I’ve always believed in the other world, I knew they existed. Ghost, spirits, angels and demons. It just didn’t cross my mind that in my entire life time, that I would be in a corner, backed up against a wall, trying to win a staring contest with one.
So how did I get myself into a situation like this, you ask?
I don’t know either.
Oh, by the way, Hi! I’m Jada Tsui, 25 years old, working as a part-timer. Just an average everyday working lady.
So… why do I have impending death staring right at me?
Here’s why, I was being nosy as hell.
  An hour earlier
“Thank you for your hard work! See you tomorrow!” I said to my co-workers as I bid them goodbye while I stayed behind to close up shop.
“Haaaaaaaa… So tired!” I stretched my entire body before I got down to business. As I was cleaning off the display and putting the utensils back to where they should be, I heard some noises just right outside our back door entrance. I ignored it at first since I thought that it was just some rats digging through the trash.
“What the Fuck!”
“NO! You asshole!”
“Shut up you motherfucker! I want your soul!”
But then I realized that that is a mighty huge rat to be making so much noise, plus the fact that this rat is cursing quite colourfully too.
“Soul?” for some unknown reason, that last word sent shivers down my spine.
Fear started to set in. Making it blatantly aware that I am now alone, defenceless in the middle of the night, and from the voices its more than just one person, and it seems that they are not in good terms with each other.
Crap! This is trouble! What do I do? What do I do?
I weighed my options, Call the police, and then what? Hunker down? Wait it out? It might be too late. Someone might die right under my nose.
As I tried to force down my panic, my sense of duty surpassed everything else.
It was the sound of something, or someone hitting the wall.
“I’m too old for this.” I said to myself, clicking my tongue as I decided on what I have to do.
I reached for the phone, dialled the emergency hotline and gave them the details to where to find the shop.
Next thing I did was look for anything that I could use as a weapon.
Great. I am at a chocolate shop. I can throw them these humongous chocolate bars then make a run for it. Nice.
Oh wait. Look around you.
We have knives, cast iron pots and oh, la la!
I smiled triumphantly as I held out my choice for a weapon of mass destruction. A blow torch.
“I can do this! I am not scared! I can do this!”
Oh boy, if only I had known what a huge surprise I’d be in…
I would’ve chosen a group of thugs over what I found on that alley, anytime, any day.
Armed and ready with my blow torch, I announced my arrival.
“Hey! What do you think you’re doing, you bastard?!” I said as flung the door open, hoping to stop whoever was attacking who. Silently hoping that my bravery wasn’t in vain.
I saw a tall guy, with black shoulder length hair, wearing a dark leather jacket was standing over someone on the ground, there was blood everywhere too, there was also a stump of something that I decided not to look at, knowing that it is someone’s body part. He was facing away from me but I wasn’t stupid to not realize the glint of a knife on leather-jacket’s hand.
“No! No! Stop!! Help me!” the man on the ground suddenly let out a blood curdling scream.
Without hesitation, I readied my body to go on a full out sprint and tackle leather-jacket to the ground. But, in that split second that I could even take a step in their direction, leather-jacket quickly plunged the knife… no, the sword into the man’s heart, cutting off his screams.
The man on the ground, let out a choked gasps as he looked up at the man above him.
“Pol expect talionis daemonium!” The man on the ground his voice surprisingly calm for someone who had just been stabbed in the heart said on his final breath
“Non exspectare,culus.” leather-jacket said, while smirking and wiping off his sword.
 “No… No…”
Too shocked to even give a flying pig’s fuck about what they just said, I sank on the ground. Not aware that I was stifling a scream in my throat.
That was then leather-jacket guy turned around and noticed me.
The alley was dark but, tonight the moon was so bright and the light from the open doorway illuminated everything.
I looked up at him involuntarily, I saw his eyes, and they were green. Absinthe, the color of the devil’s drink. It was cold and cruel, the bloodlust evident. I can feel my soul being sucked in, but in those eyes, I can see a bottomless pit, with the soul of the damned is waiting for me. I trembled slightly, I had to look away, those orbs…they were glowing. I am positive of that.
He had this look in his eyes that makes me wonder how many he’s killed but this grin… made me realize he’s probably lost count.
His smile promised death. That there would be no escape. It was a smile that promised slow and agonizing pain. It was a smile befitting a monster.
A monster. A demon.
My heart stopped at the realization. I knew right at that instant that I was right. He isn’t human.
He is not from this world, and that smile really does belong to someone like him.
Perhaps, he was able to read my mind, or maybe he thought that it won’t matter anyway, because sooner or later I will die in his hands. He showed me his true form.
In a shimmer of red smoke and black sparkles, he transformed.
He was not a small, horned, fork-tailed man, the way demons were portrayed in pop culture. He was a beautiful creature. He looked like an angel.
With the exception of big black wings, and murderous intent in his every move.
Despite my fear, this is not what I was expecting.
I may be losing my mind in that instant but…
“Wait, what?!” I asked, dumbfounded.
“What the heck is this?! Where’s the tail? Where’s the hooves? No horns?!” I ran my mouth as I stared him in the eyes, while I thought of a way to escape.
This demon was undeniably shook, and I used that as an advantage. I don’t know how long this plan will take me but, I am not going down without a fight.
He looked like he was about to retort about me judging his appearance when I remembered the door way was still open. Just a few feet away from me.
Buy more time, back away slowly.
“Is this a joke? What are you supposed to be? That is some realistic cosplaying job you did dude, where did you get that costume? How did you get to do the sparkles?” I yammered on and on until I was just a foot away from my escape.
“Were you guys practicing earlier? I guess I should’ve known though! It was pretty realistic!”
Just a little more…
“Well, anyways. Sorry for disturbing you. You guys go on ahead. I’ll go back in. Don’t stay out too late thou—“
I was a little disoriented when I felt my body being lifted up from the ground and was thrown against the trash bins.
A few meters away from the open door.
“Tsk!” I clicked my tongue in annoyance.
I started to look around me, wondering how I got there in the first place, when he appeared in front of me and picking me up from my collar.
“How dare you filthy human, to try and trick me. Do you think that I won’t be able to see through your plans?” He asked as his face came closer into my line of sight. I realized that my feet were dangling of the ground.
“Let me go!!!” I tried to kick him in the balls, only to have my right foot caught in his grasps too, He pushed me up against the wall and made my foot wrap around his waist, his annoyingly beautiful face drawing nearer and nearer.
“Do you think that you can outrun me little girl?” He breathed seductively in my ear, sending ripples of shiver from the top of my head to the tips of my toes.
“I CAN AND I WILL! WATCH ME! LET ME GO! NOW!” I screamed in his face trying to hide the fact that I might be blushing from the sensation of his breath in my neck.
Shit! Shit! Shit!
He laughed heartily, and I felt the vibrations of his laughter in my entire body.
“You are brave, I have to commend you on that. But I do suggest that you shut up and stop squirming about. I still have a prior engagement tonight, I am already behind schedule. Let’s make this quick shall we?”
Oh. So I am just something that had to be disposed of huh? Heck, no. I am going to die anyway so I am taking your pretty schedule to hell with me.
I know in my mind that it was a very petty and stupid thing to think of, but that was enough to steel my resolve to raise hell if I have to.
I am now way past the fight or flight stage, adrenaline coursing my entire being.
 Before I could even think, my body made a decision on its own. My left fist lifted and landed a hard punch on the demon’s face making him let go of me, sending me crumbling to the hard cement.
That’s when I realized that we were hovering a few feet from the air. Good thing it was just a few feet up, if it were higher I would’ve died and my punch would be all for naught.
Run! Run! Run!!!! I screamed in my head over and over.
When I finally got my bearings, I dashed away. I don’t where I’m going, just anywhere away from here, away from him.
But of course, I am human and I am up against a demon.
Something dark dashed in front of me, then I hit it, whatever it was. I hit it like I was running to a brick wall, making me bounce off it.
Then again, I was lifted off the ground and thrown against the wall like some sort of ragdoll.
I heard, more than felt one of my ribs crack. It was a sickening snap that echoed to the walls.
“Still standing huh? I said, I am busy. No matter how much you try and escape, you cannot outrun me human. So please, stay put so I can kill you.” He sauntered his way towards me.
I started giggling, it was growing louder and louder until it became a full on maniacal laugh.
I’m starting to scare myself, maybe I’m starting to go crazy. This is bad. Very, very, bad.
“Are you fucking with me? Let you KILL me? You are stupid. HAHAHA!” I started getting to my feet, an amazing aura of killing intent coming off of me.
The demon stood silently, watching me with his cold beautiful eyes. I was bloodied, and broken in various places but I don’t care.
I straightened my back, and looked him straight in the eyes.
“Go ahead. I dare you.” I challenged him. Staring him down. He stared back, but I am not backing down.
“This is getting tedious, however, you are very entertaining. I am going to enjoy peeling your skin off you.” He said in a dangerous tone as he picked me up from the ground once more.
And… that’s how I am in this situation.
Staring down a very beautiful fallen angel, for a minute I let myself appreciate his face, his big black wings, the way his hair swayed in the light breeze, and how his eyes glowed with a cool excitement. He could’ve been a supermodel if he were human, tall and lean. Hmmm… he can be hot, too.
Glorious and dangerous. If only he isn’t out here to kill me, I would be swooning over him.
Huh. My nuts and bolts are coming undone. Finding my murderer hot? Pfft. Wow. Nice, Jada.
Preparing myself for the coming pain and suffering, I smirked just a little at the absurdity that’s going on in my head, I silently said a small prayer. Saying sorry to my friends and family that I will be leaving behind and to my enemies that I never got the chance to make amends to. I closed my eyes, surrendering everything. Losing all hope.
“Look at me.”
“Huh?” What?
“Open your eyes, and look at me.”
Uh… what?
I opened my eyes, one at a time. Unsure of what else to do.
He was staring at me, his eyes losing its coldness just a little bit, replaced by curiosity.
“What? Something on my face?” I asked him
“You are annoying.” He said, casually. As he let me go.
Why you… This jerk!
My eyebrow twitched in annoyance. “Well, I’m sorry for boring you!” This guy is starting to get on my nerves.
He had his back turned from me, but I can sense that the killing intent was no longer there. Like a fire that had been doused with water.
“Ow. Ow.. ow…” I whispered, feeling pain all over my entire body. I had to steady myself just to catch my breath.
He looked back for a second, I saw a flicker of concern, regret and hurt in his eyes before he turned away again.
“Go. Get away from here. Run away and never look back.”
Huh? What? Why?
For a moment, I forgot how to speak.
Why is he letting me run? Is this going to be some sick game of hide and seek?
“I am not going to go after you. I’ve lost any interest in killing you. So go, before I change my mind.” He said as he turned back to me. A hurt expression painting his beautiful eyes.
I don’t trust his words enough, I feel like there would be some sort of catch. I feel like if I turn my back from him any moment, he would stab me with his sword. So I stood still like a rock.
Even if I wanted to move, I don’t know if my muscles can carry me far anyway.
“You seriously have a huge trust issue.” He clicked his tongue.
Duh. You are a demon. Anyone would have trust issues with that.
“Uhm… I—uh, Well… I don’t know why your letting me go. But, thanks anyway. Sorry for punching you.” I started to back away slowly, towards the door of the shop. Next thing I knew, I was falling face first and then darkness.
Ahhhh! Drat! What now?
  It’s bright, too bright.
Where am I?
What time is it?
What day is it?
Who am I?
Uh. Right. I’m Jada.
I tried to stretch out my body but I suddenly felt something tug at my left arm.
I’d know that feeling anywhere. Needles. Crap. I’m at the hospital, but why am I here? Car accident? Mugging?
The dark alley behind the shop.
Full moon. A glint of something metal.
Long-haired guy in leather jacket. Big black wings.
Eyes, the color of absinthe.
“WHAAA!” the scream got out as I suddenly sat up. Scaring the bejeezus out of the nurse beside my bed.
“How…? What…?” I asked myself, reeling from the barrage of memories.
“Miss, you need to lie back down, you can’t suddenly sit up like that, you’ve been asleep for awhile,” The kind nurse guided me back down the bed.
“What happened to me?” I asked.
She then told me that I barely got out alive from a murderer, I was found in the back alley of the bake shop wounded and broken, with multiple contusions. It’s a good thing that I was able to call the police prior, and they came right on time. They said that the murderer was a guy, and that it was the first of the string of serial killings that happened in the past two days. He was still at large too.
“Oh… Okay. I should thank my lucky stars then.” I said nonchalantly, after she relayed everything to me.
Of course, he would still be at large. No human can stop something like that. He is a monster. He is a demon.
Cold, glowing, cruel eyes. A smile that oozes danger and death. Superhuman strength. Unflinching calculation.
A ripple of fear coursed through my body just remembering what I’ve been through. Making me completely aware of the places that I had broken.
I asked the nurse a glass of water just to get her out of the room for a while, I wanted to be alone.
I’m completely confused on why and how I was able to escape. Yeah, he did decided to let me go and he also said that he lost all desire to kill me. But, why?  I saw the bloodlust, I saw how dangerous he was. I am sure that he was a fallen angel, but if he really is a serial killer, why did he had that expression when he let me go? Why did he seem hurt? And what was that flicker of regret when he saw I was hurt?
My heart felt like a ton of bricks in my chest. Something about these things are not adding up, I feel it. I just can’t pinpoint what it is.
Once the nurse returned with my glass of water, she then asked me if there would be any family members that needs to be notified.
I have no one.
“It’s alright, I live alone. I do need to inform my work though. Can I make a phone call?”
“Of course dear, just a moment.”
“Thank you so much.”
I slowly sat up, trying to make my way to the window. I felt a presence in the room. thinking it was the nurse.
“Wow, that was qui— AAAAAHHHH!“ I screamed out of surprise. I clutched my chest, hoping that my heart won’t jump out of my throat.
Someone is in the room with me, but it wasn’t the nurse. It was HIM.
He was leaning against the wall, in all his dark glory, a smirk in his lips.
“What a frightful scream you got there. You should probably take it easy, you might start bursting in places you didn’t know you had.” He said as he sat down on the chair beside my bed. I followed his languid movements, unsure of what to even say.
“The look you have on your face is so dumb right now.” smiling cockily.
Huh? What? This jerk.
I shut my gaping mouth. But still dumbfounded to retort.
“Why…? How…? Who…? Wait, what?!” That’s all I could stammer out.
“Shut your mouth, you like a fish out of water.”
That did it. That broke my shock. I am now angry. I picked up the nearest object on my right and started throwing them at him, my pillows, a bottle of pills, a pack of syringe, I forgot what else was there. I just threw anything at him. Which of course he dodged gracefully, which annoyed me even more.
“Ha… ha… ha…. How dare you! I don’t look like a fish!” throwing a pack of cotton balls at him.
I started giggling like a crazy person, clutching my sides.
“Ow…” still trying to hold my laughter.
“Have you gone crazy? Is it shock?” as he reached out to support me.
Maybe. Yup. Maybe I am.
I waved him off, no need for his worry. “Maybe I am going nuts. I barely survived your attack, and yet here you are, annoying the shit out of me by telling that I look like a fish. Hahaha… ow! Ow!”
“Stop being an idiot and lie back down, will you?” he growled back at me, which made me giggle more.
“Yeah, yeah, I know. Shut up already. Nagger.” I shot back.
That earned me a menacing growl from him. Again, I giggled back. By this time, I was wondering what kind of pain reliever cocktails are running through my body to make me go on this laughing-trip.
“Hey, you said you live alone, yeah?”
“They’re dead.”
He looked at me, probably wondering why I gave him a nonchalant answer.
“What’s your name?” I asked him.
“My name is not important, this is the last time you will see me.”
“Hm… if that’s the case then, I shall name you… Tatsuo. Yup. You will be Tatsuo.” ignoring what he just said.
“Weren’t you listening? Hey! Don’t pretend to sleep, Oi!”
But I was no longer listening, already drifting off to dreamland.
“Why would you even bother giving me a name you idiot.”
I smiled groggily, as I heard him grumbling somewhere near me.
  The next morning, I almost fell out of my bed, why you ask?
Imagine this: A dangerously beautiful fallen angel, who tried killing you, gave you bruises in places you didn’t know you had and has killed a person, without hesitation right before your eyes, is now sleeping peacefully beside you, like a human-sized statue for some forgotten Greek god.
“Whoa…” I gasped quietly.
I tried to move as quietly as possible as to not wake the demon in question, but an arm slithered around my waist, stopping me from moving further.
What the heck is this?
“Hey, oi! Can you please let me go? Hey! Wake up!’ I tried shaking him awake, but his arms is only hugging my waist tighter and tighter.
“I really need to go to the bathroom dude, please wake the fuck up.”
That was the truth, I need to pee like really, really bad and his arms constricting around me is not making things better.
You are leaving me no choice then.
”I swear to god, if you don’t let me go now, I will fart in the covers and you will regret every breath that you’ll take. Believe me.” I whispered in a menacing tone in his ear.
That did the job, actually. His arm vanished from my waist and in the same second he was on the other side of the room.
“I’m up, I’m up, I’m up.” He said in a voice still thick of sleep.
I was giggling so hard when I dashed for the bathroom.
While I was doing my business, reality sets in.
Why was he sleeping next to me? And has he been there since I passed out last night? Why did our exchange seem so normal? He isn’t human and that is not normal. For crying out loud, I don’t even know his name yet, so why am I acting so fricking normal around him as if he had always been there the whole time?
Well, whatever. I’m going to ask him later.
Once I’m done, I opened the door back to my room. There was no sign of him anywhere, the room was bright, but it felt a little weird. Unconsciously, I felt lonely. Why? I don’t understand.
I took a shower, trying to clear my head from the glum feelings that I didn’t know I had, taking my sweet time, because last time I took a bath was the morning before the attack.
I used the time alone to think of what happened, why was I attacked? Why was the man killed?? Why were they speaking in a language I couldn’t understand? Who was the man that was killed? And what were his reasons for letting me live? Will I still be able to know the answers to this questions?
After a few days, when all the tests were done and the doctors were sure that I am no longer in danger. Tatsuo didn’t return since that morning. It made me feel a bit off, I still have a lot of questions in my head. Also, to be frank, I am worried about him, I mean, I know he is a demon and all, so I know he won’t die but, its autumn. It does get chilly at night.
“Yo.” a deep quiet voice came from somewhere in the room.
“Oh my sh…! Do you mind not popping out of thin air?” I said, clutching my throat. As a tide of relief washed over me as I did a quick inventory on his entire body.
Yep, this demon is still around. The same one who sent me to this hospital in the first place. In the past few days, I was questioned by the police over and over regarding the identity of the so-called serial killer. Since I was the only one who ‘escaped’ alive.
“Going home?” He asked.
“Yeah, they said I’m going to be fine now. So I can go home.” I answered, turning my back from him to continue my packing.
“Alright, then.”
“Where have you been by the way? You weren’t here for the past few days. I had to sleep on my side the whole night you know” I said still turned away from him.
“Why were you on your side?”
“To make space for you, since you won’t fit in the sofa to let you sleep.”
What the hell am I saying?Darn it!
“You were waiting for me?” He asked tilting his head on the side. Making him look like a cat. Adorable.
HUH? Wait…
“Nope. I just figured that you might not have anywhere else to go to, “
I don’t know dude. Don’t ask me. Dodge the question!
I shrugged, not sure what to say.
I finally faced him, I have things to ask and he is going to answer all of them.
“I’m hungry, let’s grab some lunch before we go, okay? I said nonchalantly.
“We?” his dumbfounded expression was so subtle I almost mistook it as nothing but an eyebrow twitch.
“Are you planning to stay here? I’m not sure they’d allow that though. Do you have a place?” I said, trying to finesse my way out of the “We?” question he popped on me.
When I looked back at him, his face was unreadable, his long bangs covering his eyes.
“Hey, you okay? Are you having an episode or something?” trying to peek at his face, trying to lighten up the mood.
“Are you trying to make a joke? If you are, its dumb.” came his sarcastic reply.
“Oohhh… snarky!” I giggled finding it adorable how flustered he is.
“You do realize that you are inviting a demon, yes?”
“Yeah, what about it?” giving him a look feigning innocence.
“Look, I am not forcing or demanding that you come with me. It is an offer that you are free to take.” I continued.
“In exchange of what?” His tone changing into ice. I bet that he had asked those words a million times before.
“Nothing.” I looked him dead straight in the eyes.
“Really now?” He smirked, turning into a dangerous one I’ve seen before.
“You don’t scare me.”
I lied. That smile still brings shivers to my soul, but I am not letting him know that.
“Huh. You are truly one weird human.” He said as he got up from the chair he had been sitting on and taking my bag of belongings from me.
I know. I know. I know.
“Wow, that’ so human. So are we going to have lunch or what? My stomach is killing me.” I said as he led me out the hallway.
  We had lunch in family restaurant just a few blocks away from the hospital, it was a quiet event. Which surprised me, I kinda thought that he’d make a big fuss about all of it.
“Are you really sure that you’re okay with what I offered?” I asked while taking a sip of my iced tea.
“I’m a demon. In case you’ve forgotten. I can kill you anytime if ever you try to do something funny.” He answered back.
“Pfft. There is no way in hell that I’d forget about that fact. So don’t worry, I know what you are capable of. I’m just asking you these questions because I am being human here.”
“What do you mean?”
“Being concerned about other’s welfare, also… I know you have reasons on why you do what you do. That’s why I don’t want to judge you.”
He was quiet after hearing my words. He may not believe those words but, I’m hoping he can feel the honesty from them.
“So you pity me? Do you think I deserve that?”
“Don’t you?”
Once again, silence. Eyes downcast, his expression unreadable. That look keeps on hurting me. Why?
“I still have a lot of things to ask you, but now might not be the right time. So for now, let’s eat. Okay?” I smiled up at him.
“Whatever floats your boat.”
And… he’s back. Snappy like a turtle.
We finished our meal in companionable silence. Me, enjoying my time people-watching and him… being dark, gloomy and cranky.
I’m enjoying this moment, maybe because this is the first time in a long while that I was able to enjoy a meal with someone. It sucks to eat alone all the time you know.
“What are you grinning about? You look like a pervert.”
“Oh nothing. I was just thinking if tickle torture would be enough to get back at you for breaking some of my ribs.” I said as I stood up from our table. Snickering quietly as I turned away from him.
“I really should’ve killed you that night…”
“Haha! Yeah, maybe you should’ve.”
That was all that came out of Tatsuo’s mouth when we entered my apartment, after seeing the mess that I call home.
“Uhm… Yeah, Sorry. I’m always busy so…”
“Are you really a freaking girl? How on earth can you live with this mess?! How can you even sleep here?! This is like hell!”
Oh, boy… looks like I am in deep trouble.
“There is dust everywhere! How can you even breathe in here??”
The demon is livid. I’m starting to wonder if I should slowly back away and hide somewhere.
“W-well… I sorta don’t have much free time to clean the house… I mean with school and my work… I—WHOA!!!” I had to duck because something was just thrown over my head, this demon is going on a rampage. A cleaning rampage.
“You…! This place looks like a pig sty! When was the last time you cleaned this place?!” He asked me, again a black aura surrounding him.
Huh. I forgot.
“Uhm… last month? I had exams and I also had to do over-time at the shop so… WAAAAHHHH” I stammered out, ready to run.
He marched towards me, and this is even scarier than that night, this time I am sure that I will be killed.
“WE WILL CLEAN THIS HOUSE. NOW!” He screeched. He was riled up, alright. He is usually stoic but, hot damn! This is a next-level reaction.
“Uh… Yes sir! I will start cleaning right away!”
As soon as I got the vacuum, cleaning rags and the broom out, Tatsuo didn’t waste any time, he dropped everything and immediately started being a human…demon hurricane equivalent of a cleaning lady. I wasn’t much of a help because of my injuries, so he ORDERED me to go in a corner and keep quiet.
It was amazing though, watching him clean and grumble at the same time. He was like a pissed off mother hen. It is funny and endearing how he lectures me while donned in a cleaning apron and with brooms and rags on his hands. I found myself smiling the entire time, letting the warm feeling go through me.
He was about to finish when I looked out the window and saw that it was already dusk, he is a demon but I think he still needs to eat. I’m getting hungry too that means, I got to start preparing for dinner.
I got up from my ‘isolation ward’ corner and started heading out to the kitchen when he grabbed me by my shirt.
“Where do you think you’re going, human?”
“Well, since you’re almost done with your war against dust and germs, what would you like for dinner?”
He had that look of shock in his face again, why does he always do that?
“Omurice.” he said quietly before turning away from me to continue his battle.
Huh. Okay. I can do that.
“O-okay. I’m on it.”
30 minutes passed and dinner was ready, I decided to call him to the table when I heard a loud sound coming from the living room. Acting on instinct I ran out the kitchen to find a very disconcerting scene.
Tatsuo was in full demon mode, his power palpable in the air giving me goose bumps. His black wings were bristling, and he has a blue-is black fireball emanating from both of his hands.
“You have to die! You filthy insect!!!!” His voice was in a scary double-timbre. Bloodlust and anger in his eyes. He is in attack mode.
All my alarm bells were ringing, what’s going on? Are we in danger?
Crap! Crap!
I was prepared to see another dead body when I rounded the corner, but…
Eh? What? WHAT?!
No…. No…. freaking way.
I can’t believe this.
There wasn’t any danger, no dead bodies, the room is still intact. I followed his eyes and I saw the ‘enemy’.
“Are you kidding me? Are you serious right now?!” stomping my way towards the ‘enemy’. It was pandemonium in the living room. Everything was upside down.
“YOU ARE UNBELIEVABLE! Are you planning to tear down the entire house just for this?!” grabbing a bundle of newspaper, and bunching it up.
“I can’t believe that you went full beast just for this?!” grabbing the dustpan and broom from the floor, cleaning up the crushed remains of… a spider.
Yep, a harmless spider. I mean it is big for a spider, but still.
He was looking at me like I just slayed a thousand soldiers in front of him.
“What? It’s just a spider dude. Like, for real. I ran here thinking that we were under attack or something only to find you in full demon mode because of a spider?! Unbelievable.” I said as I walked past him and back to the kitchen.
I was setting the table when I realized that it was quiet, too quiet.
Now what?
“Tatsuo? Dinner’s ready.Whoa…. wow.” I chuckled, “Are you sure that you’re a demon?”
Everything is spotless. No dust particle would make a mistake on entering this area, or this house. I think if one tries, this demon beside me would blow it to kingdom come.
“Do you perhaps have OCD? Are all demons like this?” I asked as I looked around, sure that if I even breathe, the room would be contaminated.
If I ever felt unworthy of something before, this... this right here sure makes me feel even more unworthy of living in this world. 
The demon’s chest swelled up with pride, its making me want to punch him in the face for some reason. 
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