#naivety and kindness and purity is not wrong and should never be considered so.
witchingrey · 5 years
late thoughts about my favorite pink princess. warning, it is gently critical analysis of euphemia, since she’s one of my favorites, but also painfully lacking in screen time + development .
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honestly, while i want to say euphie / euphy garners softening feelings by nature, c.c. i think would not coddle her like cornelia if in some really odd universe her plans coincided with her half-brother. which...we all know how that went. the princess is an angel but her flaw is in a sense...exactly that. her naivety / impulsiveness , and while this would be more okay if she wasn’t in a position of power? she is in a position of power. so c.c. naturally would be very blunt with her which really..could go either way. 
because life isn’t so ‘simple’ and frankly her going back to her good days with lelouch and nunnally is already ‘not possible’ due to lelouch’s choices since deciding their contract , the barbarism of the royal family manipulating / abandoning two orphaned children, and the power struggle for emperor / empress among its heirs. sadly, i don’t want to say euphy / euphie isn’t meant to be in this show...but in a sense she isn’t, because her outlook / state of being can’t survive, and while she’s capable of growth we were  robbed of? i feel honestly more like i’m watching a child than i am a teenage girl . more under the cut. again, gently critical. there isn’t a character in this franchise that isn’t someone i have critical thoughts about because i love this compiliation / franchise and when you love something you analyze it  like crazy.
she’s designated to be this way, and i wish so much more was done with her, since it seems like another ‘fridge the girl’ story but . . . her story is also a harsh example of someone who really needed to acquaintance herself far more ( and she tried! ) with what she set out to do because beginning the work of SAZ isn’t something you do in a few months, much less announce at a school. she should have continued her studies, she should have lived more years, she should have witnessed things more clearly - because i am far from hating euphemia in any capacity, she’s someone i adore, but i’ve watched her do the same impulsive actions over and over and realize that a lot of things she brings on herself, and this isn’t pitting c.c. vs euphy . i’m saying c.c. would be completely open to pointing this entire point out to her without fear.
there is nothing wrong with being innocent, pure, naive and but the writers ultimately paint euphy into a tragedy that cannot be undone instead of showing what i wish was more a rise and build of people all around her giving her solid criticism instead of coddling (cornelia) , omitting (darlton) , manipulation (schneizel). i won’t say anything about suzaku because i do believe while he genuinely loved her, and she truly loved him, that’s a realm that really hits the tragedy home because i think one of the best written things about her is her trying to understand japan through suzaku / their expeditions but not necessarily enough to make her a suitable viceroy, much less a sub-viceroy if we all actually followed the britannian system in the show.
instead euphy remains a solid, tragic ‘what if ‘ and ‘could have been’, never fully allowed to grow , see error, or be free of endless coddling and omitting of truths. combining all of this, her own shortcomings, the stage upon which everything is set, and lelouch’s entire ambition itself, and you ultimately lead to a very tragic, very nasty, almost inevitable end. basically she deserved better, yes, but also being the way she is did not help her and shows if its too far on one spectrum it can be potentially harmful and a set up for inevitable tragedy / destruction. 
#. * ◇ ─ :  to give form to a forgotten color. ╱   ❪ c’s world. ❫#i love euphemia so much but her potential is wasted and rushed#and she serves more as a cruel moniker of lelouch's actions having horrific consequences than she stands as her own person.#we don't really have /enough/ of her individuality that isn't hindered by some other cast member for good or bad.#we only really know she loved suzaku; she was naive to her detriment; she was placed improperly into power and then fridged.#ironically the person she adores her own sister is sadly a major factor in euphie's stunted growth into a wiser person .#naivety and kindness and purity is not wrong and should never be considered so.#but remaining that way and having it be to the furthest extremes ultimately becomes more of a flaw than a charm#much less something productive if you want to combine two completely different cultures in the span of what? a month and a half?#again i feel her arc was rushed but there is also a very chilling purpose to it.#euphy simply wasn't ready and unfortunately she persisted in things she wasn't ready /for/ and then the unthinkable happens.#and instead now she only serves as a catalyst of the fridge'd woman who was loved by a major protagonist in the show#besides lelouch himself or the heroine; c.c.#to drag him further into the darkness already long persisting inside him.#it's really messed up why am i talking about it.#oh because i'm on it.#if she had more episodes we could have seen more prominent and solidifying growth but again i feel like the 'mayfly bug' which dies#within hours in nature...euphy sadly is no different.#sadly her good traits are her very flaws.
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kuriquinn · 7 years
Telanadas [2/19]
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first chapter
Sakura’s resolve to press on only lasts a half hour, if only because Nature makes a more convincing argument than Comfort. Darkness falls sooner than expected, and they are forced to find shelter.
As the winds grow strong enough to press the travellers up against the sharp, icy façade of the mountain, Sasuke spots a cave almost obscured by rock and snow. Even luckier, it is large enough that all four of them can fit comfortably inside without infringing on each other’s personal space. Having had to sleep crowded against Naruto on at least two occasions lately and subjected to his kicking, Sasuke is more than relieved about this.
Once inside, Kakashi uses his magic to erect a barrier of fire, offering both protection from enemies and the frigid gusts of wind. As the blood flows back into Sasuke’s fingers and toes, the mage conjures a small fire. Meanwhile, Sakura takes on the undesirable job of fashioning a small latrine at the back of the cave.
“That’s all we need is for one of you to wander out to take a crap and fall off the side of a mountain,” she says cheerfully.
Sasuke doubts any of them will make use of such a thing unless they are snowed in here for days. Then again, dwarves and humans have such odd notions of hygiene and propriety he cannot be entirely sure.
While Sasuke lays out their gear and armour to dry near the fire, Naruto digs about in their supplies to put together a warm meal.
Though meal is being polite, Sasuke thinks with a grimace.
“I do not understand how you people can eat this,” he mutters, the complaint escaping him before he can stop it. He was taught to consider food no more than fuel, but after weeks of the same paltry fare he has lost patience. “Do I even want to know what it is?”
“I think it was lamb at some point,” Sakura says, accepting the makeshift bowl of tasteless noodles and jerky from the human. “But the texture…isn’t one I’d normally associate with lamb.”
“Beggars cannot be choosers,” Kakashi replies mildly, shrugging one shoulder.
“What are you guys talking about?” Naruto asks, slurping down his share. “This is so much better than that frilly stuff we had back at the castle! I hate food I can’t pronounce. And this stuff never goes bad. I bet if we packed it away, it’d still be good to eat fifty years from now!”
Sasuke stares at him in disgust. “I cannot even tell if you are joking or not.”
“He is not,” Kakashi confirms, examining what is left of their rations. “I am rather sure these are from supply caches that have not been opened since the Storm Age. They were old before I stole them from the Circle of Magi.”
“And…I’m done,” Sakura says, offering her still-full bowl to Naruto, who cheers and adds the share to his own. Sasuke is tempted to do the same, but as it might be construed as a kindness to the human, he refrains. “What about you, Sasuke-kun? You didn’t eat like this where you grew up, right?”
As always, she is trying to find out more about him.
“No.” He intends to leave it at that, but when she gazes up at him beseechingly, a follow-up question clearly on her lips, he elaborates: “Simple fare. Bread made from seeds. Milk from our halla. Vegetables.”
He tries not to lick his lips at the mere thought of tomatoes. It has been so long since they had a decent meal.
“Halla?” Sakura repeats, confused. “Is that a kind of animal in Oto?”
Sasuke tenses, realising his unconscious slip.
“Not necessarily Oto,” Kakashi answers for him, eyes widening in understanding. “Halla are creatures like horned stags. The Dalish consider them to be noble companions.” He raises an eyebrow. “I had wondered about the markings on your face, Sasuke. They resemble none of the tattoos that the House of Crows use…but I have never seen that particular vallaslin before, either.”
“Dalish?” Naruto asks Sasuke in slack-jawed awe. “Wow, really? Arl Hiruzen used to talk about the Dalish, but I’ve never actually met one before!”
“Your powers of observation are worse than I thought, as you have been travelling with one for weeks now,” Sasuke bites out.
“What’s vallaslin?” Sakura asks quickly, obviously attempting to curtail an argument.
Sasuke shrugs noncommittally, not wanting to explain.
“It translates to ‘blood writing’, if memory serves,” Kakashi says in his place. “A sign of adulthood, and adherence to the beliefs and traditions of the Dalish. It is surprising that one who submitted to the ritual would then be found working as an assassin for the House of Crows.”
“Chains of a past that no longer exists,” Sasuke interrupts. “I am going to sleep. It has been a long day.”
He turns away from the fire, a clear message that he has no intention of answering any questions or pursuing the discussion further.
He can feel Sakura’s eyes on him, but after a short pause, she suddenly says, “Well, that still sounds a lot better than what happened to me. I got this—” He imagines she is pointing at the rhombus shaped brand on her forehead, “—just for being born in the wrong place.”
“Heh. I understand what that’s like,” Naruto snorts.
“Maybe. Except as far as I know, Konoha doesn’t brand a newborn with a hot poker just because his parents were unwed.”
“What? No way!”
“Uh-huh. The minute a casteless dwarf is born, we get marked, so there’s no way to mistake who we are if the nobles catch us lurking in the richer quarters. Also, it makes it way easier for Carta recruiters to decide which kids they can press-gang into doing their dirty work.”
“Carta—the dwarven crime syndicate?” Kakashi questions, sounding surprised.
Back still turned in a pretence of sleep, Sasuke frowns. He does not find that surprising at all. It certainly explains her occasionally mercenary attitude and her talent for surviving insurmountable odds. The Carta offers about as friendly an upbringing as the Crows do.
“They’re the ones who smuggled lyrium to the Templars,” Naruto whispers, a little uncomfortable. No doubt he had comrades who suffered from that particular addiction. “You were one of them?”
“There wasn’t much choice,” she replies, unembarrassed. “Since the most respectable job for a casteless dwarf is sweeping the streets, and there’s only a few people who even get that job. It’s either work for the Carta or become a noble hunter. And I’d starve to death begging before I got on my back for some jacked-up noble because I might bear him a son.” She sounds abruptly fierce just then. “No disrespect to the women I grew up with who did that—there’d be no dwarves left down there if there were no noble hunters. But I won’t sell my heart for the small chance of pretty clothes and jewels.”
Sasuke snorts at this.
There is that naivety again.
“It seems we are talking too loudly and disturbing the elf’s sleep,” Kakashi remarks wryly, but Sasuke refuses to reply. It is enough that he has been forced by close quarters to listen to this.
Sakura is not so easily fooled; though she does not speak to him, her next words are pointed.
“People should be allowed to love one another without reprisal. Without duty or society or anyone else’s agenda getting in the way,” Sakura says, and her tone has lost all the levity he would normally associate with it. She only sounds like that when defending a cause that she considers worthy.
 “You’re right,” Naruto says quickly. “The world would be a much nicer place if that were true.”
“Perhaps some places,” Kakashi says carefully. “Circles of the Magi, for one. But for the good of the many, sometimes the desires of the few need to be set aside. Many a peace accord may never have happened if the belligerents in a conflict did not seal it with a marriage. And our world may have looked much different.”
“Maybe up here on the surface,” Sakura says. “Back in Iwa they’re so obsessed with blood purity that soon there won’t be anyone left to marry, diplomatic or not. If people could choose…if people could choose, Iwa might not be falling into the dust.”
There is sadness and anger in her tone, coupled with the sudden shifting of her body.
“Anyhow. It’s not like any of this matters here and now,” she goes on, and her tone is such an abrupt shift to cheeriness that Sasuke knows it is fake. “We just have to get to that temple and find those ashes to help Arl Hiruzen.”
“That is assuming they do exist,” Kakashi says reasonably. “This ‘Urn of Sacred Ashes’ could be nothing more than a rumour. Or a hoax.”
“You couldn’t have said something before we climbed half a mountain to get here?” Sakura jokes lightly. “Shannaro…”
“No, it’s real,” Naruto insists, faithful Templar even now. “Just wait, we’ll get those ashes back to him and he’ll be kicking down Danzō’s door in no time—believe it!”
The dwarf is not the only naïve one.
“I’m sure you’re right, Naruto,” Sakura says warmly. “But in order to get up there, we need to be at full strength. Which means sleep. I can take first watch if you want.”
“No, you’ve been pushing yourself pretty hard the last few days, Sakura. Take a break. Kakashi and I can keep a lookout since someone’s being a lazy arse.”
The recipient of the barb rolls his eyes.
“Naruto,” Sakura warns.
“Yeah, yeah…”
“Go on, Sakura, he is right. You are no good to your cause if you pass out and freeze to death in the snow,” Kakashi coaxes.
“Hah! Like I’d let that happen!” Naruto scoffs.
“Well, thank you guys. I guess I can take an hour—but I will take second watch at least.”
That is what you think, Sasuke decides.
Annoying as the humans are, they are correct. Sakura is no good to them dead from exhaustion. Especially since Sasuke has thrown his lot in with her, he intends to keep her alive until he figures her out.
It should not be an issue to take the next watch.
There is a sound of shifting armour and the rustling of a camp bed, and he imagines Sakura has indeed turned in for the night. Kakashi and Naruto murmur to each other quietly, not wanting to disturb her; Sasuke is not so lucky, his ears picking up even the quietest whispers.
“I’m actually just as tired,” Naruto groans. “I’ll play you for first watch, if you promise not to cheat.”
“No, you go ahead and sleep. I’ll stay up and read for a little.”
“Ugh…just make sure you ‘read’ far away from my blanket.”
“And what is that supposed to mean?”
“Exactly what it sounds like. You mages are all perverts…”
Sasuke silently agrees.
After that, everything goes quiet (or as quiet as they can with Naruto’s snores). Sasuke allows himself to sink into a light sleep for a few hours, but when his ears pick up on Kakashi shifting in discomfort, he rouses himself. The older man has an odd propensity to take longer watches than he ought, to let everyone else rest. This makes no sense considering Sasuke does not need as much sleep as anyone else in the party. Sakura would say it is because Kakashi is an old mother hen at heart, but Sasuke is not sure. He does not trust humans, and mages even less, even when they do not wear masks to cover all but the eyes, the way Kakashi does.
With a stretch, Sasuke climbs out of his bedroll. He heads for the mouth of the cave to take a piss, then goes to sit beside the mage.
“I will take the watch until morning,” he murmurs. “You people are no use to me dead on your feet.”
“I sense there was concern in there somewhere behind all the stoic,” Kakashi remarks.
“I’m serious, Sasuke. You are so tightly wound, it cannot be good for you. You know what would do you some good?”
“I suspect you are about to tell me.”
“If you went out some time, found a girl, and did naughty things with her that did not involve trousers,” the mage continues as if he hasn’t heard him. “If you are in the market, I know of at least one who is definitely interested.”
The way his eyes slide toward where Sakura is sleeping, albeit fitfully, leaves no question to whom he is referring.
“Len’alas lath’din,” Sasuke grumbles, turning away in contempt.
“Now, now, that is not very polite,” the mage says, more amused than offended. And it should not surprise Sasuke that the older man knows Elvish, especially given his remarks earlier about blood writing. No doubt he has read about it in his studies, locked away in one of those shemlen towers.
He honestly has no intention of replying, but Kakashi continues to look more amused than he should. It reminds Sasuke a little of the teasing his cousin Shisui used to subject him to, and now, as then, his pride does not allow him to let it go.
“What makes you think I have not already?” he hedges.
Kakashi chuckles. “I can smell purity a mile away. It is a talent.”
“That proves to be useful, I am sure.”
“Not that often, as it turns out. It would be much better if I could sense Templars. It might make them easier to avoid.”
Sasuke snorts. “You have my deepest condolences.”
“Heh. Likewise.” Kakashi puts away his well-worn, orange-covered book. “And so does she.”
The comment has Sasuke puzzling over it longer than he will admit.
When he gets it, he wonders if it is too late to hit the older man.
Halla – type of horned stag, used by the Dalish to pull their landships
Vallaslin – intricate facial tattoos worn by adult clan members of the Dalish elf tribes
Arl – feudal title; rules over an arling
Lyrium – valuable mineral/material whose consumption can strengthen a mage and boost their mana
Len’alas lath’din - dirty child no one loves; Dalish insult
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