#myrah def is the one that will fight other parents if she needs to 😭
dulcewrites · 1 year
Hope you’re having a great Sunday, I was just thinking about how cool it would be if later on in fcc or in the Aemond/Cassandra au we’d get a moment where ten year old Bealor/Alaric is hurt during training and has to be taken to the maesters to get some stitches or something and Aemond being there with his son the entire time, comforting him, telling him how brave he’s been and just being there for him in a fatherly manner because it would be such a stark parallel/ contrast to the way Viserys treated him when he had a much more serious injury.
Thank you, I hope your Sunday goes well too!
I decided to just write this bc I’m procrastinating things I need to do for work 💀. So Baelor is 10, the saera and Alyssane would be 7, and Aerion is around 4/5. Not set in stone but I could see Aemond maybe being hand of the king at this time. If not he is in Aegon’s council as master of laws.
I can do one for cass, Aemond, and alaric later as well
Apple of My Eye
The day starts in the most mundane way possible. Nothing out of the ordinary… until Aemond gets a tap on the shoulder during a council meeting.
The young squire could barely meet his gaze.
“There was an incident in the yard, my prince,” he lowers his voice almost to a mumble. “With young Baelor.”
His anxiousness only spikes walking to hall when he can hear Myrah’s voice all the way from down the walkway. Dripping with venom and worry.
“And as his teacher, are you not supposed to be watching him? Making sure nothing happens while he is training?”
“I am, but - “
“But what,” she screeches in question. “My son has been cut on your watch!”
Baelor is sitting in a chair, arm getting stitched up by one of the maesters. Face tinged pink with pain and eyes screwed shut as the maester needles through the skin on his arm.
“What in seven hells happened,” Aemond walks over to Myrah.
"I want his training stopped," Myrah chin wobbles a bit, ignoring his question. "And I want this imbecile out of the castle."
"My lady, he was not supposed - "
Turning from Myrah, Aemond's gaze zeros in on Ser Roland. "If you plan on blaming this on my son. I would choose your next words very wisely." The knight swallows hard. "We will discuss this later. Go, give us the room."
Ser Roland mumbles an apology before leaving the hall.
"I should have never allowed him to start training, not now," Myrah mutters, shaking her head. "Who in their right mind walks around with a blade attached to them?"
"I do," Aemond grabs her face.
They look at each other for a moment before laughing. Myrah's chuckle coming out watery and soft. I shed tears stuck to her lashes.
"He is going to fight you on stopping the training."
"His arm was gashed open," she sighs. "It could have been worse. It may be worse in the future."
"Not if he trains properly."
Myrah face downturns in thought.
"Let's just see where his head," Aemond kisses her on the forehead. The break apart to turn to see the maester finishing up stitching Baelor.
"It should heal nicely," the maester dabs some of the blood off before getting up. "The cut was clean. He did good letting me do my work.”
"My brave, brave boy," Myrah leans down and peppers Baelor's face with kisses.
"Mother, I’m fine,” Baelor whines in embarrassment, pulling away. His eyes drift to Aemond. “I’m sorry. I’ll do better at the next session.”
Aemond brushes curls from his face. “There’s no need to apologize. I’d rather you be safe than worried above anything else.”
“We are pausing the training,” Baelor opens his mouth to protest, but Myrah stops him. “Not long, just until you heal properly.”
“But I’ll be behind,” Baelor frowns.
“And you’ll catch up in due time,” Aemond reassures. “Set backs happen to the best of swordsman.”
Baelor looks sad before his face brightens a bit. “Ser Cole said if I don’t like the blade, I could switch to the morning star like him.”
Aemond and Myrah exchange a look.
Gods help them.
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