myfckingnameisnuwanda · 9 months
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Fam, I've done it again, I've color-coded the children.
They are on their way to eat some yummy cristals to grind all day after
If you haven't memorized which clone is which, meaning you are still sane for now, from left to right, ignoring Sang-U Jeong, they are number One (Yellow), number Two (Purple) and number Three (Turquoise)!
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tornbluefoamcouch · 2 months
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Artista: Dot Hacker Álbum: Nº3 Ano: 2017 Faixas/Tempo: 09/45min Estilo: Indie/Art Rock Data de Execução: 05/08/2024 Nota: 7,0 Melhor Música: C Section
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journalofanobody · 1 year
Leonardo Leo-Cello Concerto Nº3
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child-of-hurin · 2 years
Frevo nº3 (Antônio Maria) - Priscila Gama
Sou do Recife com orgulho e com saudade Sou do Recife com vontade de chorar O rio passa levando barcaça pro alto do mar E em mim não passa essa vontade de voltar
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gastronominho · 8 months
Santa Rita Estates traz novas opções de Cabernarios
Está na hora de conhecer o Cabernario Nº 3 e Cabernario Nº 5, dois vinhos da Sur Andino
Está na hora de conhecer o Cabernario Nº 3 e Cabernario Nº 5, dois vinhos da Sur Andino Os dois novos rótulos chegam para completar o trio de Cabernários, ao lado do já conhecido Nº 8, formando uma linha de tintos expressivos que atendem a um público que aprecia um vinho mais robusto. O Cabernario Nº3 é um blend único (Cabernet Sauvingnon, Cabernet Franc, Petite Sirah), persistente e fresco, de…
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ferrstappen · 1 year
paella en mallorca: spending time with your boyfriend's family was almost as good as having him for yourself.
mónaco : pero si hay algo que nos quedó es todo lo que pasó en Mónaco (but if there's something left in us then it's everything that happened in Monaco)
loving him is red: Charles’ girlfriend receives her first Grammy for Song of the Year, sadly enough the inspiration behind the song isn’t able to make it to the ceremony.
and the Oscar goes to: Charles and his actress girlfriend go to the Oscars, and he has to constantly reassure her.
AirPods and Princess George: a story of lost AirPods and Twitter memes.
titi we don't care: Charles can't seem to handle the fact a notorious singer took interest in you during Monaco GP.
Josephine, baby nº2 and baby nº3 Leclerc (dad!Charles)
the first one (dad!Charles):  Charles tries to prepare to be the best dad for his daughter, even if she’s just two days old.
aren't we supposed to surprise you? (dad!Charles): you somehow manage to overshadow Charles and Jo's gift.
LONG LIVE: Esteban Ocon (aka the biggest Spiderman fan, according to himself) tried to bribe his girlfriend for spoilers, but Marvel was just too good keeping their secrets (actress!reader)
august: every single one of her friends warned her that he was fresh out of a relationship. but she didn't care.
when we broke up series
the first time we broke up: it was easy to remember how you and Lando fell in love, but it kept getting harder for you to remember why you love him.
the second time we broke up: there were reasons to try again, but maybe not enough.
everybody wants a taste : Lando had never been the jealous kind, but after seeing you with many co-stars, he reaches his limit. and his girlfriend doesn't like it (actress!reader)
part ii
Amalia Norris (dad!Lando)
surprise! we are a family : this wasn't planned. you are basically children yourselves and why isn't getting pregnant at 24 not considered teen pregnancy? Now Lando is waiting to meet his baby and hoping he doesn't mess up.
meet & greet : Amalia's first time in the paddock to support her dad.
let me take care of it : when papa isn't feeling his best, baby Norris knows what she has to do.
daddy's a race winner : McLaren garage with baby Amalia in what appears to be Lando’s first win.
what happens with the kids?: Max really didn't have to find a girlfriend that soon after the divorce, and the fact that his girlfriend had a daughter of her own, didn't really help your case.
max, don't panic (driver!reader): your relationship with Max gets exposed in a non-conventional way, an accident.
max the wag: you can’t keep up with all the drama outside the track, but your boyfriend keeps you updated.
max the wag (again) max the wag (for the third time) max the wag: are we the drama? max the wag: caught in the middle max the wag: is taylor swift coming?
chicken soup: chamomile, green tea, honey, chicken soup, and your boyfriend was the best recipe to get over the flu.
primero llegó verstappen : Suddenly, Max isn't annoyed about being featured in a music video.
SLUT! : this isn’t your first time being a WAG, but people don’t seem to like the idea of you ending your relationship with Joe Burrow and falling in love with Max.
Mila & Luca Verstappen (dad!Max)
SAFE HAVEN: the Verstappen family and St. Barths
Disney World Break: Ahead of the Miami GP, Max and his wife take the twins to Disney World.
happy mother's day, sorry for the mess: Mila and Luca go rogue during Mother's Day, ignoring Max's plan.
unscheduled school visit: the twins’ teacher calls, the twins got in trouble. Max is in disbelief.
maxplaining 2.0: Luca Verstappen's first press conference during his karting career. turns out, he even speaks like his dad.
could you be more obvious? : you show up pregnant for the first race of 2024, just six months after Max won his 3rd WDC.
Accidentally referring them as "my" (MV1)
and whispering in their ears, "I love you" (CS55)
THE COLLECTION MASTERLIST: pieces inspired by Taylor Swift's lyrics.
all the years we stood there on the sidelines, wishing for right now (EO31)
wanting was enough, for me it was enough (LN4)
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justanamesstuff · 2 years
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Matty and y/n live together with their daughter Amelia. They had a thing for a while before finding out y/n was pregnant. The final decision was to continue the pregnancy, try co-parenting Amelia, living in the same house. At the same time, they stopped hooking up and stay as friends.
Everything worked better than expected until Matty had to leave for a month. Mother and daughter stayed at home. His returning came with realizations for Y/n. She started to feel the pressure of being the mother of Matty Healy's child, watching him go out with women -that aren’t her- and receiving harassment of public opinion for their life decisions. All while letting go her feelings for him, opening her heart for new love.
Blog MASTERLIST Read it on AO3
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Chapters list
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
↪ Chapter 8.5 (Matty's Version)
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Epilogue (Instagram AU)
Matty builds a fort for Amelia
Matty's emo set list dedicated to Y/n
Morning of chapter 9: Matty's thoughts and worries
Picking baby names
Amelia's first day of school
Matty's pissed because Arthur's friends fancy reader, and Mel has a boyfriend
Father's Day
Movie night
Matty and reader taking Amelia to Glastonbury
Baby nº3 name
Matty telling stories to the kids before bed
Jealousy strikes Amelia + cute moment
Matty gets banned from Malaysia and calls reader part 2
Has Matty in “All I Need” wrote any more songs specifically for (Y/N)? + (Part 2)
How’s Amelia associated with BFIAFL?
Amelia, Arthur & Ruth’s favourite songs from their dad
Ruth’s friends messing with her about how hot her dad is
Arthur’s friends thirsting over the missus, Matty doesn't take it well
Arthur misses Matty
Matty entertains the kids during tour
Matty carrying all the bags at the airport
Amelia's dad meets her boyfriend
Amelia and Arthur are scared something might happen to Y/n during her 3rd pregnancy
Instagram au before Ruth arrives
They get married (blurb 4.2 k)
Part of prequel
Y/n pregnant with Amelia
How/when did Matty realized that he was in love with Y/n
How Y/n tells Matty she’s pregnant
Aesthetic bit for Chapter 5
Wedding visions
Matty's and reader's screensavers
Pinterest board
More under the # all i need
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camille-lachenille · 16 days
One shot nº3 for the Silmarillion, solo for a gull
There is a gull circling the sky above Imladris, stark white against the blue sky. Elrond looks at the bird, wondering how it got lost so far inland; it probably followed the rivers and is now trying to find its way back, he muses, following the shape in the sky, restless.
“I never liked gulls,” a voice say, starting Elrond out of his thoughts. Celeborn is standing next to him, looking at the bird with a strange expression. “They’re so loud and dim.”
Elrond shrugs, his eyes drawn back to the gull. “I’m concerned for it, I wonder if it’ll find the sea again, its nest, its family. I hope so…” he looks at the settelment sprawling in the valley under them, half tents and half buildings covered in scaffoldings.
“Glorfindel needs you in the main hall,” Celeborn says after a beat, explaining his presence in the remote clearing. “Better not let him and Erestor unsupervised for too long, they might throw the walls down.”
Elrond quirks his mouth, already on his way to the settlement. “They wouldn’t dare upset me, you know how they can get.”
Celeborn snorts at that, the only sound he makes as he follows Elrond on the leaves covered trail downhill.
The gull is still there the next day, flying above the river and occasionally letting out a loud, laughter-like cry. Elrond finds himself distracted by the bird, looking up at it and smiling wistfully. A part of him missed this sound, omnipresent in his oldest memories. Celeborn looks at him but stays silent, for which Elrond is grateful; his friend and ally can be cutting with his words, despite his best intentions. It must be because he is Sindar, Elrond reflects, more used to the noises of the forest than the cry of seabirds and rushing of waves.
Time passes and the hidden valley turns from a refugee camp to a small town huddled around a main house, and Elrond wonders if that is how Sirion started, too, an Age ago. He can spy the gull in the sky, from time to time, and he knows somehow it is still the same bird he saw what must be a decade and a half ago. Its presence is oddly comforting, despite the strangely long life this gull seems to have been granted with, and Elrond catches himself looking forward to the next time he’ll hear the laughing cry echo in his valley.
Celebrorn brings Galadriel and his daughter to Imladris, now that the danger is kept at bay, and Elrond barely avoid making a fool of himself at the sight of Celebrían. Celeborn smirks imperceptibly at him and, from high above, the gull shrieks its laughter.
Years flow by, and Elrond longs for his home, his safe hidden valley. On the desolate plains of Mordor, he often looks up, hoping to see a gull through the thick black cloud that choke the the stars, to hear a now familiar laughter over the shrieking of orcs. He knows this is foolish, a child’s dream, but this habit keeps him going even when the star of High Hope cannot pierce the darkness of Mordor.
Sauron is defeated. The High-King is fallen. Elrond throws the darkened circlet to the ground when someone brings it to him, asking if he will take the High-Kingship. That night, he looks at the star of High Hope, the star of Eärendil, until he can see the light of his father’s ship printed on his lids when he closes his eyes. He laughs then, bitter and pained, until he is sobbing and cries himself to sleep. In his dreams, he sees the gull pecking at the crown on the floor of his tent, then flying away with a disdainful shriek.
Imladris is almost painfully beautiful after years of dust and smoke, blood and darnkness. Elrond feels a weight lift from his shoulders as he walks through the invisible border, and a familiar cry greets him. He looks up at the gull and smiles despite his tears, waves wildly at the bird as he laughs back at it. His men must be staring at him but Elrond doesn’t care, nothing exists outside of the bird flying above him. He is finally home!
It took Elrond much time and more courage than he thought possible, but he asked Celebrían in marriage. She said yes. Elrond is still pinching his arm on the day of the wedding as he dons his best robes, afraid to wake up from this beautiful dream.
It is a clear summer day, and the whole valley is fluttering with animation. It is not everyday its lord is getting married, after all.
Elrond walks under the trees, where Celebrían and a few, close friends and relatives are waiting for the him. Glorfindel stands at his side in stead of his blood family, and Elrond feels a small pang of regret. A shrieking laughter makes the small party start and, even as Celeborn’s face breaks in a frown, Elrond smiles at the strange but now familiar and comforting sight of the gull circling above the clearing. He closes the rest of the distance to Celebrían with a spring in his steps and takes her hands in his to exchange their vows.
The wedding feast is a grand affair, but Elrond is too busy smiling at Celebrían to really notice what is going on around them. As soon as the sun sets and the evening star rises, they slip away to their room, followed by good natured cheers and the gull’s cry. Celebrían looks at it with a bemused smile, but Elrond has already told her of the friendly bird that looks over the valley, and she forgets about it as the door closes behind them.
Life in time of peace is sweet and soft, like the last strawberries of the season. Elrond settles happily in his new, married life, marvelling each morning he wakes up next to Celebrían. He still looks our for the gull, but it becomes less and less frequent, and he never sees or hears it again. He wonders if the bird died at long last, and briefly mourns its disappearance, until the joy of his impending fatherhood sweeps any other feeling away.
The twins grow up to the tale of a white bird bringing them gifts for their begetting day and various festivals, as Elrond leaves little trinkets on their windowsill. When they are too grown to believe in the friendly gull anymore, they take to hide gifts for their little sister instead, telling her the tales Elrond invented for them. Elrond reflexively looks at the sky, after telling these stories to his children, and Celebrían gently squeezes his hand. He looks at Gil Estel then, and foolishly hopes his father is watching him from above.
The peace could only last so long, and Elrond’s dream shatters the day his sons bring back Celebrían more dead than alive. He heals her body as best as he can, stitches her wounds and mends her broken bones with Song. But her fëa is beyond his skill to heal, and Elrond weeps as he packs his beloved’s clothes and favourite items. At night he finds himself standing on the balcony of their too empty room, crying as he looks at the star of High Hope. But no sleep comes to him, no comfort can reach him through his sorrow.
The docks of Mithlond are bustling with activity, sailors readying the ship, families and friends saying their goodbyes, passengers boarding. Elrond is blind and deaf to that, as he embraces Celebrían’s frail body for the last time in who knows how long. Their children are crying, Elladan and Elrohir stubbornly trying to hide their tears as they support a sobbing Arwen. Elrond looks away when his daughter bids her farewell to her mother. He doesn’t know what they spoke of, but their embrace has something final to it, and he finds himself staring at the gulls flying overhead, making a strangely comforting racket.
The time has come at last, and Celebrían is helped on the ship by a friendly Teler sailor who promised to look after her until she reaches her relatives in Valinor.
Even as his children desperately wave their hand at the ship, Elrond cannot bear to look his wife, the love of his life, disappear from his sight. Instead, he looks at the gulls again, and is startled to see his gull flying amongst the other birds. He is sure it is the same bird, large and pure white, with a familiar cry. The gull swoops low, almost catching his hair, before flying away behind the ship. Elrond smiles despite himself, as he understands at last. “Look after her until I come!” he shouts to the gull, his voice nearly drowned by the sea wind. The gull loops back a little, shrieking, and disappears after the the ship. Elrond breaks into heavy sobs then, but he knows Celebrían won’t be alone.
As he guessed, the gull never visits Imladris again, and Elrond is comforted by its -her- absence now. He focuses on his children, on his people, on anything but the gaping void left by Celebrían’s departure. Each night, he looks at Gil Estel raising, and finds comfort in its light, as familiar to him as the cry of the gull.
Time passes and Darkness rises again. Elrond is tired but he does what he has to do. He mourns alone for Arwen, and he now knows what his daughter told Celebrían all these centuries ago, this last goodbye she had foreseen in time. Elladan and Elrohir will stay, and Elrond worries for them, but he is too tired, too worn out to stay, and his heart aches for a land he never saw but knows will be home, for Celebrían awaits him there.
When Elrond sails at long last, accompanied by Galadriel and two Hobbits, he keeps his eyes on the horizon, searching for a white speck in the sky, his ears straining for a familiar cry. He finds nothing until the shores of the Blessed Realms are less than a day away, when a gull perches on the mast of the ship and laughs happily. Elrond laughs too, tears in his eyes, but the bird is gone before long.
When he sets foot on the docks of Tol-Eresseä, Elrond is nearly knocked over by Celebrían, as she launches herself in his arms. They kiss, and they cry, and they laugh, reunited at last. But then Galadriel is there, waiting to greet her daughter, and Elrond reluctantly lets his wife go. As he turns away from the reunion between mother and daughter, he sees the woman standing on the dock, barefoot and wearing a simple white dress, her face like a mirror of his. Elrond takes a few steps toward her, almost stumbling, and stops in front of her. The woman smiles, hesitant yet warm.
“Mother?” Elrond asks, one hand outstretched between them and suddenly feeling like a child again.
Elwing nods, reaching for his hand, “My son,” she says, her voice rough with emotion.
Then, before he can say more, he finds himself with the gull perched on his shoulder, pecking at his tangled hair. And Elrond laughs, soon joined by the gull.
Also on AO3: https://archiveofourown.org/works/58728745
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royakahoshiart · 5 months
I finally did it
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josemanuelhortelanopi · 6 months
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Onán nº3 is for real.
Buy at my shop
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allen1-4scale · 1 year
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Inktober nº3: Lloyd Irving y Colette Brunet (Tales of Symphonia)
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moradadabeleza · 4 months
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Badri Lomsianidze
Bailarina nº3
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amanda-baeza · 1 year
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Poster for Revista Aguça, Nº3 - Fobias. (2023)
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davidaltrath · 5 months
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Greenhouse Nº3 Photo: David Altrath
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taniushka12 · 2 months
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attempts nº3 and nº2 (or nº1?) of a simpler yet effective art style with two different brushes, nº3 offers more versatility w/ the pen pressure allowing shades of gray and depth. its a shame i didnt save the other attempt for comparison but so far i think nº3 is the winner 😤
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herdingsnails · 1 year
Guia: Como fazer uma investigação Genealógica em Portugal
É bom ver que anda tanta gente entusiasmada com o relato que a @momo-de-avis tem feito da sua investigação genealógica. Caso queiram aproveitar esse entusiasmo para se juntarem à festa e irem também meter o nariz na vossa história familiar, eu tenho algumas dicas.
Comecem com o que sabem. A maior parte de nós sabe o nome dos pais e dos avós e provavelmente também dos bisavós. Era o meu caso. Sei o nome, data e local de nascimento dos meus pais e avós. Dos meus bisavós só sabia os nomes, excepto de uma, da qual tinha uma cédula onde vinha a sua data de nascimento, naturalidade e o nome dos pais. E esses são precisamente os dados necessários para começar a descobrir mais!
Caso sejam trintões como eu é provável que os vossos bisavós tenham nascido antes de 1910 e foram baptizados e registados nos cadernos paroquiais. Isso é excelente. Na maior parte dos casos é só ir ao caderno de registos de baptismos da paróquia onde eles e chafurdar até encontrarem uma criança com o mesmo nome (normalmente só aparece nome próprio) cujos nomes dos pais correspondam aos nomes que já conhecem. Esses registos vão ter também a naturalidade dos pais, a paroquia onde casaram (se eram casados, caso não fossem a criança é baptizada como "ilegítima" ou "natural"), e os nomes dos avós paternos e maternos. Ao lado costuma também ter averbamentos com a data e local do casamento e morte.
Exemplo de um registo de baptismo da primeira década do século 20, com a ortografia original:
Aos vinte e seis dias do mez de Julho do anno de mil novecentos e três, n’esta egreja parochial de Santo Ildefonso de Montargil, concelho de Ponte de Sôr, Arcebispado d’Evora, baptisei solenemente um individuo do sexo feminino, a quem dei o nome de Custodia, e que nasceu pelas nove horas da manhã do dia vinte e quatro do mês de Abril do corrente anno, no monte das Abertas de Cima d’esta freguesia, filha legitima de Manuel Jerónimo, trabalhadôr, e de Maria Jordôa, empregada no serviço domestico, ambos naturaes d’esta freguesia, onde se receberam e onde são parochianos e moradores no referido monte das Abertas de Cima. Neto paterno de Jeronymo Varela e de Rosaria Maria, e materno de Antonio Prates Jordão e de Augusta Lopes. Foi padrinho Affonso Fortio, casado, proprietario, e madrinha Rosaria Maria, viuva, empregada no serviço domestico, que sei serem os proprios. E para constar lavrei em duplicado este assento para depois ele ser lido e conferido perante os padrinhos, o assignei eu somente porque não sabiam escrever. Era ut supra. Collei sello de cem reis que inutilisei. O Parocho: José Gonçalves da Silva Primo Averbamentos: Nº55 Custodia | Nº1 - Casou com Manuel Jordão no Posto do Registo Civil de Montargil, concelho de Ponte de Sôr em 26 de Dezembro de 1931. Assento nº98 da mesma data. Em vinte seis de Junho de mil novecentos e setenta e três. João Sousa | Nº2 - O casamento a que se refere o averbamento nº1 foi dissolvido por obito do conjuge marido, falecido em 11 de Julho de 1942. Assento nº129 do mesmo mês e ano. Em vinte e seis de Junho de mil novecentos e setenta e três. João Sousa | Nº3 Faleceu em 26 de Agosto de 1984 na freguesia de Arrentela, concelho do Seixal
Caso os vossos bisavós sejam mais novos do que os meus e tenham nascido já depois da revolução republicana, foram já todos registados no Registo Civil. As regras atuais dizem que os registos com mais de 100 anos devem ser entregues pelas conservatórias aos arquivos distritais, mas nem todas estão muito adiantadas com isso. Ou também pode acontecer que o arquivo já tenha o documento mas ainda não esteja digitalizado. Se o arquivo já o tiver podem criar conta na plataforma deles e fazer um pedido de pesquisa, ou um pedido de reprodução, que podem ter ou não custos. Caso não esteja no arquivo têm que pedir no site do registo civil da mesma maneira que se pede uma certidão mais recente. Cada um desses pedidos custa 10€ e convém referir ao fazer o pedido que precisam de saber a naturalidade dos pais, ou que precisam da certidão para efeitos de uma investigação genealógica.
Eu não tenho muita experiência com as certidões do registo civil, nisso a @momo-de-avis pode ajudar um pouco mais porque já pediu algumas. Mas nos cadernos paroquiais, o próximo passo é descobrir o assento de casamento dos pais, se a criança for legítima. Pegando no exemplo acima, a Custódia era filha legítima, o que quer dizer que os pais casaram antes dela nascer, pode até ter sido no dia anterior, por isso, para encontrar o casamento deles é procurar a partir da data de nascimento dela para trás.
Os assentos de casamento são normalmente os mais completos porque havia uma grande preocupação com evitar a bigamia, portanto a identidade dos noivos era cuidadosamente conferida pelos padres.
Como exemplo, o assento de casamento dos pais da Custódia:
Aos vinte e nove dias do mez de Novembro, do anno mil oitocentos e noventa e nove n’esta egreja parochial de Santo Ildefonso de Montargil concelho de Ponte de Sôr, Archidiocese d’Evora na minha presença compareceram os nubentes Manuel Jeronymo, e Maria Jordão, os quaes sei serem os proprios e com todos os papeis do estylo correntes e sem impedimento algum canonico ou civil para o casamento; elle d’edade de vinte e oito annos já completos, solteiro, jornaleiro, natural, baptizado e morador n’esta freguesia, filho legitimo de Jeronymo Varella e de Rosaria Maria, naturaes desta freguesia; ella d’edade de vinte annos já completos, solteira, empregada nos serviços do campo, natural, baptizada e moradora n’esta freguesia, filha legitima de Antonio Prates Jordão e de Augusta Lopes, naturaes d’esta freguesia, os quaes nubentes se receberam por marido e mulher e os unì em Matrimonio procedendo em todo este acto conforme o rito da Santa Madre Egreja Catholica Apostolica Romana e receberam a benção nupcial. A mãe da nubente, viuva de Antonio Prates Jordão assistio ao casamento da sua filha à qual deu todo o seu consentimento para poder contrair o matrimonio com o nubente sendo testemunhas deste consentimento Ruffo Freire d’Andrade, casado, professor d’ensino primario e Antonio Maria Courinha, casado, proprietario, moradores n’esta freguesia. Foram testemunhas presentes que sei serem os proprios Hermengildo Nogueira, casado, lavrador e Luiz Mendes Catharino, casado, proprietario, moradores nesta freguesia. E para constar lavrei em duplicado este assento que depois de ser lido e conferido perante a mãe da conjuge e testemunhas commigo não assignaram por não saberem escrever assignaram a rôgo da mãe da nubente por ter sido dado nas suas presenças o seu ezpresso consentimento as já ditas testemunhas Ruffo Freire d’Andrade e Antonio Maria Courinha. Era ut supra.
Agora sabemos a idade que os pais da Custódia tinham quando casaram é fácil encontrar os seus assentos de baptismo. A partir daqui é ir repetindo os passos. Os óbitos normalmente vêm assinalados nos averbamentos. Ainda não cheguei a nenhum antepassado directo que tenha morrido antes da república, por isso tenho-me fiado nessa informação em vez de pedir a certidão no registo civil. Mas já sei que quando começar a investigar o António Prates Jordão vou ver os registos de óbito de 1899 para trás, uma vez que já tinha morrido quando a filha casou.
Encontrar irmãos dos bisavós, trisavós, etc., é que pode ser mais complicado se era uma família que mudava de paróquia com frequência, ou se os pais não eram casados, mas eu diria que este é um passo opcional quando se faz uma árvore genealógica. Eu pessoalmente gosto de saber e já enterrei imenso tempo a colecionar tios-bisavós como se fossem cromos, mas isso sou eu.
Espero que isto seja útil e se alguém tiver mais alguma pergunta a minha askbox está à vossa espera.
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