whvmp · 4 days
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whvmp · 7 days
i think the biggest treat in the world is slow-burn whump. watching as things go from bad to worse slowly. at every moment she thinks that she couldn't possibly feel worse, but you know that she will. she has to keep pushing because the situation is life or death. it makes that inevitable crash at the end so much more satisfying because we just watched her fight for her life, forcing herself to be conscious and functioning out of pure determination. and then as soon as she's gotten to safety, her team are shocked and horrified by the state she's in and when she collapses, it turns to full-fledged panic >:)
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whvmp · 9 days
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”there was something you wanted to protect more than anything else.” “enough already! this isn’t the time!”
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whvmp · 14 days
having to get back on the road despite the fact that the whumpee is nowhere near ready to move just yet. maybe someone is after the gang, maybe they're attacked, maybe they have some kind of deadline. not to mention the fact that having to stop to treat her injuries/fever set them back, and now they have to push her even harder to make up for the lost time :)
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whvmp · 17 days
so so crazy how people love talking about how they love to break white male characters and how hurt/comfort can be one of the biggest ao3 categories and then when you say you want that same energy for female characters or characters of colour you get people being like do you want poc to be tortured? Do you want women to die?? It has to be played up obtuseness. Its completely on purpose.
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whvmp · 26 days
content warning
drugs that make a character woozy and disoriented. slurring words and falling slack, everything too heavy and confusing and muffled
blown pupils, wandering eyes, breathing too much or too little. sweating, shaking, puking, so limp and pale it’s almost like they’re dead
fevers so high a character's mind just turns to mush. glossy eyes tracking the ceiling, listless and unaware until eventually there's sweat sticking all over the sheets and they start mumbling some vague responses to caretaker's questions
tranquilizer dart that brings a character down all at once. one sudden jerk or look of confusion, not enough time to glance at it much less pull it out before eyes are rolling back and they collapse into the dirt
tranquilizer dart that comes on slowly. pulling it out and running and running until each step becomes too uncoordinated, stumbling or getting dragged along by a teammate until even their begging to stay awake, let's go, becomes hazy and distant
struck so hard that everything rings in one ugly roar. staggering or falling, told to sit down, just stay down. so confused and lost, repeating the same questions and forgetting the answer over and over and over again
character so messed up they struggle to follow any part of the conversation. everything too heavy and confusing and muffled, just useless and incoherent and completely oblivious to the situation
nervous prodding or pleading by caretaker, begging them to just stay awake or focus
jostled around by captor, told to get the fuck up and follow orders, easily manhandled and restrained
mumbling nonsense and spilling secrets. stoic characters without any masks, so confused and broken and vulnerable, slipping and powerless in every sort of way
"you're okay, i promise you're okay"
“ah, shit. you’re a mess—”
“I guess you won’t remember this anyways…”
gaze drifting and blank, too faraway to track anything caretaker/captor is saying. nudged and prodded and pleaded at to no avail, just incoherent and out of it
too weak to move. beaten absolutely senseless or bleeding all over the place, a character just hurting and spent beyond means sprawled flat against the ground
getting dragged along or stepped on, pinned down as if they're in any state to go anywhere
hypnotized and stunned into mindlessness. repeated mantras and rewired thoughts, a character made pliable and blank and used like a puppet
paralyzed but fully aware, left slack and useless and desperate with limp muscles and depressed breathing. assumed dead and abandoned, grieved over or dumped aside like a corpse, forced to watch and unable to do anything
poisoned and just getting worse and worse. teammates desperately looking for a cure while character deteriorates, puking and passing out and getting high fevers, hallucinating and begging for relief
characters taken out of commission when they're otherwise the strongest one. exposed to a weakness, given magical restraints or cuffs with neural suppressors to keep them docile, targeted and taken out
vertigo taking a character side to side, brought down and useless
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whvmp · 28 days
Imagine a character getting caught in freezing rain <3 and they’re already injured <3 send post
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whvmp · 1 month
A character, injured and unable to walk, determinedly dragging themselves across the ground, desperate to reach something, clawing their way forward toward their goal inch by painful bloody inch.
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whvmp · 1 month
question for the other (more experienced) whump blogs on here: do yall allow round robin replies on your posts? like— adding onto the idea and running with it? I see it a lot on the fandom/prompts side of tumblr, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen it on whumpblr, so I figured it was worth asking
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whvmp · 2 months
People forget that recovering from an injury takes so much energy. It’s not just pain, but a constant exhaustion as your body dedicates all of its resources to repairing itself. This can last weeks or months.
The same is true in the aftermath of a severe illness. You’re not necessarily “well” after the infection passes. Your body has to recover from the damage done by the infection. It leaves a person weak and lethargic well after they’ve “recovered” from their illness.
So, imagine a Whumpee being forced to work again immediately after an illness or injury.
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whvmp · 2 months
ropes or chains | deprivation or overstimulation | Mental torture or physical torture | Beatings or whippings | whumpee turned caretaker or caretaker turned whumpee | hurt or comfort | Dehydration or starvation | defiant whumpee or obedient whumpee | muzzled or gagged | branding or collared | successful rescue or failed escape | vampire whump or fairy whump | hidden injury or known whumpee | blood or tears | non-con or torture | multiple whumpees or multiple whumpers | servant or pet | fangs or wings | tiny whump or giant whump | hypothermia or hyperthermia | sick or injured
@prodigywhump @diagnosedbiologicalfailure @deepwoundsandfadedscars and anyone else!!
This or That - Whump Edition
ropes or chains | deprivation or overstimulation | Mental torture or physical torture | Beatings or whippings | whumpee turned caretaker or caretaker turned whumpee | hurt or comfort | Dehydration or starvation | defiant whumpee or obedient whumpee | muzzled or gagged | branding or collared | successful rescue or failed escape | vampire whump or fairy whump | hidden injury or known whumpee | blood or tears | non-con or torture | multiple whumpees or multiple whumpers | servant or pet | fangs or wings | tiny whump or giant whump | hypothermia or hyperthermia | sick or injured
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whvmp · 2 months
Give me more shaking whumpees.
Give me whumpees who are shivering so much from their high fever that they can't even hold a bottle of water up to their lips, leaving caretaker to hold it for them like they're bottle feeding a baby animal.
Give me whumpees who've lost so much blood that they're pale and trembling violently, their skin cool to the touch. Their body is desperately trying to keep them warm, but with each new shudder they're just bleeding more and more.
Give me whumpees in shock- whumpees who find out something so emotionally distressing that they can do nothing but shake, eyes fixed on a single point, jolting away from any touch.
Give me more shaking whumpees.
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whvmp · 3 months
Make your Whumpee tired.
Whumpees that have been deprived of sleep by Whumper, so much so that they don't remember how to walk in a straight line and can't figure out whether the recent appearance of little black bugs in their cell are real or a hallucination.
Whumpees that can't get a full night's rest. They doze off, only to be jolted awake by their own anxiety of not knowing when Whumper would come back. Perhaps they are awakened by phlegm-coated coughs induced by their illness. They are awakened by nightmares, or by Caregiver who is worried they may succumb to hypothermia, or by a thunderstorm, or the rough blanket scratching their open wounds, or so on.
Whumpees who pull all nighters to protect their friends or lovers.
Whumpees whose eyes burn when they finally can close their eyes. Whumpees whose muscles twitch, who can't stop yawning no matter how hard they try to stifle it. Whumpees with dark, glassy eyes. Whumpees who are slow to react or have a hard time keeping up with the conversation. Whumpees with throbbing headaches. Whumpees with brain fog and memory loss.
Whumpees who have been on the run and have over exhausted their bodies. Their muscles and joints continue to scream long after its over. Whumpees with extensive blood loss. Whumpees who are malnourished.
Whumpees whose survivor's guilt keeps them awake, wondering what they might have done differently, whether it was all their fault, or why they were the ones to live.
Whumpees whose bodies are in chronic pain or illness and who have to hide it, causing muscle and mental fatigue. They keep going with a smile until they collapse or pass out.
Whumpees who break down in tears, begging to be left alone so they can rest. Whumpees who sob when they are told that the bed in front of them is theirs to use whenever they want.
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whvmp · 3 months
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The trio holding hands to die for kirashapedgirl.
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whvmp · 3 months
cybernetic implants malfunctioning and hurting the user :))
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whvmp · 3 months
(please ignore this if you already got a similar message, my internet hit the bricks the second i hit ask so i have no idea if it actually went through)
i randomly stumbled upon your eric carter series whump rec and i was immediately interested but couldnt find it on libby :( i absolutely ADORE magical exhaustion-type whump and it is a criminally underused whump trope so i was wondering if you had any other similar recs? thank youu :))
Heeey Anon! Don't worry, both of them got through.
I've had trouble finding a series like the Eric Carter one and I'm so sad about it. I found a bunch with similar settings and premises but they didn't hold a candle to Eric's voice and whump.
Something whumpy that has a similar vibe as Eric is The Traitor God by Cameron Johnston. Edrin reminded me of Eric in all the good ways.
Prince of Fools by Mark Lawrence also has a similar vibe but with a more goofy protagonist. Jalan was a hoot and will remain one of my faves. Also includes some magical exhaustion whump.
A Murder of Mages by Marshall Ryan Maresca has magical exhaustion GALORE although the major whump picks up more in book 2 - the main character getting whumped is nothing like Eric though.
Hope this helps and do check out my other lists with whumpy book recs to see if anything sparks interest.
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whvmp · 3 months
i love a good magic-related fever. Maybe it's a curse, maybe it's overuse of powers, but no matter what, it's not responding to the things a normal fever would. Medicine, rest, cold baths. Nothing works and they just have to live with it until either it passes or they break the curse. :)
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