nailcarelook · 1 month
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healthfactsjournal · 2 months
Sick of that nasty nail fungus coming back? You're not alone! Millions suffer in silence. But don't worry, I've got the secret to finally beating this stubborn infection. Watch the video below.
Sick of that nasty nail fungus coming back? You're not alone! Millions suffer in silence.
But don't worry, I've got the secret to finally beating this stubborn infection. Watch the video below.
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glownailbar · 4 months
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Short Nail Beds
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Comprehensive Guide to Nail Care: Do’s and Don’ts for Healthy and Beautiful Nails
Take a moment to closely examine your fingernails. Are they portraying a picture of robust health, or do you notice ridges, dents, or peculiar discolorations? Proper care for your fingernails is crucial to prevent various nail conditions and ensure they remain healthy. This guide will delve into the natural characteristics of fingernails, common issues that may arise, and essential tips for maintaining optimal nail health. Read more...
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scribblesandmakeup · 4 years
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Back in the #nubclub! At the same time, with #covid19, it is important to keep and maintain good #nailhygiene! The last time I did my nails was in mid-March and I used my #glossstrips from @dashingdiva_usa. Since then, I have not done my nails at all. Yesterday, I decided it was finally time to go back to it! In this #notd #naillook I used an old favorite of mine in the shade #ByteBlue from @sally_hansen. To make sure my nails don’t stain and to make sure the #polish went down smooth, I used a #basecoat from @holotaco. I also used the #glossytaco from #holotaco to finish. The #glitterpolish is to cover a couple bumps I gave myself washing my glasses 😂. For that, I used another favorite glitter polish in #Marcy from @livelovepolish! Overall, I’m pretty pleased by the way it looks since it’s been a while I’ve painted my nails! #nailpolish #nailpolishaddict #nailsofinstagram #nails #bluenails #glitternails https://www.instagram.com/p/CABcm2_jDqC/?igshid=mklio5m6mewp
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domperiani · 4 years
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Gotta keep my paws clean🐾🧼‼️ Holla at Jersey’s own @everythingmahj for your Mani/Pedi/Nailcare needs #ManMani #NailCare #NailHygiene #Jersey https://www.instagram.com/p/B_nJP1QDVK6/?igshid=4ednoeyiq5my
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talk2thehandnails · 4 years
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Acrylic structure Note! Λόγω της κατάστασης είναι καλύτερο να διατηρείτε τα νύχια σας κοντά ώστε να διευκολύνεστε κατά τον καθαρισμό των χεριών. Όμως! Για τις κοπέλες που ήδη έχουν μακριά νύχια, είτε τεχνιτά, είτε φυσικά, να σημειωθεί οτι πρέπει να καθαρίζετε σχολαστικά το κατω μέρος των νυχιών σας, καθώς εκεί τείνει να μαζεύεται βρωμιά και μικρόβια. Για μένα και για σένα κάποια πράγματα είναι αυτονόητα, όμως δεν ισχύει το ίδιο για όλους. Γι'αυτο, για λόγους υγιεινής, καθαρίστε σχολαστικά τα χέρια σας, και εξίσου σχολαστικά τα νύχια σας, με βουρτσάκι με σαπούνι και αντισηπτικο μαντηλακι. Δείξτε υπομονή και υπευθυνότητα και ολα θα περάσουν 🙂 #talktothehand #talktothehandnails #artificialnails #hygiene #covid_19 #nailhygiene https://www.instagram.com/p/B91U2TfBYKm/?igshid=a6ggzdrb90so
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futurerns · 5 years
Ways to keep up with your nail hygiene.
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Our nail hygiene is very important for our daily lives especially for nurses because we will be working with different patients, therefore we need to make sure our hands and nails are clean so we won't get sick or transmit anything to a patient. Here are some tips that will help maintain a good nail care hygiene.
Tip #1:  We should keep our fingernails dry and clean, in order to prevent bacteria from growing underneath our nails. Also we need to make sure when we are cleaning or using chemicals we should wear gloves, ex.  cleaning the bathroom while using bleach to avoid chemicals that can deteriorate your nails.
Tip #2 : Make sure you trim your nails or use clippers to clean them. Getting pedicures,manicures at the nail saol are also a good way of maintaining nail hygiene just make sure the salon you go to is certified.
Tip# 3: We should moisturize our hands with lotion and make sure they go in your fingernails and cuticles.
Tip #4: You can add nail hardeners to give strength to your nails.
Tip #5: You can ask your provider about ways to strengthen your fingernails. And one recommendation through research suggests biotin is a great nutritional supplement.
Tip#6: Make sure you don’t pick at your nails because it can damage your nails and if you get a cut you are allowing bacteria and fungi to cause infections easily.
Tip#7: Make sure you are not using any harsh acidic products on your nails.
Tip #8:  Do not ignore any signs of pain.
Fingernail do's and don'ts. (2018, February 3). Retrieved from https://www.mayoclinic.org/healthy-lifestyle/adult-health/in-depth/nails/art-20044954
(n.d.). Retrieved from https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&id=7C81DF7E0D049132D499D5338A81521E79BD3438&thid=OIP.X0dA1CYQ5na1kYsCmgAwBQHaHa&mediaurl=http://www.ladycarehealth.com/wp-content/uploads/2013/06/Follow-Proper-Hygiene-and-Nail-Care-Practices.jpg&exph=300&expw=300&q=nailhygiene+photo&selectedindex=17&ajaxhist=0&vt=0&eim=1,2,6
Mariamu Tunkara 
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nailcarelook · 2 months
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nailcarelook · 2 months
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nailcarelook · 2 months
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nailcarelook · 2 months
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nailcarelook · 2 months
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nailcarelook · 2 months
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nailcarelook · 2 months
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nailcarelook · 2 months
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