#n e ways this almost fulfills a joke prompt the besties mentioned on my last blog but i messed up and got too mushy on
3maeiri · 3 years
i'm just the right level of sleep deprived to take @softhyungkyun up on her joke prompt but here's a kihyun mlm (multilevel marketing) fic for u
"Even my aunt thinks it's a good idea, y/n." Kihyun was sitting across from you at the table. The dinner he made was mostly finished and getting cold at that point, but still you pushed around an errant grain of rice.
"You're aunt thinks minion memes are still funny, Kihyun." The risotto he made was good. Even the vinaigrette he made for the salad was nice. The garlic bread was a little burnt, though.
Kihyun exhaled slowly. His eyebrows were starting to pull together at your continued indignation toward his proposal. What even is Microbial Bio Life Gel (Patent Pending)? Sure, you have tennis elbow like any other 20-something, but how was slapping glorified aloe vera onto your arm going to heal microtears in your tendons? Your food was definitely cold now.
"My cousin in Houston told me about it, and it really works. You can even get a share of the company stocks!" And then he began pulling out binders filled with spreadsheets, reminding you that he has a friend with a Master's degree in economics.
Kihyun's friend is a menace to society for what he did. Currently, you're sat at a long conference table. The lights are dim so the projector can show the room infographics and sales reports. You love Kihyun, you really do, but right now you're one of the largest share holders at that dumb gel company and are obligated to sit in on share holder meetings. You never got to try their dumb gel, your tennis elbow is currently inflamed, and you don't even know how to sell your stocks so you can get out of these meetings.
Business is lucrative, if the quality of the presentation graphics is anything to go off of. Kihyun got out of the company pretty soon after you started getting more and more stakes in it. He said you could be the breadwinner now while he becomes the trophy husband you dote on at company parties. Luckily, he said this when you were out with friends because someone was able to hold you back before you jumped him. Yes, you still sidled up next to him with a blanket in hand when you got home that night and watched dumb movies together.
You're going to punch him when the meeting is done. You're also going to kiss him because he promised to make your favorite for dinner tonight. But mostly, you're going to punch him. The slides switch over and a guy who insists you call him Andy starts talking about wasted potential and opportunities for growth in untapped markets. You have a video of Andy drunk at a company party that affords you the ability to zone out entirely while he talks. All you want to do is actually try the product you're monetarily invested in, is that too much to ask?
If you don't have my food served on our nicest dishes when I get home from this meeting I am going to sell these stocks as soon as Hyunwoo tells me they're at their lowest, you plaster on a certified customer service smile and nod appreciatively to Andy's charts and graphs as you send off a quick text to Kihyun.
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