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Lol, this is the chaos that is my home. The pigeons have tossed their food all over the porch and Forever Friend and Wonky have discovered the free eats. The cats are zeroed in on the birds they'll never catch and Duzen is jealous that I'm not paying attention to him and only him. Oh, then Harvey cruises by lookin for a snack 😂 #myhouseisanimalplanet #somanylayers #Laszlo #Jolene #pigeonparents #ForeverFriend #Wonky #silkie #millefleurduccle #ameraucana #Harvey #sulcata #Wanda #Artemis #housepanther #Duzen #StayAtHomeBirbMom #StayAtHomeDogMom #StayAtHomeCatMom #MotherOfBlackCats https://www.instagram.com/p/CWWaOC-BNbn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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