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"Get away from my eggs lady, or imma give you such a slap!" -Laszlo "What's the hold up? Where the hell is my breakfast?!?" -Jolene These two were serving lots of attitude and zero fucks today 😂 #hangry #gimmetheseedslady #guardbird #slappetyslapslap #Laszlo #Jolene #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CW6WxmYBwUY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Lol, this is the chaos that is my home. The pigeons have tossed their food all over the porch and Forever Friend and Wonky have discovered the free eats. The cats are zeroed in on the birds they'll never catch and Duzen is jealous that I'm not paying attention to him and only him. Oh, then Harvey cruises by lookin for a snack 😂 #myhouseisanimalplanet #somanylayers #Laszlo #Jolene #pigeonparents #ForeverFriend #Wonky #silkie #millefleurduccle #ameraucana #Harvey #sulcata #Wanda #Artemis #housepanther #Duzen #StayAtHomeBirbMom #StayAtHomeDogMom #StayAtHomeCatMom #MotherOfBlackCats https://www.instagram.com/p/CWWaOC-BNbn/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Laszlo broke a blood feather in his feetie floofs this morning and got an epsom soak to make sure everything was OK. He was quite annoyed with the top quality care he had received 😂 #chonkybirb #leavemealonemom #cutiepie #Laszlo #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CWHluW-pFrw/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Took the birbs in for a check up today and they got a clean bill of health! They seemed to enjoy the car ride, but Jolene was also happy to get back to her eggies. Laszlo got his feeties trimmed for speed and comfort and would like you to look at his cute new booties ❤ #cutiebirbs #newbootgoofin #healthyguys #Laszlo #Jolene #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CU-rvzQvrhY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Meet my pretty new foster birdy! She's super cute and inquisitive and I've been calling her Tiddlywinks ❤ #prettybirb #cutiepatootie #Tiddlywinks #fosterbb #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CT0VP5sB0yG/?utm_medium=tumblr
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We have a new egg! Laszlo is being a good husbird and keeping a watchful eye, as well as taking turns sitting on the nest to give Jolene egg breaks. I flattened their little house to make it more comfortable since Laszlo's magnificent booties have grown back, I had noticed that he was having a harder time getting in and out. They both seem to not mind the changes, and now they can share and snuggle much easier ❤ #cutiebirbs #eggtime #Laszlo #Jolene #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CTxt_cjB1Fm/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Very upset! I go out of town for two days and someone comes in and replaces my pigeons with flamingos! #imposters #cutiebirbs #whatyouguysdoing? #Laszlo #Jolene #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CTduSG0njbY/?utm_medium=tumblr
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I gave the cutie birbs a new bath tub yesterday and caught Jolene taking a break from the nest for a little spa day. Such a happy lady ❤ #selfcare #spaday #treatyoself #cutiepie #Jolene #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CSfMgt0hvLI/?utm_medium=tumblr
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This little man gave me a mini heart attack this morning. He's always very excited for breakfast, but always waits for me to get all of the stuff situated before the food bowl is set down. Well, today he couldn't wait and just hopped right out the door of his coop and took himself for a little stroll around the porch. I did my best to keep from spooking him and making him flutter around too much since his wings are not clipped, so I set up a little kennel trap with a trail of food for him to waddle into. We didn't really get that far though, as Jolene saw that breakfast was served and left the nest to help herself and Laszlo ran on over to get some too. Too bad he couldn't figure out how to get back inside to join her. Luckily, he wandered under the coop and was easy to swoop up from there. No more adventures for you pal, back to the porch palace you go! #whyyoulikethis #troublemaker #alwayssomethingwiththisguy #pigeonsdayout #Laszlo #Jolene #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CR4sqM_JGHJ/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Oh Laszlo, I just want to pet you, you're so soft and handsome! Lookit his floof feathers, they're coming back in gloriously! #pleasebemypal #sohandsome #gettinallslaphappy #lightningfastwingslaps #Laszlo #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CRuGhF2pXCr/?utm_medium=tumblr
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So in random birb news, this little wonky beep is getting way stronger, but is staying very tiny and I wondering he/she is gonna just be a runty bb. Either way, they're the bestest little beep ever and I love them. Also, only two days after they ditched the old eggs for good, #Jolene has already laid a new egg! Looks like Laszlo made the perfect nest and she couldn't wait to occupy it 😂 #cutiepies #housebeeps #crazychickenlady #cluckcluckladies #silkie #millefleurduccle #bantams #bantamsofinstagram #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CRK1_WJp2tR/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Lookit my cute new foster birb! He had to have part of his wing amputated and needs some quiet rest time while he heals after aggravating the area. Poor little guy, his little wingy is all bandaged and sad. We'll get him back on the road to recovery ❤ #cutiepie #notsosureaboutme #buthellfigureitout #fosterbirb #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CQenMypp-T9/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Scenes from the yard.... we got the shell bois a luxurious new pool and both Harvey and Duzen were pretty stoked on it. Harvey dropped a huge dump in it shortly after. Also popped in with Jolene for brekkies this morning, but she was not super amused with my company. Just put the seeds down and go away, lady 😂 #theyreallsilly #myyardisahappeninplace #cutiesinahalfshell #MortAndHarveyPrimwaddle #thelovelyprimwaddletwins #sulcata #Jolene #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom #Duzen #StayAtHomeDogMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CQZJBUxJc_f/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Back on the medication routine! Poor Nadja has to deal with me giving her three medications twice a day. The only problem is I don't want to move her back to the kennel in the reptile room for two weeks, but I also don't want to risk her flying away and being in danger. My brilliant solution? Med tent! I attached a fitted sheet to the front of their cage and tucked the bottom under my butt so there's no easily visible escape route. I'm a genius 😂 #worksmarternotharder #gotmythinkincapon #hellasmart #Nadja #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CPcUu6UpCXW/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Caught a shot of Laszlo showing his appreciation for me just finishing up cleaning their porch palace. I love this, cause he tricks you by holding up the one wing, then slaps you with the other, which is hilarious and sneaky. Nadja has been spending a lot of time in their little house getting ready to lay her eggies ❤ #cutiepies #justdoinbirbstuff #sassypants #hehatesme #butthatsok #Nadja #Laszlo #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CPROR5cpwdP/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Cutie birbs preening and relaxing after bath time. And yes, my presence annoys them 😆 #spaday #gottalookgood #relaxationstation #Nadja #Laszlo #pigeonparents #pigeonsofinstagram #StayAtHomeBirbMom https://www.instagram.com/p/CPBx97HpYnb/?utm_medium=tumblr
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