#the original is a bit better than this
mysticmoondancer · 1 year
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Harmonious Dragon
Name: Melodia
She loves to sing and has the most beautiful singing voice you've ever heard. She has 2 songs ("The Song of Peace" and "The Song of Rage") that can affect your emotions. "The Song of Peace" causes you to feel nothing but peace and calmness when heard, which is able to lift your spirits if you're ever feeling upset about something. However, "The Song of Rage" causes you to feel nothing but rage and anger and will cause you to go into a violent fit of rage for no reason at all if heard. She's a friendly and peace-loving dragon, so she doesn't like to sing "The Song of Rage", ever. Long ago, (in a forest somewhere) she was once worshiped by an ancient race of people (that loved singing, dancing, and music), who saw her as a goddess. Now, the ancient city (called Harmonia) has long since been abandoned and is nothing more than ruins now. However, even though the people of the ancient city have since been long gone now, she still chooses to live there. She doesn't like to fight, but she will if she has to. She's also very talented when it comes to making musical instruments. If it's a string instrument she's making, she'll use strands of her own hair (which are sturdy and strong enough to use) for the strings. She's also capable of speaking human speech, as well. She has a younger sister named Healia, who is known as the Helix Dragon. They are very close as sisters.
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homkamiro · 11 months
can you draw fem scout and dad spy pls?? I think it's going to be fun 🤣
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That's a really nice thought!!! And a funny dynamic
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hoshiina · 3 months
pairing: narumi gen x gn!reader (no prns)
summary: he's always thought that anyone would do if he just wanted to find love but he realizes you're the one he wishes for, inspired by pop song by yonezu kenshi
warnings: some profanities from narumi
wc: 1300
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Narumi Gen hated a lot of things, but one of his least favourites of all time was "true love". He despised when people would describe their love for another as "true love". It couldn't possibly be that serious. Just say you loved your partner. That was probably the extent feelings got to anyways— you just so happened to like each other at the same time. To him that was plenty of a feat alone, why would you have to make it sound like more than it is? For the sake of love? Ridiculous.
To him, that was truly all love was. If there was someone who liked him when he happened to like them too, that was enough. No need for years of pining, no need to get attached to some unrequited love. All that noise about love and destiny surely wasn't all that necessary.
Now, this wasn't to say that he didn't wish to find love— because he did. Like any other person, he truly wished to be loved. It was just that what he had in mind wasn't some deep pure love that'd last forever, nor was it a promise for eternity. He just wished for a light-hearted "I love you" here and there with someone he found special.
And for that, anyone would do. He'd find someone who fancied him along the way, and hopefully he'd like them back. That was all there was to it.
This meant his plan for finding his partner was sitting around and waiting. As horribly lame as that sounded, because he was Narumi Gen, this wasn't that hopeless of a plan. So, that's what he did. He'd go around saving people and doing his duties (to the absolute bare minimum) while making sure he was constantly trending, hoping that one day, someone would like him.
Today he was standing around for a solid five extra minutes after he defeated the honju with ease, hoping the media would snap some nice pictures of him, or he'd finally charm someone this time.
"Captain, you ought to stop that," you said. "It's rather embarrassing, you look desperate now."
"Oh, would you shut up," he said. "You're ruining my good name!"
You snorted. "What good name," you scoffed.
"I'm starting to think its your fault I'm not charming anyone. Perhaps if you didn't stop me every time, someone would have found me by now," he said.
"Yeah, right. Captain Ashiro seems to be having no issues charming people and I've never seen her try to," you said.
"You little shit," he said.
"Besides they're going to be utterly disappointed if they think this is what you're like and then they find out what you're… actually like," you said, and he was starting to think you wanted him to fire you. "It's okay. Someone will see how you're actually lovely at times soon."
"What?" he asked, shocked by what you said.
"What?" you replied, confused.
"You— you said lovely," he said quietly. Suddenly he felt flustered.
"Oh," you said, looking away and avoiding eye contact. It wasn't like you didn't mean to say that, but you didn't think it was that big of a deal. Rather, how flustered he sounded took you by surprise. “Well, you’re a little lame but you’re a good guy. Like you pretend you only do it for the media, but I know you’re always checking the alleyways that don’t have as much surveillance just in case, and checking alleyways isn’t something a captain has to do. And we both know the media isn’t writing about anything you do there. Things like that.”
“You never know!” he said, and you snorted.
“Alright then,” you said. “You do you, Captain.”
“I will!” he said back, trying to sound proud.
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A week had passed and here he was, doing what he always did after arriving fashionably late to the scene and taking all the kaiju out in a matter of minutes: standing around trying to look good. Because he wanted love, and anyone would do. Anyone who liked him was supposed to do.
And yet he wished for you.
He wished that when he woke up, the first thing he would see was you. He wished that you'd smile at him everyday with love and genuine joy the way you did to others, and he wished that you’d smile that way to him alone. He wished that after a long day, he was the one you came home to. He wished from the bottom of his heart that you would always be safe and no harm would ever come your way. He wished that your days were filled with laughter and smiles and he knew he would risk his life to protect that.
It was so unlike him in a way he absolutely hated. True love was supposed to be nonsense and someone being ‘the one’ was supposed to be some dramatic line in a movie. It upset him, that he was so utterly fond of you. Yet, no matter how much it upset him, it didn't change the fact that he was, and he couldn't deny it anymore after trying to ignore it for the full week.
So here he was, acting stupid again, hoping that you’d scold him again or tell him he’s embarrassing himself, because that’s what it’s come down to. He just wanted another reason to talk to you.
But you wouldn’t come to stop him after 10 whole minutes.
“Why aren’t you stopping me?” he asked, irritated.
“Pardon?” you asked, utterly confused.
“Why aren’t you telling me to stop?” he asked again. He was aware how silly he sounded, but he was pissed off that you meant so much to him so he had to take it out on you.
“Because you told me to stop last time??” you replied. “I thought you were going to keep this up until you found yourself a partner.”
“You’re the one who told me to find someone that saw how I was…. lovely…. at times,” he said, but said the lovely very quietly. Remembering that you had described him as lovely made his cheeks burn and he’d rather die than let you see that.
“I mean, yeah. I do think you should,” you said.
“Don’t you notice, though?” he asked quietly, avoiding eye contact. There was a moment of silence.
“I do,” you said, and immediately he looked up to face you. You had a grin on your face and you looked so proud— you looked like you had won a game. Oh, how he hated you.
“You’re so annoying,” he said, and you raised an eyebrow.
“Rich coming from you,” you said.
“So, do you—,” he started to yell before cutting himself off. Carefully, he tried again. “Would you please… uh… be mine…?”
Oh, this is so embarrassing, he thought. Perhaps you’d laugh at him, but he wanted to do this properly, or at the very least try to. He’d be far more than just stupid to mess this up now. He was finally in love.
But your laughter never came. When he looked up your eyes were wide and you looked so flustered, but soon you had the most beautiful smile on your face.
“I would absolutely love to,” you said.
So he kissed you right then and there, because there was nothing he wanted to do more at the moment.
He laughed a little.
“What’s wrong?” you asked.
“No, nothing,” he said.
There was no way just anyone would do— it had to be you.
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i think one of my favorite things about the loustat reunion (apart from my being a loustat shipper) is something that i believe jacob himself touched on: after all of the horror that we saw, the message it carries is so incredibly optimistic. in a gothic story about undead monsters who survive on the death of others, we are given the possibility of growth and change. we may not have as long as they do but just like lestat and louis we have the opportunity to become better versions of ourselves until the very day that we die. just as they do we have the ability to learn until our last breath. we don't always have to forgive each other the way they did but we can always move on. every one of us. and that makes me feel just a little bit better about myself.
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tblsomedoodles · 4 months
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The Preferable Alternative - part 14
Start - previous - next
rare 6 pg update! b/c the pacing was better if i stopped the scene there.
Leo: That was weird.......ANYWAYS!
: )
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cat-tastr0phe · 3 months
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Big Ass Artfight Dump!
I've done decently well at attacking nearly everyday so I hope I can keep that energy throughout the month (and that my wrist holds up LOL)
If you wanna follow my AF its pianobelt!
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heaveniowa · 1 year
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I LOVE this silly logo they put on for Saturday so I made it into a gif :]
original vid 👇
from lindseylantz 🫶
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ghost-bxrd · 9 months
Dick stumbles upon Jason while he’s at his most deranged and sawing heads off people to stuff them into a duffle bag and deliver it gift wrapped to the GCPD.
Dick is sick to his stomach. How can one person be capable of something so atrocious and laugh while doing it!? He needs to get back to the cave. He needs to warn Batman and Robin. This new player isn’t just dangerous, he’s evidently trying to rival his namesake in blood and violence alone and he’s succeeding.
(If Dick hadn’t been too busy keeping his late dinner inside his stomach, he may have noticed the warning creaks of the support beam.
As it is, the chains holding the beam in place snap and Dick goes down. Tumbling straight into the gory mess giving himself a concussion to boot at the Red Hood’s feet.
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mysticmoondancer · 1 year
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Healix Dragon
Name: Healia
She has the power to heal any physical wound or illness. She's very shy and can also shrink herself down to a more miniature size. To heal you, she simply just touches where the wound is to heal it, but on a more massive scale of healing she releases a white light from her entire body. She is the younger sister of the Harmonious Dragon, Melodia. The two of them are very close and are both dragons of healing. Healia heals more on a physical level whereas her sister (Melodia) heals more on an emotional level. The silver bell she wears around her neck has the power to calm those who hear it ring, but only temporarily, though. It was given to her by her sister which was infused with some of her emotional healing power. This bell is Healia's most cherished thing in the world because it was a gift from her big sister before she (Melodia) left home when she (Healia) was just a young dragon.
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ancha-aus · 3 months
RealAgeAU Drabble - Bath
Direct continuation from the prev Drabble 'Mud'! Taking place almost directly after.
First Drabble (original prompt by @spotaus ) Prev drabble Next Drabble
So we take off almost right were we left off, only like a small hour later.
Nighmtare can't stop the purr as warm water goes over his shoulders to clean some of the worst mud away from the cravices.
Dust hums "Yeah I figured it would feel nice. feeling warmer?"
Nightmare nods and leans back against the hand on his spine. Dust had been supporting his spine ever since they got back and told him what happened. They went straight to the bathroom.
"Hah! Dusty using his magic hands?"
Dust shoots Killer and annoyed look from where Killer is sitting with his boxers on in the bathtub with Ngihtmare. Grinning widely.
"What? I also needed to get cleaned up!" Killer looks very smug.
Dust shoots Nightmare a look "How is it that you are 6 yet he is more childish?"
Ngihtamre grins and just leans more into the hold. The touch is gentle as Dust removes mud from the sensitive and painful spots. It hurts a little but not nearly as much as it used to hurt when getting cleaned, and no were near as much hurt as with the mud in it.
Dust continues cleanign his spine and ribcage slowly "It didn't get too far in. Seems like your sweater protected you from that."
Ngihtmare pushes closer to Dust's touch "Sorry for getting it dirty..."
Dust hums "No need. You didn't mean to get it dirty and even fi you meant to. It is just a sweater. Even so Cross is already working on cleaning it. It will be fine." He uses a small bucket to let some water wash away the soap.
Killer grins as he leans agianst the tub edge "Me next dusty?"
Dust doesn't even look up as he keeps washing Nihgtmare's shoulders "You can wash yourself."
Killer whines "But dusty~ Stuff may have gotten between my joints! Same like nighty!"
Nightmare rolls his eye lights but purrs when Dust starts washing his skull and neck. It is so nice and familiar by now. They always do this even if Nightmare knows that Dust knows Nightmare can wash that himself. Dust always takes time to carefully wash his skull and neck for him.
Dust hums "And Nightmare is six. which you are not." Dust taps his shoulder carefully "close your sockets nightmare. I am going to wash off the soap."
Nightmare nods and closes his sockets before feeling the warm water wash over his skull and shoulders. It feels amazing!
Dust smiles "there is the happy purring. much better." then softer "Can I wash your sockets?"
Nightmare considers it for a moment. He never likes seeing the others when he baths, he should be able to wash himself and it make sit easier to accept their help when he can't see them... But Killer is also in the bath and that is fine... Maybe he will be fine with it?
Dust is silent and waits patiently as Nightmare thinks it over. Ngihtmare ends up nodding and turning around in the tub to be facing Dust instead.
Dust gives a small smile before focussing on his face as he looks at his sockets from different angles. as Dust stares at him Nightmare just looks back at Dust. Unlike Killer, who is mostly naked and with just his boxers on, Dust is still mostly dressed. Dust had only taken off his hoody, scarf and gloves. So Dust just sits by them in loose sweats and a shirt. Dust gives a quiet hum "Yeah I can see some mud in there. I am going to try and get it out okay?" he looks at their basket of bathstuff and takes out some soft cotton swabs. Dust soaps them up before holdign hsi skull steady with a gentle hand by his skull.
Dust looks at him "Still okay?"
Nightmare frowns as he thinks it over. This should feel bad or dangerous. people near his sockets or skull is very bad news. But no panic or fear. He hums and mutters "it is fine."
Dust looks a bit surprised before grinning "Brave babybones." ngihtamre knows he is glaring at Dust but Dust just chuckles "okay. No eye lights."
Nightmare huffs but does as told. he turns his eye lights off and with them goes his side.
The darkness does make him nervous but he still feels the steadying hand of Dust on his skull. He hears Killer whine and mumble about unfairness and that he wants the spa treatment as well. And that Dust is so unfair to not give him one as well!
the cotton swab touching the inside of his skull and near his sockets is weird. It doesn't hurt but it is still weird. His hands shoot up and he grabs Dust's arms.
Dust freezes "too much?"
Nightmare shallows and forces the words out "It is okay..." he just.. needs this... just a reminder. it is okay.
Dust mutters softly "I will be careful."
And as he said he would. He is. careful and slow movements. with purpose. And It does feel better! discomfort and itchiness he hadn't been fully aware of just disappears with each gentle movement.
"That was it. You can turn on your eye lights again."
NIghtmare needs a moment to get his magic to respond and get his eye lights to return. It is brihgt for a moment but even his sight seems better than before!
Dust grins "There. Almost all clean."
Killer grins and leans over the side of the tub "Which means it is mine turn!" causing a big wave to splash over and for Dust to now have wet pants.
Dust looks down before shooting him a glare "You did that on purpose."
Killer gasps and puts a hand above his soul "me?! I would never! I am sooooo sorry for your pants!" he grins and winks "You could just lose them." and he wiggles his eye brows.
Dust looks very unimpressed and Ngihtmare agrees. Not one of Killer's best tries at flirting.
Dust just looks at Nightmare again "do you want me to clean your arms or do you want to do it yourself today?"
Nightmare frowns and thinks it over. He did his own pelvis and legs as always but it was harder than he remembers to get dirt and mud out of those spots. He just looks at Dust "Can you do it?"
Dust nods and starts getting the shower floof ready again. Nightmare holds out his arms and lets Dust do his magic to get the stubborn dirt out off his joints. Dust just seems to know how to do it as the dirt and mud easily disappears.
Dust nods and looks very happy with himself "There he is. All clean." he puts the bathstuff to the side and goes to grab the towel.
Killer whines again "come on dusty~ Please?" Killer grins as he turns around until his spine is against the tub and he looks over backwards over the edge with his skull upsidedown to look at Dust. It can't be comfortable. Killer grins "Please~ What if some of the stuff stays behind? What if I can't clean myself right?"
Dust rolls hsi sockets as he gets the towel and with an easy motions nightmare is out of the bathtub and wrapped in the towel. Dust pats him down carefully as he ignroes the whining of the adult behind him. Killer bemoans about this unfair fate and how he needs help from his friend and teammate yet Dust is cruel to not help him.
Nightmare is dry and Dust dresses him in his PJs. Dust lifts him up and shoots Killer a look "Don't destroy our bathroom whiel I am gone." and Dust leaves the bathroom.
They exit into their downstairs bedroom and Dust goes straight to their pillow and blanket nest.
Dust sits down and grabs a blanket and wraps it around him "comfy?"
Nightmar enods "yeah." Dust hands over his plushy and NIghtmare is quick to put her right by his side. Batsie is her name... Like the cow name Bessie because they are on a farm but with bat because... bat.
Not that it matters because Nightmare isn't going to admit he named his plushy.
Dust smiles at him "I need to go clean the bathroom and make sure Killer doens't drown and kill himself with his stupidity. Horror is-"
"right here." and Horror joins him. Horror smiles at Dust "Good luck with Killer. I got this."
Dust nods and leaves to return to the bathroom.
Nightmare moves his plushy around until he can use the wings to blanket him as well. trying to keep his hands free. horror hands him a plate and fork as he sits with him. Asking him how his day had been at his appointment.
nightmare eats and calmly talks about his day and all that happened. his soul calm and content after his bath.
Killer chuckles as Dust leaves wiht Nightmare. He should have actually cleaned up but come on! It was too much fun to hoke around with Dusty! Especially the tiny blush he had managed to cause!
Killer chuckles as he kicks the water up before leaning back to lay in the tub. Ah, baths are very nice. Maybe he should take more of them.
He just lays there to enjoy the water.
"Dont'drown yourself. Water and dust together make a mess."
Killer opens his sockets and grins at Dust who looks very unimpressed "I don't know. YOu seem fine with bathtime."
Dust rolls his eye lights "You know what i mean. Also get dressed weirdo. Have some modesty."
Killer grins and winks "oh? Is the most powerful monster shy about bare bones?"
Dust shoots him a look "Just clean yourself."
Killer leans dramatically over the edge of the tub "I can't~ What if i miss a spot? And how am I suposed to wash myself if i have to fully dress myself? I can't do both at the same time dusty~"
Dust crosses his arms as he glares at him. "YOu seriously still on about this?"
Killer grins "Sorry. can't." he leans forwards and shrugs his shoulders.
Dust lets out a long annoyed sigh "fine."
Killer blinks and looks abck at Dust as Dust calmly cleans the shower fluff of dirty water and puts new soap on it. "euh?"
Dust moves in his blind spot and a hand touches his shoulders and Killer just freezes.
He hand pushes him a bit forover and oh fuck. fuck... that.. that is that seem shower fluff on his spine and it feels so good and how are dust's hand so secure?!
He doens't know what to think. What does he do?! Why?! Why is dust washing him? Oh fuck it feels so nice? No wonder Nightmare always purrs up a storm after bathtime. Fuck keep in the purring. You are making this weird. it is just your homie giving you a bath that you have been asking him for! Don't make it weird!
He... hadn't realised how nice this was. this touch. Normally Killer is the one that hangs all over the others and starts contact. This is technically stuff that Dust started and it feels so nice is this what it is suposed to feel like?! Is it normal that Killer just wants to melt into the touch and wnats it to never stop?!
how is this so nice?!
Killer straight up had one night stands with others across the multiverse and that is NOTHING compared to how nice this is.
The fluff disappears and some warm, almost scolding hot how does Nightmare deal with this heat every bath and whyt does he like it so much? Goes over his back and spine.
Dust snorts and speaks "There. your spine and ribcage are clean now."
Killer glances back and Dust looks highly amused and smug as he collects the shower stuff. He puts it on the side of the bath before he gets up. He shoots him a look "The rest you should be able to manage yourself." and he leaves the bathroom.
okay while Killer is sad the contact ended he is also thankful that Dust left because there is a very very very obvious reaction to the touch and his boxers are not doing a great job hiding it.
What the fuck is wrong with him!?
Killer having a bit of a gay panic. It was his turn. Also I have so little drabbles from his POV?! It is criminal
First Drabble Prev drabble Next Drabble
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doberbutts · 6 months
Google: hello I recommend this show to you based on your interest in 1600s Japanese modern period dramas and animations
Me: oh actually this show is pretty neat, I like that the Japanese characters actually speak Japanese and not *winkwink* they're totes talking in Japanese but for the viewer's sake they're using English *winkwink* and from the sound of it traditional Japanese at that because this is sounding very antiquated and out of date compared to my rough knowledge of modern Japanese
Show: :)
Show: have 10 minutes of a character being tortured by being boiled to death in a large cast iron pot :)
Me: ...
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un-pearable · 2 years
as true as the jokes about “everyone wants to rewrite ninjago” are i feel like smthn people forget when complaining about the inconsistencies of the show is that…. it wasn’t planned? it’s not like most other animated shows lately - it didn’t start with a deeply fleshed out world or a meticulously designed pitch bible with grandiose plans for a long-term story or character arcs. the ninja don’t originally get their powers from heredity because they weren’t hereditary powers yet. the magic system doesn’t make sense bc they literally just made it up as they went! they go back and forth on stuff like whether non-elementals can learn spinjitzu bc it’s a collaborative piece of media made by people with vastly different levels of control over the story, the animation, the sets, etc. that varied over the course of the series. it’s totally understandable and exciting to see so many people reworking the early stuff with the lore and logic later seasons introduced but i personally feel that… if you’re doing that. you need to understand why the show is like that instead of writing it off as being bad and shitty. it was working with what it had. it’s only what it is now because of that awkward troubleshooting phase, not in spite of it
#ninjago#text✨#you’re 100% allowed to criticize the show but i keep seeing people complain about the inconsistencies about like. their parents giving them#their powers especially. like yeah cool that wasn’t a thing yet? they have different origins than the non-core elementals#because in the real world that idea hadn’t even crossed their minds yet! the original story was a more traditional fantasy narrative of#normal people rising to the occasion and *gaining* powers through their own feats. the fact that they changed it later doesn’t mean#it was necessarily bad to begin with or that it’s something that should be mocked#idk just. there’s a lot of hostility in some circles about this stuff and it makes me kinda sad. enjoy the complexity of production and how#series adapt over time. it’s part of why the show is so interesting to me#that essay i wrote had a whole bit juxtaposing the attitudes about technology in rebooted and prime empire and how they reflect greater#cultural trends between 2013 and 2021. it’s SUPER interesting and yet a lot of people only talk about it to make fun of how ‘bad’ it was :(#this isnt to say i don’t enjoy some of the retcons. the changes to their meetings with wu in s8 are genuinely really interesting! i love the#changes to cole’s backstory. i think his mom makes him in the early seasons even better! i’m just saying.. be respectful? nobody *tries* to#make a bad show. ages and ages of time and dedication were put into what ends up on your screens. it’s all human love and creation.#as goofy as it is#okay sry got all anthropology there but hm. been thinking about this for a while. apologies for being the local annoying early seasons fan
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aimasup · 6 months
sure i COULD ramble about how ai is one of the multiple things that check all the marks of humanity's seven deadly sins but would that be extreme
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^^^ possibly insufficiently educated
#the pride the hubris of believing you can do better than innovation and nature by playing god and not in the fun way#the lust it's being used for in so many awful cases#the sloth the way its encouraging everyone to check original sources less before believing anything. Also to not take time to develop skill#the greed its being used for profit without consideration for ethics or fair labour#gluttony. we always have to be faster. shinier. better. no matter if it ends up being less convenient or wonky#the wrath it sows in between people creating more differences to be frustrated over. more hatred#the envy how it takes and takes. always trying to be as clever as the best humans. as beautiful as a real forest or sunset.#do you think the ai wants itself#if this were a scifi movie would we be the bad guys#but this is not a movie and the ai cannot love us. so we cannot love it. and there's that#my post#personal stuff#thinking aloud just silly yapping n jazz 没啥事做就这样咯~#( ̄▽ ̄)~*#when i was in primary school our textbooks for chinese had short stories and articles to learn about#there was a fictional scifi oneshot about a family in the future going to the zoo#the scifi zoo trip was going great until the zoo's systems went offline for a moment#and it was revealed that all the animals roaming in their enclosures were holograms#the real ones went extinct ages ago#when the computers came back online the holograms returned and there they were#honestly at first I thought it was a bit exaggerating#but I still think about it once in a while
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magicaldreamfox1 · 2 months
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gifmakers should be paid
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royalarchivist · 1 year
Going through some old files and just realized I never posted this one. I don't even use this style of subtitling anymore, but I figured people would still enjoy seeing it, even if it's not as nice as the newer stuff.
Technoblade MCC 5 Highlights:
Part 1 || Part 2 || Part 3
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haliaiii · 3 months
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Val : alt outfit
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