#my wonderful social worker tutorial family <3
plumbogs · 7 months
dustin and beau are closer in age in my mind than they are in game in general honestly. to me its like a 6 year age gap instead of the 10-12 or so (and dustin is on the younger end of being a teen to start). idk why i think it's just more to work with that way.
but in game the household would be twice as hellish if Dustin was a kid and less dramatic if Beau was a kid aleady so that's why it's probably actually like that
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jotink78 · 7 years
Tag Game
Rules: Tag some people you want to get to know better. I was tagged by the lovely @waywardlodging hanks hon!
This one is kind of long, so I’m gonna put it under a cut.  ;)
Appearance: I’m five foot four, and rock my curves.  I have blue eyes and hair that is constantly changing.  It’s got natural curl to it, but if I keep brushing it while it’s wet, it will dry fairly straight; if I don’t brush it at all after I shower, and put in my curl cream, it is nice and curly.  I love it!  It’s naturally a medium brown, but I haven’t been my natural color in years. I like to play with my hair a lot...I’ve been about every shade under the rainbow - blond, various shades of brown and red, plus had streaks/highlights of pink, royal blue, plum, and teal.  Right now, it’s two tone - reddish brown at the roots that goes into a dark purple.  Next time I think I’m going to do a medium dark blue with plum streaks.  Or do a dark purple with violet and lavender highlights...or...  who knows!
Personality: I am a massive introvert.  With my friends, I sometimes get in a chatty mood, especially if your talking about a passion of mine (SPN, Tolkien, music, books, quilting, painting, etc).  And I can enjoy the occasional party or club, but I need time afterwards to decompress alone.  Hubs and I have a standing rule that at least one weekend a quarter I get a pajama weekend, where I don’t leave the house or have company.  I just get to be quiet, watching tv, reading/writing, or crafting by myself.  He goes out with his friends or maybe has them over on the main level while I’m in my craft room in the basement.  I’m also fiercely loyal to friends and family, and I’m a great listener.
Ability: I’m creative and a great researcher.  I’m also good at editing and proofreading, which comes in very handy at my job.  
If there was one ability I wish I had, it would be the ability to speak any dialect of any language in the universe - kind of like having the Tardis in your head, except it wouldn’t translate everything into English, I’d just immediately know their language and be able to speak it as well.  This includes conversing with animals!
Hobbies: Reading and writing are my two main hobbies.  I’ve been doing both since I was a child and I still love it to this day.  I’m also a crafty person - and I was thrilled when Hubs built me a craft room last year.  I love to quilt - both regular style and rag style.  And I like to paint/draw.  Chalk pastels and acrylics are currently my favorite mediums, though I did take some watercolor lessons while I was on a cruise last month, so I will probably branch out and start playing with those soon.  I have oil paints (they came with an artists’ set) but I have no idea how to use them yet (anyone out there know a good tutorial?).  I also make jewelry and seasonal/holiday wreaths on occasion. I’d love to learn how to knit or crochet, but I need another hobby like a hole in the head.
A completely separate, but no less fun hobby - Hubs and I are both certified Advanced Open Water scuba divers.  When we lived in Arkansas, we were only thirty minutes away from a wonderful diving lake, and we’d go almost every weekend.  We also dive on our vacations - we’ve had dives in Cozumel (#1 place to dive so far), and Hawaii.
Experiences: I like how Josephine shared one negative and one positive experience, and I think I’ll do the same.  I’ll start with the negative and end with the positive. 
Hubs and I have tried for children for eight and a half years now with no luck.  A few years ago, we decided to became foster parents.  My best friend was fostering two sisters, ages 2 and 3. We’d known the girls for months, and they spent lots of time at our house, spending the night and having fun. We let my BF know to let the case worker know if they ended up having parental rights terminated, we wanted to adopt them (BF was only fostering - she was not feeling a call to adopt).  The case worker agreed and told us the foster parents of the girls’ brothers wanted to adopt the boys.  So it looked like everything was good to go and we prepared for the arrival of our daughters.  Two days before the TPR hearing was set, we were told that the family of the boys’ were now petitioning to adopt all four children.  We knew the judge would attempt to keep siblings together whenever possible.  Sure enough, the other family adopted them.  We found out later that they truly only intended to adopt the boys, but were told by an unethical adoption worker that if they didn’t adopt all four, they would get the boys taken away - which was completely untrue on more than one level.  That particular worker has since been fired for his actions - but we still lost our girls. 
Now for one of many, many wonderful experiences while being a foster parent.  Our first official placement was two days before Halloween, 2014 - a little girl we called Boo on social media.  Boo was almost two and a half, and she was a sweet, quiet little thing.  We had her for a while and she never really spoke or initiated physical contact/hugs (there was NO abuse in her case, btw).  One day in December, I woke her up and was pulling her out clothes for the day, and I heard her sweet little voice say “Mama” and felt her little arms around my leg.  Y’all, I dropped her off at daycare and then bawled my eyes out.  She was able to go back home to her mother late that April, and her family and I have stayed in touch ever since.
My life: Hmmm....not sure what to say for this one.  I’ve had a pretty good life overall.  My parents are my rocks.  And this year, they’ve both had massive health scares and ended up in the hospital several days.  They are amazing people and they raised my (twin) brother and I to be thoughtful, compassionate people, with a strong faith in Jesus.  I was baptized when I was eleven, and one of my favorite things to do now is going to my core group meetings once a week with five other ladies from my church.  My family is one of the most important things to me - my mom was one of 12 and dad one of 4, so I have lots of aunts, uncles, and cousins, whom I love very much.  And that’s not even counting Hub’s family - he was his mother’s only child, but with divorce and remarriages, between his half-siblings and his step-siblings, he is now one of 8!
I thought for a long, long time I was never going to find someone to love me.  I never really dated in high school - had one “boyfriend” that wasn’t really a boyfriend for a month or so.  Even in college, I didn’t really date.  Though I had a lot of guy friends - I was “one of the guys” a lot.  One of them, I can honestly say was my first love, but it never worked out (we are still friends though).  I was 27 before I met Hubs, ironically through a friend of mine who was dating him at the time.  She told me he wasn’t for her, but she thought we’d be a good match.  She was dead on.  We’d only been dating four months when he proposed, and we married less than eleven months after we met - and celebrated ten years last month!  
Random Stuff: I have five furry babies - three dogs: Drago (Drake), a 12 year old shepherd/pit mix; Panda, a 10 year old shepherd/pit/corgi mix, and Drake’s daughter, and Heidi, a 2.5 year old full blooded Australian Shepherd; and two cats: Tahoe, a 13 year old tabby, and Chloe, a 5 year old muted calico.  
Tagging anyone who wants to participate, along with @sdavid09 and @winchesterprincessbride and @impala-dreamer and @life-is-righteous, cause I’m curious as to what they’d say.  ;)
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thewanderingkru · 7 years
Saving for my travels (A personal return of investment)
Is it really necessary to travel?
Is saving money just for the sake of traveling... worth it?
What about your funds?
What about your future plans?
What will you get after spending your money on traveling?
Perhaps we’ve heard about these inquiries or questions from different blogs, books, magazines, to our family, friends, or to people we barely just acquainted with, but how do we really save money for travels? What are these necessities? Or are these even necessary? What about these return of investments after traveling to these places? What are the perks of these traveling journey? Or are there even perks of traveling?
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(Waiting for the train from Kuala Lumpur airport to Kuala Lumpur city center, Circa October 2016 at Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia)
On a personal note, I believe in choices. I believe that we make our own decisions and choices in life. Choices and decisions that we think we deserve, because, after all of these experience, we are entitled... to do so.
As a Filipino traveler, with a Philippine passport, I haven’t really been anywhere in the world except around in South East Asia so far, but my views toward traveling widen my perspective about the things that I’ve learned from it. Thus, I have also learned to experience the thoughts and things about life through this life learning wandering journey but of course, I also came across with shortcomings too through my travels. 
While it is true, as they say, that I live in a third world country. Well, perhaps, a fact, since I couldn’t enter to some countries without visa, but it did not hinder me to explore and learn cultures, wander and wonder the unknown, and of course, discover my potentials. As I have always said from my previous blog posts, privilege, as they say, too, but I believe it is always an opportunity to travel. An opportunity that if we believe in ourselves, there’s this glimmer of hope, that will really happen if we want to make it happen.
Given the facts, in this blog post episode, I will share my thoughts about the things on saving for my travels (the blog post title itself), accommodation discounts and secret deals, getting good yet low-cost flights, and of course, wandering lessons.
My main source of income is from my full-time job, being an English teacher. Since I live alone abroad, I do all the stuff from my monthly rent, mobile data, electricity and water bills. Independent as they say, but it’s really not easy to be an adult! However, of course, there is this thing called liberty where I can do whatever I want, and how I budget everything. From emergency savings, bills, groceries, and of course, travels. Every month, I always save ten to twenty percent from my salary for my travels. Again, it’s all about choices. To some, it may just be for the sake of traveling, however, it is my stress reliever, thus of course, to reward myself too from all of these madness in this world. So, why not spend your money on traveling. Well, as they say, you cannot bring your money to heaven, honey.
Aside from my main income, I also have a tutorial part-time job, which is somehow very helpful for my weekly allowance from food and a little bit of wants. And just recently, into blogging, for accommodation deals and flight perks.
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(Feeling under the weather at Petaling street, Kuala Lumpur... my first traveling abroad on a holiday to get sick... but still, regardless of being food poisoned, group selfies should never be missed!)
So, how do I really save my money for my travels? Being a Filipino may not be easy because after graduating from college, it is an innate culture to give back something to our family, especially to our parents. Thus, when you are an OFW (Overseas Filipino Worker), although not really necessary, but it’s perhaps, or more likely a customary routine to give something to your family, most importantly, in financial perspective, if you are more capable.
This is the breakdown of my overall income on saving for travels:
First of all, pay all the monthly bills... the necessity! (from electricity, credit card, water, internet, etc.)
Second, save something for emergency funds which includes your retirement funds. We’re not getting younger, honey.
Third, although not necessary, but it is always essential to give something back to your family. After the days of hard work of your parents, why don’t you treat them, right?
Lastly, save at least, depending on your choice, ten to twenty percent for your travels or buy the things that you want. To me, traveling is my personal luxury. 
DO NOT TRAVEL if you did not pay yet the necessary, especially the monthly bills, because if they pile up, you’d be in debt, honey! And of course, do not ever travel if you are in debt, honey. Let’s be honest, traveling is not free. Although, yes, there are perks, but traveling has always been a privilege, if not, an opportunity. So, think first what is the necessity, and then go to your wants, go for your travels. But of course, if the budget is not enough, then live by your means. After all, it’s not a race that you need to travel across the world and get your passport stamped, right?
For the past years of traveling around South East Asia, I’ve gained so many access of information with regards to selecting good dates and choosing itineraries. As a budget traveler myself, I always look out for blogs or websites months before my planned trips.
If you plan on a trip in a year, make sure to plan it wisely and conveniently. Do not travel just because it’s a sale flight and it will endanger your work. Hello, we live by our main incomes, honey. So, first and foremost, be updated with future holidays or long weekend in your company or workplace months before your planned dates.
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(Selfie with the famous Twin Tower of Kuala Lumpur... My first cheapest flight then from Bangkok to Kuala Lumpur for less than 70 USD)
In booking flights, subscribe to the airline websites for sale flights and perks. It’s really very helpful especially if you’re on the look out for traveling. Also, when you book your flight, although it’s been all over the blog entries or traveling sites in the world, but booking on a midnight on weekdays (Tuesday to Thursday) is truly magical, as the flights are mostly cheaper! So, better prepare your horses in booking flights. And get those notifications popping in your e-mail!
As for accommodations, check the dates of your planned trip where the places are in low season, as the accommodation prices tend to be lower than the normal price. Of course, if the place that you will visit is in high season, expect for higher price. However, if you really want to experience a local kind of lifestyle stay, try couch surfing. It doesn’t cost you much, or sometimes, you get it for free! Still, choices, honey.
Now, for the finale, after booking flights and accommodations, choose your itinerary with regards to what are the things that you like to do during those times. RESEARCH RESEARCH RESEARCH! Researching on the internet is really helpful especially when it comes to itinerary trips.Perhaps, what you want to achieve with regards to your purpose in your travels.
In most times, I don’t really have an exact itinerary whenever I travel because there will be things that will always be inevitable, but of course, whenever I visit a place, I make sure, that I have something to look forward in visiting that place.
After booking flights and accommodations, and be at that certain place, I normally write about my travels. I may not remember everything, as I am only human, but I write the things that I wanted and dreamed in life. It may sound cliche to some, but of course, the reason why we travel because there is this something that we want to achieve, right? I believe, it’s not just about posting selfies on social media on places that we’ve gone, but because, as human as we are, we want to learn something beyond our prior knowledge to that certain place, beyond the comfort zones, beyond of the things that we thought we couldn’t do.
And most importantly, enjoy the moment... Because, we’ll really never know what the future holds. As long as we have the desire to experience all of these things, we should really just do it. Break barriers! Never ever stop yourself from all of these questions that you have in mind. As I have always said, make the most of the moment. We don’t always experience all the things in this world, so while we’re able, let’s make the most of the moment.
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(Free entrance and modelling stint at Thean Hou Temple, Kuala Lumpur.... hmmm... why not?)
Wrapping up these traveling journey when it comes to saving for my travels, what do I get from my return of investments? Well, I learn. I continue to learn the value of life, the sweet nothings, to experience reality, culture, and  of course, the list goes on! My wandering adventure doesn’t end here. I may not be traveling right now, but I know, I will be going places. Is it a choice? Yes! Is it a decision? Yes! Am I happy? definitely YES! 
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Relative Hiatus (04/17/2018)
I lost my momentum writing this week, due to an abnormally large amount of external factors.  My daughter was home on spring break last week and she had to come into the office with me, that was a hoot.  I was watching a handful of different dogs on different days and I felt like a chicken with my head cut off chasing dogs and daughters and trying to pretend I’m super focused on work.  While all of that was quite exhausting, something happened last weekend that sucked up a huge amount of my attention.  A girl I used to work with at a strip club took her own life (supposedly.  There is still an autopsy going on).  It feels like a sucker punch any time I think of it.  Her face was on eyelids every time I closed my eyes last week.  This is not the first time I have seen a dancer lost in this way either, and I’m positive that is no coincidence.  I have tried to talk about it to a few friends and family, but no one that is not part of the sex worker community can really get it.  There is an unspoken understanding amongst dancers, and all sex workers for that matter, that stigma is at the heart of the problem.  A dead stripper is such a common narrative that a lot of people feel no surprise or sadness at this tragic loss of life.  The lives of sex workers are constantly the butt of jokes and it is so unwarranted and cruel.  To feel looked down upon, to know that you’re are disgusting to a huge amount of people, is a hard pill to swallow and some sex workers handle it better than other..but it hurts us all.  When I think about what I feel passionately about, ending sex worker stigma and educating people about our issues is right at the top.  Although I’m not a dancer anymore, I will truly always consider myself a sex worker because I will never forget how poorly I was treated when I was one.
Out of every social group I have ever been a part of, strippers are the only clan that was damn near 100% participation in love for one another.   We look out for each other because we have to, and no one else will.  At least not as a stripper.  For example, my family will have my back as a daughter and a sister, but my stripper self gets tossed to curb and spit on…The thing they don’t realize is that the daughter and the stripper are the same person, worthy of the same amount of love and respect.  I have wondered for a while, what if anything I could do to give back to community that gave so much to me, and I have an idea, but for some reason I am ashamed to share it.  For my job, I am writing a tutorial system on an app to teach people to code video games.  As with anything in software, code needs to be tested and retested in all kinds of scenarios to make sure it works. That said, I need as many new users as possible that have never coded before to go through it and give me feedback about how thorough and comprehensive the system is,   I have my family and friends on board, as well as a few people from my office, but there is a much bigger group of people that I might be able to get interested: strippers.   I want to reach out to the stripping community as a whole and see if anyone is interested in learning to code.  I can’t speak for the girls that I know who have passed, but I do know that a lot of dancers and strippers end up feeling trapped for a lack of resources: educational, financial, familial…Also because the club keeps them stuck there by charging them astronomical prices to work, but more on that another time.  I don’t expect that there is going to be a huge wave of stripping developers, but the idea is more geared towards planting a seed: if you don’t want want to do this anymore, you have the ability to teach yourself a marketable skill and make whatever you want it to be.  If you have done this job, you are tough as nails and the only thing stopping you from conquering something else is your own brain, which is all too often dominated by the stigma.  While so many people are looking down on you, there is a badass group of women that know you’re better than all those dicks.  I think I’m going to make my own site to direct dancers to about this, aside from the app I am working on for work.   I want to go in clubs and leave my info around to see who’s interested.  My only hesitation is that I am going to come off as stuck up or passing judgment on girls.  If girls like their job, more power to them!  But for those that are scared of what comes next, let’s start a discussion amongst ourselves.  To counter that possibility I was thinking about going to clubs and paying a girl to talk to me for a bit and see how it goes.  I am traveling a bunch this summer, and I was thinking about planting little seeds all over the place.  I want to call the community “Francesca Bella,”  the stage name of two girls I’ve known to commit suicide.  Both are Italian names and they mean “free one” and “beautiful one,” respectively.  I can’t think of anything more fitting than that.
I have told three people and they all were on board, and I would say they might just have said that to be nice, but 2 of the 3 have no vested interest in kissing my ass (my mother and my married fuck buddy).  The other person was my best friend Sarah, who has never danced but thinks everything I do is smart and hilarious…the feeling is mutual.  There is a lot I would have to do, but it could work out really well for me because I’ve been looking for a passion project to work on on my own to present to future job prospects.  My boss has told me many times he plans to help me get a job at Microsoft, and more than a CS degree or looking for someone perfect on paper- they want people that are passionate.  There’s always the possibility that jobs would write me off for feeling passionate about strippers, but that’s probably not a job I would want to be at anyway.
Abrupt change in direction! I want to ask my yoga teacher out.  I had a crush on him for a good 6 months now and have only recently got the courage to talk to him.  I get all high before class and then I make way too much eye contact and starting awkward convos about yoga moves.  He makes a lot of eye contact with me too, though.  The other night when he was saying all of his mindful stuff at the end of class, I swear we looked at each other for a full minute.  Maybe it just felt like a minute, but it was a really long time.  I’m pretty sure he’s single, but he could be gay.  I am ALWAYS drawn to men that are questionably gay.  All of my exes are introverts and have feminine personality traits (Nick, much less than the rest, but he has a softer heart than most men).  This feels like a curse sometimes, because I am really attracted to homosexual sex too.  Am I just shooting myself in the foot, subconsciously being attracted to boys that will literally NEVER want me?  Lord help me.
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Jacq the Stripper is my queen! By the way, she painted my background photo up there...
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eurolinguiste · 7 years
There are a ton of language challenges out there, so I thought it would be fun to get in on the game and start a 30 day language learning challenge.
I recently started the Add1Challenge (well, fairly recently) and I thought that this could be a fun way to boost my Croatian and make sure that I’m doing it everyday. But I didn’t want to do it alone, so I hope you’ll join me. That way, we can cheer one another on. Plus, it’s an enjoyable way to stay engaged with your language. We’re starting November 1st!
Without further ado, here are the daily tasks to complete this challenge.
30 Day Language Learning Challenge
Day 1 – Create a Pinterest board with some of your favorite language articles or learning websites.
You can follow me if you need a bit of inspiration or a place to start. I have boards you can “steal” articles from for each of the languages I am studying or have studied.
Day 2 – Schedule a lesson or language exchange with someone.
Not sure where to find a tutor or exchange partner? Baselang, iTalki, Lingoda, Verbling, E-Chinese Learning, et al. are all great options.
Day 3 – Listen to song and read along with lyrics – see how much you can work out.
If you’re up for a bit of a bonus, you can sit down and work on translating the lyrics into your native language.
Day 4 – Caption your next instagram post in your target language.
Bonus points if you even come up with hashtags that are used by Instagrammers who speak your target language.
Day 5 – Make sure you have at least one app on your phone that you can use daily.
My personal faves are Memrise, LingQ and HelloTalk.
Day 6 – Change your phone or computer language settings.
It’s funny how suddenly “needing” to figure out what words mean (I mean, how else are you going to use your device?!) leads to you learning them.
Day 7 – Take that lesson you scheduled.
You can do it! And it’s going to be great.
Day 8 – Watch a video on YouTube.
This can be a lesson or native video content – whichever is best suited to your level.
Day 9 – Create flashcards from the new words from your last lesson/study session.
This is something that I’ve started doing in the past few months (via Memrise) and it’s done wonders for me actually remembering the words and phrases I need to know.
Day 10 – Read something.
Anything! You can even join us as a part of the Language Reading Challenge if you’d like. Acceptable reading materials include: a magazine, news article, part of a book, an entire book, a comic, instructions to a video game, the back of the shampoo bottle, whatever.
Day 11 – Start following an Instagram or Twitter account for someone who writes in your language.
An easy way to find them is by deciding on a word or phrase (in your target language) and searching for it as a hashtag.
Day 12 – Learn five to eight facts about a country that speaks your language.
Bonus if you do this using the Wikipedia page for your country in your target language.
Day 13 – Teach someone a few words in the language.
It can be anyone who’s patient enough to let you do this – a friend, family member or co-worker. The point is to teach. It’s a great way to instill the information you’re learning.
Day 14 – Label the items in your home.
Or in just one part of your home. Sticky notes are the most socially acceptable way to do this. Don’t write on your roommates’ or parents’ things with Sharpie. They probably wouldn’t appreciate it as much as one might hope.
Day 15 – Write a FB post in your language.
Doesn’t matter if your friends don’t understand! Besides, that’s what that fancy little “translate” button is anyway. For them – not for you. Write your own post as best you can!
Day 16 – Look up something about the grammar that’s holding you back.
For me that’s usually, in some way, related to cases.
Day 17 – Chat with someone in your language.
You can do this through a group on social media, HelloTalk or even through the messaging feature on iTalki.
Day 18 – Go to a restaurant that serves food from a country that speaks your language.
See if anyone who works there speaks it. And if they do, try to order in the language.
Day 19 – Write down everything you can see wherever you are at this moment (in your target language, of course).
For example, at this moment, I’m at my desk so I see:
* a mess * a calculator * a cup of coffee * a phone * a laptop * a monitor * a bunch of papers * two highlighters * a tube of lip gloss * some cables * a pen * a stapler * pictures of Little Linguist * a note about something important taped to my monitor
Now that I have my list, I can work out what the words are in my language.
Day 20 – Listen to a podcast.
Again, it’s okay if this is a language lesson or native content.
Day 21 – Take notes in your language (a work meeting, class session, grocery list or to-do list).
If you’re still a beginner, do this with something simple (and maybe not super important). If you’re more advanced – challenge yourself. But also, don’t forget to buy the toothpaste just because you couldn’t think of the word in your language. Or that important project that was assigned to you at school or work.
Day 22 – Narrate something that you’re doing in your target language.
It can be the recipe for a meal you’re making, the chores you’re doing or whatever work task you’re doing.
Day 23 – Journal in your language.
It can be about anything. The weather, your routine, how much fun this challenge is or how bad Shannon’s sense of humour is. Anything goes, really.
Day 24 – Find a tutorial for something that you enjoy doing in your language.
It can be written or video. Some ideas to give you inspiration: a technology related tutorial, martial arts, yoga, any other sport, a recipe, book making, crafting of any sort, sewing, crocheting, or even video game walkthroughs.
Day 25 – Write out a list of vocabulary words you have trouble remembering by hand.
Sometimes this manual process does a lot for retention.
Day 26 – Take a moment to think about exactly what you hope to accomplish by learning your language.
Some inspiration:
* What will you be able to do when you speak your language that you couldn’t do before?
* What’s one thing you wish you could say in your target language that you can’t today?
* What one thing about the language will be a huge relief once you finally understand it?
Write down what you hope to accomplish and then take another moment to think of one thing that you can do THIS WEEK to help you step towards getting there.
Day 27 – Try to write a summary of the thing you read or watched earlier in the challenge in your target language.
It can be the YouTube video, the podcast or whatever it was that you read.
Day 28 – That one thing you wrote down, today’s the day to do it.
On Day 26, you wrote down one thing you could do that will help you step towards your ultimate goal. Whatever that thing was, today’s the day you’re going to do it (or start doing it).
Day 29 – Do some simple maths.
Any time you do any sort of math today (tallying up a price, use a calculator, or talk about numbers in general), try to do it in your target language. It’s okay to do it in your head or a whisper if it’s not the appropriate situation to do it out loud. Numbers are always a challenge in a foreign language because they’re one of the things we need to translate in our heads the longest. Start trying to train yourself out of this today! (Here’s a fun app I recently discovered that helps with numbers)
Day 30 – Create a video around 2-5 minutes in length of you speaking your language.
It’s okay if you read a script. Do whatever feels right for your level. Share it on Facebook or YouTube.
And that’s it! Congrats on making it through all 30 days.
Don’t forget to download the printable version of this challenge (and don’t feel bad if you do it out of order – that’s okay).
If you do the challenge, I’d love for you to share your progress with me. Feel free to tag me in your posts about it on Twitter (@eurolinguistesk) or Facebook and Instagram (@eurolinguiste). I look forward to seeing your progress.
PS. If you have any suggestions for activities for different days, I’d love to hear about the in the comments below. This may be something I host again but with different daily tasks!
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