#mysta worldwide
oni-1-oni-none · 7 months
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i like making this joke as a coping mechanism
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yuwumeniji · 2 years
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Luxiem & A Trace Of Wonder
WARNING: Please remember that I am writing about Luxiem based on their characters online and not of the people behind their vtuber avatars, thank you!
EXTRA NOTES: wuwuywuwywuw did i finally start writing again??? yes . do i have a new fixation on a bl novel???also yes so now im mashing these two interests of mine together... just like how i started this blog
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a luxiem au based on 해의 흔적 (a trace of wonder)
for the sake of this au, they are from the same jp guild - Luxiem (the guild from the original is an sk guild, so since anycolor is jp, luxiem will fall under jp.... plus en is a very broad area... bear with me LMAO)
Luxiem are considered the top JP Guild and one of the top guilds worldwide
the source material IS from a BL novel, but there will be no mentions of romance for this post
i went a little chuuni to name the abilities ok i dont think the novel had that - im just cringe like that
dear god i did not proofread this but something definitely possessed me in order to write this out instead of whatever college essay i got due soon
ok so think of it as like a modern era rpg game - the awakened class of people refers to those with supernatural abilities and dungeons are areas in the world where treasure and strong monsters spawn (sometimes these dungeons are based on parts of history as well)
the awakened class makes up about 10% of the population
those who are awakened have access to these dungeons in order to beat them within a certain time frame with Class S dungeons being the most deadly
those who are awakened also form guilds in order to enter such dungeons and have jurisdiction over ones that spawned with the guild's country - no other country is allowed to interfere with another
those who are awakened have two abilities - one main and one hidden ; the hidden ability also comes with a penalty and should be used with caution as the power may interfere with every day life outside of combat/cause hindrance when dungeon crawling
for the powerscalling in the universe, it is from Class E (lowest) to Class S (highest) ; this works for both the classification of awakened people and dungeon ranking
the main abilities that are at least mentioned here are restorers, hunters, mages and healers ; 2/4 classes are combative while the others are non-combative, but still useful when dungeon crawling
i hope my shitty explanation gets you to read the novel/manwha so that you can understand it better LMAO
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MAIN ABILITY: Priest's Waterfall
ike has the ability to heal using his staff without using too much mana. however, he is restricted to water - by using other elements, he runs the risk of depleting too much mana before entering the boss' room in a dungeon.
his staff has the appearance of a large quill. no one knows the reasoning behind it as most staffs on the guild markets are stick-like
HIDDEN ABILITY: Darkness of the Deep
ike has the hidden ability to summon a powerful tentacle-like creature of nightmares. with this, ike switches classes - from non-combative to combative. however, the tentacle-like creature is sentient and moves on its own, ike has no control over what it hits. the creature is also considered to be a glass canon ; while it is powerful, it can only withstand attacks for so long and is on a time limit.
ike can only use his hidden ability when threatened ; he and mysta are the only non-combative members of the guild and this is his only way of protecting them both if no one else could not help.
PENALTY: everything he touches becomes an inky water
without mysta around, most solid objects around ike become an inky liquid that is as viscous as water if he touches it - it's strange, but definitely an inconvenience to his everyday life.
fortunately, his penalty does not harm humans
his strength lies in his durability and mana. he is also quite knowledgable of different types of potions and strengthening spells that help out with dungeon crawling
in fact, ike naturally houses the most mana within the guild followed by shu, mysta, vox and luca.
he originally came from a swedish guild overseas before his meeting with vox, who recruited ike with the promise of hatsune miku figures if he joined Luxiem (this is my attempt at humor)
ike is usually the one who gathers intel on their next dungeon - thanks to his quick reading speed and familiarity with mythos, ike predicts what would the location and boss of the dungeon with 99.99% accuracy
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MAIN ABILITY: Heightened Strength
despite not wielding any kind of weapon, luca is proud of his brute strength - just one tap from him could reduce skyscrapers into dust clouds.
HIDDEN ABILITY: Shapeshifting
luca's hidden ability can only be activated if he has ingested a specific kind of gemstone - however with his hidden ability, he can only turn into a lion that possesses supernatural qualities for a short period of time
the lion is big btw ... just letting you know haha
PENALTY: Lion's Mane
with the penalty in place, luca essentially walks around with a huge lion's mane. he complains about how heavy it is and how the hair gets everywhere
unlike the other members, luca does not possess any magical strength - arguably he could just be a regular civilian who happens to possess superhuman strength; most of luxiem thought he was a civilian until they found out about his penalty
he also is proficient with long range weapons such as guns and arrows, but he is mainly the brawler of the group
while luca was originally scouted by vox to join, luca is actually the one who has the leadership role - the demon said that he prefers a more 'in the shadows' kind of role anyways and handed the position to luca; the guild members aren't sure if luca is actually aware of that, but they all appreciate the work and effort he gives towards the guild.
the guild luca was in has a partnership with luxiem and is currently being led by his older brother
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CLASSIFICATION: Class A(?) Restorer
MAIN ABILITY: Restoration
after seeing a structure, mysta has the ability to 'restore' it to it's original state - for instance, if ike had turned a wardrobe into ink, mysta has the ability to restore the wardrobe's appearance and functionality before it was turned into ink.
mysta's true abilities is unknown - if anything, he has enough magical strength to bring life back
however, there are some ethical issues involving the restoration of life and is considered taboo for a restorer to interfere with the death of a living thing.
generally, mysta has the strength to restore even stadiums after an earthquake to its original form and functionality - it is possible that he may be a Class S, but no further assessment has been made yet
HIDDEN ABILITY: Medusa's Petrification.
this is the only ability mysta has that is allowed to be used on living creatures - he essentially turns things into stone rather than restoring them to its original state
the only way this ability is activated is when mysta experiences a very strong emotion such as fear or despair
he only has to look at the object or creature in front of him in order for it to turn into stone - fortunately, even with the hidden ability activated, he could still undo the process if he accidentally petrifies a guild member
PENALTY: Floating
for some odd reason, mysta's penalty is that he has no control over gravity - his body becomes weightless and therefore starts to float. he essentially becomes a balloon and many of the guild members just walk him around with a string attached to his belt so he doesn't fly off to who knows where before his penalty wanes off.
mysta was actually not part of a guild when he was scouted - in fact, he was working as an odd-jobs repair man who did small gigs in order to get by.
mysta also has the least amount of dungeon experience as he is of a non-combative class ; surprisingly enough, not many guilds seek restorers to join.
despite that, mysta is a highly sought out restorer due to his efficiency - buildings turned into rubble could be restored within a matter of seconds
he is also the only one in the guild who is responsible for the loot they earned and items each member brings into the dungeons
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as his main ability states, shu is a summoner who could gather up to Class A monsters to listen to him.
he also has the ability to call upon 'yokai'-classed monsters through the usage of shikigami ; this aspect of his ability is dependent on the amount of shikigamis he brings with him into dungeons.
HIDDEN ABILITY: God's Messenger
when activated, shu has the ability to call down one of japan's seven lucky gods to battle. this is randomized and he doesn't have the ability to choose which one will come help.
luckily for him, he doesn't have to worry about the gods not responding to him; no matter the call, they will answer.
depending on who is summoned, shu takes on the form of one of the seven lucky gods and uses their abilities in combat.
essentially, shu becomes possessed by the god he has summoned but does run the risk of being permanently possessed by them even though his combat ability is on a timer
the only problem with this ability is that this can only be activated if he senses that the danger is too high ; ideally in Class S dungeons where the survival rate is essentially 0%.
PENALTY: Inability to feel pain
this penalty could be proven fatal to shu as he would be numb to all kinds of pain - from the tiniest scratch to getting his heart ripped out ; it would be too late for shu to notice if anything bad happens to him.
this penalty is activated the minute he uses his hidden ability, thus putting his own life at an even higher risk of possession and even death
similarly to mysta, shu was not a part of a guild when he was scouted, in fact, he had been staying at his family's temple as one of the priests who carried out sacred rituals to protect his town from dungeons spawning nearby.
tragically, shu is one of the few guild members to experience loss through the dungeons.
when vox found him, he was surround by the rubble of what was originally his home town - the Class A dungeon wiped the town off the map. with no where else to go, shu decided to follow vox and the rest of luxiem.
shu often helps ike with intelligence and is often in charge of dungeons that originate in japanese mythos
he was the last member to be recruited - words of a powerful sorcerer had reached vox's ears, but he didn't expect to find him in that state.
despite the tragedy, shu is thankful for having met the boys of luxiem - he's glad to call them home
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MAIN ABILITY: Shadow Swordsman
vox is quite proficient with the sword, combined with the demon-like energy that festers within the shadows, he becomes an unstoppable killing machine
not only can he infuse the dark energy into whatever blade he is holding, he also has the ability to create a clone who wields the sword the same way he does
HIDDEN ABILITY: Divine Judgement
he has the ability to strike a mighty light into his opponents - it is a devastating ability that clashes with his already dark main ability
it can strike through the thickest material and destroy what is wicked ; often destroying the dungeon completely and automatically clearing it in order to avoid any more casualties.
it is another ability that can only be activated during dire situations, similarly to shu's hidden ability.
PENALTY: Temporary Blindness
as the light he summons is from the almighty, it does temporarily blind vox for a little while as punishment for using god's ability for his quest to find out what causes dungeons to spawn
the first and last time vox had his penalty in place, shu was the one who helps guide him around with the usage of his shikigami - on the other hand, luca was the one to pull pranks on vox while he's blind (vox can tell it's luca because of his laugh)
vox has the most dungeon crawling experience out of all the members of luxiem and is the one who recruited all of them to join his guild - he's happy to find such like minded people he could call home.
while his physical or magical strength doesn't exceed all members of luxiem, he is the most proficient and stable in terms of combat ; he has used his hidden ability only once in his entire career as a hunter
luxiem's leader in the shadows, while he doesn't take a direct leadership role, vox usually is the one who approves of or disapproves of luca's wild antics.
ok a lot of the times, vox does approve of luca's antics because "he's just being silly your honour" - only when the situation is that dire will he take matters into his own hands.
he's usually the one calling strategy meetings before going into dungeons
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