#naitonal news
collapsedsquid · 1 year
China and Cuba have reached a secret agreement for China to establish an electronic eavesdropping facility on the island, in a brash new geopolitical challenge by Beijing to the U.S., according to U.S. officials familiar with highly classified intelligence.
An eavesdropping facility in Cuba, roughly 100 miles from Florida, would allow Chinese intelligence services to scoop up electronic communications throughout the southeastern U.S., where many military bases are located, and monitor U.S. ship traffic.
Is crucial for US naitonal security that the US end the sanctions
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realtimesmedia · 3 years
कोयले के संकट से रोलिंग मिलों पर बंदी की मार, एक लाख लोगाें पर लटकी बेरोजगार होने की तलवार
कोयले के संकट से रोलिंग मिलों पर बंदी की मार, एक लाख लोगाें पर लटकी बेरोजगार होने की तलवार
रायपुर(realtimes) कोयले के प्रदेश में भी भारी संकट के कारण हाहाकार मच गया है। इसकी वजह से उद्याेगाें पर बंद हाेने का खतरा मंडराने ही नहीं लगा है बल्कि अब तो राेलिंग मिलें बंद भी हाेने लगी हैं। एक दर्जन मिलाें में ताला लग चुका है, बाकी पर भी खतरा मंडरा रहा है। इसी के साथ इस उद्याेग से प्रत्यक्ष और अप्रत्यक्ष रूप से जुड़े एक लाख लोगों पर बेरोजगार होने का तलवार भी टक गई है। कोयले की कमी का खामियाजा…
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With the triumph of the “Washington Consensus” (not to mention what ought to be called the “Brussels Consensus”) in the 1990s, the pendulum clearly swang too heavily in favor of open borders, particularly concerning the free movement of capital. The unlimited free movement of capital means that your economy is now distorted by whatever goes through the minds of the capital-holding investors, who are by no means “rationally omniscient,” but are as prone to fashions, prejudice, and panics as the rest of us. Hence, your economy is liable to get overheated due to excess investment (which, for the investing country, also means your banking sector could now collapse because of economic problems in another country) and international capital runs. If your consumers take loans in a foreign currency, they also risk ruining themselves if the national currency’s value declines significantly, for whatever reason.
Guillaume Durocher, “Orbánomics, or the Return of National Economics” (January 2nd 2019).
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rudrjobdesk · 2 years
National Herald Case: राहुल से ED की पूछताछ पर कांग्रेसियों का हल्ला-बोल, बीजेपी का पलटवार- प्रदर्शन की आड़ में हो रही हिंसा
National Herald Case: राहुल से ED की पूछताछ पर कांग्रेसियों का हल्ला-बोल, बीजेपी का पलटवार- प्रदर्शन की आड़ में हो रही हिंसा
Image Source : GOOGLE Protest Against Government  Highlights पार्टी के नेता और कार्यकर्ता देश के अलग-अलग हिस्सों में सरकार के खिलाफ सड़कों पर उतरें कांग्रेस का आरोप- राहुल और सोनिया गांधी को साजिशन फंसाया जा रहा है बीजेपी का पलटवार प्रदर्शन के नाम पर कांग्रेसी कर रहे हिंसा National Herald Case: नेशनल हेराल्ड मामले में प्रवर्तन निदेशालय (ED) द्वारा राहुल गांधी से चल रही पूछताछ पर कांग्रेसी पूरे…
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Two years ago this month, I had the priviledge of visiting a relatively new national park site with a new and important mission. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ In 2016, the National Park Service created STonewall Naitonal Monument, the first of its kind to recognize, protect, and share a major part of the history of LGBTQ rights in America. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ What started as a raid, turned into one of the most important riots for the advancement of human rights in our country. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ Please take the time to research, read about or even visit Stonewall this month. That's what this "holiday month" is all about. ⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ 📍: Stonewall National Monument, NY⁠⁠ 📅 : June 2019⁠⁠ ⁠⁠ #IBrakeForBrownSigns ⁠⁠ #nationalparkgeek ⁠⁠ #unitedbynature⁠⁠ #stonewallwasariot⁠⁠ #pride⁠⁠ (at Stonewall National Monument) https://www.instagram.com/p/CPlrMRRgPS7/?utm_medium=tumblr
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Trudeau promises massive covid stimulus
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Canadian Prime Ministers have a fun gambit: when things start to go really badly for them, they "prorogue" (suspend) Parliament, which dissolves all committees, inquiries, etc, until such time as they are ready to reconvene, with a tabula rasa.
Most egregiously, the far-right asshole and climate criminal Stephen Harper prorogued Parliament in the middle of the 2008 Great Financial Crisis in order to avoid a no-confidence vote that would have triggered new elections.
While this DID save Harper's bacon, it also left Canada without a legislature during a global crisis that threatened the nation's entire future. It was a crazed, reckless thing to do.
Canada has a safeguard to prevent this kind of gambit: as a constitutional monarchy, Canadian parliamentary manoeuvres have to receive the Crown's blessing, in the form of assent from the Governor General, the Queen's rep to Canada.
This is the sober, apolitical adult supervision that fans of constitutional monarchies are always banging on about, and then-Governor General Michaëlle Jean completely failed to do her fucking job, leaving Canada without a Parliament during the GFC. She literally had one job.
Proroguing Parliament didn't just save Harper from a no-confidence vote: it also dissolved all the Parliamentary inquiries underway at the time, including the "Afghan detainee transfer" affair, which was investigating Canadian forces' complicity in the torture-murder of POWs.
In many ways, Trudeau is the anti-Harper: a charismatic Liberal who tells refugees they're welcome in Canada, marches with Greta Thunberg, and appoints the first-ever First Nations person to serve as Attorney General .
Truly, there is no policy so progressive that Trudeau won't endorse it...provided he doesn't actually have to make it into policy. Because many of his policies are indistinguishable from Harperism, albeit with a better haircut.
This started before he won the election, when Trudeau (whose father once declared martial law!) whipped his MPs to vote for a human-rights-denying mass surveillance bill, C-51.
Trudeau did so while insisting that the bill was a massive overreach and totally unacceptable, but claiming that the "loyal opposition" should still back it so as not to be accused of being soft on terrorism in the coming election. He promised to repeal it after.
Of course, he didn't.
Trudeau is often compared to Obama, a young and charismatic fellow who makes compromises, sure, but comes through in the clutch.
Tell that to pipeline protesters.
After the Obama administration killed the Transmountain Pipeline - the continent-spanning tube that would make filthy, planet-destroying tar sands profitable enough to bring to market - Trudeau bailed it out, spending billions of federal dollars to keep it alive.
Then, Trudeau - who campaigned on nation-to-nation truth and reconciliation with First Nations - announced that he would shove this toxic tar-sand tube through unceded treaty lands across the breadth of the naiton.
And then he had the AUDACITY to march with Greta Thunberg at the head of a climate march, demanding a change to policies that would see billions dead in the coming century.
HIS OWN policies.
I mean, Trudeau's boosters have a point - Harper NEVER could have pulled that off.
The Harper years were a Trumpian orgy of blatant self-dealing and cronyism.
The Trudeau years, on the other hand...
One of Trudeau's major donors is SNC Lavalin, a crime syndicate masquerading as a global engineering firm (think Halliburton with less morals).
SNC Lavalin had done so much crime that it was on its final notice with the Canadian legal sysem, a probation that it must not violate on penalty of real, big boy federal criminal prosecutions.
Then it did more crimes.
Remember Trudeau's historic appointment of a First Nations woman to the Attorney General's seat? Now was AG Jody Wilson-Raybould's moment to shine.
As Wilson-Raybould began aggressively pursuing these corporate criminals, she started getting calls from Trudeau's office.
For avoidance of doubt, these were not calls of support. They were demands to drop the case and let the SNC Lavalin crime syndicate get off scot-free. Eventually the PM himself called her and demanded that she give his cronies a pass on their repeated criminal actions.
Wilson-Raybould went public, decrying political meddling in the justice system. Trudeau denied everything and began to smear her (Harper had tons of scandals like this, BTW, only the counterpart was usually a rich old white guy, not a First Nations woman).
But Wilson-Raybould had recorded the conversations, and she released the recordings, and proved that Trudeau had lied about the whole thing. Trudeau fired her and kicked her out of the party.
But at least he's not Trump, right? He's the anti-Trump! (Well, except for the pipeline and that time he announced "No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and leave them there").
Remember the Muslim Ban? As Trump was tormenting refugees at the US border, Trudeau tweeted "To those fleeing persecution, terror & war, Canadians will welcome you, regardless of your faith. Diversity is our strength #WelcomeToCanada."
Yes, that was awesome. There is no policy so progressive that Trudeau won't endorse it...provided that he never has to do anything to make it happen.
Canada and the US have a "Safe Third Country Agreement" that says that asylum-seekers turned away from the US border can't try again in Canada. To make #WelcomeToCanada more than a hashtag, Trudeau's government would have to suspend that agreement.
Instead, Trudeau's government insisted that under Trump, "the conditions of the Safe Third Country Agreement continued to be met" and thus they would not suspend the agreement and give hearings to those turned away by Trump's border guards.
But at least Trudeau handled the pandemic better than Harper handled the Great Financial Crisis.
No, really, he did!
I mean, unless you were in a nursing home or on a First Nations reservation.
But still, Trudeau's government did a MUCH better job than the Trump government, or Boris Johnson's Tories. Neither Liberals nor Conservatives will really fight cronyism, climate change or authoritarianism, but there are still substantive differences between them.
But in some ways, they are depressingly similar.
Take corruption.
Long before the plague struck, Canadaland was publishing damning reports on We Charity, a massive, beloved Canadian charitable institution nominally devoted to ending child slavery.
Canadaland's initial reporting on the charity focused on its partnerships with companies that were using child slaves to make their products, but the investigations mushroomed after the charity sent dire legal threats to the news organisation over its coverage.
And then Canadaland founder Jesse Brown found himself smeared by a US dirty-tricks organization that got its start working for GOP politicians, who got a contract to plant editorials criticizing Canadaland's We coverage in small-town US newspapers.
Private eyes started following Brown around, even keeping tabs on his small children. Rather than being intimidated, Brown kept up the pressure on We, which prompted whistleblowers to leak him even more details about the charity's activities.
These included massive, mysterious real-estate holdings, hard-to-excuse criminal investigations of its Kenyan activities, and (here's where I've been going with this all along) GIANT CASH PAYMENTS to Trudeau's family, as well as valuable gifts to his Finance Minister.
And, as with the Wilson-Reybould affair, Trudeau's initial response to this was to simply deny it, calling his accusers liars. But then the scandal kept unspooling, his Finance Minister quit in disgrace, the charity (sort of) folded up and shut down, and Trudeau...
Well, Trudeau prorogued Parliament, shutting down Canada's government in the midst of a crisis that was - unimaginably - even worse than the 2008 crisis that Harper had left the nation rudderless through to avoid his own scandal.
(Again, for constitutional monarchy fans, that's two entirely political proroguings in the midsts of global crises, signed off on by the Queen's supposedly apolitical and sober check on reckless activity)
Shutting down Parliament seems to have rescued Trudeau's government from snap elections, which may well have been won by the Tories, who have resolved their longstanding racist and plutocratic tensions with a new ghoulish nightmare leader:
And, as Trudeau has reconvened Parliament, he's promised something genuinely amazing: a massive, national stimulus package meant to keep families, workers and small businesses afloat through the looming second pandemic wave.
This is something Canada - and the US, for that matter - desperately needs. Canada is monetarily sovereign: it issues its own currency and its debt is in the same currency, meaning it can never run out of money (no more than Apple could ever run out of Itunes gift cards).
The Canadian DOES face constraints on its spending, but they're just not MONETARY constraints - they're RESOURCE constraints. If the Canadian government creates money to buy the same things the private sector is shopping for, there'll be a bidding war, AKA inflation.
But as a new wave of lockdowns and mass illness looms over the country, there's going to be a hell of a lot of things the private sector isn't trying to buy - notably, the labour of the Canadian workforce, millions of whom will be locked indoors through the winter.
An analyst warns that Trudeau's proposal is likely to add CAD30B to the deficit, which is a completely irrelevant fact unless that new money is going to be chasing the same goods that Canadian business and citizens are seeking to buy.
Trudeau has promised to create a national prescription drug plan (a longstanding hole in Canada's national health care system), as well as universal childcare, and he's denounced austerity as a response to the crisis.
There's a part of me that is very glad to see this. My family and friends are in Canada, after all, and if Trudeau lives up to his promise, he will shield them from the collapse we're seeing in the USA.
But that is a BIG if. Trudeau isn't Harper. He's more charismatic, he's got better hair, and he says much, much better things than Harper.
However, when the chips are down, Trudeau out-Harpers Harper.
Mass surveillance legislation. Corruption scandals. Lying about corruption scandals. Bailing out the pipeline. "No country would find 173 billion barrels of oil in the ground and leave them there." Abandoning asylum-seekers to Trump's lawless regime.
"Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action." It would be pretty naive to assume that merely because Trudeau has promised to do the right thing, that he will do the right thing.
Indeed, if history is any indicator, the best way to predict what Trudeau will do is to assume that it will be the OPPOSITE of whatever he promises.
I won't lie. I felt a spark of hope when I read Trudeau's words.
But hope is all I've got - and it's a far cry from confidence.
Or relief.
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royal-confessions · 4 years
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“Meghan has phoned a Althea Bernstein, 18, who says she was set on fire by four white men in a hate crime. Here she goes again exploiting a victim. The story was viral on naitonal news, so Meghan wanted to get some attention by contacting her and then leaking all the details of the call. There are hundreds of ways she could have helped quietly. She could have also helped Althea without media. But she wants the headlines. Meghan is a mercenary.” - Submitted by Anonymous
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fatehbaz · 5 years
6 October 2019: More news on the local extinction of endangered, rainforest-dwelling southern mountain caribou in the British Columbia and US portions of the Pacific Northwest. Indigenous leaders of Tsilhqot’in National Government (First Nation headquartered in BC) are aiming to create their own herd-management plan in the Chilcotin, Thompson, and Kootenay regions. The tentative First Nation proposal is in defiance of BC provincial government’s plans to move forward with wolf culls, resort development, and continued logging contracts. West Moberly First Nation will also consult on a caribou recovery plan in the coming weeks. The Tsilhqot’in announcement comes just days after the US federal government finally granted Endangered Species Act protections for all herds of southern mountain caribou, on 2 October 2019 - despite the fact that the last caribou within US borders went extinct in January 2019.
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A quick primer: The so-called southern mountain caribou is a distinct ecotype and population of caribou which dwells exclusively in the mountains of the inland temperate rainforest and interior cedar-hemlock zone in the Columbia Mountains of eastern British Columbia, and previously lived in cedar-hemlock forest of northeastern Washington State, northern Idaho, and northwestern Montana. The caribou finally was declared formally extinct within the borders of the contiguous United States in January 2019, when the last 3 members of the South Selkirks herd of southern mountain caribou were taken from Idaho and relocated farther north in BC. Other ecotypes of caribou previously lived in the northern Great Lakes region and New England until their extinction in recent decades, but this is the first time that the entire reindeer/caribou species (Rangifer tarandus) has been extinct in the contiguous US. The South Selkirks herd was the only herd which the US had recognized as formally endangered. On 2 October 2019, though, the US extended formal endangered status to all herds of southern mountain caribou.
[Base layer source from BC government; labels/text by me.]
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In this map from the animal’s Species at Risk Act recovery strategy report from the Canadian federal government, the distribution range of the southern mountain caribou is displayed in pink-ish/red-ish. [Full report available here.]
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[Original caribou distribution range map, source; and inland temperate rainforest map source. Some labels/edits by me.]
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“First Naiton in B.C. to devise own caribou herd-management plan, blames province for not doing enough.” [6 October 2019. Wendy Stueck. The Globe and Mail.]
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A B.C. First Nation says it will come up with its own plan to manage dwindling caribou herds in the Chilcotin region, saying the provincial government is not doing enough to protect the animals. “We’re on the brink of extinction for caribou in the Chilcotin and we can’t just sit by and think the Province of B.C. is going to save our caribou – they’ve managed [them] almost to extinction,” Joe Alphonse, tribal chair of the Tsilhqot’in National Government (TNG), said in an interview on Oct. 4.
Mr. Alphonse said the TNG’s “herd management plan,” announced on Oct. 2, will involve asking snowmobilers and logging contractors to stay out of certain areas in the Chilcotin region, an area west of Williams Lake in the B.C. Interior. “There has to be a ban of logging in areas where there are woodland caribou, there has to be a ban of snowmobiling … when you ride through in the winter, what you’re doing is creating trails for wolves to hunt,” Mr. Alphonse said.
The First Nation’s decision highlights continuing concerns over caribou in British Columbia, where the provincial government recently proposed an emergency wolf cull in part of the province as a stopgap protection measure as a contentious recovery plan is reworked.
“For threatened caribou populations, decreasing the number of wolves in caribou habitat is the quickest and most effective management tool to reverse population trends in the short term," said a letter, dated Aug. 22, from the province to First Nations and other groups, including the B.C. Wildlife Federation. B.C. is home to 54 herds of woodland caribou, including the southern mountain caribou, a group of herds listed as threatened under Canada’s Species at Risk Act since 2003. Caribou numbers have been declining for decades because of factors including habitat loss, dropping from an estimated 40,000 animals 30 years ago to about 15,500 today.
In May, 2018, federal Environment Minister Catherine McKenna concluded southern mountain caribou were at “imminent threat,” opening the door for an emergency order from the federal government. Such an order would allow the federal government to make decisions about resource development that is normally within the jurisdiction of provincial governments, such as logging and mining.
The province, wanting to head off an emergency order, worked on a plan with the federal government and the West Moberly and Saulteau First Nations. But when the province unveiled draft agreements this past March, there was a public backlash over potential restrictions on logging and backcountry access. [...]
In a letter to the province this past May, Ms. McKenna warned that the “prospect of an emergency order cannot be ignored” and urged the province to move quickly. But that emergency order never came. With a federal election campaign under way and the government in caretaker mode, Ms. McKenna’s office referred questions to the federal Department of the Environment.
Protecting caribou is “primarily a provincial and territorial responsibility,” but the department continues to work with all partners, including B.C., to support southern mountain caribou, spokeswoman Samantha Bayard said on Friday in an e-mail. Asked if Ms. McKenna had sought an emergency order, Ms. Bayard said any recommendations or deliberations regarding an emergency protection order are a matter of cabinet confidence. [...]
The U.S. Fish and Wildlife Service on Oct. 2 recognized 17 herds of southern mountain caribou as endangered species under the U.S. Endangered Species Act. Previously, the agency listed only the South Selkirk herd as a federally endangered species. The new ruling means habitat will be protected, even though the animals have disappeared from the United States in recent years, said Sean Nixon, a lawyer with Ecojustice in Vancouver.
“We have this bizarre situation where there are no caribou left in the U.S., but they’re protecting the species habitat so that caribou can return … while we still have mountain caribou in B.C. but the province isn’t providing any meaningful protection for the species’ habitat," he said.
A meeting of a “leadership table” on the caribou recovery plan is scheduled for this month, West Moberly First Nations Chief Roland Willson said. Mr. Willson wants to see more than stopgap measures, saying caribou need protected habitat to thrive. “Wolves are an issue, but the reason the wolves are an issue [is] because of development,” Mr. Willson said.
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This is a cow waking up. She was one of the last 3 caribou to have lived in the contiguous US; she was part of the South Selkirks herd. In January 2019, the 3 caribou were taken from Idaho and relocated to near Revelstroke in BC. [Source: B.C. Ministry of Forests.]
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nativenewsonline · 6 years
Federal District Court Affirms State’s Unlawful Seizure of Concurrent Jurisdiction within Yakama Land
Federal District Court Affirms State’s Unlawful Seizure of Concurrent Jurisdiction within Yakama Land
Yakama Naiton Tribal Council Chairman JoDe Goudy. Native News Online photo by Levi Rickert
Published February 27, 2019
YAKAMA, AGENCY, YAKAMA RESERVATION— On Friday, February 22, 2019, the United States District Court for the Eastern District of Washington issued an order denying the Confederated Tribes and Bands of the Yakama Nation’s (“Yakama Nation”) request for a permanent injunction in…
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opedguy · 3 years
Miley Has Secret Contacts with China
LOS ANGELES (OnlineColumnist.com), Sept. 16, 2021.--Political trash comes from Watergate-famed journalist-turned-Democrat political-hack, 78-year-old Bob Woodward implicating Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of Staff Mark Milley of talking secretly to his counterparts in Beijing during the last months of the Trump presidency.  Milley confessed to Woodward that he reassured the Chinese during the contentious days following before and after Nov.  8, 2020 presidential election that he would notify Beijing before Trump intiated a nuclear war.  In keeping with Democrats’ garbage narrative about Trump, Milley said he grew concerned that Trump could start WW III with the Chinese to stay in power, declaring martial law, refusing to leave the White House.  Milley’s words mirrored the most pernicious Democrat talking points during the 2020 campaign that Trump was unhinged, not fit for duty and capable of some egregious act breaching U.S. national security.
Milley breached the civilian chain-of-command for the U.S. military, where only the commander-in-chief can conduct foreign policy, not military brass that take orders from the president.  Yet 78-year-old President Joe Biden says he has the utmost confidence in Milley and has no plans to take disciplinary action, including relieving him of duty.  Biden has confidence in Milley because he spews Democrat talking points, regurgitating nonsense still lingering from the 2020 campaign.  Democrats spent four years accusing Trump of violating the Constitution, threatening to fire once Special Counsel Robert Mueller, engaging in a panoply of alleged crimes, pure fabrications by Democrats looking to remove Trump from office.  Milley’s assertions about his fears that Trump would start WW III were utterly baseless, simply a continuation of the same demonization that went on for Trump’s four years.
Milley told Chinese Gen. Li Zuocheng, China;s top general, that he would notify him before the U.S. launched any attack.  “If we’re going to attack, I’m going to call you ahead of time.  It’s not going to be a surprise,” Milley was quoted telling the Chinese general in Woodward’s new book, “Peril.”  Milley’s comments, if true, were based on pure politics, another hit job against Trump.  Without any factual basis, Milley took U.S. national security into his own hands, violating the U.S. Constitution that permits only the commander-in-chief to authorize any such communication with a foreign power.  Politics in the U.S. has gone wild with Biden thinking it’s OK for his chief general to go behind his back when he has some fantasy, but, more importantly, wants to harm Trump politically.  Saying his call to Chinese Gen. Zuocheng was within his job description is outrageous, pure nonsense.
Milley knows the chain-of-command under the commander-in-chief, where the president is clearly responsible for initiating any contact with a foreign power, certainly on matters of U.S. national security.  When Milley called Zuocheng, he was engaged in pure speculation, having no clue what Trump would or would not do.  In his four years in office, Trump dealt with many tense situations in Iraq, Syria, Iran, North Korea and China, and never compromise U.S. national security.  Trump was the last person to embroil the U.S. into a wasteful, costly foreign war, looking for exit strategies in U.S. military involvement overseas.  “All Calls from the Chairman to his counterparts, including those reported, are staffed, coordinated and communicated with the Department of Defense and the interagency,” said Dave Butler, Milley’s spokesman.  Butler knows Milley violated the chain-of-command, going over Trump’s head.
Closing ranks around Milley, Secretary of Defense Gen. Lloyd Austin said he had  “full trust and confidence in Milley," despite the fact that it was highly unusual for Milley to contact a foreign power, no less China, without the president’s approval.  “Milley wasn’t elected to be president.  I can’t even tell you how incredibly dangerous this is,” Sen. Rand Paul (R-Ky.) told conservative talk show host Glen Beck.  “It threatens to tear apart our nation’s longstanding principle of civilian control of the military,” Sen. Marco Rubio (R-Fl.) wrote to Biden, falling on deaf ears.  Biden backs Milley because he’s a pawn in the Democrat political spin machine determined to discredit Trump, well after he left office.  Biden says he has full confidence in Milley because he’s not in charge as commander-in-chief with the nation reeling from his failed exit strategy from Afghanistan, leaving 13 U.S. soldier dead.
Democrats and the complicit U.S. press back Milley because it follows the narrative that Trump was a menace to the United States.  Biden’s inability to see how Milley breached his role as Chairman of the Joint Chiefs of staff making up utter rubbish and communicating his nonsense to a foreign power.  Biden’s confidence in Milley shows that the White House and U.S. military is in bad hands, not understanding basics about Constitutional power.  “That is a treasonous statement and I cannot tell you how many people call up about it,” Trump said about Milley’s call to Li.  “That is a disgrace,” understating the danger to U.S. national security.  Milley has zero basis to conclude that Trump was “unhinged” or considering any kind of military action against China.  Working on behalf of Biden’s 2020 campaign, Milley let politics get in the way of performing his job. 
About the Author
John M. Curtis writes politically neutral commentary analyzing spin in naitonal and global news. He’s editor of OnlineColumnist.com and author of Dodging The Bullet and Operation Charisma. 
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animesavior · 6 years
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“The shimmering ocean burns into our memories as the day ends with us unable to fly. But this doesn't last forever. You don't know what's truly important until it breaks. I think that's probably when I realized it. Not just me, but i'm sure everyone else too.”
-          Kana, FLCL Alternative (Ep. 01)
The Toonami Trending Rundown for March 31-April 1, 2018. For the first time since the 2012 revival, Toonami was center stage on Adult Swim’s infamous April Fools pranks. Many of those who watched Toonami back on that night will agree that it was a magical night and was a sign of good things to come for anime, as the block would see its eventual revival, leading to where we are today. So what would Toonami do for an encore to that memorable night 6 years ago? We’ll, following the regular scheduled programs of Dragon Ball Super, DBZ Kai, and Black Clover, on the stroke of midnight, they did something many thought they would do when pigs fly and hell froze over…air subtitled anime.
And for 6 hours, they did, as Toonami showcased a surprise premiere of the first episode of FLCL 3 Alternative. This was followed by a presentation of the 2004 cult hit film Mind Game, directed by Masaaki Yuasa, whom previously directed the Kickstarter funded short Kick-Heart, which aired on Toonami in 2013, and more recently the Netflix hit Devilman Crybaby. And the block finished off with airing subtitled versions of every program originally scheduled for the night (including the start of Naruto’s Five Kage summit) with the exception of Gundam IBO, which didn’t join the fun due to rights issues to air the sub here, among other things.
Hell, they even took the joke as far as having TOM and SARA speak in Japanese, with Masa Kanome and Fusako Shiotani taking on the roles respectively. According to Jason DeMarco, the entire idea of airing subbed anime for April Fools came from the idea of Adult Swim head Mike Lazzo, and the Toonami crew agreed that it would be fun and unexpected for viewers. Although it’s very unlikely subtitled material will ever air on Toonami again, and it could be awhile before the pendulum swings in favor of movies being more practical for Toonami to air more frequently again, as we’ve seen time and again, if Toonami has taught us anything, it’s that we should never give up and nothing is impossible, and as this night shown us, anything can happen.
On Twitter, Toonami would trend along with DBZ Kai, FLCL (Including FLCL Alternative), Adult Swim, JoJo’s Bizarre Adventure, and Hunter x Hunter. On Tumblr, Toonami would trend alongside Dragon Ball Super and FLCL.
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This week’s feature was a game review of NieR:Automata for the PS4 and PC. It received a 9 out of 10 score.
Toonami also showcased another new trailer for the upcoming seasons of FLCL, which you can see below.
Those that have been keeping up with simulcasts may know that the new season of anime titles have been making their debuts this week, some of which we may see on the better cartoon show down the line. Three previous Toonami-aired shows are of special mention, as they begin the next chapters to their respective franchises with Lupin the Third Part V, Sword Art Online: Alternative Gun Gale Online, and Tokyo Ghoul:re. Could we see them down the line on the better cartoon show? I personally believe we’ll see them sooner or later, but all I can say is if that if you want to see these franchises return or if you see a new show that you would recommend, send your show requests to Toonami’s Facebook and Tumblr message boxes as well as letting the respective distributors know on their respective outlets, and we’ll see what happens. In the meantime, for those wanting to see the subtitled simulcasts of these 3 potential shows, Lupin Part V and Alternative GGO will be available on Crunchyroll and Hulu beginning on Tuesday and Saturday respectively, while TG:re will be simulcasted on Funimation Now and Hulu beginning on Tuesday.
In terms of shows we’ll be seeing in the near future, due to various reasons, Toonami has been pretty silent recently when it comes to show announcements, including the mystery show that was supposed to replace Lupin still unannounced, leading to people pushing the panic button to say the least. Jason DeMarco however, doesn’t seem so worried, mentioning that “The block is doing great! The next two shows we have coming are something I think will surprise people!”
Next week, Toonami will begin a transitional period of sorts for FLCL’s revival as well as other new shows in the works, as FLCL will have an encore run beginning on April 14 at 11:30pm EDT. However, with season 2 still just 8 weeks away, and FLCL 1 only having 6 episodes plus the Memorial Day weekend break prior to Progressive’s debut, Toonami will showcase an encore viewing of Countdown and Scavengers on the timeslot.
Unfortunately for Black Clover fans, to make way for this transition, the show will have to be moved to 1 am Eastern for the foreseeable future. Black Clover haters are probably salivating to the schedule programmers for listening to their complaints, but that’s probably not the reason it was moved (more likely since JoJo’s and Gundam IBO’s respective seasons are ending sooner, they probably didn’t want to mess with the schedule too much, not to mention fans want new shows premiered as early as possible to attract new viewers, so long running shows tend to be pushed later to make way, something which Hunter x Hunter and Naruto had to deal with) and regardless if I were them, I wouldn’t celebrate too much. The show is overall still here until next year, and it’s not like My Hero Academia or Made in Abyss are coming anytime soon.
Of course, for those that decided to tune out early or want to rewatch the shows dubbed, Toonami will return to the regular schedule next week (including said above changes) with all the episodes that were apart of the April Fools Joke (with the exception of FLCL Alternative which will be shown in September and Mind Game as no dub is presently available) shown again in their English dubs.
See you again next week as always, congratulations to Villanova on winning the Naitonal Championship, and we’d like to wish a Happy 20th anniversary to the Cowboy Bebop and Trigun franchises. Thanks for the memories.
Legend: The shows listed are ordered based on their appearance on the schedule. Show trends are listed in bold. The number next to the listed trend represents the highest it trended on the list (not counting the promoted trend), judging only by the images placed in the rundown. For the Twitter tweet counts, the listed number of tweets are also sorely based on the highest number shown based on the images on the rundown.
United States Trends:
Toonami/#Toonami [#4]
Adult Swim [#24]
#DBZKai [#24]
FLCL [#8]
#FLCLAlternative [#9]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [#8]
#HunterXHunter [#8]
Tweet Counts:
#Toonami [9,380 tweets]
Adult Swim [3,882 tweets]
#DBZKai [1,194 tweets]
FLCL [5,221 tweets]
#FLCL [3,782 tweets]
#JoJosBizarreAdventure [1,807 tweets]
#HunterXHunter [1,411 tweets]
Tumblr Trends:
#Dragon Ball Super
Notes and Other Statistics:
#Toonami: @WhoTrendedIT reported that @Clarknova1 started the trend in the US.
Special thanks to @coreymbarnes, @TheNextHokage, and others I forgot to mention for spotting some of the trends on this list.
Violence is the last refuge of the incompetent. 漫画ネットワーク上の[大人の泳ぎ]のトーナミのみ
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realtimesmedia · 3 years
1438 विधवा हितग्राहियों को दीवाली के पहले 5-5 हजार रुपए
1438 विधवा हितग्राहियों को दीवाली के पहले 5-5 हजार रुपए
अकबर ने मंत्री मद से दिया स्वेच्छानुदान कवर्धा(realtimes) कवर्धा की 1438 महिलाओं को इस बार दीपावली के पहले पांच-पांच हजार रुपयों की सहायता राशि मिल जाएगी। कवर्धा के विधायक और सरकार के कैबिनेट मंत्री मोहम्मद अकबर ने मंत्री मद से यह स्वेच्छानुदान राशि स्वीकृत की है। हिताग्राहियों की पहली सूची में 786 और दूसरी सूची में 652 महिलाओं के नाम हैं। कुल मिलाकार 1438 हितग्राहियों को यह राशि दीपावली के…
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brotheralyosha · 7 years
“Between the end of the American Revolution and the Fletcher v. Peck decision in 1810, slavery’s expansion linked the nation together. The needs of the nation encouraged the grown of a complex of institutions and patterns – and, just as significantly, excuses – that made national political and financial alliances possible. The needs of individual enslavers and others who hoped to profit from the expansion of all sorts of economic opportunities encouraged the growth of a more powerful set of national capabilities, more market-friendly laws, and more unified markets. The needs of the national expansion, plus the ability of chained people to walk, trapped enslaved people as absolutely held property in the political compromises, political alliances, and financial schemes of the United States and in the very map of the young country. Slavery, and specifically, the right of enslavers to sell and to move their slaves into new territory, became a national practice: as a strict definition of property under constitutional law, as habit and expectation, and as a pattern of political compromise.
Turning this wheel of cause and effect were moving feet  – those of Charles Ball, of the thirty-two other men to whom he was connected, of the nineteen women roped together behind them, and other still growing toward syllable height. From old Maryland and Virginia, which were crumbling beneath the glossy veneers offed to the world by their politicians, the coffle-chains and the people who toted them clanked across hundreds of miles into a new world where everything was flux and frolic. Forced migration and the expansion of slavery became a seemingly permanent and inevitable element of the mutually-agreed-to structure of lies that, defended by the agile legal realism of Marshall and the myth of diffusion, made the nation. To put the machine in motion, Washington could now rely on a set of chaining experts, Georgia-men who took the financial and physical and status risk of moving enslaved people. Charles Ball could now be moved more easily in every sense, with less political, ideological, legal, and personal friction.
Thus the coffle chained the early American republic together.”
- The Half Has Never Been Told: Slavery and the Making of American Capitalism, by Edward E. Baptist.
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banutterfly · 5 years
After reading this article, which talks about Iran not following the rules of the non-proliferation treaty, I am wondering, how does one even get a country to change its behavior. It seems that all the international community can do is cut ties and sanction. But having nuclear weapons seems to give nations power and more of a voice on the international level. This is probably Iran’s way to legitimize itself more in the eyes of other countries, so I doubt anyone could get them to stop.
Before reading this article, I did not think much about Israel’s say in Iran’s nuclear power, and here is Netanyahu calling on other naitons to act alongside Pompeyo. It makes sense, considering Israel is worried about defense and security in the region and a nuclear Iran is more intimidating.
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ericwollersberger · 5 years
Do The National Make Boring Music?
The National are an indie rock band whose elegant blend of post-punk and chamber pop has reached a high level of mainstream success and exposure. Their 2013 album, Trouble Will Find Me, was nominated for a Grammy in the Best New Alternative Music category and their 2017 album Sleep Well Beast actually took home the award (Recording Academy Grammy Awards, 2019). Four of their albums were included in NME’s 2013 500 Greatest Albums of All Time and they even played at a rally before a speech by Barack Obama during the 2010 US presidential mid-term election (Hart, 2010; Barker, 2013).  While they generally have enjoyed critical acclaim, there are those who criticize them for the gloomy, depressive, and emotionally grey atmosphere of their music as well as the understated delivery of frontman Matt Berninger. Music critic Anthony Fantano, in his review of Trouble Will Find Me, repeatedly described the instrumentation on their previous album High Violet (in a somewhat mocking tone) as “dreary” and claimed that as a result the band’s music was “rife with apathy and uninterest.” He went on to say that The National’s music “draws a line between music where sadness and depression is merely the subject matter in the lyrics and...where sadness and depression...permeates every single element and characteristic of the music” and that as a result their music is “boring and emotionally stunted” (Fantano, 2013). While there is certainly truth to the assertion that the thematic elements, music, and vocal delivery all have a unified dulled emotional tone to them, I believe that not only was this their intention, but that this is an essential part of The Naitonal’s appeal. 
In his book The Inner Game of Music, which aims to coach musicians on how to overcome self-consciousness and improve their performances, noted musician Barry Green describes two selves within the musician, one of which is riddled with self-doubt and fear, and another self, which is childlike and uninhibited. According to Green, “Self 1″ needs to be silenced or ignored in order to truly have a joyful experience making music (Green, 1987). While Green’s background is more in classical music, where controlled performances are usually key to a faithful and powerful rendition of a composer’s work, I feel that an inversion of this theory could be applied to The National’s music. By accepting “Self 1″ and often writing lyrics from this persona, Matt Berninger channels the self-doubt and fear that many adults feel, thus emotionally connecting to millions of people through his music. His understated delivery and the band’s restrained performances are not boring, but evocative of an emotional state that is fearful and self-conscious.
Towards the mid-point of his review of Trouble Will Find Me, Fantano gave some life advice: “Existential crises are real and should be faced down. If you overcome them, they can become moments of personal growth, or fester if you completely ignore them” (Fantano, 2013). While somewhat reductive, it is certainly good advice in a real life context. However, I find it the implication that this album is somehow immature and cowardly in this context inappropriate. While it may not be the most assertive and bold record in The National’s discography, and may not necessarily be about healthy personal growth, it is an album that showcases that the band has a mastery of the part of the emotional spectrum that it occupies, the “Self 1” (Green, 1987). In the last song on the album, “Hard To Find,” The National truly assert, in their own unassertive way, where they see themselves. “They can all just kiss off into the air,” Matt Berninger sings, quoting The Violent Femmes song “Kiss Off” (Genius, 2019a). While in “Kiss Off,” a much more upbeat and animatedly performed song, the antagonists are other people (”Behind my back I can see them stare, they hurt me bad, but I don’t mind, they hurt me bad, they do it all the time”), “Hard to Find” is, for The National, characteristically slow and unassertive, and the antagonist comes from within: “There’s a lot I’ve not forgotten/I let go of other things/If I tried to find them/They’d probably be hard to find” (Genius, 2019; Genius 2019a). Though not a description of a healthy facing-down of an emotional crisis, the sentiment of lyrics such as these combined with the delivery is what connects him to his audience and makes The National’s music so unique in the current indie rock landscape.
BARKER, EMILY (2013). The 500 Greatest Albums of All Time. [Online] Available at: https://www.nme.com/photos/the-500-greatest-albums-of-all-time-100-1-1426116 [Accessed: 17 October 2019]
DENBURG, HART V. (2010). Barack Obama brings Ben Harper and The National to Madison [UPDATE]. [Online] Available at: https://web.archive.org/web/20120323112733/http://blogs.citypages.com/blotter/2010/09/barack_obama_bo.php [Accessed 17 October 2019]
FANTANO, ANTHONY (2013). The National - Trouble Will Find Me (ALBUM REVIEW). [Online video] 21 May. Available from: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=5gDORqcKe2c [Accessed 17 October 2019]
GENIUS (2019). The National - Hard to Find Lyrics. [Online] Available at: https://genius.com/The-national-hard-to-find-lyrics [Accessed 17 October 2019]
GENIUS (2019a). Violent Femmes - Kiss Off Lyrics. [Online] Available at: https://genius.com/Violent-femmes-kiss-off-lyrics [Accessed 17 October 2019]
GREEN, B. & GALLWEY, T. W. (1987). The Inner Game of Music. London: Pan Books Ltd.
RECORDING ACADEMY GRAMMY AWARDS (2019). Artist: The National. [Online] Available at: https://www.grammy.com/grammys/artists/national [Accessed: 17 October 2019]
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theravensreliquary · 7 years
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this guy is killing me.... I should have taken a picture the day before. I spent like 3 hours on everything, then decided I didn’t want to do silver and light gold alternating, I wanted light gold and my bright gold alternating. The silver just made it look really stripy and I didn’t like that. So I basically repainted over everythign I had done before including having made the sash in the front originally purple. But I didn’t want it to match the skin (granted it was darker). But everything changed withe fire naiton attackted.
actually it all changed when I took a closer look at the sword. With that loose twin feathered tail, it just screamed phoenix to me. and once it was painted up, and i painted the blade gold, I new I had to go over all that armor... which sucked ebcause I had been so careful before since it was obvious where my mistakes were. But with the 2 different golds, you can’t see mistakes nearly as easily. Not to mention the fact I kept painting the new gold over the old gold and forgetting what was what. But yeah.... bad boy’s taking me probably like 6 hours... granted they’ve been distracted hours mostly, especially the other day. but still.... way to long....
also I think I pulled something in my hand... might have to put the brish down tomorrow.
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