nowandevermore · 2 years
Happy Halloween!
🎃 Trick or treat! 👻
Treat 🎃🎃
Have another from Legends Zero!
Hailey looks up at the blade, its sharp point only inches from her nose, eyes wide. This can’t be the end. She’s only just begun, there’s so much more to do.
“They’re mine,” a familiar voice calls, and Riyu steps up to the left of where Hailey lay; a low growl rumbles in her throat at the other men.
The soldiers lower their swords, looking at Riyu’s face, but avoiding her gaze, “I— I’m sorry, hero. We saw these two lurking near the base of the wall, I don’t recognize this girl; I planned to bring her to the Lieutenant for questioning.”
“Your Lieutenant placed Monotome and I in charge,” Riyu all but snarls, electricity flickering dangerously in the still air surrounding them. She glances slightly to her left, meeting Hailey’s eyes for a second before turning back to the Bleu soldiers, “She looks like less of a threat than the rest of the rebellion; if this is who you’re afraid of then you aren’t ready to fight this war. Now, go back inside the walls before I tell Lieutenant Pine that you’re interfering with my mission.”
“Yes, ma’am,” one of the soldiers gulps, Hailey doesn’t look at the two to know which one. The two soldiers turn and hastily return to the entry gates of the city.
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