#mystro ask game
sixthwater · 1 year
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sixthwater · 1 year
AstroGame: What energy does your chart give off?
Status: CLOSED❌
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This is not going the be the normal task of me looking at your placements and giving you an explanation/mini reading of your chart.
Basically, I'm going to use Clairsentience to look at your chart and give you a gif/image that best represents you! If you've ever read the asks I get on celebrity charts and saw me say that their chart feels sad or tense, that's what's happening. A good example is Hayden Christensen (someone I was asked to look over recently). Despite not having a birth time so I couldn't specify why exactly it felt like this, immediately gave off this energy:
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which is pretty neat!
What will I need?
Place & Time of Birth.
Doesn't really matter how you write it (I'm familiar with military time), as long as I have all the necessary information. If you don't know your time, I can still try.
As for keeping your information private, we'll be doing the two ask system. You'll send the information with your initials/an emoji within one ask, and simply send your initials/an emoji alone for another
Ask 1: FOB's group chat. March 24, 1981 @ Midnight, I'm 🍏! Ask 2: 🍏
Who’s allowed?
You (obviously)
Public figures (poets, musicians, politicians, etc)
Yeah that’s about it
I will not be doing a mini analysis. Simply posting the image that best describes the chart. A simple but fun game!
and that's it! I'll reblog this again with a notification that I've closed submissions/requests! If you have any questions please don't hesitate to ask me!
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sixthwater · 1 year
Can I ask what does Sana twice birth chart look like? She's either a Libra/Scorpio rising (sorry if it's not much help lol)
Thank you
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sixthwater · 1 year
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sixthwater · 1 year
Ahhh shoot, use this one instead thank you, lmao
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sixthwater · 1 year
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sixthwater · 2 years
Hello!! thank you so much for hosting this game, it’s so unique!! If possible, I would like to request the ‘What people do you attract/are the most compatible with you’. My other anon ask will be “ma/🎉😯” thank you so much in advance, have a great day:)
Hello! Thank you for joining 🌸~!
Let's break down what I'll be looking at to reach my conclusions:
Sun, Moon, Rising (and it's aspects)
First house, Fourth house, Fifth house, Sixth house, Seventh House, Eighth house, Tenth house, Eleventh house
Any Stelliums
Also please note that when I drop my final conclusion of signs or elements, I mean people who carry that dominant energy or have that 'signature sign', not necessarily someone's sun sign.
Now let's get into it!
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Sun | Moon | Rising
I’m immediately getting some fire dominant people that would both be attracted to you and you would be compatible with them, which is pretty obvious. I think Leo’s would be very beneficial but I’ll get to that in the stellium section. Hm you actually have a pretty interesting chart but I’m getting ahead of myself. With just this combination, it’s definitely air and fire + Scorpio, because that’s the only extra sign that can put up with all of this energy. (I will be chipping away and adding signs as it goes on but the final answer will be at the end haha, the journey is just more fun).
You are more at odds internally with what gives you comfort versus what’s stimulating, in terms of how long groups of people are around you, or ‘ideas’ that keep your attention. So if we’re talking about someone going through a scene phase; they might go through that phase for a month and then go seek out a new group, but that upsets the desire for stability or a place that is consistent. It’s also a need for people to keep up with you intellectually as much as they can socially. Both your Moon and ASC/Rising are in social sections. Your ASC is willing to connect with many different ideologies, people, and soak their toes into new experiences to test it out themselves. Meanwhile your moon is more about one-on-one interactions, but prefers connections with others. It wants to understand others and be understood—to make sure everyone is heard. Both of these placements are socially charged, but it’s not superficial, they want to have a tight-knit community in a way or make sure everyone feels accounted for.
So the issue arises when the Moon needs to feel comfortable and apart of something, but it’s harshly aspecting Venus which does not want that and, by itself in it’s sign, is high energy and needs to constantly be active—which is not the case for your Moon either. Let’s go deeper?
Houses (1st, 5th, 6th, 7th)
Your Pluto in first is going to be attracting other Scorpio or Pluto influenced individuals. Then the Fifth house, it has a lot of bouncy energy in here—plus the sun is where it likes to be. The energy you exude makes you very light-hearted and sweet, but you’re very self-focused and creative. You enjoy having fun and people want to be involved in your life because of that.
So we jump to the sixth and suddenly there’s earth energy. It’s funny because this is alongside your stellium, so you exude this energy along with that light-hearted energy. So this just doubles down on the previous statement. Your sun is in a sign that often doesn’t think before it speaks, and your mars is in a sign that’s stubborn but hard-working.
Now let’s get into this descendant of yours, which Also has the ruler of the house going back into your fifth but I digress. Having this sign for your DSC, still gives you a fun energy, but more different than people expected. If they’re going from the fifth to the seventh, you’re more inquisitive than people expected. Action packed events aren’t enough to sustain you—they need to be able to hold a decent conversation with you to stay. However if you’re going from your ASC to your DSC, then you come off as bit more confused or scatterbrained than someone would expect. Your DSC is easily distracted and tries to hold fifteen conversations at one time, meanwhile your ASC can streamline thoughts a lot better.
We also have Saturn here, which paints this house in a new light. There’s a feeling that, with every relationship (platonic or romantic), you will need to learn a lesson in regards to yourself. Ignoring it or jumping the gun will result in a severe set-back and starting from zero basically, and considering where the ruler of Saturn is; it has to do with how you define yourself and what you deem important. Which leads me to:
Houses (4th, 8th, 10th, 11th)
The most interesting houses we have are your fourth, eighth, tenth, and eleventh so I’m kind of going to combine them
Basically all of this has water and earth energy. The eleventh is under an air sign, but it holds your moon, which just goes back into the eighth. So on a wider scale, you’re perceived as someone who is pretty reserved and has high standards for their surroundings, which falls in line with your moon...even your mars too. When people get to really know you, you’re very sensitive and searching for a deep connection with those around you. Which circles right back around to the first section in which you need to feel connected to the groups and environment that you’re in, but that clashes with your fast paced Venus that needs to constantly be entertained. You don’t give up these deeper parts of yourself to most people, if I’m being honest, but it causes a bit of harm when trying to find places to ‘nest’.
Got Stelliums? (+ thoughts)
That fifth.......there’s also a feeling of wanting to be who you are, liking what you like, expressing yourself the way you want, and being unapologetic about it—as of right now. However that fluctuates a lot because of the qualities that’s over your fifth (cardinal and fire).
There’s an overwhelming theme of finding yourself within your chart that can deal heavily with interacting with others and well, can’t really ignore the fifth when that also deals with figuring out and embracing your ego lol. You have a healthy outlet for channeling anything dealing with identity; whether it be through communication, art, fashion, etc—I don’t see an issue with that exactly. The issue starts with your Moon, Chiron, Jupiter, Node, and Saturn.
As I said before, your moon is not best friends with your venus because they’re asking for two different things right now. The way to soothe this is to figure out what exactly your venus wants so it doesn’t keep searching for something else to entertain itself. Chiron, being in the house of what we deem important / the one thing we refuse to give up? Says to me that a key element in a lot of this is to take those lessons that I was mentioning from Saturn earlier and applying them here. It’s either re-evaluating what you were taught to be important or to sort through your relation to the material world to see if you need to flip it upside down—basically doing a decluttering of sorts for your values, because not everything of the second has to be physical. That aspecting Jupiter gives the feeling that it will lead into either you struggling with giving too much or too little of yourself because you’re struggling with these issues, but sorting through this or at least being aware will help soothe it a little. The Node & Saturn being here are basically just repeating that this is a lesson for your self-growth, it’s not meant to be a terrible placement, but the more you deal with...people that are not ideal—try and remember that you can turn those into lessons for your own benefit. If it could’ve taught you something, then use that to strengthen yourself, if not, well you have a packed fifth house and a moon in the eleventh. Time to channel that energy into making yourself feel good after you take time to heal from it. This wasn’t supposed to even be in this section but I literally couldn’t ignore it and I cannot help but use charts to help heal but also this is ALL to lead to my conclusions so:
Placements you attract/are attracted to: Air + Fire energy, Scorpio
Placements you’re compatible with: Sagittarius, Leo, Aquarius, Pisces
Placements that would be good for you: Water + Earth, Definitely Capricorn, Libra
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sixthwater · 2 years
Hi it's 🍑 and I just read the reading you did for me and girll 💀💀💀
I've never read descriptions about me that's so terrifyingly ACCURATE. There's hardly anything off about it 😭 Even from the first paragraph I had to stop reading to process how accurate it was :'D
I've noticed I mirror people too much (without realizing) but I didn't know it's written in my placement--what?! 💀 crazy stuff
Also i've only dated air and fire sign so far. And I also think Earth will be most compatible with me. So again, spot on.
Girl you've got skills. Mad skills. Just wondering if you're secretly a psychic cause damn.
Thank you so much love <33
Thnk u,,,,,so much,,,,,
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sixthwater · 2 years
Hello! thank you for the fun game! If it's okay I'd like to request ‘What people do you attract/are the most compatible with you’. My other ask will be "m/🍑"
Thank you for your time. Have a nice day!
Hello! Thank you for joining 🥝~!
Let's break down what I'll be looking at to reach my conclusions:
Sun, Moon, Rising (and it's aspects)
First house, Fourth house, Fifth house, Sixth house, Seventh House, Eighth house, Tenth house, Eleventh house
Any Stelliums
Also please note that when I drop my final conclusion of signs or elements, I mean people who carry that dominant energy or have that 'signature sign', not necessarily someone's sun sign.
Now let's get into it!
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Sun | Moon | Rising
**So I have to run your request a little differently because of the information here. It’s still somewhat possible for me to read and assess this on the surface, but while all of your planets stay the same, your asc shifts which throws the houses—meaning it changes up the flavor of everything lmao. So I’m not really going to focus a lot on houses or anything but considering you have such a hefty stellium no matter what, it’s not bugging me too much considering what I’m reading
So you have duo Libra at play here, which means you there’s not a struggle between what you present yourself as, what you desire, and what makes you happy. It helps that that’s the majority of your chart, but it also might cause problems, which I’ll get into. You’d enjoy someone who is playful but knows when to be serious, can take a joke but doesn’t go too far—there’s a lot of “they should be this but alllssooo this”. Besides that you’re pretty easy to get along with and relatively relaxed? Depending on what house this stellium is sitting in, I see a slight problem, but I’ll speak about it at the end!
As for your flippable rising: being in between the ending and beginning of the zodiac is very interesting because the degree for one was at the very end and the other is at the beginning so it’s reminding me of toddler’s when they learn how to walk, but either way your chart deals heavily with interacting with others and that’s incredibly important. All that to say: earth would be very good for you.
Chart Layout
So the bottom of your chart is just Empty. Meaning how you operate is focused on interacting with others on a personal level, and within a community / a larger scale. However that half is mainly just generational planets or ones that will play a role in learning lessons throughout your life. Another thing to note is that a majority of the planets on the sphere that’s going to be interacting with others is nestled in quite nicely—meaning: besides a few small bumps, a planet is in their sign within their house. They’re working great. Someone to actively interact and engage with you but also not overload you would be great, and I’ll get into why.
Got Stelliums? (+ thoughts)
Absolutely your Libra stellium shocked me lmao. Outside of your stellium, there are two planets that can give you a little balance (hehe) because they can strengthen you and keep you in your own shoes, but besides that I can see this tipping you a little bit.
Your mercury combined with this energy can result in two things: being really aware of what you’re saying because you want to make sure it comes out exactly how you want it, or making you stumble over your words because you get too excited. However I’m seeing a lot of ‘oooh you’re so right’ every single time someone says something, even if it contradicts the person before them. It’s not from a stance that you don’t have any beliefs yourself, but you like interacting with others. It helps you uncover a bit of yourself as well as strengthening your skills in debates or communication (like when people finish someone’s sentence).
With chiron and the node here, it’s slipping a bit into mirroring. There will be experiences of not having the most fulfilling relationships because there’s not a firm sense of self outside of it yet, or it easily folds depending on who it is. Your mars and jupiter comes to your rescue depending on how backed against the wall you are, because your mars is able to constantly pull from what seems like a never-ending well and it can be ruthless as hell if it needs to be to preserve itself. Meanwhile your jupiter is making sure it fulfills itself by aligning to the right morals or ethics depending on the native. So those two are able to pull your stellium back when it gets too lost.At the same time you also, literally mirror people’s traits without realizing it. Fundamentally, it’s when you’re interacting with people and you’re engaging—and in those small pocket moments that you pick up on their quirks—might annoy them. It’s really just the feeling of someone who is just coasting until you back them up against the wall but tends to get lost themselves sometimes if someone really catches their eye, but they can use these qualities to their strength.
Placements you attract/are attracted to: Air signs, Fire signs
Placements you’re compatible with are good for you: Earth Signs
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sixthwater · 2 years
hello again! i just requested the analysis of what people do i attract/are the most compatible w me w the intials “ack” & my 🕯 emoji - thank you!!
Hello! Thank you for joining 💖~!
Let's break down what I'll be looking at to reach my conclusions:
Sun, Moon, Rising (and it's aspects)
First house, Fourth house, Fifth house, Sixth house, Seventh House, Eighth house, Tenth house, Eleventh house
Any Stelliums
Also please note that when I drop my final conclusion of signs or elements, I mean people who carry that dominant energy or have that 'signature sign', not necessarily someone's sun sign.
Now let's get into it!
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Sun | Moon | Rising
I seem to attract the same energy I fear LMAO. A quick glance is giving me air energy but we shall see by the end!
So there’s a bit to unpack here. Your Sun-Moon combo is working interestingly with your ASC / Rising. Your ASC gives others the impression of someone who is very tense and stressed out all the time, but that’s not what’s happening internally (I’m going to touch on that deeper during the house section, since it involves your DSC). So people have this perception of someone who is a little uncomfortable all the time and can’t relax, but if you reveal this about yourself at least that’s not necessarily true.
Both your Sun and Moon are in houses that tend to withhold information from others. So yes the childish and fresh energy of your sun sign is there, but it will only express events that happened on that Thursday afternoon when everyone went bowling so it’s not really a secret anyway. With your moon, it’s just more sensitive than it usually is. I find these moon signs tend to also be really friendly, jovial, and creative. Within this house, it’s like it’s constantly plugged in to feel everyone’s feelings on a deeper level and it’s a bit overwhelming. While your sun mainly has easy aspects, your moon is making a harsh aspect to a planet within your sixth that says to me ‘I really can’t stand fake stuff’. Once again, more in depth during the house section, but it’s despising having to wear a mask to be accepted.
Both your sun and moon are in an element that are usually looked to for a feeling of ‘refreshment’ and inspiration, but they’re both being a bit muted and having to figure out how to drive their car but with a stick shift. Then your ASC is stuck reading the manual to make sure everything is where it’s supposed to be so no one is starting the car with the confidence that they actually have. So someone to actually ask you about your day or your life, instigating conversations would be good, because you don’t do this on purpose.
Houses (1st, 5th, 7th, 11th)
So! As I said, people perceive you as being super anxious and uptight and worried most of the time. Or reserved and pretty quiet—typical stereotypes for your sign. The whole thing is that like any other rising and descendant your first and seventh house are working together very tightly. These risings are usually very chill and spacing out because they’re thinking about something else or deep in thought and they get reminded of something important, and because it’s important, they start exhibiting those qualities. The quiet, reserved, ~academia~ feeling is your seventh spilling over into your first a bit—definitely in your case considering it’s ruler is also in your seventh. There is a piece of you that is mainly concerned with the simplicities of life and what’s important, but you also have one foot in your daydreams at all times. All people need to do is ask and you’ll probably need to be nudged a bit to unload on them but you’re definitely a lot more talkative than they expect. With your mercury here, it’s really good to have a person who can keep up with you in conversations or understand what you’re trying to say—and considering your mercury’s sign? That’s going to be a load off your shoulder’s. The best result is that you can learn how to organize your thoughts / learn how to express yourself a little better or you’ll tend to admire people based on their mindsets. All that to say that: yes you will do well with someone who actively engages in conversation with you and gets you to open up LMAO
With your fifth and eleventh, it feels a bit reserved in a way. It’s also a feeling of being a bit traditional, but not stuffy. It’s kind of like a checklist of the people you want around you and if they can’t even get back three then what’s the point, and I think people probably pick up on that lmao. Plus with the opposing sign needing to have a safe spot and a close connection with those involved in their life, tending to want to leave a piece of themselves within any community or group they join—you really don’t want to invest in people that are not worth it. Especially with your moon residing in such a sensitive place as I mentioned before as well.
Houses (4th, 6th, 8th, 10th)
Honesty is also very important here with your fourth! With the energy going on here, it’s already sensitive. With the sign over your fourth, there would’ve been an encouragement of learning beyond what’s just in books (so street smarts, family values, interacting with different walks of life, etc). It’s heavy but it’s trying to not weigh itself down because it doesn’t want to see life that way, especially with one of the planets here opposing Jupiter in your tenth. There’s a tendency to make up for what was never given / displayed at a young age. It’s like the story of someone who was uncool in high school and then they come back at the high school reunion and they created like the hottest app that everyone there uses or something. In your case it’s a feeling of putting forth a happy-go-lucky persona and being a jack of all trades so you can connect with many people. (There’s that communication again)
As I said way back when, the sixth is giving your moon a little stress because it’s part of the energies you deal with daily, but it’s also the piece of you that people who kinda know you? Are gonna describe you as. There’s a bit of annoyance with your immediate surroundings / work environments on your end because there’s a lot of ‘standards’ that you don’t necessarily like to do because it takes away a bit of who you are (like customer service would be something that is...not necessarily Fun besides the obvious reasons). On the flip-side, people have their own built up perception of you which can get to be a little frustrating because it’s never brought up during conversation, it’s just assumed and that’s the end of the story.
So with your sun sitting in the eighth, it’s causing more friction because it’s not as loud as it usually is. Natives with this placement are used to digging into their own ego and figuring themselves out, so they don’t really worry too much about how other people perceive them, but the frustration sources from people assuming the most out of nearly nothing but appearance or small quirks. Your venus here in it’s position is also causing a lot more internal discovery and less outward expression unless forced out.
Got Stelliums?
There are no stelliums but closing thoughts! There is a lot of pent up authentic expression, until it bursts in a way that’s either harmful or at the wrong time—but besides that it’s like you’re figuring out a balance and until them you’re ‘hibernating’ (unless you’re forced out momentarily). I try not to touch on sensitive placements publicly or unless the person is prepared so I’m not going to do that now LMAO but concerning your fourth house: I’d look into it a bit more. After ruining my google search trying to find my own article, there are some very rare articles online that will combine their view of the placement with books to help overcome those challenges. You can also figure out the theme pretty quickly and figure out what type of book with particularly cater to your case (cause I mean, not every book is going to have our exact situation in mind to be fair but—). There’s a lot of strength in here but it’s being stifled by an idea of who you should be and how it should be manifesting for people, and that’s what needs to be sorted out in order for that strength to shine, cause it’s not necessarily lost.
Placements you attract/are attracted to: Scorpio, Earth signs, Leo Placements you’re compatible with: Leo, Libra, Scorpio, Gemini, Cancer + Pisces
Placing emphasis on the importance of communication so regardless, synastry needs to have strong mercury aspects idc what else it's got going on (or it can support your moon)
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sixthwater · 2 years
Hi I just sent the ask for what people do I attract/am compatible with, with the initials VAS🍒 thank you in advance!!
Hello! Thank you for joining 🌟~!
Let's break down what I'll be looking at to reach my conclusions:
Sun, Moon, Rising (and it's aspects)
First house, Fourth house, Fifth house, Sixth house, Seventh House, Eighth house, Tenth house, Eleventh house
Any Stelliums
Also please note that when I drop my final conclusion of signs or elements, I mean people who carry that dominant energy or have that 'signature sign', not necessarily someone's sun sign.
Now let's get into it!
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Sun | Moon | Rising
People that can challenge you is my first thought. It...is very funny because the joke I associate with this rising is: “Baby I'm not even here, I'm a hallucination”. That matches your sun as well, but your moon ruins all of that lmao. this placement Really cannot hold their cards well. Especially combined with the house it’s in—until you look at aspects.
The thing about your moon is that, with the sign itself, it’s very compatible. That sign doesn’t hold back and can be very straight-forward with their feelings. Then you put it in a communicative house so it’s just flowing very easily—at least it should be.
Firstly: it’s making harsh contact with mercury, and that’s in retrograde. It’s in a sign that wants to deliver it’s speech in a nicely typed up document, but it’s struggling to do that, and now it’s under more stress because it has to go through a different process of thinking and being filtered until it’s ready and even then it’s clashing with your emotions and the way you want to express them. Then your moon is also making contact with two planets that cause it to back itself up and question if it’s being childish / immature, which only makes itself explode. So there’s two switches: the cool kid leaning on the lockers, and then the highly emotional friend who is losing it for ten minutes but they’re good after that. It’s only having issues with the other two trying to work with it. You sun is sitting in a place to be constantly seen, which the sign itself doesn’t necessarily like because it’s ‘superficial’ in a way.
Definitely someone who would be dedicated to getting to know you—reading between the lines I mean. With your chart struggling to choose how to express itself (and who gets to drive the car) it can be helpful. So water signs, Aries, Gemini, Virgo...spit-balling for now.
Houses (1st, 5th, 7th, 11th)
The first house gives me a ‘glass half empty’ view of life. You try to view the world from an objective lens and see everyone as a collective (we’re all neighbors / we’re all connected). You don’t actively believe you know everything about someone, but you don’t get the same energy back and it bugs you. People see you as ‘delicate’ or needing protection, but that can be touched on in the next section. Moving to the fifth, we have more intellectual energy. It matches your moon—or I would say can help your chart a bit—because this part of your chart wants to have engaging conversations with a fun time. Like yeah the rage rooms are fun and all but trivia night? Just discussing current hot topics? That’d be nice you know.
The seventh and eleventh are probably a bit more easier to see for strangers. I think feeling comfortable in these energies are a bit of a struggle, but your DSC is just as dramatic as your sun so it just takes a bit of re-wiring and reassurance. Both signs here really would prefer to still be their own self while having the people they like in their life. Yes your DSC gets the reputation of being clingy or bratty, but it’s still fire. You shouldn’t smother it, and they will fight back or leave you behind. As for your eleventh, your friends adore you. Don’t forget that. I don’t see you being loud and enjoying an entire night out, but your trusted friends can probably get you to go out with enough nagging—but you do tend to enjoy those types of people (I am also a victim </3).
Houses (4th, 6th, 8th, 10th)
I want to start with your sixth house. Your have the third and sixth just going back into each other lmao. So, referencing two things:
People tend to notice this sweet, nurturing, yet ‘unstable’ energy within you—feeling the need to protect you (relating back to first house)
You are very aware of this, and are constantly trying to contain it (moon aspects)
So people tend to be drawn to that comfortable feeling you give off because it reminds them of home in a way. However, because your moon is sort of tied to things you have to deal with daily, you need to be around places/people that don’t disrupt your emotions in a bad way.
As for the fourth and eighth, we have earth! Honestly, a bit of a repeat. There’s a desire to not really have a lot of chaos unless you’re prepared for it. The planets sitting in your eighth actually match the planets in your eleventh well because this screams dedication. When people are allowed into your life, you make sure the connection gets what it needs. You don’t give a lot of attention to those you don’t care for due to that exact reason.
Then with the tenth, I mentioned it lightly before but who you are at your core is guessed almost easily, probably within four tries. It’s sort of because there’s a ‘spotlight’ placed upon you, it’s uncomfortable, you avoid it, it makes it more obvious. The house it’s in also accidentally adds more compatible flavor to the sign too. There’s a lot of “cool I’m glad you guessed my favorite color but do you know what my favorite movie was when I was a child” teas.
Got Stelliums?
There are no stelliums but the planets are somewhat spread out evenly, so that’s something to keep in mind. You have a decent mix of aspects meaning you'll be less affected by harsh synastry and it'll be easier to get used to those that 'annoy' you
**This is not translating to: put up with people who treat you poorly. It simply means, 'hey, if you meet a new friend who you gotta break down communication a bit more to start understanding how you guys work' , that won't be that big of a deal to you within a couple of weeks if you want to really be friends with them
Placements you attract/are attracted to: Fire signs, Earth Signs, Cancer Placements you’re compatible with: Virgo, Libra, Water Signs, Taurus, Aries, Gemini
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sixthwater · 2 years
Hii this is VAS🍒 and for the feedback this reading I think was pretty accurate how you read my chart was really accurate and I can agree with who I’m attracted to/attract and who I’m compatible with based on real life experience lol but yeah thanks for doing this and have a great day/night
I'm glad it resonated with you!
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