#n he just....doesn't know how to. n i'm gettin so tired of tryin to show him when he's fightin it all the way
kindacreepy-kindaugly · 6 months
i don't know what to do
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orange-waterfalls · 5 years
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@madameboxhead ty for the request
A/N: have an animated Captain Magnum as the picture. Uh... I finished this at 10pm... It may be a bit worse than usual. I tried to finish it quickly. I had fun w/this. Rated T for blood and injury and cursing and some suggestive stuff at the end... Only like one line, so... Eh. I don't think this counts as fluff or angst... So... Captain Magnum being a protective boi. It's short. Have fun.
Word Count: 1.4k
Captain Magnum likes protecting you. In his eyes, you're his precious piece of porcelain that will shatter if you drop it. His priceless jewel that will fall at the slightest movement. To him, you're fragile.
Even if you've told him hundreds of times that you can take care of yourself, he still feels the overwhelming need to defend you. He keeps you by his side every second of the day, he refuses to let you near anything that can be used as a weapon, and he carries you everywhere for fear that you'll trip. Sometimes it's nice to feel loved and defended. Other times, it's really annoying.
You love Magnum, you really do. You also love being able to walk around without the enormous man breathing down your neck. It's nice to be appreciated, but nobody needs this much affection. You want to learn to use a gun to protect yourself, but Magnum won't even let you do near a sharp pencil, much less a gun. You picked up a gun one singular time and he went into a panic. You learned to never even mention weapons around him.
But you learned.
You learned how to slip out of his grip at night to leave the bed. You learned where to step on the floor as to not make a creak. You learned where which room releases the least amount of sound so you can practice your sword fighting and shooting skills. You learned how to shoot by watching Magnum. You learned how to use a sword from some other crewmates. After a few months of practice, you were very good. You knew you couldn't just tell Magnum "Hey! I've been sneaking out at night to practice using dangerous weapons in a quiet room so you couldn't hear me! Wanna see what I learned?" No. That was ridiculous. You just need a chance to show him you can defend yourself… you need to get in trouble. Now, you're smart enough to not go looking for trouble. However, if it came, you would not be one to run from it. So when you see some pirates approaching in a ship nearby, you made no effort to tell Magnum. You just stood, watching for a bit. Once they were more or less a mile away, you decided to tell the captain.
"Uh… Magnum?" You call as innocently as you can. He walks over to you.
"Wha's th' matter, me darlin'?" He asks with a smile. That smile is soon wiped off of his face as he sees the approaching ship. He turns towards the crew. "Man yer battle stations!" He bellows. The crew all go different directions as Magnum leads you below the deck.
"Hey, maybe I could help you guys this time?" You suggest. Magnum smiles softly at you.
"Sweetheart, ye know how I feel about ye bein' around weapons…"
"Yes, I know, but I feel like I can-!"
"Dearest, I don't wants ye gettin' hurt. Jus' stay here 'til I come get ye." You sigh.
"Alright… I love you…" you give him a gentle peck on his cheek scar.
"I love ye too…" he strokes your cheek a moment before going back above deck. You heard his sword brandishing and clashing against others.
Meanwhile, you sat. You sat and waited for an opportunity to come. You didn't want to go above deck and make him angry, though he had never raised his voice at you. You didn't like seeing him upset. So, you'd just wait and see if something would happen. If it didn't, too bad. If it did, hell yeah. So, you waited.
And waited.
And got really bored.
You could still hear the fighting going on upstairs, but it didn't seem to be coming to an end. How long could it take, honestly? You sigh, and suddenly see a sword pierce the wood above your spot on the floor. You help in surprise.
"Ahoy! I heard somethin' down here!" You heard a male voice you didn't know say.
"Well, then go see wha' 'tis ye idiots!" Another, rougher, voice you didn't recognize says. You, suddenly going into flight-mode, hide behind a chest, covering your mouth. Two people walk down under the deck. You heard them walk around slowly, looking for you.
"Oi! Anyone down here?" The original voice you heard calls. "We won't hurt ye…"
"We might kill ye, though!" A female voice laughs. The first one joined in soon after. After about five minutes of them searching, your fear is replaced with annoyance. God, these people were morons. You decide to take matters into your own hands and stand up from your hiding spot, brandishing a gun you took with you. You cock the gun and whistle to get their attention. The pirates spin towards you, holding out their swords. Upon seeing the gun in your hand, they panic and drop them.
"Jeez, some lousy pirates you are," you say smugly. They frown, but put their hands up. You see the female start to reach behind her head, so you shoot her in the thigh. She yells out and falls to the floor. You roll your eyes. "My previous statement stands." You begin walking towards the pirates, but a gunshot through the wood above makes you jump and drop your gun. The unhurt pirate takes the opportunity to grab his sword and run at you. You stumble back and trip over the chest. He swings down at you, and you roll out of the way. You grab the other pirate's sword and hold it out.
"Oh, ye'll be quick t' beat," he says smugly.
"I doubt that, you stupid fuck," you snarl back. He frowns and, with a battle cry, runs at you.
Magnum is really worried about you. He's been fighting the multitude of pirates for a while now, and he wanted to check up and see that you were ok. He figured you'd be fine, but you never know.
Wait… was that a gunshot? And a scream from below deck? No… couldn't be… just in case…
He walks over to the stairs leading below deck, but he's blocked by three pirates all trying to fight him at once. He growls. Who did these bastards think they were, keeping him from his darling?
He continues fighting until all the pirates are either dead or tied up. He goes around to each member to make sure they're alright. They were wounded a bit, but mostly fine. Suddenly, a scream came from below deck. Magnum's heart started racing in fear and he ran over to the stairs. He took out his gun and went down the stairs.
"Y/N! Are you…" he doesn't finish his sentence because of what he sees in front of him.
There you are, standing over the bodies of two pirates. One has a bullet wound, and the other has a sword in his shoulder/chest. Dead or alive, he doesn't know or care. You have blood all over you, and all you do is wipe some of it from your lip onto the back of your hand. You look over at him and smile.
"Hey there, Magnum," you say sweetly. He blinks at you for a moment before running over to you, putting his hands on your shoulders.
"Are ye okay, beauty?" He asks in a worried tone, "Yer covered in blood!"
"Oh, it's not mine," you say. He stares at you.
"That's… better…" he looks at the floor. "Did ye do this all yourself?"
"Yeah! I did! I'm not fragile, Captain," you say. He sighs.
"Okay… um… I feel like ye're tryin' t' teach me somethin'..." You smile.
"I can take care of myself. I know you want to protect me, but I don't need you to be around me all the time."
"Ah… I see…"
"I do love you still, you're just… clingy, darling… do you understand?"
"Yes… I think I do…" he moves a hand from your shoulder to your cheek. You mimic the action, and he leans into your touch. You lean up and kiss him gently. He kisses back, pulling you against his body. You stay like that for half a minute before you pull back for breath.
"Y'know... When ye were standin' thar at first... I thought... 'twas kinda…"
"Hot?" You finish. His face flushes.
"Then, you better cherish this cause you probably won't see it again anytime soon…"
"Oh, I will..."
I'm so tired lol I need sleep
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