#nah it was james somerton
butchlifeguard · 8 months
vital part of the Kids Cant Read discourse thats KILLING ME is that the only opinions we see are from english teachers. this is fine when the discussion is ostensibly about literacy but i think we should pass the phone to math teachers and computer science teachers. because im a little suspicious that the focus on stem for the past 20+ years could be a contributing factor
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pkmnshippings · 10 months
not being funny but two days ago I had no idea who hbomberguy, Todd in the shadows, James Somerton, illuminaughtii, filip, Internet historian, or cinemassacre were. before anyone accuses me of living under a rock,, nah I just don't care much for video essays (except Mike's mic and his PLL series. that's an exception)
but like...surely James Somerton's career is over. there's no coming back from the doubly whammy of having your plagiarism clearly outed AND your lies blatantly fact checked back to back. I'd never heard of this guy on Sunday and now I think he's a vile thief and liar profiting off of others. like that's gotta be it for him right? surely SURELY he can't go back to making content with this on his record. right????
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lolabrea · 10 months
this is why it's deeply alarming to me that ppl are like no don't talk to anyone older than you. james somerton was able to grift bc any older queer could've been asked about his videos and instantly been like nah bro he's full of shit. i was watching the bomb and like wow i know for a fact that's wrong cos i fucking lived it.
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ringo-ichigo · 7 months
So after thinking thing through with less anger and relistening to Somerton's apology, I think I'm actually more irritated in new ways. So I think the whole "I was trying to be a representative and inclusive" part was partly his attempt at essentially saying "Sorry for the phobias."
Here's my problem with it. One, he doesn't name it. He doesn't say "I'm sorry for the bisexual erasure I perpetuated" or "I should have apologized and corrected myself on asexuals being subject to conversion therapy" or any number of other issues that were brought up. He doesn't state that these are the things he's trying to apologize for and he doesn't say sorry.
Two, sir, how is calling an out bisexual woman a "straight white woman" inclusive? Do explain this to me because personally, I don't get inclusion from that. Like, in what world was this going to make bisexuals specifically but really anyone feel like this was an inclusive space?!
Three, sir, the issue wasn't that you couldn't be a voice for the community, be a leader within it, or however you want to describe your role because of your identity. You being a white gay man wasn't really the issue with your attempt to be a role model. Like, sure, we have a plethora of those and other more marginalized voices would be preferred over yours, but there's nothing about being a white gay man that makes you inherently unfit for the role. Like, it's more you're not the first choice unless there are no other candidates. But again, that's not why people are hurt by you trying to be that voice. It was your actions and your words that did that. It's not that you never could be a megaphone for other voices. Like, you could have. But when you are a leader and your actions and words are actively spreading biphobia, acephobia, transphobia, lesbophobia, and misogyny, yeah, nah, we don't want you being a leader. Because you're not showing the qualities needed in a leader. You're actively harming the people you're claiming to represent while trying to act like you're going to advocate for them. Sorry, but I have a real hard time believing you'll advocate for me well when there's a good chance you'd find some reason to be angry at me and call me "a straight white woman" despite the fact that I am not straight. I may be white and a woman, but I am certainly not straight. I've been out as bi since 2016. And I'm just one person. I'm sure others would have similar thoughts.
Like, maybe I'm just wrong, but it feels to me like he thought the issue was his identity and that's why he's disqualified. Like, nah bro. We care far more about the things you did than your identity. If you watch B. Dylan Hollis, I feel like him in the pinto bean cake short. James is going "Make sure you clean your grind-o-mat," while I'm looking at him going "I'm not concerned about your precious grind-o-mat!" Like, sir, you are focusing on the wrong issue here!
Fourth, if you're implying that you tried to be a voice for the community by stealing from others within it... I'm sorry, but like... what ass backward logic is this? In what world would that have been good and wanted?! Like, yeah, you'll never fully get what it's like to, say, be a bi person being told that they're not allowed an opinion or voice because "You're straight." But like... how would plagiarizing a bi person talking about their bi erasure in that instance help you understand better than just reading it??? That's not how this works. If you don't have the perspective, you don't gain one by stealing! And again, like, why would anyone want you representing them after they found out you were stealing shit? To be a representative is to be their face essentially. Who would be like "Yeah this guy stole from me, but I want him to be my body double from now on"????
I could be wrong about this, but this is what I'm getting from this part. And frankly it's just further proof that he did not get why people were mad.
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chadsuke · 10 months
ive seen a lot of posts floating around about how like. you shouldn't be out here hating on former james somerton fans/illuminaughti fans/etc. for not realizing what he was doing and i do firmly agree with that like. it's soooo easy to be like 'well *I* check that my youtubers cite sources!!!' but do you really? do you REALLY? and hbomberguy thoroughly showed that it's easy to act like ur properly citing when ur not, and if u go uwu i'm immune to propaganda then. well. throws the garfield meme at you.
BUT AT THE SAME TIME i still think it's perfectly valid for there to be criticism because some of the shit that guy said was VILE. like im watching the todd in the shadows vid atm and im genuinely blown away. like, yes, when you sub 2 a youtuber you don't necessarily watch every single vid they make (esp when they're churned out like with somerton) but like the AIDS THING? CALLING THE GAYS WHO SURVIVED BORING??? WHO DOES THAT??? if you genuinely saw him say that and thought that was acceptable like. nah nah nah that's a perfectly valid thing to criticize on holy shit. or the way he weaponized his identities - again, that's not something u should say 'uwu oh well i'd NEVER fall for someone weaponizing their identity!!!' but you might!!! you might!!! but imo i personally. think those are valid things to criticize ppl abt.
like dont go around attacking or harassing former fans. it sucks for them. somerton is the real asshole here. but if u are a former fan i think its worth asking why u let things slide that u did
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leatherbookmark · 9 months
watching toddintheshadows's video on james somerton and i'm not on this part yet but i'm thinking about the "straight women were vehemently denying that y!!!oi was gay" claim, and... as someone who was on twt when it aired and read all the livetweets because the airing time was right as i was on the tram back home from my classes, i can't say this is 1000% bullshit, but at the same time it IS 1000% bullshit because context exists.
i DO remember being annoyed by one specific person in my twt circles for going "nah, it's not gay", but that was right after episode... 7? i think? aired, the one with the kiss, and their line of argument was not homophobia, but rather something along the lines of "they're fooling us again, it's all fanservice, see, they didn't show their lips meeting, it was only suggestive framing and next episode they're going to deny all that". it was not those horrible cishet women denying that the anime widely known as the official gay skating anime was official gay, it was 1. one (1) person that i saw, 2. expressing doubt that the show is gay mid-series, 3. because they were used to sportsani being full of fanservice and didn't want to get their hopes up for nothing, or didn't want everyone else (going crazy with excitement and celebrating) to get their hopes up only to get disappointed later on.
that's not even mentioning the fact that a Huge chunk of fans are queer themselves, but at this point it's obvious.
so either mr somerton has found this one (1) exact person's, or someone else who thought like them, tweets (HIGHLY doubtful), OR he made up a bunch of women to get mad at. hm. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯
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wardenhowe · 10 months
seeing james somerton being obliterated by hbomb is delicious. i will never forget watching his video on gay rep in video games and it being weirdly fucking biphobic about every single bisexual companion in all of dragon age and saying sera is universally accepted as great lesbian representation without ever mentioning the whole problem with her writer and immadietly going. nah man fuck all of that.
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snowdeong · 10 months
James Somerton.... nah man. Dissapointment doesn't cut it
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