timetravelingclara · 5 years
Student Teacher
“Okay class, remember that tomorrow we’ll have our new student teacher in with us, so please be on your best behavior!”
Clara dismissed her students with the bell, hanging back to answer a few student questions and gather her things. She made sure the room was clean and tidy and wrote the name of the new teacher on the board below her own before heading home for the evening.
In the morning she packed her things and went to work, waiting anxiously in her classroom for the new teacher to arrive. The headmaster brought him in and she studied him with her eyes. He was tall and lanky and his eyes lit up when he smiled as if he had a secret he wasn’t planning to share. He wore a purple coat and a bow tie and she knew the kids would eat that up with a spoon.
She smiled at him and crossed the room, extending a hand to shake his. “Hi, Mr. Smith, I’m Clara Oswald. It’s really nice to meet you. The students and I have been really looking forward to this.”
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deadgcrl-a-blog · 5 years
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        ☾                     ❛   can you just...   ❜ her voice trails off as he starts unbuttoning his shirt and she gives a little shake of her head. very impatient, as he always was. she did, though, know how to get blood out of things. she’d become very adept at it over the years. ❛   i do actually know how to get blood out of clothes, so just surrender it and you’ll have a blood free shirt for your meetings; no reason to dirty up another.   ❜ she reaches a hand out for the shirt, already poking about in her bag for the things she’d need. she’s learned, quite quickly, that it pays to be prepared when surrounding yourself with the shelby family. ❛  i have the baking soda, i just need... cold water and a lemon. do you have those? i’ll have this out in an hour, can you wait that long?    ❜
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    He knew better than to get distracted when weeping angels posed a threat. Lost in his own thoughts, had he kept his gaze on his shoes a moment longer it would have been lights out for him. Now safe and secure, Prescott sits uncomfortably on the rooftop overlooking the city. He didn’t want to disappoint The Doctor by telling her what was really going on -- because giving her half the truth was just as bad as lying. 
    Instead, he brought up a different topic at hand. Something he figured she could answer or at least throw off her intuition. “So how did the weeping angels come to be anyways? Are they creatures and is it possible to actually defeat them?”
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omniishambles · 5 years
TEN || @mycompromise Because it had to be done! - - -
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 He wasn’t sure at first, catching sight of a tall, thin figure with short hair and sharp cheekbones. The angel couldn’t help but spot those features instantly out of all the people milling around the park, but when the man turned around he was certain, smiling brightly and giving him an enthusiastic little wave.
 Aziraphale cut across the grass towards him- technically it was only the corner of the grass he assured himself as he glanced over the little sign firmly dictating that the grass was to be left alone. But as he got closer he realised that Crowley looked different, and not just his usual different, but-
 He wasn’t wearing any lenses. Out in public.
   “Oh my word, you look so- so human. Did you change your eyes?” He asked, scanning the others face as he finally got close enough. Then he gasped, reaching out without thinking to Crowley’s temple- his fingers just grazed the skin when he caught a hold of himself and retracted the hand sharply, looking vaguely embarrassed.
 The teeny little snake. It had always been there, always. But it was gone.
   “What’s happened? Is this some sort of new incognito style?”
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friendlyspiderbite · 5 years
starter for @mycompromise because yup
     Peter has been getting a weird prickling from his senses for the past five minutes because he can’t see something. But he can. He just keeps looking away from it. He’s walking towards it: a blue box. A blue box with the doors wide open. A blue box that he watches a guy go inside. He wants to get to the bottom of the weird vibe it gives off so he darts towards it, quickly and silently as he can, and slips inside just as the wooden doors slam shut. He’s turned around abruptly to look back at the doors, eyes wide open. They closed on their own! Soon enough, though, his attention is drawn to the sound that the box is making, and it occurs to his slow brain that the man who’d walked in first should have noticed him. His ears become acutely aware of a wheezing noise and finally the mutant boy whips around, eyes blown wide open as he takes in the sight of the inside of this “little blue box”.
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          “HOLY SHIT, it’s BIG!!!”
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therapardalis · 5 years
[ @mycompromise she feels duly encouraged ;)]
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A traditional velvet box, because this ought to be done properly even if it’s mostly in fun, is sneaked in next to the teapot before the perpetrator slips away. Inside is a little gold and gemstone depiction of Orion - on a cravat pin, because that seems more his style ...
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snogboxtm-archive · 5 years
cont. | @mycompromise
     Talia opens one eye to look up at him and nods.
          ‘Yes, VERY.” Comes her reply, a smile gracing her features, especially when she sees the forced scowl he tried to keep there for more than a moment. His attempt to get her to smile more works, teeth showing now in a GRIN as she lifts one hand up to rest on his cheek before dropping it back down to her chest.
          “Yeah, there’re probably pillows somewhere, but I like this better at this particular moment.” She replies, eyes falling shut again. She’s properly content like this. The smile stays on her face.
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          “Though it is kind of chilly...”
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dyingbrced · 5 years
continued from @mycompromise x ||
Since moving into his new place, Wes had fully intended to introduce himself to all his neighbours but with each day blending into the next he became distracted - it was just pure luck that he’d bumped into the person across the hall. 
A soft smile pulled across his features, in an attempt to ward away the wariness he could feel around him. “The stars are a perfectly reasonable excuse to me, I just feel like I’ve slept for days - that’s definitely no good,” he shook the hand offered to him without much hesitation, despite the rush of feelings that hit him with the contact. “Wes..” was offered with a gentle sigh as he adjusted, “M’a therapist, guess emotions are my whole thing..”
If only he knew how literal that was.
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[ CLOSED with @mycompromise - Cont. From Here. ]
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          Slender fingers twitch momentarily as green eyes shift from the potted plant they'd been fixated on to the ginger standing next to him, his own expression falling somewhere between impressed at the offer and suspicious of it. Rory didn’t just offer to hug someone, that wasn’t a thing, it wasn’t normal. Well, not for the hug to be offered to the Doctor at least. Then again, neither was himself saying he needed to remember hugs. Who says that? Doctor Idiot, apparently.
          He has to keep reminding himself at regular intervals, mostly when standing right next to them since it couldn't be ignored, that he needs to be careful in these moments. The stolen ones where he lets slip just what he's thinking or feeling, the ones where they might notice the difference. Like now, when he can see the way Rory’s playful smile is forced, just like his own had been originally.
          In truth it had been more than a few months since he'd last seen them, and they had no idea. They had no idea that he was so far along in his timeline that he'd already lost them. He'd been alone... for far too long, more than half a century in fact, and at the end of the day he'd decided if he were careful, if he were very, very careful, he could pop in for a visit in the off-months- the times between when Amy and Rory had flown with him originally, when they’d been living in their own home and not on the TARDIS, and therefore could avoid any nasty paradoxes along the way. He hoped.
          Either way he found himself standing there, in their home, using up days and hours with them, knowing he’s got a finite resource and knowing full well that after it’s all said and done he'd just wind up losing them again. He didn't care- it helped, in the moment, to see them alive and well when he'd only had a tombstone before. He'd deal with the rest when it happened, as he always did.
          "Right. Yes. Well, if- if memory serves, Amy fixing her hair could take another hour at least.." he left the rest unsaid and stepped over to Rory, pulling him into a hug, probably squeezing a bit too tightly and lingering just a bit too long. When he pulls away his hands shove themselves into his tweed trouser pockets to keep them from moving about, from idly fixing his bow tie or messing about with his hair. He also stumbles immediately into another topic.
          “So. Tell me, what’s new in the life of the Ponds?”
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deadgcrl-a-blog · 5 years
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         ☾                      she doesn’t say a word, just shuffles across the room and climbs into the others bed. it’s warm and she knows she’s safe here. & it’s really not that she can’t sleep, more that she’s afraid too. recent events have left katherine fearing what’ll happen after she closes her eyes, and more often then not she’s been seeking out john as a remedy. he knows her; every little piece of her broken soul & somehow he still cares about her. she’ll never understand, but that won’t stop her from clinging to him like a life preserver.  ❛   what kind’a stories you got tonight? anything funny?   ❜ yeah, that’s what she needs; distraction. comfort. something to laugh at, something happy to linger in her mind when she falls asleep. 
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five times cried // skip and the doctor generally bc, y'know, feels (mycompromise)
send me five times cried for a drabble on five times my muse has cried over yours! / @mycompromise
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1. He runs beside the stranger, down corridors and away from infuriated aliens. Once in the safety of the TARDIS he kneels to catch his breath, chest rising and falling before he breaks into a fit of laughter. The look on the Time Traveler’s face makes him laugh harder until he’s crying, clutches his stomach and points childishly. “I’ve never seen a man run so fast!”
2. Skip was a little surprised to find that the Time Traveler he had so briefly known was, in fact, his father. The Timelord’s reaction wasn’t what Skip was expecting, but then again if someone found out a riff raff like him was their son, he wouldn’t be jumping for joy either. The tears that brim his eyes are of confusion, anger, sadness. So many questions yet so little time with a father of ‘great importance.’ Someone who carried themselves with the strength of a soldier and the wit of a devil. 
3. Their conversations never end nor begin pleasantly. Backhanded compliments, snide remarks, belittling one another to wits end. Skip is an emotional man but he knows how to hold his own, knows when it’s appropriate to cry. One comment, one insult that keeps getting thrown his way rings in his ears and makes his heart drop. It’s the most innocent out of all the things he’s heard coming from his father yet it makes his blood boil and his jaw clench. 
He sits at the bar, tapping his fingers absently against his glass. He’s slumped against the counter, unaware of the warm tears that steadily flow down the sides of his rosy cheeks. “M’not stupid.” He mutters before he downs another shot. 
4. He’s drunk. He sways from side to side, leaning against the wall of his apartment to keep steady. He never asked for his father to show up, “twenty three years too fuckin’ late!” he slurs. He promised himself he’d never break in front of his father but he does. The broken sobs, the fist that connects with his father’s jaw. He should be working on building their relationship not destroying it. He sits there, in silence, looking down at his trembling, broken hand. Unashamed of the redness of his face and his swollen eyes. He wants his father to hurt, to pay, as if he was actually aware that his son had existed before they met.
5. It was childish. It was stupid. But he collapses into his father’s arms and cries. He asks him, begs him, if they can start over. He had assumed that having a family now, would be pointless. When he practically raised himself and managed on his own. He never considered how nice it would be, to have someone to look out for him, guide him. He grips tightly against the Doctor’s leather jacket and weeps.
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sentientdevices · 5 years
cont. | @mycompromise
     USELESS. The word hits Talia in the face like a BRICK and eyes go wide with the INVISIBLE impact. What’s that, bubbling up in her chest, stirring deep in her core? Something she’s not felt before, at least not like this. SADNESS? No, it’s more AWFUL than that. DESPAIR. REJECTION.
          “I-- I’m--- I just...” She stammers, STARING at his pointing finger. ‘I HATE YOU.’ His words ring in her ears like glass shattering in her head. Now you’ve changed for the worst! They cut her like a knife. IS IT BECAUSE SHE LOOKS LIKE THIS? But this isn’t her fault, she didn’t TRY to do this! He’d... like her better if she couldn’t TALK to him..? But how could she ever give this up? SHE HAS TO TAKE HIM BACK. Lip trembles. Breathing quickens. His next words drive her into ACTION, the TARDIS grabbing hold of her Thief’s hands in a SHAKY, IRON GRIP as her eyes gloss over with TEARS that she doesn’t quite understand.
     It takes a minute, traveling through the TIME VORTEX, her not looking at the Doctor, and they’re dropped on Earth, 21st century. They LAND, and Talia IMMEDIATELY rips her hands away from the other’s. Her face is written all over with emotions she’s never felt so strongly before and tears that threaten to spill from her eyes. She’s been hurt, badly.
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          “Is this better? I’M SORRY.”
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omniishambles · 5 years
❝ perhaps you don’t exist. ❞ // i naturally have to throw 12 @ malcolm (mycompromise)
“how big, how blue, how beautiful” sentence starters (pt. 1/2) || Accepting
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   “You’re not going to fucking exist in a minute.”
 This was it. The vein in his forehead must have finally popped and now he was having a stroke, or some kind of vivid outer-body experience. But your body wasn’t supposed to be standing opposite you, it was meant to be on the ground in a pool of dribble.
 Maybe this was his conscience? He didn’t think he had one. Perhaps it had been shriveled up in a corner of his brain and had been plotting revenge all this time. Malcolm tilted his head slightly, regarding this strange mirror image with a mixture of curiosity and mistrust.
   “That’s what you’re supposed to do when confronted with your doppelganger, right? Kill them before they kill you?”
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topeconhiilo-blog · 5 years
❝ i don’t believe in dictating the boundaries of a sentient being’s existence. ❞ // hhhh eleven @ uhhh adam (mycompromise)
      There was a very lengthy pause, head tilting to the side as Adam looked at the Doctor. His excuse for not following the Time Lord’s train of thought was that he was tired and — it was The Doctor. Gods only knew what he was talking about at any given moment. He let out a soft breath, hand lifting to pull his hair back into a quick bun. His tongue darted across his lips before he spoke slowly and precisely. “Doctor — what the fuck are you talking about?”
@mycompromise || accepting
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snogboxtm-archive · 5 years
cont. @mycompromise
     Mouth shuts as the other comes closer to her. She gazes up at his face, solemn expression taking her features. His sigh noted. Emotions checked, shared, heartstrings plucked and tugged like rubber bands. Talia returns the embrace when he gives it, eyes falling shut now. Gentle flutters of emotions batted about within her head while hands crawl up his back slightly and hitch onto opposite sides. A small hum escapes her and she’s nodding against his chest.
          “Yes, I suppose we must. The Time we get to spend with them is precious and should not be missed.” But it makes her sad, knowing that her Doctor is. Opening oneself up to pain is necessary, people are going to end up hurting you, but the memories must not be overlooked. One must tolerate the pain in order to be happy if even for a few fleeting Moments.
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          “Always keep loving, Doctor. Keep someone by your side. You NEED friends. Never waste Time wallowing alone, find someone that might listen. You might find there is a world of help in speaking up.”
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dyingbrced · 5 years
continued from @mycompromise x ||
“By proxy I’m a stress reliever? You need to meet more people who can sign..” there was a soft look on her face that betrayed the clear intention of irritation that she was going for. Rory liked that at least she was there for him even if nobody else was, even if she gave him hell or made him out to only be a complete inconvenience. 
“We’re not mates already? Shit.” Neither of them had ever really mentioned it, didn’t seem like a conversation that they needed to have. She kicked lightly at his shin with a pout, “Gonna make your life hell ‘til you consider my company worthy of your attention..”
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