#nagi vc: haha oops my hand slipped sorry
assassincraft · 2 years
    【 @ichigokurosaki 】
he wasn't really supposed to use his new skills to defend himself, it always looked a little suspicious if people from the area knew him and saw him suddenly able to do things he wasn't able to before. a frail, anxious kid going from barely staying afloat to being able to handle four times his own weight in a flip. it usually ended up with naigsa in quite a few tough situations from some of the rival high schoolers that had a grudge on the students from getting through their finger tips in kyoto.
but he could, he could take them all down nowadays since he's taken on bigger fish than them. military generals, professional assassins after them for no other reason other than to get under their teacher's skin. but these high schoolers trying to get to his core... he could kill them now, and it would be so easy. they wouldn't even expect it, see it coming, not from someone of nagisa's stature. but no, he knew better than to do anything of the sort, but that mean he needed to bite the bullet quite often now.
his head was spinning from getting held up against the concrete wall of the neighboring buildings quite a few times. his pigtails tugged out of place and half loosened and lopsided, chest pounding from making a run for it. it was safer running so he didn't lose his temper and snap on them and give himself away. all that meant was his instincts were going haywire right now and he was hyper aware of his surroundings.
a slight limp to his walk, a four against one battle wasn't quite fair when he could only throw a few punches to keep himself from getting overwhelmed. being out of their sight now the smaller was leaning against a wall, spitting out some blood to the side as he leaned forward with his hand pressed against the siding, keeping himself up. he didn't hear someone calling out to him ahead of time, ears ringing from a good punch to the side of his head still echoing. snapped, he didn't think about his next moves when he felt a hand on his shoulder ever so slightly just grazing the vest of his suit. gripping with his nails digging into their wrist, his other hand going towards the other's elbows he used his weight to shift and flip the other into the ground.
an assumption might have just gotten someone not involved, and actually worried about him, hurt instead. his foot was on their shoulder to keep them planted instinctually, eyes glazed over in the moment with frustration. it took a moment for the assassin to snap out of it, instantly letting the taller go and taking a step back. they were around the age of the guys giving him a hard time for sure, but didn't look to be from the same school.
❝ i'm― i'm so sorry !! i was― running from these guys― and― you caught me off guard― l-let me help you up― ❞ he tossed his tote bag down and it clinked as it hit the floor since his gun and knife carrier were still in there but he didn't really think much about that at the moment, almost already forgetting about his training from earlier.
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