#nagisa was in the making in 2020. a whole Year before he was released
femme-malewife · 2 years
Honestly, people saying Nagisa was “shoehorned in” to Hiyori’s story and that their relationship is “forced” can actually fight me because no one’s saying anything about Koyuki and Ryou or Koudai and Juri, when they’re just as “forced”, if not moreso. 
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muffinrecord · 4 years
Archive Progress Report: 9/8/2020
I ended up taking the night off socially, but not for recording.
I’m having a lot of technical difficulties with the main story and now with the remaining magical girl side stories. I record via iphone and need to use an app called Handbrake afterwards to sync up the audio, but recently the audio simply isn’t syncing correctly at all, which is real obnoxious. TBH, if you can’t tell, I’m not very good at any of this and am sort of learning on the fly. Luckily, my remaining videos to work on are:
Madoka Kimono 
Kyoko Swimsuit (Leaf is helping me with this)
Hanna Sarasa (Weather-cluddy will be helping me with this one)
Ayame Mikuri
Ryo Midori
Sayuki Fumino (a real life friend will be recording this for me)
So I’m pretty close to done! Phew!
Next I’m working on finalizing all the quote videos. I actually don’t have much left to do here! Like I’ve mentioned before, Kizmin has recorded a ton of videos for me (in super high quality too)-- and with the characters I have, and @leafbladie‘s help, I actually have mostly everyone covered.
Here is some stuff waiting to go up on youtube...
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And here are the quotes that need to be edited + exported. 
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A few of these (from friends) are in a different format from what I can use, so I have to work on them in VLC Media Player first. I’ve been procrastinating on this part for a bit but I’m going to woman up soon and get it done.
After I finish with the MSS and the quotes, I’m going to work on the main story. Unfortunately, as I mentioned above, I’m having technical difficulties and all the footage I recorded a week ago was corrupted somehow, so I need to redo it. This has kind of... made me not want to work on it, which is why I’ve been focusing on MSS and easy event stuff. But!!! It’s time to stop avoiding it and get to work.
I’m going to continue to sprinkle in events here and there, but I’m going to let you all know RIGHT NOW that the last things I’ll be working on are the branching style events, so the Azaleas, See You Tomorrow, ect. These are really frustrating to record because of all the different paths and the different choices you can make in-story-- I’m going by the archive, but it still wants you to make choices and sometimes my dumbass brain is too tired to figure things out, if that makes sense. x_x 
I feel like the event stories are well documented online though, and I do still have lots of time... So it’ll all go up there, eventually.
Events being worked on:
Azaleas Bloom
Christmas at Mikazuki Villa
New Years at Mizuna Shrine
Mirrors Ranking (easy peasy)
The Maiden of Hope
See You Tomorrow
FM Kamihama
MIT Mitama
Cross Connection
Voices From Beyond
Summer with Mikazuki Villa
Nagisa’s Wish
Wings in the Wind
Alina is Coming to Town
Mitama’s Festive Feast
Endless Beginnings
Cherry Blossom Dreams
A Fledgeling First Flight
Magia Clash
One Fleeting Summer Night
Rebel of a Dawnless Land
Summer Treasures
A New Beginning
The Flowers’ Lament
400 Day Release Celebration
Kamihama Joy Service
I might do Breakpoint next because it was one of my favorite events and it might be a nice break. haahahaha. get it. break. break? I’m breaking apart myself, how are you guys?
I’d also like to give a MASSIVE shoutout to @leafbladie for having helped me so long with all the quote videos and with everything else. He has been so helpful and amazing this whole time. ;_; I want to plug the Ashley Taylor Memoria Collage/Zine Project (@ashleytaylormemoria​) real quick-- check it out and maybe try submitting stuff too :) I’ll be making an art piece for it as well! Winx (@thefairywithdrawings​) is also involved and overseeing all the design work.
I think that’s one of the nicest things going on right now... a lot of folks have different fan projects going on and are working together to make the best of a bad situation.
Future Plans
When the archive recording project is done, I want to write up a few posts on starting over on JP and how to use SE effectively. I know that there is a lot of really helpful (and frankly better) content out there already, but I still would like to add to it.
I mentioned before, but I do intend to start up the memoria review project up again, but that’ll be after everything else as well.
Tentatively... I might also make a unit review blog as well, which will go over characters and their various niches, along with a look into their SE, connects, ect. But that will be a whiles off from now and will require a ton of research.
Uhh I think that’s it! Thanks again for all of you guys’ support. I get overwhelmed easily and am not taking the whole situation well, but I’m trying to focus on my goals. It helps that the fandom is collectively working together right now. 
See you until next time!
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