mysmartypantsau · 5 years
When you feel like dancing after your first dry night.
One dry nappy all night long. 
Does this mean my baby didn’t wee all night? No at all. 
Yes, it meant I got up a few times over night to take him to the potty when he needed to go.
No, he didn’t, nor has he ever slept through the night
No, it wasn’t hard because a lot of it was a lot of fortuitous things converging on one night to give us the ‘pottitunity’ for success and I am thankful. These wins however small or big really help keep the motivation strong when the nights are long :)
No, I don’t expect this to be the norm, we worked in sync and I am proud of us but expecting this to continue is setting myself up for disappointment. I’d rather celebrate my achievements as they occur and so should you whatever you’re doing. 
Parenting should come from a confident place in your soul not from shame or guilt (as hard as that can be at times).
I’ll write a separate post on my night time infant pottying when I can. For now I just want to share how good it feels.
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