#they are fortunately and unfortunately the parents that defend their child in the parent teacher conference
dulcewrites · 1 year
Hope you’re having a great Sunday, I was just thinking about how cool it would be if later on in fcc or in the Aemond/Cassandra au we’d get a moment where ten year old Bealor/Alaric is hurt during training and has to be taken to the maesters to get some stitches or something and Aemond being there with his son the entire time, comforting him, telling him how brave he’s been and just being there for him in a fatherly manner because it would be such a stark parallel/ contrast to the way Viserys treated him when he had a much more serious injury.
Thank you, I hope your Sunday goes well too!
I decided to just write this bc I’m procrastinating things I need to do for work 💀. So Baelor is 10, the saera and Alyssane would be 7, and Aerion is around 4/5. Not set in stone but I could see Aemond maybe being hand of the king at this time. If not he is in Aegon’s council as master of laws.
I can do one for cass, Aemond, and alaric later as well
Apple of My Eye
The day starts in the most mundane way possible. Nothing out of the ordinary… until Aemond gets a tap on the shoulder during a council meeting.
The young squire could barely meet his gaze.
“There was an incident in the yard, my prince,” he lowers his voice almost to a mumble. “With young Baelor.”
His anxiousness only spikes walking to hall when he can hear Myrah’s voice all the way from down the walkway. Dripping with venom and worry.
“And as his teacher, are you not supposed to be watching him? Making sure nothing happens while he is training?”
“I am, but - “
“But what,” she screeches in question. “My son has been cut on your watch!”
Baelor is sitting in a chair, arm getting stitched up by one of the maesters. Face tinged pink with pain and eyes screwed shut as the maester needles through the skin on his arm.
“What in seven hells happened,” Aemond walks over to Myrah.
"I want his training stopped," Myrah chin wobbles a bit, ignoring his question. "And I want this imbecile out of the castle."
"My lady, he was not supposed - "
Turning from Myrah, Aemond's gaze zeros in on Ser Roland. "If you plan on blaming this on my son. I would choose your next words very wisely." The knight swallows hard. "We will discuss this later. Go, give us the room."
Ser Roland mumbles an apology before leaving the hall.
"I should have never allowed him to start training, not now," Myrah mutters, shaking her head. "Who in their right mind walks around with a blade attached to them?"
"I do," Aemond grabs her face.
They look at each other for a moment before laughing. Myrah's chuckle coming out watery and soft. I shed tears stuck to her lashes.
"He is going to fight you on stopping the training."
"His arm was gashed open," she sighs. "It could have been worse. It may be worse in the future."
"Not if he trains properly."
Myrah face downturns in thought.
"Let's just see where his head," Aemond kisses her on the forehead. The break apart to turn to see the maester finishing up stitching Baelor.
"It should heal nicely," the maester dabs some of the blood off before getting up. "The cut was clean. He did good letting me do my work.”
"My brave, brave boy," Myrah leans down and peppers Baelor's face with kisses.
"Mother, I’m fine,” Baelor whines in embarrassment, pulling away. His eyes drift to Aemond. “I’m sorry. I’ll do better at the next session.”
Aemond brushes curls from his face. “There’s no need to apologize. I’d rather you be safe than worried above anything else.”
“We are pausing the training,” Baelor opens his mouth to protest, but Myrah stops him. “Not long, just until you heal properly.”
“But I’ll be behind,” Baelor frowns.
“And you’ll catch up in due time,” Aemond reassures. “Set backs happen to the best of swordsman.”
Baelor looks sad before his face brightens a bit. “Ser Cole said if I don’t like the blade, I could switch to the morning star like him.”
Aemond and Myrah exchange a look.
Gods help them.
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just-jordie-things · 5 months
Now Jordie, hold up. HOLD. UP.
You can't just write "he witnessed the boy's attempts at wooing you. and let's just say he wasn't impressed. megumi was a wreck at worst and a mess at best." and not expect me to call Gojo out on his bullshit.
We all know that man wouldn't be slick. He's pretty and he THINKS he has a lot of rizz (which is true when it comes to women he doesn't particularly care for much), but unfortunately, he's also a huge mess when it comes to the one woman he actually has some form of romantic feelings for.
Consider this, he's out with the trio and there's a random woman who is really gorgeous and yuji somehow ends up betting that gojo couldn't rizz her up. Of course gojo defends his pride, walks up to the random woman and EASILY rizzes her up. It barely takes him a minute to get her number, which obviously leaves Yuji more than impressed. Megumi just rolls his eyes cause he knows how easy Gojo's game is when he doesn't like someone. (He witnessed the trials and errors of Gojo's flirting before).
Cue a few weeks later, Yaga's niece returns to Tokyo after years of studying abroad, now she joins in Jujutsu High as new teacher and Gojo is immediately smitten. He can barely take his eyes of you, he's convinced he never saw a prettier woman, but not only that!! When you open your mouth and talk to him he's hearing heaven's bells. There's no woman with a sweeter voice than you, he'll bet his entire fortune on it, and hot damn, you know your stuff. You're so smart and knowledgable, you#re such a skilled fighter too, he's so surprised because MY GOD YOU CANT JUST BE SO PERFECT??
Well, there's one issue... him. He can't talk to you. He tries, and tries, and tries, but he always messes up. Never being able to string together a full or coherent sentence and it's getting embarrassing. In front of the students he's avoiding you. (He doesn't want them to see him failing miserably) So naturally his students think that Gojo just doesn't like you for some reason. They can't believe it, you're so sweet and Nobara instantly thought that you two would be great together because you just seemed to fit so well. (and she saw you not taking any shit from the third years, you're tough and would be the perfect match for their teacher)
The three come up with the plan to get you to interact "spontaneously", in terms of Yuji and Megumi talking to Gojo while you're just randomly walking along with Nobara and they're basically playing Parent Trap, which Megumi only begrudginly indulges.
And that's when it happens. That's when the three finally realise why Gojo avoids you in front of them as if you had the black plague, because he blushes and get's flustered and rambles and stumbles over his words and when he wants to ask for your number he stupidly says "can you give me a number" instead of anything remotely sweet. Yuji is shocked, Nobara rolls her eyes and Megumi just facepalms because he knows that the more Gojo likes someone the worse his attempts at flirting are, and the way he messes up now means you have his heart in a choke hold, you just don't know it yet.
Okay this was supposed to be short and cute... idk what happened there
you hearing about gojo and his rizz and lowkey expecting the worst. but you meet him and he's almost kinda... pathetic? like who is this man?? what happened to the smooth talking bastard your uncle warned you about?
are you really expected to believe that this man who's blushing and rambling on about the most random bullshit is the guy you were warned would probably hit on you? wait, is this his way of hitting on you?
oh my god, you have to mess with him by being the smooth talking flirt !!!
also, megumi deserves to watch gojo struggle and suffer in front of the woman he's been crushing on like a child.
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demig00ddess · 3 years
Sleeping Beauty
Charlie Weasley x MC
Warning: huge spoilers for Year 6 Chapter 18!
    1989.     Middle of the first semester.     The quill in the hands creaked monotonously, writing words on the paper. Professor Binns’ voice and the stifling atmosphere of the office were slowly putting in the trance. Emma bit her cheek more painfully and continued to take notes on the lecture.     Behind the farthest desk, Binns’ rustling voice was hard to hear, so Emma regularly consulted the textbook. Two seats were empty in the first rows. One of them is next to Penny, there was always Rowan. The second — next to Charlie, he occupied it for Emma every lesson. Today Emma quietly slipped into the office just before the start of the lecture so as not to meet with her classmates.     Penny sat down next to Charlie and whispered something in his ear. For some reason, Emma felt as if she had swallowed the bubotuber pus. She shook her head, for sure it seemed to her because of fatigue. She was satisfied with the back seat, but the fact that someone else was sitting in her place next to Charlie was a little annoying. Charlie listened to Penny and nodded absently. He looked around uneasily, trying to see someone or something. Emma was glad that she was safely hidden from the front desks by the backs of her classmates.
    “… delegated authority to Wizn… Wesegn… to Wizengamot.” Emma stubbornly wrote down the professor’s words, despite the fact that her hands were shaking and big blots remained on the parchment.     She felt sleepy, but she could not afford to fall asleep. There was a bright flash of green light in front of closed eyes. The Dreamless Sleep Potion they had been brewing on Potions had run out. The dose from the hospital wing that Madame Pomfrey had advised not to overuse had ended too. But after such a sleep, she got up even more tired.     A flash of green and Rowan’s body falls right in front of her. The friend’s eyes are wide open in surprise, her mouth is slightly open in a silent scream. “Debt collected.” Emma could not bear it, she woke up with a cry and tears in her eyes. The silencing charms she put on her bed every night kept her from waking an already worried Liz. Whatever Merula said, the same charms were imposed on her bed, she could not afford to be considered weak by anyone, not even Izmelda.     Every time Emma closed her eyes, there was a green flash and the body of her best friend fell in front of her. At first, it was only memories of Rowan, but then a deadly beam hit Ben, and he fell dead in front of Emma. Merula died next, then Charlie, Penny, Barnaby, Bill, Tonks. Her friends threw themselves under a killing spell, and she could only watch their lifeless bodies fall to the ground. Emma tried to revive Jae and Badeya, begged Tulip to get up, but they were all dead.     Charlie turned around again and Emma looked away. There was her own cry in her ears when a green beam hit him when the red head hit the ground and her tears fell on the freckles on his still warm face.
    Emma doubled over to stifle the pulling pain and rumbling in her stomach. After eating, she felt sleepy, but she couldn’t sleep. After lights out, she would sit up in the Slytherin common room with her books and send especially curious juniors to the bedrooms.     Most of the teachers averted their eyes from her as if they didn’t want to disturb her. Snape gave her an incomprehensible look as she submitted an essay on the Draught of Living Death a foot longer than he demanded. And Flitwick freed her from homework, after, because of trembling hands, she conjured not a small fountain of water, but a real tsunami, flooding the office.     During the day, Emma wandered and loitered about the castle, avoiding familiar faces. She shunned talking, trying to hide in a niche or take refuge in some class. She felt that some part of her had died and now she could not exist normally. She wandered half-dead.
    An idea came to the head like lightning. Half-dead! Surely! How the thought didn’t occur to her at once. Emma jotted down hastily Binns’ last words.     “Professor! Professor Binns, please wait!” Emma made her way through classmates.     “Um, Underwood? Do you want anything?”     Emma hesitated a little, she didn’t think what exactly she would ask the teacher. The classroom was empty and she finally found the words.     “Professor, I wanted to know about Rowan, Rowan Khanna. She always said that she wanted to be the youngest professor at Hogwarts. Um — Couldn'tshestayherelikeyou?”     “Excuse me?”     “Couldn’t she become a ghost? I mean, you came back to teach students, she could come back too. She would have come up with everything, finish her studies, and then began to teach. I’m sure Professor Dumbledore would have let her! She could have stayed here! Haven’t you… haven’t you seen her?”     Emma blurted it all out in one breath, afraid that the professor would interrupt her. Binns adjusted his glasses and for the first time looked at Emma like that, with the keen, clear gaze that Emma often saw in Dumbledore.     “Miss Khanna was a gifted witch. And for all her love of teaching, she was drawn to explore and learn something new.” Emma stared at the old professor. “So rest assured, Miss Underwood, she went ahead.”     “Went ahead? Where did she go?”     “Unfortunately, I do not possess these facts. But you should know she’s not coming back. I’m sorry, this is a big loss for Hogwarts.” Binn turned and walked through the board.     “For Hogwarts,” Emma repeated. It seemed to her that Rowan had died a second time, again in front of her eyes. She had already seen her friend, ethereal, pearl-silver, but talking to her and laughing. But Rowan went ahead.     Emma stuffed a quill and blob-strewn lecture notes into her bag. She wanted to hide somewhere, in Moaning Myrtle’s toilet or a dark closet. She had no strength to return to the common room.
    At the exit from the class she was caught by someone’s strong hands, Emma jerked sharply, holding a wand to the attacker's neck. She could feel her heart pounding thumping deep in her head. “I have to defend myself.”     “Emma,” Charlie gently moved the trembling wand away from his neck. Emma freed herself from his grasp and dashed down the hallway.     “Emma! I want to talk! Please!”     “Not now, Charlie,” she wanted to hide quickly. Charlie caught up with her and gently turned her around. He didn’t insist but asked. There was not a drop of pity in his bright eyes, they were full of concern. He examined her carefully as if trying to see if she had done something bad to herself.     “You were right,” Emma turned her gaze into his boots. “You better stay away from me. Everyone should stay away from me.”     She turned and walked away. She had already lost one friend and couldn’t bear to lose someone else. Charlie caught up with her again and grabbed her into his arms.     “I’m sorry. I’m so sorry. I should never have said those words to you. You are my — You’re my best friend and I will be by your side. Whenever you need me, I’ll be there for you.”     Emma shook her head, pulling back.     “Your brothers — ”     “My brothers will support me,” Charlie interrupted her, he was confident in his words. His eyes said that he would not let anyone else hurt her. Emma felt her eyes fill with tears. The students scurried along the corridor and Emma again had a keen desire to hide.     “Come with me,” Charlie whispered in her ear.
    They walked and walked until they came to a sprawling tree near the lake, scaring several of the Hufflepuff freshmen out of there. Charlie hit the ground first, rummaged in his bag, pulled out the sandwiches wrapped in a napkin, and handed it to Emma.     “How long have you not eaten?”     “A couple of days, maybe more,” Emma sat down next to him and sniffed at the sandwiches. “How did you know?”     “Couldn’t find you in the Great Hall.”     Emma took a bite of her sandwich and put it aside, feeling nauseous. Charlie looked at her closely but said nothing. They sat in silence for a few minutes, Emma bit by bit on the sandwich to keep from getting sick.     “I spoke to Nearly Headless Nick. Also asked about… this.”     “What did he say?”     “The same as Binns.”     Emma felt a tear roll down her cheek.     “I saw Rowan’s parents yesterday, they came to pick up her things. I visited them every summer. They loved her so much…”     Emma burst out, talking and talking, ignoring the tears. Charlie just sat there and listened. When Emma finished and exhaled helplessly, he leaned her head on his shoulder and began to speak. He told her stories that he had heard from his mother as a child. He talked about the books he had read. Emma lay on his shoulder and listened, inhaling the scent of grass, honeysuckle, and something else very familiar. She didn’t notice as her eyes began to close, and Charlie’s voice seemed to ring out farther and farther.
    She didn’t get much sleep, Emma woke up from her own scream, she was tossing around, not knowing where she was. She was choking on tears and couldn’t breathe, it seemed that someone had sucked all the air out of her lungs.     “Shh. I’m here, everything is fine,” Charlie’s quiet and soft voice rang out over her ear. He put his arm around Emma, stroking her hair soothingly. She sobbed and grabbed his hand, afraid to let go.     “Do you want me to tell a tale about the fountain of Fair Fortune?” asked Charlie a few minutes later, when Emma calmed down. She nodded.     “Jacob used to tell me this story when I couldn’t sleep.”     “Now you need to sleep too. I’m not such a good storyteller, but I hope you like it. High on a hill in an enchanted garden, enclosed by tall walls and protected by strong magic, flowed the Fountain of Fair Fortune…”
    When Emma woke up, the sun was already setting, she was lying on Charlie’s lap, covered by his jacket. Charlie himself was reading a book, only wearing a sweater. Emma jumped awkwardly and blushed.     “Did you get some sleep?” Charlie pulled out a blade of grass tangled in her hair. The tips of his ears turned pink. Emma nodded in surprise, she slept for hours without nightmares. “You smiled in your sleep. I missed it, your smile I mean.”     Emma flushed and hastily turned away, pretending to straighten her clothes. She vaguely remembered what she had dreamed, but Charlie was definitely there. “Well, he’s your friend, the others must have been in the dream too,” she told herself.
    Charlie had already packed his things, got to his feet and gave her a hand. Emma got up, too, and handed him his jacket.     “Don’t,” Charlie threw the jacket over her shoulders. “You can freeze after sleep.”     “Are we going to the castle yet?” Emma tried to hide the disappointment in her voice.     “We’re in time for dinner. Sit down at the Gryffindor table, okay? You need to eat, and you're boycotting food.” Emma’s stomach purred in agreement. Charlie gave her a bribing look, “Penny also wanted to sit with us while we are allowed.”     “Oh,” at the mention of Penny, appetite disappeared.     “Oh?” Charlie asked. “Did you have a fight?”     “No, I didn’t mean that.” Emma said, not understanding why she was angry at Penny. She always supported Emma and wished only the best for her.     They walked in silence for a few minutes, lost in their own thoughts. Finally, Emma broke down.     “You and Penny have become very close, haven’t you?”     “Yes,” Charlie said simply. “Especially recently. We spend a lot of time together.”     “Oh,” Emma said again, and they both fell silent.
    An unpleasant weight filled Emma’s chest, making her difficult to breathe. She noticed this even during their trip to Romania, but then she wasn’t up to it, she was too keen on their adventure. But since… since the moment… Emma couldn’t bring herself to say what had happened even in her thoughts. For the last couple of weeks, Charlie and Penny have hardly ever parted, and for some reason it hurt her.     Emma was happy for her friends, she loved both Penny and Charlie, as friends, of course. And it was great that they got together. Something was still gnawing at her, but Emma brushed the thought away. She didn’t want to be selfish, and even more she didn’t want to interfere with the happiness of her best friends. Especially in these times.
    “Glad for you,” Emma said already at the castle.     “Sorry?” Charlie snapped out of his thoughts.     “I’m glad for you and Penny, that you’re getting close,” she explained, trying to avoid Charlie’s gaze.     “Thank you,” Charlie looked surprised, letting her into the Great Hall.     “I’ll eat at my table,” Emma said sullenly.     “But — ”     “I’ll eat, I promise. I just… want to eat at my usual place. Alone,” she added hastily, noticing that Charlie had something to say. He nodded and gave her a confused smile.     “Then I’ll see you later, right?”     They went in opposite directions, joining their classmates. A few minutes later, Penny entered the Great Hall and went straight to the Gryffindor table. Charlie said something to Penny, who was smiling contentedly. Emma poked at the broccoli with her fork and looked away from the chatting couple.
    After dinner, Emma hurried down to the dungeons, once again avoiding her friends, and began to write an essay on the Orion constellation. It wasn’t until she was getting ready for bed that she realized that she hadn’t given Charlie his jacket back. Already in bed, having applied a silencing charm, Emma picked up the jacket in her hands, pondered for a couple of seconds and wrapped herself in it, curling up on the bed. The familiar smells immediately enveloped her, and she closed her eyes.     “Cinnamon” flashed through her head in the dream. The smell that haunted her for a long time was the light scent of cinnamon. It smelled like that at home when, years ago, her dad made cinnamon rolls, according to grandmother’s recipe. Emma buried her nose in the jacket and fell asleep with a smile on her face.
    It was the second time in two weeks that she had no nightmares.
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chayacat · 4 years
Devil’s Sweet Star (12)
Fandom: Dead by Daylight
Ghostface x Female Reader  
Rated M for Violence, Language and Smut  
WARNING: This chapter include a rather disturbing scene that is an organ exit, specifically, the intestines and...Other things. If you are a sensitive potato, I apologize for the potential disgust or potential nightmare following this passage. But if you are one of those who has already seen much worse with the saga Saw or Leatherface ... I don't know what to say.  ('-') Well then... Have a good read!
Do you like to go out at night, when the starry sky honors you with its presence? It's always a fascinating show and it's even more so when a shooting star or an aurora borealis appear. For some, it's the perfect view, the perfect time to show your feelings to the person you love. For others, it’s the spirits of those who have left us who, from heaven, look at us and protect us. And for the Nordics, the aurora borealis is the bridge that connects Midgard and Asgard.
But tonight, it was just a starry sky. A beautiful and mesmerizing starry sky that Danny was looking, leaning against his van. If he had a cigarette on him, he would have smoked it while watching the sky. But Danny wasn't a big fan of cigarettes, in fact he didn't like it at all. He didn't understand why people were ruining their health with such a poison. And the same was true for alcohol. He had no more than two drinks. He had already had the bitter experience of both too many times with his parents.
Hmph. His "parents." Danny calls them his tormentors instead. He remembers his “life” with his parents, his HELL’S life. Since he was young, Danny’s parents treated him like a dog, beating him and insulting him every time for nothing. He did everything to have the attention and love that a child must have. But he received nothing but hatred and disgust from them. His father was an alcoholic and a huge smoker. His mother smoked very little but was obsessed with religion.
For them, Danny was just a mistake, an unwanted child that they had to treat as such. And that's what they did. And if he thought he would find solace in making friends... he was wrong. His classmates made fun of him, and he found himself alone... always alone. He always avoided problems, but when he had to defend himself from the bullies of his school... He did. And if his parents played the comedy in front of the teachers, once at home, Danny was beaten to the point of losing consciousness once.
His years of college and high school were no better... but no worse either. In high school, he had managed to make friends, with whom he often made the wall to go and have fun at night. At that time, he no longer feared the wrath of his parents, especially his "father". He was a cute little boy when he was a child, and as a teenager he was a handsome boy, who attracted a lot of attention. His current appearance, apart from size, has not changed since.
How many girls wanted to go out with him? hundreds. How much did he have been in a relationship? Just two. And one of those two relationships ended badly. Yet he remembered an evening at the fair where he and his friends consulted a fortune teller. He didn't believe in this stuff but it was always a good time to have fun.
“Your life has been nothing but sadness and suffering my boy. But soon, a new life will be offered to you and one day you will finally find the one that is linked to you. The chosen one of your heart, is not here young man, but elsewhere.” she said. He remembers smiling, holding a laugh so as not to offend the old woman. But later, one of his visions proved correct.
“Where do you think you're going like that, you dirty little jerk?! You're not going anywhere! you hear me??” His Dad shout, beating him again.  
But this time... It had to stop. He had struck him in return, with a force he did not know himself. Her mother squeaked when she saw her husband on the ground, slightly frightened but still angry.
“I've done everything. Absolutely EVERYTHING to have even a little love! AND WHAT DID I GET?! ONLY BEATINGS AND INSULTS! ... But it's over. I get out of here and believe me that you will have NOTHING of me. You can both go to hell. I hope you die in the worst way there is in this f****ng world.”
And since that day, he has never felt so free and so alive. But what this fortune teller told him always kept him in mind. And if that person with whom he was related... the chosen one of his heart... was simply... You?
Since you both met, you are the only person who has been so pleasant, innocent and... kind to him. Of course, you’re acting like this because he was acting as Jed. But if Jed had never existed, if he had only been himself... Would it have been the same thing?  
Maybe... that you'd be in a relationship. He would love you as much as you would love him. He'd protect you, do anything to make you happy. Of course, he would never tell you about his... second "job." But what if you get sick? To the point of ending up in the hospital and dying just like...
“Danny...” He shakes his head. He doesn’t want to remember that. NEVER again.  
“Come on Danny. Stay focused. You can’t screw all you've made until now.” He whispers to himself before he puts his Ghostface’s mask on.  
He faced Mike's house. Certainly, Mckellan had to die first on the list but... the desire to eviscerate Mike was stronger, more enticing, more... Exciting. Danny licked his lips, thinking about how he was going to take care of his next victim. He had prepared everything, orchestrated and imagined the faces of the unfortunates who would find his corpse.
He's going to pay. Oh yes, he's going to pay SO MUCH for all the humiliation that Danny has endured since he started working at Roseville's Gazette. He's going to regret every fucking word he's said about him. Every fucking blow he's given her. And his attempt to strangle him... in front of everyone... will be the fatal blow that Danny will return to him.
Danny took a gift package and sneaked up to Mike's house. Even if he knows that at this time, everyone is asleep in this neighbourhood, it is better to be careful of a potential walker. He had parked in the same place as last time; he knew that no one ever went there.
He reached the kitchen window and saw it slightly open, so he took advantage of this opportunity to enter the interior without making any noise. He immediately walked to the basement, which was right in front of the kitchen, and went downstairs, realizing to the sound of the water that Mike was in his bathroom, taking a shower. Just perfect.
He rediscovered Mike's "playroom", the one in which he practiced his... disgusting and twisted fantasies. And he's the one we call f****ng psycho? Hmph, Danny found the champion in this category. He admits to being a little crooked sometimes, but really far from doing that kind of crap.  
He placed his "gift" on the table before taking an object heavy enough to knock Mike out. As well as a rope to be able to tie him. On the practical side, he didn't need to take anything. Everything was provided to him on the spot, for once.
"How nice you are Mickey... make it easier for me at this point, I would have almost taken you as an assistant ... if you weren’t a fucking pedophile and a drug addict. What a waste. Well, time to call.” Danny said taking out another disposable phone. He hid in a corner of the room, so that Mike would not see him and composed his number. Hoping he got out of the bathroom.
“Hello? Who the f**k is there?” said Mike on the other line. His voice was hoarse and tired. Looks like he smoked more than he should.  
“Hello Mickey...Miss me? I hope so.” respond Danny sneering about this situation.
“You little...motherf***er! I don’t know who the f**k you are but you gonna regret everything you do to me, you little shit!”  
“What a lovely language...Look since you didn't like my previous gift, I brought you another one... He's in the basement. Why don't you open it? I'm sure you'll like this one!”
“Go f**k yourself with your gift! You trapped me once! and it's already too much for me to leave you alive!” Said Mike enraged.  
“You could make an effort Mickey... I bend over backwards to find you a gift to make me forgive and you don't even want to go and see what it is. You're breaking my heart. Too bad... I guess I can send your photos to the authorities... they'll be happy to put you in jail.” Replied Danny getting ready to hang up.
“Rrrrr...Okay Okay ! I'm going to open your gift! You psycho...”  
He heard Mike heading towards the stairs before descending to the basement. the excitement caused Danny to tremble, he was waiting for only one thing: for Mike to open his "gift" and see his reaction before knocking him out. And once attached... the party can begin.
He went deeper into the darkness when he saw Mike advancing towards the table where the gift package was. Danny's hands trembled with excitement as Mike trembled with fear. After a moment of hesitation, Mike finally opened the package and backed away, swearing and holding back from vomiting.  
Remember when I said a "head was going to fall"? Well, a head actually fell. A man's head now stood on this table, and for Mike it was not unknown to him because he was one of his drug dealers, the one who offered him the best drugs.
The head was cut with sharpness and precision worthy of a surgeon. the face was marked by the drug that this man was consuming and dark circles almost as black as coal were plummeting before his eyes. Teeth had been torn off and tongue cut off.
Mike recoiled a few more metres before feeling a hand on his shoulder, when he turned, he had no time to react and received a blow, strong enough to knock him out. Danny looked at his unconscious body, a diabolical smile on his face. He took the rope and a chair, then lifted Mike's heavy body to attach it to it. He weighed his weight the animal!
“Look at this... What a beautiful sight. Ah Mickey... I will make you my most beautiful bloody work the world has ever seen... I'm going to make myself a huge pleasure to cut you pieces into pieces... make you suffer until your last breath.” Said Danny before laughing, thinking about all this.
Mike awoke after 30 minutes and, quickly noticing that he was tied to the chair, he tried to untie the ties. Unfortunately for him, Danny had tightened them up to the max. The latter came up to him, sneering, passing his gloved finger over the blade of his knife.
“Sleep well? I was starting to worry I thought I'd killed you too fast... it would have been a shame after everything I've planned for you... Don't you think so?” He said taking Mike's face with his hand.
“You’re f***ing twisted! You’re a crazy psycho! Let me go! Said Mike giggling in his chair.
“Oh... Not right now. We've just met face to face... I'm not going to shorten this moment so quickly.” replied Danny approaching his knife to Mike’s cheek. “So, do you like my gift? I must admit It wasn’t easy to find him because...He’s like a rat running everywhere in the house to steal some food. But he was so cooperative after I ripped off his tooth and cut off his tongue.
“P-P-Please...Don’t do this! Take everything you want!”
“Everything?” Said Danny before exploding with laughter. “But everything I want is your SCREAMS and you DEATH. After all you did, this is all you deserved. Fair enough don’t you think? But you know what? Since you're going to die... you’ll see your executioner's face.” He replied before taking off his mask.
“Oh, it’s true. My name is NOT Jed Olsen.” He said cutting off each of his hands with a blow, which made Mike scream a lot. “I’m Danny Johnson...The Ghostface. And I'm gonna take a real pleasure to slaughter you for everything you've done to me... You're not going to be a loss anyway. Because unlike you... I don't spend my fantasies on children."
He put on his mask on and thrust his knife deep into Mike's stomach, killing him like a pig. he pulled out the intestines that hung like ropes. he stabbed him many times, piercing his eyes, cutting his virility and his tongue before finishing him off with a sharp blow to the throat. Blood squirted everywhere, and in this show, Danny's crazy laugh was heard, he had nothing to fear, Mike had soundproofed the room for his... Fantasies. No one outside could hear it... and no one was going to come to Mike's house at this hour.
But it wasn't over oh no... He has to finish his work. He took Mike's intestines and cut them into fine pieces before throwing them all over his corpse like confetti that’s thrown at a party. After all, it's a party, isn't it? He took the drug dealer's decapitated head and carefully placed it in Mike's arms with a little message on it: "I, Mike Harris, killed this man without any remorse." And he placed Mike’s d**k on his mouth instead of his tongue which layed on the ground.
“I don't like being robbed of the star Mickey... but I confess that making you look like a murderer on this one makes me laugh a lot... We'll keep you the worst image of your existence, pedophile, drug addict and murderer. Jackpot. Now...Say Cheese!” Said Danny before taking a picture. “One down. There's one left. Sooner or later McKellan...you’ll meet the devil himself. And then... I could focus a little more on my sweet angel.”  
As with every murder, he erased all traces of his passage, and after making sure of it, he left as discreetly as he had arrived. Then he took the road to go home. But before sinking into the arms of Morpheus... A small visit is necessary.
The window of your bedroom was barely open, but that's more than enough for Danny to pass his knife and open the window just enough to pass. You were sleeping peacefully, the blanket almost covering your head but he could still see your face, your little and adorable angel face... He stood frozen in front of you for a few seconds, a smile on his face. Then he took a picture, an umpteenth trophy, an umpteenth memory.
“Don’t worry... Soon, all your problems will disappear... and I'd be the ONLY one to obstruct your thoughts. In a good way. Sleep well, my little sweet star...And never forget...” He said, kissing your forehead. “You’re mine. And only MINE.”
And then he vanished. As if no one had ever entered this intimate place... But little by little... The devil tightens his grip on you. Even if he will continue to scare you... He will do anything to be the only object of your obsessions.
And he won't let anyone near you.
(And it’s done! Phew thinking about Mike’s death wasn’t easy but I've made it! Again, I hope you’ll enjoy it like the other ones and if you got some questions or you just want to talk you can! For now, the French potato girl I am will get some rest! have a good week end everyone! See ya!)
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hasegawasosise · 4 years
In Numbers We Trust
Prompt master: @outoftheframework
I like the concept of each of the kids having a number or having a thing where they count off. Not in a demeaning or dehumanizing way at all, just more so to use in dangerous situations. For example, a bomb goes off on patrol, and to quickly see if everyone is okay, the kids (including Steph and Babs) automatically start counting one at a time. Bruce can breathe again once the count reaches eight. This tradition begins to carry over to civilian life when the kids yell numbers across a crowded gala after the power goes out.
Beta Agenthandler
Bruce never planned on starting a family. He made a vow to live for justice. He would be the force Gotham needed. He would be the forever bachelor. Justice was his Lady Love.
But 90% of life’s plan was just that—a plan. Bruce would never have guessed he'd end up taking in a boy who called himself Dick Grayson. Technically his ward, but Bruce suffered a mid-life crisis every day from thereon, wondering whether it was the right choice for him to adopt a kid—or why anyone sane would let Bruce Wayne adopt any kid in the first place. It was a testament to Dick’s own awesomeness that he grew up to be a mostly functional adult—Bruce definitely wasn’t.
After Dick, he recruited an amazing girl named Barbara Gordon as another sidekick. She was not officially his adopted daughter, but by day two of working together Bruce registered her in his little hind brain as “my kid.”
Then another. Jason Todd not only stole the Batmobile’s tires but also Batman’s heart. The little boy taught Bruce more about street-smarts and how to be a better person right until his death. His realized depth of parental love made him wonder why he ever adopted anyone in the first place—and ended up losing them that way.
After what he thought was the last, another one came into his life without invitation. Timothy Drake was a genius detective. Out of his first four—yes, Bruce could still count—Tim was the most similar to Bruce. They had the same kind of upbringing amidst the Gotham Elite, they were both highly focused and detail oriented individuals. Tim was even smarter than Bruce, and he was the sole reason Bruce could continue functioning after Jason’s death. Tim was also the only one to believe he was still alive and brought Bruce back from when he was lost in time.
After Time was Stephanie Brown. A cheerful ray of sunshine that had her own worries, but could function the best out of all his children. She had the kind of light sarcastic humor to brighten up Bruce’s darker days. He gained a third daughter, Cassandra Cain, the most accomplished amongst his children in terms of stealth and combat, also his one darling princess.
Then Bruce was introduced to his—one and only—blood son, a little baby assassin who had the unfortunate tendency to stab first ask later. By this time, Bruce had a better handle on raising children highly susceptible to raising hell and violence (read: still an incompetent parent, but he knew how to tune out their nagging) and had no choice but to assign Dick  with Damian’s education on humanities and socialization.
He also had Helena, Terry, Matt, Duke, and Harper.
Bruce lost count.
It was the ultimate testament to Bruce’s parenting skill. He sometimes couldn’t remember how many kids he had. He could lose them in a Walmart and forget he was missing one. But thankfully, he had a secret weapon.
Since Jason, he assigned them all numbers. Dick was one, Barbara was two, Jason three, Timothy four, Stephanie five, Cass six,  Damian seven—although he always said he was the first—Duke was eight, Harper nine, Terry ten, Matt eleven, and little Helena was twelve.
Imagine that. Bruce had twelve kids. What was his vow again? Lady Love Justice? Don’t know her.
It became sort of a tradition. When the kids entered the Wayne manor, each of them wrote their number on the info board down in the changing room. They were also listed on a desktop note of the BatComputer. It became a ritual in which the last child would add their newest sibling into the list, so they knew who the next number was supposed to be, and that next child would be who they were responsible for. Well, except Dick who accepted all of them as his baby chicks. The number also became a little part of their identity—each of them would put their numbers on everything they owned from their doors to their batarangs to the containers in the fridge.
Bruce, most importantly, used the numbering system to check in on them. It started when Penguin detonated a bank and his robins were scattered fighting all the hundred thugs Penguin hired to keep Batman busy. The blast stopped the fight and Bruce’s heart dropped when he realized his coms were damaged and he immediately couldn’t keep sight of them. He immediately tried to think what he could do, and when he did,  he shouted at the top of his lungs.
“One!” Nightwing shouted from the top of the next building. Apparently he flew off the bank’s  roof when he realised it was going to burst.
Oracle was two but he knew she was safe in the clock tower.
“Three,” Red Hood drawled. Bruce wondered why he joined in, but was thankful nonetheless.
“Four,” Red Robin shouted from the opposite direction, because he was the sensible one who directed the civilians and police to safety.
“Five!” Spoiler laughed and flew to his side. “That was a doozy!”
“Six,” Black Bat said as she appeared beside Spoiler where they shared a hi-five.
“Seven,” Robin pulled out his swords from a thug’s leg. “Father, I need to clean my sword immediately.”
“No stabbing, please.” “Too late.” Bruce groaned.
“...Eight?” Signal. He was still new to the numbering system.
Batman let go a deep relieved sigh.
The police and civilians who were fortunate to witness the scene, collectively said ‘Oh’. It became a trending twitter before Tim deleted the topic as much as he could.
The counting continued though. Citizens who have lots of children (such as parents, teachers, sometimes even the Police teams), realised it was a quick method to ensure update of their progeny/students/teams condition. So they  The counting became sort of a Gotham Trend and eventually enlisted into Gotham’s Emergency SOP. Imagine that, having too many kids to count gave birth to a crucial disaster first-aid first responder procedure.
In all actually, maybe that was one of the top major contributions Batman has given to his city.
The kids themselves slowly embraced the importance and fun of the numbers. It created a sort of camaraderie-- even when the numbers didn’t correlate with their height. It used to be a nice isoquant curve when they stood side by side. But after Jason’s growth spurt and Tim naught growth spurt, Steph finding high heels and Cass love for Anti-flood Boots, the nice isoquant curve just became a jagged line not unlike a heartbeat rate.  
That aside, the numbering also slowly bled into their civilian lives:
All of them counted before they entered the GothMart -- Alfred was there too, and suddenly Bruce became number 0. He was there to help Alfred because herding the kids was a massive job.
Dick was back for the weekend to spend time with his “babies” and refused to stay at home, because he wanted to sneak in his grocery list (gummy bears and cereals) into Bruce’s list so he could bring it back to Bludhaven and not spend a dime on it.  
Jason was there because Alfred asked him for help--he was the only one out of the brood with cooking talent and generally all responsible in the kitchen, i.e. Alfred could trust Jason to use his kitchen without blowing it up (shoutout to Tim and Duke who blew the kitchen for the fifth time this year).
Barbara stayed at home, watching over their base, but she was ready with her surveillance just in case they lost one of the broods.
Tim was half dragged, because he had spent the last 30 hours awake doing Bruce-knew-what, and only agreed to be dragged with the promise of sweet, abominable GothMart coffee with pink glitter (a cheap imitation of Starbucks, really) because Tim was fabulous especially after thirty hours of no sleep. And the surprisingly awesome coffee was a dollar--what kind of frugal millionaire didn’t appreciate a dollar of drinkable coffee?
Steph was the one who dragged Tim, with the help of Cass who just returned from Hong Kong for the weekend. Steph wanted to buy some new bras for Cass, something cool and sexy she could enjoy immensely. Bruce was not privy in this knowledge.
Damian was there to ensure his embarrassment of siblings didn’t kill themselves or humiliate the family. Wayne was his legacy afterall, and all of them reflected on his legacy, whether he liked it or not. Duke, the only one whom he could tolerate outside Cassandra (Grayson was mother) just poked his cheek and grinned. Duke might be tolerable, but it didn’t mean Damian didn’t want to stab him sometimes (Drake, on the other hand, looked like a nice pincushion to stab his sword into).
They counted 0 to 8 before they entered, orchestrated by Alfred.  
When they were ready for the checkout, 4, 5, and 6 were missing. Bruce finally found them at the children section, where Tim was busy defending his virginity from a Superboy Plushie, while Steph convulsed with laughter on the floor and Cass video-ed the entire thing.
Bruce refused to buy the cereals (Dick) / sexy lingerie (nope, nope, nope) / kitchen knife collection in black (Damian, as they didn’t need another stabby collection). But Bruce ended up buying the superboy plushie because it had been tainted (the store manager glared at him the whole check out time). At least Tim looked ashamed enough when he was handed the superboy plushie.
The gala was in full swing, full of important people and not-so important moochies. Bruce was entertaining a group of usual donors (important and fun people!) while he saw Tim seriously discussing the stock exchange trends with several old, serious men. Dick was charming the usual group of ladies and young men, while Cass seemed to be hiding behind the potted plan.
Then, just like usual in Gotham, the lights went off. The room suddenly became dark and people started to scream.
“KID COUNT!” Bruce shouted. “Zero,” he added because of habit.
“One!” “Three!” “Four!” “Five and Six!” “Seven.” “Eight” “Nine.”
Wait, did he bring Harper with him? Harper was allergic to this kind of gala--and that was why he never fully adopted her into his Wayne name.
Oh well. The more number he got, the better.
Justice Lady love who?
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lvmosity · 5 years
saviour | harry potter
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pairing: harry potter x muggleborn!hufflepuff!reader
requested: yes! by @scoofpoof​ thank u ♡
request: can i request for a harry potter x muggleborn! hufflepuff! reader? reader doesnt know harry potter (gasp) but he does bc they grew up in the same place and he lowkey has a crush on her. reader still doesnt know harry potter in school n is one of the top students. harry knows that she is physically strong bc she plays muggle sports n knows self defense. shes kind but not a coward so one time harry asks for help when he is being bullied n she agrees... reluctantly. u can choose the ending. thanks!
genre: fluff maybe?
word count: 3.4k (ok i didnt expect this to be long)
warnings: bullying, mentions of blood & scars, reader is a badass
tags: @sadhwstudent​ 
credit to the owner of the gif
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It had only been less than two months since the news of Lord Voldemort’s supposed return from the dead had spread throughout the Wizarding World and all Harry Potter could do was watch in frustration as people branded him as a liar and deranged. He had to thank the Ministry of Magic, primarily Minister Fudge who took full control of this and covered up what he thinks to be complete utter nonsense. It wasn’t a surprise to him really as the Ministry of Magic were, after all, corrupt and incompetent.
Whilst Harry lied in bed feeling extremely alone and lost during those months, he did not get a single letter from his two best friends; Ron and Hermione, despite their promises. He was starting to wonder if they too had turned blind and decided their friendship wasn’t worth it but after finally meeting up one day for an explanation, he realised it was done so under Dumbledore’s orders which made the situation worse.
Then the events that followed after made it harder to cope with. He had discovered an old alliance formed by Dumbledore during the First Wizarding World and that half of them had either died or were seriously harmed. His godfather Sirius Black had informed him that the Dark Lord was in search of a special object that he had no access to during his previous attack, along with the mysterious actions of his headteacher who has ignored him throughout the summer. The pressure was starting to be a heavy toll on him, and he was forced to deal with it.
Unfortunately, it also became a difficulty attending school. His classmates had started eyeing him weirdly, growing awfully distant with him to which they would immediately stop talking once Harry entered the room, and some of his other so-called-friends had removed him from their lives. It also couldn’t help that certain students, none other than Draco Malfoy and his goons, had begun to bully him more than ever, hitting him with nastier remarks as well as the constant push and shove tactics.
Harry felt isolated and disorientated, felt as if no one had truly believed the words that came out of his mouth, felt as if he was made a laughing stock to the Wizarding World, felt as if Voldemort had already won the battle and it had barely even started. Ron and Hermione tried their best to cheer him up and distract him from reality but it would end in failure each time.
He was starting to lose hope, starting to think he was better off buried twenty-feet deep under the dirt since he knew his parents were the only ones who wouldn’t judge him, starting to accept the many labels plastered on him; he was a liar. 
He just had spent a strenuous hour-long detention session with Professor Umbridge in the afternoon due to his apparent cheek talking as well as spitting ‘false’ information about the Dark Lord’s return. Feeling emotionally drained, Harry found himself making a bee-line to the school’s library to have a moment to himself, he wasn’t prepared to face his friends and hear their worries.
Night had already fallen meaning everyone would be asleep by now, the hallways had also gotten dark. Luckily enough, the candles were the only light source as it made it slightly easier for Harry to find his way through the darkness. However, he wasn’t able to see anything further down the hall and he worried that a prefect or a professor on duty might catch him and drag him back to the dorms. Although, he’d rather bump into them than Filch.
And soon enough, once he had turned a corner and heard hurried footsteps approaching up ahead in the darkness, he started to panic. It was only a matter of time before he suddenly collided into something hard and he desperately hoped it wasn’t any of the two. Waiting to hear a grumpy voice scold him, he hears a high-pitched squeal instead.
The unknown figure in front quickly whispers a ‘lumos’ before being blinded by a bright light. Harry hisses at the sudden flash and squints his eyes to see past it expecting to see Filch or a professor. To his surprise, he realised it was just a girl but it wasn’t just any ordinary girl, it was you.
You look at Harry with a bewildered look to which he returns. Opening your mouth to question his presence, your head quickly whips back and a small gasp escapes from your lips. Both of you hear another set of footsteps approaching from behind and you instantly grab Harry’s hand and rush off to find a room or a spot to hide in.
After locating a random closet room, you hastily pull Harry inside with you and shut the door from behind. Harry leans against the wall and starts to pant but you hush at him indicating to keep quiet. You whisper a ‘Filch’ to him and he nods in realisation but mentally facepalms seconds later because you couldn’t see it anyways since the room was completely dark.
Several minutes pass by and no sign of footsteps or a grouchy voice could be heard meaning the coast was clear. Relieved, you flick your wand and a light illuminates from the tip of it, now the room was bright enough to see.
You turn to Harry and smile at him sheepishly, feeling embarrassed for grabbing a stranger’s hand. “Sorry about dragging you here, I had to make sure the both of us didn’t get caught, you know how Filch is.”
Harry shakes his head rapidly, “It’s fine, I appreciate you looking out for me though.”
“No worries...” Your words falter at the end waiting for him to introduce himself as you had no knowledge of the boy standing in front of you.
“Harry, Harry Potter.”
“Ah, well,” The sides of your eyes crinkled as you give him a friendly smile. “You’re welcome Harry, Harry Potter.”
You burst into fits of giggles, finding your small joke amusing. A faint blush creeps onto his face and Harry’s head shifts to the side in an attempt to hide it as he found you it adorable. Fortunately for him, you didn’t notice it but you noticed something instead and it wasn’t fortunate for him.
“Harry! Your hand’s bleeding!” You gasp as you reach out to his hand, lifting it up to your face to inspect it.
Harry winces at the sight of the blood, his scab had cut open supposedly from the harsh grip you had on him whilst you were running away before. It was only a minor cut and it didn’t really bother Harry whilst you reacted differently by shrieking as if he had lost a hand.
“What happened to your hand? Why do you have a scab?” You eye it closely, “It looks recent too.”
Harry scratches the back of his head with his other hand and stays silent, unsure on how to explain it to you that Professor Umbridge is a vile, old bat that enchanted a special quill to cut into his skin when he uses it. He also didn’t want you to worry too much and snitch on her to Dumbledore in case you would get in trouble.
Slightly frowning at his choice to ignore your question, you gently push him back to sit on a random obstacle as you rustle inside your school robes only to pull out a tiny first-aid box and kneel in front of Harry. You pick up a wound spray out of it and spritz it on his cut causing Harry to hiss at the slight pain.
Mumbling a quiet ‘sorry’ to him, you continue to dab the blood away, taking extra care not to deepen it. Once you saw that the cut was cleaned up, you pick up a plaster and place it on his cut, softly smoothing it out so that it sticks on properly.
Harry watches you intently as you smile to yourself feeling proud at your work, even if it simply was just tending to your aid. Harry lifts his hands up and stares at the plaster, it was girly for his liking as it was coloured a pastel purple and had a daisy pattern. He found it cute.
"It’s my friends,” Harry looks back at you. “Mine recently ran out so my friend lent me a few since I’m always getting into fights.” You bite your lip and look at Harry, waiting for a shocked reaction from him, he probably doesn’t expect you to be a troublesome girl.
“B-but for a good reason! I only fight the bad guys, y’know the bullies and all.” You stutter, trying to defend yourself. You began to bring up past events of you arguing with a Slytherin called Pansy and how it ended badly, showing him old bruises on your arm that were close to fading away. You then bring up another fight including a boy from your house and rambled on about how he blamed you for messing up a potion to which you secretly made it blow up in his face out of annoyance.
As you continue to rant, you didn’t notice Harry’s gaze on you. He knew all about you and how you are as a person, he knew this because he’s observed you for years. Harry figured that you didn’t know him too well as you saw him as a stranger but to him, you weren’t.
The two of you grew up in the same neighbourhood, practically living across from each other but a few houses down. Both of you also attended the same school and shared most classes together, yet throughout the years you didn’t seem to acknowledge his presence until now. 
This wasn’t a surprise to Harry as he was a quiet child and didn’t get on with the others in his year. He stayed reserved, spending most of his time in school sitting inside class with his teacher during break and lunchtime watching other children have fun. The teacher wouldn’t pay much attention to Harry but it didn’t bother him as he was much interested in watching you play on the field outside.
He was captivated by you. You were different from most girls in his year; you loved playing muggle sports as you would constantly single-handedly beat the boys at football. Gradually, he developed a crush on you. He would consistently hear stories from his classmates of how you would beat up bullies and stand up to anyone making fun of your friends, or rather anyone. You were strong for your age, in fact, you were always strong. 
Growing up, the stories would get crazier and Harry got a chance to witness it come alive. During one chilly December night, he stumbled upon the scene of you being harassed by two men. Irritated by their actions, Harry was about to call them out but in a blink of an eye; you quickly grab one of their arms and twist it, launching him over your shoulder and slammed him down on the ground. 
The other man shrieked in horror and ran away, bumping into Harry’s shoulder in the process. Satisfied, you calmly walk away from the groaning man and left a speechless Harry. From that moment onwards, his admiration for you tripled.
Not only were you strong, but you were also freakishly intelligent. Scoring ‘Outstanding’ grades in most of your classes to which you were one of the top students in Hogwarts, always positioning a place higher than Hermione (she hated that). 
Harry was abruptly pulled out of his thoughts as he sees you with your head tilted to the side, staring at him with a raised eyebrow.
“Hey, I asked if you were alright. Something wrong?”
“Oh, er, n-no. I was just thinking about something.”
“Ah,” You place your chin in both the palm of your hands, looking up at Harry. “Say, you haven’t told me how you got that scab. What happened?”
Harry sighed. “Umbridge.”
You roll your eyes, “Of course, I’m not surprised.” You stand up and sit beside Harry who scooches a bit to the side to make space. Although, due to how small the obstacle you guys were sat on, your hands were lightly brushing up against each other and Harry tried his best to keep calm and fight the uncontrollable blush.
“I don’t know why I’ve only just realised this but you were the guy that was with Cedric the night he died, right?” Harry turns his head to you, startled at the sudden change of topic. “And you’re the one who keeps saying that the Dark Lord has returned.”
No answer. Harry stays silent, he had a feeling that you were also going to make fun of him, call him a liar and walk off; forever ignoring his existence. But instead, he hears a soft giggle.
“Don’t worry, I believe you.”
Harry shoots you a confused look, “What, really?”
“Yeah, why wouldn’t I?”
“It’s just... mostly everyone doesn’t, and they bully me for it.”
You frown at the new information before your face relaxes. “I’m so sorry that’s been happening to you Harry...” Harry shrugs and you couldn’t help but start to feel bad. “I wish it was different. If there was a way for me to help, I would--”
Harry’s head perks up; “Then help me.”
“What? Harry, I barely know you.”
“But I know you.”
“You don’t even know my name--”
“Y/N, your name is Y/N Y/LN.”
“Okay, now that’s weird.”
Harry shakes his head, “It’s a long story but we grew up in the same neighbourhood and attended the same primary school.”
“Oh,” That made sense. You were beginning to think you had a stalker. “How come I’ve only just met you today?” 
“Must be a magic spell I put on myself to be invisible.”
You playfully nudge him. “Oh shut up, a kid that young wouldn’t have been able to learn the spell for it yet.”
You both laugh and for a moment, Harry’s troubles had disappeared and he was enjoying the company, your company. As the laughter fades away, Harry turns back to staring at you and you question him, “What?”
“So, will you help me? With the bullying?” 
You bite your lip and ponder for a few minutes. An hour ago, he was just a stranger to you (and whoa, has it already been an hour?) yet it felt like you guys had already met before, like fate had brought him to you and perhaps offered you both to initiate a friendship or more. Wait, what were you thinking? You’ve only just met the guy!
Your eyes meet up with his once more and he gazes at you softly, waiting for an answer. You couldn’t help but feel even more bad for Harry. What were you going to say?
The next morning had arrived and like always, Harry had to deal with the usual weird looks and whispers from the students that passed by him in the halls. Ron and Hermione would instantly glare at them to which they’d shut up and walk off but they knew they’d start whispering again once they turned their backs away.
Frustrated at her best friend’s ignorance, Hermione pulls Harry’s arm back causing the three of them to stop in their tracks. “Harry, aren’t you going to say or do something about this? You can’t just ignore them!”
Harry whips his arm out of her grasp causing Hermione to frown. “It’s nothing to worry about, I’ll be alright.”
“Alright?! How could you possibly feel alright when everyone is going around making a mockery of you--”
“Well, well, if it isn’t Potter.” The three of them turn to see Draco and his two other delinquent friends walk up to them, a smug look plastered across Draco’s face. “Finding it difficult these days, aren’t we?”
Ron scoffs, “Screw off Malfoy.” He nudges Harry and a mumbles a ‘let’s just go Harry.’ as him and Hermione start to walk away but Harry stays put.
“You know, I’m surprised you haven’t had enough and dropped dead just like poor Ceddy. You can both die as cowards.”
Harry steps closer, glowering at Draco. “Don’t you dare talk about Cedric like that.” 
Draco also steps closer, their foreheads almost touching each other as anger boils up within them. “Or what?” He shoves Harry back by the shoulders causing him to lose a bit of his balance but luckily enough Ron and Hermione were a few meters away to catch him in time.
Standing back up, he was about to lunge at Draco with his fists clenched up ready to land a punch but before he could, he was interrupted by shouting. 
“Hey Draco!”
Everyone turns around and sees you up behind Draco whose head wasn’t turned around in time. He didn’t get the chance to acknowledge who the person calling his name was as you punched him square in the face making him stumble back in pain and tripped on his feet, landing hard on his back. 
The rest stood there in horror and utter shock, their mouths slightly opened as their minds were trying to register what had just happened. Harry couldn’t believe it, you stood up for him. Were you watching the situation unfold?
Draco groans and looks up at you, pinching the sides of his nose bridge in an attempt to control his now bleeding nose. “What the fuck--”
“For your information blondie, Harry and Cedric aren’t cowards.” You slowly lean over Draco, peering down at him with narrowed eyes as you smirk. “And neither am I.” You wink and reached into your robes before throwing tissues at him, Draco watches them fall to the ground and your figure walks away, a pleased look on your face.
You make your way to the trio whose eyes were focused on you. You stand in front of Harry and hand him a potion. Harry, still speechless, stares at the unknown potion in his hands.
“It’s Murtlap Essence,” You lightly tap the sides of his hands that had his scab from last night. “Soak your hand with that, it’ll heal it.”
A warm smile appears on his face, the sides of his eyes crinkled making it more genuine. He was so thankful, he couldn’t seem to think of words to express his gratitude. For years, he was yearning for you to acknowledge his presence and the time finally came, better than what he expected it to turn out to be.
But his smile was enough for your heart to flutter and you started to notice his presence was stronger than ever before, you didn’t know why you hadn’t known him before but at least from now on; the image of his smile would burrow itself in your mind. This would be enough to want to know him more.
The two of you stare at each other for what seems like forever and the other two clear their throats, feeling awkward and unsure what to do or say. You and Harry switch back to reality and the realisation of staring at each other for a while makes you both flustered.
“Thank you Y/N, for everything. You didn’t need to punch Draco though,” Harry laughs and so did the rest of you.
You shake your head, “Nah, that pompous brat deserved it. I made sure to punch him hard so his father would hear about it.” You joked, giggling afterwards.
You faintly smile and point past the trio, indicating that you were going to take your leave. “I’ll see you soon Harry, yeah?” 
He nods and you stroll past him, but not even several meters away until Harry calls out for you: “Hogsmeade. This Saturday, would you come with--”
You hastily answer back without stopping or glancing back but the both of you knew each one had supported an excited smile, both now looking forward to the date that was soon coming up.
As Harry watches your figure get smaller further down the hallways, he felt his admiration for you become extremely stronger. He saw you as his saviour, back then when he was young and vulnerable but managed to make his childhood happy despite the problems occurring in his household. He saw you as his saviour right now, where he is older and still vulnerable with the bullying and all, but once again, you made his life worthwhile; he didn’t have to worry as much anymore.
He has you by his side now, and he’ll do anything to protect you in return as an act of kindness. Just like what you did by defending him back then.
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sweetjazzygirl · 4 years
Help Miracle Mercado, a 20 year old, victim of ab//s//
this is a story of a young adult, 20 year old victim, born 2000, November 28
I'm sorry for some mistakes and typos, i was tired so i will fix them later when i have the chance
the post will contain, Domestic violence and ab//s//, mention of R//p// and s//xu//l a//s//ult, Bullying, and many more
if you PLAN to share this on Facebook and Instagram, i have to inform you her 'family' is using them, entire family using Facebook and a "dad" and a "brother" (they don't deserve those terms) using Instagram so please, be careful, i can't leak them due to knowing people will attack them for ab//s// which will lead her life probably to an end
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Miracle (short name Mira) Mercado is a 20 year old young woman, lives in Pennsylvania, Mira has suffered so much ab//s// since birth and currently, she's now only being emotionally abused than physically (used to be abused physically)
Mira has been bullied in school because she was born in the toilet, calling her "toilet baby" (it's been confirmed she was born in it), she was 6 months old after birth, Mira died 3 times at the hospital as an infant which she deserved the name "Miracle" for surviving
but unfortunately, Mira didn't get the happiest childhood she deserved, she was being abused, pushed in, punched by, insulted, many HORRIFYING stuff, all by her entire 'family' except her grandma, the mother of Mira's "Mother", who stood by her side and passed away due to cancer because of her daughter's (Mira's 'Mother') death wish
Mira had a teacher at 9th grade with her before but her luck vanished as her teacher left her because the school threatened to fire her and suddenly told Mira's "Dad" everything, causing the r//p// to happen as possibly a punishment (as what i've heard)
Mira also got as//au//ted, instead of support she got victim blamed by her 'family', her "Dad" blames Mira for also his parents death
To let you know, his parents were also behind the abuse as well, he forced her, her as a child that time to take care of them instead of his lazy ass to do so, forcing her to watch them all night while he gets all the rest and after all that, Mira's 'grandparents' (her "Dad"'s Parents) passed away due to lack of treatment. Mira even mentioned she was told she looked just like his mom which is unknowingly if he could be abusing her because of that as if he and his brother were abused in their entire life as well
Mira also mentioned her cousin was crushing on her older 'sister', unknown if he still does
Mira is also Asexual but her entire 'family' are LGBTphobic, her oldest 'brother' and 'father' never stop making sexual jokes, no matter how much it can be uncomfortable
Mira's entire 'family' also mocks people with disabilities and mental illness, this includes Mira as well since she's suffering with a disability and mental illness so she's being mocked and made fun of, they also tend to have no respect for people who are into dark stuff (goths and emos, she's into Goth stuff)
Mira also had pets before but that faded away because of her sick minded 'father' and 'brother', i also have to mention that her 'dad' and his brother abused his own dog who was old at that time for their entire life, Mira's oldest 'brother' also locks dogs and cats in basement because he can't stand them meowing and barking, Mira had dogs, one is a brown puppy, male, got kicked by her 'Dad' and one is an old fluffy white dog, female, kicked by her 'brother', she also had a cat on her own but it's known it got kicked out as well (currently, her 'mom' has a cat so yes, she's a cat person as well for an abuser)
a picture of Mira's dog before losing her (the only picture she has left)
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Mira had lost everything by the hands of those devils, only to make her life like hell
Her 'mom' also has a boyfriend (her 'parents' are not married, but one of the siblings are half), who's an abuser as well and was sent to prison, he could've gotten out this month (march) right now
Her family also starves her as they give her only little food or nothing at all, making her underweight and then saying the stupidest words "you look awful" like of course she look awful, you devils straight up made her life a living hell
Mira's 'sister' has a room for her own but her selfishness decided to use Mira's room instead, having the power to control it and because of it Mira can't do anything
Mira used to have that card where she gets food to survive but they took it from her and has control in it, so they use her name to get the food for themselves, making her starving
i may not be the type of a person who'd leak pictures of faces but this is for the best, if you ever found them, especially with Mira, please i'd love for you to save her staying away from them
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i didn't get the pictures of the older and younger 'brothers' but i hope this helps
Now for the questions and answers
"Did she called the police/has anyone reported it?"
Her online school did but unfortunately, the police didn't believe her and she couldn't say anything because 1- she was being watched by her 'brother' to make sure "she doesn't talk shit" (more like "she doesn't expose their crimes") and 2- her 'Dad' uses his overweight body and mental illness as an excuse against her
"Why didn't she ran away?"
She did once but was forced to go back now it's very difficult for her to run away so she needs a plan
"Does she has anyone else to live with?"
Her 'friends' but they kicked her out because they hated her, for no reason so sadly, she doesn't have anyone else to live with
"Does she have evidence of abuse?"
Fortunately yes, she does and i'd like to share them but some of them are graphic so..
"Does she have enough money to get out?"
She's poor, she doesn't have a job because they don't let her but she at least gains them but it won't be that easy because they're stealing it from her (she's currently living with her 'mom' and 'sister'
"Can't she defend herself?"
They get more angry when she tries to defend herself, believe me, abusers gets the power whenever the victim tries to defend themselves
"what can I do to help?"
If you live in the same state as her and found her walking around the street, alone or with her member family, help her to escape at all cost and DON'T let one of them take her away (her 'Dad' has a car so watch out), i'd also to love if one of you created a GoFundMe page for her since she used to have one but it got removed, also show her support
i got Instagram highlight where i share her life story
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Mira's profile, she also created a highlight of her abused life story as well
Note: if you're the type of person who makes fun of people for self insert and such, i suggest you to get out, this is an abused victim we're talking about here and if you're careless so much about it then i hope you rot in hell
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Please, be gentle with her, she's sensitive and doesn't take it well. she needs help to escape this help
thank you very much
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thesunlovesmuses · 4 years
One Word (An Introduction)
Prompt: Describe each character in the works with just one word
Author’s Note: So i’m using this prompt as a sort of introduction to my characters for my short stories just in case anyone get’s confused as to who the characters used in the prompts are, or if anyone's interested in learning a bit more about them past the short stories. Unfortunately, I’m not great at drawing, so I hope the description of them will do them justice. It’ll mostly consist of My main fantasy groups. But if I feel the need to write a random piece about different characters, I’ll include them below as well. But without further ado... Here we go!
The Mylanthia Series (Main Series):
Main Characters
Katiana Pensworth (An adventurer and storyteller who’s village gets burned down at a young age and gets taken in by a wizard and his partner. Now she wishes to make her own way in the word, making her own stories and maybe finding out where her biological family is now and who attacked her village) - Peacemaker
Izax Salisca (A royal wizard and teacher at the Fabalan Academy, who takes Katiana in after her home is eradicated. He taught Katiana all he knows about basic magics and how to defend one’s self on the road.) - Practical
Azra Bhaskera (A part time singer at the Cloven Cart Tavern in Serden Village and Izax’s Partner. He taught Katiana all he knows about storytelling and acting diplomatically in a confrontation) - Pacifist
Luka Harrington (Katiana’s Adoptive brother, who was also taken in by Izax after his parents died, who happened to be the old royal wizards of the kingdom.) - Intelligent
Mylanthia’s Gods
Eerina (Goddess of Beginnings, Life, Safe childbirth & Peace) - Loving
Mophy (God of the Sun, the Day, the Sky & Mountains) - Thrill-Seeker
Kisala (Goddess of Spring, Scholars, Knowledge & Nature) - Wise
Ilmari (God of Storms, Oceans, Wild Nature & Fertility) - Irritated
Aezir (Goddess of Literature, Stories, Music & Performers) - Flirter
Amion (God of the Night, Dreams, Summer & Magic) - Imaginative
Rosdia (Goddess of Love, Marriage, Happiness & The Moon) - Silent
Hendorr (God of Commerce, Fortune, Merchants & Luck) - Frivolous 
Rasulla (Goddess of Fire, Forges, Autumn & Deserts) - Bold
Iktar (God of War, Strategy, Wisdom & Perseverance) - Cold-Hearted
Zelara (Goddess of Winter, Ice, Family & the Hearth) - Motherly
Odum (God of Endings, Death, Glory & Remembrance) - Respectful
Mylanthia’s Royalty
Lawrence Farbridge (The current King of the Kingdom of Lenoa, who walks a fine line between party animal and tactical genius) - Boisterous 
Esmerelda Farbridge (The old Queen of the Kingdom of Lenoa and Ridge’s old lover, who sadly died in the war against the Angurian Empire) - Benevolent 
Pablo Coppermore (The King’s Royal Advisor, who spends most of his time trying to keep total war from breaking out between Ridge and Andreas.) - Overworked
Leonides Angura (The Emperor of the Angurian Empire, who only thinks of the survival of his kingdom, no matter wat the effect on the others he’s supposed to be in an alliance with.) - Vengeful
Lynn Angura (The Deceased Empress of the Angurian Empire , who died after giving birth to her son.) - Angelic
Dillon Angura (The heir of  the Angurian Empire, who doesn’t agree with his father’s methods at all.)  - Meek
Parvati El-Hassam (The duchess of Al-Bascriya, and puppet to her advisor and older sister.) - Exploitable
Zena El-Hassam (Parvati’s older sister and her advisor, who manipulates her in order to enact laws that benefit her and her lifestyle.) - Tyrant
The Fabalan Academy Arc
Iris Al-Hajjar (A knight student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers, who only wounded up there through an accident involving uncontrolled magic.) - Tomboy
Luka Harrington (A magic student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers and Professor Izax’s Assistant.) - Intelligent
Holly Willingham (A messenger student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers, who caused the accident that made her and Iris come here.) - Butterfingered
Asriel Talasen (A knight Student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers, who originated from the Nation of Al-Bascriya and is the #1 fencer in the academy) - Charismatic
Finnigan Fenrir (A senior magic Student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers, who’s said t be the best magic user of his generation.) - Untouchable
Dillon Angura (A magic Student at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers and the Prince of the Empire of Angura, who fled to get away from his tyrannical father.) - Meek
Izax Salisca (The Magic Teacher at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers and the Royal Wizard for the king) - Practical
Diamond Jack (The Message Teacher at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers, the royal jester and a spy for the king) - Deceiving
Zula Flintward (The Knight Teacher at the Fabalan Academy of Messengers and well known mercenary across all of Lenoa)  - Apathetic
Midelia (The Fairy Queen and Ruler of the Fae, who holds the barrier between the mortal and fae worlds) - Alluring
The Rebellion Arc
Allister Sutton (One of the leaders of the rebellion and Lucien’s best friend. Fighting for his home so everything can go back to normal.) - Determined
Lucien Ingleton (One of the leaders of the rebellion and Lucien’s best friend. He was also the next in line to be mayor of Serden. Fighting so everyone exiled can live in peace again) - Sorrowful
Simon Ingleton (Lucien’s little brother who likes to talk big and had a fondness for explosives and spells) - Hyper
Tobias Creede (Simon’s best friend who abandoned his home so he can camp in the woods with his best friend.) - Caring
Comet (A villager bitten by a werewolf and hunted down, as the new mayor believed he would turn and kill them all.) - Sharp
Clarissa Nightingale (A friend of Lucien’s and Allisters and the daughter of the town’s cartographer. Doesn’t trust outsiders easily.) - Protective
Eenix (The new Mayor of Serden Village, determined to completely obliterate the vision the Ingleton’s had and turn it into a solely profit based community.) - Power-Hungry
The Mylos Village Arc
Ridge Astaril (A demigod and wizard who tries his hardest to squirm out of tasks the king gives him to do, so he can work on his ascension instead.) - Ambitious
Mikhail Belleville (Head Priest of Mylos Village, who’s family moved in as soon as Miles’s moved away) - Conniving
Samuel Belleville (The son of the Head Priest, who despite the kind nature on first looks, has a strange and sinister air about him.) - Deceiving
The Roaming Angels (The best guild members in their classes)
Felicity Mayweather (A Human Bard who is welcome in the Borealis court of the fae after being abandoned there, and explores the world to bring stories back to them) - Diplomatic
Kosmeros (A Tiefling Warlock and university student who had his voice stolen after making a pact with the Prince of Frost, and now roams the world looking for a way to break the pact.) - Graceful
Blaze (A Fire Genasi Artificer who searches the world looking for rare materials and rumours of a thief stealing other artificer’s projects, wishing to put a stop to the thief before making his own Magnum Opus.) - Perfectionist
Caspien Aquilus (A Triton Monk who fled from his home under the sea with his cousin to protect soome ancients texts of their god from a mercenary who will do anything to take it from him to her client.) - Soothing
Gareth Mordecai Faolan (A Shifter Bloodhunter who’s family got killed in a bandit raid, and now uses all the cons and ticks he knows to get by and find information on the head of the bandits, so he can kill him himself.) - Trickster
Scora Criashi (An Aarokocra Ranger on a mission for the princess to disband an underground crime ring and black market.) - Attentive
Irisa Nemli (A blind Aasimar Sorcerer who literally fell from the sky to come to the mortal world, in order to find a way to control her wild magic she was cursed with.) - Scatter-brained
Keiji (A Tabaxi Rogue, born an orphan, who steals to fund the orphanage he grew up in, and who’s currently on the run from a mafia group in the capital.) - Explicit
Sidra (A Half-Orc Druid who wants to destroy the artefacts stolen from a temple in the swamp her tribe guards, so no-one can raise the monster named Iblis again) - Feral
Arlayna Doncaster (A Half-Elf Wizard who ran away from home and is on the run after her family didn’t accept her loving a member of a rival house; Safira) - Proper 
Bradir Azzanurth (A Dragonborn who became a Paladin after his dad died protecting others. Taken under the wings of his dad’s friends, he now roams the land helping everyone he meets and aspires to be just like his dad.) -Rambunctious
Fengryra Brenfyx (A Firbolg Cleric who was raised by her grandma with three other apprentices, who’s looking for a way to stop the Twilight Forest from dying and turning to ash) - Welcoming
Kruznek Honeydew (A Dwarf Fighter who left his wife and kids after his entire battalion died in a fight against a pack of Orcs and Kobolds, on a journey to find himself and get rid of the guilt he feels) - Inhospitable
Rhodelia Shiendroth (A Centaur Barbarian who was sold as a child to a gladiator house. She escaped the house along with three other gladiators and now works as a mercenary.) - Fearless
One Shot Characters:
Zephyr’s Rising (Sky Island Fantasy, based off of a book in the main series)
Zephyr Redgrove (A sky pirate who stole a ship in order to explore the archipelago) - Cocky
Petra Halton (A villager and flutist who’s parents went missing during an exploration, who wants to see if she can find them after finding her mum’s diary.) - Timid
Abbi Krivanek (Zephyr’s friend and Navigator, who’s joined his ship to make sure he doesn’t kill himself while exploring the World) - Cautious
Almac Vegner (Pirate and Treasure hunter who Zephyr hired in order to find all the best spots and to help fish treasure from out of the cloud sea.) - Charlatan 
Orion Bizeron (Animal Tracker and adopted younger brother of Tamari, who’s helping Zephyr find a rainbow coloured Phoenix). - Thoughtful
Tamari Bizeron (A cloud ray rider who adopted Orion when she found him on the street. Went with Orion to hunt down a phoenix and now acts as the ship’s gunner.) - Outgoing
Esien Perisey (A friend of Petra’s who runs the library in town, who has agreed to help Zephyr only to make sure Petra stays safe. Also the only person who can cook onboard the ship.) - Sarcastic
Ferdinand Everton (The Assistant to the council members of the Cardinal Council, who has been sent to stay aboard the S.S. Cloud Ray to keep an eye on the crew for the council) - Stubborn
Galatea Sauroak (Head of The Cardinal Council and in charge of dolling out punishments to pirates) - Reliable
Jett Palinsky (A member of The Cardinal Council, who is also the number one Cloud Ray Surfer in the Archipelago.) - Heart-Throb
Jasper Denholm (A member of The Cardinal Council who is stuck in the traditionalist ways and believes all pirates should be hung.) - Cold-Hearted
Aamina Al-Jabour (A member of The Cardinal Council who gives all of her work to other people to do so she can do what she wants instead) - Lazy
S0-L4R-1S (Space Adventure)
Kai Rutherford (The Face of the operations and Captain of the S0-L4R-1S, delivering goods and people for any faction in space, as long as they have enough coin to do so.) - Laid-Back
Erinne Briggs (The Ship’s onboard engineer and the only one in the galaxy who knows how to fix such an old and outdated ship.) - Spunky
Atul Kusari (The Onboard Weapon’s Expert who keeps pirate’s off of their back when trying to deliver goods to people.) - Eager
Rymond Heisenburg (The Navigator onboard and Zarinah’s Fiancée. The only one allowed to choose which jobs the crew goes on... ever since the accident.) - Composed
Zarinah Heisenburg (Rymond’s Fiancée who helps to create disguises for the rest of the crew when they have to do something dodgy.) - Ditzy
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allsystemsarenotgo · 4 years
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A friend and I were talking one day, and she shared this with me.
She was much like me, raised with a quarter between the knees, terrified of the things we were taught to avoid and trying to live reasonably noble lives. She wasn't allowed Birth Control for religious reasons (pro-life) as well as to prevent enablism. Her family was much more religious than mile, though I still went to church during my Sophomore, Junior, and Senior years of high school.
She married a guy 10 years older than herself, who was a long-time routine customer of her family's business. They married right after she graduated high school, long before she applied to higher education.
She is a nurse now. She has 3 kids, works long hours at a hospital, and her husband is a successful farmer as he always has been. She struggled at times, but she made it through.
She knows life would have been easier without the first child, but she was innocent and naiive and I think she realizes that she jumped in the deep end of the pool before learning how to swim.
I did the same thing.
All through high school I pledged to abstinence until marriage. I hated everything to do with sex. The topic, the drama, the action, the result. I wanted nothing to do with it.
But I also never dated through grade school at all. I never had a girlfriend. Plenty of crushes (M.S. above being one of them), but just as many denials. Because I didn't drink, smoke, do drugs, have FFA animals, or play athletics, I also wasn't a member of any social group. I was always the kid in the corner of the cafeteria scarfing food down in 5 minutes and sleeping the other 20, or asking to go to a teacher's classroom, where it was serene and quiet.
My freshman year of college, I even wrote an essay on abstinents for English class. That really didn't go over well in regards to having to read it out loud. There might as well have been fruit flying at me.
My dorm was set up such that we had 3 private bedrooms that shared a living space and bathroom. One of the roommates always had girls over, and he never tried to be quiet (or if he did, he failed...badly).
So those two things were my indoctrination to college life. Getting judged and leered at for writing an abstinence essay, and having to listen to a roommate multiple times a week.
Towards the very end of my freshman year, a girl from high school messaged me. We started talking, and she admitted that she had always had a crush on me and was too shy to ever say anything.
Error #1: For no good reason whatsoever, I agreed to formulate a relationship with this female
So when I moved home from the dorms, I hung out with the lass a few times, but my parents were moving out of the country and closer to my school, so I could live at home. That meant that this would now be a 1.5-hour-each-way medium-distance relationship.
So every 4th or 6th weekend during the remainder of that summer and into the fall semester, I would drive up and spend a day with her. Sometimes, I would drive her out of the country and into the city to give her a glimpse of escape (it was very impoverished where we grew up).
Error #2: Doing whatever made her happy
I really enjoyed the time that we spent together. She got me a purity necklace for Christmas that year. She said she understood that my preference meant something to me.
But then, something changed. She would start dropping enuindos and jokes and send me photos that I didn't ask for.
Error #3: Not standing up for myself
She said that I meant something to her, and asked me if she meant something to me. At the time, I did not comprehend that as a trap...but I wanted to make her happy, so I said "yes".
The next thing I know, she is booking a hotel for us for Valentine's day. Wherein, I learned a thing or two or five or ten that I really wasn't interested in learning in the first place.
-Provides Clorox to help scrub the thoughts from your mind-
After that, she wanted me to come see her more and more often. But I was tied up with school and life.
Mind you, we usually had a phone call every night, or at least every other night. Same time, right before bed. Sometimes we would fall asleep on the phone with eachother.
Error #4: Accepting anything as fact
Well one night, I called her, and she answered...but it was noisy in the background, like she was driving. But she never talked while driving, and wouldn't answer the phone with family in the car.
She said she was in a friend's car and they were going to the beach for the night, which was completely reasonable for the time of year and her group of friends. She cut the conversation short saying they had arrive, so we bid our greeting. But she didn't hang up, and something told me that I shouldn't either. So I didn't.
"Who was that?"
"Don't mind him. He was just calling to check on me. He's controlling like that."
"He sounds like a jerk"
"Enough about him. He won't do this."
-Provides more clorox-
And that's how I found out that her primal needs were more important than our "relationship".
Unfortunately, shortly after I broke up with her, I was sent a photo of her quite visibly pregnant. Fortunately, the timetable did not add up to Valentine's day (aside of the fact that it was physically/biologically 95% impossible).
That summer, I started a job at the student newspaper. Right off the bat, one of the graphic artists and I got along very well. We spent way too much time at work talking to eachother and goofing off, instead of working. Enough so that our boss took notice and things got tense for a bit with him. We still cranked out work no problem, but we were both too young to understand workplace policy and procedure when it comes to "dating but not dating", which is basically exactly what we were doing. We spent alot of time together. I would go to her dorm after class and we would watch movies and just goof off or do whatever. We enjoyed time together.
Error #1: So cliché. So, so cliché.
So Valentine's day rolls around, and she asks 'the question'.
So something in biology: There is a term called "Once an animal has the taste of blood, they will always hunt for it." Unfortunately, humans can sometimes be considered a sub-species of the animal kingdom.
Like the dumbass that I am, I accept to the terms and conditions.
And at the end of the night, she asks: "So are we officially dating now?"
"I...I guess?", I answered nervously.
Errors #2 to #457: Not escaping
And just like that, I was suckered into nearly 2.5 years of having a FWB while having to, very creatively at times, mask it as a legitimate relationship.
We enjoyed the time we spent together.
We enjoyed going places together.
My mum liked her, her parents liked me. (Dad was skeptical at best and thought I could do better)
The small issue: I struggled to communicate at times. I didn't know how to find my voice, so there were times that I would have to text her how I felt. Sometimes I would hide in a corner just so I could cry. (I later learned of my autism, and it all made sense and I learned how to resolve this)
The big issue: I was completely burned out on intimacy. After almost 2.5 years of emulating laboratory rabbits, I was done. My usefulness had expired.
The biggest issue: We were both suffering academically. We had no common interests at all anymore, and we had put eachother ahead of our own academics so much that we were both risking academic expulsion.
So we mutually agreed to break up.
She dropped out of university (and never went back or finished her schooling), and I changed majors twice before getting my Bachelor of Science.
My first relationship lasted from June 2009 to April 2010.
My second "relationship" lasted from February 2011 until May 2012 (Although we started spending time together in significant amounts starting August 2010)
I have not had a girlfriend since May 2012.
I had one friend in my senior year of college, who gave me some non-physical affection while also keeping me firmly locked in the friendzone. But quality time, by itself, only goes so far.
I have not had any physical affection since May 2012.
I have not spent quality time with a female since May 2013.
For most of that time, from May 2013 to August 2019, I really didn't mind it at all. I have been so tied up in working, hobbies, and life in general, that I completely ignored women.
But as my birthday loomed near in October 2019, it donned on me....I was on a crash course to being eternally lonely.
So I have tried online dating. I have gone on a few first dates, but no second dates.
Sometimes, I want to give up. The fight just doesn't seem worth the reward.
And honestly?
Sometimes I feel exactly like my friend's remarks at the top of this post. Sometimes I wish I would have been a little more rebellious, a little more care-free, a little more out-there.
But at the same time, ...
Sometimes I wish that neither relationship would have ever happened.
That I would have never learned the true definition of intimacy.
That I would have never done whatever it took to make the other person happy.
That I wouldn't have been such an easy push-over.
That I would have stuck to my initial pledge in life
That I would have spoke up more and defended myself.
All I am now, is damaged product.
I don't truly know how to love.
I don't truly know how to feel.
I don't truly know how to be myself.
I don't truly know how to be intimate.
I am human, I am male, so of course I have my moments. But I don't want that to be the reason for a relationship. I want it to be the least-important factor, or not a factor at all.
I want a relationship founded on trust, honesty, fortitude, common interests, personality, maybe even a little faith.
Not intimacy.
I just want to not be invisible, or to only have one attribute visible.
I want to be seen for all the other attributes.
I am not A-sexual. I still feel emotions and feelings. I just don't want to let them out of the locked box which contains them. Not without lots of context and preparedness.
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studiobeebo · 6 years
How about head cannons with Kirishima and Bakugou with a blind female s/o and everyone underestimates her because, well, she’s freakin blind but once they see her kick some ass and defend herself they learn quickly not to underestimate her.
Kirishima Eijirou
Growing up, your parents had informed you early on that life would be a lot different for you compared to a majority of your peers. They knew you would surely find out eventually, but they wanted you to be more well prepared for the world ahead of you.
While things were different for you, however, your disability was never something that held you back. Some things took a little bit more time and some things had to be taught to you in ways different from your friends and classmates, but you did well keeping up, even excelling in most of your classes.
The reason you always strived for excellency rather than averageness was because of your different lifestyle.
You were fortunate enough to never face bullies or negative ridicule due to your inability to see, but you were still treated differently.
Most people often acted as if you were some fragile little girl, going out of their way to do simple things for you that you certainly could do on your own.
While it was increasingly frustrating, especially now that you were in high school and still sometimes treated like a child, you knew most people meant well and your version of ‘revenge’ was doing well and proving them wrong.
It was that intense drive that you had which had drawn Kirishima to you, though once he got to know you there were plenty of other things that eventually led to him being able to finally admit that he had a pretty crazy crush on you.
Unlike others, it seemed, he saw and understood the struggles you went through and always tried his best to make you feel like you were no different.
While he tried to get his friends to do the same, it was difficult for them to be able to treat you as he did, even seeing the way he would spar with you as ‘harsh’ and constantly telling him to take it down a notch even as you were right there.
Ironically enough, however, Kirishima ignored their pleas and instead listened to you every time you’d ask him to give it his all. Up until now it seemed your friends were too focused on their worry to realize that you really did keep up with Kirishima pretty well, but this time around when you landed a solid punch to his jaw sending him straight to the ground, everyone was stunned.
After a moment, they were more scared for him then they had ever been for you, but when they saw him push himself up off the ground with your helping hand they were more shocked to see a bright smile on his face as he gushed about how ‘manly and awesome’ that was and despite their previous worries, they all kinda had to agree. Of course before it was plain to see what about your looks had attracted Kirishima to you, but now they had a better understanding of why he had fallen for you and needless to say, they thought the two of you would be the perfect pair.
Katsuki Bakugou
When it came to introductions and finding out more about your classmates, it didn’t take long for your peers to find out you were blind regardless of if you flat out told them or not.
You got around pretty well for the most part, using a cane for only a month or so before getting to understand the layout of the school well enough to get around safely, but even that was an area of concern for people.
Most of your friends, and even some teachers, would offer to help you up the stairs or carry your things, treating you as if you were royalty.
While that could have been seen as flattering in other situations, to you it just felt like you were being patronized.
Oddly enough, the only one who didn’t seem to patronize you was Bakugou.
Others thought it was because he just didn’t care or was just being his usual rude self in walking past you without offering to help or not bothering to mention it when you almost walked into something, but you knew it was quite the opposite. Or at least, that’s what you hoped.
In your eyes, you saw his lack of “concern” as a kind gesture. You thought it was his way of saying he knew you weren’t some helpless princess needing to be doted on hand and foot, though when you brought this up to him he just started screaming in his usual manner and just went red in the face before stomping off.
Still, despite him denying it, that didn’t stop him from training with you, pushing you harder than even All Might would on some days and spending plenty of evenings ‘wasting his free time to teach your lame ass to throw a good punch’.
Maybe you were wrong, but you also could have sworn he started softening up on you in his own Bakugou way the more the two of you trained together. It wasn’t even that long before you had to admit to yourself you had a bit of a crush on him, but little did you know he felt the same way, only he wasn’t as quick to admit it to himself as you had been.
Even aside from your growing closeness, your training with him had amazing results in the way of impressing your classmates. It seemed every day they were even more blown away by some new move or technique you’d been practicing with Bakugou and on your own and the more you showed you weren’t some little damsel in distress, the more they started to realize you were just like them and didn’t need any sort of special treatment.
Unfortunately convincing your friends you weren’t that easily breakable was a lot easier for you then it was for them to convince Bakugou that he, in fact, had feelings for you. Still, moving along slowly but surely was better than not moving along at all, and maybe all it would take was a little burst of courage from either side soon enough.
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bigheartbigfart · 6 years
Hermione Granger and the New School Ch. 2
Hey, guys! 
I finally came out with Chapter 2! I’m trying to follow the HP chapters, so that I don’t miss anything, so it’s about to get real interesting! Stay tuned!!
(I’m leaving for Ecuador soon and would appreciate any donations! Thank you!)
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 ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤  Ch. 1   ⛤ Ch.2 ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤ ⛤
Fandom: Harry Potter
Pairing: Hermione being the damn bad ass that she is. 
Type: Alternate Perspective
Hermione's parents were well off, but they knew it would be better for their daughter to attend a public school; after all, a child's social-emotional growth is just as important as their intellectual growth. Mr. and Mrs. Granger really wanted Hermione to grow up in a more diverse population than where they lived, so that she could learn acceptance of others before learning anything that could be taught in a classroom. Fortunately, accepting others came easily to Hermione, she was always willing to help others in any way that she could. Unfortunately, the kids who Hermione went to school with did not treat Hermione as kindly.
Hermione knew she was smart, because she worked for it. She studied with her teachers or parents after school and she studied by herself long after bedtime. She wanted to make the adults in her life proud and she hoped to grow up to be as smart and caring as her parents. The constant praise that Hermione received, for her intelligence, from the adults around her, let her know that all her hard work was paying off. Her classmates, on the other hand, did not view her intellectual success in the same way. They taunted her for being a teacher's pet, for being a bookworm, and for being a know it all. The only reason that anyone would choose to be a partner with her, in class, was so that they did not have to do any of the work.
The bullying that Hermione received was pretty mild, until she got a little bit older and the tests became a little bit harder. The tests weren’t any harder for Hermione, who studied diligently, but the kids in her class began struggling. Therefore, everyone in class wanted to sit next to Hermione, be partners with Hermione, but they did not want to be friends with Hermione, they only wanted to cheat off of her. One day, during a math test, Hermione noticed the boy next to her was copying her answers. Hermione did not approve of cheating. It was dishonest and it made students feel like they did not have to put in any effort to study on their own. Especially since Hermione worked so hard to get to the intellectual level that she was at. Usually, she would just let the copying of answers slide, but she had stayed up so late last night, practicing her math facts and making sure that she memorized all of the equations and formulas. Therefore, seeing this kid, who had not studied or even paid attention in class, steal her answers made her blood boil. Hermione could feel her cheeks turning red, as she tried to cover up her answers, but it did not deter his cheating in the slightest. If only the teacher could look over here, right now. She would catch him red handed! Hermione thought. But the teacher was absorbed in her own work, and did not notice the cheating that was going on in the back of the classroom.  
Hermione tried to calm herself down and ignore the boy, but the air was getting thicker and she could feel an unexpected energy starting from the base of her skull to her finger tips. It felt like static building up inside her. She began to fidget nervously, afraid that she might be dangerously ill. I need to go to the nurse. Hermione thought, she looked down at her test and back at the boy next to her. It's because of him. If he wasn't cheating off of me, I wouldn't be feeling so sick now. And if I leave… if I leave… he will keep cheating! Without thinking, Hermione moved all of her energy onto that boy. All of her static energy began to build up in her hands. Hermione was just about to get up and ask to go to the nurse, feeling as though her situation was now a medical emergency, when she heard a loud snap followed by a hard thud. She head spun to the boy beside her, his pencil had snapped in half, suddenly, causing him to fall backwards in surprise. From the floor, he flashed Hermione a fearful look, as if she caused his pencil to explode. That's impossible. Hermione thought, although a small seed of doubt had been planted in her mind, Did I do that?
After that day, the bullying became worse. Rumors had spread that Hermione was a witch, some even said she was a demon or the devil in disguise. It didn't help that Hermione had wild tendrils of curly hair that laid like a dark cloud around her head. Her eyes sometimes looked as though they could start a fire. She certainly looked like a witch, at least to her classmates.
Hermione had always been proud of who she was and what she look like; her mother was beautiful and people sad that she looked just like her mother. But she began to doubt herself, whenever kids bullied her at recess or snickered about her in class. She began to withdraw herself. Although she still studied hard and continued to excel in her classwork, she stopped raising her hand in class and she became anxious when the kids had to do group work. By the time that Hermione got on bus, to go home, everyday, she was miserable. She sat in an empty seat and stuck her backpack on the side of her. She would bury her nose in a book and hope that her torment for the day would finally come to an end.
Hermione, however never wanted to worry her parents, who she knew always worried. Luckily the teachers had not caught on to the bullying that was happening, so there had been no phone call home to explain what was going on at school. When she got home, she would go straight to her room, throw herself on her bed, and cry. Her parents had always respected her privacy and they must have assumed that she was going straight up to her room to study. After half an hour, she would be able to calm herself down. By the time her parents would come to tell her that dinner was ready, they would find her studying quietly at her desk. Hermione would go downstairs, eat with her parents and discuss all the new things that she had learned at school. Sometimes, her parents asked her about her friends. Hermione would mumble some random names and change the subject.
After dinner, the family would spend an hour or two together, before they would go off to do their nightly routines. This was Hermione’s favorite part of her day, because normally the Grangers would play a game or watch a movie together. Hermione could spend time with her parents without their questions and concerns.  Best of all, she felt so warm when she could hear her parents laugh together. These small moments between her parents were not exactly rare, but Hermione thought each one was beautiful. A quick kiss, holding hands, a slight caress of the cheek. She always hoped for a love as true and strong as theirs. And at this point in her life, she just hoped for any companionship as true as theirs, even if it were simply a friendship.
When Hermione went up to bed, at the end of the night, she always found it hard to sleep. She would lie awake thinking of ways that she could redeem herself in the eyes of her peers. She feared that if she told a teacher, or her parents, the kids would only hate her more. She just wanted the bullying to stop. When Hermione did manage to finally fall asleep, she had nightmares about disembodied laughter following her down the hallways of school. She could never find the source of the laughter, but it was everywhere, and it was dark and dry. She eventually would become trapped by it and be forced to cover her ears and try to find an escape from the school. Each morning, she would wake up panting and sweating.
One day, when she was halfway through grade 4, Hermione decided that enough was enough. No one was going to stop bullying her, unless she stood up for herself. That day, she came to school with her head held high and her fists clenched. During recess, that same day, some kids started to circle around her and became to taunt her. Hermione stood her ground, she was not going to run and hide in the girls’ room like she had in the past. She could feel electricity welling up inside of her, running up and down her spine, she felt a terrifying sort of excitement that made her shudder with anticipation. She had been waiting to stand up for herself for a long time. There was no hiding now.
“Stop it, right now!” She yelled at the four kids who were circling her. The kids faltered for a second. This was the first time that Hermione had ever talked back to someone that was bullying her. Those kids might not have even known what her voice sounded like. It was high and nasally; it rang like a whistle in the ears of those kids. To some, it must have sounded like a threat. They looked at who must have been considered their leader, waiting for some sort of signal of what to do next.   
“Yeah?” The leader said, with his hands on his hips, “what are you gonna do to stop us, witch?”
“I-I w-will -” Hermione stuttered. Her confidence that had been so strong only a few second before, but now that she truly had to defend herself, she felt that confidence failing. She would give anything to disappear, to go back inside and sit in the library with a book. Forget this whole thing. The kids picked up on her fear and started laughing and circling around her again. They shouted out insults and one of the kids even jumped out and gave her a shove. Hermione stumbled and fell onto her knees. Tears began to rim her eyes and her lips trembled. When she closed her eyes, however, she could see a swirl of electricity dancing just behind her eyelids and it made her heart flutter. She knew what it was that was happening, at least she thought she did. She stood and balled her fists. This was the last straw, she would never allow this bullying to ever happen again; she was filled with something strong and dangerous, a power that would help her conquer her bullies, she was sure of it. Later, the group of bullies would swear that this energy made Hermione’s hair float around her, as if she were filled with static. They said that it confirmed that she was a witch.
“I SAID STOP!” She shouted. Her voice carried an invisible force and the leader was pushed to the ground. The four kids looked at her in terror. For a minute there was a silence, everyone involved appear to be frozen in awe. Finally, the kids were able to get up shakily and stumble away. None of them screamed, it was as if it were frozen on their lips. By that time, a crowd of kids had formed and had seen the entire thing happen. She watched as kids began to whisper to each other wide-eyed, a few even ran away, scared that they would be next. Hermione’s confidence had drained once again, along with the static energy that had been feverishly dancing in her arms and legs. Her face flushed and her eyes filled with tears. Then Hermione did what she had promised herself she wasn’t going to do: she ran into the bathroom and locked herself in one of the stalls. She was beginning to realize that things would never change, because she would never change. She was always going to be different, and weird.
Unfortunately, Hermione wasn’t completely correct. Things did change, but they did not improve. Instead of getting bullied, she was left alone. Completely alone.  Hermione was devastated, but she told herself that at least it would be easier to concentrate on her studies, because people were finally leaving her alone. And at least she didn’t have to hide in the girls’ bathroom anymore, because she wasn’t really getting bullied.    
Luckily for Hermione, things would be changing again really soon....
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lisiczka-zorua · 7 years
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Main Bio
Name: Zoe Rúna Edith Nightfall
Hometown: Gniewkowo/Toruń
Age: 19
Sex: Female
Height: 0,28m
Species: Indian flying fox (Pteropus giganteus)
Appearance: She looks pretty much like other Indian flying foxes. Sometimes she temporarily dyes the fur around her neck to an electric blue/turquoise color. Her eyes have a dark magenta color. Zoe never leave house without her glasses and her three red earrings.
Living place: Zootopia (The Rainforest District)
Occupation: Student/Reptile&Spider Breeder
Family: Agnieszka and Aleksander Nightfall (parents), little sister Michaela and big brother (actually cousin) Robert. All of them live in Poland.
Hobby: This “little” bat is a big bookworm. She reads everything she can get her wings on, but she prefers fantasy over other genres. Zoe also loves all types of mythology, as she kinda studies it, with Norse mythology in the first place. When she doesn’t read anything in her free time, she watches a lot of movies and listens to music. Very often, Zoe loses herself in the music and plays it so loud that angry neighbors come knock on her door. She feels very embarrassed and kindly apologizes. She not only listens to music, she also sings. In her past, she was attending music school. Unfortunately, because of a panic attack in front of the big crowd on stage, she must give up her dreams of becoming a musical actress. Even after this, Zoe still practices singing and playing the violin, but never performs for anyone. Since her childhood, this bat has an enormous interest in reptiles and spiders. When she was 10, her cousin convinced Zoe’s parents to let her have her first snake, a little corn snake that she named Tom. When it comes to stuff she loves, Zoe becomes biggest fangirl of all time. Remember this thing about listening music so loud that is annoys others? Yeah it is not only one times when this bat is loud. Zoe is huge gamer girl and plays every kind of games. Computer games, card games, board games? She is really crazy about that stuff. Also this girl plays a lot of RPG session where she loves to be a Dungeon Master. One more thing she adores is flying high above the ground. Everything seems so small then and she doesn’t feel so small herself.
Personality: When alone or surrounded only by strangers, she is really shy and silent, usually walking with her headphones on, cut off from the world. However, if she is with her friends, Zoe automatically changes by 180°. She becomes more confident, happy and easy-going. Most of her relationships with friends are love-hate rivalries when they exchange sarcastic comments, trying to beat each other in arguments or small competitions. She is very open for new acquaintanceship, but only if the other side makes a move first. Don’t misunderstand though! Even if Zoe is very shy around strangers, that doesn’t mean she can’t stand up for herself. She hates injustice and seeing how stronger bully weaker. This bat will not stand by when something bad (in her opinion) happens. Usually, she tries to solve problems peacefully but… Yeah, an even bigger problem is her short fuse. And when she snaps? Oh boy… “Did you ever dance with the devil in the pale moonlight?” If not, then now is your chance. Imagine a furious ball of claws, fangs, fur and wings. This lady doesn’t care then if she should or shouldn’t fight. She just attacks with all her fury, even if the enemy is a lot bigger than her. Because of her fear of performance, she has a lot of self-doubt. She also never shows that she feels bad and very often lies about little things. However, in the end, Zoe is very caring for what is close to her and she quickly creates a strong bond. If that bond is broken, she falls into a depressed state for a long time. Last problem with her is that Zoe is very ambitious and very often tries to do more than she is actually capable off. Plus, she is very messy person and that always makes things harder for her.
~General Story~
Zoe was born in Poland, but a lot of her family lives in India from where the Indian flying fox comes. Her parents were also both born in Poland, so Zoe views herself as a polish girl and has a strong connection with her country. Yet, her great-great-grandmother Rúna passed down some of Indian things and thanks to that,  Zoe could almost fluently speak Hindi for some time. When Rúna passed away because of cancer, Zoe was so sad that she tried to get rid of her grief by forgetting completely about her great-great-grandmother. Since then, her Hindi has become a little rusty and she can’t speak it anymore, but she can kinda understand it. It all happened before Zoe turned 7 years old. And for these 7 years, you could tell that this little bat was… a rather energetic child. Her mother worked at kindergarten and she taught Zoe’s class. Zoe never was too much of a social kid. She learned writing and reading rather fast, because she just liked it, but that made some other children look at her weirdly. That was a cause of some bad behavior by Zoe. Here’s one example. She once came back from kindergarten with a big black dot stick to her shirt for bad behavior and when her parents asked Zoe why she got this, she calmly and with full satisfaction said: “I spit Andrzej in the face.” Even with such behavior, she has her group of friends and she was pretty happy. Eventually, when she started her school, she became a little outcast and yet, she became a lot more calm. Classes bored her, because she mostly learned basic stuff so fast that she didn’t have much to do during lessons. Usually, she’d start reading then and teachers didn’t like that very much. Her love for book, studying and her rather short height were most of the reasons for bullying her at school. Sometimes, she just couldn’t take it anymore and just snaps. One time, some male weasel from her class didn’t want to stop bothering her during breaks. He always followed her and said: “You are not allowed to read.”. Zoe couldn’t take it anymore, so she just hit him with book she was holding in her wings that moment. That was “Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire” and that thing is huge, so it hurt a lot. That was just one situation and there were plenty more. Once, she almost got in lot of trouble when she was defending her friend. At the canteen, she stabbed a wolf with a fork when he was aggressive towards her friend. Things in 6th grade were so bad that her mental state started to show in her physical appearance too when she lost some of her fur because of the stress. Fortunately, Zoe graduated school with the highest marks possible, even with her mental breakdown in 6th grade.The music school that Zoe attended was a big help for her mental state, as she could do what she loved and nobody judged her for that. She also had a very nice instrument teacher that helped Zoe raise her confidence a little higher. Middle school was rather normal and a pretty happy time for the female bat. Because she lived in little town, moving from one school to another wasn’t that hard, as the same mammals that were with her in her old school, were in that school as well. The good news for her was that most of her not so nice classmates were in sport class, so she didn’t need to have any contact with them. Months were passing and everything was good except for one thing… After years of friendship, Zoe started to remark that her best friend wasn’t as much of a friend as she thought. The relationship that she had with that mammal was toxic, abusive and totally messed up. The ginger bat, with help of her other, real friends, found the strength to end this friendship with the toxic mammal. She sometimes still feel guilty for it, even if it wasn’t her fault. After graduating from middle school with great grades, she start her math-IT-class in one of the best high school in Toruń. That was also around the time when she stopped attending music school. After lot of hard work and surprise, she managed to graduate school with decent and someone could even say good grades. After that, she chose to study outside the country and move from Poland to the USA, even if she felt a little homesick immediately after leaving her family house. She bought a little apartment from the money she had earned from her business and after that, she started her main study.
~Additional yet important story~
When Zoe was 10, she got her first snake. A corn snake which she named “Tom”. That’s how her breeding hobby/business started. Years pass and Zoe learned more and more about reptiles, not just snakes. She also started to breed spiders. When she was 18, she opened her little reptile shop and started to sell some of reptiles that she had bred. However, she was always very careful about to whom she sold her little friends. Before any transaction is made, Zoe must be 100% sure that her little scaly babies go to a good home. When she moved to the USA, she have enough money to move her little business with her.
*Zoe can, like any other bats, fly and she loves doing that.
*Her second and third name are named after her great-great-grandmothers from both sides.
*She is crazy about bubble tea, especially with tapioca.
*Unlike others of her kind she likes to eat citrus fruits, but it sometimes makes her sick if she eat too much.
*She’s had her 3 earnings since she was 8 years old.
*Knows 5 languages on different levels, but is mostly capable of understanding them. Now she’s trying to learn her 6th language.
*Zoe is short-sighted, but she could live without her glasses. She only wears them to not worsen the state of her eyes.
*Hates bat stereotypes and hisses furiously when she hears one.
*Her favourite pet is 21ft long reticulated python that she named “Sunrise”.
*Hates to be in charge of the group.
*Loves to stay up late at night and then she looks like death during her study.
*Her relation with her younger sister is rather rough and these two just can’t understand each other.
*Hates most types of sports, but there are few exceptions. When she wanted to have good grades for P.E. at her old schools, Zoe tried some sports and found them very fun. For quite a time, the bat did gymnastics, dancing and ice skating. However, it was never professional and she did it just for building confidence just like when she was taking lessons at the music school. From time to time, Zoe likes to do little parkour around town. She also dances quite often, usually when she sings.
*Her favourite kind of games are platform games and J-RPGs.
*When she takes part in RPG-sessions, she usually is a Dungeon Master. When she isn’t, she plays as a Rogue, Ranger or Bard.
Ginger Lizards - Reptiles Shop
Zoe runs her own little business: A reptile shop named “Ginger Lizards”. It is located not so far from the middle of Savannah Central. Zoe found a very good place for a decent price, even if she had been waiting for a great location for a long time. Only two mammals work at the shop - Zoe herself and one of her best friends: A jaguar named Altair. He is huge help, especially when it comes to bigger snakes. When you enter the shop, it is your typical reptile shop: some shelves with food, terrariums and other things for reptile keepers. Some terrariums are put in the holes in the walls. In them, you can watch different kinds of snakes, geckos and other lizards. The whole room is set up as a rainforest and monsoon forest biome. In the back of the store are two counters, one for small and medium sized mammals and one for big ones. Both sellers help all kinds of customers, but they feel more comfortable with their own counter. Behind the counters, there is a door that leads to a back room, where all bred reptiles are kept. When customers have decided to buy a pet (after a lot of questions from Zoe, like if they are aware what responsibility it demands and if they have a good living space for keeping such a pet), they could walk along and see all scaly creatures. With help of the two reptile breeders, customers choose a pet and get all additional info that is needed to take care of it. The shop doesn’t have many different species yet, but it is still expanding. For now, you could buy the following species:
Red bamboo rat snake
Diamond Python
Boa constrictor constrictor/Boa constrictor imperator
Corn Snake
Ball Python
Leopard gecko
Crested gecko
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nuclearmu5hroom · 7 years
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@raythrill and @itsmesaberaltered asked me more about my shit children so here we go   (thank you for asking :) )
  1. What’s their full name? Why was that chosen? Does it mean anything?
Michelle 'Chell' Elizabeth Holoway (don't judge she's named after me cause I'm not original, only the last name is different). She was named after her grandmother (cause I will be in my upper 80s in 2077)
Drake Michael Fenring. The middle name was his fathers but the first name was taken from his family's crest.
 2. Do they have any titles? How did they get them?
 Both of them hold Doctorates; Drake's has a PhD in Biology and Psychology and Chell holds one in Chemistry and Chemical Engineering. Both attended CIT. 
 3. Did they have a good childhood? What are fond memories they have of it? What’s a bad memory? 
Chell's favorite memories are of New Years Eve and her Oma would let her drink and she taught her all the good German drinking songs. Worst memories include being assaulted in elementary school by the other kids
Drake can barely remember anything from childhood, but he remembers his first 'invisible man' model which fascinated him when he was 4 or 5. His worst memory was when he was invited to a classmate's birthday party and they got cooler toys than he had which caused panic attacks.
 4. What is their relationship with their parents? What’s a good and bad memory with them? Did they know both parents?
Chell didn't really have any problems with her parents. She clashed with her Mother when she got older but got along well with her Dad. They would go to Maine to visit family from time to time and went camping that whole schtick.
Drake had a very impersonal relationship with his folks but you wouldn't really know it since he hid it so well. He just didn't really have the capability to care beyond the things that he needed or wanted. His parents were very home-centered and didn't go places or take him to do things most of the time.
  5. Do they have any siblings? What’s their names? What is their relationship with them? Has their relationship changed since they were kids to adults?
Chell had an older sister, Erin, who left to study abroad in France and ended up staying there permanently. She was very close with her and the fact that she never got to say goodbye to her dear sister is a huge weight for her.
Drake is an only child and if he wasn't he absorbed his twin in utero.
 6. What were they like at school? Did they enjoy it? Did they finish? What level of higher education did they reach? What subjects did they enjoy? Which did they hate?
Chell was kinda shit at school; got in trouble a lot for talking back, minor acts of vandalism, truancy but in the subjects she did like she was leagues ahead. Her favorite subjects were English Lit, Sociology, Life Sciences, Small Engine Repair/Metal Shop, and History. Hated Gym/Health and the sheer amount of homework that her Math teachers gave her.
Drake was Valedictorian, High Honors, NHS kinda kid. Excelled in most of his subjects but particularly enjoyed Biology and Science, Math, and Sociology. Disliked Gym, Study Halls and Lunch.
 7. Did they have lots of friends as a child? Did they keep any of their childhood friends into adulthood? 
Chell tried. She was goofy as fuck when she was growing up and it didn't work out so well for her. She had difficulties making lasting relationships.
Drake pretended to be friendly and well liked but only when he knew he could use it to advance. In any regard, he worked/studied too hard to even really want any friends.
 8. Did they have pets as a child? Do they have pets as an adult? Do they like animals?
Chell had cats when she lived with her parents, but opted out since keeping pets was expensive as a college student. Post War though she has Dogmeat and Daisy whom she bought from Gene.
Drake finds their insides fascinating.
  9. Do animals like them? Do they get on well with animals? 
Chell’s got this weird drunken Snow White vibe with the animals of the Commonwealth going on. She loves and protects Radstags and will usually keep some corn or razorgrain on her just to feed them if she ever comes across them. Hates the bugs though, Christ they got big and ugly....
Drake would rather prefer to stay away from them if it can be helped unless he needs to use them.
 10. Do they like children? Do children like them? Do they have or want any children? What would they be like as a parent? Or as a godparent/babysitter/ect?
Chell never really wanted to be a parent, she kinda got knocked up accidentally but she embraced it and she wanted to be a good mom. When Shaun was abducted she thought her life was over. When she found out who her son turned out to be it changed her pretty profoundly. Then when Synth!Shaun came around she was really unprepared but tried to make the best of it. Shaun has his own room back in Sanctuary all decked out with all kinds of toys and posters. She’s a pretty absent parent though unfortunately. Being General means that she’s Mother to all 400,000 settlements. She asked Preston and Curie to be Shaun’s godparents/foster parents and she just comes blowing in every now and then like the drunk aunt.
Drake doesn't want kids but I think we can all guess that by now.
 11. Do they have any special diet requirements? Are they a vegetarian? Vegan? Have any allergies?
Nope. Although if you get canned meat anywhere near Drake you’re gonna end up wearing it.
 12. What is their favourite food? 
As previously mentioned in the last ask, Chell’s favorite food is razorgrain oatmeal with tarberry or mutfruit. Something about its very comforting to her and it lasts a long time. She also makes great Radstag stew (its rare she ever makes it though since she won’t kill them unless they’re suffering)
Drake has an affinity for meat, the rarer the better. He won't touch anything other than Brahmin or Radstag though.
 13. What is their least favourite food?
Both of them are completely disgusted by anything that comes off the gigantic fucking bugs in the Commonwealth. Chell will at least attempt to if she's absolutely starving life or death, but will most likely throw up. Drake won't even look at it. He also hates Cram, Salisbury Steak or the Potted Meat that's available too.
 14. Do they have any specific memories of food/a restaurant/meal?
Nate used to take Chell out frequently before the War; they were regulars at the Drumlin Diner for a few months after she came home from Anchorage.
Drake was a member of the Boylston Club and most likely would've drank the poisoned wine had he not been in taken as a POW when the bomb fell.
 15. Are they good at cooking? Do they enjoy it? What do others think of their cooking?
Chell is an excellent cook and is even better when she's really high. If she's at the Castle or Sanctuary she will often offer to cook for everyone all night if she can.
Drake is also not terrible, although he prefers to have someone else make his food for him.
 16. Do they collect anything? What do they do with it? Where do they keep it? 
Chell can't seem to let go of the notion that she still needs prewar money so she'll snag every dollar she can. Turns out that its worth more than caps anyway so she'll spend it just like she used to. She also will snag any and all toys to bring back to Shaun (and maybe keep one or two for herself)
Drake collects....parts...of people...
 17. Do they like to take photos? What do they like to take photos of? Selfies? What do they do with their photos?
Neither of them are very comfortable in front of a camera although Chell could be convinced if you ask her nicely and she's not feeling as insecure.
 18. What’s their favourite genre of: books, music, tv shows, films, video games and anything else
Chell loves comic books, sci fi, fantasy stuff. Even though she didn't think so at the time, her issue of Gronak that was still on her counter at home in Sanctuary was a major comfort to her. Musical tastes vary but she's really into Swing and Rockabilly. She didn't really watch much TV but fuck if she doesn't jam on Zeta Invaders every night.
Drake goes for classical literature and pours himself into anatomy books (they're like porn to him).  Most conventional media disinterests him, but sometimes enjoys classical music (Wagner is probably his favorite if he had one)
   19. What’s their least favourite genres?
Chell hates pop country music. Drake has too many to list but its mostly everything. He particularly despises romance or love songs.
 20. Do they like musicals? Music in general? What do they do when they’re favourite song comes?
Chell actually gets kind of uncomfortable with musicals in a second hand embarrassment kind of way, but she loves music, cant live without music and has an extensive library of music that was loaded onto a holotape that fortunately survived throughout the years. She doesn't hesitate to dance when her jam comes on and often blasts music while she's fighting to keep her from focusing too much on the fact that she's killing people.
Drake would never admit to it but he does admire most musical actors. Music is often played while hes researching and he finds it stimulating.
 21. Do they have a temper? Are they patient? What are they like when they do lose their temper?
Chell's patient with most people, but loses it around the BOS pretty quickly. She's slow to anger but once the switch is flipped she won't really hesitate to put a bullet in your head for the inconvenience. I'd say you could ask the people in Covenant but they're all dead so...
Drake's temper is short. He's mostly irritated all the time as it is but once he's proper angry there is one of two reactions. One being in his rage he'll stab you as many times as he possibly can, the other being so angry that he freezes and leaves but this might be worse because he'll find someone who can't defend themselves to take it out on.
 22. What are their favourite insults to use? What do they insult people for? Or do they prefer to bitch behind someone’s back?
This is a hard question to answer really because context is important. Drake constantly insults everyone he thinks is dumber than he is (which in his eyes is actually everyone). His insults are personal, hand selected daggers that tend to cut to the deeper insecurities of a person.  Chell would like to know who glued pubes to Elder Maxson's face and buy them a beer. She'll also use 'babyface', 'kid', 'Junior', 'Micro Maxson', 'limp dick', 'shit heel' etc, etc, etc....  
 23. Do they have a good memory? Short term or long term? Are they good with names? Or faces?
The drawback of doing so many chems is that Chell's short term memory is kinda shit. She's still having a hard time adjusting to life in the Commonwealth so she can go faceblind occasionally unless there is something very particular about you that she can make note of.
Drake has an excellent memory however this is limited only to after his incident in Russia. He has a difficulties remembering parts of his life before the event. 
 24. What is their sleeping pattern like? Do they snore? What do they like to sleep on? A soft or hard mattress?
Both wake up frequently with nightmares although Chell's gets better if she's romanced. She carries her own sleeping bag for the road and prefers to sleep as far away from ground level as she can. If she got really drunk the night before she tends to snore a little haha. It doesn't matter what surface if she's tired enough, which is all the time.
Drake's a primadonna when it comes to the surface on which he sleeps. If there's no bed he just won't. He only ever really sleeps for 2 or 3 hours at a time anyway.
 25. What do they find funny? Do they have a good sense of humour? Are they funny themselves?
Chell's pretty entertaining I'd say. She tends to pull her personality from whomever she's with at the time in order to fit in better so if she's around Deacon or Hancock (or Elijah ^-^) there's an abnormal amount of asshattery going around. She teases Nick and Preston relentlessly but its in good humor. Piper and Mac don't quite get her humor really since she makes a hell of a lot of references to old world things. She has a lot of snark for Danse.
Drake finds humiliating people great fun. He enjoys watching them become uncomfortable and waits for them to start stumbling over their words before he becomes mean. When tables are turned though hes a spoiled sport and will sulk or lash out at whoever's trying to joke with him.
 26. How do they act when they’re happy? Do they sing? Dance? Hum? Or do they hide their emotions? 
Chell does all of the above. Sing, dance, generally silly. She's affectionate as heck and hugs and kisses everyone.
Drake is the one that hides as much as he can.
 27. What makes them sad? Do they cry regularly? Do they cry openly or hide it? What are they like they are sad?
Chell is an emotional creature and cries when warranted. She doesn't like to display this in front of people though and withdraws. She will lie to you if you ask her if she's ok.
Drake doesn't have much empathy towards others but he despairs if he finds himself in a position where he has no control over any aspect of a situation. When he's afraid, he will cry, and he cries ugly.
 28. What is their biggest fear? What in general scares them? How do they act when they’re scared?
Chell's fear is losing everyone she loves again. If her companion falls in combat she often acts very stupidly to rush to them and save them.
Drake's fear is humiliation and failure. If hes confronted by someone stronger willed than he is hes filled with dread and will find any excuse to leave their presence. If he cant, he panics and cries.
 29. What do they do when they find out someone else’s fear? Do they tease them? Or get very over protective? 
Chell is definitely protective of this information and only teases Deacon and his fear of heights.
Drake will actively try to find out what those fears are so he can exploit you and get you to do something you normally wouldn't.  
 30. Do they exercise? Regularly? Or only when forced? What do they act like pre-work out and post-work out?
Basically living post war is an endurance challenge in and of itself so there's no real need for either of them to exercise, however Chell can go for hours under the sheets ;)
 31. Do they drink? What are they like drunk? What are they like hungover? How do they act when other people are drunk or hungover? Kind or teasing?
Chell's drunk like maybe a 3rd of her waking life. She's pretty high functioning and its a whole lot of fun whether or not she's drunk. She gets pretty handsy more so than normal so *grabby grabby*
Drake prefers to abstain completely.
   32. What do they dress like? What sorta shops do they buy clothes from? Do they wear the fashion that they like? What do they wear to sleep? Do they wear makeup? What’s their hair like?
Pre war, Chell went for comfortable; jeans, t-shirt, sweatshirt and usually had her hair pulled back out of her face. Post war, she sticks with practical and light, outfits that can afford her the most dexterity. Bedtime is usually just a tank top and undies (or nothing). No make up ever.
Pre war Drake preferred higher end made garments, often custom tailored. Post war, he is severely disappointed in the variety (?) of choices so he tends to stick with either his SRB uniform or just a simple lab coat. Drake doesn't feel comfortable enough above ground to change into other clothes. 
 33. What underwear do they wear? Boxers or briefs? Lacey? Comfy granny panties?
Chell WISHES she had more exciting undies but she's just thankful she has the ratty ass bra and panties she found at Fallon's. Sometimes if
Drake wears black boxers.
 34. What is their body type? How tall are they? Do they like their body?
Chell is 5'4" thin but not unhealthy. She has no problems with the size of her body but she's self conscious of the scar on her face.
Drake is 5'7" and lean due to a high metabolism and preference for proteins over carbs.  He hates his physical form and really just can't wait to get it over with.
 35. What’s their guilty pleasure? What is their totally unguilty pleasure?
 Chell definitely feels guilty about the amount of chems she does. She knows its destroying her but they feel good and she cant get busted by the fuzz anymore. Her unguilty pleasure though is probably her sexual appetite which she has no shame in whatsoever.
Drake doesn’t quite get the concept of personal guilt per se because that would mean he cares about what other people think about him. He is starting to recognize the fact that people and livestock have very similar cuts of meat.
 36. What are they good at? What hobbies do they like? Can they sing?
Chells ok at singing, she does it for fun most of the time. She’s very good at cooking chems and makes some of the best in the Commonwealth.
Drake would probably be good at taxidermy if he applied himself but he feels most hobbies are a waste of time.
 37. Do they like to read? Are they a fast or slow reader? Do they like poetry? Fictional or non fiction?
Chell likes to read but doesn't have much time for it to be honest. She sticks to comic books and the old covert manuals that she finds laying around. It doesn't take her long to get through a full sized novel though, she just wishes she could stay still long enough to pay attention.
Drake reads pretty regularly if he can; usually old text books if they’re still intact. His favorite Fiction is Dante’s Inferno and carries a copy with him during his down time. 
 38. What do they admire in others? What talents do they wish they had?
Chell admires people who see the value of being free to live the life they want, rather than how others want them to live it. 
Drake can admire someone who can be cruel with little or no effort. The more ruthless, the better 
 39. Do they like letters? Or prefer emails/messaging? 
Chell likes love letters cause she’s sappy and appreciates a handwritten thought.
Drake doesn't want anyone to communicate with him so none. 
 40. Do they like energy drinks? Coffee? Sugary food? Or can they naturally stay awake and alert?
Coffee for both; Chell HATES Nuka Cola but loves snack cakes and sweet rolls. Drake is the only one who can function without any kind of stimulant so he only drinks coffee if hes in the mood.
 41. What’s their sexuality? What do they find attractive? Physically and mentally? What do they like/need in a relationship?
Chell’s bi/pan, not picky about looks considering she has her own self esteem issues. She’s attracted to kind people, people who like to cause trouble, and people who can hang out and indulge in mind altering substances
Drake is Gay/Aro. hes attracted to pretty men younger than he is. He tends to look for people who are naturally submissive but he abhors the idea of a relationship. Its too much baggage for him to care anything about.
 42. What are their goals? What would they sacrifice anything for? What is their secret ambition?
Chell’s ultimate goal is to secure a place for people to live without having to worry if they’re going to die the next day and to rebuild her own life.
Drake’s is to replace all the incompetent idiots with higher functioning Synths but some dumb blonde bitch had to fuck it up.... 
 43. Are they religious? What do they think of religion? What do they think of religious people? What do they think of non religious people?
Chell had studied the occult as a teenager since it ran in her family and she tried to learn as much as she could about other culture’s mythos. Nowadays though that faith is pretty shaken since the bombs and Shaun and all that.
Drake hates the idea of God. There is no salvation, there is no divine intervention. There is life, and death, and the pain in between.
 44. What is their favourite season? Type of weather? Are they good in the cold or the heat? What weather do they complain in the most? 
Both prefer it to be cooler. Hate the heat cause heat sucks and who wants to be sticky and sweaty all the time?
 45. How do other people see them? Is it similar to how they see themselves? 
Chell tries hard to get people to like her, she seeks validation often. She sometimes feels like she’s being annoying or bothers people too much. She would like to hope that others see her as a kind and loving person though.
Drake is a monster and he knows it and is completely unapologetic. He doesn't care what others think about him as long as they do what they’re told.
 46. Do they make a good first impression? Does their first impression reflect them accurately? How do they introduce themselves?
Chell can be awkward at first until she gets to know you and can match your personality better. Sometimes this doesn't translate well and she comes across as disingenuous or lacking in her own personality. If its your first time meeting her she will use her title as General to introduce herself (or codename depending if you have your Geiger counter or not)
Drake isn't friendly but he stays neutral so long as he doesn't have to interact with you too much. Its the most misleading thing about him since he can come across as “that nice guy from the office” all too well.
 47. How do they act in a formal occasion? What do they think of black tie wear? Do they enjoy fancy parties and love to chit chat or loathe the whole event?
Chell gets real bored at fancy parties, preferring to tear it up with the dregs of society better. Rich people pay good money for chems though so she’ll sometimes try to squeeze a few more caps out of them to invest in her settlements.
Drake actually somewhat enjoys the status of attending high class events, believing himself to be amongst peers of his caliber. He still doesn't like interacting much though and will often stay by the sidelines and observe.
 48. Do they enjoy any parties? If so what kind? Do they organise the party or just turn up? How do they act? What if they didn’t want to go but were dragged along by a friend? 
Chell throws the BEST parties. Most of the time they’re held in Goodneighbor but occasionally on major holidays the big settlements like Starlight, The Castle, and Sanctuary go all out too with open pit BBQ and lots of beer and liquor and music and dancing.
Drake sometimes wishes he could allow himself to feel that kind of revelry but dismisses that thought as soon as it forms. He has work to do and why on earth would he want to associate with the squabble?
 49. What is their most valued object? Are they sentimental? Is there something they have to take everywhere with them?
Chell has a baby picture of Shaun that she keeps close to her as a reminder of what used to be. It might not have always been the best for her but the late nights being up with the baby were bittersweet and she knows she’ll never get that time back.
Drake keeps two teeth, an incisor and a molar, with him at all times but he’ll never show anyone. These came from his first test subject in Anchorage.
 50. If they could only take one bag of stuff somewhere with them: what would they pack? What do they consider their essentials?
Chell takes her sleeping bag, her Deliverer, a change of clothes, some prewar money, a knife, 3 of each chem, a bottle of Whiskey, some left over steak and her headphones.
Drake takes his 10mm, a knife, a book or two, and some questionable looking meat.
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sallysklar · 6 years
Janresseger: Decades of Academic Research Support Community Schools Strategy in New York City’s Renewal Schools
Janresseger: Decades of Academic Research Support Community Schools Strategy in New York City’s Renewal Schools
So-called “corporate” school reform has been defined by setting standards and testing students to see if they have met the standards.  Rewards and punishments follow for the teachers and schools said to have produced these results. The assumption has been that a school is a closed box that can turn around the lives of the enrolled students—all apart from the fact that students spend only six or seven hours of the day at school. Corporate school reformers said they would disrupt the stasis they thought defined bureaucratic public schools by offering rewards and punishments to motivate teachers to work harder and smarter. Many of these so-called education reformers came from the business schools and employed competition as their primary motivator. And the politicians who followed their advice brought us test score targets to be met and a promise quickly to make every child a winner.
We were warned in advance that this wouldn’t work as we planned.  Dr. James Comer at the Yale School Development Program created a multifaceted program to help schools support the most vulnerable children and to engage educators, parents and the community in this process of building trust and strong relationships.  In 1997, in his book Waiting for a Miracle, Comer described the results. While his staff and outside evaluators believed that the Comer schools had made important progress in improving the children’s education, Comer wrote: “Our best approximation suggests that after three years about a third of the schools make significant social and academic improvement, a third show a modest improvement which is often difficult to sustain, and a third show no gain.” (Waiting for a Miracle, p. 72) The Comer program suggested that seven years was a more realistic timeline to look for real school improvement.
One of the most artificial aspects of corporate school reform was the setting of achievement test targets and short timelines as a motivator.  No Child Left Behind established that all American children in public schools would be proficient by 2014 or their schools and teachers would be punished. As we moved closer to 2014, everybody began to realize that making all schools produce high scores wasn’t working.  When it became apparent that almost all American schools would fall behind in raising what was called each student’s Adequate Yearly Progress, Arne Duncan, then Secretary of Education, began issuing No Child Left Behind Waivers to states which would promise to meet his particular school reform priorities in exchange for his willingness not to declare that state’s schools “failing.”
Slowly it began to be admitted that students’ lives outside school affect their test scores, and that schools alone cannot solve the serious challenges resulting from concentrated poverty.  In 2012, Diane Ravitch described achievement gaps as a complex challenge in children’s lives—not merely the result of the quality of a particular school: “Such gaps exist wherever there is inequality, not only in this country, but internationally.  In every country, the students from the most advantaged families have higher test scores on average than students from the least advantaged families.” (Reign of Error, p. 57)
Last year, the Harvard University testing expert, Daniel Koretz described the problems of demanding ever-rising test scores from every school on the same prescribed timeline: “One aspect of the great inequity of the American educational system is that disadvantaged kids tend to be clustered in the same schools. The causes are complex, but the result is simple: some schools have far lower average scores—and, particularly important in this system, more kids who aren’t ‘proficient’—than others. Therefore, if one requires that all students must hit the proficient target by a certain date, these low-scoring schools will face far more demanding targets for gains than other schools do. This was not an accidental byproduct of the notion that ‘all children can learn to a high level.’ It was a deliberate and prominent part of many of the test-based accountability reforms… Unfortunately… it seems that no one asked for evidence that these ambitious targets for gains were realistic. The specific targets were often an automatic consequence of where the proficient standard was placed and the length of time schools were given to bring all students to that standard, which are both arbitrary.”  (The Testing Charade, pp. 129-130)
Here we are in 2019, when many educators have realized that something has to be done at school to address the needs of children living in communities where poverty is concentrated. A broad-based movement to make schools a social service and healthcare center for families and to add preschool and after school and summer programs at school has emerged.  These are called Community Schools. Here is how the Children’s Aid Society in New York City defines a Community School: “The foundations for community schools can be conceptualized as a Developmental Triangle that places children at the center, surrounded by families and communities.  Because students’ educational success, health and well-being are the focus of every community school, the legs of the triangle consist of three interconnected support systems: A strong core instructional program… expanded learning opportunities… and a full range of health, mental health and social services designed to promote children’s well-being and remove barriers to learning.” (Building Community Schools: A Guide for Action, p. 1)
This week the Washington Post‘s Valerie Strauss published a new piece by the National Education Policy Center’s Kevin Welner and Julia Daniel pleading with the New York City Schools not to give up on NYC’s 2014 expansion of Community Schools. When he made Community Schools the centerpiece of his Renewal Program for the city’s struggling schools, Mayor Bill de Blasio suggested he would improve the schools rather than following his predecessor Michael Bloomberg’s strategy of shutting down such schools.
But lately De Blasio is being criticized because the school turnarounds have not been quick enough.  In October, Eliza Shapiro, writing for the NY Times, suggested, “New York knew some schools in its $773 million plan were doomed. They kept children in them anyway.” The New York Schools Chancellor, Richard Carranza, responded by affirming  De Blasio’s original goal: “Four years ago, Mayor Bill de Blasio made a bold—and correct—investment in 94 of New York City’s most underserved schools.  Rather than giving up on these students and schools, the city invested in them… The Renewal graduation rate has climbed from 52 to 66 percent.  Attendance has increased from 84 percent to 89 percent.  Chronic absenteeism has fallen from 47 to 36 percent.  Suspensions have decreased by 54 percent… While we have not yet decided the future of the Renewal initiative, we will never stop investing in the kinds of programs that have allowed us to improve so many schools that would have closed under prior administrations.”
In their new piece, New York City Offers Some Unpleasant Truths about School Improvement, Kevin Welner and Julia Daniel defend Mayor de Blasio’s plan for Community Schools, although they point out that the Renewal School program underestimated the amount of time it takes to build the kind of trust and relationships James Comer wrote about and to address the challenges poverty poses for children: “The Renewal program—which also supports schools in the city’s larger Community Schools Initiative (CSI)—assists schools by increasing supports, training, and resources for students and teachers. The CSI increases family and community engagement and creates collaborative structures and practices…. These approaches—extended learning time, family and community engagement, collaborative leadership, and integrated student supports—are fundamental to community schools models and informed by decades of research showing that out-of-school factors have an overwhelming influence on student outcomes.  In turning to this evidence-based approach, the mayor should be applauded.”
Welner and Daniel recognize that a three year timeline isn’t enough: “Fortunately, with the initial (three-year) results now in, we do see encouraging improvements… Yet as is the case with all major reform efforts, there have also been challenges that must be addressed….  For example, these schools have been hampered by high levels of principal turnover.  Further, a quarter of the initial Renewal schools have been closed for not meeting the program’s ambitious goals.”
The National Education Policy Center’s purpose is to bring the peer-reviewed research of the academy to bear on the policy that shapes public schools.  Welner and Daniel starkly assess the impact of child poverty on school achievement and the optimal ways schools can address these challenges:
“Here, we need to step back and confront an unpleasant truth about school improvement.  A large body of research teaches us that the opportunity gaps that drive achievement gaps are mainly attributable to factors outside our schools: concentrated poverty, discrimination, disinvestment, and racially disparate access to a variety of resources and employment opportunities.
“Research finds that school itself has much less of an impact on student achievement than out-of-school factors such as poverty.  While schools are important—and can certainly be crucial in the lives of some students—policymakers repeatedly overestimate their capacity to overcome the deeply detrimental effects of poverty and racism….
“But students in many of these communities are still rocked by housing insecurity, food insecurity, their parents’ employment insecurity, immigration anxieties, neighborhood violence and safety, and other hassles and dangers that can come with being a low-income person of color in today’s United States.
“We need to acknowledge these two realities—seemingly in tension: (1) that education reforms can be very helpful, if they’re the right ones and if we’re patient and committed; but (2) we as a society are deceiving ourselves if we think we’ll transform educational outcomes without addressing economic inequality.”
Finally, Welner and Daniel recommend that in New York City, “De Blasio should remain committed to the Renewal program—a program based on decades of rigorous research and already showing meaningful benefits for underserved students… When we look across the nation and see other leaders chasing silver bullets, or ignoring educational inequity altogether, we should rejoice that New York and its mayor are engaged in the demanding yet essential work of partnering with communities to address basic needs….”
elaine January 11, 2019
Janresseger: Decades of Academic Research Support Community Schools Strategy in New York City’s Renewal Schools published first on https://buyessayscheapservice.tumblr.com/
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thenewsguru · 6 years
EXCLUSIVE: Thoughts on the Unthinkable--The Catholic Church Scandal
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The latest Catholic Church rape scandal has been compared to the British “grooming gangs” stories. They're both equally horrible, equally evil. There's a big difference, though. The priests who have raped kids, and the bishops and popes who have protected them, have betrayed the spirit of Christianity -- the spirit of the gospels -- even if the engineers of the cover-ups have, technically, acted in accordance with the precepts and priorities of their own Church. Indeed, nothing could be a more thorough betrayal of the spirit of the gospels than the sexual abuse of a helpless child. By contrast, the grooming gangs have not betrayed Islam. Their sexual abuse of infidel children is thoroughly in line with the teachings of the Koran and the lesson of their religion's founder. First, sex with a child? No big deal. The Prophet himself wed a six-year-old girl, although he waited until she was nine to consummate the marriage. Second, rape? “The seizure of Infidel girls and their use as sex slaves,” Robert Spencer has noted, “is sanctioned in the Qur’an.” There are other differences. The grooming gangs, while obeying their holy books, operate independently from any central authority. Islam has no Vatican, no Pope, no Magisterium. By contrast, the priests and bishops and pope are part of a human institution that makes the most monumental claim imaginable: it purports to be the only true Church of the only true God. In reality, the Catholic Church has proven to be a deeply corrupt institution. And its corruption is deeply intertwined with its extraordinary claims for itself. When a child is raped by an ordinary citizen, the situation is simple. A monstrous crime has been committed. Period. When a child is raped by a priest, the situation, in the eyes of the leaders of the Church, is equally simple. Yes, a child has been harmed. That's unfortunate. But to acknowledge it publicly would be to bring disrepute upon God's Own Church. And bringing the Church into disrepute is, in their eyes, a far greater calamity than the abuse of a single child. Or, for that matter, ten children. Or a hundred. Or a thousand. Or ten thousand. Whenever one of these scandals erupts, there is the talk of reform. But as long as the Catholic Church claims to have the power to forgive sins, it can't be reformed. The Church preaches that you can burn in Hell for any one of a thousand-odd actions that you or I would consider trivial, or for expressing doubt about any one of the Church's thousand-odd official tenets (for example, the doctrine, pronounced by Pope Pius XII in 1950, that the Virgin Mary, on her death, rose bodily into Heaven). Yet if you're a priest who rapes a kid and then owns up to it in the confessional and gets absolution, prepares to say hello to St. Peter. That twisted morality -- the idea that the vilest sin committed by a priest can be washed away with the wave of another priest's hand -- needs to be scrubbed. But of course, there's virtually no chance of that happening. Take away the purported power of priests to forgive sins, and the Catholic Church becomes just another religious institution. Do the rapist priests themselves, and the bishops, archbishops, and popes who protect them, truly believe that they occupy a special place in the cosmos, above the rest of humankind and subordinate only to God and his saints? I think it is clear that a great many of them truly do. The breathtaking documents, unearthed by the Pennsylvania grand jury, in which bishops express more sympathy for predatory priests than their innocent underage victims, seem solid evidence that these clerics see one another as members of a sacred confraternity that is, quite simply, closer to God, and more precious to Him, than the rest of us. No matter how much they may have strayed, their membership in that brotherhood is indissoluble and their virtue easily restorable -- for, as a consequence of their ordination, they all wield the power to absolve one another entirely of even the most savage of sins. Some critics suggest that rampant child sexual abuse by priests is a phenomenon that arose in modern times and that it has something to do with the rise of gay rights and open homosexuality. That argument makes no sense: covert homosexual activity is a phenomenon that occurs in a closeted society, not a society in which homosexuality is increasingly open and accepted and in which same-sex marriage is legal. Yes, I know that a disproportionate number of gays used to become priests or monks because their sexual orientation was socially unacceptable and, in many places, illegal. Back in the day, some churches and monasteries were as gay as a West Hollywood bar. But with the increasing acceptance of homosexuality, gay Catholics have better options than living a lie -- a life of furtive carnality and fake piety. In any event, a habit of child rape has nothing to do with normal adult sexuality or consensual adult intercourse, whether hetero or homo. Plus a fact, one of the surprises of the Pennsylvania grand-jury report -- for me, it's the only real surprise -- is just how many of the priests in question raped girls, not boys. My own suspicion has always been that many men who enter the Catholic priesthood do so in good faith but are emotionally immature and are therefore sexually drawn to children. Others may actually be aware that they're pedophiles and go into the priesthood precisely so that they can use their position to abuse kids – or, perhaps, pathetically, because they think that, if only they pray enough, God will cure them of their disorder. It would be interesting to know what the percentages are. Because the Church, which you or I may see as just another human institution, is in their eyes something infinitely greater. It is eternal. It is mystical. It is the sole link between God and his Creation. It is -- and this is the heart of the whole business -- every human only hoping for salvation. And nothing that happens on this earth is as important as salvation. Earthly life is finite. Salvation is forever. The view of bishops and priests who are authentic believers is that if you truly care about children who have been sexually abused by priests, you'll support efforts -- however insensitive and even wicked they may seem -- to cover up these abuses in order to protect the Church from scandal. For the more the Church is touched by scandal, the more that scandal will drive the faithful away -- and rob them of eternity. And that includes those abused children. The orthodox view is that if you care about them, you'll hope and pray that they forgive the Church, are reconciled to it, and remain trusting and obedient members of it -- so that when they come to the end of their lives, however filled those lives may have been with suffering, they'll rise to Heaven and spend eternity in glory (along with their forgiven abusers and those who assiduously covered up the abuse). That's the kind of thing you either believe or don't believe. If you believe it, then you can readily forgive churchmen for actions that the secular world would consider villainous. If you don't believe it, then you have to view every clergyman who has been complicit in these abuses and cover-ups as a common criminal who deserves to go to prison for a very long time. Whenever the subject of clerical sex abuse comes up, knee-jerk defenders of the Church are always quick to say: what about teachers? Or Boy Scout leaders? Or doctors? Members of all kinds of professions sexually abuse kids placed in their charge. But there's no comparison. Priests don't just have access to kids. They have something that child abusers in other professions don't have -- a claim to be God's representatives on Earth. They claim to be holding the Keys to the Kingdom. Kids believe that. Many of their parents believe it (although, fortunately, American Catholic parents aren't anywhere near as credulous in this regard as they used to be). Hence priests who rape kids don't just abuse them physically -- they abuse them spiritually. For the rest of those kids' lives, the idea of God, which they should identify with love and goodness, will be associated in their minds with the most painful and malignant images of their childhoods. Yes, Protestant ministers, Jewish rabbis, and clergy of other Western faiths rape kids, too. But none of them -- except in a few small local cults and fanatical sects -- make the kind of extraordinary claims for themselves that Catholic clergy does. And the plain fact is that extraordinary claims bring with them extraordinary responsibilities. Time and again, the Church has failed utterly to demonstrate its willingness to exercise those responsibilities. Instead, it has been found guilty of extraordinary abuses and systematic cover-ups thereof. Any other human institution guilty of such abuses and cover-ups would rightfully be shunned by all decent people and brought down, felon by felon, by the force of law. Should the Catholic Church be exempt from that rule? That's the question facing all of us now.   Read the full article
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darkflare-oc · 7 years
I have been reminded of a tale, if you don’t mind me sharing.
It was long ago, it starts with the arrival of a demon into a town. Nowadays such a thing is considered normal thanks to efforts done to create peaceful relations between the two species, but back then, they were feared and it didn't help that months ago there was an attack headed by demons in the town. This demon, she arrives as if nothing was wrong. Of course the townpeople are scared, their wounds haven’t fully healed and she arrives alone. They’re wary of her but are afraid of doing anything to her. She arrived alone, who knows what power she possessed. The demon never attacked though and in truth attempted to talk to them as if they were the same as she...to varying results. See, this town was a bit of a popular area for merchants and it seems she had the idea to take advantage of this fact to buy a few things. Of course, whenever she managed to convince anyone to do business, she would trade a few items she had. I don’t think these people ever considered that she could take advantage by trading something of lesser value. Fortunately for them, anyone that bothered appraising her items would find that they were of equal value. Sometimes even a bit more.
So like I said, it’s a town that attracted merchants, so it also attracted tourists. It just so happens that there was this particular one that arrived one of the days the demon was shopping. Unlike the other humans, he didn't show fear of her treating her as another person. Coincidentally, they bump into each other and find themselves engaging in a small conversation. It must have been a good one, since they would begin to meet up often. In fact, some say they only appeared in the town just to see each other. Unfortunately, the town had enough of that demon and grew some balls. They staged an ambush for the next time she would stop by. She eventually arrived again expecting business as usual, but the townpeople attacked her. Of course, she defended herself, but she tried to avoid leaving serious injuries. She pleaded to them to stop as she had done nothing wrong. but they still kept going for her. As they did, she would receive help from another, the erm....tourist....she had been meeting. At first, they thought he was another demon, but he quickly revealed himself to be human. He demanded that they leave her alone and warned them that anyone that tried to harm her would be cut down by him, pointing out that the demon had been avoiding lethal blows. They gave up and the two proceeded to leave the area.
She asked him why he did what he did and he replied that he didn't think she meant any harm to anyone. He said he could tell at first glance that she wanted no trouble. He also admitted that he was hired to kill her, but when he met her, he refused to carry out the order because she had done nothing wrong. Oh...right, there was one more thing. Apparently in the time they spent together, he had begun to fall in love. Although surprised, she admitted she had begun to develop feelings as well, but warned him that it couldn't work out as she was a demon and he was human. If nothing else, their difference in lifespan could become a problem later on. He was insistant and did what he could to prove to her that it didn't matter to him. She gave in and the two began to live happily together, even having a child together. As he grew old and she....not so much, she initially didn't like how she still looked rather young, he assured her that he didn't mind and he had accepted this long ago when they got together. Eventually, he passed away, but not before making her promise to live her life to the fullest instead of trying to cut it short just to be with him again. A promise that to this day she still intends to keep. That's right, that demon is still around. A lot has changed since that time, the relations between human and demons have improved greatly so she doesn't have to worry about being attacked by an angry mob in a town.
Hm, now that I tell this story I wonder who are the real demons. That term is the accepted one by both kinds yes, but at the same time it doesn't always seem right. But then again, it's not like the demons themselves truly know where they come from....that history has become....lost in time.
"Teacher? Is it really all right to be telling that to us?" "Hm? Why not? You're my students, and I trust you two." "It's just. That demon you mention is your mother, right?" "That easy to figure out, huh?" "And the reason for telling us that story is?" "Hm...I guess I just want to remind you not to be blinded. We've come far from those dark days and I would like to see this....peace...remain." "I wouldn't worry about that teacher. We promise not to be like those humans. Besides, we've met Angela...I mean....your mother and it's honestly quite surprising how different from her you turned out. She's so calm and you're so..." "Now now, my mother was much more active and crazy in her younger da....okay that is a lie, she was always the silent and calm type as far as I know, but you know, I can't be exactly like my parents." "Maybe if you didn't have so many crazy ideas..." "What's that supposed to mean? I just like to keep things lively." "That's one way to put it." "All right, Kyo...Sam. We're done for the day. Don't forget to study and practice today's lesson, ok?"
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