#my wish is similar to something even chan said once in a vlive it's that they will be given a lil more time to make a proper record with no
nunap · 2 years
I think that 3racha/skz needs to work on: sexy songs(clearly the fandom demands it and rightfully so after what we heard), rock or old hip hop cause they shine with that live and on record, pre choruses(too generic) and something more fluid/heterogeneous like Han songs can be(slump my beloved). Also I think they should try some sad af mega ballad one day a la "I'll be your man".
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461lightfire · 5 years
Dear Bang Chan,
Happy Birthday!  💕🎂
Since today is your birthday , I just wanted to tell you all the things you probably (or probably not) hear every single day. 
First off all,  You ARE perfect and you are one of the best leaders I know (and I know a lot).  And even though you think you lack in certain areas, it’s okay. It’s okay to have imperfections. I have some, too. You also care so much for every member and you really try your best in making the team one. Your hard work will pay off some day. Believe me. 
Furthermore, you really need to relax sometimes and get some rest. Like you make so many bops and so many good songs that your brain must be so drained. Even though you say you are perfectly fine and you get enough rest, I won’t believe you. I work with people who suffer from depression and similar diseases and people who are disabled that I have kind of a good sense when people don’t feel good. And sometimes I can feel that your mood isn’t good but you try to be in a good mood. In my eyes you don’t have to hide the bad mood because it’s kinda normal. If you’re stressed ,show it. If you’re having a bad day and feel sad, show it. We STAYs are there to help you. We are here to brighten up your day, or at least we try to make you feel better.
Last but not least, a big thank you. Thank you for existing. Thank you for making music. Thank you for being an inspiration to others. Thank you for telling your experiences with depression and other relatable thing, whether it’s in songs or in your VLIVEs. Thank you for being ethereal. Just a big THANK YOU.
Steve Jobs once said:
“ If you are working on something that you really care about, you don’t have to be pushed. The vision pulls you.” 
And I think that’s a good quote for you because you don’t have to rush everything. I mean sure, you probably have deadlines to when you have to finish certain songs but I mean in general. Sometimes you need to relax in order to finish something or be productive. 
To summarize my rant from before. You are like a best friend to me. The kind of friend who you can share your problems with. Or sit on a playground with and watch the stars. I wish we could be best friends forever. If not forever then at least for a very long time.
I love you and again: Happy Birthday! 💕🎂
With lots of love,
German STAY Anna-Lena
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