#myungji icons
dyukkie · 6 years
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ouishi-blog1 · 7 years
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/ myongji icons
pics  © pinkrain1009
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rvartemis-blog · 7 years
episode three
weekly challenge
732 words
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Going into the third episode, Hana is a little apprehensive. She feels as if she shouldn’t be - she’s currently second place in the Girls Ranking, which is a guaranteed spot in the final group, and her team came out on top on the previous episode, so most people would probably think that she should be revelling in her achievements at this point. The thing is, though - she’s scared. The previous week’s challenge, having to learn eight fucking songs and perform four took it’s toll on her much more than she or the cameras let on, and she’d still a little tired. Not only that - she’s worried that if that’s what they’re going to throw at the kids for week two, how much worse is this week going to be, or the week after? She really doesn’t want to pass out from exhaustion, or injure or embarrass herself on national television working herself too hard.
Initially, when the challenge is announced to the group, she has mixed feelings - blessedly, they’re only learning and performing one song (perhaps the showrunners have learnt from the previous week and decided to cut them a little slack?), but it’s a debut song, and she doesn’t know whose yet. There are so many iconic groups that have disbanded recently, what with the so-called ‘seven-year curse’ of contract renewal hanging over almost every second generation group’s heads, and the prospect of having to cover the debut of a group such as Kara, Rainbow, or, god forbid, because that would be way too soon in the public’s minds, Haze was, as you might think, a little of a daunting concept.
When names come to be called, Artemis is announced first for ‘Russian Roulette’, and, though she spends a second with an imaginary question mark over her head as she confuses it with Iris’ song of the same name, she is pleased with her song allocation. Spica as a group weren’t particularly popular (as shown by her own Iris confusion, sadly for them), but they were a very vocally driven and powerful group. It’s perfect for her. Hana thinks Russian Roulette isn’t their best song by a long shot (’You Don’t Love Me’, anyone?), but it has plenty of parts and plenty of chance to show off her skills, while the dance isn’t too demanding. The song is perfect - the team, on the other hand...
The team is less perfect. The majority are fine (though she’s been keeping an eye on Mercedes since she found out she was mean to Taeha, a literal child), but Chanmi is bound to be problematic, after how she acted out last week. Hana decides to take prior action and speak to Chanmi before they start practising to encourage her not to be extra, and that plus the more democratic approach to the team seem to help, so thankfully, she ends up not being as much of a disaster as Hana had dreaded. The other girls work well together, and by the end of the week Hana feels they have a pretty solid performance.
On the day, things don’t go as well as she had hoped; she and Mercedes are killing the vocals (in a good way) if she does say so herself, and Yena is solid, but Chanmi’s voice, while it was never stellar, is much more unstable than in practice and Hana internally groans every time the girl’s voice cracks, wondering how it will affect their overall performance. Regardless, she’s proud of how she personally did, and retains a fourth place rank, however this isn’t good enough for Hana. It’s the lowest she’s dropped, and while she’s pleased to see Myungji thrive (if anyone had to steal her spot, she’d want it to be Myungji or Taeha), she’s incredibly disappointed in herself. After the ranking is posted, she drives herself mad wondering what could’ve made the judges or public think she warranted to be lower, as originally she’d felt she performed well. She refuses to let this show on camera, but once they’re back at the dorms she (somewhat selfishly, she understands) locks herself in the bathroom for an hour and refuses to come out until she’d got her head back on straight and her damp tissues have been flushed away, evidence that she lost her cool destroyed. After all, showing sadness might make next week’s rank even worse.
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rvraekyung · 7 years
IP3: 02 || Drabble
words: 601 recap: raekyung’s most important person in + out of the competition
As cliche and predictable as the answer may be, Raekyung’s most important person in his life is his mother. She was and continues to be his biggest fan and inspiration, supporting him every step of the way throughout his idol life.
She was the one who supported him when he took an interest when scouted; she spent many a night with him going over iconic choreographies just so he could have something to show those he was auditioning to. She was also the one who convinced his father to allow her and Raekyung to go on a shopping spree; the clothes Raekyung had weren’t necessarily bad but they were obvious hand-me-downs and although an audition usually centres itself around one’s talent, the appearance and the first impression from that also plays into it and his mother recognised that and did anything and everything she could in her power to make sure he made the best first impression possible.
Leaving his mother in Busan for the trainee life in Seoul was subsequently hard for Raekyung because they were so close. She still went to the very last moment with him; giving him a hug before he entered the company building for the first time as a signed trainee. She said some words to him that he has never forgotten; “Whatever happens, you’ll always be my star.”
He felt extremely accomplished when he made it into Hydra, confident that he had made his mother proud and hearing her voice filled with joyful emotions when he told her was confirmation of that. But, on the flip side, when he was pulled he couldn’t bring himself to call her right away because he was ashamed; embarrassed that he had let her down. She was understanding all the same though and told him to never give up and, for that, Raekyung was and always is extremely grateful.
When Raekyung entered the competition, he never thought he’d have any friends and would be the lone ranger of the trainees. A self-described introvert who had managed to push a few trainees back at DS away due to the need to outperform them, Raekyung was positive he’d never have any trainee friends. He was happy to see Sean though; a childhood friend that meant he wasn’t completely alone.
Things fell into natural succession after that; through Sean he had met Mirae and the girl from Gaia, Hana, had somehow joined their mix and suddenly he found himself in the midst of a group of friends. Myungji tagged along through Mirae but nonetheless, it was a group he was involved in. If he compared himself from the first few days of the competition where he was alone to the current time where he has those friends, the changes were significant already. Changing more into an extrovert, Raekyung had become a lot more outspoken and because of that he was able to make even more friends in the competition. Although it had only been two weeks, he felt a lot happier than he had in a year or so.
Through gaining the confidence he was able to speak to Spotlight’s Mercedes, finding something in common with her with both of them being previously dropped from a group lineup. That had reassured him too; he wasn’t the only person in there trying to prove something to their company.
Ultimately, although his mother remains the most important person to him overall, he can’t deny that in the competition Sean, Mirae and Hana are the most important people to him because they allowed him to open himself up more and grow as a person.
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