turmeric may protect the brain, kidneys, and liver from damage by alcohol, drugs, radiation, heavy metals such as lead, or chemicals such as dry cleaning fluid. Some laboratory research seems to show that curcumin may also help to lessen some of the complications of cancer, particularly a reduction in the amount of bone in the body. All of these effects need further study, however, before curcumin or turmeric may be recommended for anticancer therapy.
Dr. B
Photo Below (Me and Jack) Photo Above (Greenpoint Coffee House before it closed Dec. 2009)
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Jack (1.24.99 -5.10.12)
http://youtu.be/V8VtTlixITg This will forever be Jack's song!
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