#nadja pls give me a chance
bruhbrosworld · 3 years
Nadja's Fluff Alphabet
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a - affection (how affectionate are they? how do they show affection? do they cuddle, hug, etc. often?)
Nadja is explicitly affectionate. She's all over you at any given second, and gives affection freely. She's also a-okay with pda, and is honestly very much into adoring you in public. Being an exhibitionist at her finest, she loves letting people know you're hers as intensely as possible. Her displays of affection are a little strange sometimes but altogether lovely. She'll often show it by just sitting on your lap or clinging to your arm, talking your ear off about something completely random, and you'll listen because you love her rants dearly. She loves cuddling, but she doesn't often hug. She finds hugs a bit too intimate, so she'll only hug you when you're alone or in desperate need of one.
b - best quality (their best quality)
Nadja is hugely passionate, so when she loves you, she loves you with every little bit of her existence, past and present. Her emotions flip-flop frequently, but when she's in love with you, especially in the moment, you are the most precious thing to her. Walking past her in the hallway could somehow end up with her face crushed against yours. You could be dusting a shelf one moment and the next her hands are on your face, cradling it and calling you pretty names while praising you for doing the bare minimum. She's a woman dictated by impulsivity, by mercurial whim, so she'll express how she feels the very moment she feels it. If you just happen to inspire that ardent heart of hers, then gear up for the most grand and heated gestures of love in your life.
c - confession (how would they confess their love for their partner? what would be the moment they knew they loved you?)
She would know that she desired you immediately, but knowing she's in love would come later. it wouldn't be small, but it would be personal. She's used to people falling at her feet, but somehow, the world turned upside down because she's chasing you. You're oblivious, reserved, untrustworthy, and she finds your vague misunderstandings intriguing, and it spurs her on. But she'd know she loved you, really loved you, when you get into something chaotic or dangerous. Cussing someone out to defend her, getting in a scuffle for her even if you can't fight, being promiscuous in a way she'd never anticipate not only to please her, but because you're into it too. Nadja is a sucker (no pun intended) for a kindred spirit. Seeing the fire burning within you would ignite her own immediately, and she'd tell you in the thick of the flames right then and there. Openly, honestly, perhaps loudly in some cases.
d - domestic (do they want to settle down? how are they at cooking and cleaning and taking care of themselves?)
Nadja surprisingly enjoys domesticity. She likes a simple background with exciting moments, so yes, she'd definitely settle somewhere with you. She's, of course, been married and settled with Laszlo for centuries, so she'd for sure do the same with you. However, she's terrible at domestic tasks. You're honestly shocked at just how terrible her executive functioning is. She doesn't need to eat like a normal person, so she doesn't cook. She doesn't clean because that's what familiars are for in her world. She's not the worst at taking care of herself, she hunts for her "food" occasionally. But she still relies heavily on someone else for almost everything else, including the times she doesn't find her own prey.
e - endure (what would you have to be okay with to live and be with them? what bad habits of theirs would you have to accept to be their partner?)
You'd have to be really cool with her housemates and husband. She's honestly a poly queen, and you'd have to be okay with sharing her with Laszlo. It wouldn't be too bad tho, because you're her favorite (don't tell Laszlo that). Living with her would require you living with everyone else. With Nandor's incessant need for control, with Colin Robinson in all of his insufferable glory, and with Laszlo's general fuckery. Guillermo's not too bad, you actually like him and feel bad for him at the same time. You'd also need to settle into the chaos of her daily life, and her heading of the vampire council. That's about it, besides y'know, the overhang of death and gore in her life too. But she's your powerful gf, and you're nothing if not supportive.
f - faithful (are they loyal? would they stay faithful?)
The terms of faithfulness are a bit...different in Nadja's book. I stand by the fact that she's poly, so if you're poly, that's honestly the best case scenario. She loves you, completely and whole-heartedly, but she's also not a one-partner person. She has Laszlo, and she may entertain a little affair here and there. But that doesn't make her feelings for you any less. At the end of day, you can always be sure that she'll come back home to you, and love you just as much as she did before.
g - gifts (are they regularly a gift giver? what kind of gifts would they give their s/o?)
She doesn't give gifts often. It's not because she doesn't enjoy it, but because it's simply not her style of saying she loves you. But if she were to give you a gift, it would probably be something she likes just as much as you do. A matching outfit immediately comes to mind, so you both could go out dressed to the nines together. That or something outlandish, like a haunted doll wearing your favorite colors or a bag of salt to keep pesky spirits away.
h - honesty (how honest are they?)
She's fairly honest. She definitely doesn't have a filter, being the type to just say how she feels on the spot right there and then without sparing any feelings. An outfit is ugly? Nadja will say it is and even exaggerate a little bit just to get the point across. A person has a shitty sense of humor? Too bad for them because Nadja doesn't hold punches. With you, at least, she tries to put it nicely or staunch it altogether, which you appreciate somewhat. But she's still nadja at the end of day, and it's going to slip one way or another. It's great when you need to know she's being truthful about how she feels, but terrible when you're feeling fragile about something else like your appearance or social skills. She's just bad at social interactions like that, so you can bet that she'll try her absolute best to make it up to you if she happens to hurt your feelings. Bluntness is a blessing and a curse after all.
i - injury (how would they react if their s/o was injured?)
Retribution is swift, ferociously fast when something hurts you, be it an object or a person. But first, she'd tend to you the best way she could. She's not that comforting, mostly panicking and screaming like a half-hearted banshee, but she means well. You know it's just because she loves you. You've heard Madja sing before, and her singing sounds scarily similar to her yelling honestly. Hysterical, trembly, and high. If a person hurts you, well, safe to say that person won't exist long after. We've all seen her rip the heart out of a man that made the mistake of disrespecting her. Imagine what she would do for you. But if it was an object, prepare to fall in love with her even faster. She's the type to comfort her partner after they've stubbed their toe on a table, and then beat up the table later when no one else is around. Literally would snap it in half and burn it for you. One of the rooms upstairs doesn't even have a door anymore because she ripped it off its hinges for you after it slammed shut on your finger.
j - jealousy (how jealous are they?)
it's hard to say with nadja, because i think it would depend on the person. if you were messing around or flirting with someone she had no problem with, someone that meant no harm, or someone you messed around with in the past, i doubt she'd feel too jealous about it. but, if she and the person you're vibing with are on bad terms, or she dislikes them for whatever reason, she'll vocalize it. she may even play the silent treatment or cold shoulder if you refuse to drop them or if she REALLY hates the person you're involved with. but even if she doesn't care for sharing you all of the time, she also understands everyone has needs and if something happens, it happens.
k - kiss (how do they kiss? what's their favorite type of kiss?)
Her kisses aren't a frequent thing she hands out, but when she does, she kisses like an animal. Feral, starving, and with no restraint. No matter where you are, she grabs your face and just melds her own with it. Nose to nose, brow to brow, body to body, so intense you're not sure where your being ends and her's begins. It doesn't happen often, but when it does, you feel like you're crashing down a case of spiral stairs. The type of kiss that makes you grieve for all of the kisses you never had, and all of the kisses that never lived up to it. The type that makes you resent yet miss a softer, far more aching kiss. Those are her favorites.
l - love language (what's their love language?)
Touch. Straight up, no lies, she's a touchy individual. Even if it's not necessarily conventionally affectionate, she just likes to be near you, near your body so she can feel you near her. Her hand on your shoulder behind you as you sit and she stands, both of her arms wrapped around one of yours as you're out together on a walk, a hand on your knee while she chews out someone else in her regular Nadja fashion. You're almost certain that if she were given the chance, she would crawl in your skin and never climb back out. Her love language is also trust. The trust that she gives you when she lets you see her is unmatched, unparalleled. She isn't afraid to be seen as inferior or told she doesn't have what it takes, and she trusts you to hear her. Truly hear her.
m - marriage (do they want to get married? how would they propose?)
She's already legally married to Laszlo, but that doesn't mean she would be opposed to agreeing to a union with you. It's not that she doesn't love you, but she def wouldn't divorce Laszlo. It takes too long, costs too much, and it frankly would be a humorous yet nightmarish sight to watch them in a divorce court setting. But, she'd love to make a commitment to you, and for you to make one to her. It wouldn't be legal, but that wouldn't phase her really because nothing would change. You're already her partner and she's already yours, that's all that matters. To be honest, I doubt she'd propose. You'd have to be the one to bring it up. She's a vampire, and the passage of time and the quality of relationships have different definitions to her, so she wouldn't really think about marriage or otherwise. For her, things are lovely the way they are.
n - nicknames (what type of nicknames, or pet names, would they use for the s/o?)
Let's all be honest here, all of her pet names would be weird as hell but simultaneously endearing. things like "my sweet little turnip" and "my wingless siren" are not things you would have expected to be called, but you treasure them nonetheless. She's simply overzealous at times, but other times she reverts to calling you socially normal things like "baby" and "dear".
o - offspring (do they want children? what type of parent would they be?)
She's entertained the idea of what her own children would be like, but beyond that, she doesn't think of it too often. She's a vampire. Vampires don't typically have children, and they don't typically mate with people that can have children. She's not in the market to become a mother, and she's happy with that. She would be ultimately supportive as a parent, but she would fail at other aspects of the job, like taking care of a child and providing them with the necessities when they're required. She'd make a great aunt tho.
p - patience (how patient are they? do they lose their temper often?)
Patience is not a word that exists in Nadja's vocabulary. When she wants it, she wants it right then, and she gives little leeway to make errors in-between. She has a short fuse when it comes to most things, and once that fuse is set, there's no stopping it. When she meets you, however, she makes an attempt at reeling it in a bit. She loves you, and she doesn't want to do anything that would have you upset with her. She still has a hard time controlling it, but it's now on a shorter leash.
q - quizzes (how much do they remember about their s/o? do they remember every detail, or do they let details slip their mind?)
She isn't the type to forget, but it's honestly up to whenever the occasion arises that she finds herself remembering. Someone could say something completely different than the circumstance, but she'd somehow remember the time you fell in a puddle and caught pink eye. She has the habit of forgetting dates and middle names and favorite flowers, but she then remembers those things because of the stories that come with them. She doesn't recall that your favorite flower is forget-me-not until she walks by the suit of knight armor in the hall, and then she remembers that you love the flower because of how it was named.
r - remember (their favorite memory of your relationship)
The first time she let you do her hair. You sat her down in front of a mirror, and then immediately apologized because you had suddenly remembered that it wouldn't matter if you did it in front of a mirror because she didn't have a reflection. She was happy to let you try while simultaneously intrigued by what you would do. To be honest, she was expecting something nice but basic. However, she was soon proven wrong, very wrong when your fingers began delicately spinning and braiding her hair exactly the way she liked it. She hadn't known that you'd been watching Guillermo do her hair for weeks, subtly taking in every little detail of it all. The ins and outs if you will. She loved it, adored it. This small but meaningful act of intimacy that kept your skin close to hers and left her feeling more beautiful than ever. Every time after that, she asks for you to do her hair in front of the mirror only, so she can watch your fingers deftly trace the air around her curls, and admire the gorgeously concentrated expression that paints your face only for her. It doesn’t even matter if she can’t see herself at all.
s - security (how protective are they? how would they protect their s/o, and how would they like to be protected?)
She’s protective, but she’s not over the top with it. She knows you can handle yourself, and is happy to step in only when she thinks she’s needed. But when she does step in, it’s hell for whoever has wronged you. She isn’t violent from the jump, putting the person back in their place by hypnotising them so they’ll embarrass themself or fuck themselves over. But if that’s not an option, her patience runs thin unforgivingly fast. She can be merciless, and violence becomes a very appealing thought every second after. Nadja loves to be protected, absolutely swoons over someone willing to defend her honor or their own. Knock someone down a peg, preferably brutally for her to watch, and she’s all over you, praising you for how brave and ruthless you were. Your vampire gf is a vicious creature by nature, and she adores watching you lay people low in her name.
t - try (how much effort do they put into the relationship? how much effort goes into dates, anniversaries, and birthdays?)
She remembers dates quite well shockingly, and especially dates in relation to someone she truly values. She puts her definition of effort in, although it may be a little odd. She doesn’t take you out on many dates, but she does create time so you two can play games around the house. Or she’ll take you out after dark to a park to see the stars, or simply stroll with you through the city until sunrise. It’s not extravagant, but she definitely puts effort into the things you do together. Nadja for sure makes a big thing out of your birthday. She yells at everyone in the house to decorate and ready everything for you hours before you’re meant to arrive, and then she painstakingly makes an attempt to assure that you have anything your heart desires. She may have confused confetti with cappelletti and now there’s stuffed pasta everywhere, and she tried to find a bakery but ended up with a candle that smells like birthday cake. And sure, it’s a little weird because Colin Robinson is belly dancing in front of you, but you also love it because it’s her life that she’s sharing with you. The biggest gift of all in your book. Anniversaries pretty much end up the same way, but you can’t deny the excitement you feel to see what madness she has concocted for you both.
u - understanding (how understanding are they? do they listen to their s/o problems? how do they approach vulnerability?)
Understanding queen. Typically, she’ll be a bit edgy about mistakes or irritating topics, but for you, she’s just a huge pushover. She loves listening to you vent, makes time out of her day just to listen to you rant about whatever. Goes so far as telling people to fuck off because now you’re here and she needs to talk shit with her little turnip. She doesn’t know what you’re saying sometimes, but she nods her head dopily with that cute half smile on her face, agreeing or asking questions so often. And if you both can talk shit together about things you hate? There's nothing that can pull you apart. Anyone that walks in on your session is immediately harassed right back out the door. She has a hard time being vulnerable, and often pulls away from things that make her feel too icky, but I think she’d eventually come around to sharing things like that with you. Just give her time.
v - vanity (how concerned are they with their looks?)
Nadja is a fashionable lady, so she loves to look her best. She relishes intense, but gorgeous makeup looks and needs her hair done just the way she likes. Every now and then she peels off from her typical, dramatic style and divulges in a look modern to it’s time, but she just can’t deny her favorites. The outside needs to match the inside, and Nadja needs her theatrical style to accentuate her far more chaotic personality.
w - wildcard (something random about them)
She adores Russian nesting dolls. You have no exact clue as to why, but just the sight of one brings her unparalleled joy. You took her to a flea market once, happy to show her all of the festive differences in each stall. She tried to act excited but in common Nadja fashion, she either criticized or expressed vague, but sceptical interest in things here and there. Until you both stopped at a stall where a man was demonstrating how a Russian nesting doll worked to a little girl. Suddenly, to your shock, both Nadja and the little girl stood together in awe at the man popping smaller and smaller versions of the doll out of itself. She accused him of witchcraft once or twice, but also wouldn’t stop complimenting the magic of it, so you made the choice to buy it for her. The entire night after, she sat in the library and kept opening and closing various little wooden casing for hours on end. It was puzzling, and you spent a lot of time wondering, how in all of her long life, she had not seen one before. Safe to say, now she has an entire collection, and you just keep buying them for her because you can’t get over the undeniable excitement on her face everytime you give her one.
y - you (their favorite part of you, why they love you, everything about you)
She loves your vigor. Just absolutely enthralled with you being enthralled with anything. Your passion, your fire, your desire to love in such an ardent way. You could talk to her about anything you hold a tender spot for and she would listen, head in hand, eyes tracking every single part of you. If you have hyperfixations, Nadja is THE one to listen to you infodump because she just loves to love whatever YOU love. The excitement that paints your every move as you spill all the contents from your vast well of knowledge is like a drug for her. You feeling powerful makes her feel ultimately powerful too. But, if you were to ask her why she loves you, it’s clear. She loves you because she respects you. To have Nadja's utmost respect is a divine gift, truly, and she holds you with such reverence and high opinion. Your word, your presence, your energy. All things she would miss dearly if she didn’t have since you understand, listen, and respect her. Nadja is not a particularly sentimental person, and she was always sure that she had heard it all. But once, you told her that she could do anything, and do it better than anyone else. You told her that she didn’t need anyone, even you, to feel strong because she has all she needs, and you said that wherever she desired to conquer, that you would be there to cheer her on. It struck her heart that you had such sincere belief in her, that she finally began to believe in her resilience herself.
z - zzz (how do they sleep? how does an s/o fit into their sleep habits?)
You’ve never actually seen her sleep, at least, deeply. There have been times when you’ve caught a glimpse here or there of her sleepily slumped against furniture. Seeing as they’re commonly crafted for a singular person’s use, you’ve never shared a coffin with her. The space is too tight to crawl in, you figure. You have lain with her in places before to relax. When you’ve laid in bed with her, she knits her entire body into yours. Legs over legs, arms around arms, and head under your chin as she snuggles her face into your chest. She likes to be held, and you’re more than happy to oblige.
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ateawithoney · 2 years
my diehard ships: in descending order of how canon they are
Laszlo & Nadja: (idk their ship name lol) married and endlessly horny and in love with each other, pls don’t ever change this relationship
Vauseman: Dated in the past and their whole love affair is a huge part of the show. They part ways in the end but Piper bucks up and moves to Ohio just to be with Alex so still canon and hopefully real married when Alex gets out
Janason: Had an on and off relationship due to Jason being rebooted hundreds of times but Janet always retained feelings for him. They eventually find each other again through the course of the series and finally get to spend endless bearimies together til Jason walked through the door 😭 Still in love til the end but it’s so sweet and sad
Harlivy: Literally is canon in the comics, was heavily implied since the 90s, also implied in other assorted animated medias, kinda only noticed as “canon” recently cause of the HQS (which I love) but it’s unfortunate people wouldn’t believe me till that episode and season came out. In media where they’re not together though they were either exes or I choose to believe they have a past together :)
BBRae: Depends on the universe whether they’re together or not but for the most part they’re dating or have mutal crushes on each other. If not, I choose to ship in any universe lol
Zadison: Had a canon threesome but should’ve been properly developed more as a relationship but Ryan Murphy hates sapphics >:((
Jori: Bade was the main ship throughout the run but if they were ever to reboot it, Jori would have to be canon now. Cause as we all rewatch it, we understand it was Jori all along.
Gelphie: Similar to Jori in we all thought it was the straight ship but you rewatch it and think, wait a minute..these bitches gay. Ofc you’re wrong but in my HEAD they ran off together
Hizzie: For a hot second, I legit thought these two were gonna be canon. I know it’s Hosie forever but like after Kaylee left, the development between these two took a weird turn and Lizzie kept rejecting MG and going to Hope. Plus their already established frenemy relationship and past episode developments focused on their friendship like..why didn’t this happen?
Amedot: I thought this was gonna happen back in 2016/17 because of weird subtext we got but that was probably just wishful thinking. My thoughts on it were “I know nothing is going to happen but I think there’s a less than 1% chance for something, or at least for subtext”. But then Lapidot took over the fandom so I was wrong lol. Ofc neither ship actually became canon and Peri was revealed to be an intended aro/ace, which slowed down some shipping but not all of it ofc. Side note: the artist who “confirmed” ace/aro peri also ships amedot sooo.. I guess you’re good in that aspect? Anyways, now I do still ship it but mostly nostalgically and I think prime 2016 amedot was the best.
Cassunzel: I like this purely hypothetically but I do think they had a canon crush on each other in the show which is gone by the ending but it’s only real in my heart ❤️
Reiusa: Literally never gonna happen but I like the what if of them together in the future and co-parenting Chibiusa while still giving jabs at each other and the whole Rei cares about Usagi more than she lets on. I’m wrong but it’s nice to dream
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Kagaminette headcanons
just a few headcanons i came up with because i love these two too much ajskjask someone send help (also my first time doing headcanon things so I hope they’re good??)
Ships: kagami x marinette and some adrien x nino
first of all, they definitely indulge in each other's hobbies
kagami teaches marinette fencing and a bit of martial arts because "you never know when you might need to defend yourself" and when mari is better than she expected she's just ten times more impressed but also "how did you get so good?? those skills are not beginners luck" and mari just...sweatdrops
but they have a few fencing rounds together and yes kagami defeats her every single time but mari is surprisingly decent so it's not too one-sided. it's thanks to her superb reflexes
of course, when they stop and kagami runs a hand through her hair mari melts and is like ohhhhhh no she's hot 
kagami knows what she's doing come on this girl never hesitates
and when it comes to fashion, mari helps style her girlfriend for events where she's usually the plus one herself
she always makes kagami shine though and kagmai's always like "hey save the best clothes for yourself" "nope they're definitely yours"
kagami is the best model in marinette's opinion
she's unnervingly still when mari takes measurements and mari is so thankful for it until she looks up and meets kagami's intense gaze and is like oh no she's hot x2
kagami is just thinking "how is she so cute when she's focused oh my god stop great just great she's bleping she's bleping like a cat"
she barely even notices mari's noticed her but really even if she did, she wouldn't care because like...this girl is sure of herself and loves any opportunity to fluster marinette
sometimes tho, kagami talks about ladybug when ladybug and chat noir do a particularly great save that day
and she unintentionally goes on - well not on and on but mari knows her well enough to know when kagami really respects and admires someone 
and when kagami talks more than like, five minutes about ladybug, mari just slowly gets more and more flustered
warning bells are ringing and of course tikki in her purse can hear it but she's not worried about anything other than marinette's obvious flustered reaction. it's quite funny
kagami notices and is like "oh i didn't mean anything mari. you're the only one i have eyes for" and mari's not sure if it's better or worse that kagami thinks she's jealous of...well...herself
still she finds it amusing that her 'competition' is .... well. herself once more
kagami is a flirt too
they go on another ice skating date this time with just the two of them and the ice rink is much more crowded but it's fine because kagami's got her hand in mari's or her arm around her waist and she spins mari a lot and gives her a lot of intense stares
And if its a movie date kagami doesnt even bother with the yawning trick she just wraps her arm around maris shoulders nonchalantly and basically forgets her arm is there but mari does NOT forget poor girl is burning up and then kags is like "are u okay mari?" And she takes her arm off to better turn to her and mari is like "yep im fine totally fine!!!" But inside shes like "..pls..put ur arm back.."
mari hates and loves it because half the time spent on dates is just her blustering and blushing
on the rare ocassion that mari gets kagami flustered
oohhhh boy
kagami is Shocked and she's thinking "thank you lord that this girl is my girlfriend how did i get such an amazing girlfriend thank you" and she tries to hide her shock but it's not working
mari is sooo proud of herself in those moments
she's thinking "i actually made her flustered omg!!!"
tho really, it was all alya's idea - alya's pick up lines and 'training'
alya: girl we need to get your flirting game up
mari: i...really dont think we need to
alya: hustle up. alya's flirting lessons one oh one have begun
it's a mess of smolders and smirks and two-eyed winking but by the end, alya's lessons pay off and mari pulls off a smolder that gets kagami fuming in love
on the other hand, kagami is the one to give lessons to adrien
"first lesson, adrien. learn to figure out if they're just a friend or more than that for god's sake"
adrien is SufferingTM
kagami offers firm advice but... this boy doesn't really... want to use any of it
and his firm insistence that "nino is just a friend!!!" just makes kagami want to rip her hair out
but when adrien and nino finally start going out, the two fencers talk about their significant others loads during matches
it's a mess
"marinette made me another scarf today it's so cute" kagami says as she thrusts forward with her sabre
"really??? that's great!! nino made me a playlist of songs. i still don't understand how he gets them to be so right" adrien replies as he flips backwards in the air to dodge (because he obviously can)
the rest of the class stares in wonder
and if mari and nino come to watch
if it's mari there, kagami defeats adrien effortlessly and vice versa if it's nino
oh but heaven help if they both come
they did once
and the two were so desperate to Impress that the match went on forever. it was more intense than the first one they ever did
mari and nino both pledge never to watch together again
also concerning lila and chloe and stuff
Kagami does Not Tolerate Any Of Their Crap
if they so as much as glance in mari’s direction wrong, she’s whipping out her sabre that she keeps somewhere because reasons and mari’s like nooonn onono it’s okay
hell hath no fury like kagami when she learns that lila threatened mari ooh boy
(and this is since i believe that chloe would have gotten a better redemption arc if well...certain people had cared about the storyline and actual character development)
so even after chloe is ‘redeemed’ and working to become a better person and even if marinette is like “it’s okay now kagami. that’s all in the past!!” kagami does not trust her yet
if they have a group outing kagami subtly makes it that chloe stays on the opposite end and that the two are never left alone
but she really makes sure that no one is left alone with chloe because marinette’s friends are...welllll not really her friends too, but marinette’s friends are people to care about at least
so kagami’s a bit protective but when she knows the extent of how much marinette is used for her kindness she’s just....she does not want her girlfriend to be used anymore
they help each other in that account
kagami helps marinette be a bit more ‘selfish’ and learn to put her happiness equal, if not in front of other’s happiness and to ‘never hesitate’ and marinette helps kagami to be a bit warmer to those she’s just met and have had a bad first impression on and to wait things out a bit just in case because whilst never hesitating may be good sometimes it’s not good for all things
so from what we’ve seen i think we can gather that kagami’s family is like, high pressure and all?? if that’s the word because of kagami saying stuff like “second chances don’t exist in my family” and all (i’m paraphrasing tho...oof reminds me of adrien too much. are all the rich families in miraculous just gonna have bad homes....)
so i think when kagami meets tom and sabine she’s shocked 
she hides it well but it’s so....different from home... especially when they all have snacks in the lounge and they all eat on the couch whilst talking and it’s so informal but so....nice
and kagami learns a bit of baking
she’s stiff at first because it gets messy
and marinette notices a bit of dough on kagami’s face and it’s so out of place from her girlfriend’s usual neatness that she just laughs and kagami starts to laugh as well and it finally breaks the tension in her and then baking becomes fun and they do it like every week because kagami lowkey demands to do it and she buys all the ingredients herself
they make some new products for the bakery actually!! after a lot of experimentation and adjustments, tom and sabine find one of their cake recipes too good to hide away 
and the two spend a whole afternoon trying to name it
or more like, kagami puts in loads of suggestions because again she never hesitates (im sorry i mention that too many times) and that’s great for brainstorming and all but half her suggestions are.....
“the sabre” “will people actually...eat something like that...” 
“the ladybug” “the cake isn’t even red and black themed!”
“the marinette” “no” “!! why not??” “...why”
in the end, they name it something relating to chat noir because it’s chocolate and dark enough to pass as black 
kagami secretly sulks because she really wanted to honour ladybug
(chat is ecstatic and was once seen buying a whole cake of it. nadja had lots to report that day)
so marinette responds with helping her make a ladybug themed cake
both of the cakes become a hit with birthday parties
and marinette would never have realised how much trouble it would’ve actually brought her
because when chat made one appearance at a party using his cake, paris went wild
it was never spoken aloud but then ladybug was expected to show up so now she and chat have ‘surprise’ appearances at parties - not all of them of course but they make an effort and marinette knows when a party is happening because the parents obviously get the cake from their bakery
kagami is lowkey so happy though that something she made had such an impact and connection with ladybug
mari is so happy seeing her girlfriend happy but they are not doing that again
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bruhbrosworld · 3 years
How They Flirt
Nadja of AntiPaxos x reader (reader is gender neutral)
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-Nadja is probably the HUGEST flirt to ever exist
-like honestly
-but that doesn't mean she's the best flirt
-with most things, it takes her some time to figure out what she really wants.
-at first, she's off-putting when she gets carried away. her mouth just spews the most obscene, borderline violent things.
-like ma'am this is an arby's, i don't think we can behead someone here.
-you almost have to catch yourself tho because anything would sound good in that sultry voice of hers
-she gets far too into it too fast. casual is not a word in nadja's vocabulary.
-she flirts like a feral animal. loud, sensual noises. grippy, claw-like hands all over your body. aggressive mood shifts. it's absolutely, and completely overwhelming
-unlike most people, nadja is a better flirt when she tries.
-she's messy and confusing most times, but once she begins paying attention. starts noticing what makes you blush, what has you stuttering, what sends your heart galloping.
-sweet baby jesus
-not even god can help you once nadja hones in on you.
-then, it's honestly a matter of time before you're collectively woo-ed and all but ready to get hitched.
-it's a flip of a switch
-touchy, so touchy. the type to slide her hands softly up and down your arms as you speak so you'll lose your train of thought.
-invites you over and has you try on things for her. holds your shoulders gently as she comments on how gorgeous you are in the mirror.
-throws in little comments about how she wishes she could see herself next to you, see how good you look together
-plays with her hair while she talks to you so sweetly
-one time she asks you to help lace up her corset and you almost collapse.
-still has a strange way of flirting, but she surprisingly has a way of making anything romantic.
-takes you walking around Laszlo's vagina topiary while talking about her childhood. somehow, you don't even notice the various genitalia surrounding you because she's being so vulnerable with you.
-it's oddly charming, much like her
-the sexual references are still just as shameless, but far more tasteful.
-helped you try on a garter belt once, and could not stop commenting on your thighs. your strong and thick thighs. was so handsy, pinching them every so often.
-you were so torn between asking to be excused and just asking her to end your misery right there and then.
-nadja's love language is wholeheartedly quality time or touch. both probably.
-she's not good at giving gifts, nor is she eloquent at expressing her feelings, but for what she lacks there, she gives back in full when she's close to you.
-warm hugs, gentle nudges, including you every little thing she does.
-you know you've made it in with nadja when she begins to relax and talk shit with you.
-the men will do something stupid and she'll look over at you, rolling her eyes, her face asking if you can believe this.
-in truth, that's the real moment where you feel special to nadja.
-a moment where she shows that she doesn't think you're below her, or on par with all of the idiocy that takes place in the house she shares.
-a moment where she makes it known, indirectly or not, that you are her equal, and that she trusts you to see her as the same.
-it's also special to her, because you listen to her, you give her the time of your day just to hear about all of the lunacy that goes on in her daily life.
-it doesn't take long for you, and for everyone else in the world to know that nadja likes and wants you as her own.
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