#nagetiere mit gitarren
plotbunnygames · 11 months
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Hi, we're Plotbunny Games, a TTRPG publisher from Berlin, Germany, run by @this-curiouscat and founded almost a year ago.
We publish both original games (most of them in both English and German) and translations (we've already announced that we'll be translating Dream Askew/Dream Apart into German and have more translations in the works that are still secret).
Great games by marginalized creators are especially dear to our heart, as are well-explained, newbie-friendly games with interesting topics and mechanics in general.
We've run two successful crowdfunding campaigns already (for Viva la QueerBar and Fräulein Bernburgs Pensionat für junge Damen), and you can buy all the games shown in this post through our website. Digital versions (all screenreader-ready with image descriptions, PDF tags, etc.) are also available on Itch.io.
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