spider-xan · 11 months
Do you think Janni served any purpose other than being raped and becoming a female Nemo? And that her being alive (and apparently hated by her father) flies in the face of Nemo’s lust for revenge because of the murder of his loved ones,and his canonical scene where he breaks down in front of his family’s portrait?
Okay, I got this Ask twice, and I'm only going to answer the earlier version.
First, I have not read the Nemo trilogy and honestly don't really have much interest in doing so, and therefore, I can't really comment on specifics beyond what I do know about it based on research.
Second, I mean, that feels like an odd question, re: purpose bc wanting to tell a story about a woman heir to Nemo is a valid purpose in and of itself? And for all of Moore's recurrent problems with defaulting to sexual assault against women to explore patriarchy and misogyny, I don't think he adds women just for an excuse to write a rape scene and nothing else when outside of that issue, he actually writes complex women with agency, internal life, and character development; I think his problem here was that he seemed to think being gangraped by the British was the only motivation that would be compelling enough for her to go on a murder spree and take up the Nemo mantle, but I disagree, and this shit always happens to women as if women can't have the same rape-free motivations for revenge as men.
Third, I think the main point of the Nemo trilogy was to explore the alternate history 20th century of the League universe when the main comics only take place during three key years that are apart by decades, and a Nemo legacy character armed with her own Naitilus makes the most sense if it has to be someone connected to the original League.
In terms of Nemo, I have mixed feelings about how Moore wrote him bc while I do like that he did not sanitize or soften Nemo's hatred of imperialism and the British Empire, I think he leaned too heavily on the racist tropes of brown men being especially misogynistic compared to white men; obviously, misogyny exists across cultures and MOC are not inherently more progressive by virtue of being not white, and I'm not saying Nemo should have been a feminist, but this is the man who married his wife in the novels bc he admired her for her intelligence and ambition, and, like you said, deeply mourned the loss of his (original, in League context) children - so I don't buy that if Nemo had a second chance at a family, he would hate his daughter just for not being a boy and treat her like shit; the whole angry at not having a male heir thing is also pointless bc she was his heir anyway, so like, all that weird sexist conflict was for nothing.
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cinemaslife · 1 year
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Peter Madsen era un "genio" de Dinamarca que sin terminar los estudios de ingeniería formó parte de un laboratorio espacial de Copenhague, y que más adelante creó su propio laboratorio espacial con la ayuda de voluntarios y donaciones de los mismos. Madsen inventó cohetes, submarinos, estructuras aeroespaciales, etc... Y por ello estaba rodando un documental y daba varias entrevistas.
Emma es la directora del documental que cuenta con la participación de varios de los voluntarios y becarios que tenía Madsen en su laboratorio espacial. Justo cuando lo estaba rodando (llevaba más o menos un año grabando con ellos) Madsen aceptó al entrevista que le iba a realizar Kim Wall.
Kim Wall se iba a mudar en un par de días a Japón y se moría de ganas de entrevistar al famoso genio danés por lo que aprovechó ese día después de la grabación del documental para entrevistarle y dar una vuelta en el Naitilus.
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Kim y Peter se sumergieron en el submarino y nadie más volvió a verla, en el documental se muestra como el equipo de Madsen se preocupa por la desaparición de las dos personas y del submarino.
Pero cuando el Nautilus volvió a salir a la superficie después de los mil llamados y las búsquedas de salvamento marítimo solo estaba Madsen a bordo, pero, a la vez y de forma intencionada, lo hundió.
Peter mató a Kim y da igual cuantas versiones, cuantas historias o cuantas pamplinas se empeñara en desarrollar, y según la sentencia: la secuestro, violó, torturo, asesinó y desmembró a la joven periodista de 30 años, y lo hizo porque si, porque tuvo la oportunidad, no tenía ninguna motivación, nada en contra de ella.
El documental nos muestra la cara más personal de Madsen, y es que intentó con varias mujeres de su entorno que subieran con el a solas para sumergirse en el Nautilus con la finalidad de poner en marcha su macabro plan. Si no hubiera sido Kim Wall podría haber sido cualquiera de ellas, ya que Peter tenía una extraña filia con las snuff movies, el sufrimiento y la tortura contra las mujeres.
Subió con conocimiento todo el material necesario al submarino, lo planeó y daba igual si era Kim u otra.
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Peter Madsen tenía un rencor guardado por sentirse rechazado en varios aspectos de su vida, pero ninguna de esas justificaciones por su parte pueden hacer que los padres de Kim Wall duerman tranquilos.
No solo mintió, y alargo el sufrimiento interponiéndose en la investigación, si no que le restó importancia a que los padres de la victima no pudieran hacerse con todas las partes de ella para poder enterrarla, además de ser un completo capullo respecto al hecho de como se deshizo de ella porque total: Ya estaba muerta.
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Kim Wall era una promesa del periodismo, tenía planes, gente que la quería y se preocupaba de ella. Era una gran profesional y dedicada, y solo estuvo, en el lugar incorrecto, en el momento incorrecto con un monstruo.
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amr-jayprakash · 1 year
Gym accessories include specialized support products that are designed to boost performance during and increase recovery speeds after physical activities like athletics, workouts, or bodybuilding as well as products that are used for refreshments, entertainment and nutrition intake during the workouts. These products are used during physical activity to provide support and maintain proper forms and angles of the body during strenuous physical activities to reduce muscle stress, hyperextensions, and muscle and joint fatigue. The most commonly used forms of support accessories include belts, wraps, straps, supports and performance monitors while other accessories which do not help directly in the workout but later in the recovery or relaxation period are sippers, towels, mats, music players, and more.
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oldmoonlullaby · 4 years
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Art Nouveau Nautilus Objects
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spermonster · 3 years
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Xiaomi Mi Store Mağazası Tepe Nautilus’ta Açıldı Türkiye’deki ilk Mi Store mağazasını 2018 yılında açan Xiaomi’nin İstanbul’daki yeni adresi Tepe Nautilus oldu. İstanbul’daki 19. mağazasını 27 Mayıs’ta Tepe Nautilus’ta açan Xiaomi’nin Türkiye’deki mağaza sayısı ise 55’e ulaşıyor. #MiStore #Xiaomi #naitilus (Nautilus AVM) https://www.instagram.com/p/CQZBdWSL5N4/?utm_medium=tumblr
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wristprn · 5 years
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Patek Naitilus• #WRISTPORN by @patekdiver • www.wristporn.com #patekphilippe #patekcollector #patek #patekaholic #watches #rolex #patekgallery #patekwatch #watch #pateklover https://www.instagram.com/p/B9NNt_ko98i/?igshid=5ml51chgswfv
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Sapphire caught a chambered naitilus!
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Cthulhu Wakes Up Early to Feed Naitilus Babies
35-50 ink on paper/digital
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vampirvalentin-blog · 7 years
Naitilus middle school (at Miami South Beach, Florida USA)
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amr-jayprakash · 1 year
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