#myth & kat read ccity
spaceshipkat · 2 years
a tiny psa for all my new followers: if you’re here for anything other than book critique, starting on February 15th, you can blacklist the tags “myth and kat read hosab”, “anti hosab”, and “anti ccity”, as those will be quite busy tags while i do my live-read of the book with Myth
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longsightmyth · 4 years
“I bought you, and now I set you free, Lehaba.” (Pg 701, hardcover)
I’m sorry why did you not fucking free her the second it happened, you SELFISH ASSHOLE PRICKFACE. So much for FRIENDS. So much for BEING A GOOD PERSON WHO HATES SLAVERY.
Bryce is pretty much as bad as every other slave owner at this point. Like. What, were you keeping Lehaba in RESERVE? Were you waiting for the RIGHT MOMENT? Did you just want to do it in front if other people so they could see how (supposedly) SELFLESS you are?
Bryce is dead to me. “Oh but I’m freeing you” why didn’t you do it in the first place you ASSHOLE, the SECOND you managed to buy her, what was your ducking excuse for waiting? Was there too much paperwork? Would it take time from your pity party to fill it out?
I swear to god. Fuck this book.
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spaceshipkat · 2 years
With the Alien cameo in the acotar universe and now Ricetrash in CC I'm extremely confused by the timeline/universe we're in. CC is super modern and futuristic but acotar and tog are almost medieval (I say almost because if the anachronistic stuff like leggings, some books and flushing toilets). Do all three series happen at the same time in different parts if the world? Or is CC set in the future and we see Ricetrash because he's immortal? There are also greek names in acotar (Kallias, Ataraxia) and latin inspired names/lore in CC which imply that our world has existed/exists in their universe? Does that still count as high fantasy? Also I don't remember who it was, Faerug or Alien, but didn't they find an Alice in Wonderland book in the library? (maybe I'm confusing this with another series tho)
sj///m has described CCity as her first two series but thousands of years in the future, but i'll be able to give a better answer when i reach the scene where Bruce encounters rhysand, since that'll tell me if she travels back in time or just to another world. at the moment, i think it's safe to say that sj///m just doesn't bother planning a single thing and can therefore not make up anything of her own since she has no established in-world rules behind things like naming systems.
but yes, high fantasy just means that it's set in a world not our own. it can have things we have, including names, though there still needs to be some logic behind it. epic fantasy is the same: a different world from ours, though it can have things we do, such as names or government systems or weapons.
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spaceshipkat · 2 years
Thank you for reading CCity so I don’t have to 😄
bahaha you are most welcome 😘 if i'm being honest, it's actually pretty fun to live-read the books on here. if it wasn't, i wouldn't do it since it does take a lot of time (especially bc i both share excerpts and write a detailed recap of each chapter), so i'm...excited?
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spaceshipkat · 2 years
ngl my chapter recap posts do make my reading slower, but they’re so helpful bc now i don’t need to reread the entirety of h0eab to remember what happens before Myth and i read h0sab next month (and yes i’ll be doing chapter recap posts for h0sab!)
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spaceshipkat · 3 years
on the note of all my reblogs, yes i will be live-reading house of sky and breath on here
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spaceshipkat · 3 years
“Gwyn’s doing well,” Cassian said, nodding to the archway where the priestess had disappeared. “She’s a nice girl.”
Nesta had learned that Gwyn was twenty-eight—indeed, just a girl to him.
but Nesta, who is, what, 25? 26? is a woman to him. this. makes. no. sense. sj///m your own fucking rules make no sense. how do you even keep shit straight in your head? 
for the record, though, Nesta is very much more a mid-twenties voice than Bruce was (i was 25 when i read CCity, which is the age Bruce is for the majority of the book, and i’m 26 now as i read ac0sf, so yeah, i know how people my age act)
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spaceshipkat · 3 years
i think the reason i was able to read CCity faster than i have ac0sf (it literally took me just ten days to read CCity, while i’m coming up on about a month for ac0sf) is bc CCity actually had a plot compared to this. ac0sf, thus far, doesn’t. it’s just random training montages, random meetings with random people, random sex scenes, and random moments of blind fury-making
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spaceshipkat · 4 years
“Aidas,” [Bruce] said softly.
Hunt had always imagined the Prince of the Chasm as similar to the lower-level demons he’d hunted over the centuries: scales or fangs or claws, brute muscle and snarling with blind animal rage.
Not this slender, pale-skinned … pretty boy.
Aidas’s blond hair fell to his shoulders in soft waves, loose, yet well cut around his fine-boned face. Undoubtedly to show off the eyes like blue opals, framed by thick, golden lashes. Those lashes bobbed once in a cursory blink. Then his full, sensuous mouth parted in a smile to reveal a row of too-white teeth. 
i wonder if sj///m is aware of how queer this description of Aidas makes Hunt sound (and Aidas isn’t the only male character Hunt describes and looks at like this. it even happens with Micah, who is also the man who owns Hunt) 
oh, there’s also this, from later on in this scene: 
Hunt leveled a stare at the prince. [Bruce] threw Hunt a sidelong glare, the effect of which was negated by her chattering teeth.
Aidas smiled, looking him over again. “A Fallen warrior with the power of …” Aidas’s groomed brows lifted in surprise. His blue opal eyes narrowed to slits—then simmered like the hottest flame.
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spaceshipkat · 3 years
[Nesta] faced the city—the lovely, vibrant city. None of it seemed as vibrant as what waited above. The climb would be brutal, and almost without end, but at the top…Cassian would be waiting. As he had waited for her for years now.
Nesta smiled. And began the climb.
Bruce is that you?
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spaceshipkat · 4 years
"just once–JUST ONCE–i would like a female character to be introduced without “beautiful” or “stunning” or “gorgeous” or “pretty” tacked on" I mean, she does do it sometimes. When they're lesbians. (Yes I'm still bitter about the lesbian princess in tower of dawn being described as ugly over and over)
me rescuing every wlw
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spaceshipkat · 4 years
i know sj///m has talked about going to therapy herself before, but the way she writes about it is tinged with disdain: 
Juniper had been seeing a therapist since she was a teenager and would tell anyone who would listen about how vital and brilliant it was.
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longsightmyth · 4 years
Sarah Janet: I have made A Fae
Me: you made shitty elves is what you did. Look at them. They give a damn about humans at large.
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spaceshipkat · 4 years
on that note, it’s really, really, really emotionally draining to read from the conquerors’ POVs and really, really, really disturbing to have sj///m try to convince us that humans fighting to free themselves from slavery is worse than Hunt killing bc Micah tells him to
and if i’m being honest, Hunt’s cause is the most disgusting, since he didn’t fight for freedom the way humans are doing so. he did bc he loved Shahar and Shahar wanted to fight back against Sandriel, who killed their parents. there is nothing equal between the 18th’s rebellion and the human’s rebellion
but seriously, reading about how evil the humans are and how good the conquerors are? it fucking drains me of energy. i need to figure out a way to separate myself from it bc i don’t think i can survive reading this nightmare
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spaceshipkat · 4 years
Hunt ground his teeth. Had he been this out of touch with reality when he’d followed Shahar? Had it been this level of fanaticism [the same that Briggs displays for the human cause] that prompted him to lead the angels of the 18th to Mount Hermon? In those last days, would he have even listened to anyone if they’d advised against it?
ah yes, bc trying to fight for your freedom is fanaticism. 
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spaceshipkat · 4 years
Even being told, over and over, that she had the wrong body type hadn’t stopped her from loving to dance.
please note that we don’t know what kind of body type Bruce has yet. my guess? she’s too short to be a ballerina. that, or she’s too thin. 
actually, my money is on her being too thin
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