trickstercaptain · 1 year
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@mysticwrit​ submitted:
for angelica obvs <3 lmao
jack would argue that she can’t outwit him but she absolutely can lmao
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shadowbrn · 1 year
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brooke  maddox  (  @mysticwrit  )  said  to  jake  fitzgerald  ;  ❛  am i going mad, or did the word ‘think’ escape your lips ?  ❜
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jake  opens  his  mouth  to  fight  back,  but  then  almost  immediately  closes  it  again.  this  is  brooke.  she  says  things  with  snark,  but  behind  that  snark  .  .  .  there's  a  lot  of  love  there.  she  might  not  always  be  willing  to  admit  it  .  .  .  but  the  jake  knows  it's  true.  ❝  hey,  ❞  he  sounds  mildly  offended  instead  of  the  rage  he  would  feel  if  anyone  other  than  her  had  made  that  kind  of  comment,  ❝  i  think  a  lot.  i  just  usually  don't  let  people  know  about  it  .  .  .  it's  easier  that  way.  ❞  keeping  people's  expectations  low  was  something  that  jake  thrived  with.  he  loved  proving  people  wrong,  even  if  they  weren't  always  as  invested  in  what  was  going  on  with  the  situation  as  he  was.  ❝  but  like  i  was  saying,  i  think  we  need  to  figure  out  this  whole  .  .  .  scary  killer  thing.  i  don't  love  feeling  on  edge  in  my  own  fucking  home.  ❞
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scarechords · 1 year
ANA FLORES: ' it's too late for me now. ' / @mysticwrit
ㅤIT'S NEVER BEEN IN HIS NATURE TO GIVE UP. to turn tail when the cards don't fall in his favor. even now , after a brief encounter with the butcher's chainsaw has left his leg a bloodied mockery of itself , tendons and ligaments alike torn through like butter , he will not stop. not while the throes of life , weak as they are , cling to his friend.
ㅤa groan rises in his throat as he loops her arm over his lean shoulders and hoists them both to their feet , relying on the last remnants of his adrenaline to keep himself steady. sonny's never been the strong sort , relying more on wiry strength than pure muscle , and he finds himself struggling even with her slight weight when his own body has been ravaged so thoroughly , the hitchhiker's blade making quick work of his skin.
ㅤstill , he presses on through the pain. not for himself. never for himself.
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ㅤ❛ just hold on, ❜ he mumbles , vision blurring as he guides her aimlessly through the labyrinthine basement. he can't see where he's going , but neither can he simply stop moving. ❛ just . . . a little longer , i promise. ❜
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@mysticwrit said: ❛ close your eyes and hold out your hands. ❜ emma for abi!
               nothing   good   ever   came   out   of   surprises,   at   least   not   in   abi’s   mind.      the   last   time   her   parents   tried   to   throw   a   surprise   birthday   party,   everyone   jumped   out   and   yelled,   and   abi   stumbled   back   so   bad   she   broke   her   ankle   and   had   to   wear   a   cast   for   several   weeks.      now   this   may   not   be   the   same   magnitude,   but   it   still   had   the   possibility   to   go   horribly   wrong.      like   if   emma   is   playing   a   joke   on   her,   and   puts   some   kind   of   gross   bug   in   her   hand.      always   the   pessimist,   abigail �� was.
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               ❝   i   don’t   like   that   idea   at   all.      how   about   you   just   tell   me   first   and   then   i’ll   decide   if   i   want   to   hold   whatever   you’ve   got   hidden   behind   your   back?   ❞
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grimfate · 2 years
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@mysticwrit​ says:  ‘ i think you owe me an apology. ’ (for jamie & charlie if that's cool!) 
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          whoever  said  that  glasses  were  protective  gear  against  the  elements  was  a  fucking  liar.    the  cold  autumn  breeze  slips  beneath  his  frames  and  mercilessly  stings  his  eyes,  whips  at  his  cheeks,  scalds  the  tip  of  his  nose.    it's  only  october,  but  chicago's  near - constant  rain  has  already  made  for  a  particularly  chilly  season.    his  one  reprieve  from  the  icy  rain  pelting  down  from  above  is  the  umbrella  held  over  his  head,  fingers  gripping  the  handle  tightly  against  the  gusts  of  wind  threatening  to  blow  it  away.  
          he  clears  his  throat  absently,  shifts  his  weight  between  his  feet.    wet  grass  squeaks  and  squelches  in  protest,  and  he  chides  himself  for  wearing  his  nice  shoes.    as  nice  as  he  can  afford  with  such  lackluster  income,  that  is.    he'd  really  thought  that  last  episode  would  be  the  one,  the  perfect  break  they'd  all  been  waiting  for  to  drag  them  out  of  mediocrity  and  into  the  big  leagues  —  but  it  wasn't  his  first  time  being  wrong,  and  it  certainly  wouldn't  be  his  last.  
            there's  not  a  moment  that  passes  in  which  he's  not  saddled  with  regret,  be  it  a  mere  twinge  or  a  full  breakdown,  for  accepting  du'met's  offer  at  face  value.    for  bull - headedly  dragging  his  crew  to  that  island.    for  being  such  an  overbearing,  raging  twat  about  footage  and  professionalism  and  his  goddamn  cigarettes.    looking  back,  it  all  seems  so  unimportant,  so  characterisically  asinine.    but  he'd  always  made  such  stupid  demands,  hadn't  he?    always  treated  his  crew  with  less  respect  than  they'd  deserved.    he  could  count  on  both  hands  the  number  of  times  he'd  shown  genuine  appreciation,  or  gone  out  of  his  way  to  compliment  an  employee  on  the  fine  work  they  were  doing.  
          well...  too  little,  too  late,  he  supposes.    a  ray  of  light  peeks  warily  from  behind  the  clouds  and  draws  his  attention  downward.    she  happens  to  catch  his  eye.    i  think  you  owe  me  an  apology,  she  says,  clear  as  day.    his  breath  hitches  in  his  throat,  lean  shoulders  tensing.    their  personalities  were  oddly  similar  in  ways,  but  their  differences,  more  often  than  not,  shone  through  —  she,  outspoken  and  stubborn  as  a  mule,  and  he,  withdrawn  and  insecure  to  a  fault.    what  should've  brought  them  together  put  them  staunchly  at  odds.  
          i  think  you  owe  me  an  apology.  
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          several  seconds  pass  before  he  nods  slowly.    '  yeah,  '    he  finally  mumbles,  the  word  no  more  than  a  breath  passing  his  lips.    his  knees  protest  as  he  bends  down  and  props  a  small,  albeit  striking  bouquet  of  magnolias  against  the  headstone  he  reads  once  a  year:    '  JAMIE  TIERGAN  -  1996  -  2022  '.    he  sniffs  idly  as  he  draws  himself  to  his  full  height  again,  pulling  his  cap  further  down  his  forehead.    '  yeah,  i  know  i  do.  '  
        he  intends  to  give  it  in  person  someday.  
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scoopstrooptm · 9 months
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       “ They say the truth will set you free. ” It was a noble goal, and Robin honestly admired the girl's tenacity. It took a certain kind of determination to pursue the truth in the face of so many naysayers. “ But, forgive me if I misheard you or anything, but your mom didn't die here, right? So why come to Hawkins? There are no scenic hiking trails here I'm afraid. Only row upon row of corn fields. ”
🎁 / @mysticwrit + veronica 63. zero, imagine dragons
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leighiche · 10 months
"i want more time." from bree!
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"I know." She can't bring her voice above a whisper. She's talked about this endlessly with Jamie. Once already has she said goodbye to her daughter, prepared to never see her again. Since then, fate brought her daughter back to her, and she could share not just memories and pictures, but her, with her father, Jamie. Now, she has to do it again and fight against every fiber of her body that is screaming at her to stay and that she will find a way to help her baby girl. Regrettably, Claire know she can't. She cannot control every variable in her surgery so that it is completely safe for an infant. "But your daughter deserves more time with you."
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lifesver · 1 year
@mysticwrit said: " it's too much, i'm gonna be sick." julie!
he thinks he'll be sick, too. leland inhales shakily, turning his eyes away from what was absolutely a dead body. flayed of skin, until there was nothing but dark red sinew — hard to connect the grisly image to something that used to be human. something that was a very real possibility in their future, if they couldn't find their way out of here. but there's no escaping it — the thick smell of rot permeating the already-airless basement.
leland pauses, summoning his best attempt at stoic when he turns to face julie, hands coming to steady her at the shoulders. he gently bumps their foreheads together with a weak laugh — which is all he can do not to cry. even in the end, his voice still catches the tremble; ❝ h — hey, jules, i know. i — i know it's scary. just... try not to think about it, okay? lets just keep going. we can do this. ❞ they have to, they have no choice. he offers her his hand — to help her step around the haphazard lump of gore blocking the corridor — and a flimsy smile. not his most convincing show of bravery to date. ❝ you can stay behind me, if you want... just — don't look. we're gonna find the others, and get out of here. i — i promise.❞
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enviral · 2 years
@mysticwrit​   sent   💬  for a randomized dialogue starter. 
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          SHE'S  STUBBORN,  THAT'S  FOR  SURE.    i  wasn't  too  keen  on  taking  a    newbie    out  in  the  field  ,    didn't  want  to  feel  saddled  by  the    weight  of  responsibility    in  the  event  that  something  went  wrong.    well    —    no  ,    i  guess  that's  a  lie.    the  responsibility  has  never  been  the  problem.    managing  the  loss    afterwards  ,    eternally  wondering  if  i  could've  done  something    different  ,    something    better  .  .  .    that's  what  i  wasn't  ready  for.    it's  something    nobody    should  have  to  be  ready  for.  
          thankfully  ,    she  left  me    pleasantly  suprised  ,    able  to  hold  her  own  in  combat  and  lithe  as  anyone  i'd  seen  in  years.    we'd  only  been  tracking  small  fry  as  part  of  her  test  ,    but  i  could  tell  by  her    restless  movements  ,    almost    agitated    in  nature  ,    that  she  wanted  something    bigger.    only  now  did  i  stop  to  realize  that  i    didn't  know  anything    about  this  girl  ,    never  stopped  to  read  her  file.  
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            granted  a  moment  of  respite  after  the  final  target  falls  ,    i  wipe  remnants  of  its    oil  -  black  ichor    from  my  face  ,    and  it  smears  messily  across  the  back  of  my  glove.    another  day  ,    another  trip  to  the  laundromat.      ❛❛    why  would  you  want  to  put  yourself  through  something  like  this?    ❜❜  
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shadowbrn · 10 months
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❝ it was fun when we were young, but now we're older. ❞
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@mysticwrit sent from kaitlyn ka to tyler lockwood ( rollercoaster by the jonas brothers )
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@mysticwrit has liked for abigail blyg w/ emma mountebank.
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               ❝   look,   you’re   the   one   with   NAILS,   not   me.      unless   you’ve   got   tweezers   in   your   pocket,   it   has   to   be   YOU!   ❞      normally   abigail   wouldn’t   let   a   simple   splinter   bother   her,   but   it   was   in   a   PARTICULARLY   painful   spot   in   her   palm.      on   her   DOMINANT   HAND   too,   so   splinter   removal   was   essential   right   now.      here   at   camp   abi   liked   to   keep   her   nails   short   to   avoid   them   breaking   off,   and   also   just   for   easier   maintenance.      emma   though,   she   kept   up   her   nail   care   so   she   was   the   only   one   who   could   actually   potentially   GRASP   at   the   tiny   edge   poking   out   of   her   skin.      ❝   it’s   really   painful   emma,   PLEASE?      don’t   make   me   suffer   another   hour   on   this   hike   with   a   splinter.   ❞
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deadlynightshcde-a · 2 years
Happy New Year! Your blog aesthetic is so gorgeous and your writing is such a joy to read. I hope 2023 is kind to you <3
you are so sweet, oh my gosh! i adore seeing you on my dash. you are also such a fantastic writer. i hope you have an amazing 2023! 🖤
2022 is coming has come to an end! is there anything you want to tell the mun?
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dolcesuono · 2 years
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@mysticwrit said: just popping in to tell you that you're an incredibly talented individual and i always enjoy seeing you on my dash, whether it's your writing (impeccable, for the record) or just your ooc posts. i hope you have a wonderful new year <3
JEN!!!! I LOVE YOU AND THANK YOU!!!!!!!! we haven't written together enough lately but i always appreciate you on my dash and i hope you have an amazing new year!!! (we should write more on any of blogs is what i'm saying ;D )
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trahns · 2 years
@mysticwrit:      “You can’t just act, you have to listen.” laura for ryan!     /     accepting.
his gaze is shifted towards laura,   frustration on his face,   but it’s not from her.   he huffs out a breathe of air,   trying to focus.     ❛    yeah,   i know.     ❜    that’s almost said as if it was his mother nagging him to ‘ make sure to do the laundry! ‘   his mind is racing,   and it’s SO hard to think,   and it’s SO hard to listen.      ❛    to act you have to think  ...  hard to think and listen.     ❜     said defensively,   not wanting laura to see him fragile.   i know how to protect myself,  he almost says,   looking away from the girl.
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enternecers · 2 years
michael stirling ( @mysticwrit​​​​ ) said: ❛ can’t sleep? ❜
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       she  was  startled  by  his  voice,  hand  resting  on  her  chest  as  her  heart  raced  in  surprise.  ❝  oh,  michael!  you  gave  me  a  fright!  ❞  perhaps  it  was  her  fault  as  chiara  should  have  been  paying  more  attention  to  her  surroundings,  especially  seeing  as  it  was  so  late  at  night.  but  the  woman  had  been  distracted  with  her  thoughts,  pondering  over  business  and  how  everything  seemed  to  be  going  wrong  in  the  ton.  ❝  it  has  been...  a  troubling  week,  i  suppose  is  the  best  way  to  describe  it,  ❞  she  whispered,  smiling  at  him.  ❝  so  no,  i  cannot  sleep.  i  like  strolling  around  at  night,  the  breeze  helps  with  my  busy  thoughts.  are  you  struggling  with  the  same  problem?  or  are  you  on  your  way  to  one  of  those  marvelous  clubs  i’ve  heard  so  much  about?  ❞  the  raven-haired  modiste  added,  taking  a  step  closer  to  him.
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temporalmystusions · 9 months
I keep meaning to post my fics here... It's been a while since I've wrote anything though ahahaha Summary: Emu wanted to take Parad out shopping. Parad only agreed so he could get a new game.
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