#nagmi smut
theharrowing · 2 years
Sun Seeker 🌻 1: Good thing the feeling is mutual
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Namjoon does not do impulsive. He doesn’t understand the fuss about body modifications, and he has never considered getting one. That is, until he meets Yoongi—the prettiest man he’s ever seen, who happens to be a tattoo artist—and he can’t stop thinking about going under Yoongi’s needle to have an equally pretty design tattooed onto his skin.
🌻 Namjoon x Yoongi
🌻 word count: 9.6k
🌻 strangers to lovers, tattoo shop au, smut, fluff, slash, nsfw, 18+
🌻 warnings: description of tattooing and piercing (details including needles), pining, flirting. side TaeKook.
🌻 written for the Namgi World Tour Fest!
🌻 thanks to @neoneunnajimin & @blog-name-idk for beta reading
🌻 posted aug. 2022 | read on ao3
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"Live a little," Taehyung says with a grin, bumping his hip into Namjoon's side. "Be impulsive!"
Namjoon chuckles, but it's more of a frustrated sound than a happy one. He shakes his head and stares at his feet as they continue down the sidewalk, feeling an overwhelming sense of trepidation in his belly.
"I'm not impulsive," Namjoon mutters, shoving his sweaty hands into the front pockets of his blue jeans. "I'm careful. Measured. Intentional. Being impulsive sounds...horrifying."
Taehyung takes two long steps ahead of Namjoon and spins on the balls of his feet, stopping Namjoon in his tracks. Long, dark hair falls in front of one of Taehyung's eyes, and he gives Namjoon a wide, boxy grin.
"Fine. No new piercing! But come to the shop with me and meet Jeongguk. He's really sweet and cute, and you'll get along great."
Namjoon sighs, conceding to Taehyung because he can never actually say no to him. "Fine. I will come watch your new boyfriend stab a hole through you. And that's all."
Taehyung's grin spreads wider, and he spins again, leading the way to the tattoo shop. Namjoon takes a few wide steps to fall into place beside Taehyung, and they walk the rest of the short trip in silence.
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Namjoon has never been to a tattoo shop before. The idea of getting a hole anywhere but in his ears makes him squirm, and he's not sure he can commit to something permanent on his skin.
And, in the childish corner of Namjoon’s mind, he’s always assumed that the people who run tattoo shops are intimidating. He likes to envision them all listening to aggressive music and driving motorcycles, and putting out cigarettes on their tongues. It doesn't help that, while growing up, people on TV with tattoos were typically associated with gangs. Sure, some of the folks he works with have tattoos because they’re in style now, but he expects shops to be cigarette smoke-filled, dimly lit dens of debauchery. That, and Namjoon has always had an overactive imagination.
So when Taehyung pushes open the door to the tattoo shop, causing a loud bell to jingle overhead, and a baby-faced man with wide eyes and slightly protruding front teeth looks up at them, Namjoon feels silly for his preconceived notions. He had worried he would be dressed too casually in his plain navy tee untucked over faded blue jeans, and his dirty blond mullet left shaggy and unstyled.
But despite the shop having a darker interior with black furniture, and maroon red walls, the space is open and welcoming, and there's artwork littered practically from floor to ceiling. Most notably, the man behind the counter looks more like an adorable bunny rabbit than a man from all the old gangster films. Not to mention, the music in the shop is sad boy pop.
"Taehyungah!" the man sings in a sweet voice as he stands from his chair and walks from behind a counter.
He swims in his clothing—which is black from head to toe—and has a piercing in his eyebrow and lip and tattoos on one hand that seem to disappear up his sleeve. There's an innocence to him that makes Namjoon want to place him into his palm and stick him in his pocket. Except the man is nearly the same height as Namjoon, and his shoulders are nearly as broad.
Taehyung blushes and greets the man with a hug, then turns to Namjoon and says, "Hyung, this is Jeongguk!"
Of course, this is Jeongguk, Namjoon thinks. Although he's a little surprised that Taehyung—whose closet is mostly comprised of earth and jewel tones—has taken an interest in someone who appears to have clothing in no tones at all, there's a sweetness to Jeongguk that Namjoon imagines Taehyung must be drawn to.
"N-namjoon-ssi, it's so nice to meet you," Jeongguk says softly, bowing his head as they shake hands. "Tae has told me a lot about you."
Namjoon suddenly feels a bit shy, and he can feel himself blushing. "Please, call me hyung. I hope Tae has said good things."
At this, Jeongguk's face brightens, and he smiles widely. Then he chuckles and mutters, "Only good things, I promise."
They're taken behind the counter, to the right side corner, where Taehyung sits on a large black leather chair that resembles one you might sit in at a barber shop. Jeongguk sits on a small leather stool and offers an identical stool to Namjoon, where he sits near the wall and out of the way. They chit-chat a bit before Taehyung decides he wants his belly button pierced.
With a playful sigh, Jeongguk makes Taehyung get up from the chair and lay on a leather cot, which he first puts a protective paper cloth over, and then he gets to work setting everything up. Namjoon glances around the space and notices, in the far corner near a desk, the walls are covered in various paintings that stand out from the rest of the art scattered around, and framed sheets of what he assumes are tattoo designs.
"Whose are all those?" Namjoon asks, staring at a large painting of bright pink and red peonies with a black snake twisting around them. Although the design is on paper, painted with what appears to be some kind of watercolors, it seems to be done as if it could be tattooed, with minimal use of colors, and the absence of ink in the lines between the thick black scales of the snake. Namjoon finds it stunning.
"Ah, those are Yoongi hyung's paintings," Jeongguk responds. "He's the owner of the shop and the resident tattoo artist."
"Ah," Namjoon says, almost under his breath. He would like to ask where this Yoongi hyung is as his eyes move to a traditional Korean tiger painting. He can't help but wonder what the man who can create such beautiful pieces must be like. But he doesn't ask.
Luckily, Taehyung is nosey, and he speaks for Namjoon. "Where is Yoongi hyung anyway?"
"I think he has an appointment in twenty minutes," Jeongguk responds, and Namjoon perks up. He can't imagine it takes more than five minutes to pierce a belly button, but perhaps they can find some reason to stick around, provided Jeongguk doesn't have an appointment with someone else then, too.
Namjoon shakes his head a bit, trying to knock around his thoughts and clear his mind. He has no idea what this Yoongi guy is like, so why is he suddenly so eager to meet him? Part of him wonders if he's as pretty and soft-spoken as Jeongguk.
Not that Namjoon is actively seeking someone to date. Dating is often not careful, measured or intentional. Dating is a whirlwind of feelings and walking on eggshells and second-guessing...dating is impulsive, and impulsive is horrifying.
But Namjoon also thinks he might like to have someone new in his life. He sees the way Taehyung smiles with Jeongguk, and he feels an ache for that certain something that he's missing.
And now Namjoon is projecting his thoughts on a person who may as well not even exist because for all Namjoon knows, Yoongi could be the aggressive music liking, motorcycle riding, tongue ashtray kind of guy, and Namjoon is just assuming that the person who makes such pretty art would also be pretty. Namjoon is spiraling.
A hiss and a groan break Namjoon from his thoughts, and he turns to see Taehyung with his face all screwed up from pain. Jeongguk is pulling jewelry through the new hole while extracting the needle, and Namjoon is doing his best not to watch too intently for fear of feeling queasy. He really does not understand all of this body modification stuff.
Jeongguk finishes up and helps Taehyung stand. Although the piercing took practically no time at all, Taehyung seems a little dazed getting onto his feet. He checks the piercing out in a full-length mirror, then turns to Namjoon with a wide smile. The piercing looks cute. Dangling in his belly button is a little sun, and Namjoon gives Taehyung an approving thumbs-up.
"Anything for you, hyung?" Jeongguk asks, and Namjoon turns his gaze to find Jeongguk cleaning off the leather cot Taehyung was just on. Namjoon chuckles and shakes his head, and Taehyung answers for him, "Namjoon doesn't do impulsive."
"Shame," Jeongguk mutters. "You'd look great with a lip ring. Maybe a hoop right in the center."
Taehyung clears his throat and whines, "Hey, stop thinking about how full and luscious hyung's lips are!"
Namjoon doesn't miss the way Jeongguk begins to blush as he quickly turns away and continues to clean. Taehyung rolls his shirt up and steals a hair tie from around Jeongguk's wrist to tie the fabric that he's bunched up in the back, and then he struts in front of the mirror a little more. Namjoon checks the clock. It's only been 5 minutes.
"It looks really pretty, Tae," Namjoon says. "I can see why you like to get piercings."
Taehyung doesn't have too many piercings—they're mostly in his ears with the exception of this new one—but several of the holes in his ears came from Jeongguk's skilled hands over the last few weeks, and Taehyung keeps talking about wanting to come back for more.
"It's not just that," Taehyung says with a shy smile.
Namjoon glances between Taehyung and Jeongguk, who both share a glance. "Wh-what is it then?"
Jeongguk clears his throat and turns away, and Taehyung chews on the inside of his mouth as he chooses his words. "It's...thrilling, I guess. The pain does something to my brain and makes it all...tingly."
"Like an endorphin rush?" Namjoon asks.
Taehyung nods and turns back to the mirror to admire himself. Namjoon opens his mouth to make fun of Taehyung for getting piercings just to feel gratification when the bell connected to the door jingles and someone walks into the shop, cutting Namjoon off from his thoughts.
Jeongguk stands to see who it is, then mutters, "Ah, it's just him," as he goes back to cleaning rather than greeting the visitor.
A man in a white long-sleeve tee walks in. He has straight black hair that falls just below his ears, with the top pulled into a bun, and pale skin with contrasting sharp and soft features. Namjoon thinks he's absolutely breathtaking. He assumes the guy is in to see Jeongguk, to get a piercing, and Namjoon wonders what he may be getting.
Then the man walks behind the counter holding bags of what appear to be takeout containers, and Namjoon notices that, on the side of his neck, he has the same peony design as the one hanging in Yoongi's workspace, as well as a piercing in his eyebrow and in the center of his lip. He's so pretty in such a natural, effortless way that Namjoon can't help but stare as he gets closer.
"Should have told me Tae was in today; I would have grabbed more," the man says in a voice so deep Namjoon thinks he could drown. There's a rasp along the edges that causes each word to snag and get caught in the recesses of his mind.
The man walks past Namjoon to check out Jeongguk's handiwork, tilting his head and giving a nod and hum that seems to be approving. Then he continues on to the desk in the corner, and that's when it finally hits Namjoon. And it’s obvious, really. This man is Yoongi hyung.
"We're just finishing up anyway, hyung," Jeongguk responds, standing from his workstation to join Taehyung near the mirror.
“I was going to take hyung to the chicken spot around the corner anyway,” Taehyung says, turning to flash Namjoon a wide, boxy smile.
At this, Yoongi turns around and looks at Namjoon. His eyes widen for a split moment that makes something in Namjoon’s stomach do a somersault, and then he lifts one large hand and gives a smile that’s more or less a straight line.
“Hey, didn’t see ya there. I’m Yoongi.”
“Namjoon,” he responds, holding a hand at half-mast before dropping it to his lap the second Yoongi turns back around and unpacks the boxes of food he brought. The smell of something savory begins to fill the room, and that, mixed with nausea caused by whatever the fuck this man’s presence is doing to Namjoon’s insides, has him eager to get the fuck out of there as soon as possible.
Luckily Taehyung is hungry and eagerly skips to the exit after a sweet but brief goodbye. Namjoon waves to Jeongguk with a smile and follows behind his best friend, feeling glad to put the tattoo shop behind him.
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Over the next few weeks, Taehyung goes to the shop to get more piercings. Usually, it's something cute in a weird spot on one of his ears, and once, it's a ring through his lip on the side that won't likely get caught in the ring on Jeongguk's lip.
Taehyung always invites Namjoon to tag along, and Namjoon always accepts. On the days Yoongi isn't around, Namjoon likes to sit and look at his art and study the lines and shapes and colors, admiring each little detail.
But on the fateful days Yoongi is around, Namjoon sneaks glances and even tries to think of small things to say. Yoongi smiles and waves at him from his workstation and takes breaks from what he's tattooing to look at whatever new piercing Jeongguk gives Taehyung, and stand in Namjoon’s personal bubble. They don't speak to each other very much, but Yoongi is always polite and asks Namjoon how he's doing.
Namjoon can't get enough.
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“I’ve been giving it some thought, and…I think I want to get a tattoo.”
Taehyung looks up from his bowl of udon with noodles dangling from his mouth. He gawks at Namjoon as if what he’s just said was spoken in a language he barely understands.
“You what?” Taehyung mutters as he slurps the food into his mouth.
It’s been three days since Namjoon last stepped foot in the tattoo shop. Three weeks and two days since he first stepped foot. He hasn’t been able to stop thinking about Yoongi. Yoongi’s voice. Yoongi’s face. Yoongi’s artwork. He wonders what it would be like to be in such close proximity to Yoongi as he lets the heavy warmth of his gloved hands rest against him while he permanently etches something just as pretty as he is into Namjoon’s skin.
“You don’t do impulsive,” Taehyung reminds him.
Namjoon hums and nods and stirs his chopsticks around in own bowl of udon. “I don’t know, I just think…I like the pieces Yoongi hyung has hanging on his wall. Especially his flowers. I’m always in nature, wouldn’t a flower tattoo be nice?”
“Should get a crab,” Taehyung responds with another mouthful of noodles.
“So you can tell everyone I have crabs?” Namjoon deadpans, and Taehyung’s face lights up. “Yeah, that’s not going to happen.”
Taehyung shrugs and takes a drink of his beer. “Are you sure you don’t want to go back there because Yoongi hyung is pretty?” There’s a playfulness to Taehyung’s voice that makes Namjoon sneer.
Namjoon grumbles, “And why would that be the reason?” but he can feel his cheeks warm, and judging by the wide, rectangular grin Taehyung’s mouth is forming, Namjoon guesses his face is just as pink.
“Because he is attractive,” Taehyung responds, rolling his eyes. “And he’s your type.”
“My type?” Taehyung nods at Namjoon’s question with a wide, incredulous stare. “What is my type, hmm?”
Taehyung twists his lips in thought, then smiles. “He just has this vibe about him that I know you’d like. Grumpy but secretly really sweet. Hardworking but social and fun when he wants. Quiet until you get him talking.”
Namjoon thinks on it, and although he does find all of that appealing, he's just never thought he had a type before.
“He’s also a bit of a freak,” Taehyung mutters into a bite of noodles, wiggling his eyebrows up and down.
Namjoon does his best to play it cool and not allow that information to affect him too openly as he asks, “And just what do you mean by that?”
With another grin and a shrug, Taehyung says, “You should find out!”
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Taehyung takes the lead in contacting Jeongguk to discuss the possibility of an appointment with Yoongi. Namjoon feels this is probably not the ideal way to handle this kind of situation, but he also worries he would have no idea how to actually talk to Yoongi.
Sure, he’s a normal guy who happens to be pierced and tattooed and has a voice as deep as the ocean. He is also the prettiest person Namjoon has ever set his sights on, and it makes him anxious. It’s been five days since Namjoon last stepped foot in the tattoo shop, and the more he thinks about Yoongi, the more nervous he becomes at the prospect of seeing him again.
He’s on his way home from work when his phone buzzes. Being late in the evening, Namjoon anticipates it will be Taehyung and is surprised to find a text from an unknown number. Namjoon stops in his tracks in the middle of the sidewalk. Immediately his stomach drops, and his hands begin to sweat.
[unknown] Hey, it’s Yoongi. Jeongguk said you might wanna get some ink.
Namjoon stares at his phone, processing the words as they ricochet from his eyes to his brain and back again. The message is innocuous, yet he’s nervous to respond for fear of being too uncool or...something...he isn't even sure. He swallows a lump in his throat and—
Namjoon Hey! Yeah, I’ve been admiring the art on your walls, and I think I would really like to get a flower done.
[unknown] What kind of flower?
Namjoon Maybe a sunflower? If you think it would go well with my skin tone.
[unknown] Anything would go well with your skin tone ;] When are you free?
Namjoon tells himself not to overthink the winking emoji as he saves Yoongi's number into his phone. No good will come from overthinking something as benign as a winking emoji.
Namjoon I'm free evenings, typically. But I have a flexible schedule and can come in any time.
Yoongi 🌻 Come for a consultation tomorrow evening? Anytime is fine. I own the shop...I can keep it open as late as I want.
Namjoon Sure. I'm off at 5, so I could be there at 6?
Yoongi 🌻 Perfect! See you then, Namjoon!
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Returning to the tattoo shop without Taehyung is nerve-wracking enough, but even more so because Taehyung is out to dinner with Jeongguk, leaving the shop presumably empty. Well, empty of everyone but Yoongi, of course.
The familiar bell on the front entrance rings loudly as Namjoon enters, forcing his heart to hammer even harder in his chest. Yoongi sits at the front counter, and he raises his gaze with a sleepy smile, eyes turning into dark crescents as he raises his hand to wave hello.
Yoongi's hair is pulled back on top again, with the rest hanging straight in the back. He wears silver hoops in four ear holes, with a matching silver hoop in his lip and a silver barbell in his eyebrow. The pink and red peonies stand out against his pale skin, and Namjoon fights to find even a single word to break the silence and stop staring at him. Then Yoongi stands, and Namjoon's brain short-circuits more.
"Come on in," Yoongi says, waving Namjoon over with a heavily tattooed hand and arm.
Yoongi wears an oversized black Mastermind tee, and as Namjoon gets closer, he finds gorgeous tattoos covering Yoongi's hands and arms. Traditional animal designs, flowers, and so many more things he can't begin to identify as he tears his gaze away from Yoongi's arm and tries to focus on his devastatingly pretty face instead.
Namjoon leans against the counter with his hands crossed in front of his chest and glances over at several doodles of sunflowers that Yoongi must have been working on. He can't help but smile at the sight of such simple yet beautiful designs, and when he looks up, Yoongi seems to be studying him with his head cocked to the side.
"Is this your first tattoo?" Yoongi asks, much softer and lower than before.
"Y-yes. I'm not really the body modification type, but I saw your paintings, and I..." Namjoon trails off, studying each design.
"What does the sunflower mean to you?" Yoongi asks after a pause.
Namjoon smiles softly to himself. "I've just always been drawn to them. Their simple beauty, and how they're always seeking the sun, following its warmth."
"Is there a sun you're seeking, Namjoon?" Yoongi asks with a smirk.
Namjoon's head spins, and he forces himself to look away from Yoongi's mouth. He nibbles his bottom lip and, with a smile, says, "Always."
Silence settles between them. It feels heavy but not stifling; calm and comforting. Namjoon likes Yoongi's quiet nature and feels at ease, thankful to not feel forced to think of something to say.
"Where would you like it?" Yoongi asks.
Namjoon's brain scrambles, only producing static where the context to Yoongi's question should be found, and he looks at Yoongi with wide, confused eyes, uttering, "Hmm?"
A small smile creeps over Yoongi's mouth, and his lips move as if he's attempting to conceal it before saying, "The tattoo."
"Ah—" Namjoon clears his throat and chuckles, feeling his cheeks warm. "Right. I was thinking...um...don't laugh, okay?"
Now Namjoon's cheeks are really beginning to warm, and Yoongi's soft, welcoming smile is not helping.
"I won't laugh at your choice, I promise. Chances are I have a tattoo in the exact spot."
Namjoon lets his eyes drift down to Yoongi's neck, arms and hands, and he wonders where else he has pretty designs.
"True," he concedes. "Well, I was thinking about getting it on my ankle. On the side or the back...or even the front...it doesn't matter, as long as the placement is nice. I trust you to know what to do."
Yoongi nods and chuckles and Namjoon feels a bubbling of apprehension at his response. He doesn't think Yoongi is laughing at him, but the man is a bit hard to read, so he's not sure.
"Ankle is a fine place; I have both of mine covered in tattoos. I only laugh because the ankle is a bit...spicy...for a first-timer."
"Spicy?" Namjoon asks, leaning in as if he's misheard.
Yoongi nods. "Spicy. Lots of bone and tendon and not a lot of muscle or fat. I find fat is easiest to tattoo; some people feel a lot of pain on muscle, and others think it's easier to take. Bone and tendon always suck."
Namjoon hums and nods, sort of understanding what Yoongi is talking about. "I have a fair pain tolerance," he assures him, remembering what Taehyung said about the endorphins of getting pierced and his own personal experience with enjoying pain sexually. It's not something he's really explored, but it is something that he knows about himself.  
A flash of something glimmers in Yoongi's eyes, but before Namjoon can attempt to decode it, Yoongi looks down to his doodles and picks the sheet up, resting it on the upper counter in front of Namjoon.
Yoongi rounds the side of the counter and leans against it on his elbows, getting into Namjoon's personal space, and Namjoon takes a small step to the side as if to give Yoongi more room, despite liking the close proximity. There's a faint musk and hint of sweet, woody cologne that Namjoon finds attractive.
"These," Yoongi says, pointing to three designs," would be fine anywhere. They don't have a stem, so we wouldn't have to worry about that resting on your body in a weird way. The others, with stems, would probably look best on the back of your ankle, with the stem pointing down along your achilles tendon. It would give the design a bit of a symmetric quality."
"And if I wanted to heed your advice about spice level and decided it would be best to put this on my buttcheek?" Namjoon asks, already regretting his words as they pour from his mouth, making him feel even more embarrassed for himself.
Yoongi laughs, a light, breathy sound, and says, "Then I would recommend picking a design with no stem."
"No stem, got it," Namjoon chuckles, holding back a grin. He forgoes asking Yoongi if he happens to also have tattoos in that location.
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Namjoon I have a tattoo appointment at 6 PM on Friday. You should come for moral support. I'm gonna need it.
Tae Tae 🎁 I was going to have Ggukie pierce my nipples Friday at 4, so I'll see if we can push the appointment for later!
Namjoon Wow, nipples. You guys are getting pretty serious, I take it.
Tae Tae 🎁 ;)
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Taehyung is already at the café when Namjoon shows up. Both Namjoon and Taehyung like to use sweets as a way to calm their nerves, so naturally, they agreed to meet up at a spot several blocks from the tattoo shop for a snack.
The bakery of this particular shop has Namjoon's favorite coffee cake and Taehyung's favorite strawberry danish, and Namjoon finds Taehyung sitting at a corner table with Namjoon’s coffee cake on a plate and what he assumes is a medium hot chocolate, despite it still being warm enough outside for cold drinks.
Taehyung appears as eccentric as ever in a flowy, oversized paisley short-sleeved shirt consisting of tans, browns and greens. Namjoon, on the other hand, wears an oversized grey tee, dark grey cargo shorts, the lowest cut socks he could find in case Yoongi doesn’t want to be faced with his bare feet, and some slip-off shoes, to be safe.
Taehyung glances up and waves, sending Namjoon his winning boxy smile, and Namjoon makes his way over and sits in front of his treats.
"Thank you, Tae," Namjoon mutters as he lifts his still-warm coffee cake to his lips.
"It's a big day, so I thought I would treat," Taehyung responds with a grin.
Namjoon scoffs and mutters, "It's just a tattoo," as he removes the lid from his cup of hot chocolate, lifts it to his lips and blows into it to cool it down.
"Exactly!" Taehyung beams, shifting forward with his elbows on the small wooden table, cradling his paper cup in his fingers. "It is just a tattoo. And you are not a just-a-tattoo kind of man. Something has changed."
Taehyung wiggles his fingers as if some witchcraft has made Namjoon into a new person and he scoffs and rolls his eyes.
"What can I say," Namjoon struggles to reason, "Yoongi hyung is very talented."
One of Taehyung's eyebrows lifts, and Namjoon averts his gaze back to his coffee cake, then he glances around the quaint, minimally decorated café. He can feel warmth tickle at his cheeks, and he does his best to think about literally anything but Yoongi.
"So you met Yoongi hyung the other day for a consultation?" Taehyung presses, voice deep yet soft as if they're exchanging secrets.
"I did," Namjoon responds shortly, pulling his cake to his mouth.
Taehyung hums then continues, leaning in closer and dropping his voice to an even softer utterance. "He kept the shop open late just for you. And he's doing it again today."
"Oh?" Namjoon asks, purposefully not meeting his friend's gaze.
Taehyung hums again in confirmation. "Interesting, isn't it? That Yoongi hyung would go out of his way just for little ol' you?"
Namjoon finally looks Taehyung in the eye with his mouth pulled in a straight line and his eyebrows raised. "He told me it was fine to schedule late because he owns the shop and makes his own rules, Tae. It's hardly a big deal."
A smirk tugs at Taehyung's mouth, making Namjoon squint. "Yoongi hyung doesn't keep the shop open late, hyung. He sets very firm boundaries and sticks to them. This is...shocking, quite frankly."
Shocking. Pffft, how dramatic. Namjoon shakes his head and returns to finish his treat; they have to get going pretty soon to make their appointments on time.
By the time they finish at the café and make it to the shop, it's 5:57 PM. The loud bell on the front door makes Namjoon's already shaky nerves go haywire, and he takes a deep breath in and pushes it out through his nose, doing his best to calm himself down. Jeongguk is behind the counter, and he stands to greet them.
"Tae! Namjoon hyung! Welcome back!" Jeongguk is in his same all-black attire, and he rounds the counter and prances over to pull Namjoon into a brief but friendly unsuspecting hug before letting Taehyung paw at him. Jeongguk blushes and pulls from Taehyung's eager hands, which Namjoon finds extremely cute, though he does his best not to watch them too much, feeling like a third wheel.
"Yoongi hyung is still on his way, but you can come back with us while I set up my station," Jeongguk tells Namjoon.
Namjoon accepts and follows the boys back, taking the same seat he took last time. Although he's there to see Yoongi, he doesn't want to impose on his space and sit closer to his workstation. Jeongguk begins to pull out various metal instruments and set them onto a paper towel that's laid out over a small metal table.
At 6 PM on the dot, the bell on the front door jingles loudly, and Yoongi walks in carrying another plastic bag full of takeout containers. In his other hand is a drink tray with four cups and Namjoon gets to his feet quickly to rush over and help him with everything.
"Here, let me take this," Namjoon mutters, reaching over the counter as he rounds it.
Yoongi mutters, "You don't need to do that," but allows Namjoon to take it anyway, smiling as he sets the plastic bag on the counter. Then Yoongi gets to work figuring out which cup is for whom and pulling them from the tray.
"Jeongguk mentioned Taehyung doesn't drink coffee, so I got him a warm apple cider. And he mentioned that Taehyung said you like chocolate mocha lattes with whipped cream, so I brought you one."
Namjoon pauses before reaching and taking the latte. Although he's already had his fill of sweet, warm drinks, he feels pleased to be receiving another, and he brings it to his lips to inhale the rich warmth that spills in a plume of steam through the small hole on the lid.
"You didn't have to," Namjoon mutters, gazing at Yoongi before letting his eyes fall back to the paper travel cup in his hands.
"Of course I didn't," Yoongi responds, and Namjoon lifts his gaze to find Yoongi smirking while he takes a drink from his own cup.
Yoongi is in the same white long sleeve tee that he wore the first time Namjoon was at the shop, and now that Namjoon isn't too shy to get a good look at him, he notices Murakami flowers going up the sleeves. He also notices—and does his best to ignore—the fact that Yoongi's hair is pulled half up once again in a cute messy bun atop his head.
"I was telling hyung how rare it is that you open the shop late," Taehyung calls.
Namjoon looks over to find Taehyung sitting with his arms crossed and a smug expression on his face. Jeongguk stands beside him, looking like a deer in headlights. A cursory glance at Yoongi shows him looking stoic and unaffected.
"A friend of Ggukie is a friend of mine," Yoongi responds with a shrug. "Besides, I never turn down the chance to blast a pretty flower onto a fresh canvas."
At this, Namjoon raises an eyebrow and says, "Is that all I am to you, hyung? A fresh canvas?"
Namjoon could swear something flashes in Yoongi's eyes as he takes a sip from his cup, but he tries not to dwell on it. He quietly reprimands himself for flirting with his tattoo artist—if that even is what he's doing.
"For now," Yoongi says after a beat and walks around Namjoon, around the counter, back to his workstation, leaving Namjoon to stand feeling a mess of feelings he struggles with identifying—dumbfounded being at the forefront.
"What's in the bag, hyung?" Jeongguk asks, likely referring to the plastic bag Yoongi left on the counter.
Namjoon turns and joins everyone, approaching Yoongi's corner this time. There's a long, straight leather table beside Yoongi's desk, and Yoongi covers it with a white paper cloth that you'd find on the exam table in a doctor's office.
"Just snacks for later," Yoongi responds to Jeongguk, keeping his attention on his task. Yoongi uses clear tape to affix the edges of the paper to the leather table, and Namjoon watches every movement his large pale hands and long knobby fingers make. "I brought enough for everyone, but if you guys have plans for later, it's cool."
When Namjoon looks back up, Yoongi watches him with a calm, soft smile. His stomach does a familiar somersault, and Namjoon turns to Taehyung, who is to his right and slightly behind him, and Taehyung shrugs and shakes his head.
"We don't have any plans," Namjoon responds, turning back to Yoongi. "I would be honored to share snacks with you, hyung."
Yoongi smirks and cocks an eyebrow. "It's the least I can do," he says, tapping the leather table twice to motion for Namjoon to sit, "since I'm going to hurt you a little."
Namjoon sits, and thank goodness, because with the way Yoongi's words, face and voice swim around in his mind, he is suddenly feeling quite light on his feet. Yoongi reaches for Namjoon's latte and sets it on his desk, and Namjoon grips onto the side of the leather table as he takes a deep breath in and out to steady his pounding heart.
"Should I take off my shoes?" Namjoon asks.
"Yeah, shoes off and, just to be safe, roll your sock down to the middle of your foot."
Namjoon does as he's told, then spins on the leather table until he's on his stomach, facing Taehyung and Jeongguk. Yoongi hands Namjoon a pillow that's wrapped in the same type of cloth paper as the table, and Namjoon hugs it under his chest and head.
"No need to squeeze the life out of the poor thing just yet," Yoongi says from Namjoon's left. "I'm going to get your skin wet, place the design down to see how it looks, and then you and I are going to scrutinize it until it's absolutely perfect."
"Sounds good," Namjoon mutters, still nervous despite the lack of pain on the immediate horizon.
Namjoon looks ahead and watches Jeongguk set up everything needed to pierce Taehyung. It seems like they're taking their time, probably since the tattoo is expected to take much longer. Although he's not intently watching the two of them, he can tell there's really sweet chemistry between them, for which he's glad. Taehyung, with all his strange little quirks, deserves someone just as adorable and weird.
Gloved fingers stroke Namjoon's ankle, down toward his foot, and he tries not to tremble too much despite the light tickling sensation that prickles across his skin. He turns his head to the left in an effort to get more comfortable and notices a full-length mirror on the wall, through which he can see Yoongi holding a piece of paper over his ankle and studying it as if deciding where to place it.
Yoongi hums a deep, elongated sound that makes every nerve on Namjoon's body respond, then he drawls, "I think this would look good on the inside, actually. Can I try placing it there?"
"Of course," Namjoon says as he turns onto his side and awkwardly spreads his legs so his ankle lays flat. "You're the artist, hyung."
Yoongi chuckles. "I appreciate the confidence, but this is your skin, and if all goes according to plan, this process will be permanent, so I want to make sure you're satisfied."
Namjoon attempts to ignore the myriad thoughts of just how Yoongi could satisfy him and focus on the task at hand. Now that he's on the side, he can look at Yoongi without having to use the mirror, and he smiles.
"I'm sure I'll love it."
It's a delicate process as Yoongi shaves the area of the ankle, wets the skin, and hovers the paper over as he squints, nibbles on his bottom lip, and contemplates where to put it. Then, Yoongi nods to himself, places the design and soothes it out with a warm, gloved hand before slowly lifting the paper off to assess his stencil.
"I think I got it on the first try, but have a look and tell me how you feel," Yoongi says happily as he gently sets the paper onto his workstation.
Namjoon sits up and swings his legs over the edge of the table, feeling his heart pound as he glances at the purple sunflower outline on his ankle. It seems much bigger now that he sees it on his skin, and he stands to walk over to the full-length mirror and check out how it would look from a distance.
The flower sits above the joint, and it's visible but easily concealed. Namjoon tries to imagine it colored in and admires Yoongi's handiwork on the petal shapes. He squats down and checks it out up close, and decides it's perfect.
"I think you got it on the first try too," Namjoon says, standing and turning back to Yoongi.
Yoongi is squirting ink in black, white, yellows, greens, and browns into small plastic cups that are stuck with some goopy substance on his metal work table. He wipes the tip of a yellow ink bottle off and sets it aside, then looks up at Namjoon with a smile.
"Glad to hear that," Yoongi says, then he puts his ink bottles away and walks to his desk, opens an ornate wooden box and takes out his tattoo gun. Namjoon notices the small machine is a solid rose gold that matches some of the pink shades in Yoongi's peony tattoo.
As Yoongi finishes setting everything up, Namjoon returns to the leather table and sits. His eyes scan over everything, and he swallows a lump in his throat; he cannot believe this is really happening.
"Ready?" Yoongi asks as he pulls off his black latex gloves. "Or would you like to have some water or use the bathroom or anything?"
"I think I'm good to start if you are," Namjoon responds, though he is quickly becoming terrified of the whole ordeal.
Yoongi grabs more gloves from his box, smirks and says, "Alright, sunshine. Let's get started."
"Sunshine, hmm?" Namjoon mutters, feeling himself blush. "Aren't I the one seeking the sun?"
"I suppose that's true." Yoongi chuckles and nods. "Alright, sun seeker, lay down for me."
Namjoon does as he's told, laying on his side and spreading his legs, so the side of his ankle is facing upward. Yoongi sits on a stool near his feet and waits patiently for Namjoon to get into position, then uses one hand to press down against Namjoon's ankle.
"Is this okay?" Yoongi asks. "Or will it get uncomfortable?"
Namjoon adjusts just slightly until it is, in fact, comfortable. "That's good."
"Alright, let's do this!" Yoongi exclaims with a smile. He presses his foot on a button that makes his tattoo gun buzz to life as if revving a car's engine and looks at Namjoon expectantly. Then, he laughs and shakes his head. "You look nervous."
"I am very nervous," Namjoon admits, letting out a humorless chuckle.
Yoongi places his hand on Namjoon's calf and gives it a gentle squeeze. "The most important thing is that you remember to breathe and try your best to relax. But also talk to me. If you need a break at any point, we'll stop. I have also found that chewing candy can help sometimes, so if you'd like my king-sized bag of gummy worms, just say the word."
"C-can I have the gummies just in case?" Namjoon asks with a cheeky smile.
"Ggukie, will you grab the bag so I don't have to change my gloves again?"
Namjoon had actually forgotten Taehyung and Jeongguk were in the room. They both have been so soft-spoken that their conversation blended into the sad boy background music.
Jeongguk walks to Yoongi's desk, opens a drawer and takes out a large bag of gummies. He undoes a plastic clip that holds the bag closed and brings it over to Namjoon.
"Try not to eat them all," Jeongguk says with a smirk. "Hyung keeps them around because he—"
"Quit smoking and it helps to suck on the candies," Yoongi interrupts at the same time Jeongguk says, "—has an oral fixation."
Namjoon actively ignores the entire exchange and simply nods his head and mutters, "Thanks," before shoving a gummy into his mouth and allowing the cherry flavor to assist with calming his nerves.
Yoongi places his hand on Namjoon's ankle, presses the button to make the tattoo machine come to life, and Namjoon takes a deep, shaky breath. Namjoon could watch Yoongi, but he chooses to shut his eyes and assess the pain level before getting too comfortable.
"Touching skin, sun seeker," Yoongi sing-songs. "Let out the breath that I know you're holding in."
Namjoon exhales as the faintest scratch runs along his ankle in what feels like a very small area. He opens his eyes and twists, trying to get a look at it, and sure enough, a very thin grey line is laid down. Namjoon lifts his gaze to Yoongi, who appears to be waiting for his feedback.
"That wasn't so bad," Namjoon says, suddenly feeling silly for being so anxious.
Yoongi smiles. "Glad to hear it. These lines are all going to be pretty thin, so the first layer won't feel too bad. Once I add color, it'll get a little spicier, but we'll cross that bridge when we get to it."
Namjoon settles back down, and Yoongi gets to work on the rest of the outline. He's not sure how much time passes as he watches Yoongi dip the tip of the tattoo gun into ink and bring it to his skin, over and over. When Yoongi squirts liquid onto the lines and wipes them with a napkin, he knits his eyebrow and sometimes tongues the inside of his cheek, which Namjoon finds endearing. He likes watching Yoongi at work.
Behind Namjoon, there's a hiss and a moan, and Yoongi chuckles and shakes his head. Namjoon watches as Yoongi squirts liquid onto the tattoo, wipes it off and sits back, stretching his neck from side to side.
"Have a look," Yoongi says, nodding his chin to Namjoon's ankle, and Namjoon looks up to find the completed outline and other small grey details.
"Wow, hyung," Namjoon mutters, shifting his weight so he can sit up with his leg bent. "This is...you are so talented."
Yoongi stands and takes his gloves off, tosses them into the trash, then he clears his throat before saying, "It's just the outline," under his breath. Namjoon can't tell if Yoongi is shy from the compliment, but he finds it very sweet.
"It's a very good outline," Namjoon insists, watching as Yoongi grabs Namjoon's latte and brings it to him.
"Gonna take a quick break and suck on some gummy worms so I don't go have a smoke," Yoongi says as he reaches into the bag of candies. "Feel free to walk around if you'd like."
There's another hiss and moan from Jeongguk's corner of the room, and Namjoon reluctantly turns to see what's going on before realizing—thankfully—that those were just the sounds of Jeongguk piercing Taehyung's nipples.
Taehyung sits with his paisley shirt hanging open, with his head back and eyes closed as Jeongguk threads a bar through Taehyung's nipple using the end of the piercing needle as a guide. His other nipple is red and pierced, and from where Namjoon is sitting, it appears that Jeongguk has done a really good job.
The loud bell on the front door chimes, and Namjoon follows the sound, realizing Yoongi had walked outside. He stands from the leather cot, feeling sore in the ankle and walks over to Jeongguk's corner.
"Does he go outside and pretend to smoke the gummies too?" Namjoon asks before taking a sip of his latte. Even now that it's room temperature, it hits the spot.
Jeongguk giggles and shakes his head. "Hyung just likes the fresh air. And he likes being alone for a little bit."
Namjoon had considered getting some fresh air too, but since Jeongguk mentioned he likes to be alone, he decides against it. Taehyung sits up in his chair and admires his new piercings in a mirror. Namjoon thinks they look good against his tan skin.
"Let's see your flower, hyung," Taehyung says with an expectant smile, and Namjoon turns his leg to give them a look at it.
Jeongguk gets closer and squats. "Wow," he says, elongating the word. "Hyung is good at what he does."
"I can't wait to see it colored in," Taehyung says, leaning forward to get a closer look.
Jeongguk's phone dings and he pulls it from his pocket, reads his message and tries to stifle a smile. Then he leans to whisper something to Taehyung, and Namjoon tries not to feel self-conscious about the fact that they're telling secrets until Taehyung's gaze flickers over to him for a split second, and he definitely gets nervous.
Namjoon squints and cocks his head at the boys, making a mental note to ask Taehyung about it later. Then the bell on the front door dings loudly, and Yoongi shuts the door and locks it behind him.
"Ready for more, sun seeker?" Yoongi asks as he returns.
"Absolutely, hyung," Namjoon responds with a smile. He's not sure why the silly nickname makes him feel so giddy, but every time Yoongi says it, he feels more and more warmth bloom in his chest.
Namjoon gets back to his place on the table, hugging the bag of gummies as Yoongi washes his hands and puts on a clean set of gloves. Then he watches as Yoongi removes the old needle from the tattoo gun and adds a different one.
Yoongi notices Namjoon's curious gaze and smiles as he explains what he's doing. "These other needles have several tips, and the technique I use to add color will scratch the ink into the skin. So these stages might hurt substantially more than the outline. Especially since the skin is nice and angry."
A glance at the tattoo confirms what Yoongi refers to as angry skin. It's red and inflamed—understandable for a fresh flesh wound, Namjoon supposes. Yoongi revs up his tattoo gun once more with a wiggle of his eyebrows, and Namjoon settles down on his pillow with a smile.
Yoongi was right; the various coloring and highlighting stages hurt far more than the outline, undoubtedly because the skin is already irritated, but also because Yoongi seems to be adding highlights and shadows, going over the same spot several times. Namjoon breathes through it and finds that the pain becomes more of a dull ache at times, which is manageable.
Or perhaps the part of Namjoon's brain that enjoys pain unlocks and allows him to relax into the feeling. Whatever it may be, he spaces out, listening to the music and to Taehyung and Jeongguk talk quietly behind him, and he finds he doesn't really mind the pain. Namjoon feels like he may even be drifting to sleep when Jeongguk speaks up, pulling him from his reverie.
"Hey hyungs, some friends invited us out. Do you mind if Taehyung and I take off and meet up with them?"
Yoongi stops tattooing, and Namjoon opens his eyes to find Yoongi regarding Jeongguk with a shrug. "Sure, I don't mind. Do you mind, Namjoon?"
Namjoon tilts his head back to find Jeongguk and Taehyung standing nearby, holding hands. "I don't mind. But Yoongi hyung did bring us snacks, so just know that if you leave, you will hereby forfeit your snacks to us."
The sound of Yoongi chuckling is music to Namjoon's ears, and he does his best to hold a stern expression while staring down the boys. Taehyung rolls his eyes; meanwhile, Jeongguk looks uncertain how to respond.
"Sure, hyung," Taehyung drawls with a wave of his hand. "I hereby acknowledge my forfeiture of the snacks."
"Good," Namjoon responds. "You two have fun and be safe."
"And text us when you get to where you're going," Yoongi adds.
"Yes, dad," Taehyung and Jeongguk say in unison.
Namjoon turns to Yoongi, places a hand over his heart, and, with a dramatic sigh, says, "They grow so fast."
Yoongi pretends to wipe a tear from his eye, careful not to touch his gloved hand against his skin and says, "I'm so proud of our boys."
There's some shuffling around as Jeongguk and Taehyung presumably gather their things and leave. Yoongi gets back to work on the tattoo, and Namjoon pops a gummy into his mouth. Whatever Yoongi is working on hurts like hell.
"We can change the music if you'd like," Yoongi says, raising his eyes to Namjoon for just a second before wiping the ink away and scraping more into his skin. "It's Jeongguk's playlist."
"This is fine," Namjoon responds. "I don't really care what's on."
"Not a music guy?" Yoongi asks. There's a hint of something softer in his voice now that it's just the two of them, and Namjoon wonders if Yoongi is asking these questions to pass the time or if he's trying to get to know him.
"The opposite, really," Namjoon says. "I've always been pretty passionate about music...I even made a career out of it. But I'm open to what others are into; I don't have to listen to my favorites all time, you know? It's nice to hear what other people are obsessed with."
The tattoo gun goes silent, and Namjoon looks up to find Yoongi staring back at him. "What do you do?" he asks.
"Music producer."
Yoongi's mouth falls open, then he smiles and looks back down at his work. He dips the needles into yellow ink and goes back to tattooing. "Have I heard anything you've produced?"
Namjoon chuckles. "Yeah. Most likely."
Yoongi hums, and the edges of his mouth turn upward. "Impressive," he mutters, flicking his gaze up to Namjoon momentarily.
Silence falls between them for a little while, and Namjoon finds himself alternating between watching Yoongi and looking at the various artworks on Yoongi's walls.
"You like those peonies," Namjoon says.
"I do," Yoongi responds, not looking up from what he's doing.
"And the snake."
Yoongi hums in affirmation.
"Especially on your skin...the colors, in contrast to the black snake...it's a stunning design."
Yoongi pauses and takes a deep breath, then he squirts liquid onto the tattoo, wipes it off, and says, "All done," as his eyes drift to meet Namjoon's gaze.
"Already?" Namjoon asks.
Yoongi laughs. "Already? It's been two and a half hours. It's dark outside."
Another tense silence hangs between them, and Jeongguk's playlist seems to come to an end, making the tension that looms around them feel thick. Namjoon snaps out of his thoughts and sits up to look at his tattoo.
A surprised huff of air pushes from Namjoon's lungs. The tattoo is on his ankle, yet it's Namjoon's chest that aches from the sight of Yoongi's stunning work.
"It's beautiful," is all Namjoon can manage to mutter.
"You like it?" Yoongi asks, watching Namjoon with a nervous smile.
Namjoon nods, finding it hard to speak. "Ye—uh—yeah, it's...thank you, Yoongi hyung. I knew you'd do a great job, but this is...wow."
"You're sure?"
"Of course I'm sure," Namjoon blurts, sounding insistent, almost panicked. How could someone so talented second-guess himself?
"I'm glad you like it," Yoongi finally responds, busying himself by removing his gloves.
The blending of soft yellows and hints of browns—peeks of green leaves sticking out. Namjoon isn't sure what he expected when he decided he wanted a design like this, but never could he have imagined it would be like this. Yoongi is a true artist in every sense of the word, and Namjoon is absolutely smitten.
It doesn't help that Namjoon's endorphins are in high gear, buzzing through him and making him feel more alive than he's ever felt before. He understands why Taehyung returns to Jeongguk for more piercings and wonders how many times he could frequent Yoongi's leather table before the artist catches on.
"All that's left is to take a photo for the 'gram, wrap it up and eat those snacks," Yoongi says with a smile, seemingly no longer self-conscious. "Sound good?"
Namjoon nods. "Sounds great."
Yoongi wipes off the tattoo once more, takes a few shots with his phone camera and then covers it with a clear plastic bandage. He regales Namjoon with thorough instructions about aftercare and gives him a cream to use on it, telling him it's on the house since it's his first tattoo. Then, Yoongi walks to the front counter with Namjoon trailing behind, and unpacks the takeout container full of donuts and other baked goods. 
"I always get sugar cravings after getting tattoos, so I thought I would bring some sweets in case you're the same way," Yoongi explains as he picks out an orange glazed donut and lifts it to his lips.
"That's funny because Tae and I actually had sweets before coming here. For some reason, a nice hunk of coffee cake always calms my nerves."
Yoongi stops mid-bite and stares at Namjoon. "Oh shit," he mutters with donut in his mouth. "You're gonna have a sugar crash, this is terrible."
Namjoon shrugs and laughs. "It's almost my bed time anyway."
"So if I suggested we grab dinner and beers instead, you would decline my offer and go to bed?" Yoongi asks.
"Me?" Namjoon huffs incredulously. "Decline dinner and beers with you? Never."
Yoongi looks pleased, albeit a bit surprised. "Don't need you turning into a pumpkin on me."
"If I'm the princess, does that make you prince charming?" Namjoon questions with the quirk of an eyebrow, already regretting his words. He can't pinpoint what it is that makes him so eager to openly flirt with Yoongi the second the man isn't holding a gun full of needles, but he feels that, for the sake of professionalism, he should at least try to reel it in.
Yoongi, on the other hand, rolls with it and responds, "Exactly," as he ties off the plastic bag containing the donut box and sets it aside.
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Namjoon I think I'm in love.
Tae Tae 🎁 Wow. No way, hyung. Totally did not see that coming.
Namjoon Sarcasm? Really? Very mature.
Tae Tae 🎁 That's cute. I'm glad to see the feeling is mutual.
Namjoon Excuse me?
Tae Tae 🎁 Hmm?
Namjoon What was that?
Tae Tae 🎁 What was what?
Namjoon The feeling is mutual? What does that mean? Did Jeongguk say something to you?
Tae Tae 🎁 No idea what you're talking about. Who's Jeongguk?
Namjoon Kim Taehyung
Tae Tae 🎁 Sorry, wrong number!
Namjoon :(
Tae Tae 🎁 Are you home now?
Namjoon I am in Yoongi hyung's car.
Tae Tae 🎁 ?!?!?!?!?!
Namjoon He invited me to get dinner and beers with him.
Tae Tae 🎁 !!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Namjoon Is that all you can say?
Tae Tae 🎁 I have to tell Jeongguk omg omg bye!!!
"Someone's popular," Yoongi teases.
Namjoon scoffs. "It's Taehyung. He was asking what I'm up to."
Good thing the feeling is mutual. The words bounce around Namjoon's mind, and suddenly he feels incredibly antsy. He can't help but wonder if Yoongi said something to Jeongguk. He will certainly not be able to stop himself from openly flirting, especially if the feeling may be mutual. And with beer in his system? He's doomed.
"This is the spot," Yoongi says as he puts his car in park.
Namjoon takes a deep breath in, attempts to gather his thoughts, and lets the breath out. Then he undoes his seatbelt and exits Yoongi's very nice car, the make and model of which he has no comprehension of as a man who neither drives nor cares about cars.
This is fine, Namjoon tells himself. He's going to have dinner and beers with the prettiest man he's ever seen in his life. A man who gave him an endorphin high and inflicted pain on him in the form of permanently etching a work of art onto his skin. Totally fine. What could possibly go wrong?
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Tae's little sun piercing is a callback to an older fic of mine and has nothing to do with the sun Namjoon seeks lol. also, i have over 30 tattoos but i have never actually tattooed so i hope i did the process and lingo justice! lolol.
please don’t be a silent reader! feedback & reblogs do so much to help content creators!
tag list: @btsstan12, @dasexydevitt13, @giriiboyy & @moonleeai 🌻 wanna be tagged in this story? or in everything i post? dm me!
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Sun Seeker is copyright 2022 theharrowing, all rights reserved.
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