#mysticmoondancer original artwok
mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Skull Dragon
It’s a dragon made up of bones and is sort of like a zombie in a way since it’s like the living the dead. If its bones fall apart, it can easily reassemble itself back together again. It can’t breathe fire, but it can fire a laser beam of energy from its mouth, though. It can also control and freely move each part of its body or bones around in mid-air. Including sending them flying at you as another form of attack, only for them to then come right back and reattach itself in the proper place on its body. The only way to kill it is by burning its bones/body. And even though it’s a skeleton, it can still fly.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Bumble Bee Dragon
They are part dragon and part bumble bee. They’re sometimes also known as Bumble Dragons. The tuff of fur around the neck is black for males and yellow for females. They’re a medium sized dragon (which is about the height of an adult human, if not slightly taller by a couple of feet) and love to sleep in flower patches. Just like with bees, they can produce honey which is called Dragon Honey. It’s the sweetest and best tasting honey ever. The honey is made when they groom themselves and their saliva mixes with the pollen gathered on the tuff of fur around their neck. They then roll the moistened pollen into a stick ball which they then set on fire with their fire breath to cause it to melt and become honey. However, unlike bees, they don’t live in a hive with millions of other bumble bee dragons and have a queen. Instead, they either live by themselves or with their mate and offspring (until they’re grown enough to leave the nest, that is) should they have any. Also, unlike bees, they don’t lose their stingers and die soon afterward should they sting someone or something. Instead, they keep their stingers even after stinging someone/something.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Dragon Shark
Name: Shargon
He is part shark and part dragon. He’s a really fast and swift swimmer and can also walk on land by tightly closing his gills and start breathing through his nose, instead. He can’t fly, but he can still breath fire though, as long as he’s on land or his head is above water. Just with real sharks, his teeth are very sharp and can easily grow back if one falls out. He mostly eats fish, but will eat other things, as well.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Mecha Dragon
He is a machine that looks like a dragon and has an artificial intelligence, making him super smart. He can fly in space and has rockets hidden in his back. he has an attack called Dagger Claws, where his claws are able to detach themselves like missiles and fly around freely under his control, as well as reattach themselves back to his toes/fingers/digits again. He is capable of hacking into computers and can also fire a laser beam from his mouth. You can ride inside him just like a spaceship (which is pretty much what he is) by entering his mouth when he opens it. His head is the cockpit/command center.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Power Ring Dragon
He is a very powerful dragon. His name comes from the many of magical rings that are on his ears, nose, wings, legs, and the end of his tail which all hold a lot of power in them. The ring on his tail is called the Master Ring and is the most powerful ring on his body. The Master Ring is what allows him to control all of the other rings on his body. He can detach and reattach the rings at will and uses them as a way of attacking something or someone, like a weapon. The shackles that are on his neck, wrists, ankles, and tail are from when some humans had managed to capture him one time. The humans tortured him as they tried to break him so that they could control him and use his powers for evil purposes. But he managed to escape somehow, one day. As a result of this, he now has very little trust in humans. The scar on his right eye is a constant reminder of what they’ve done to him during that time.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Zodiac Dragon
Name: Capricorn
He is one of the twelve Zodiac Dragons (as known as the Dragons of the Stars) and was born under the Capricorn zodiac sign/constellation (hence why his name is Capricorn). He is the smallest dragon out of all of the Zodiac Dragons. Capricorn means “goat” and last from December 22nd to January 19th.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Zodiac Dragon
Name: Leo
He is one of the twelve Zodiac Dragons (as known as the Dragons of the Stars) and was born under the Leo zodiac sign/constellation (hence why his name is Leo). Leo means “lion” and last from July 23rd to August 22nd.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Ghostly Dragon
He is a ghost dragon and has the same abilities as a ghost does. For example: walking through walls, being able to move objects around with telekinesis, and is able to make himself invisible. He can also shrink himself down to a smaller size if he chooses to. He does this mainly to be able to fit inside buildings better. He’s a bit of a prankster and loves to scare people by making them think the place they’re in is haunted. His flames are called “Ghost Fire” or “Ghostly Flames” and are a bluish-white color. Instead, of the flames giving off heat (like a regular flame would), they actually give off a cold chill to them and are cold to the touch. You can get, however, still get burned by them so be careful. He can either cover his entire body with these flames or just parts of his body. He can also make them float around in the air as little will-o-wisp, too.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Trickster Dragon
Name: Floxy
He loves to play pranks on people and is a shape shifter, as well. This is his actual form, though. His coloring and markings are similar to that of a red fox. He can shapeshift into anything and can also perfectly mimic voices and sounds, as well. He has the power of telekinesis and is also able to create illusions, too. His eyes glow whenever he is using telekinesis or making illusions of something. When he shapeshifts into something/someone, the flames on his legs flare up into a huge single flame that completely surrounds him before dispersing into thin air to reveal his new form. He is very sly (like a fox) and hard to find sometimes. He is capable of human speech and even though he doesn’t have wings, he can still fly by flying in the same way that Asian dragons do. His movements are fast, and swift-like which makes it hard to catch him. He is a medium-sized dragon which is about the same height as an adult human.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Cybernet Dragon
He can travel through the internet and is the twin brother of the Livewire Dragon. Just like his brother, he loves to play pranks on people by possessing devices that are able to connect to the internet and making them think it’s haunted or just malfunctioning in a weird way. The orb at the end of his tail is able to emit electricity from it. He can also zap you into a computer to explore the internet that way. His electrical attacks have a bluish-white hue to them. He likes to be called either Cyber or Cybernet for short. He’s a medium sized dragon, which is about the same size as an adult human.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Livewire Dragon
Don't let his small and cute appearance fool you, as he can pack quite a punch. He is capable of traveling through any electrical equipment/electronics that are plugged into an outlet. He can also possess them, as well. He's goes by Livewire (for short) and has a twin brother named Cybernet. Together, they are a bit of a handful because they love playing pranks on people. Electricity travels through his horns and spines/spikes which can give off sparks sometimes, too. The electricity that he releases from himself is a whitish-yellow color. The 3 horns on his face can be used to fire an electric sphere from which is one of his ways of attacking. He can also zap you into video games or tv shows/movies on tv, as well. He's a medium-sized dragon, which is about the same height as an adult human.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Nova Dragon
He has the power of a super nova. The gems on his shoulders, wrists, knees, ankles, head, wings, and tail can release flames from them. The flames flare up whenever he powers up and is ready for a fight, but he can make them flare up for other reasons, too. He can raise his body temperature to extreme temperatures where it’s impossible to touch him without getting burned or even to be able to be near him due to the heat. He can emit a powerful blast of fire from his entire body that has the same intensity as a super nova. This attack is called Super Nova and it is his most strongest attack too, that will incinerate everything in its path. So, he tries not use it much while on planets with life on them as it can destroy planets.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Drill Bit Dragon
He has drills for claws and horns, with one large drill at the tip of his tail, as well. His drills can drill through anything, including diamond. He can launch and control every drill on his body as way of attacking and then have them go right back to their original place on his body, again. All of the drills on his body (including his claws) are able to spin while still being attached to him.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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This is a tribute piece I made of my beloved little fluff ball named Clair. It’s been 1 year today (1/10/2023) that she had passed away. She was the most sweetest and patient cat ever. She loved anything I would do to her and would happily let me get away with it. Well... except for maybe when it was bath time, that is. Then she hated me. But she would still take them nonetheless, like the perfect little trooper that she was and would quickly get over it. Lol! She was my best friend and I miss her dearly, as well as the joy that she brought into my life each day.
I will always love you, my little fluffy cat. 💗
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⬆⬆⬆ Here is what the original photo looks like ⬆⬆⬆
I didn’t feel like trying to do the background, so I just painted over her in the picture instead. It’s not that great, but eh. I’m happy with it. 😊 I didn’t add all of the light and shadows on her though when I painted her due to how difficult it was for me to pull off. There’s a lot of different shades of light and darkness on her in this photo considering it was taken on a sunny day back then. So, yeah. I just said screw it. Besides, I never was very good with adding shadows and light to my artworks, anyway.
I did this on ibisPaint. So, I hope you all like it. If not, then... oh well. This was mainly for me, anyway. I just thought I’d share it with you all, is all.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Starlit Dragon
He was born from the first star ever created in space. He can live within the center of any star without ever burning up to death. He has the power to create stars of his own with his fire breath by breathing out a fireball from his mouth which then just burns in place and continues to do so, just like with an actual star. This ability is called Star Blaze Blast and the stars he creates go through the same life cycle as real stars do. In the light, his wings have this shimmery look to them. He mostly travels around in space somewhere or at least can be found there, but will sometimes grace the surface of planets, moons, and asteroids with his presence.
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mysticmoondancer · 2 years
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Sound Wave Dragon
They’re part dragon and part bat. They’re a medium sized dragon which means they’re no bigger than adult human is. Just like with bats, they can use echo location to find things by emitting ultrasonic soundwaves from their mouth and using their large ears to hear the soundwaves being bounced back at them. They can also attack you using these soundwaves, as well, by altering them enough to come out of their mouth as a high-pitched screeching noise that’ll hurt one’s ears (to the point of possibly causing temporary or permanent hearing loss, if not complete deafness) or cause headaches. They hang upside down in trees by wrapping their tail around the more sturdier branches. They can also climb trees with ease, as well, thanks to their sharp claws. They walk around on all fours much like bats do when they’re moving around on the ground or on the surface of something.
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